How To Use Snowdrift In A Sentence
But he was so exhausted that he tripped into a snowdrift and fell at once into a deep, dreamless sleep.
She struggled through snowdrifts up to her knees to get to the picket line, she held her sign high even when the winter winds gusted so strongly they threatened to carry it away—and threatened to carry her away.
So, putting off the idea of moving to the sunny coasts of Portugal and living in a villa, he threw himself back into the deep, crisp snowdrifts.
She stumbled and her hand went elbow high into a snowdrift.
`His car's stuck in a snowdrift some miles up the road," she said.

Local authorities often work in conjunction with the emergency services, by helping to clear snowdrifts and putting salt onto roads to help keep them free from ice.
The floor and most of the counters were blanketed in a thick snowdrift of flour, marked with trails of footprints where they had walked through it.
Snow cover there was almost 50 cm deep and there were numerous snowdrifts.
In all probability, his sudden "souse" into the water had astonished Bruin himself; -- from that moment all his thoughts were to provide for his own safety, and, with this intention, he was endeavouring to get back to the surface of the snowdrift, when Alexis first caught sight of his snout.
Bruin The Grand Bear Hunt
Tomaz continued, alone, plowing through waist-high snowdrifts, to the 26,504-foot summit.
Even so the wind swirled into the room, blowing small snowdrifts with it.
Scattered across these snowdrifts were summery eruptions of color: Japanese and Hawaiian women selling leis of red ginger, yellow orchids, green maile, pink plumeria, and golden 'ilima blossoms.
Excerpt: Honolulu by Alan Brennert
He maneuvered it into a deep snowdrift, where its power proved useless.
Stranded motorists were rescued from their vehicles by the emergency services after snowdrifts up to 20 ft deep paralysed areas of the Scottish Highlands.
Tomaz continued, alone, plowing through waist-high snowdrifts, to the 26,504-foot summit.
Scattered across these snowdrifts were summery eruptions of color: Japanese and Hawaiian women selling leis of red ginger, yellow orchids, green maile, pink plumeria, and golden 'ilima blossoms.
Excerpt: Honolulu by Alan Brennert
His paintings often feature undulating horizons of rows of low hills, curves of muddy roads and snowdrifts, and patterns made by ploughed farmland.
Should we now imagine dinosaurs as thermally insulated warm-blooded animals that ploughed through snowdrifts and scraped the ice off the ground to find food?
Firefighters helped to dig out the people trapped in the snowdrift.
The top of the sculpture is wave-like, resembling a snowdrift, and groupings of the straws have been pulled out slightly into an undulating bas relief, suggesting a cloudbank or a wall of sea foam.
Magician of Man-Made Materials
In Buffalo, my bedroom window faces a neighbor's rickety tool shed, which is buried in a snowdrift and dotted with dog poop.
Snow cover in northeastern Bulgaria reached 80 cm with snowdrifts as high as two metres.
In northern areas, a solid snowdrift would provide a convenient launchpad over such a fence for deer.
Bears will seldom den in habitat that is not capable of catching large snowdrifts.
A 5km stretch of road to the Shipka Peak in Stara Planina was made impassable Monday night by trees felled by the wind and snowdrifts, but reopened to traffic Tuesday afternoon.
Beyond these lofty peaks we could see the omnipresent and almost eternal white expanse of the polar plateau with its windy snowdrifts fading off into the hazy grey-white horizon.
He then became a map-maker, but, standing up to his waist in a snowdrift on Rhode Island a few years later, realised that indoor work had certain attractions.
There were a couple of minor incidents such as when I accidentally took a step into a snowdrift and found myself waist-deep in snow, and later when I was trying to climb down a bank I slipped and fell quite heavily onto my back.
The majority of the lairs found during this period were in the deeper snowdrifts of the Cyrus Field Bay area.
He told me of one such time, when he'd been sent to the store with the money put in his mitten, on returning he'd stopped out front and the change, a nickel, somehow slipped out into a snowdrift.
Some of them stumbled back the way they had come, dragging frozen tanks and trucks out of ice and snowdrifts.
Did we see a BBC reporter up to their gumboots in a snowdrift.
Open Thread
Adam had always shown much more proclivity for curling up in his father's lap near a warm fire and listening to a good story than for tromping through snowdrifts.
To school plodding stubbornly through the snowdrifts in short trousers with chapped knees to sit in a draughty classroom in abject fear of a teacher who had recently traversed Europe inside a tank turret and who took no prisoners with his booming voice, the result of his deafness.
Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
The cold winter air blew in their hair and some snow from the snowdrifts blew up and swirled around them all.
I know from experience that avalanches occur swiftly and cruelly, and our relief when the ground eventually levelled out soon dissipated in a struggle through waist deep snowdrifts.
The ugliness stands out this morning, the snowdrifts soiled by what the wind has picked up from the fields.
I come back with an armful of dead birch to find Tony digging films out of a snowdrift near the tent.
Snowdrifts of plastic shopping bags and discarded fast-food trash got you down?
Now she'd have to wallow through the snowdrifts and get it done before the boys woke up and started to holler and wail about how cold it was in the cabin.
A huge snowdrift is blocking the entrance to the driveway.
It’s nearly three miles to the volost, and the storm, the snowdrifts, are something terrible — maybe one won’t get there before midnight.
The Schoolmistress and other stories
When we arrived in Chicago, there were 6ft-high snowdrifts and the wind was howling.
At the end of the trail, after a tedious gravelly slope, where I remember a close bed of the pretty mountain phlox, with thin remnants of a snowdrift no more than a rod or two above it, there remained a brief clamber over huge boulders, with tufts of gorgeous pink pentstemon growing in such scanty deposits of coarse soil as the desolate, unpromising situation afforded; the scantier the better, as it seemed; for this clever economist is a lover of rocks, if there ever was one.
On Foot in the Yosemite
Tomaz continued, alone, plowing through waist-high snowdrifts, to the 26,504-foot summit.
They survived altitude sickness, enormous blisters, countless frozen snowdrifts, known as sastrugi, and blinding whiteouts.
Renegade Futurist
This winter, drivers throughout Air Combat Command will see the usual snowdrifts, use their ice scrapers, and experience jump starts and skids.
Looking for shelter, he finds himself a place to sit in the leeward side of a snowdrift.
Despite my earlier reluctance to face the wintry conditions, it was curiously exhilarating to battle through the snowdrifts and clouds and arrive by the summit tor just as the clouds broke.
Anyway, upon arriving at Leuchars station in the middle of the evening, all us disembarking passengers found ourselves unable to leave, because of a blizzard and eight foot snowdrifts.
The heavy blizzards can be so severe and the snowdrifts have been known to reach the roof.
Despite my earlier reluctance to face the wintry conditions, it was curiously exhilarating to battle through the snowdrifts and clouds and arrive by the summit just as the clouds broke.
Later in his career Freeman hit the national headlines by helping to drag the Whitby lifeboat six miles overland through deep snowdrifts in answer to a plea for help from the Robin Hoods Bay station.
Stranded motorists were rescued from their vehicles by the emergency services after snowdrifts up to 20 ft deep paralysed areas of the Scottish Highlands.
Stranded motorists were rescued from their vehicles by the emergency services after snowdrifts up to 20 ft deep paralysed areas of the Scottish Highlands.