How To Use Social insurance In A Sentence
It includes both wages and employer contributions for benefits and social insurance.
We offer a competitive salary and bonus, and all social insurance benefits.
With the development and application of actuarial science, actuary's work are now extended to social insurance, investment, demographic analysis, economic forecasting and other fields.
Mothers could collect part of their'social insurance ".
The new rules won't affect so-called inflexible expenditures, such as subsidies for local government, social insurance and debt service, which can't be altered without additional legislation. --
Sir William Beveridge, a member of Churchill's wartime government he actually worked for Labour Minister Ernest Bevin, who wanted to get rid of him because he thought he was conceited, published a long, turgid report with revolutionary implications: "Social Insurance and Allied Services.
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According to the peasant workers'socialization, it is necessary to confirm their social insurance range, set up the hospitalization insurance and adopt the flexible methods to protect their legal ...
A monarchist-archconservative Bismarck invented social insurances in the late 19th century and conservatives developed the the social market economy.
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Social insurance, however, does not depend on the future being unknowable.
He's demagogued as someone who wants to gut social insurance programs altogether.
Control may also be achieved through resource management, such as social insurance schemes or payment of retainers or fees for service.
Have the government take its task of social insurance seriously, and reinsure private insurers and HMOs: construct a 'premium rebate' pool to pay annual health-care bills over $50,000.
Health Insurance Idea, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
At the same time Stolypin, with cooperation of the Duma, continued his reform activities: social insurance, zemstvo reform, education, police reorganization, land banks, encouragement of emigration to Siberia.
The beauty of social insurance is that it is actuarially unsound.
Bartlett and Krugman, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
For longer sick leaves, they received benefits from the Social Insurance Institution.
And by making a social insurance payment, they can avail of certain State benefits, principally the contributory pension entitlement.
The result has been that the system of social insurance does not dominate the system of welfare benefits organized by the state.
Social insurance costs 25 per cent more to administrate and would mean taxpayers in Britain paying more.
The populace became a supplicant citizenry dependent upon the state rather than themselves and the socialist state aborted indigenous traditions of working class self – help, reciprocality and social insurance.
John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) legislator Rekso Ageng Herman also said that the social insurance bill would not work if it remained unrevised.
This successful assault on social welfare expenditures has provided the opening wedge for entertaining cuts in middle-class social insurance entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare.
Control may also be achieved through resource management, such as social insurance schemes or payment of retainers or fees for service.
Real wages increased by 44 percent and there were other gains in the form of food subsidies, shorter working hours and social insurance, financed by steep progressive taxation.
Assist for social insurance management work.
The low level of basic social insurance gives great scope for the development of the business version.