How To Use Snatch In A Sentence

  • I thought I might be able to get a good deal on a hotel stay if I booked at the last minute to snatch a bargain on an unbooked room.
  • Although I was already a fan of both authors, it was this curious title overlap that led me to snatch these two off the New Releases table at my local bookstore. Romi Lassally: My Literary Indiscretions
  • The long punishing jaws of a borzoi can snatch up small and not-so-small varmints both wild or domestic with lightning speed.
  • We ended our snack (better described as lunch) with a large pot of Chinese tea, overhearing snatches of conversation from a neighbouring table.
  • His name was James and he was younger than me...perhaps by a year. *cue cradle-snatching jokes* He was my friend's cousin, and I remember thinking he was gorgeous when I first met him. Archive 2010-07-01
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  • We look forward to seeing the expression of the first big-time criminal as his ill-gotten gains are snatched away from him.
  • Detectives who searched his home found a holdall, items snatched from the post office, a police scanner and his bingo membership card.
  • “You tend to your business, you infernal bodysnatcher, and let us run ours, ” ran the message, and I understood. My Dog is avenged
  • Hats bowl away, coats fly open, skirts cling, umbrellas flype themselves: and their owners, grotesquely running, grabbing, snatching, struggling, are consumed with rueful and involuntary mirth. Try Anything Twice
  • Police were today searching for a thief who snatched hundreds of pounds from a busy shop in Walton.
  • Gideon snatched the remote from the crazy Kabardian, changed the channel back to CNN. Gideon’s war
  • He heard her singing about the house, -- gay, larksome little snatches, -- and she whistled merrily as she worked in the garden. Viola Gwyn
  • He pantomimed the machine squirting and snatching at his clothes. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • They also feed visually by capturing prey from the surface of mud or water, by plunging their heads into water, and by snatching insects from the air.
  • They talk and joke and sing snatches of popular songs.
  • Police still searching for the masked robbers who snatched the national treasures.
  • The 'American Empire' of the late 20th century, which Luce more politely referred to as the 'American Century', and of which no presidents since Eisenhower and JFK ever whispered the word 'Empire' while it actually existed, was already body-snatched by the time anyone other than Chomsky and Chalmers Johnson impolitely called it by its real name. Barack Obama: Manchurian Candidate Version 2.0
  • Enamored of his prose, I snatched up a long-playing record of the author reading those two stories at an antiquarian book fair several years ago, even though I didn't own a record player.
  • Three days earlier, four men snatched a cash box from a Post Office van while a delivery was being made at Marland.
  • They snatch the ball out of the air and accelerate upfield.
  • That extra tail-weight partly explains why the Octavia feels eager to point into a corner despite its soft and very comfortable springing, making it a surprisingly enjoyable car for a keen driver, apart from the overly snatchy brakes.
  • While things are bad now, I've noticed that blue collar families that had jobs during the boom, but couldn't afford to get into one of the overprices houses are now snatching up foreclosures, fixing them up and living the dream. top stories
  • Nay, was not the "Araucana," which Spain acknowledges as its epic, written without even the aid of paper; on scraps of leather, as the stout fighter and voyager snatched any moment from that wild warfare? The Best of the World's Classics, Vol. V (of X) - Great Britain and Ireland III
  • He snatched up his jacket and the leather portfolio.
  • We caught snatches of conversation from the room next door.
  • LAS VEGAS (AP) - Authorities say a 95-year-old Las Vegas woman has died of injuries she suffered when she was attacked in a botched purse-snatching outside a supermarket. KOLO - HomePage - Headlines
  • Then snatching up some of the flowers, which ornamented the table, he swore that Juba should henceforward be called Anacreon, and that he deserved to be crowned with roses by the hand of beauty. Tales and Novels — Volume 03
  • The American came from behind to snatch victory by a mere eight seconds.
  • He quickly snatched the collar of Steven's shirt and shoved him hard against the wall.
  • Currently, the Italian-built Panthers are being finished off by BAE Systems, with the additional of a machine gun, radios and other accessories, when they will be delivered to the Army, effectively providing "battlefield limousines" for Ruperts – as officers are dismissively called – while troops are forced to patrol in dangerously vulnerable "Snatch" Land Rovers. Feeding the European fantasy
  • Man-of-the-match Hill snatched four quick wickets as the home side found themselves in disarray on 47-6.
  • Last night I caught just a snatch of it, an interview with an ancient black lady living in one of the squatter towns (informal settlements).
  • Leave it to the Democrats to once again snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. Rendell: 'Very unlikely' Clinton will win
  • Officers in Doncaster have also started Operation Arrow Two, a high-visibility street crime initiative, targeting known criminals, in particular bag and purse snatchers.
  • I snatch up a pair of Canadian goggles that look like lizard eyes and head for the cashier.
  • The double-line pull uses a snatch block (also known as a pulley block) to run the wire rope out to an anchor and then double it back to the vehicle, where the hook is attached to the frame -- not the bumper, winch, or any part of the suspension. Winching How-To: Never Get Your Truck Stuck Again
  • Suddenly he was rudely snatched up by a soldier.
  • When Kelly left the ring he put aside his celebrations to demand a re-match against Keith Knox, the man who snatched his unbeaten record.
  • A new couple whirled onto the dance floor and snatched her attention.
  • The compartments have the added protection of three to four cross-bars running through all the bogies - to prevent robbery, snatching or the entry of miscreants through the window.
  • Just than a passing youth snatched the woman's handbag and sprinted off, throwing it to another boy on a bike.
  • McEvoy equalled the course record and snatched the halfway lead, before tailing off.
  • It is easy to see -- and indeed to admire -- why Africans, snatched from their homeland, enchained in slavery and forced to become Christians, would take their newly imposed religion and turn it into a source of solace and strength. Clay Farris Naff: White Or Black, The Church Has Failed African Americans
  • Without further ado, the man reached down and snatched the letter from her trouser pocket.
  • Since 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion was a Special Forces–rated unit, it got all the cool jobs, and he was the go-to guy on patrol security, Agency snatch-and-grabs and various countersniper and IED problems. Dead Zero
  • High-pitched laughter and low chuckles combined with the rise and fall of conversations caught in snatches.
  • He snatched the book, hiked up his black robes, and ran.
  • An experienced muttonbirder can locate, snatch, and bag the occupant of a burrow every 5–6 minutes and might net a cool thirty thousand dollars in thirty days of hunting.
  • Burly runs at Crow, knife and arm raised, Crow easily side-steps the attack and snatches Burly's wrist twisting it around behind the wide man in a most unnatural position.
  • Earlier this week we reported four violent robberies involving elderly women when thieves tried to snatch handbags.
  • When he saw the mess the pig had made, he dropped the pail and snatched his bulbous bagwig from his head, dashing it to the boards and cursing.
  • A guard was hit with a metal bar as a bungling robber snatched an empty cash box.
  • Colleagues say that he has been relying on snatches of food and drink from the hospitality rooms of television studios.
  • Such brief moments of happiness snatched from unpromising circumstances are generally the most that Loach's characters can hope for.
  • Each splutter sprayed scarlet beads over her ghost-white frame, and over Raven when Nelly snatched at her shoulders in an attempt to steady herself.
  • One big gobbler snatched a tomato from me one day and ran away with it.
  • Police will launch a six-month crackdown on street crime on Monday to cut muggings and phone and bag snatches in Kingston.
  •     Snatches a thousand kisses, in amorous extasy biting. Poems and Fragments
  • I hemmed and hawed, but the artwork was so charming — and so obviously professional — that I decided to snatch it up (at a discount, no less). 2009 July :
  • With a squeal of excitement, she dove into her calfskin tote and snatched out her cell, her face lighting up happily.
  • I leaned down from my saddle and snatched a shield from a corpse wearing red.
  • Dillyn tried to ignore the strange looks and wondered if it would be too rude to snatch the paper back and tell Gertrude to go to hell.
  • Yes, zany classicalism was our keynote this time; also snatched up like precious gems was Ralph Ellis' K2: Quest of the Gods y'see, Alexander the Great was looking for the Pyramid Treasure in the Himalayas and Felice Vinci's The Baltic Origins of Homer's Epic Tales, which title strikes me rather as a subtitle in search of a lurid phrase, but has the virtue of clarity. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • I was desperate to find a way out of teaching so when this job came along I snatched at it.
  • Independent monitors have asked the election commission to annul the results in districts where armed gangs shot at voters, snatched and burned ballots, and blocked access to the polls with vehicles and felled trees.
  • She managed to snatch the gun from his hand.
  • The Daily Express headline ‘Scandal of the bodysnatchers’ was inappropriate because there were no bodysnatchers.
  • A MEMBER of a burglary gang which snatched loot worth £1,500 from a York house has been jailed for 14 months.
  • So this could include two brothers fighting or a brother-in-law snatching his sister-in-law's purse.
  • But as she reached for her bag, he snatched it from the passenger seat and ran off.
  • How does a dog navigate to snatch a Frisbee out of the air?
  • An 11-year-old California girl snatched from the street in front of her house in 1991 had two children with the man accused of taking her and was forced along with the children to live in backyard sheds, police said Thursday. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: August 28, 2009
  • Druid looks at the folder and quickly snatches it back.
  • Richard was identified by a woman as the black who snatched her bag late one evening.
  • Sheep templates were snatched up and youngsters have been far from sheepish in letting their imaginations run riot.
  • Gordon snatched up his jacket and left the room.
  • Nor can it be a respect for fair quotation, which a little familiarity with that unattributed snatch from ‘a Pentagon planner’ makes abundantly clear.
  • Binocular three-dimensional vision is an important branch of machine vision technology. It can solve the problem like as robot navigation, vision detecting and industry robot arm snatching.
  • On to lighter things, here is a story of me and the purse snatcher at Town Hall Station.
  • She snatched the paper back with a reserved expression.
  • Then one of the techs is singing random snatches of songs all day, which sounds really endearing, but it's kind of distracting if you're not used to it.
  • Less than 90 minutes later, thieves smashed a window at Colchester Optical Centre in Red Lion Yard and snatched designer glasses from a display.
  • When rolling down the hill, he snatched at a rock.
  • The Scots lost their first two throws and the last one too, which gave England one last chance to snatch victory.
  • Moss attacks vertically, using his speed to streak downfield and his size and leaping ability to snatch passes away from defenders.
  • Even the poorest families haunt their neighbors' houses to catch snatches of government newscasts.
  • Seems like magazines like Field and Stream could have an article explaining that rumors ammunition is going to be all snatched up by the Feds is just stupid urban legend. Disapearing ammo
  • My clever wee dog was for dashing off, the same as when he's smelt a rabbit, so we caught up our plaids and came away after him, only stopping to snatch a brand from the hearth and smoor the fire. Drums of Autumn
  • Neither is seen as standing any chance of snatching the leadership from him.
  • But he was thwarted after a female worker reached forward and closed the till before he could snatch any cash.
  • Bernie Mac is Stan Ross, a Milwaukee Brewer who hits his 3,000th hit during a pennant race and instantly retires after snatching the souvenir ball away from the kid who catches it.
  • After following the auction for a week and not bidding, Beals, an Easton resident, snatched the piece of Plymouth syenite with just four seconds remaining, beating out bidders who had sought the famed rock since it was first offered on the Internet auction site a week ago. Archive 2005-11-01
  • Stutely must needs snatch a kiss from the stout hostess, and got a canakin of ale emptied over his head for his pains. The Adventures of Robin Hood
  • Officers are not connecting the two attempted snatches, but are urgently appealing for witnesses to both incidents.
  • She snatched her housecoat off the hook on the back of her door and hastily slipped it on.
  • Ryan, thinking quickly, snatched the crossbow along with a coil of thin cord attached to the side of the saddlebag.
  • Eventually he snatches the trailer from the sea, carefully timed with the trough of the wave.
  • Snatching the eternal out of the desperately fleeting is the great magic trick of human existence.
  • The fruits that Ezzine wanted were on the other side of the table, and people were quickly snatching them up.
  • Mom lectured as she snatched Jason's drink and began slurping it up.
  • Turn in is immediate and roll free, although braking while approaching a corner can be a bit snatchy.
  • Supermarket manager Chris Baker gave chase after a thief snatched a bundle of notes from one of his tills on Tuesday afternoon.
  • ‘Give me that,’ Corie said to Mrs Mood, snatching the paper away from the old prune.
  • Before our very eyes, the bird snatched the fish from the plate and flew off.
  • Both sides had chances to snatch victory in the 2nd half.
  • To our great relief, due to the joint efforts of six doctors who stayed with them in the intensive care unit for a couple of hours, they were ultimately snatched from the jaws of death.
  • Perhaps you'll be able to snatch a couple of hours' sleep before dinner.
  • Afghanistan will be given 200 new patrol vehicles to replace the much-criticised Snatch Land Rovers, it was revealed David Tyacke was the last officer on the staff of the Chindit HQ at Sylhet in - Articles related to New Zealand not to sign trade pact if US shuts out dairy
  • We traipsed down to Pike Place Market just before closing and snatched up a bell pepper, red and gold tomatoes, a cucumber, two yams, and three sausages from Uli's: spinach bratwurst, hot Italian, and lamb.
  • The Misbelievers at this cry awoke in affright and snatching up their arms, fell one upon other till the morning, when most part of them were dead bodies and but few remained. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Suddenly, one of the glaucous gulls — a huge white-and-gray predatory bird — snatched a young murre from a ledge, swallowing it whole. Where Birds Rule the Earth
  • Heavy slabs had been laid atop the ground over their coffins to discourage body snatchers.
  • He was, moreover, renowned for the speed with which he could dash off an article in a railway compartment, a cricket pavilion, or in whatever place he could snatch a few minutes.
  • The owner made a dive for the rejected clothing and began to snatch it this way and that.
  • He strained every nerve to snatch victory from defeat.
  • Roi snatched the tether from the old man’s hand and dragged the reluctant creature into the alley. 365 tomorrows » Patricia Stewart : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • In summer there was an interval of half an hour between the lecture and the sermon, "when," says Mr. William Cairns, "there was opportunity for a delightful breathing-time, and the youths who were swift of foot could just reach the bottom of a hill whereon were plenteous blaeberries, and snatch a fearful joy if one could swallow without leaving the tell-tale marks on the lips and tongue. Principal Cairns
  • The man smiled to himself and began to sing a snatch of a song.
  • Then they allowed their opponents back into the game to snatch victory with two late goals.
  • Champion jockey Kieren Fallon continues his excellent week with yet another winner, just getting up on Happy Crusader to snatch a last-gasp victory in the nursery race.
  • What looked like a sure win in my first game at Yankee stadium now looked like defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. Go Yankees!
  • At any rate René, over his busy work in the lantern, whistled and hummed snatches of song with unwonted blithesomeness, and, after lighting the steady watch-light and securing all his paraphernalia with extra care, dallied some time longer than usual on the outer platform, striving to snatch through the driven wraith a glance of the distant lights of Pulwick. The Light of Scarthey
  • He witnessed the need for a short snatch of peace midweek in what are now very pressurised lifestyles.
  • The term Passover refers to the Jewish homes that were "passed over" by God's angel of death, sent to snatch the Egyptians' firstborn as punishment for the pharaoh's refusal to free the Jewish slaves. The Seattle Times
  • Ivan snatches up his gun, and shouts, Alvin! and Alvin opens the window and blam! The Trouble With May Amelia
  • He flung himself at her and snatched the bag.
  • As, for proof, now: a purse of gold most resolutely snatched on Monday night and most dissolutely spent on Tuesday morning; got with swearing “Lay by” and spent with crying “Bring in;” now in as low an ebb as the foot of the ladder and by and by in as high a flow as the ridge of the gallows. The first part of King Henry the Fourth
  • The two men sat on the front steps at "Elm Bluff", and as Prince's eyes wandered over the exceeding beauty of the "great greenery" of velvet lawn, the stately, venerable growth of forest trees, wearing the adolescent mask of tender young foliage, the outlying fields flanking the park, the sunny acres now awave with crinkling mantles of grain, he sighed very heavily at the realization of all that adverse fortune had snatched away. At the Mercy of Tiberius
  • The river thundered below like a chorus of goblin voices, clamoring to snatch me away and bury me beneath the tumult of ice and rock, where no one would ever find me.
  • But the full back snatched at the opportunity and ballooned the ball well over the top.
  • I snatched a washrag from the towel rack so hard I snapped myself.
  • Miller was trying to help his career and, to coin a phrase, snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
  • For Rebus it is another opportunity to dwell, as he does often, on the bodysnatchers Burke and Hare.
  • Raelynn quickly snatched the phone out of my hand, trying to force herself not to smile.
  • He could hear snatches of conversation from across the room.
  • But the full back snatched at the opportunity and ballooned the ball well over the top.
  • For six weeks, include higher-rep snatches, cleans and squats in your weight training.
  • One television cameraman reportedly walked up a dry river-bed to snatch images of Harry mustering cattle.
  • She sensed someone moving very quickly after her before she was hit from behind and had her bag snatched.
  • A quick snatch and grab and they were off, across the lawns to the West from which they had come.
  • The raiders snatched $100 from the cash register.
  • 'Twas I that saved her and snatched her from beneath thy sword at the bidding of her father Zeus; for she his child must put on immortality, and take her place with Castor and Polydeuces in the bosom of the sky, a saviour to mariners. Orestes
  • The fuel injection, despite some hunting at low revs, is smooth and predictable, with no drivetrain snatch.
  • When Severin found he could get no more intoxicating beverage, he in his demoniacal rage, conceived the idea of despatching his whole family, and set about his purpose by first snatching the young babe and casting it into the fire! Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman Embracing a Correspondence of Several Years, While President of Wilberforce Colony, London, Canada West
  • Kiss Chase Kate, they sold her pints on the promise of a peek, a snatch, a snapshot carved into a keyhole, a freezeframe of the zoetrope, and though she thought she'd left that all behind, behind the bikeshed, she obliged; Day 13: Bikesheds
  • I've seen many students spend too much time partying and flunk out, but I've also seen many of them sacrifice a lot of fun times and a lot of personal growth for a snatching grab at the dean's list.
  • Jessie snatched at the bag but I pulled it away.
  • It's like Dr. Bennel saying, "I didn't know the meaning of fear until I kissed Becky," in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, or Christoff saying, "Cue the sun," in The Truman Show. A Writer's Review
  • We were concerned that overnight our belongings might be snatched from the car. A driving tour from Oaxaca to San Cristobal de las Casas and Palenque: Part Two
  • I snatched six hours of restless, fitful sleep before having to get back into the office.
  • Young (a local schoolteacher who was recently named the Poet Laureate of Alexandria) that treat each letter of the alphabet to playful and urbane snatches of verse (reminiscent of Ogden Nash at his airiest), and video projections designed by Wendall K. Harrington. In performance: 21st Century Consort
  • But their elation turned to dejection as their opponents snatched victory from them in a nail-biting penalty shoot-out.
  • The travelogue prefigures his style - limpid narrative, minute detailing, wide-ranging, seamlessly fitting intertextual references, snatches of reverie, bursts of humour.
  • The stunning victory has shot Yorkshire up into third place and given them an outside chance of snatching the title but it left Lancashire firmly nailed to the bottom of the table with relegation now looking unavoidable.
  • She rushed to the living room and snatched up the cordless.
  • He then snatched the fallen warrior's arms and robes under which he had concealed a scrip full of gold fastened to his loins.
  • Sometimes, he could pick up snatches of telepathic conversations between these strangers, but none of them had ever transmitted anything to him and he wondered if they were aware that a thirteen-year-old boy had sensed their presence.
  • Victim Support gives practical help and emotional support to victims of crime, from handbag snatches to burglaries, rape and killings.
  • And then a hand almost snatches it: a vapory hand with broken pink fingernails and cracked, burned skin. The Other Side of Dark
  • Nat "scooted," stopping to snatch up his hat as he ran. Keziah Coffin
  • SNOW: General Clark, I was reading about what they call snatch and grab teams that are apparently in that area in Tora Bora now. CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2001
  • The thief made a snatch at the woman's purse.
  • These are the privileged individualists who have already snatched their slice of the American dream.
  • The accelerator response can be snatchy, there is engine surge in traffic and occasionally the transmission clonks.
  • Joyce plays with the idea of musical sounds, with peals of girlish giggles, snatches of songs, ringing of bells and tapping of canes creating a symphony of noise.
  • This was a bride snatching, so that one man could marry and deflower a girl on her wedding day mainly to anger a rival.
  • That kind of handphone can use to hit bag snatcher now. Archive 2009-09-01
  • The carnival regularly attracts armies of purse snatchers and pickpockets who find easy prey among the revellers.
  • It should have proved a warning shot to the City defence but it obviously went unheeded as within minutes Kidderminster had snatched the lead.
  • In the most hurtful insult, the antique bureau bought by his late wife was taken, along with the personal letters it contained, and his daughter's wedding dress and presents were snatched, too.
  • And yet, since this strange, sweet, subduing influence did not, should not, conquer her, —since it was to remain simply her own suffering, —her mind was meeting Stephen’s in that thought of his, that they might still snatch moments of mute confession before the parting came. XIII. Borne Along by the Tide. Book VI—The Great Temptation
  • The old tile-roofed village in the old green countryside, the Hwang Ho mightily flowing, a bell at twilight, lifeways and a reverence for them that had changed their outward guise only a little as the millennia swept past; science and machines could ensorcel a girl, she could snatch at a scholarship and lose herself in the marvels of city and university and a certain young man, but always, always she would yearn back. Starfarers
  • Tony Ellis came closest to breaking the deadlock but directed his header wide leaving Emmerson to snatch a priceless win.
  • Now, I associated that look with those who had something precious and unreturnable snatched from their lives. Stacy Parker Le Melle: What Jamal Saw: Finding the Disaster Aftermath in the Face of a Child
  • Managed to snatch a quick pint with Kev yesterday tea-time. That's the first trip to a pub we've had for 4 weeks!
  • Never your intention to harm them, you hum immaterial music, half-recalled snatches underneath your breath.
  • “Where a title attracted my eye, without fear or awe I snatched the volume from the shelf; and Mrs. Porten, who indulged herself in moral and religious speculations, was more prone to encourage. than to check a curiosity above the strength of a boy.” The Death of the Moth, and other essays
  • The album itself is dominated by light jazzy grooves, but is often rudely interrupted by snatches of TV, radio, and roughly sampled sounds.
  • Maddock's horse balked and reared as a mercenary snatched at its reins.
  • The Omdeh, or headman, of the village of Chaghb, not far from Luxor, submitted an official complaint to the police a short time ago against an _afrit_ or devil which was doing much mischief to him and his neighbours, snatching up oil-lamps and pouring the oil over the terrified villagers, throwing stones at passers-by, and so forth. The Treasury of Ancient Egypt Miscellaneous Chapters on Ancient Egyptian History and Archaeology
  • He snatched up the receiver and his free hand groped for the switch on the bedside lamp.
  • What they need is a character even more Mary Suey than Rand who can just snatch the balefire out of the air and eat it or something. I Can Haz Better Stories Pls?
  • The evening might best be described as a surreal musical revue with spoken-word interludes and snatches of drama.
  • Neither is seen as standing any chance of snatching the leadership from him.
  • He said the current system made it difficult for any coach to groom players as they could be snatched by those with too much money.
  • And, snatching the nosegay from the basket, he flung the flowers as far into the air as he could, exclaiming, Parables From Nature
  • Giants, dwarfs and Erda are only hinted at in snatches of musical motif.
  • He snatched the lifting tackle free of the bitt to which it was tied; for a moment Sharina thought he was going to cut through the line instead of taking the few extra seconds to unlash it. Lord of the Isles
  • I swear to you here, by the good and frolic words which are to issue out of that wine-bottle which is a-cooling below in the copper vessel full of fountain water, that the noble Pantagruel never snatched any man by the throat, unless it was such a one as was altogether careless and neglective of those obviating remedies which were preventive of the thirst to come. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • What exasperated driver hasn't wanted to scream at the person in the passenger seat and snatch the map in a fit of pique?
  • Leighlin then withstood some strong pressure from Naomh Eoin, who with Robert Foley prominent, threatened to snatch a winning goal.
  • The thin wind snatched at her skirt.
  • I first heard of Rubberoom through a 12’ that they released back in 1995 called “Body Snatch’n” which is now available for download on 12 Inchers and later in 1999 after their indie label Indus Recordings got signed by short lived 3-2-1/Zero Hour Records and Architechnolgy was released to the public. 4 Slept On Hip Hop Albums
  • Heriot's produced the stronger finish and Syme was held up over the line before Monro had a chance to snatch the narrow defeat bonus point from the visitors with a penalty from in front of the posts.
  • The famous bodysnatchers Burke and Hare were never charged with violation of sepulchre because they eventually resorted to murder as a way of finding bodies to sell.
  • Police are hunting a masked robber who snatched £15 000 from a post office.
  • He snatched up the receiver and his free hand groped for the switch on the bedside lamp.
  • In a courtroom, a purse-snatcher is on trial and the victim is stating what happened.
  • She snatched up her shirt and boombox, rubbing the back of her hand over her forehead, catching the sweat drops before they fell.
  • They climb over each other, snatching spaghetti, Irish stew and bully beef from the air and each other.

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