How To Use Sniper In A Sentence
During World War II, he developed a camera a hundred times more powerful than the iconoscope, which was the first night-vision camera, called the sniperscope or snooperscope, and he worked on radio-controlled missiles.
On behalf of tiny snipers, we are delighted to invite you to join an iterative process of hematoid symposia to be held at the hinges of daily life.
Dear Carl
As for communications equipment, the snipers need small, easily packable radios and a good directional antenna to allow for longer-range communications.
As estimated by the staff of the Joint Force, around two-thirds of losses were inflicted by snipers operating within such parties, who would fire from embrasures in basement walls, top-story windows and roofs.
Enemy snipers were just waiting to aim at the glow of a cigarette end.
Times, Sunday Times

I believe in honesty is the best policy, not fake sniper fire.
Schneider: More sobering news - the value gap
We heard the snipers were winning packets of cigarettes for hitting the correct number of targets.
Times, Sunday Times
The myth of the Japanese sniper is exploded by returning officers.
The other sniper was crouched behind a rusted workbench close to the main doorway.
At the same time, the CIEF man named Whitfield called out, “Sniper position is lased!”
Planes bombed the guerrilla positions yesterday in an attempt to flush out snipers from underground tunnels.
His skills saved his life when the sniper opened fire.
Times, Sunday Times
While the squad broke up to attack various positions the sniper held back to provide cover fire.
To the average western man, who has an aversion to what he considers unsportsmanlike conduct, merely the mention of the word sniper evokes an image of an evil little foreign man sneaking through the jungles of Okinawa picking off the good guys, or of a merciless Viet Cong hiding in a tree waiting for the opportunity to kill a 19-year-old GI from Des Moines or Wichita as he walks patrol at Nha Trang.
Another time, the Skink commander was fired on by a sniper. Unhurt but furious, the commander directed the Skink's guns to fire in the direction of the sniper.
As a sniper, he spent most of his time between the lines of trenches, in ‘No Man's Land ’, hunting other snipers.
Since 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion was a Special Forces–rated unit, it got all the cool jobs, and he was the go-to guy on patrol security, Agency snatch-and-grabs and various countersniper and IED problems.
Dead Zero
Almost a dozen more have been wounded by snipers who lie in ambush or fire from cars.
The Sun
We find this to be incentive enough to always zoom while firing your sniper rifle.
Locals claim the dead were civilians shot by snipers or caught in crossfire.
The light was gloomy even through the image-intensifying sniperscope he was using as a telescope.
He was hit in the neck by a bullet from a sniper.
Mr. Kelly broke his back in three places when falling through a roof while on a countersniper mission in Baghdad at the age of 22.
Helping Soldiers Cope With Trauma
The last fatal shooting attributed to the sniper took place Tuesday.
After a few moments the snipers commence their commentary via the team's radio net - ensuring all callsigns have situational awareness.
With it the sniper needed a truly extraordinary level of self-discipline, hundreds, if not thousands of hours of practice in the arts of shooting and of fieldcraft, and a high pain threshold.
That, by the way, is why the USMC uses the M40A1 (militarized Remington 700), and despite what Hollywood shows people using for long range shooting in counterterrorist units or whatever, SWAT and other mil tend to base their snipers around the Savage 10 or the Remington.
Is Your Next Deer Rifle An AR?
After boot camp, the sergeant encouraged some of us tougher boys who could shoot a little to volunteer for what he called the scout/snipers.
The identity of the sniper remains uncertain.
THERE'S something glamorous about being a sniper.
The Sun
If you fire your sniper rifle while unscoped, you will notice a significant decrease in accuracy.
In another incident he sent a scout to catch an enemy sniper.
Times, Sunday Times
I always grow concerned when news networks break out their extra spiffy graphics during War Game time: showing Navy snipers shooting faceless bad guys, troop deployments in a "theoretic" ground invasion of Somalia, etc.
Allison Kilkenny: Blowback Amnesia
The German snipers were expecting them.
His face was deadly white, a bloody bandage swathed his neck, and his rainproof was soaked with the blood of a sniper's victim.
The American people are tired of Hillarys continous attempt to confuses the issues, maybe being under sniper firer has really affected her.
Blitzer: Court ruling could have huge impact at the polls
However, you'll soon acquire a number of attachments to change the function of the gun that turn it into a sniper rifle and a grenade launcher.
A sniper hidden on a roof picked off three of the soldiers on patrol.
We are not prone to second-guess police work, but the sniper investigation seems to have been marked by confusion and worse.
After that, I slung on my sniper rifle, and my assault rifle, and loaded each of them.
It quickly emerged that lots of people knew Michael had been shot by a sniper from the Scots Guards, but no one had told the family.
'My son was shot by a British sniper, now all I want is the truth'
Like a sniper, he took his time to aim before neatly felling the animal.
Times, Sunday Times
But by many accounts, enemies tend to see countersniper gear as an infuriating and destabilizing turn of events.
Where’s the Sniper?
It appears that the sniper believed Michael was on the ground, not in a prominent position on top of a two-storey building where he would regularly rotate with his fellow observers as they scanned the ground around them.
'My son was shot by a British sniper, now all I want is the truth'
Another sharp report split the night, and the second bullet from a sniper rifle ricocheted off the pavement to my immediate right.
Many pupils struggled to get to school after buses were cancelled and huge traffic jams developed as police set up dragnets to try to catch the sniper.
I was one of the honest supporters of Sen. Hillary, before I witnessed her on the podium when start elusion the sniper and other stories knowingly she is lying on the face of American people on live TV more than couple times.
Obama, campaign both say he's not ready to declare victory
Every moment that ticks by could provide new clues to help police track down the sniper.
Almost a dozen more have been wounded by snipers who lie in ambush or fire from cars.
The Sun
Based on multi - rigid - body dynamics, firing process of a large caliber sniper rifle was analyzed.
The sniper crossbow fires bolts that set whatever they hit aflame.
No sooner would one be fired than the crew would instantly expose itself to raking sniper fire.
We were under constant fire from enemy snipers.
Players get to run around the building's maze of corridors, explore its subterranean passageways and take to its roof with a sniper rifle.
His right hand rested on his Steyr SSG'the same antisniper rifle he had shown her at the range.
Hot Pursuit
I then wondered whether, if a sniper starting shooting into the crowd, I would be able to find adequate cover from the fusillade of bullets which would be raining down upon the commuters and workers crossing the road.
We heard the snipers were winning packets of cigarettes for hitting the correct number of targets.
Times, Sunday Times
A sniper behind the bushes picked off three of our men.
We find this to be incentive enough to always zoom while firing your sniper rifle.
When all was ready, the long-range snipers, including me and my men, began firing.
His other inventions included a form of the electric eye and his infrared image tube led to the sniperscope and the snooperscope.
The sniper got him when he was halfway there.
Despite the world-shaking blasts of weaponry as the Americans try to root out the snipers, this is also a contest of wills in which the tension rises to a level that seems unbearable, and then rises again.
It is a high-wire act where the tension between the job and a home life is stretched as taut as a sniper's nerves.
Times, Sunday Times
You should nominate your best marksmen as snipers while your all-arounders act as assault gunners or sappers.
April 30th, 2008 5: 39 pm ET wel, well, well the sniper liar has done it and you people will find out what kind of a liar she really is and why don't you ask her what kind of relationship her and billyboy had with the rev. wright fred
Poll of polls: Obama losing ground
We heard the snipers were winning packets of cigarettes for hitting the correct number of targets.
Times, Sunday Times
Maybe if he didn't use a sniper rifle at someone zigzaging towards him with a shotgun he would of got me instead of a shotgun to the face.
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A renegade general who backed them is fighting for life after being shot by a sniper on Thursday.
The Sun
It was a ritual that we in Ireland became familiar with in recent years, as streets were emptied of cars, drains and manhole covers were checked and sealed, snipers were put on rooftops and in all unsealed windows.
The hostile terrain is tailor-made for snipers and ambush.
The Sun
The former Parachute Regiment sniper was not overly concerned.
Times, Sunday Times
He also developed antidazzle headlights and a sniper gunsight and ran his business into the ground.
American Connections
These included a shortened carbine, a sniper rifle, a belt-fed light machine gun, and a heavy-barreled squad automatic weapon.
People are afraid to venture out for fear of sniper attacks.
They sent him to sniper school, put a scope on his rifle, and that was the last of it.
Dust covers the entire city; the smell of diesel fumes is pervasive no matter where you go; there are ruins and debris everywhere you look; and the trees are all destroyed (either cut down for fuel or by the Soviets years earlier to thwart snipers who used them for cover).
Khaled Hosseini - An interview with author
A friend at school had his eye shot by another lad ‘over something silly’, and Pierre once had to duck bullets from a sniper outside his home.
She hadn't flinched at the sound of the sniper rifle, her full fixed upon the center.
The guns are entirely standard, and include the requisite fast-shooting automatics, a slow but powerful shotgun, and an ultraprecise sniper rifle.
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While he held his machine steady and followed the sprinting animals, the on-board sniper darted the last two heifers and the helicopter winched them back to dry land.
Sniper Shot: Do you have nerves of steel and a rock steady trigger finger to last through the grueling sniper tournament and prove your worth.
On the one hand, the authorities have feinted in the direction of creating a Syrian "perestroika," announcing reforms a new constitution, promising to free prisoners, ending travel restrictions against opposition figures, calling for a national dialogue, a multi-party system, etc., while at the same time using lethal force and mass arrests against demonstrators, and positioning snipers and thugs to exact a deadly toll.
James Zogby: What Is at Stake in Syria
Our snipers and reconnaissance Marines excelled at this task, as one would expect of trained observers.
Primitive periscopes, made from long wooden boxes with mirrors, were arranged so that an observer could look over the rim of the trench without getting hit by a sniper's bullet.
Inside the perimeter fence, camouflaged hides normally used for birdwatching have been installed to conceal the whereabouts of police snipers and bomb disposal teams.
Times, Sunday Times
Abdel-Wahed was in the yard doing his ablutions before prayers when a sniper bullet hit him.
The officer cap, for instance, has a quatrefoil because when the Marines used to be snipers up in the masts of sailing vessels they would tie ropes on top of their hats so they could be identified by the friendlies and not be shot.
All this stuff about reading the Bible, shooting ducks, drinking shote with the guys,etc. is NO different than the sniper fire.
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It began with the unremitting curfews, followed by reports of babies dying at checkpoints and snipers shooting children.
He slipped it back into the scabbard and then picked up the streamlined sniper rifle, slinging it over his shoulder by its leather strap.
Well she's made such a case for herself - Bosnia sniper fire, "hard working white people", "not a muslim as far as I know", "John McCain has passed the commander-in-chief threshhold, Obama gave a speech", Bill's claiming Obama "slimed" Hillary (and note - that was just YESTERDAY!).
Hillary Supporter Dianne Feinstein: The Race Is Over, Make Hillary Veep
It's not a matter of semantics this time, as were my arguments with people over what to call the sniper.
Snipers were picking off innocent civilians.
Animal welfare experts and a trained sniper were muddied and exhausted before they eventually tranquilized the cattle.
When they strike, it is sudden and time is on their side regardless of counterassault teams or countersniper teams.
The Kennedy Detail
The wish-list included sniper rifles, rocket launchers, RPG-7 rockets, hand-grenades and Semtex explosives.
In Detroit, where forty-three people died in race riots in 1967, the police already had five armored vehicles but were stockpiling tear gas and gas masks and were requesting antisniper rifles, carbines, shotguns, and 150,000 rounds of ammunition.
1968 the Year that Rocked the World
Even reserve guard Dell Curry, not a day over 147 years old, remains a deadeye sniper.
The Dolphin is a powerful gun, somewhat reminds me of a sniper rifle and makes cool ricochets.
One company commander said that as his squads moved through residential areas, they were fired on from inside buildings, and snipers took potshots at them from numerous hiding places.
You know you've reached a new nadir in cable news when a station invites actors who play investigators on telly to comment on the sniper's tactics.
THERE'S something glamorous about being a sniper.
The Sun
Our sniper team used it from headquarters for better commo and mobility.
Almost a dozen more have been wounded by snipers who lie in ambush or fire from cars.
The Sun
In fact, one soldier thanked Rumsfeld and presented him with an armor plate that saved his life by stopping a sniper's bullet.
I prefer to play the sniper and you can't blame me for trying to find new spots to snipe from.
He never gets to meet the informant as a sniper starts taking potshots at the building.
Take control of the Green Beret, the spy, the sniper and the sapper.
During the fighting, a Palestinian sniper shot and killed an Ecuadoran volunteer who was working in a potato field at an Israeli Kibbutz (communal farm) about 100 meters from the Gaza border.
There was a crackle of radio static before all four sniper teams responded with a simple: ‘Roger.’
Gordon and his fellow sniper, while under intense small-arms fire from the enemy, fought their way through a dense maze of shanties and shacks to reach the critically injured crew members.
Every legion was of 50 men. 25 riflemen, 10 gunners, 5 snipers and 10 explosive.
Snipers generally have poor interpersonal relations but do not stand out in the crowd.
He is more reckless when younger; when his ear is clipped by a sniper's bullet, his concern is that he doesn't bleed on his single epaulette, and later he is deafened when with his men he uses too much powder sabotaging the enemy.
Theres a need for a 7.62 bolt action, but with snipers, not markman. (the .338 weighs as much as a GPMG, bit difficult to stalk with!)
Army Rumour Service
It's the exciting true story of a Marine sniper in the Vietnam War.
The curtains are kept closed to avoid sniper fire.
Times, Sunday Times
The mob were about 100-strong with automatic weapons, sniper sights and Makarov pistols.
In fact, one soldier thanked Rumsfeld and presented him with an armor plate that saved his life by stopping a sniper's bullet.
No one stays visible for long as snipers occupy the upper floors of those buildings left standing.
The playwright's rabbity, put-upon Everyloser is a clock-tower sniper in the making; a weird, nervous, socially maladjusted little knot of nerves riddled with neuroses, delusions and obsessive-compulsions.
That makes it much smaller than Boomerang, a competing antisniper technology being developed for the military by BBN Technologies Inc. in Cambridge.
Creating an Antisniper Robot | Impact Lab
She clasped the revolver tightly and looked in the direction where the wrestle for the sniper's gun continued between Alex and the captain.
Weapons will primarily consist of pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles and projectile launchers.
The sniper crossbow fires bolts that set whatever they hit aflame.
Our sniper teams observed them manning an anti-aircraft gun.
Thousands of people were evacuated, and police snipers placed on the rooftops.
Sniper Team - This will create an anti - infantry Sniper Rifle on your MARV.
She's also used her link to the WhiteHouse as proof she is better equipped to handle our foreign policy, but she makes up fictious accounts of dashing from a plane ovesees under sniper fire.
Clinton touts commander-in-chief credentials
The snipers picked the soldiers off one by one as they ran for cover.
He had an uninformed idea on glass and his solution was improvised, as a military sniper would impro out in bad-guy land.
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Many Native soldiers were used as reconnaissance scouts and snipers and were very effective at their craft and won much acclaim for their deeds.
The nephew of Anjelica Huston — and grandson of John Huston — made a harrowingly brilliant debut on the Halloween-night episode of HBO's sprawling gangster drama as Richard Harrow, a disfigured sniper who joined forces with fellow World War I veteran Jimmy Darmody (Michael Pitt) in Chicago.
Cheers & Jeers: Boardwalk Empire's Man in the Iron Mask
That has cut off the main body of the regime army from sniper squads who are still in the centre.
Times, Sunday Times
There is also the DC area sniper to think about, but there's no evidence he's a foreigner or in cahoots with another nation.
Each one is manned by two snipers, either at the checkpoint or on the rooftops of tall buildings nearby.
Times, Sunday Times
Others have been killed by sniper fire or mines while trying to escape or to collect firewood.
Times, Sunday Times
A sniper hidden on a roof picked off three of the soldiers on patrol.
Six of those commandos - the green beret, the sniper, the diver, the sapper, the driver, and the spy - are back from the original game, but three are new.
Victims of the shelling were buried after dark in case mourners were targeted by snipers.
Times, Sunday Times
The hotel receptionist warns us to keep the curtains tightly drawn all night for fear of snipers lurking on the roofs of surrounding buildings.
Times, Sunday Times
It can also be economic - if bids are at least partly dependant on other bids, then the sniper, by sniping, is denying rivals information they would use to set their bids.
EBay, Fun, and Social Waste, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Forrest Whitaker is his usual melancholic self: the butt of several jokes made by the sniper, while Katie Holmes' role, is more of a walk-on.
Machine guns, flamethrowers, grenades, bazooka and sniper rifles have been conveniently left lying around for your use.
One combined with an officer and HMG is a tougher nut to crack for the sniper.
But his mellifluous tones were marred by a sniper.
Times, Sunday Times
The former Parachute Regiment sniper was not overly concerned.
Times, Sunday Times
SEAL snipers, who were positioned on a deck at the stern of the Bainbridge, an area known as the fantail, had the three pirates in their sights.
Abu muqawama
Six months after that, he was on patrol when another sniper opened up.
Snipers fired indiscriminately at passers-by.
Times, Sunday Times
As he fled, he saw that similar scuffles were taking place on the roofs opposite, where other outriding Alwari were overpowering his remaining snipers.
The Cat is a Metaphor
Instead, rocket launchers and shock prods, daggers and sniper rifles all take up just one slot each.
If you fire your sniper rifle while unscoped, you will notice a significant decrease in accuracy.
He maybe driving to DC today to hail his new leader, so watchout all you radar gun snipers infesting the Interstates.
"Sir, the conversation's over."
It is used as a sniper rifle, designated marksman rifle and several smaller niche areas.
A sniper's bullet tore up a wall two inches above his head.
Michelle completely ignored him and strode purposefully to the racks full of sniper rifles.
Mainly there are modern weapons in the game - weapons that were present-day in 1978: knives, pistols, shotguns, carbines, sniper rifles.
This will not be solved by snipers or by anti-tank missiles from helicopters.
They are more concerned with snipers and helicopter gunships.
Times, Sunday Times
Reward to catch the air rifle snipers.
I want you to listen to a brief moment from a documentary which I did called the anvil of God about the battle of Fallujah talking about the value of snipers.
CNN Transcript Sep 30, 2007
German snipers tried as best they could to keep the Americans pinned down within this generous killing ground.
That firefight started when snipers took some potshots at the Marines providing security around here.
A year later, Swoff is enrolled in sniper training along with his spotter, Troy, who would become his closest friend.
Like a sniper, he took his time to aim before neatly felling the animal.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite active service during the entire war he escaped unscathed apart from a nick out of his ear lobe caused by a sniper's bullet.
Others were not so scared and emerged at night to act as snipers from rooftops and darkened windows.
The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
That's like me reporting news from George Bush about Iraq or news about sniper firer from Hillary Clinton as factual.
Poll of polls: Obama losing ground
According to the Independent, a police lieutenant declared at the hotel yesterday that he had stationed snipers around the building and would kill anyone who attempted to leave.
Glenn Thoren, deputy director of the Boston University Photonics Center, wondered if an antisniper system could be mounted atop a PackBot.
Creating an Antisniper Robot | Impact Lab
So, they do rely on snipers to a really extraordinary amount.
National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger later described how the President and his party were “whisked from the airport to the Presidential Palace in a helicopter that seemed to go straight up out of range of possible sniper fire and then plummeted between the trees of [President] Thieu’s offices.
Archive 2008-03-01
She carried a bandolier of various ammunitions, a few handguns, a sniper rifle, a shotgun, and a big, fat machine gun.
Eight basic character types are available, from the infantryman common to all game maps, NCO specialists, support troopers, machine gunners, snipers and paratroopers.
Both are expert marksmen, sharpshooters, snipers of great skill and reputation.
A sniper bullet deflected off his helmet and impacted on the armor of his turret leaving him dazed but alive.
With bipod, optics and magazine, our system tips the scale at 15 3/4 pounds, not out of line when compared to other sniper rifles on the market.
The Americans placed their own snipers in buildings across the road, in the hope that a muzzle flash or a flicker of light or shadow would betray the enemy's position.
Some people think fighting with a sniper rifle is somehow entirely different than fighting with a carbine, handgun or a shotgun.
The .308 was long used as the main sniper round in the U.S. military.
Okay, I've heard nice things about all the rifles that I'm about to list.
The hostile terrain is tailor-made for snipers and ambush.
The Sun
Peg could have been blown up by an improvised explosive device, shot by snipers or killed in a contact but she survived.
Times, Sunday Times
Confederate snipers took advantage of their positions atop Willis Hill to pick off the unlucky Federal troops concentrating at the edge of Fredericksburg.
It certainly seems that mass numbers of surrenders from the existing troops, as they exist, and the end of snipers and potshots coming from the local populace will indicate an end to this.
If his squad is seen, the snipers will shoot them before they can set up for infiltration.
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Boing Boing
The Russian snipers were not prepared to hunt in the ruins and to lie in ambush for days on end.
Seh Daeng has called his group the "ronin," a Japanese word for samurai warriors who have no lord or master, and credits them with grenade attacks and sniper fire that killed six soldiers on April 10 when government forces attempted to disperse Red Shirt protesters. Top Stories
Snipers reoccupied the dilapidated hotel, a bank and the government building.
Times, Sunday Times
Obviously, the world of Robin Hood is populated with swords and arrows, and not with six-shooters and sniper rifles.
All snipers carry not only the L96 but also a 5.56 mm regulation rifle.
So whilst I may make mistakes, and I am sure I will again at some point in the future, but I'd rather read another blogger like me who shows they are human, stands up to be counted and doesn't hide behind some electronic veil rather than be a sniper from the sidelines who offers nothing other than barbs and bile.
So I made a mistake ... but it could be worse
Sniper fire and a hurried escape from the aircraft to their vehicles.
Times, Sunday Times
COOPER: We are still, of course, comfortable using the term sniper for the shooting last night because we know the shots came from the wooded area.
CNN Transcript Oct 20, 2002
I think the shootings, you know, although a lot of people talk in terms of expert sniper, that sort of thing, I think your expert last night kind of dispelled that notion.
CNN Transcript Oct 18, 2002
Inside the perimeter fence, camouflaged hides normally used for birdwatching have been installed to conceal the whereabouts of police snipers and bomb disposal teams.
Times, Sunday Times
in the leg by a sniper's bullet.
U.S. military sources tell us this morning, that indeed, over the last three months, actually, they have seen what they call a gradual increase in sniper activity.
CNN Transcript Oct 30, 2006