How To Use Sodality In A Sentence
Virginis), because the name sodality was in a special manner peculiar to these, also because their labours for the renewal of the life of the Church were more permanent and have lasted until the present time, so that these sodalities after fully three hundred years still prosper and flourish.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
She was a member of the ladies 'sodality at the Shrine of St. Jude Catholic Church in Rockville.
Michael Cassidy; Mark Carroll; Caroline Chastain; Alma Jordan; Stephen Keeffe; Raymond Long
While this article will be of interest particularly to our traditionalist readers, I'd like to draw attention particularly to the various manifestations of popular lay devotion -- the procession with its sodality and society banners, the family atmosphere, the call to live our Faith through our common culture.
"Make the Truth Lovable to Them through Beauty"
A sodality of soreheads under the black flag of the Underground Literary Alliance had no other apparent purpose than to complain at tentshows that Moody and his whitebread buddies, a circle-jerk of class entitlements with names like Dave Eggers, Jonathan Lethem, and David Foster Wallace, had gobbled up all the royalties and review space, all the MacArthur baubles and Guggenheim buzz in Bookie World.
In the Desert, Prime Time
A large number of participants in the 1916 Rising had been taught by the Christian Brothers or some other order, and belonged to religious societies, particularly the highly influential Sacred Heart sodality.

Had I to do it over again, I would not have gone with the subscription method; I did it mostly out of fond memories of the Judges Guild as a "guild," a gamer's sodality, rather than any proper business sense.
James Mishler Answers More!
Conference: Supply the services and plan for conferences, including news express, fashions show, annual meeting , forum, and sodality and so on.
It was a rather respectable sodality, dedicated to celebrating the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688, a relatively bloodless coup that installed William and Mary of the House of Orange on the English throne, and established Protestantism as the state religion.
Reactionary Prophet
The name expresses the object of this sodality, which is to collect faithful hearts around the Saviour for constant adoration and love and to make reparation to Him for the ingratitude of men.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Fennel-flower, which belongs to the natural order Ranunculaceæ, or crowfoot family, is a candidate for admission to the seed sodality; costmary and southernwood of the Compositæ seek membership with the leaf faction; rue of the
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Conflicting class and ethnic interests could only be successfully negotiated and subsumed within a constructed British sodality by their hostile alterity to various others defined in national, religious, or racial terms.
The Ruins of Empire: Nationalism, Art, and Empire in Hemans's Modern Greece
So, in truth, the Parthenon is a special memorial which functions as a technology for channeling individual desire into the production of a national sodality premised on an invented tradition and its redeployment in support of imperialism.
The Ruins of Empire: Nationalism, Art, and Empire in Hemans's Modern Greece
The main duty now is to organise the collection of contributions which are used for Masses for both deceased and the living members of the sodality, and also to support church funds.