How To Use Snowball In A Sentence
From a flurry of delighted children sledging down a snowswept street in Bath to policemen joining in with group of teenagers having a snowball fight in Poole - your pics are helping us capture Britain as it is swept by snow.
As wet, fluffy snow fell throughout the day, many protestors began tossing snowballs at riot police.
The three-packs of snowballs and caramel teacakes are being sold through petrol station forecourts and other outlets.
Then we had a snowball fight, wrestled around on the ground, and carried on with play fights for a short while until we were all quite exhausted.
The children pelt each other with snowballs.

So I did that, but the world is a great snowball rolling downhill and it never rolls uphill to unwind itself back to nothing at all and nonhappening. posted by Jim Chen at 11:40 PM
A kiss is just a kiss
A snowball knocked his hat off.
There was Justin, all bundled up in a huge black snowsuit, throwing a snowball at Tiffany.
We have had snowballs thrown at us when they went past, but this was a deliberate and malicious act.
Then there were snowball cookies, which I think are the most suitable cookies for Christmas.
The whole incident deteriorated rapidly as the conflicting claims snowballed into a near-crisis.
The snowball effect for all industries and products hereafter is yet to come.
Dell learns a lesson « BuzzMachine
Scrutiny of last season reveals a snowball that grew into an avalanche of problems.
They like to press wet snow hard to make snowballs.
Worst of all may be the cumulative or snowball effects on future generations.
Over the next seven decades, as pro sports increasingly became the city's remaining portal into the nation's consciousness, you could add the epithet "boorish" to "boring" -- there were snowballs at Santa Claus (sort of) and catcalls for just about anyone.
Will Bunch: How Philadelphia Got Its Groove Back -- And Why N.Y. Is Jealous
Fans began to throw snowballs at each other in the packed uncovered north end and some stewards made a snowman on the empty south terrace.
Little William and Lalee alone examined the two beautiful creatures thus brought within their reach; while Snowball and the sailor, rapidly readjusting the baits upon their hooks, that had been slightly disarranged by the teeth of the _tunnies_, -- for the albacore is a species of tunny fish, -- once more flung them forth.
The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
In Reznikoff, transparency - in the mode of reportage - snowballs into opacity.
So they were just pistachio snowball cookies, which was okay, but I'd have loved to taste the combination of pistachio AND lemon together… maybe next time.
A rumour went round that Snowball had after all contrived to introduce poison into Napoleon's food. At eleven o'clock Squealer came out to make another announcement.
All this publicity has had a snowball effect on the sales of their latest album.
The three-packs of snowballs and caramel teacakes are being sold through petrol station forecourts and other outlets.
They like to press wet snow hard to make snowballs.
One thing is for certain, however, the lively debate surrounding the film - be it political or environmental - should serve to guarantee that profits snowball at the box office.
The flower bed is blue from scilla now, with spots of white snowball primula and a few tulips and a single daffodil.
Garden work
As the country was gripped by cold, children and adults were snowballing and tobogganing.
Neville Pearce and Colin Snowball won for Lady Anne Middleton.
To get her attention, he threw a snowball at her.
Walking along the road, I was snowballed by my son.
The effect snowballs, allowing smaller predators like foxes, hawks, owls, and pine martens to flourish.
If weather conditions are right and the homemade snow settles, a snowball fight could be on the cards.
I locked them in their room after they threw snowballs at me.
I remember one day it had been snowing, and one apprentice had a snowball, threatening to throw it at me.
Snowball cookies are definitely the cookie of my choice for Christmas.
Their sales market was being snowballed.
It reminds me of a Hostess snowball only better - more alluring.
We see little Peter in his pointy-hooded red snowsuit as he smacks snow out of a tree and mourns the snowball that he had carefully put "in his pocket for tomorrow.
The Book That Broke the Color Line
“Someday, I’d like another cat,” she continues, the word snowball resonating for her too with memories.
Water Witches
He nodded across the slope to Josh and his posse, who were taking turns jibbing on the trick rail while the others pelted them with snowballs.
The Ex Games
Shockingly she used her umbrella as a shield and said snowball simply trampolined off the umbrella and broke on the ground.
It has been suggested that snowballing may undersample social isolates, those of low education, social class, or income, as well as social deviants.
All this publicity has had a snowball effect on the sales of their latest album.
The trend snowballed with many industries taking the cue and entering this market as they found it difficult to revive their industries due to various reasons.
It has all the ferocity of a gust that has been snowballing since its departure from Cullen - 20 miles away, but clearly in view across Spey Bay - along the north-east coast.
She hasn't a snowball's chance in hell of persuading her boyfriend to take her to Hawaii for a holiday.
_grandiflorus_ (A); pomegranate; white kerria, _Rhodotypos kerrioides; _ smoke tree, _Rhus Cotinus; _ rose locust, _Robinia hispida_ (A); spireas of several kinds; _Stuartia pentagyna_ (A); snowberry, _Symphoricarpos racemosus_ (A); lilacs of many kinds; viburnums of several species, including the European and Japanese snowballs; weigelas of the various kinds; chaste-tree, _Vitex Agnus-Castus; _ Thunberg's barberry; red pepper, _Capsicum frutescens; Plumbago Capensis; _ poinsettia.
Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
Inconspicuously, she made a snowball and threw it at Tara.
There are no snowmen, snowball fights or snow for that matter in Australia.
The children were scraping the snow into snowballs and throwing them playfully.
But its global economic importance has been snowballing since China's Communist rulers decreed an experiment in capitalist economics there in 1980.
It kind of snowballed into more than what I thought it was going to snowball into.
CNN Transcript Oct 6, 2009
These Snowball said were the "pickaninnies," -- the children of the taller ones.
The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
When we started to promote the course, recruitment snowballed by word of mouth.
Snowball knew it was not: for the ex-sea-cook could have told of like experiences; and William was also satisfied of its truth, from having read the account of a similar incident, and heard that the evidences of it, -- that is, a piece of the solid wood of the ship's timbers, with the sword imbedded in it, -- were to be seen at any time in the British Museum.
The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
When I turn a corner in snowball days, the boys with bulging pockets see a head held high and a step unquickened, but I know that I cringe inwardly; and this private mortification I set down against old
The Promised Land
I nodded absently, still humming the song as I thought about the dilemma that was rather rapidly snowballing.
Tom turned the other cheek when he was hit with a snowball.
Broader dangers of the seal hunt include: accidentally clubbing one's own shin, chapped lips, having to get up early, thirstiness, and the all too common: red snowball fight.
Ryan Reynolds: The Canadian Club Scene
All this publicity has had a snowball effect on the sales of their latest album.
One day he received a "soaker" of a snowball in his left ear while hurrying to the gymnasium.
The Rover Boys on a Hunt or The Mysterious House in the Woods
My favorite is a "humdinger" - a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the bottom, chocolate snowball, topped off with extra marshmallow.
Blog updates
Of the male pigs, only Snowball and Napoleon are boars (kept for breeding) and the others are porkers.
Yes, yes, those snowballs on the floor were quite good enough, let him pick them up and uncrumple them and pin them back in their places ready for the typewriter.
In the Mist of the Mountains
Walking along the road, I was snowballed by my son.
Things will get better and bands will become motivated and eventually it will snowball into something of importance.
Worst of all may be the cumulative or snowball effects on future generations.
Meanwhile, Loki's Tricksters defeated the Anubis Crew "c" to aleph-null to advance to the semifinals of the Demonic Snowball Tournament in Hell.
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Most of these already hefty meals were ‘washed down’ with jorums of ultra-sweet beverages, notably indigenous preparations of robust viscosity like snowball, or punches made from peanut butter, barbadine, soursop and seamoss.
Hazelnut praline snowball cookie combines hazelnut praline in the dough that has a lot of ground hazelnuts.
Interest in the sport is snowballing.
Some of the younger men began to pelt one another with snowballs.
They passed the Daly coalhouse where the little Dalys were now mixing snowballs with the screams they flung at Wheateye.
The Dollmaker
When you squeeze a handful of snow, the flakes cohere to make a snowball.
Debts snowballed as card holders paid off one card with another.
Snow brought snowball fights, the building of snow forts and snowmen.
The problem is quickly snowballing out of control.
Dylan's bedroom soliloquies and I-just-bit-a-lemon frowns look like the usual diaristic fumblings of self-navigation that have snowballed lately into a culture of confessional YouTube clips -- canonical descendants of the LonelyGirl15 character who, if she appeared back in the '80s, might just have written bad poetry and shelved it in her closet.
Jeremy Axelrod: "quarterlife": Gen-Y Bloggers Shake The Cradle
Identifying problem areas well in time, allows the company to set right the situation before it snowballs into customer dissatisfaction.
The snowballs splatted on the trees
A gritting lorry's windscreen was smashed by a snowball containing a stone as it was clearing icy streets on the Bell Farm estate.
Snowball, therefore, did not trouble himself to scan the sea on either side of their course; but for all that he kept the look-out enjoined on him by the sailor, -- that is, he _kept it with his ears_!
The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
But this thing kind of snowballed much larger than I ever imagined when we started with one person.
Transcript: Joel Greenblatt
I usually e-mail back that the class has already "gelled" and there's NO way they'll be able to fit in/catch up/have a snowball's chance in hell.
"Frankly, my dears, I don't give a damn."
Sabina tried to get him to throw snowballs with her.
And it's just been sort of a snowball that each person we've called empathized with our situation, and gave us a suggestion to call, and said they would call the local chief, and they made phone calls.
CNN Transcript Sep 1, 2005
While it's common to think that the snowball is getting larger, it is also true that, for any specific instant of time, the snowball cannot be larger than its present size.
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It now appears that the snowball has already grown in size and discrimination.
In fact in between cages of sulphur-crested cockatoos like Snowball, umbrella and citron-crested, Goffin's and Moluccan cockatoos are cockatoos covered with nothing but a fuzzy white down -- like baby chicks -- due to the common nervous, addictive habit of feather plucking.
Sure You're Ready for a Dancing Cockatoo like Snowball?
Care was taken, however, this time to make fast the halliard rope with a proper "belay"; and although Snowball might have deserved a caution to be more vigilant for the future, it was not deemed necessary to administer it, as it was thought the peril out of which they had so miraculously escaped would prove to him a sufficient reminder.
The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
They also tend to snowball so that people can end up being charged more than £100 by the time they realise their account is overdrawn - and that's on top of the interest.
The government has this fear that these organizations will grow gradually until they snowball to the point where they affect the power of the government or even political stability itself.
In the hours just after the snowball incident, a police spokesman had said that an officer had been hit in the face with an iceball.
D.C. police snowball assault case dismissed
Like a snowball rolling downhill, the software-as-a-service platform is gaining in size and depth as vendors continue to add on more and more components to the core hosted application.
It just kind of snowballed as the weeks went by and suddenly the film was front page news, a ' phenomenon of society, ' " says Etienne Comar, who produced and co-scripted " Of Gods and Men " with Mr. Beauvois.
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It turned out to be a snowball thrown by someone from the street 15 feet below.
The cavity, which Snowball had "crowed" in the carcass of the whale was soon filled with oil taken from the case.
The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
Even into my early teens we'd get the occasional storm that would give us several days of snow and plenty of material for snowball fights and snowmen.
Depth hoar looks like granules of sugar: It's multifaceted, it glitters, it doesn't make good snowballs.
It pains us to see a formerly stalwart promoter of the corporate agenda side with what we at Murray Hill Inc. call the "bodied humans,", even if Schultz' idea makes a hell-bound snowball look positively indestructible.
Murray Hill Inc.: Howard Schultz and the Heartbreak of the Self-Hating Corporation
Shaking the snow from his hair, Devon immediately moved to retaliate, bombarding Max with amazingly well aimed snowballs until he took refuge behind his father.
Banks of black-eyed Susans with outdoor ferns, bowers of snowy dogwood in season and the fluffy wild pink azalea are very decorative, and so are the spring and early summer shrubs: syringa, deutzia, flowering almond and Japanese snowball.
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This creates more free electrons and the process snowballs.
At one point I fell over on open ground and all the other youngsters descended on me and threw snowballs into my face very hard from close range.
The naughty children chucked snowballs at passing cars.
Christmas has a certain magical quality for children: snowball fights, snowmen, icicles hanging from rooftops, frozen ponds and icy - slidey pavements.
From there things snowballed until a violent civil war burst into the colonies.
It only took around an hour to get to the summit of Mt Loch, which was rather disappointing, so after the obligatory snowball fight, we got serious and ventured along another trail that we found.
But, in reality neither have a snowball's chance in hell of going through.
You'd be miles better off remortgaging with your existing mortgage lender, getting an unsecured personal loan or, even better, snowballing your unsecured debts.
If we can just do that we will snowball; the boys will get confident if we can play shots over the infield without losing our wickets, it's all to do with keeping our heads.
Thirty minutes after the Limited rolled out of the terminal Detectives Johnson and Goldberg, attired as North Country backwoodsmen and lugging battered suitcases, swaggered behind Lizbet into the smoking car of a sooty, suffocating all-coach local-express entitled laughingly in the timetables The Snowball.
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
Throwing snowballs, or just handfuls of snow, they made snowmen and were hilarious about kissing them and dancing with them.
At first Snowball seemed disoriented when she looked around, but she didn't try to uncover the chick. Instead, she flew up to her nor-mal perch and stayed there.
If he can't afford a good lawyer, he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the case.
We threw snowballs, fell over, laughed, pushed each other and generally behaved like children.
Upon returning home I found out that snowball fights can be pretty tiring.
While some reactions are linear, chain reactions can spread geometrically aka snowballing, potentially causing large and unexpected impact.
Chain reaction
The children love to play in it, and they savor the memory long after the last snowball has been thrown.
It grew on them, and snowballed into a major countrywide hit.
The new dilemma began to snowball ever since insects known as junebugs, commenced to procreating and growing in size at an alarming rate.
He chuckled as the snowball hit the Bonnie's red cape with a slosh, and left a large damp spot.
Walking along the road, I was snowballed by my son.
His arthritis turned his young, smooth, round elbow joints into abnormally spiculated and roughened snowballs on the radiographs—indeed, the worst case I had ever seen.
The Last Chance Dog
Gradually , one large, snowballing finale will dominate the dance - off.
As I walked down at this place I was walled on both sides by those inaccessible high rocky barren hills wch hangs over ones head in some places and appears very terrible, and from them springs many Little Currents of water from the sides and Clefts, wch trickle down to some Lower part where it runs swiftly over the stones and shelves in the way, wch makes a pleasant Rush and murmuring noise, and Like a snowball is Encreased by Each spring trickling down on either side of those hills, and so descends into the bottoms wch are a moorish ground in wch in many places the waters stand, and so forme some of those Lakes as it did here.
Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary
Ahlers had arrived early and made more than 100 snowballs, all stacked in neat cannon-shot pyramids along the rim of the fountain.
Shades of 'Snowmageddon': Dozens turn Dupont Circle into snowball battleground
Another winter evening, many many years ago, Beth had found herself pummeled by snowballs thrown by a pack of mean kids after school.
The kids were hurling snowballs at each other the backyard.
Comets are in effect dirty snowballs, water ice coated in organic gunk.
A teaching assistant has been cleared of assaulting a teenager who bombarded his house with snowballs.
She hasn't a snowball's chance in hell of persuading her boyfriend to take her to Hawaii for a holiday.
Our driver deserves another mention here for the never-ending supply of sticky snowball cakes on our return journey to Munich airport.
The snowball is rolling down the hill, gaining strength.
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Kids like you used to sculpt it into statues they called snowmen or packed it into snowballs and threw them at one another.
Chicago Reader
'' Unfortunately, that kind of snowballed things in the fourth quarter, and that weighs heavily on me. ''
You are Al Queada's unwitting dups if you let this snowball.
White House: Obama monitoring terror situation closely
Earth may have somehow fallen into a deep-freezing state - possibly from a "runaway icing effect" - that created the so-called "snowball Earth," he said. Latest News
And -- and everything just kind of snowballed from there.
CNN Transcript Nov 21, 2009
Entering the newsroom of a winter day, high-traction broomball boots trailing bite-sized snowballs, she'd have all her needs in the wheeled conveyance behind.
They like to press wet snow hard to make snowballs.
They pelted each other with snowballs
This difference is accounted for by the younger average age of the snowball sample.
All this publicity has had a snowball effect on the sales of their latest album.
I'm not a soldier -- I don't even like getting in snowball fights -- so I can only look at this film as a movie fan.
Rabid Rewind: The Hurt Locker
The whole thing snowballed, and soon journalists stopped bothering to contact Robert before quoting him.
We swigged cheap champagne from a shared bottle and fought running snowball battles with the neighbourhood kids.
He yanked it aside, and thrust the snowball onto her white neck, above the ribboned collar of her flannel nightshirt.
Walking along the road, I was snowballed by my son.
These 'presell' prices are quite a bit lower than what Windows Vista and XP retail upgrades cost ... and, AFAIK, snowballs still melt in hell, and pigs are still bound to the ground, so I cannot imagine Microsoft actually lowering their MSRP's that much. Hot Deals
I think that this is going to have a snowballing effect in terms of shaping public opinion in the developed world.
If snowballing the target is too "mussy," a large holly wreath with a cluster of sleighbells in the center may be suspended from the ceiling with red and green streamers.
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The Economist called it the Consumer-Credit Snowball and pronounced it well and truly rolling.
Otherwise how do you account for the fact that after three hours of intensive workouts girls are prepared to have snowball fights until dark or spend hours trampolining?
That day I had worn this thick cotton quilted coat and pants that my mother had made me, and I looked like a round snowball.
Did she stop to think for a second how her decision had a snowball effect?
My car had been keyed and my kids had been verbally assaulted after accidentally hitting the neighbour's window with a snowball.
However, residents fear problems will just snowball if more property is built in the area.
The snowball of hatred that took decades to grow will not be melted overnight, even by radical changes in US foreign policy.
When hitting the ground, they combined to form a slushy snow, and after the storm passed, people raced outside and made snowballs - in 70-degree weather.
Denny managed to pack a snowball together and threw it at my chest.
When you squeeze a handful of snow, the flakes cohere to make a snowball.
The sampling of informants in ethnographic research is often a combination of convenience sampling and snowball sampling.
As soon as you appear on a few spam lists, it just snowballs.
Jack Burden, for his part, knows all too well that "the world is a great snowball rolling downhill and it never rolls uphill to unwind itself back to nothing at all and nonhappening.
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Maier's photographs to a blog , which he describes as a snowball that just started rolling and has just been building ever since.
The Guardian World News
Also, remember the humongous snowball that we started rolling at the bottom of the hill near our house?
There's a snowball fight in the street out front, and I'm very glad of my flasks of soup.
The pig leader Napoleon and his rival Snowball symbolize the dictator Stalin and the Communist leader Leon Trotsky.
It snowballed from pirates and urban stations to the mainstream shows it's getting played on now.
The cases that consumed me were breathier: A "psychedelic shop" called Bell, Book and Candle opened on Horace Harding Boulevard, just around the corner from where, a few months earlier, kids threw snowballs at Mayor John V. Lindsay in protest of the city's slow clean up after a blizzard.
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It then ‘snowballs’ as the defalcator is forced to use funds from other closings to make the payments on the loans that were not paid off previously.
Bad luck - the change of just a few atoms - snowballs into metabolic disaster.
We had a massive snowball fight .
Only last week he was in a group encouraging them to throw snowballs at the elderly.
There was Justin, all bundled up in a huge black snowsuit, throwing a snowball at Tiffany.
They were in a Missouri town and Louis, on the way to the theatre with his female companion, was snowballed by some hoodlums.
If you set a snowball off down a hill it will gather speed and momentum and that's what's happened here.
Half-finished, the windmill is suddenly destroyed, at the hands, so says Napoleon, of the traitor, Snowball.
George Orwell and the Politics of Animal Farm
Chuck a few snowballs around, maybe make a snowman, go tobogganing - all good fun.
It has all the ferocity of a gust that has been snowballing since its departure from Cullen - 20 miles away, but clearly in view across Spey Bay - along the north-east coast.
Look at this traffic! I'm afraid we haven't got a snowball's chance in hell of getting to the airport in time.
You would find, rather, that with every single step you take, the need for further steps increases in snowball-like fashion.
Contemporary Mythologies
And since we're on the second floor and our doorbell is broken, he announced his arrival by hurling a snowball at the window.
"Not much chance for survival if the Neon Bible is true."
The noises were snowballs being thrown at the bus.
And that had a snowball effect; we have gradually being getting better and better.
What begins as a private family dilemma snowballs into a very public display of social embarrassment.
The ambitious vision then was that this coalition would snowball into one single consolidated unit which would grow into greater strength.
Right now, it seems more important to me to just keep doing and building, and then worry about money later on, once the whole thing snowballs a bit more…
Tunnock's has been making its snowballs, caramel wafers and teacakes for 50 years.
If he can't afford a good lawyer, he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the case.
They increase the size of their snowballs by working with connected communities - blogging intelligently, nurturing online dialogue, collaborating intelligently.
This, in turn, would ‘snowball’ - the analogy only works in the Cedar Mountains of Lebanon - through the region, bringing democracy from Syria to Egypt and to the sheikhdoms, emirates and monarchies of the Gulf.
Kids under five should be encouraged to play at the park or engage in games of noncompetitive tag or playful snowball fights.
Being snowballed is part of being out doors during snowy weather.
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Lets see now, if the mass of the snowball is 'm,' and its velocity,
Vernon L. Smith - Autobiography
The snowball of doubt he lobbed in ‘Strong’ has now accumulated into a burgeoning avalanche of misanthropy.
And I just started it and it kind of snowballed from there.
CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2009
The "Burnet House" is the principal hotel here, and afforded me every comfort I could have expected, not the least being the satisfaction I derived from the sight of the proprietor, who, in the spotless cleanliness of his person and his "dimity," and surrounded by hosts of his travelling inmates -- myself among the number -- stood forth in bold relief, like a snowball in a coal-hole.
Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
The virtual ambassadors are currently featured in the University's Christmas e-card which involves an animated snowball fight.