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How To Use Snappy In A Sentence

  • As they are picked off one by one, the pace remains snappy and the viewing experience is over before you know it. The Sun
  • Fans will revel in the snappy one-liners, the latex effects, the swearing and what sci-figeeks everywhere will be calling 'intertextuality'. Times, Sunday Times
  • This talented five-piece pours a sweet and sultry mix of original torch melodies with a twist of crisp and snappy swing sounds.
  • With 320 students in snappy blue and white uniforms playing shiny trumpets, trombones and tubas as they march in briskly changing formations, the band's numbers are full of razzmatazz.
  • But do people go to a Step Up film for ingenious plot twists and snappy dialogue? The Sun
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  • snappy weather
  • Ignoring her acid tone, he mumbled, ‘You're very snappy this afternoon.’
  • He has in his grasp the ability to reduce anyone to tears, through a snappy headline or lurid story.
  • That day, however, he didn't counter with some snappy nickname of his own.
  • Choose asparagus spears that feel firm and snappy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite his supposedly anti-bourgeois leftist causes, he's a snappy dresser with a taste for cigars, luxury hotels, women and phallic firearms. Carlos director Olivier Assayas on the terrorist who became a pop culture icon
  • Dialogue is snappy and modern and peppered with expletives.
  • The robot blinked once, accessing its database of snappy comebacks before selecting an answer.
  • When a young McCann-Erickson copywriter came up with L'Oréal's famous slogan in 1971, advertising was characterized by snappy catchphrases on billboards and 30-second spots. L'Oréal Slogan Must Prove Worth Anew
  • Sadly, you will be in the sort of snappy crocodile that the ancients did not worship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bad drivers make me snappy. The Sun
  • The magazine will be launched in September with a snappy new design.
  • The one-liners are snappy, the situations volatile and the comic opportunities richly rewarded.
  • He'd read twice through every book in the house, and he'd become irritable and snappy.
  • snappy conversation
  • The writing is often superior to most one-hour dramas. the extremely snappy and witty dialogue can elevate even the most cliché sit-com moments into pomo gems.
  • However, the actors and direction are very impressive, and there's some snappy, witty dialogue.
  • Sadly, you will be in the sort of snappy crocodile that the ancients did not worship. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was an alcove at the far side of the circle where a hallman in a pretty snappy uniform of his own sat behind a desk. MURDER IN E MINOR
  • The very happy and obliging young service ladies were resplendent in snappy white shorts and tops.
  • Learning Resources previews a new video every week; snappy titles such as ‘Radiating Possibility.’
  • His buoyant, spicy soprano sax is front and centre, burbling among the snappy rhythms and lush textures of the vibrantly produced tracks.
  • Better make it snappy though... these beauties will be sold out in no time.. The Sun
  • Apart from the signature sausages of Serbian meats -- the unencased cylinders of minced beef known as cevapcici (in both pork and lamb mixes) -- there's a large selection of animal proteins such as pljeskavica, the substantial cevap in burger form; various chicken parts including bacon-wrapped breast and bacon-wrapped livers; snappy paprika-spiked sausages; and pork schnitzel, all culminating in the house specialty, the leskobacki opanak, sort of a Balkan Bacon Explosion, a 500-gram bacon-wrapped cevap with a core of ham and Swiss. Chicago Reader
  • Snappy dialogue, a rollicking storyline of love and piracy, and excellent supporting turns by Harlow, Beery, and Lewis Stone keep the bumptious "China Seas" afloat for the whole voyage. John Farr: Clark Gable: King of Hollywood
  • Location, kitchen skills and a snappy wine list make this a truly memorable place to eat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The absurdest humor and snappy dialog really give this story a voice all its own. Rabid Reads "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams
  • Jeffrey was tempted to be snappy, but he knew that anger and irritability only rose from fear, weakness, or fear of weakness, so he held his tongue.
  • Ever had someone toss an insult your way and found yourself wanting a snappy comeback but unable to think one up quick enough?
  • He says he can be in a snappy, irritable mood for months at a time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Briggs would be half-way through his window dressing, and Gosling, the apprentice, busy, with a chair turned down over the counter and his ears very red, trying to roll a piece of huckaback — only those who have rolled pieces of huckaback know quite how detestable huckaback is to roll — and the shop would be dusty and, perhaps, the governor about and snappy. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • So go on, make it snappy and enter right now. The Sun
  • He was looking snappy in his cool button-up shirt that he didn't button-up all the way, his trendy denims, and his new white shoes.
  • Not only is she a brilliant writer, a snappy dresser, and a damn fine friend, she's also so right.
  • The harpsichord's jack-and-plectrum action plucks the strings instead of striking them, creating a sharp, bright tone and a "snappy" keyboard feel.
  • They're looking for a snappy slogan to communicate the campaign's message.
  • Top tips: try to make the characters believable and the plot snappy. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can't beat lightweight wheels for snappy acceleration and climbing power.
  • The latest addition to Glasgow's burgeoning noodle bar scene, Soba is without peer when it comes to slick decor and extremely snappy service.
  • Working against deadlines or on set is stressful and it can make you snappy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was irritable, snappy and beyond bored. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has already made a name for herself as a snappy dresser.
  • It should have clear headings, concise paragraphs and snappy sentences.
  • I like the snappy nature of the front page headlines, it's wicked. The Sun
  • Around the same time that Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers were swinging their way into America's hearts with a snappy new American approach to movie musical comedy, another musical movie couple, Jeannette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy, made a huge success bringing to the screen and enlivening a dying European tradition of sentimental musical romance we call operetta. NPR Topics: News
  • Will the dialogue still sound as snappy? Times, Sunday Times
  • And the dialogue (almost all of it right off the page) is peppermint-stick snappy.
  • He's lost a bit of weight and, clutching a bottle of water in his snappy designer sportswear, might almost be at the gym.
  • It was all about a snappy, slick, uncluttered lifestyle.
  • Snappy, sassy, citrusy, and gingery, it's an enchanting white wine, sensational with seafood.
  • It was February with cobalt skies, snappy air, and a fresh blanket of snow.
  • He's lost a bit of weight (Skinner ‘always porks out’ towards the end of making an album, apparently) and, clutching a bottle of water in his snappy designer sportswear, might almost be at the gym.
  • Actors interrupt conversations with sudden turns of the head towards us and snappy mini-soliloquies. Times, Sunday Times
  • J.-hungry media with snappy sound bites and an attention-grabbing stance on domestic abuse.
  • Guest A Green Bean Sha and a snappy orange drink for this lady and me.
  • Other curios include Thomas Jefferson's great enthusiasm for sea kale; the decision of the 17th-century diarist John Evelyn to introduce endive to England after a spell abroad in exile; and the affection of West Virginians for the flowering ramson, a snappy-tasting plant that they celebrate each spring. Anglo-Saxon On the Menu
  • The magazine will be launched in September with a snappy new design.
  • I like the snappy nature of the front page headlines, it's wicked. The Sun
  • To walk along any street in central Scotland is to appreciate what snappy dressers they are in downtown Tirana.
  • a snappy pace
  • If she comes out of there," he said, "hard and snappy, putting us to windward of the boats, it's likely there'll be empty bunks in steerage and fo'c'sle. Chapter 17
  • However, the actors and direction are very impressive, and there's some snappy, witty dialogue.
  • It is much better than the sometimes tepid and unfunny offerings in this slot, with snappy, acerbic dialogue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stinky raclette melted over boiled baby potatoes with some snappy sour cornichon is heaven. Tigers & Strawberries » The Power of Plastik Cheez
  • Snappy dresser, too, Kelly saw, recording his face and build, gestures and mannerisms, as he ate through his calamari. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • With 320 students in snappy blue and white uniforms playing shiny trumpets, trombones and tubas as they march in briskly changing formations, the band's numbers are full of razzmatazz.
  • Many of those pressing forward to get a good look sported those snappy straw boaters.
  • Now, I find myself being snappy and irritable with him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The session was sharp and snappy, concentrating on the primacy of first touch and quick striking.
  • Her snappy asides, unconstrained mix of observational humour and rants on life's irritations make for lucid, compulsive viewing.
  • With limón, sal and Chapulines as perhaps a little side botana, sounds snappy to me, and maybe a way to down the ignitable fire of Tequila and Mescal. Chapitas..........I Think?
  • Traditionally, viral ads were snappy, entertaining clips that carried a brand logo or web address.
  • Her snappy asides, unconstrained mix of observational humour and rants on life's irritations make for lucid, compulsive viewing.
  • “If she comes out of there,” he said, “hard and snappy, putting us to windward of the boats, it’s likely there’ll be empty bunks in steerage and fo’c’sle.” Chapter 17
  • They shift in snappy fashion in automatic mode, and they have manual modes that let the driver work the gears with panache unlikely using a clutch pedal. Test Drive review: Ford's new Fiesta has Honda Fit beat
  • Some may remember Niagara, the '80s French pop duo who often pastiched the glory days of Gainsbourg - cool tunes, snappy vids and serious retro chic.
  • IN A BUSINESS THAT FEEDS ON SNAPPY new slogans, the idea couldn't be moldier. Trying To Have It Their Way
  • Tall of body, long of leg, blonde of hair, heavy of spangles, she stepped right out with a megawatt grin and a snappy prance.
  • The show has perfected the formula of well-chosen guest stars (Daily Show vets Rob Corddry and John Oliver, alt-comedy god Patton Oswalt, and, yes, Betty White, who's better in small doses like this week's cameo); snappy, pop-reference-rich dialogue; physical shtick from the masterful likes of Chevy Chase and Ken Jeong; and unexpected moments of M*A*S*H/Scrubs-esque sincerity. Cheers & Jeers: Community Makes the Grade
  • After seeing a number of slovenly men transformed by snappy suits, I wonder how I'll clean up.
  • Sadly, you will be in the sort of snappy crocodile that the ancients did not worship. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, he's a snappy dresser, with a penchant for Paul Smith suits and shirts, so his slippers would probably be hand-embroidered velvet.
  • Barkwell's voice leaped; he spoke in short, snappy, metallic sentences that betrayed passion long restrained, breaking his self-control. 'Firebrand' Trevison
  • In fact he seems almost reborn, steered from meeting to meeting by a snappy Pakistani woman with a pen. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what surprised me was how snappy the dialog is and how the film hangs together well because of it. MOVIEW REVIEW: Iron Man
  • He was assiduously seconded by Mr. Henry Crayon, thin-faced and alert as ever, speaking in short, snappy sentences, from which all useless adjectives were elided. The Candidate A Political Romance
  • Quick-thinking interplay and a snappy first-time shot from Nick Davies off his back foot halved the gap.
  • I'm terrible at fashioning snappy comebacks to surreal arguments, but I do pride myself on re-engineering odd bureaucratic strange-loops.
  • I'm not someone who's endlessly patient and wonderful - in fact I'm quite snappy and irritable - and I don't know if I'd like to make myself worse in that respect.
  • It was a brusque apology, short and almost snappy, but it was genuine.
  • Well we should all realize that the "war on drugs" is simply a snappy marketing phrase dreamt up by the public relations apparatus in much the same way as the "war on terror". Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • She was wearing a snappy little red number.
  • She has already made a name for herself as a snappy dresser.
  • My own son Jonny, now 7, is a snappy dresser, an avid film buff, and a splendid host.
  • Interruptions make her snappy and nervous.
  • This talented five-piece pours a sweet and sultry mix of original torch melodies with a twist of crisp and snappy swing sounds.
  • Tall of body, long of leg, blonde of hair, heavy of spangles, she stepped right out with a megawatt grin and a snappy prance.
  • Close friends insist that the idea that Elspeth has ‘groomed’ her husband is way off the mark - he was, they point out, already a snappy dresser before he met his wife.
  • She's a very snappy dresser , ie She dresses very smartly and trendily.
  • As president, Jefferson dressed down, but he did fit out the servants in snappy livery of blue and red cloth with silver trimmings.
  • Armed with this research, the high priestesses of style lay down strict guidelines before embarking on the celebrated shopping trip as the journey from fashion disaster to snappy dresser begins.
  • The chat service works well and is really snappy in relay time, at least in our own browser-to-browser tests. Opera Unite Puts A Media Server In Your Browser | Lifehacker Australia
  • I'm suddenly nervous and snappy with Dan, who is driving the support van.
  • The first three issues reveal a handsome kid - strong, quick on the draw, and a snappy dresser.
  • It is a fast, snappy, moving show with short scenes and little time for scene changes during the blackouts.
  • Location, kitchen skills and a snappy wine list make this a truly memorable place to eat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still, he deftly accessorizes the dish with flying fish roe turned chartreuse with wasabi and a clever fried wonton basket bearing snappy daikon radish and pea shoots.
  • Fashion editors love her snappy, colorful designs.
  • Sure, it's got snappy puns and dialogue but sheesh!
  • This three piece deliver short snappy punky chunks of energetic rock.
  • A sound outline and snappy illustrations don't make that happen. Christianity Today
  • For the most part though, Gilman covers all her bases, writing in snappy, clever prose that keeps the pages turning.
  • Granted, the right has been right snappy with their jingoes. Talking Right: A Guide to Neo-Con Doubletalk in Double Time
  • Each film gets a snappy two-line summary.
  • This has a significant impact on the brain and can make you more snappy and more likely to blow your top. The Sun
  • After his return from Europe, Sam gets hired as a floorwalker in a New Orleans department store, a job he loves as much for its "light duty" overseeing the staff and helping customers as for its uniform of "snappy" suits. An Adventure Tale Haunted by Loss
  • Service was reasonably snappy, if occasionally louche, the prices were very reasonable given the size of the portions and the ambience was mixed and lively.
  • Since the domes lie along the surface of the water when crocs and gators are in their hunting posture, he wondered whether they might play some role in the animals' snappy reflexes.
  • For album four, they are back to their punchy best, with snappy riffs and poetic lyrics. The Sun
  • That these tasty morsels come wrapped in serviceable crime plots involving tough guys, gutsy gals, and snappy patter makes the pleasure of devouring them all the sweeter. The Sign of The Book: Summary and book reviews of The Sign of The Book by John Dunning.
  • For album four, they are back to their punchy best, with snappy riffs and poetic lyrics. The Sun
  • My dad's a snappy dresser. Times, Sunday Times
  • The snappy editing, rapid montage sequences and throbbing soundtrack give the film tremendous pace in its early stages and that is matched by some funny moments.
  • It was only a minute, and it was reasonably civil in a bitingly snappy sort of way, but nonetheless. Eva Norlyk Smith, Ph.D.: The Secret Behind THE SECRET: Who Gets to Tell Your Story?
  • But in his snappy new opuscule Snark: A Polemic in Seven Fits (Simon & Schuster), Denby fulminates against the epidemic of verbal hazing. Steven G. Kellman: The Snark Ascending
  • I like the snappy nature of the front page headlines, it's wicked. The Sun
  • She worked the jaunty side of chic in snappy sweaters over those shorts and swimsuits, smart sundresses and camp shirts dolled up in silk and wrapped at the waist.
  • The first ball of the afternoon session was a perfect, snappy late inswinger, seam-perfect, that castled Steve Smith. Mohammad Aamer leads the way but Pakistan must play at home
  • • "His Girl Friday" 1940: The definition of snappy banter and a prime example of the great screwball comedies of the era. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Her snappy asides, unconstrained mix of observational humour and rants on life's irritations make for lucid, compulsive viewing.
  • He's become moody and very snappy. The Sun
  • It's funny, well-acted and has snappy dialogue. The Sun
  • Look snappy! The bus is coming.
  • In London, it was a snappy dresser with a bowler hat.
  • But we ain't heard nothin' yet: One highlight of Tuesday's performance at Sofia's was "Salty," a nautical-but-nice medley of old-time sea chanties set in a snappy foxtrot circa 1926. Vince Giordano and the Underground Nighthawk Boogie
  • Business class is 15 snappy irked souls, hissing at stroppily overdressed toddlers and kicking too much matched suede luggage with a pursed fury. Top stories from Times Online
  • So instead of my snappy little digital camera, I've been carrying round my big totally-analogue beastie.
  • In fact, he's a snappy dresser, with a penchant for Paul Smith suits and shirts, so his slippers would probably be hand-embroidered velvet.
  • They watched the tall figure of Stallings charging through the adobe house, peering here and there, asking questions in short, snappy sentences, going down on his knees in search of footprints. The Pony Rider Boys in Texas Or, The Veiled Riddle of the Plains
  • Choose asparagus spears that feel firm and snappy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Jura, near the Swiss Alps makes snappy sparklers mostly from Chardonnay or Pinot Noir; look for Arbois.
  • It makes me snappy with my wife and my moods fill the house with a bad atmosphere. The Sun
  • Jeff Parker has established himself as a smart writer of a variety of snappy, satisfying genre comics, even finding fresh approaches to timeworn franchise characters. 15 « October « 2009 « The Manga Curmudgeon
  • He is apologetic for his inability to produce snappy soundbites to sum up these feelings, but I'm glad: this is a heartfelt, uncontainable outburst.
  • Gamins, snappy in pinstripe suits and cross-culture printed silk, dress up for the evening like gypsies in a dizzy fandango of swirling, hand-painted silk ruffled skirts.
  • The song is a snappy blend of doo-wop, ska and rhythm and blues, with an uptempo dance-beat.
  • Unfortunately I don't quite find the title snappy enough to be memorable, because I find myself referring to this novel as That really good novel called mumblemumble Ghost! Archive 2009-11-01
  • She was wearing a snappy little red number.
  • The episode is low on physical action, but high in snappy dialogue.
  • J.-hungry media with snappy sound bites and an attention-grabbing stance on domestic abuse.
  • They're looking for a snappy slogan to communicate the campaign's message.
  • She has an elegant, beautifully-proportioned face, and she can turn a line with the snappy, East-coast smarts of a young Katharine Hepburn. COLDHEART CANYON
  • This talented five-piece pours a sweet and sultry mix of original torch melodies with a twist of crisp and snappy swing sounds.
  • It is just one long block of text, after all, unbroken by alluring pictures, snappy captions, or eye-grabbing infographics.
  • A lot of guys in snappy hats smoking cigarettes, its like Mad Men in space. Cheeseburger Gothic » So, Caprica.
  • I won't deal with his being grumpy and snappy about them; they're my friends, and while I don't go overboard with them, they do sleep on the bed if they choose.
  • It should have clear headings, concise paragraphs and snappy sentences.
  • Each film gets a snappy two-line summary.
  • It has the thrummy but underpowered 1.5-litre, threecylinder petrol engine, which pushes 101bhp through a snappy six-speed manual transmission. The Sun
  • Sudden oak death is the snappy title which has been given to a devastating fungal disease attacking oaks and other native shrubs throughout North America.
  • Cadogan had begun in short, snappy sentences, and in a tense, rather high-keyed voice; but once warmed up he swung along in rounded, almost classic periods; and his voice deepened and softened and, as he became yet more absorbed in his subject, grew rhythmical, musical almost, the while his words took on added color and glow. Sonnie-Boy's People
  • She's 'sick' n 'tired' of being poor, and you can make such _darlin_ ', roary, snappy fires in a tin pail! Miss Theodosia's Heartstrings
  • J.-hungry media with snappy sound bites and an attention-grabbing stance on domestic abuse.
  • Particularly useful is the preface, which gives a snappy account of the periodical publishing history of aviation.
  • Though I've already got the heat and pitch-black auditorium to blame, I'll also go ahead and fault the contrast between the snappy, laugh-out-loud tone of My Man Godfrey and the slower, talkier, theatrical comedy of Twentieth Century, during which I decided to close my eyes, just for a moment, and listen to the dialogue at a point when not much was happening visually. Christopher Campbell's The Moviegoer - Asleep at the Reel «
  • My dad's a snappy dresser. Times, Sunday Times
  • The play contained some very snappy/witty dialogue.
  • Her lips are still buzzing from the shock of the kiss; she can barely think, let alone muster a snappy comeback. CHOKING GALL AND PRESERVING SWEET • by Elizabeth M. Thurmond
  • Snappy groovers with chattery percussion patterns underpin cinematic sax themes. Portico Quartet: Portico Quartet – review
  • They were both jaunty, self-confident little men who favored snappy sports jackets and took pride in their appearance. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • Each film gets a snappy two-line summary.
  • We need a snappy title for the book.
  • The play contained some very snappy/witty dialogue.
  • She was tending bar, being snappy to customers.
  • The first ball of the afternoon session was a perfect, snappy late inswinger, seam-perfect, that castled Steve Smith. Mohammad Aamer leads the way but Pakistan must play at home
  • Location, kitchen skills and a snappy wine list make this a truly memorable place to eat. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wasn't going to be mean, because he was too nice of a person to make a snappy comment towards.
  • Lack of sleep is making me slightly more prone to mistakes and considerably more snappy.
  • The suffering is leavened by snappy dialogue and good jokes. The Times Literary Supplement

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