
How To Use Socializing In A Sentence

  • If you are more concerned about the quality of the food and drink than about socializing with your friends, decline the invitation and go out to a restaurant instead.
  • But this idea does point in the right general direction: toward a kind of inner conflict, toward what I have called a kind of "brokenness" in the human psyche, and in particular toward a failure of integration within the person of the creature's feelings and needs and impulses on the one hand, and the moral injunctions internalized from the socializing culture on the other. A Piece (from Huffington Post) on the Right's Manifest Hypocrisy Problem
  • One of the main reasons why I do, apart from the big feed and plenty of socialising is that the Festive Period means lashings and lashings of Racing.
  • We went to the Ferris wheel first, where Mike was standing calmly socializing with my mom.
  • The reality though is that many women diarise ‘settling down’ for their early 30s; devoting their 20s to getting a career, travelling, socialising and having fun.
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  • But I did have a few leftover cruzeiro notes from the previous trip, for I was living, socializing, and eating with the Army and in the U.S. expediter's quarters.
  • The challenge for economic geographers is to engage globalization on the ground by socializing these abstract mechanisms.
  • soc" Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing. The Usenet Newsgroups List by Gene Spafford
  • `They could use a break, and without the socializing that goes on in hotels. OUT OF THE ASHES
  • We will have a great guest speaker, as well as a good time reacquainting and socializing with old friends.
  • The couple spend their time skiing, golfing, boating, traveling and socializing with their friends.
  • It's quite surprising to find any couple compatible in the complex area of socialising; most of us accept that successful relationships thrive on difference. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'll spare the details of my weekend socializing - you can track my whereabouts by following the links.
  • When the forum was over, the tension was all but gone, and there was much socializing and shaking of hands as the room emptied.
  • When socializing with his co-workers he would assume a hearty, over-bearing manner.
  • While the motives of the founders of these organisations vary, the theme of socialising youth and encouraging responsible behaviour is a common one.
  • The cafés and the central plaza will be fantastic for socialising. Times, Sunday Times
  • The socializing of men, undertaken by females, is central to her novels, but her protagonists frequently refuse the task.
  • Dad's pride and joy were his farm, family gatherings and socializing with many friends and neighbors.
  • Our friendly wine bar is also there for your pre-show drink, your interval glass of wine or your after show socialising.
  • You may prefer to spend much time with loved ones and family rather than socializing with friends.
  • There'll be a wide variety of workshops, discussions, skills sharing, networking, campaign information and socialising.
  • It gives them independence, helps them with socialising and is tremendous therapy.
  • Amidst all the chaos and confusion of the shopping, buying, baking, wrapping, socializing, that little whisper in me is usually drowned out by too much champy and loud Christmas music. Turning within to expand out « bindu wiles
  • Introverts have figured out that if they leave socializing to the extroverts they'll end up at the bottom of the pile.
  • Much socializing goes on in clubs or bars, or at fiestas or other community celebrations.
  • The eating and the socializing were more than enough reward for fulfilling our judging duties, but we also came away with an exquisite handmade pie cozy, courtesy of Gretchen's mom, who once again cracked the whip as judge wrangler. Food for body and soul (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • * strolls in and fwumps onto the couch to perform the oligatory socialising* 'lo * has chocolate cake, and hot choclate annnd, cadbury's chocolate* - Because visibility matters
  • You can bet that socializing is the reason most people take part in group recreational activities.
  • We prefer working and socialising with a homogeneous group. Times, Sunday Times
  • No snark intended, but college isn't just all about socializing and hanging out.
  • Furthermore, almost all socialising among friends is done in restaurants as apartments are small.
  • Secondary socialization still had an impact, but I now had the freedom to choose more of the activities that I participated in and I was more aware of how people were socializing me.
  • Usually, she enjoyed socializing with the Elliott twins, but today work served as a convenient excuse.
  • The hours were terrible, so socialising was difficult.
  • Because my pup was exposed to this training and socialising every day she is bombproof with children.
  • It is already a keystone of the school and the neighborhood, and it represents a rare and welcome realization of the socializing potential of buildings.
  • Perhaps Tobes wasn't at work at all, perhaps he was socializing. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Then, of course, the whole process of formal education is a crucial socialising agency.
  • If ornamenting an object is a choice which bears out the fundamental importance of ornament in socializing the visual world, it endorses Phillips' observation that ornament is a primary and universal visual language.
  • An on-site gym and free fresh fruit ensure the socialising does not take its toll. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our home-based patterns of socialising interfere with the necessary anarchy of the workplace beanfeast.
  • Their minds were determinedly set on socializing with friends and playing video games over the coming weekend.
  • The truth of the matter is that real sport takes place in winter; summer sports are for poseurs who affect to enjoy sport, but treat it mainly as an excuse for socialising.
  • To have a party means party guests spending a significant amount of time at one place, socialising while consuming food and drink.
  • Socializing individually is more intimate, but socializing in a group also carries benefits. Gretchen Rubin: The Value of Connecting With Others for True Happiness
  • I can count 4 gay friends, all ladies and all posters to this forum, and they all tell me there's a lot of gay folks here but the socializing is all done at home, there are no gay bars. Gay scene in San Miguel de Allende
  • I hope Adrian's actually doing some work at college - he seems to spend all his time socializing!
  • Still hale and hearty, Bridie was in great form on the night, socialising with everyone present and performed her own party piece to rapturous applause.
  • His speeches at fundraisers are often less than rousing and he dislikes socializing with wealthy donors, making it harder for the project to raise money.
  • Then, of course, the whole process of formal education is a crucial socialising agency.
  • The next few days were spent lounging around and sorting gear, socializing with racers from other teams, sleeping, and eating large amounts of rich foods.
  • All the measures that have been taken so far to overcome the crisis merely aim at socialising losses so as to ensure the survival of a system based on privatising strategic economic sectors, public services, natural and energy resources and on the commoditisation of life and the exploitation of labour and of nature as well as on the transfer of resources from the Periphery to the Centre and from workers to the capitalist class. Global Week of Action against Capitalism and War: March 28��April 4
  • We've always known that apart from a healthy outdoor sport that can turn you into an obsessive fruit and nut case, golf is a great way of socialising and schmoozing.
  • Many of the at-risk youths felt that living with or socializing with other youths who had similar issues was not conducive to advancement.
  • In urban areas, men enjoy spending their leisure time in teahouses, socializing and smoking the hookah, or water pipe.
  • I enjoy socializing with the other students.
  • More than television, in its infancy a socializing machine that involved the whole family, the transistor radio helped define boomers as a separate (even secessionist) generation.
  • The unhappiness is probably a combined result of the stress of the commute itself (traffic, catching a train or bus, etc) and the time it takes away from family and “after work socializing and dinner with friends.” Matthew Yglesias » Another Reason for Congestion Pricing
  • Basque immigrants tended to remain clannish at first, socializing with other Basques - often from the same villages in Europe - and patronizing Basque businesses.
  • Then, of course, the whole process of formal education is a crucial socialising agency.
  • The attack had a devastating effect on her life and she did not go out socialising again in the city for one and a half years.
  • I hope Adrian's actually doing some work at college - he seems to spend all his time socializing!
  • Everyone seemed to be having a grand time dancing and socializing and sampling the luscious foods that spread out on a table that took up one wall of the gigantic ballroom.
  • Local WI members say their meetings - which combine socialising with education - are very active and lively.
  • At one time, I felt the socializing aspect of cowboy shooting should be played down.
  • Most of the guards she saw were simply sitting around socializing over their evening meals.
  • With the possible exception of Ronald Reagan, whose fabled aloofness and privateness were probably signs of a deep introverted streak (many actors, I've read, are introverts, and many introverts, when socializing, feel like actors), introverts are not considered "naturals" in politics. Now Please Shush!
  • I spend more time working than socialising with friends or enjoying hobbies or leisure activities. Times, Sunday Times
  • As social institutions charged with the task of preparing and socializing young people for adult roles, schools generally reflect many of the characteristics of the society in which they are located.
  • The parties went on and when not socializing he cocooned more and more with his family.
  • Which would be the better group, from the socializing point of view? A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • Opportunities for travel and socializing are evident.
  • However, the socializing aspect would be unlikely to feature in the exam.
  • I can't go abroad or travel, or go out shopping or socialising.
  • We're having too much fun training, living healthy and socializing with the opposite sex.
  • In your pathetic grip on socializing and pitiful understanding of how to present yourself, you will always be five steps behind everyone else.
  • We prefer working and socialising with a homogeneous group. Times, Sunday Times
  • On weekends the Hub buzzes with fellow mountain bikers and outdoor enthusiasts resting and socializing.
  • Among those socialising around the club, and enjoying cosmopolitans, included stylists, a model, and a publisher.
  • It may be impossible to equalize productive resources in modern economies except through socializing ownership.
  • The dress is particularly ideal for trans-seasonal wear, and also for dressing up with accessories for socialising after work.
  • What a whirl, what a swirl, what a syncopating scintillation of networking, flirting and aerobic socializing this week mixes up!
  • Eating and socializing are so interwoven that the chronic lone "binger" gets the same reputation as one who drinks alone before lunch. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 2
  • I have a planless night, and I missed socializing last night, so let me know if there are any plan-type things for tonight. Odin's Day
  • Socializing culture and building socialist spiritual civilization is a dynamic process with intersects in their development.
  • Some were outraged by his "hoarseness" during a recent radio interview that followed a night of socialising with party colleagues. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • However, another area of research that may inform our understanding of these issues investigates the different ways that society and parents go about socializing girls and boys.
  • Many of the new counselors were amazed that they had been socializing with one of the assistant directors all day and didn't have an inkling.
  • I went looking for it, moved the floating plants around and found it all alone near the surface in the It was not socializing with the other goldfish, shubunkins and small koi.
  • She felt that there were cultural and language barriers that kept Seattle Ashkenazim and Sephardim from socializing and intermarrying in Seattle. Personal Information for Fortuna Calvo-Roth
  • The couple spend their time skiing, golfing, boating, traveling and socializing with their friends.
  • You're all dreaming. Quit the socializing.
  • I think when I was that age I was more interested in socialising by which I mean going out and getting trolleyed and the ladies than sitting in rooms debating policy positions with the type of people who were generally considered geeks. I learned the truth at seventeen
  • In ancient Rome, for instance, the bed was an all-purpose piece of furniture, used for eating, relaxing and socialising as well as sleeping.
  • The right kind of bloodshot eyes, like on a Friday night after you've been out socializing, "said Dolph Pulliam, the master of ceremonies for the event. News for Opelika-Auburn News
  • It's quite surprising to find any couple compatible in the complex area of socialising; most of us accept that successful relationships thrive on difference. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you begin the week single, that could change in a heartbeat where local teams are socialising. The Sun
  • Returning again to Edinburgh, his remaining years were spent revising and refining his published works, and socializing with friends in Edinburgh's intellectual circles.
  • Socializing before or after event: heavy on the wine, a mulled rum punch, beer, light on the hard liquor
  • Like other people throughout Spain, the Basques spend many leisure hours socializing with friends at tapas bars, which serve light food and drinks.
  • One late afternoon I was sitting with friends on their mastaba, the brick bench attached to the front of the house where much of the neighbourhood's socializing takes place.
  • Note: It appears that brunch is quite the standard for weekend socialising, so San Franciscans!? I love it when a plan comes together.
  • Students are workers in the university, working on unwaged schoolwork - the disciplining and socializing processes necessary to prepare them for the next 40 years of sitting in a cubicle.
  • Since we enjoy socializing in festive evenings like New Years, we’ve had good luck in going to the nicest and largest hotels in the area were there is live danceable music, cocktails and party favors are readily available. Celebrating New Year's Eve
  • This is because pilots are now locked into the flight cabin, or whatever they call it, and are unable to avoid each other's company if they find it uncongenial, by socialising with the passengers.
  • At present society encourages smoking while socialising - - when it discourages it people will adjust.
  • Whether you are a man or woman surfing around and socializing on the web, the choice of doing it safely and securely is yours. Helping those in need
  • Getting this job has been a really good boost for him, and we hope that because he is out there socialising and integrating with people, it will help Matthew even further.
  • Sounds of socializing: laughter and murmuring drifted up from downstairs.
  • I park myself down on one of the comfy couches and love socialising with everyone again.
  • So, it is possible to combine domestic bliss and socialising!
  • Schools are instrumental in socialising young people with the concept of social cohesion - of valuing their fellow citizens regardless of their race, language or religion.
  • Paul Summerston, the Old Bailey heard, led a reclusive lifestyle, rarely socialising and had only a few close friends.
  • It may be that a relaxed and cheerful attitude to socializing is the real protective against heart disease.
  • Irish men spend many of their hours in pubs, drinking beer or ale, playing darts, and socializing with their friends.
  • A person ought to be capable of functioning well in everyday activities such as socialising, meeting appointments and keeping financial commitments.
  • after-hours socializing
  • Try socializing a bit differently, and be out and about much more.
  • Seth and Bridget were standing in one corner of the ballroom socializing with the other princes and princesses from other kingdoms.
  • And when he wasn't photographing prepubescent females, he spent as much time as he could socializing with them.
  • There's no danger of getting bored because there's such a flurry of lectures, essays, tutorials, college dinners and socialising.
  • The signs are usually a fall in academic performance, problems socialising with friends at school, or clingy, overdependent behaviour.
  • She also suffered from low self-esteem, feeling fat and unpretty and experiencing difficulties socializing with her schoolmates.
  • Spas have always been as much about recreation and socializing as about medical cure - think of Bath.
  • Socializing culture and building socialist spiritual civilization is a dynamic process with intersects in their development.
  • Students were scuttling around, socializing with their clique, or at least the part of them that shared this class in the mornings.
  • It is going to change the socialising habits of many people and the whole ambience of the Irish pub as outlined already.

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