How To Use Sociological In A Sentence

  • It is important not to confuse the sociological meaning of age with the notion of chronological age, the length of time a person has been alive. Sociology
  • In many cases, sociological concepts are defined in such a way that they can be measured as well. Sociology
  • The rapidly rising numbers of people with low back pain, for example, implies a sociological rather than biological cause.
  • It owns self characteristic. We can research a textbook from historical, pedagogical, sociological, ethnological and philological latitudes.
  • With all due respect to his sincerely held if abstractly formed views on this subject, it would be reckless to require the military to carry out a major sociological change, one contrary to the preferences of a large majority of its members, as it fights two wars," wrote the Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol. the support of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Michael Mullen, conservative fearmongering about the potential effects of repeal have gone into overdrive with suggestions that the policy change would "mortally" damage the all-volunteer military. RSSMicro Search - Top News on RSS Feeds
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  • Even a modest house can be full of complexity when constructive and spatial variables overlap with sociological factors.
  • Much important sociological research has been conducted with such qualitative concepts. Sociology
  • If forced to examine the movie from that sociological mountaintop, veteran costume designer Ann Roth is right.
  • To leave that as an observation without examining its far-reaching implications seems remiss amidst any sociological exploration.
  • We mentioned in the Introduction that earlier sociological studies of deviant behaviour provide notes of caution about investigating phenomena like heroin use.
  • Even a dunderhead knows that fans swelter in summer's bleachers and bundle in December's cold out of a love for the contests, not for sociological or business deconstructions.
  • So segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong and sinful. Paul Tillich has said that sin is separation.
  • It has created confusion about the nature of sociological scholarship and has concealed opportunities for many more craft sociologists.
  • Instead, he combines an astute perspective on earlier historical and sociological research with a sophisticated apprehension of the discursive dynamics of literary texts.
  • It is true that not many major breakthroughs are achieved by mathematicians over the age of 40, but this may well be for sociological reasons.
  • Munck attacks the critics of postmodernism by calling them sociological reductionists.
  • The restoration of the handsome houses surrounding the square in the years since Samuel's dire prognostication is a heartening instance of a glorious architectural and sociological renaissance.
  • No other two languages are as unalike as the English spoken by Americans and Britons, and countless sociological tomes and travel guides of the Edwardian period devoted a considerable number of pages detailing the differences. 2010 January | Edwardian Promenade
  • He describes the sociological evidence delineating the impact of fatherlessness upon children.
  • In a book that is part memoir and part sociological study, Wolf writes about the agonizing job girls face becoming women.
  • Also, there are differences between the genders that aren't all sociological.
  • As part of my - ahem - sociological research, I have posted another personal ad.
  • Psychological and sociological studies were emphasizing the importance of the family.
  • It's now a sociological and historical fact that gay men and lesbians have constructed this dense network of relationships and communities.
  • This outlook cuts across traditional sociological and political alignments.
  • It covers an incredibly diverse range of issues, from historical, anthropological, sociological, psychological, sexological, physiological, and other perspectives.
  • All of these essays are by authors whose sociological vision has had a profound impact on our culture.
  • There is convincing evidence in sociological literature that the search for solitude is not a luxury but a biological need.
  • The term “hard of hearing” may refer to a person whose hearing impairment is less severe, as measured by a hearing test, but also has a sociological meaning, referring to the person with an audiological impairment who functions within a speech environment more easily, through hearing aids and speechreading. Fishbird : “Bob’s House”: SuperBowl 2008 (revisited)
  • Government had "juggled" some figures to suggest certain categories of crime were diminishing; displaced responsibility for crime prevention to citizens; and had blamed sociological factors, particularly South Africa's traumatic apartheid past, for the crime epidemic. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In many cases, sociological concepts are defined in such a way that they can be measured as well. Sociology
  • He, on the other hand, had put them together as a sort of sociological project, the kind of thing that Lenny thought a writer would do. THE TEACHER
  • It consists in mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion, that tend to follow pre-existing sociological and economic divisions.
  • his explanation was a misappropriation of sociological theory
  • This definition exemplifies the turn towards a more diachronic and sociological focus in textual scholarship, and offers a conceptual rubric marked by bibliographic and theoretical rigour.
  • Certainly, the sociological landscape is familiar - a nation in which an educated, privileged elite suppresses a servile, but restless underclass, giving rise to a growing insurrection.
  • Thus, the external, extrinsic sociological fact or system of realities finds itself inscribed within the internal instrinsic experience of the film in what Sartre in a suggestive and too-little known concept in his Psychology of Imagination calls the analogon: 5 that structural nexus in our reading or view - ing experience, in our operations of decoding or aesthetic reception, which can then do double duty and stand as the substitute and the representative within the aesthetic object of a phenomenon on the outside which cannot in the very nature of things be Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It has created confusion about the nature of sociological scholarship and has concealed opportunities for many more craft sociologists.
  • It consists in mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion, that tend to follow pre-existing sociological and economic divisions.
  • Psychological and sociological studies were emphasizing the importance of the family.
  • They both based the production of their wide-ranging sociological surveys on the notion that cultural process, forms of power and disciplines of corporeality are consubstantial phenomena.
  • They can be defined sociologically and claim a unity that partly or wholly segregates them from the surrounding society.
  • Ford even created his own sociological department, staffed by 50 inspectors who kept tabs on autoworkers ' behavior off the job.
  • In sociological terms, her case suggests a positive and unilinear relationship between the negative tenor of existence on earth and the degree of transcendent otherness ascribed to God.
  • We need to set the standards now, and prepare for the theological and sociological turbulence this discovery portends.
  • And although Douthat finds much to be concerned about, his sociological fretting is leavened with a deep affection for Harvard and the time he spent there. God and Man at Harvard
  • Sociological data is usually analysed by grouping together common attributes such as social class, educational background, etc.
  • Beyond electoral matters, there was growing belief that, for long-term sociological and historical reasons, Labour was in terminal decline.
  • Much like the atheist movement, the interfaith movement seeks to build inter-group understanding, encourage critical thinking, and end religiously-based sociological and political exclusivism. Chris Stedman: Do Atheists Belong In The Interfaith Movement?
  • It has created confusion about the nature of sociological scholarship and has concealed opportunities for many more craft sociologists.
  • MIM is refreshingly original, inviting, embracing, educational and entertaining, and all of the above, simultaneously -- and therefore, the dream destination of every teacher who wants to introduce students to world geography and history, world cultures and immersing all visitors in the sociological/cultural differences and similarities of our planet with a vast macrocosmic global approach -- fascinating for young and not so young alike. Freddie Gershon: Target the Market (of the Spirit and the Soul)
  • The Labour Party, riven by schism and self-doubt, seemed in long-term, inexorable decline, for sociological as well as ideological reasons.
  • It is an account focused not on the sociological uses of penal power but on penal power's rationalities and technologies. The Times Literary Supplement
  • the time is ripe for great sociological changes
  • It is important not to confuse the sociological meaning of age with the notion of chronological age, the length of time a person has been alive. Sociology
  • His ideas on sovereignty and social organization seem to have been influenced by sociological positivism and by Duguit in particular.
  • Here is a striking example of a new-institutionalist analysis of a concrete sociological phenomenon: Jean Ensminger's account of bridewealth in the cattle-herding culture of Kenya Making a Market: The Institutional Transformation of an African Society. Archive 2009-02-01
  • This book offers an informed overview of some of the most significant sociological work on gender produced over the last three decades.
  • If forced to examine the movie from that sociological mountaintop, veteran costume designer Ann Roth is right.
  • Not only in literary visions of terrifying urban alienation, but often in more sober sociological descriptions modern urban life is characterized by its utter unlikeness to other kinds of experience.
  • Even after he has joined the Socialist Party, he will retain a certain solidarity with the class from which he has sprung; for example, in his relations with the servants in his household he will remain always an employer, an "exploiter," in the sociological if not in the coarser sense of the latter term. Political Parties; a Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy
  • And the question of the Axial Age, and the mysterious resemblance of the modern transition to such 'axial' periods in its explosive discontinuity, almost like a punctuated equilibrium, looms in the background making most sociological thinking inadequate to the task. Darwiniana
  • Psychological and sociological studies were emphasizing the importance of the family.
  • Sociological perspectives Earlier we stressed how sociology's development as an academic discipline has not been uniform all over the world.
  • In many cases, sociological concepts are defined in such a way that they can be measured as well. Sociology
  • The peculiar and important sociological art of "knowing" transmitted by the eye is determined by the fact that the countenance is the essential object of the interindividual sight. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • In the 1950s and the 1960s, as an offshoot of the sociological functionalism of Talcott Parsons, theories of modernization and neo-evolutionism dominated the social science study of development.
  • From Bacon, argues Nielsen, Durkheim rook over the ambitious project of creating a new organon, a new comprehensive logic, except that for Durkheim that new instrument for understanding reality was sociological.
  • The reinstallation of works from a museum collection by a contemporary artist has become a familiar practice, usually resulting in a rather predictable institutional or sociological critique.
  • With the sociological changes of the 19th century, social life became more active, giving rise to reunions and outings to the countryside.
  • First put forward in response to reductionist theories that treated race as an epiphenomenon of class, ethnicity, or nation, racial formation theory has reshaped the sociological study of race.
  • The sociological study of religion moved from the centre to the periphery of sociology.
  • In his talk, he attempted to merge historical, literary and sociological perspectives on how a philosophy of self-advancement manifests itself in the marketplace.
  • However, I get very wary of new-fangled anthropological and sociological and ethnographical studies of SL when they begin to throw around the usual campus Marxist jargon about "empowerment" and "neoliberalism" and "capitalist" this and that. Anti Anti-Anecdotalism
  • Whether women were in politics or the wash-house was a sociological abstrusity beyond his line of thought, and not though it cost him all his fortune to refuse could he have decently addressed any association even on beloved sporting matters. Some Everyday Folk and Dawn
  • Like the age-old concept of customer service, it seems that the thriller element in many modern psychological or sociological chillers is all but missing.
  • Typical of the questions a sociological perspective might prompt are: 1. How extensive across the world is the discipline?
  • It has both political and sociological overtones.
  • It drew on sociological studies from several countries that describe confinement under sentence of death as exquisite psychological torture.
  • A sociological revolution was also taking place as the social status of owner occupation proved increasingly compelling.
  • For example, a sociological theory about inequality may hold that gender discrimination accounts for at least part of the income differences between men and women. Sociology
  • It is this borrowed theoretical framework that gets in the way of their being able to reply to sociological criticisms satisfactorily. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • I'm thinking of becoming a book reviewer or a satirical writer, or maybe a sociological analyst or an entertainment specialist.
  • Far be it from a column of this nature to attempt a sociological deconstruction of this week's deeply unsettling scenes on English streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like marketing, it classifies informants according to sociological classes combined with consumption patterns.
  • Brunvand describes different approaches to contemporary legends, including the Freudian, the Fortean, the memetic, the linguistic, and the sociological.
  • From a sociological point of view, it is therefore an expression of similitude of being, but also agency (the means to act) within a social technology.
  • Typical of the questions a sociological perspective might prompt are: 1.
  • I sighed and scooped up the text book with a slight groan of effort - there was no way that was all Sociological theory, I bet they padded it out with stupid little pictures so that nimrods like Darcy could understand it.
  • It is necessary to appreciate these facts if social policy is to be seen from a sociological perspective.
  • Past attempts to understand student loan defaults have essentially drawn from four perspectives: economic, sociological, psychological, and federal.
  • Farley and Geison's case-study in the Pasteur-Pouchet debate over Spontaneous Generation illustrates that the denial of rational explanation is the precondition to sociological explanation.
  • The literary ethos in this quasi-spatial sense, as marking out its own accustomed place of imaginative outlay and divestment, is perhaps the complement — but certainly the opposite — of anything taken up from the sociological work of Michel de Certeau and advanced as the route to critique and reappropriation within cultural studies. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Soderbergh uses three non-professionals, each with remarkable screen presence and roughhewn beauty, to enact an unlikely love triangle/sociological study.
  • If forced to examine the movie from that sociological mountaintop, veteran costume designer Ann Roth is right.
  • There is an array of subspecialties that comprise the field of sociological theory.
  • One is a more or less sociological exegesis in the following sense.
  • It is a sign that uses an abbreviated code for a specific instant of duration or registration of a sociological temporal moment.
  • I get very wary of new-fangled anthropological and sociological and ethnographical studies of SL when they begin to throw around the usual campus Marxist jargon about "empowerment" and "neoliberalism" and "capitalist" this and that. Anti Anti-Anecdotalism
  • During the 1970s sociologists were beginning to think about how to incorporate gender divisions into sociological theory.
  • In many cases, sociological concepts are defined in such a way that they can be measured as well. Sociology
  • Whether or not one accepts this sociological taxonomy there is no denying the proliferation of summer festivals.
  • He attacks the critics of postmodernism by calling them sociological reductionists.
  • As a sociological experiment, I'm not sure what this showed, other than that I was really bored and sometimes do silly things.
  • The piece opens by acknowledging the popularity of breadlines among bourgeois urban explorers, and their status as sociological and literary conventions.
  • I am perfectly willing to consider genetic and/or developmental factors, as well as sociological factors – including that an increase in number generationally is related to gross species overcrowding. Danger, Will Robinson!!
  • As a religious movement engaged in social services, the army has, since its inception, made a goal of approaching sociological problems with Christian concern.
  • She combined the theories of pragmatism and cultural feminism with the central concepts of symbolic interactionism to form her sociological ideas. All Things Girl » All Things Girl » Blog Archive » Inspiring Women: Jane Addams
  • Media Studies investigates this world from various angles, eg historical, economic and sociological.
  • Legal positivism is here sometimes associated with the homonymic but independent doctrines of logical positivism (the meaning of a sentence is its mode of verification) or sociological positivism (social phenomena can be studied only through the methods of natural science). Legal Positivism
  • Sociological data is usually analysed by grouping together common attributes such as social class, educational background, etc.
  • But, as anyone trying to become informed about the matter knows, there is no sociological evidence suggesting that celibates are more likely to abuse children than are married men.
  • Almost all were rhetorical or editorial, with some offering explanatory hypotheses or sociological theories.
  • She brings together the latest empirical evidence with a discussion of sociological debates surrounding inequality.
  • Sociological accounts of the Indian village community also contradict Marxist pontifications on the subject.
  • But literature will never be able to do this for itself: it can only "enounce" the truth that the sociological reading "reveals".
  • Politicians and middle-class do-gooders have interfered with the balance of a vulnerable sociological ecosystem.
  • Back in the Fifties sociological research found that there was a clear correlation between how society viewed people and the prevailing political attitudes.
  • But, as I see it, people who feel strongly (negatively or positively) about some arbitrary point and do so in complete opposition to evidence they are aware of, these people are plentiful and their behavior is well studied from a sociological and psychological point of view. Accept the invite « Motivated Grammar
  • The inputs to the decision process are the range of psychological, sociological, economic, and situational factors.
  • Look, I appreciate that, in some deep mystical sociological sense, it was all our fault.
  • Women in film, thus, do not function as signifiers for a signified (a real woman) as sociological critics have assumed, but signifier and signified have been elided into a sign that represents something in the male unconscious.
  • If literary texts cannot claim to embody universal or unmediated or noncontingent truth because everything is an artifact of incidental human activity, I cannot see any logically disallowed reason why one such activity could not be the study of literary texts for their posited "literary" qualities conceived as separate from their status as cultural representations, congeries of historical forces, conduits of sociological information, or whatever else works of literature can be considered good for. Art and Culture
  • How, then, I wonder, might we thus, sociologically, classify Bourdieu?
  • In Mantua, the preparation of food is so central to questions of local pride and self-definition that it has become a subject of sociological study.
  • Experiments Although experimental design is the classic scientific approach for the study of causal relationships, it is not commonly used in sociological research. Sociology
  • The first is to create publicly accessible data about bloggers' personalities, which may have sociological value in addition to being just plain fun.
  • They asked: were there really no girls in youth cultures and street gangs or had sociological accounts made them invisible?
  • Project SHAD veterans have waited 30 to 40 years to receive relief for the physical, mental and sociological damages they have suffered because of their involuntary participation in wantonly unlawful and carelessly executed ABC Warfare experiments from 1962 to 1972. Think Progress » VIDEO: Schmidt’s Shame
  • He employed standard sociological research methods to a degree unparalleled by the canonized classical sociologists of religion.
  • Two models of denominational affiliation continue to frame most sociological analyses of the schism.
  • This is the first book to take a sociological imagination to the field of neuroscience.
  • Sociologically speaking, the university teacher is a learned person and scholar, who isa combined body of knowledge disseminator, knowledge organizer, knowledge contributor and knowledge creator.
  • Sociological study does not aim to discover who is innocent of the charges against them and who is guilty.
  • Lucky for me I don't have to waste even one more frustrated nanosecond trying to find the inspiration to refute his sterile sociological effusion.
  • Starting from Lamprecht's theory that societies pass through several distinct psychological stages of development—symbolic, typal and conventional, individualist, and subjective—Sri Aurobindo expresses his view of historical and sociological development in the light of his own theory of spiritual evolution. Archive 2009-05-01
  • This view characterises most sociological explanations of crime, including those that fall into the third category of causal explanation: invention.
  • Beyond electoral matters, there was growing belief that, for long-term sociological and historical reasons, Labour was in terminal decline.
  • Of some sociological interest is the shabby treatment of Anne by the other leads.
  • sociologically speaking, this is an interesting phenomenon
  • Park in miles, in yards, and in acres, and the number of head of cattle which could be accommodated therein if it were to be utilized for grazing -- that is, turned into grass lands; or, if transformed into tillage, the number of small farmers who would be the proprietors of economic holdings -- that is, a recondite -- that is, an abstruse and a difficult scientific and sociological term. Mary, Mary
  • In this paper we explicitly consider sociological factors, namely social custom, and the notion of individual commitment.
  • Rivers found himself drawn to sociological issues, especially family and kinship. The Times Literary Supplement
  • First, there was this advert from the US for a combination razor/bikini trimmer, the Schick Quattro Trimstyle for Women: via Sociological Images. Body hair: untidy, unpleasant and downright dangerous « Gin&Comment
  • As a sociological document, the film testifies to how the French educational system -- even today -- is based on the idea that one does not "educate" students (i.e. "lead" them) but "forms" them, puts them in the moule. Karin Badt: The Class: Inside the Walls of French Education
  • sociological studies
  • In the paper the author first sketchily introduced the rank level principle, as well as the senior scholar analyzed the sociological model utilizing this principle.
  • Beyond electoral matters, there was growing belief that, for long-term sociological and historical reasons, Labour was in terminal decline.
  • I think that the capacity for societal contextualization is key strength of sociological analysis, which can relativize the parts vis-a-vis the wider whole without actually grasping the whole totality. Satire: Intentions, Best Interpretations, And Reality » Sociological Images
  • Much of its research, then, was of a sociological nature, and thus had a certain empirical base.
  • Duster, president of the American Sociological Association, writes that research on isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine (BiDil), produced by NitroMed, incorrectly links a biological idea of race to heart disease and that socioeconomic factors better explain susceptibility to heart disease. Philosophy in the Ketchup Mine
  • At its worst, the exhibition muddied such sociological pronouncements with a problematic celebration of beauty, ideality and essential femininity.
  • Advised that this was a story of star-crossed lovers, not a sociological treatise, he sighed like a prisoner and wrote like an angel.
  • Second, the sociological notion of a ‘field’ also evokes physics, which identifies vectors of attraction and repulsion associated with forces in a magnetic field.
  • Back then we were bound by a sense of self-selected minority identity, sociological martyrs united in spirit against the misguided mainstream.
  • Once a variety of interests is admitted, the explanatory power of this general sociological theory diminishes, although the importance of particular case studies remains. Science, Technology, and Social Change
  • Sociological literature has addressed how religious ideals inform a congregation's public presence.
  • What I study does not fit into the traditional boundaries of sociological knowledge.
  • Adams designed a course based on attending a series of Grateful Dead concerts, and then having the students conduct a sociological analysis of the Deadheads.
  • He described an interesting sociological research project, to create standards for what mystical religious experiences are.
  • In this paper we explicitly consider sociological factors, namely social custom, and the notion of individual commitment.
  • The pop feeling continues to carry Side A with 'Invisible Sun', a sociological discourse with a touch of early Traffic, and 'Hungry for You', an interesting bit of bilingual horseplay set against Sting's overdubbed sax and Copeland's funky percussion. Ghost In The Machine
  • Experiments Although experimental design is the classic scientific approach for the study of causal relationships, it is not commonly used in sociological research. Sociology
  • This article is a sociological ethnography of a Chinese immigrant social dance subculture in Japan.
  • It is this borrowed theoretical framework that gets in the way of their being able to reply to sociological criticisms satisfactorily. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • The bibliography is a highly analytic one, recording published materials in a wide variety of research languages treating Jewish anthroponymy in the broadest sense from historical, sociological, and linguistic perspectives. AvaxHome RSS:
  • If a woman fudges on her income tax, how can you be sure that she is not fudging on the results of her sociological experiments, or picking and choosing the results which corroborate her theories?
  • Local sociological structure often revolved around him. Christianity Today
  • These statistics speak more eloquently about the oppressive culture of sport than any sociological deconstruction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Left wing provocateurs whose work would be dismissed as uninteresting or merely crude if it were apolitical or as a sociological freak show if it were right wing tend to be discussed as paragons of graphic design excellence.
  • I continued to write successful books, and in sociological controversy I saw my opponents confuted with the facts of the times that daily reared new buttresses to my intellectual position. Chapter 31
  • Modern fashion writers interpret this hemline ricochet with sociological spins.
  • But the psychological and sociological theory he had acquired at courses and conferences proved equal to the task. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • It's all punctum – if there's any studium there you can have it for free and use it for a boring sociological thesis. The power of the holiday photo
  • Sociologically, the peasantry remained by far its largest class: 45 per cent of the population.
  • Local sociological structure often revolved around him. Christianity Today
  • There have always been small elements that equated Lovecraft's horror with other sociological peripheries that incorporated cabalism. Archive 2009-11-01
  • As a consequence, we need to ask questions that help us to conduct a sociological analysis of teachers and teaching.
  • Statistics from the U.S. Census Report and quirky audience participation sections punctuate sociological debates, scuffles and tormented soliloquies by the characters.
  • But an inequality - a category not so much sociological, how many ontologic and anthropological. Strike! Lessig, Trippi's Line in the Sand Draws $1 Million from (un)Donors
  • I know of 2 cases (one in my research and one in another sociological study) where parents of a white person in an interracial relationship suggested, encouraged, and promoted abortion to prevent the birth of a biracial child (I am hesitantly using the term biracial because most of the white relatives would say the child is black.) Racist Parents Kidnap Daughter and Try to Force Abortion

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