
How To Use Sniveling In A Sentence

  • This snivelling little toad said with utter contempt in his voice, ‘Oh sure the French have culture.’
  • They'll scream class warfare, but in light of the charges it starts to sound like sniveling defensiveness.
  • Stop snivelling--you got yourself into this mess!
  • He's sitting in his bedroom snivelling because he was told off for not doing his homework.
  • People — and I do actually mean “people” here, not viciously stupid animals like yourself — already know that that pathetically infantile piece of snivelling ideological tripe is demonstrably false. Think Progress » Deficit Peacock Evan Bayh Hits ‘Far Left-Wing Blogs’ For Criticizing Obama’s Spending Freeze As Too ‘Austere’
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  • Perhaps that evil BushCo used some kind of mind-ray device to turn Democrats into snivelling wimps. Matthew Yglesias » Ungovernable America
  • The fact that the old man was the last, without some sniveling apprentice at his side, was reassuring. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • In this debate we will hear a lot of whingeing, whining, carping, snivelling, and grizzling from the opposition.
  • Running hard against the elite, effete (or as Bill O'Reilly concisely puts it, the "sniveling, left-wing, wine-drinking, brie-eating") media establishment -- while simultaneously chewing on pork rinds, downing shots of Crown Royal with beer chasers, and quadrennially cozying up to soccer and hockey moms and Nascar dads -- is of course a time-honored tradition among political practitioners within both the Republican and the Democratic wings of America's ruling Property Party. Rory O'Connor: Beating the Press -- Literally
  • The snivelling that accompanies rightwing stupidity is just hilarious Think Progress » Oklahoma declares anti-choice law posting details of women’s abortions online unconstitutional.
  • And whatever you do, don't resort to any whining, snivelling, or whimpering tactics.
  • Here I was, a blubbering heap, sniveling before these grand people…
  • Louise was sniveling a little, tears running down her cheeks.
  • He was sniveling, and looking like an over large baby crying on the pavement.
  • He's sitting in his bedroom snivelling because he was told off for not doing his homework.
  • No stupid ghost stories were going to reduce her to sniveling in the dark, not when she had a missing daughter to find or avenge.
  • When the audience looked at him, it saw a sniveling nincompoop.
  • The mountain is a 6,288-foot-high fortress guarded by schizophrenic weather that could turn the devil himself into a sniveling wuss.
  • I can but assume that the gutless, snivelling, bottler, the craven coward, the spineless wanker, the same spineless cunny who appointed the wanker Andy Finlay and squillions like him and who holds the office of PM hid under his desk until the nasty man had gone away. Archive 2008-06-01
  • If, on the other hand, he jacks up, he is a snivelling traitor, an America hater, a betrayer of Australian business and/or a pawn and lackey of selfish vested interest groups, a man who puts cheap populism ahead of his country.
  • Vote for who you want to, but you should never, ever again snivel like you are snivelling now. McCain team reaches out to disappointed Clinton backers
  • It makes my stomach churn every time Senate Minority Leader Frank Burns (R-Ky) shows his snivelling, chinless mug on the TV. Think Progress » Podesta Calls On McConnell To Apologize For Denigrating FBI Interrogation Of Abdulmuttalab
  • She's always snivelling about her unhappy childhood.
  • Her mother, inclined to be bossy when affluent, had by then turned into a snivelling frump, endlessly whining about `the good old days". LAST SHOT
  • Her 'Mathilda' is a snivelling, insufferable affair. A Love Episode
  • Telling lies then snivelling like a PUNK that you CANT back it up so you pretend you dont want to just shows once again how pathetic you truly are. Think Progress » Gingrich Pledges Government Shutdown If GOP Wins Back House And Senate
  • There was no way back, and it was no use sniveling about it. EVERVILLE
  • I have little further to say of Mr Knapps, except that he wore a black shalloon loose coat; on the left sleeve of which he wiped his pen, and upon the right, but too often, his ever-snivelling nose. Jacob Faithful
  • Say mummy, daddy, baby, love-you, dead, goodbye - and that's it, you've got the whole auditorium snivelling.
  • Put out a comic that pokes at the teabaggers and the snivelling is about 130 decibels Think Progress » Marvel backs down to Tea Party activists over Captain America comic depicting a right-wing protest.
  • People — and I do actually mean “people” here, not viciously stupid animals like yourself — already know that that pathetically infantile piece of snivelling ideological tripe is demonstrably false. Think Progress » Deficit Peacock Evan Bayh Hits ‘Far Left-Wing Blogs’ For Criticizing Obama’s Spending Freeze As Too ‘Austere’
  • As a depiction of Labor policy, it represents one of the more sniveling grovels in recent memory.
  • Do you know how long it takes me to patrol sniveling, weak little undermen like you trying to find a general, captain, or anyone that can take a bit of leadership?
  • So do not DARE presume to bray at me about “real science,” you snivelling, useless, infantile jacka$$ puke. Think Progress » Obama explains climate science to global warming deniers.
  • The previous day, he had made a sniveling recantation on the floor of the Senate.
  • She's always snivelling about her unhappy childhood.
  • You've never cared or had the ability to be sensitive before; stop your sniveling and go back to sleep.
  • She suddenly covered her face once more, sniveling and weeping into her hands.
  • Who wants to read your snivelling contemplations?
  • Someone has to straighten these people out before all of our kids turn into sniveling, whining, spoiled brats.
  • Originally introduced as a potential love interest for both Dan and Nate as well as a one-time Bass boink, the hippy-harpy character has devolved from a borderline interesting counterpoint to all the glamour of her surroundings to a sniveling buttinsky with nothing better to do than meddle for the sole sake of spoiling everyone's fun. Watercooler: Gossip Girl's Vanessa Needs to Go!
  • You can stay here sniveling about how much you're hurting.
  • The youngest of the three had started snivelling.
  • I've warned you. If you fail, don't come snivelling back to me.
  • Your sister/wife cant stop snivelling about how pathetic you are while she is blowing the crackheads. Think Progress » GOP Senate Candidate Marco Rubio Calls For Suspending Congress For Two Years To Fix The Economy
  • No, Joe, you sniveling toad whose pathetic job it is to lie for other liars.
  • Why does everything have to be centred around that snivelling little brat?
  • He glanced back at the pathetic shell of a man who stood in the middle of his living room, whimpering and snivelling.
  • He's sitting in his bedroom snivelling because he was told off for not doing his homework.
  • She's always snivelling about her unhappy childhood.
  • If that cover doesn't strike a chord then the first few pages of this amazing book most certainly will, and me and Andrew Marr (his Introduction that Stewart cleverly spotted is actually an Afterword) are both in snivelling uncontrollable 1950's (me 1953, he 1959) children's tears over it all, our hankies are wringing. 45 entries from March 2008
  • But don't do it because you expect to be rewarded for sniveling before His throne.
  • Got called on how he constantly whines so he accuses everyone ELSE of whining AS IF it would hide his constant snivelling. Think Progress » Fox News: Palin’s ‘Telepalmer’ Notes Were A Clever Plot To Call Attention To Obama’s Teleprompter
  • Another of the king's sniveling nobles had noticed, however, that she slipped out of his house long after candles had been snuffed and fires extinguished.
  • He's sitting in his bedroom snivelling because he was told off for not doing his homework.
  • They're the ones who are sniveling, just because someone is actually using the service that they're offering.

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