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How To Use Socialist In A Sentence

  • This viewpoint is of great significance as a guideline for the rapid development of socialist economy.
  • To believe that Obama is a socialist merely assumes his continued commitment to a world he has long described as his lodestar. Radical-In-Chief
  • The Socialist Republic of Vietnam came into existence in July 1976 as a communist country modelling its political system after those of the Soviet Union and China.
  • The opposition coalition has accused the socialists of trying to stall the process. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would strongly suggest to Mr. Greer that he keep his fascist-indoctrinated, ritalin-sotted brats away from my children in Florida's socialist (public) schools. Florida GOP chair: Obama trying to 'indoctrinate' children
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  • The Popular Party led by Prime Minister José Maria Aznar is expected to win Sunday's general election although a poll taken a week ago showed the Socialists closing the gap.
  • He also set up a research institute to promote socialist policies. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was expelled from the party for opposing neo-liberalism and is one of the founders of a new socialist party in her country.
  • All attempts by the Socialists to woo him back were spurned. Similar overtures from the right have likewise been rejected.
  • He wants to make the French socialists ‘cosmopolitan, internationalist, solidary, and pro-European again’.
  • Socialists have no desire to isolate ourselves by being killjoys or spoilsports, but it does help if we understand what we are dealing with.
  • I would take Palin anyday over the anti-American socialist in power. CNN Poll: Favorable view of Palin dipping
  • It was also anticipated by the greatIrish socialist and feminist, William Thompson.
  • Second, they are more likely to have members committed to cooperative organization than are coops founded when socialist ideology is weak.
  • De Rossa said that his breakaway group would form a new democratic socialist party.
  • Socialists who stressed the struggle of the poor, like the poet Attila József, were a minority voice.
  • The revolutionary socialists only agreed to cease their protest when they were invited to an after-show lig in one of the capital's most expensive pubs.
  • The socialist candidate enjoys the firm support of local industry.
  • Given this shared commitment to material equality, do socialists and liberal egalitarians share the same account of justice?
  • In the party's ideological and political education mode, cultivate a targe number of interested in socialist construction, made great achievements.
  • Socialist affiliations are recorded in the memoirs of the stone-mason Nadaud, the draughtsman Perdiguier and Suzanne Voilquin, who was a needlewoman.
  • In other words, I am neither an anarchist who wants no government, namely unrestrained devitalization, nor a socialist, whose cry is for all government -- that is, restriction and rigidity. Piano Mastery Talks with Master Pianists and Teachers
  • In a liberal democracy or a nonsocialist autocracy like 1950s Taiwan or S Korea, this does not happen. Things One Should Not Forget « Whatever
  • Imperialism has never renounced the idea of annihilating socialism or of annihilating the socialist process from the face of the earth. 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS 1ST SPEECH
  • Mike explains why resistance was so difficult under the rigid, dictatorial regime which still called itself socialist.
  • Parliamentary elections are scheduled for March 3 -- more than a year before the Socialists' term officially ends.
  • Mr Milosevic, who remains leader of the Socialists, made a plea for party unity.
  • Not Old Labour malcontents - they could vote for the Scottish Socialists; not separatists - they had a choice of two parties.
  • Despite some socialist groups within the alliance, the dominant economic belief is capitalist.
  • If the Socialists win the election, they too will have to bite the bullet.
  • I heard of the clubs and the socialist Sunday schools that organised picnics in the country and study groups.
  • And if the socialist shirkers riot, shoot them!
  • Union leaders hailed the socialists' victory as a huge step forward.
  • All attempts by the Socialists to woo him back were spurned. Similar overtures from the right have likewise been rejected.
  • Yet the impact of war soon made the munitions centres fertile ground for militant trade unionism and socialist agitation.
  • We must take maximum advantage of the enormous motive forces inherent in the socialist system. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • They are simply not going to be able to maintain the durable equilibrium that market socialists want and believe possible.
  • A defection from Labour ranks to the Scottish Socialist Party in Renfrewshire a month ago means that Labour can only win votes with the casting vote of the provost.
  • This seems awfully similar, to a noneconomist such as me, to the pretense of knowledge that Austrians have so well criticized, starting with the socialist calculation debate. Roger Koppl - The Austrian Economists
  • I confess, sir, " he said, "that you talk like a scoundrelly socialist.
  • Believing them to be both anti-Semitic and antisocialist, Schneiderman resigned in 1914. Rose Schneiderman.
  • In searching for alternatives to Socialist Realism, he became interested in anamorphosis and in the art of the mentally ill.
  • The government now is looking at unprecedented public-sector layoffs and cuts in civil-service perks, steps that could reshape Greek political culture by upending decades of cozy ties between the ruling Socialist party and a core constituency. Greek Officials Scramble to Find More Cuts
  • the national socialist party came to power in Germany in 1933
  • The Scottish Socialist Party, the sole ark of salvation to which 128,026 Scots look for emancipation from capitalist helotry, is in meltdown.
  • Her socialist beliefs were born of a hatred of injustice.
  • A socialist government could no more do without a bureaucratic apparatus than could a capitalist one. Politics, Planning and the State
  • The monuments and statues throughout the country commemorate generals, judges and politicians, rather than socialists, strikers or suffragettes.
  • George Thomas, a much-travelled Glaswegian, is a member of the PSOE, the Spanish socialist party, in Xabia on the Costa Blanca, which will have a number of expats on its candidates' list, although he is not under any illusions about the difficulties of integration. Most Brits in Spain say no gracias to integration
  • Republican Party of Florida says Obama will "indoctrinate" schoolchildren with "socialist ideology PolitiFact Truth-O-Meter: Fact vs. fiction
  • I started going on CND and anti-apartheid demonstrations and bought Socialist Worker for the first time.
  • Mr. Moore has consistently waded into controversial issues with his rather pro-Communistic andbig government type views that this country would be better off if only it was under a more socialistic or communistic structure. Global Socialism Leaning Michael Moore States Capitalism Has Failed
  • Socialist policy favours public ownership of the coal industry.
  • French commentators, on the other hand, are suggesting that Sarkozy's real aim in "endorsing" Blair was to upstage the Socialist opposition before municipal polls rather than commit Paris to backing Blair for the EU job, for which he has also dubbed Juncker pictured an obvious candidate. It was never going to happen
  • She became active in the underground socialist movement in her mid-teens while she was at high school.
  • The young radical humanist became a revolutionary socialist.
  • Born in Melbourne to socialist parents, he dropped out of education, despite being an avid reader and gifted writer.
  • It ensures that Labor will not be socialist and that the Liberals will not be liberal.
  • Yet One Touch of Venus shows that the experiences of working with radical dramatists, including socialist playwright Bertolt Brecht in The Threepenny Opera, clearly left their mark on him.
  • All that and an accolade from the intellectual socialist weekly!
  • I advise you not to attach yourself to the Socialist Party.
  • However, there is a tendency for European electorates to move to the right or left in a manner that may not be co-ordinated, but does produce clusters of conservative or Socialist governments at any one time.
  • Coming from a Socialist politician, the phrase is political dynamite. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Fascists had their roots in bitterly anticlerical Italian radical nationalism, Mussolini himself having been a Socialist leader until the First World War.
  • The critical question remains the building of a mass socialist movement of the working class.
  • He combined socialist ideals with a deep practical experience of how most people lived and thought. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best form of society, he argued, would be a planned cooperative socialist society. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • But in France and England, where the centralisation is far less complete, the success of the socialistic party and its achievement of supreme power would mean an almost entire subversal of all established methods of administration, for all the threads would have first to be gathered into a single hand. Mediaeval Socialism
  • Actually, if the indie labels had politics they were at base neither socialist nor conservative but autonomist.
  • The dinner they gave him ranks among the epic brawls which regularly give the brotherhood of socialist solidarity a bad name.
  • He attributes the term to a US socialist, but he disowns authorship.
  • Under that assumption you will ofcourse get % R +%D = 100% because there are some states that have 1 D and 1 R (and the states with the Socialist and the Lieberman have only 1 I). jack lecou Says: Matthew Yglesias » 37 Percent
  • As a good anarchal communist and a functional socialist, I support paid sick leave for all. 2007 January 02 « raincoaster
  • The key question for students was to turn to the working class and arm this militant movement with a conscious socialist orientation.
  • I begin with the most obvious, and certainly the most important, change that falls under this rubric: the replacement of socialism by capitalism in almost all the formerly socialist countries.
  • Tacitly she suggests a parallel between the fate of Hong Kong's submitting to a socialist government with the full integration of Britain into the EU.
  • However, it would be inadvisable for revolutionary socialists to base themselves on this unlikely variant.
  • Now, let us turn to last Tuesday morning to discover Bill's actual nonsocialist prescription for unfair and inadequate health insurance.www. Hey, Michael: SICKO Needs A Re-dit With O'Reilly's Answer To Healthcare
  • Marx and Engels distinguished their scientific socialism from what they termed the utopian socialism of some other socialist trends. - Articles related to EXCLUSIVE - Europe gets first glimpse of solar, windfarm plans
  • These were the canons of Socialist Realism enforced in Stalinist Eastern Europe, as late as my visit in 1967 to Weimar, one of the most decorative of cities.
  • Separately, a Socialist appeal to a municipal court in Nis was rejected last week, upholding the opposition victory there.
  • But we have to operate in the real world, not some socialist nirvana that simply does not work.
  • Nothing is easier than to give Christian asceticism a Socialist tinge.
  • The establishment of the socialist system to we opened a reach the ideal state of roads, and the ideal into reality needs to rely on our hard work.
  • In the meantime, they offer a correct direction for the carryout of the scientific notion of development and the building of a socialist harmonious society.
  • Oh, yes, doncha all know that there are one set of rules for Socialist Community Organizers and another for folksy, lipstick-besmirched hawkey mawms? Think Progress » MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Mocks Sarah Palin By Writing ‘Cheat Sheet’ On Her Hand
  • He looked like a schoolboy socialist's dream - the leader of the left whose selfless devotion to democracy exposed his enemies as unprincipled cads.
  • He realized early on that the idea of achieving a modus vivendi with the National Socialist dictatorship was out of the question.
  • The Socialists won by a narrow/large majority.
  • From 1945, the town became a model socialist town, complete with industrial zones, living quarters named Friendship III, and statues of Lenin.
  • The Socialist Workers' Party seemed to split into several splinter groups.
  • The dimes are just there, begging the question: Do small-denomination coins adorn the streets in socialist countries? David Finkle: These Days It's Dimes That Are a Dime a Dozen
  • He purged opponents from within his own political ranks and was re-elected president of the Socialist Party.
  • That money is funnelled back into welfare projects to help the poor, who are the mainstay of the socialist government's support. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is an uninterruptedly solving contradiction process to guide religion to cope with socialist society.
  • Certainly, the widespread predilection for the fancy and frivolous has its roots in decades of drab socialist conformity.
  • The Industrial Workers of the World was formed under the leadership of socialists like Eugene V. Debs and radical industrial unionists like William D. (“Big Bill”) Haywood (1869–1928), head of the Western Federation of Miners. 1905
  • It is just more socialist bureaucracy and more pandering to the trade union movement.
  • The party has watered down its socialist ideals in order to appeal to the centre ground.
  • In the 2001 general election Brian stood as the Socialist Alliance candidate for Brightside.
  • Though communists call themselves ‘socialists’, their movement had little in common with non-communist forms of socialism, or with earlier forms of communism in history, including Christian communism.
  • All the same, the 1988 results give Socialist defenders of the mixed economy new ammunition to fire at would-be privatisers.
  • Kamala has been a socialist activist for 10 years.
  • Such views, however, stemmed more from Mitchel's hatred of capitalism and landlordism than from any coherent socialist ideology.
  • One of the great appeals of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming theory in certain sectors is the fact that what it takes to fight the imagined threat (reduced trade, reduced economic growth, government controls on the economy, populist hammering of energy companies, micro-controls on individual decision-making) are exactly the things the socialists wanted to do before their schtick became tired. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Copenhagen Income Redistribution Conference
  • On November 9, the politburo met to discuss the growing democratic revolutions in other ‘socialist camp’ countries as well as events in Bulgaria itself.
  • When word processing software replaced typewriters, nobody shrieked about a socialist revolution in the steno pool. Martin Luz: Fealty to Folly: Oil Is Dead! Long Live Oil!
  • Rebel Socialist MPs poured scorn on their leader. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the heart of a socialist programme is the international unification of the working class.
  • Radical socialists have seen this as "betrayal" but they have always lacked a credible political alternative to it. After Thatcher
  • It is as the sentiment which for want of a better word we call socialistic works along with that broad and candid study of fact which we call scientific, and toward an ideal in which the material is but an instrument of the spiritual, -- that there is solid promise of advance. The Chief End of Man
  • The overthrow of capitalism would usher in the socialist society. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Does "antisocialist" really expect us to believe that the Justice Department under Bush II was a "competent tribunal"? The Nation: Top Stories
  • Thereafter he moved rapidly toward the left; soon he was calling himself a socialist. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • On its disruption in 1884 he became head of the seceders, who organized themselves as the Socialist League, and was to lecture and write for the cause with great energy.
  • Initially, there existed not only Catholic, but also strong secular and socialistic tendencies in the Solidarity movement.
  • Across the country, the center-right Popular Party outpolled the Socialists by some 10 percentage points and took power in the longstanding Socialist strongholds of Extremadura and Castilla-La Mancha. A Spanish Opportunity
  • They have whipped up the crowd to fervently believe that Obama's a closet socialist and his economic policies have straight jacketed private business and Wall Street. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: President Obama Caught Between the Left and Right on Jobs
  • Then put your money where your mouth is and reject all the "socialist" benefits you now enjoy. German chancellor to meet with Obama next week
  • Boyishly reared by an emancipated mother and a suicidal father, she is the victim of heredity, environment and her own anachronistic position as an outsider in the new socialist England.
  • In 1987 the Socialists took the unprecedented step of appointing a civilian to command the force.
  • It entrenches what is somewhere between socialistic and communistic principles that have the state take more money than it needs, so it can equalise incomes.
  • Lusty conservatives who attack free verse, free fiction, ultra realism, "jazzed" prose, and the socialistic drama as the diseases of the period have my respect and sympathy, when it is a disease and not change as change that they are attacking. Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
  • In 1924, following the establishment of Soviet rule, the Soviet Socialist Republic of Uzbekistan was founded from various territories.
  • Socialist politics are the only way to break down sectarian divisions.
  • More than 100,000 protesters in Yerevan, the capital of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, were dispersed by Soviet troops. 1988, Feb. 23
  • As far as the Ontario farmers are concerned, they will not be "bamboozled" by any of these wild promises made by the socialistic party. Canadian Agriculture in the War Effort
  • Modi’s office is on an upper floor of a massive, scabby-faced ministry building in Gandhinagar, the planned city of government workers north of Ahmedabad that is a monument to the flawed architectural schemes of formerly socialist India. India’s New Face
  • In a world at peril, socialists need to be intransigent tribunes of the poor - fighting for universal, free access to lifeline vaccines, anti-virals and antibiotics.
  • The same kind of incendiary rhetoric that Dutch journalists used against Fortuyn can now be seen in American left-wing coverage of any nonsocialist European party or politician. Heirs to Fortuyn?
  • There are no known examples of classless societies, although twentieth century socialist revolutions throughout the world were largely inspired by a belief in their possibility. Sociology
  • The phrase belongs to the utopian narrative Looking Backward: 2000–1887, by the American socialist Edward Bellamy. The English Is Coming!
  • The manor house where Orwell, a declared socialist, was forced to recuperate during one of his lung hemorrhages is among the island's most patrician -- bone-white, with many fluted chimneys, its own boat dock and a tamed lawn as sweeping as the playing fields of Eton, Eric Blair's alma mater. Literary Pilgrimages: George Orwell
  • Yet beneath all the ebullience was a combination of determination and psychological acuity, as well as the discipline of a trained physicist and political skills honed in the years he had spent rising to the top of the Socialist Party and serving in several ministries of the Spanish government, including that of foreign affairs. The Great Experiment
  • Held on 12 April 1931 the contest turned into a more-or-less direct confrontation between monarchists and an alliance of republicans and socialists.
  • Since when did serious socialists consort with millionaire It-girls?
  • In the socialist construction, to develop the socialist essence is the key to keep a socialist society in a long- standing state of stability and prosperity.
  • The establishment of the socialist system to we opened a reach the ideal state of roads, and the ideal into reality needs to rely on our hard work.
  • The party has a broadly socialist orientation.
  • After the victory of the Cuban revolution, it has experienced an uneven progress to the socialist modernization.
  • This man was a Socialist, and since an Anarchist; yet his highest idea for woman was serfhood to husband and children, in the present mockery called “home.” Ladies and gentlemen, the Libertarian Party candidate for the President of the United States of America
  • •The government-run socialist-propaganda location known as Arlington National Cemetery REALNEO for all - Regional Economics Action Links North East Ohio
  • The Left-wing of the party continued to fight for the adoption of socialist policies.
  • If a compromise can't be reached, the Socialist government's only hope of passing its budget would be to count on abstentions from opposition lawmakers. European Austerity Fuels Tensions
  • It's hard to find an environmentalist who is not a closet socialist - with a nice condo in the suburbs and two cars in the garage.
  • All the bleeding hearts and socialists oppose the changes to the immigration law.
  • Trotsky is not simple-minded in his literary taste, and he doesn't just sort of spontaneously insist that everybody has to write socialist realism.
  • The German people in the 1930s and 1940s were systematically brainwashed on National Socialist racist propaganda that portrayed the Jews as "Untermensch" - a subhuman scourge that was responsible for the woes of Germany and needed to be eradicated. Latest News
  • It was one response to the powerful tide of socialist, anticlerical thought, particularly powerful at the end of the First World War.
  • The socialist government feared a loss of government to the C.N.T. unless they held out a revolutionary future to the social masses.
  • His slogan as a Socialist in the shadow of the Mitterrand years was the freedom to invent!
  • He didn't know that we were KGB and that we were spies, he thought he was just meeting with contacts from the embassy to promote peace and understanding and socialist brotherhood.
  • Unless one ignores or reworks Orwell's definition of the term, it is false to describe him as an ‘ex-socialist.’
  • To advocate socialist legal system while providing aforesaid services.
  • Here he stressed Nehru's commitment to the emancipation of women and untouchables, to communal harmony and the maintenance of a united and plural India, and to the fostering of a socialist economics.
  • Compose builds harmonious community is compose those who build socialistic harmony society is important cut point.
  • He raised the roof at the conference when he sang his own version of the socialist anthem, The Red Flag.
  • The classroom content reflects a clear socialist bias.
  • The socialist party is expected to scoop up the majority of the working-class vote.
  • That said, let us not forget that many ‘liberal’ thinkers — and anarchists — have argued that the human condition can be meliorated, even perfected, without claiming that ‘socialist man’ is the end in view. The Volokh Conspiracy » Further to Andrew Ferguson on Behavioral Economics
  • Last week, the Bureau of the IADL, meeting in Hanoi, presented President Nguyen Minh Triet of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with the final decision of the Tribunal. Marjorie Cohn: Agent Orange Continues to Poison Vietnam
  • Laurent Fabius, the Socialist president of the parliament, urged Mr Jiang to abolish the death penalty.
  • Without a great public outrage at the "villanous" executives, the government buffoons would not have support for their socialist agenda, which is, frankly, to have government control all areas and aspects of the economy. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • A radical ministry which gained office with socialist support in 1895 and tried to introduce graduated income and inheritance taxes was brought down by the Senate.
  • I spoke about my frustrations, about not being able to read socialist and feminist books and magazines.
  • Unfortunately, the reality is that the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is far from seeking to explore the way of reconciliation and of peace. Cambodia in Modern History: Beauty and Darkness
  • Several students asked about the character of a socialist society and how it would be possible to involve the mass of the population in economic planning.
  • The 'estimable' critic Ben Davis wows the pseudo Marxists/Socialists, but the guy should actually try and be a real Socialist for one month and then get back to us. Comrade Davis (repost)
  • Once you understand that Socialist are a bit unhinged to begin with, and the more they gather and plot...the unhingement becomes more and more manic until arrogance and nonsense is all they have to draw from. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The Communist Party has aligned itself with the Socialists.
  • Your 143 day old sen. is a liberal socialist who wishes to "spread the wealth". A Mighty Mini Marlin
  • The Socialists wanted to dissociate themselves with the republican government, which was losing its strength and unity.
  • But of course, "liberal" isn't imprecation enough for his outrage: the Democrats are "committed," rather, "to a secular-socialist ideology that is alien to America's history and traditions. A Newt Gingrich Time Warp
  • The issue of imperialism split the evolutionary socialist movement. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • If you dont even know what a socialist or an ideologue is I think you would flunk a basic civics test. Think Progress » Tancredo says Obama won because we lack a ‘literacy test before people can vote in this country.’
  • They can put it in cedar hills where the socialist nimby's kept out Walmart. Congratulations, Beaverton (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Anyone who falls outside that "chummy" socialist family is a pariah and characterised as such. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • The socialists won 42% of the seats and formed a minority government.
  • And what's going to surprise ya, is it's not the economy — it's the socialists taking over our country. 2008 Election
  • Even my fiancé, whom I met in a pub, turns out to resigned from the Young Socialists over Vietnam.
  • I never thought that a socialist minister with a progressive attitude and respect for the constitution would launch such an attack on religious freedom… It's not constitutional and it contravenes fundamental rights.
  • The Socialist Party alone seems to be essaying a relatively sophisticated campaign, and taking the trouble to tell voters who its candidates are.
  • The Dean led DNC along with his cronies from the socialist left of the party have hijacked this nomination, but in the end they shall see that the "uneducated whites" as they are called are a lot smarter than to fall for this fiasco. Clinton takes on TV pundits at distillery stop in Kentucky
  • We do use the term socialist too loosely, really as a substitute for big gov't. "This is an experiment... an exciting opportunity for me to look at a computer and get a snapshot of what Americans across the country care about."
  • My professors were either socialists or interventionists.
  • Will the struggles against global capitalism go forward on the program of socialist internationalism or will they be diverted into the blind alley of reactionary nationalism?
  • And you're likely to encounter the word socialistic only on talk radio or conservative blogs. 'Socialist' Charge Draws On Old Fears
  • In 2002 when a political earthquake saw the Socialist's presidential hope Lionel Jospin knocked out by the far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, Hollande, then party general secretary, was seen as an uncontroversial, soothing, and safe pair of hands – just what was needed to nurse the wounded and limping party back to health. François Hollande nomination marks the triumph of Monsieur Ordinary
  • How can a party whose principles rest on an international workers' revolution advance socialist policies in a bourgeois political system?
  • Ensemble members wrote much of their own material and treated trade unions and other groups to important new plays imbued with realistic dialogue and socialist messages, such as Irwin Shaw's antiwar drama Bury the Dead and Clifford Odets's prounion Waiting for Lefty. Chicago Reader
  • It does not now and never has represented the Marxist program of socialist internationalism.
  • The anti-colonial movement developed great streams of Islamic, social democratic, and socialist thinking.
  • For about two decades, it seemed to many that a new national nirvana, an alternative to revolutionary socialist internationalism, had been discovered.
  • He observed that he was the victim of a tide of radicalism sweeping Europe: revolution in Russia, anticlerical radicalism in France, socialist advance in Germany.
  • That said, let us not forget that many ‘liberal’ thinkers — and anarchists — have argued that the human condition can be meliorated, even perfected, without claiming that ‘socialist man’ is the end inview. The Volokh Conspiracy » Further to Andrew Ferguson on Behavioral Economics
  • In the first couple of activists' meetings there were debates about selling Socialist Worker and holding Marxist forums.
  • Here is Marx the future socialist, unsocially shunning his school fellows while his mental acrobatics charm Ludwig von Westphalen, a much older man of a much higher social position.
  • Norwegian farmers played a prominent role in its activities and advocacy, which included such socialist goals as public control and operation of grain silos, and the sale of wheat.
  • The soi-disant "antifascist" Western elites have veered so far into a delusional dreamscape that they themselves have become enablers of open Socialist fascism acting as a pathfinder for its Islamic kin. The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
  • In the 1990s it also shed its socialist ideological coloration.

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