How To Use Societal In A Sentence

  • Theories that emphasize the role of education in reproducing existing societal norms and values may overlook its important role as a force for changing them. Sociology
  • This course focuses on the theory and practice of violence and nonviolence from a gender and feminist perspective, and deals with social conflicts at interpersonal, intergroup, and intersocietal levels. Short courses in gender and peacebuilding (University for Peace)
  • Beyond self-improvement for each child, Johann stresses the broader societal impact of Right To Play programs. Soccer Ball Diplomacy
  • Congress has made national findings that there has been societal discrimination in a host of fields.
  • Is it possible that societal trends since 1970 would have seriously eroded the church were it not for the influence of church growth? Christianity Today
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  • People really do still feel societal pressure to marry, and this is quite separate from religious pressure to marry.
  • What are these other aspects of the societal dimension of science?
  • Governments , businesses, almost every arena of human societal organization, is not willing to wait that long.
  • When the worse gets to the worst, a number of people end up indulging in various societal vices to earn a living.
  • We must change, on a societal level, our dependence and usage of fossil fuels.
  • Yet, the Union has made far fewer and shorter strides towards integrating societal interests compared to the steps it has taken to subject new policies to collective governance.
  • This grouping is complicated, especially in the United States, where geographic ancestry may be associated with clustering of genetic characteristics but is also coupled with differences in societal advantage, living environments, physician-patient interactions, accumulation of wealth, and access to quality health services. Vit D Policy Requires Review : Law is Cool
  • The Tyneside study indicates that patients want to be offered a chaperone, so general practitioners may be responding to societal demand. 4 Merely offering a chaperone does not protect either the patient or the doctor.
  • It was able to shock because of the societal norms of the day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over the past three decades environmentalism has evolved from a social movement to a societal ethic.
  • Yet choice, as it is discussed today, is a symptom of a larger, societal problem; shouldn't we focus on that, rather than problematising the idea of choice itself?
  • The difference between criticizing Leo Tolstoy for his views on women and criticizing Orson Scott Card for being a homophobe is that Tolstoy lived at a time when his views were the accepted societal norm. At least they didn't give it to Mittens
  • One might disagree with his conclusions, but to perceive those differences -- as some here seem to do -- as a simple division between good (themselves and their views) and evil (the views of a man like Brzezinski) is to raise a serious issue: sometimes I wonder how much some people on the left understand about what kind of place the intersocietal system has been over the centuries and the millennia. Disagreement about Zbig: Acknowledging the Problem of Power
  • It has gone from an ecstatic confluence of societal change and economic opportunity to a fusty business institution.
  • Social selection has thus yielded two main strategic components in the behaviour responsible for societal organization.
  • I think it transcends the ideas, stereotypes and societal expectations of what it means to be a man or a woman.
  • In the midst of this societal jumble is Albert Fish, serial killer and cannibal. GreenCine Daily: Interview. John Borowski.
  • Ultimately, it also proves the primitively atavistic nature of human beings: that altruism is an unnatural societal construct and that self-interest is the natural impulse of the human animal. Marshall Fine: Movie Review: Inside Job
  • What praxeological precept (s) confirm anarchism over minarchism in providing for societal economic health AND societal security from external threats? Mises Institute Daily Articles (Full-text version)
  • I wonder what would happen if some of those people were compelled to go beyond such criticism and actually take on the responsibility of trying to survive in an intersocietal system that has been in a Hobbsean state of war since the first kingdoms arose in Mesopotamia more than 5000 years ago. ' Disagreement about Zbig: Acknowledging the Problem of Power
  • They go on to say "It is possible that this intrasocietal violence may have intersocietal consequences as well. Archive 2007-10-01
  • In fact, Murray comments that societal elites were less likely to be religious.
  • Although the idea sounds rather straightforward, it is full of controversy because of changing technology, costs and societal expectations. Understanding Cancer
  • However, it is a societal problem and will need bottom-top solutions rather than tokenism, which is the case right now. A Who's Who of Indian sleaze | Praful Bidwai
  • Among other things, Payton insists that the word jazz is racist and that deeply embedded societal oppression of black Americans necessitates a reclassification of the music. Front Page
  • Societal and school supports are essential for bilingualism and biculturalism.
  • The rationale behind societal amorality is the myopic question: "How does my immoral behavior hurt you? Our Pal Joey?
  • Theories that emphasize the role of education in reproducing existing societal norms and values may overlook its important role as a force for changing them. Sociology
  • Financial exigency, familial, societal and cultural pressures, and educational deficits force many minority law students to make hard choices about whether they should study law.
  • He used the tenets of population biology, ordered by natural selection and biological fitness, to look at societal comportment.
  • In contrast to rule-breaking, ADHD symptomatic behaviors such as fidgetiness and inattention tend to be more societally and culturally neutral, drawing less attention from adults, regardless of the child's sex.
  • What are the societal consequences of creating a two-tier medical system?
  • Will ecosystem services such as biogeochemical, hydrological or societal be compromised or enhanced by atmospheric and climatic change? Newswise: Latest News
  • Group maladaptive responses are often misunderstood by leaders and citizens of developed societies, which do not have to contend with all-pervasive societal anxiety.
  • Theories that emphasize the role of education in reproducing existing societal norms and values may overlook its important role as a force for changing them. Sociology
  • I wanted to understand the psychology, you know, of repression, correction, call it what you will -- societal revenge. THE SCAR
  • A major societal concern about cannabis intoxication is its potential to impair psychomotor performance in ways which may directly affect the well-being of non-users of cannabis. Smoking And Driving? Nonsense. « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • On a larger societal scale, the best way to reach equilibrium between these energies is through a free and open society and free markets.
  • High schools are remaking yearbooks to more accurately reflect student populations amid larger societal concerns about bullying, peer pressure, and self-esteem.
  • I will offer an illustration of the expression of differing levels of societal anxiety.
  • And when this policy seemed in danger of leading to regression as a result of electoral defeat, the commit ment to electoral (hence revisionist) activism was characterized as a buttress to the established theory of societal breakdown rather than as a major concession to revisionist ideology. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Nebraska safe haven law reveals societal hypocrisy yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Nebraska safe haven law reveals societal hypocrisy'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Officials want to revise the law to limit \'safe haven\' to abandoned newborns one and younger, in line with other states. Nebraska safe haven law reveals societal hypocrisy
  • The pressures on those competing in sport come from societal pressure and there's a conflict. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another difficulty with such judgments is that each up-and-coming “generation” reacts to the societal environment in which they grow up. Not Everyone Can… « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Grace lets us recognize our differences as small and insignificant when compared to larger societal problems. Christianity Today
  • Combining streamlined efficiency with abstract decadence, American Art Deco reconciled these societal dualisms.
  • His editing job, however, is masterful, with dozens of full and partial conversations painting a dark societal picture bound to leave the most open of minds believing that western civilization really is careening down the dumper.
  • The word indoctrinate is quite often used to point out how the other group whose ideas are in opposition to one's own, are cloaking their motives as "proper" education; yet, in actuality, a certain amount of indoctrination is required in order to establish and maintain societal norms. Indoctrination?
  • I recognize research and scholarship as a public trust and accept professional service as a societal obligation.
  • The level of social mobility is often used as an indicator of societal openness.
  • We face opposition, but there is a thrill in rejecting a societal norm. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inherent nature of this drive to conform to societal expectations remains unapparent to consumers, allowing them the perception of free choice rather than coercion.
  • Maybe the psychiatrists can give an explanation to this societal behaviour.
  • That is a huge societal change. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is it possible that societal trends since 1970 would have seriously eroded the church were it not for the influence of church growth? Christianity Today
  • Valere is meant to be a street player lifted to societal acclaim by a deluded royal Joanna Lumley, who mistakes his endless persiflage for true poetry, and makes him the writer de jour, entertained and adored by high society. Gwen Davis: La Bete
  • If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
  • societal forces
  • They are the “contact periphery,” that is, a frontier with little or no sustained connection to a core after initial contact; the “marginal periphery,” which participates in an intersocietal division of labor while retaining a separate corporate existence; and the “dependent periphery,” whose economy requires sustained involvement in unequal exchange relations with the core. Archive 2008-10-01
  • + In the present work the proposition to be maintained is that the folkways are the widest, most fundamental, and most important operation by which the interests of men in groups are served, and that the process by which folkways are made is the chief one to which elementary societal or group phenomena are due. Folkways A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals
  • Each such crisis feeds off, and adds to, the erosion of public trust in societal institutions.
  • The subject of labour relations causality is a fascinating field of study for persons interested in the complexities of modern societal phenomena.
  • Beneath the allegedly young idealism of Occupy Wall Street are very cobwebbed assumptions about societal permanence. Notable & Quotable
  • Oscar Wilde's ability to skewer societal hypocrisies is masterful -- and his 1895 farce The Importance of Being Earnest is a pitch-perfect send-up of Victorian pseudo-morality and the embodiment of fin de siècle British dandyism. Fern Siegel: Stage Door: The Importance of Being Earnest
  • Yet for all the muskets, bombards, and cannon, Kelly appears more interested in the impact of gunpowder as a technological force driving deeper societal changes.
  • It is a societal problem, not a racing one. Times, Sunday Times
  • American society frowns upon many addictions - alcohol, drug and gambling, to name a few - but when it comes to shopping addictions, the same societal disapproval doesn't seem to apply.
  • It is his difference from societal norms, not his choices, which mark him out for his eventual tragic fate.
  • Update: The point of my facetiousness is to simply point out that when societal attitudes begin to change for the better regarding race, it always seems like (many) far-right conservatives are waiting to seize on (or invent) anything that could be considered an "overreach". Archive 2007-10-01
  • Americans need to retake their original principles (interdependent individualism and liberal democracy), where work was eminent (mainly among protestants), but where a societal sense was basilar. Unemployment, Labor Market Regulation, and Sour Grapes, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • We're talking about a dramatic societal change that requires prayerful and deliberate theological reflection, and one would expect some resistance.
  • I wanted to understand the psychology, you know, of repression, correction, call it what you will -- societal revenge. THE SCAR
  • There are compelling societal priorities and pressures to carry out policies of child protection.
  • If no individuals are harmed, then there can be no "societal" harm, and the ordinance is therefore an abuse of legislative power. Sound Politics: Why Is Seattle Such a Wuss About Strip Clubs?
  • It may be a phenomenal vehicle for societal change, but it has proven wholly incapable of making money. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are treatment of bad societal symptoms not, which is what Cameron has to come up with, long term cures that will result in such palliative measures eventually being unnecessary. John Rentoul today puts Trevor Kavanagh and myself in the...
  • The years have not changed my mind about education as a tool for societal change.
  • It is an autobiographical satire whose neurotic, dark-skinned protagonist, Emma Lou Morgan, internalizes biases against dark-complexioned people after a midwestern upbringing by colorstruck relatives mimicking racist societal values.
  • societal evolution
  • Despite the increase in the numbers of interracial families, societal acceptance is still limited.
  • If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
  • The Catholic principle of subsidiarity affirms an important role for the state, but also a crucial role for other societal institutions.
  • She presses her students to think of other consumer experiences that reflect societal inequity.
  • Today's societal conformities have diminished even the opportunity for play. Vigorous, Unstructured Play Prepares Children for Life
  • The bushliar-criminal regime has fomented the worst class warfare, societal striation, and diverseness in American society in at least a generation. Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: The end of the end of racism
  • Further, they should assist adolescents in recognizing other societal messages that are oppressive based on racism, sexism, ageism, and/or heterosexism.
  • Perhaps most interestingly, it found that their level of job commitment is no higher than the societal average.
  • Also contributing to this eating disorder is a societal ideal slimness that the adolescent strives to emulate.
  • Oscar Wilde's ability to skewer societal hypocrisies is masterful -- and his 1895 farce The Importance of Being Earnest is a pitch-perfect send-up of Victorian pseudo-morality and the embodiment of fin de siècle British dandyism. Fern Siegel: Stage Door: The Importance of Being Earnest
  • The probation service works in a complex environment in which political, criminal and societal pressures combine to make its task onerous and hazardous. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the 1970s, the search for lucre through the illegal drug business compounded and further adulterated societal ties.
  • Conceived and led by Dr. Don Beck, a leading global authority on value systems, societal change, and stratified democracy, SDi is an advanced extension and elaboration of the biopsychosocial systems concept originated by the late Dr. Clare W. Welcome to Spiral Dynamics Integral
  • Substance abusers may be particularly likely to be disenfranchised from key societal institutions including the church.
  • In the absence of reliable sources, we can only guess at the process of societal formation.
  • But despite their celebrity, the efforts of the champions closely resemble those of the smallest cog in the societal machinery: the factory pieceworker.
  • All in all the term gamer is going to need a lot of work before it will be societally accepted as terms such as athlete and student. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Diary #111: “Gamers”
  • As it is, monstrous ingratitude is the societally approved stance towards the U.S. — understandable given the prevalence of grandmothers who serviced G. I.s, but still ... One Korea?
  • Societal heterosexism prevents some LGBT people from developing an authentic self-identity and adds to the pressure to marry someone of the other sex, which in turn places undue stress and, often, trauma on themselves as well as their heterosexual spouses and their children. Warren J. Blumenfeld: Heterosexism and GOP Presidential Candidates
  • The societal attribute and the natural attribute are the duality of education.
  • After all, unlike, say, The Dave Matthews Band, Benton and his God-killing comrades deviate pretty far from accepted societal norms.
  • There were also those who strove to pursue the societal changes attentively and to support women in the achievements and burdens of their new roles.
  • In fact, according to the research of Phil Zuckerman, a professor of sociology at Pitzer College, In sum, countries marked by high rates of organic atheism are among the most societally healthy on earth, while societies characterized by non-existent rates of organic atheism are among the most destitute. Born to Believe
  • But formal organization is something many young netizens may take pains to avoid, possibly viewing it as somehow akin to parental or societal authority, things toward which many musical subcultures are built in opposition.
  • The Catholic principle of subsidiarity affirms an important role for the state, but also a crucial role for other societal institutions.
  • We think it self-evident that the interests at stake in the instant proceedings are more substantial, both on an individual and societal level, than those involved in a run-of-the-mine civil dispute. Law In The Health and Human Services
  • I don't consider it to be "martyring" at all; I consider it being aware of how societal and cultural influences shape who I am supposed to be attracted to vs. who I actually enjoy spending time with. Ask Professor Foxy: Does My Size and Not Flirting Keep Me Alone? - Feministing
  • By the early 1980s a new and powerful entity had inserted itself into the societal mix.
  • He's awkward, he's aimless, he has no friends - he's a poster boy for emotionally underdeveloped young moderns everywhere, the victim of a nameless and invisible sickness of the societal soul.
  • It may be a phenomenal vehicle for societal change, but it has proven wholly incapable of making money. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has gone from an ecstatic confluence of societal change and economic opportunity to a fusty business institution.
  • That's why we have to have them - a societal oubliette.
  • Some minimal level of compliance with societal expectations is, in other words, built into the profit goal.
  • She fought societal norms and wanted to provide a much needed service to women.
  • To begin with, we receive vicarious pleasure in observing the celebrity fulfil our wishes to act in relative freedom of neurotic and societal restraints.
  • Beyond historically determined levels of societal tolerance, crime is dysfunctional to social life.
  • More often than not, societal changes are propelled by an established middle class.
  • The anarchy in the intersocietal system has also systematically compelled human beings to make choices that do not contain the option that they might most wish to have. Disagreement about Zbig: Acknowledging the Problem of Power
  • What is lacking is an insight into the particularity of our societal system.
  • Instead, the violence arises out of what he calls long-term structural problems around getting people to invest in "normative societal values. NPR Topics: News
  • The final element appearing in Figure 1.1 is that of societal change. Migrants in Modern France: Population Mobility in the Later Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
  • It is seen less in women and this is thought to be due to cultural and societal pressures for women to define themselves via their appearance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The societal trend around the globe is a greater interest in entrepreneurship. Law firms
  • Suburbs have been assigned responsibility not merely for social anomie but also for a range of societal ills from gun violence to oil dependence to obesity.
  • Second, as questions of both national and societal security merge and interpenetrate, it is clear that possessing a reactive operational strategy alone is inadequate as a means of deterrence.
  • Durso skillfully gleans her story from both primary and secondary sources, portraying a woman who rebelled against established societal norms.
  • Marriage does not have special status because it is simply a societal bonus for a loving committed relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • When a segment of society feels despised and feared, its behaviour will reflect societal expectations. Times, Sunday Times
  • With an expanding legion of youth and young adults identifying with hip-hop culture, its societal influence is hard to ignore. Christianity Today
  • Proxy voting is often the sole means by which investors can have a say in the business operations and societal activities of their company or mutual fund.
  • To brush this issue off as if it were mere result of some dogmatic bigotry or blindness to the relative implications of the spectrum of policy issues on the table is itself a blindness to the scope and impact that would come from changing societal focus from one ideal in family definement to another. Jerry Falwell: Romney's Mormonism "Will Not Be A Factor"
  • The long-term solution to solving these problems is to develop a societal norm based on a limited number of core values.
  • Experts point to societal issues such as economics, racial disharmony, family instabilities, and population density as major risk factors for violence and homicides.
  • But, still, one wonders if Kidjo, who is really as much a historian as a funky herald of hope, has come close, academically speaking, to the ultimate source of this societal heartbeat.
  • The decision to get a yearly mammogram is not a societal decision it is a personal decision. What do you think of the new breast cancer guidelines? « Dating Jesus
  • Paraphilia is sometimes used by laypeople in a more judgemental or prejudicial sense, to categorize sexual desires or activities lying well outside the societal norm.
  • To provide some systematization to this vast, overlapping, confusing, and riveting area of study, I have selected four categories of mechanisms of transmission of trauma: biological, psychological, familial, and societal.
  • What is lacking is an insight into the particularity of our societal system.
  • Our customs, culture, and societal structure demands the presence of the father.
  • Media and societal pressure to achieve a slim body shape may fuel the guilty feelings people experience in relation to food.
  • A young and eager mind endowed with the gift of scientific aptitude is particularly sensitive to these societal influences.
  • Is it possible that societal trends since 1970 would have seriously eroded the church were it not for the influence of church growth? Christianity Today
  • A proper indicator of this hallmark is the presence of messages that attempt to establish an association between the targeted group and the exploitation and victimization of a societal group. In Defense of Free Speech… : Law is Cool
  • Worse yet, this signified the exclusion, eradication and extermination of this subsegment from societal discourse, radicalizing Timothy McVeigh and others and causing the OKC man-caused incident. The Volokh Conspiracy » Waco
  • Imagine that the group that is running this conference is chaired by two men who have some familiarity with the challenges of the game of power in the intersocietal system, and who also have shown a dedication to healing that system: Jimmy Carter and Mikhail Gorbachev. How the World Might Begin to Heal
  • Part IV: Cross - Societal Comparisons: Are Gender Differences the Same Everywhere?
  • I learned that by societal, moral, ethical, soap-operatical, vegetable, political definition, it was impossible to be both fit and fat. Discrimination At Large
  • While the study is supposed to be on the noncorrelation of nonreligiosity with societal dysfunction i.e., with providing a statistical refutation of the claim that religiosity is required for a health society, it spends most of its space talking about creationism and evolution. Notables
  • The probation service works in a complex environment in which political, criminal and societal pressures combine to make its task onerous and hazardous. Times, Sunday Times
  • She says the exhibit has harmful effects on societal attitudes towards violence.
  • In between the aimless, idle play and fear of legal and societal retribution, Green's characters deliver poignant soliloquies on abstract concepts like love, self-worth and the state of the world.
  • Embracing the emerging trend of games for social change, AOK's goal is to increase societal mindfulness by encouraging real world acts of kindness through a well-designed social game. Tamar Abrams: Acts of Kindness Meets Real World Game
  • Rather, the criminogenic and psychological variables that coalesce to produce the delinquent or delinquent group are also functions of larger societal processes.
  • I'm pretty sure our societal diarrhea is a direct result of irritable GOPers and neocons agitating the extreme right-wing of their party solely for political gain. Poll of Polls: Obama more popular than his policies
  • The use of such frameworks, however, often implies unexamined assumptions, such as that these societies have homogeneous and synchronic societal landscapes and autarkies. Archive 2006-10-01
  • Legal status in Judaism is determined by age, sex, legal capacity and, to some extent, by class (kohen, levi, yisrael) and societal status. Legal-Religious Status of the Female According to Age.
  • It is change at the societal level that will ultimately determine what our culture will be.
  • A society proud of its accomplishments, its agglomerated cultures -- Chinese, Indian, Malay -- continue to value family as the supreme societal unit. Singapore's Demographic Winter
  • This might be a bit of a shock to those of you back East, but jaywalking is against societal norms in much of the West, including Arizona. The Volokh Conspiracy » Affirmative Action and Racial Profiling Revisited
  • To break the taboo against suicide would be a sure sign of societal breakdown.
  • Not only have reform groups solemnly pledged to bring facts and common sense to the debate, they propose societal acceptance of expanded, legal use of drugs by adults.
  • To novelize a story of incest is to participate in the societal imperative to always lie about it, to say it's not happening, or that you made it up.
  • He says there has been a sea change in the societal attitude to love marriages in the past 10 years.
  • We are not doing it in order to conform with societal norms or expectations.
  • It is clear that what is acceptable to be bared in society varies according to societal or individual understanding.
  • I showed in Chapter 2 that where bilingualism exists at the societal or individual level, the two languages are functionally differentiated and coexist in a diglossic relationship.
  • While this would be a more persuasive test, note it still runs into potential problems of endogeneity (that is, the decision by district A to institute a sports program is a result of more culturally tolerant attitudes towards women breaking out of societally sponsered norms). Matthew Yglesias » The Impact of Title IX
  • This seems to have been a special highly prized form of money, a status marker, and a certain form of prestige goods, accumulated as stores of value and used in intersocietal exchanges between elites, exclusively. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • Political leaders, business leaders and the institutions they lead serve as important catalysts for societal change because the two are, in functionalist sociology, mutually inclusive.
  • She is repelled by the completely novel and anti-societal idea of it, and loses her patience.
  • Her definition of Sociopath appears to be anyone who acts in discord with accepted societal standard Reader reviews of The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout.
  • Prior to the start of TOGA, the most well-studied societal impact of El Niño was the collapse of the Peruvian anchoveta fishery in 1972-1973.
  • MR. GOWDY: The vast majority allow it and they have for some time, and we believe that the fact that it has been allowed for so long and imposed so rarely, as the States themselves have admitted, is — is strong evidence of societal consensus. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause and Life Without Parole for Under-18 (Nonhomicide) Offenders
  • During these years, many Protestants embraced a pessimistic premillennialism that predicted societal decline, undercut efforts at social reform, and emphasized individual evangelism, spirituality, and otherworldliness.
  • They saw that he represented a new breed -- the product of contemporary societal breakdown rather than poverty, the kind of criminal who would be invisible to cops in the koban. Battling A New Breed Of Criminal
  • Yet sports performance involves the whole person, and its complete study must take account not only of the body but also of the mind of the sportsperson, and the societal aspects of the sport itself.
  • Recent financial stagnation has displaced Japanese men from their societal pedestals, because persistent unemployment clashes with traditional notions of machoism and submissive women. Jane Buckingham: The Trend Triple Threat
  • What are the major differences between theories of societal change? Sociology
  • Regions once preserved as national parks, sanctuaries, and havens for wildlife have no laws, regulations, or societal values to protect them.
  • This is a societal issue about which every thinking person ought to be concerned.
  • Social conservativism is at the very root of the societal divide we're enjoying right now. Influential evangelical backs Grayson in Kentucky
  • From the moment they were considered ready for betrothal, women were under an enormous amount of societal pressure to marry.
  • Due to societal pressures, women undergo all kinds of treatment to have a child.
  • He prescribed vanity and coquettishness to cure societal ills, and it worked, for a string of fifteen top ten hit songs.
  • While I support the promotion of contraceptive pills, and think that having reliable means of chemical contraception is an important tool for allowing people to regulate their family size and for avoiding the societal and environmental dangers of overpopulation, I would be very leery of talk about ‘reproductive autonomy’ as some sort or absolute right, for men or women, because of what it carries in its train. Matthew Yglesias » Show Me the Votes
  • I mean comic books don't promote introspective contemplation and societal theory, do they?
  • Hopefully, my talk on our emerging neurosociety and the important role that biochips and brain imaging will play in driving future societal change put this question to bed.
  • Such couples are at the cutting edge of new societal norms. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, it may exacerbate already powerful societal pressures on children to fulfill unrealistic parental expectations.
  • �Successful disruption of these networks can create the fear, uncertainty, and doubt necessary to create widespread societal / economic disruption� Warren Ellis
  • His eight models are absurdist and visionary monuments to human, societal, and governmental follies, abominations, and questionable policies.
  • Luckily, art and sport have always been admired, and thus tug opinion in away from the societal norm. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wanted to understand the psychology, you know, of repression, correction, call it what you will -- societal revenge. THE SCAR
  • What really tantalizes you is that which deviates from societal standards in every way, though you admit that this probably isn't the best and you're not sure what causes this desire.
  • We the Muslims need the Palestinians to remain locked in their plight so that they might continue to serve as the Ummah's scotoma (a blindspot) which literally prevents us from seeing our own more immediate distresses, distresses which might demand our attention and perhaps even require societal interventions. Qanta Ahmed, MD: Israel and the Flotilla: On the Dangers of a Binary View
  • He said today's youth were more depressed than in the past because of building societal pressures.

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