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How To Use Snap In A Sentence

  • In the absence of actual selfie evidence, let me provide a few snapshots. Times, Sunday Times
  • As you can see in the photo they're kind of smirking a bit 'cause I snapped their picture with my phonecam. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Moray eels, garfish and trumpetfish were roaming and snapping at a plethora of potential prey.
  • Lost in nostalgic souvenirs I ambled past les belles, snapping a few more photos along the way. Kindness of strangers
  • Service providers haven't completely snapped their wallets shut, but the emphasis for the near-term will be on controlled spending as they look for ways to grow revenues.
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  • She pulled out her camera and took several snapshots of it as she approached.
  • 3 _Petro snaps_. 4to 1679 'and Petro snaps'.p. 320, l. i _remember a fart these_. 1724 'remember these'.p. 320, l. The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume II
  • It is snapping and whirring, emitting a high-pitched tome like the mewling of a cat. Death's Noisy Herald
  • Once the victim's mind had "snapped" into cult mode, the unsnapping requires a massive assault on the victim's mind to untangle the coded messages injected into it by the sinister forces of the cult leader. Warren Adler: Martha Marcy May Marlene: A Brave Movie
  • From Australia and New Zealand to Malaysia and India — in text and film and music and image — this booklet is a snapshot of the Asian commons. ACIA: Furthering the Commons in Asia
  • In other matches University made it two wins in a row with a 4-2 win over Whippersnappers, although University slipped back to their bad habits and defaulted the bottom two boards.
  • Snap elections called towards the end of last year deterred investment and the recovery ground to a halt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maru smiled slightly, unsnapping the flap of her bag and starting to dig through all of the random objects.
  • As they are picked off one by one, the pace remains snappy and the viewing experience is over before you know it. The Sun
  • This year alone provides a typical snapshot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Either way, he omitted to mention that he had snapped from the back of the set the post that connects to the cable box.
  • Under her they merely turn from pointillistic snapshots into abstract expressionism.
  • Bones were snapped, skin was torn, and arrows were poking through chests and backs - black arrows.
  • She was also snapped exposing her toned midriff while taking a telephone call. The Sun
  • Savers with a bundle of cash locked into a bond should have snapped them up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Someone should snap her up just for the sharpness of her headlines, one-line squibs, and nifty asides.
  • The dog snapped its jaws open and closed inches from Rae's face and he could smell the animal's fetid breath, choking him, causing him to gag.
  • On Sundaye mornynges itt is a fayre sighte to see her going to and fro churche in a _chapeau de Paris de la dernyère agonie_, bearyng a _parasolett a la ripp snap mettez-la encore debout_ style; and whych shee sayes is like a _homme blasé_, because it is Used Upp. Sundaie afternoon yee may find her in ye The Continental Monthly, Vol 2, No 6, December 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • She looked composed as she was snapped on the red carpet with her fellow judges - despite admitting she was nervous. The Sun
  • The pair were snapped getting close at the afterparty, above. The Sun
  • Abbey was snapped in a pair of skin-tight jeans just ten days after her daughter was born. The Sun
  • Using traced photos, Breslin's snapshot style gets at the scenario's serio-comic complications.
  • The type of damage being done to the cars ranges from wing mirrors being snapped off to glue being put in locks and tyres being slashed, with victims facing bills of hundreds of pounds.
  • Trim the asparagus and snap in half. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first of the threads snaps as my claw slices through it, severing it.
  • AND THE RULES, THEY ARE A CHAAAAAANGIN': You'll love this bit emphasis towel-snappingly added: It's still "Senator Franken" to you.
  • The jazzy percussion's reminiscent of Liquid Liquid: snaps, shakers, cowbell, and maracas.
  • There was little to choose between the sides in the early stages of the second-half, but Humphreys bagged a snap drop-goal to edge the visitors back in front.
  • She landed on the hood, feetfirst, with a metallic thunk and a distinctly less metallic snap. Crossed
  • Often featuring a snap front and drawstring waist, this jacket maybe lined or unlined.
  • Each of these sugary sweet snaps was masking trouble behind the scenes. The Sun
  • His furious lunge at the snapper has sullied his clean-cut image. The Sun
  • One day I am going to snap because of some animal suddenly rubbing my privates with its face.
  • Even the most amateur of photographers can snap perfect shots in this idyllic place.
  • Common complications were snap of temporomandibular joint hemimandibular , restriction of mouth opening and facial nerve injury.
  • The post-war change in approach can be symbolised in the snapshot, subject of another section of the exhibition.
  • There are a number of cool-season vegetables to plant, along with flowers such as dianthus, petunias, snapdragons and violas.
  • Yet in delight he flew a loop to landing, with a snap roll just before touchdown.
  • This years typical shopping basket of goods provides a snapshot of changing consumer trends.
  • His legs were so thin however that Catherad was sure that they would snap under the enormous strain.
  • Of course I don't know her," Roger snapped.
  • The firebrand championing the indigenous Komi people was none other than Yury Spiridonov, an ethnically Russian oil miner and party worker, born in Omsk and educated in Sverdlovsk, who had once gotten into trouble for snapping at someone who tried to address him in Komi: “Speak in a way that can be understood.” The Return
  • When I lectured at a skeptics meeting in Dublin in mid-October, this photo of my rapt audience was snapped.
  • That is a shame, because the cold snap brought a magical winter scene of frosty nights under starry skies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The infantryman carried a substantial ammunition pouch, bayonet, water-bottle, and ‘snapsack’ for a day's rations suspended from broad cross-belts, usually made of buff leather and pipeclayed to inconvenient whiteness.
  • Startled, she looked around for the blue dragon and saw it flying around and snapping at the insects around it.
  • Wear with a loose blouse for serious 1970s snap. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Of course I know who he is,’ I responded snappishly also.
  • Here are some snaps to get the summer nail inspo going strong.
  • We all tucked in to our dishes of fish, and although the salmon tandoori was probably a touch overcooked, the red snapper was glorious.
  • But, it warned, such behaviour 'would exacerbate the effects of a subsequent snapback'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dentex and rainbow-colored wrasse snuffle the white sand below, stirring up a meal, while tiger-striped gobies lay among the rocks, waiting to snap the smaller fish up in turn. The Alluring Remoteness of Karpathos
  • Seeing these happy snaps reminds you things can be good again. The Sun
  • Put simply, National Geographic picked up on a story of a couple who, having set the autotimer on their camera to take a holiday snap of themselves, found their picture ruined by a curious squirrel 'portrait-crashing'. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • Aggressive behaviors included pecking the male, bill snapping, reverse mounting, and frontal attack, which resulted in aerial grappling.
  • Snappers strike viciously when lifted from water or teased and can inflict a serious bite.
  • Hanuman snapped his finger and began spinning red beads around the wires of the abacus. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The couple were snapped this week after a romantic dinner in London. The Sun
  • There was the Embarcadero with its numbered piers stretching out into the ocean, just like on my Lonely Planet map, and in the middle, the crosshatched pattern of streets snapped to a perfect grid. Nique sa mère
  • Poor old Sofia has been down to her local carpet warehouse and snapped up a few offcuts of a revolting cerise floor covering.
  • The dagger slid smoothly down the front of his tunic, each button snapped off easily until only one separated his bare chest from the cold dagger.
  • Spainhower explains that the pressure of biting on even a hair-thin tippet of mono can crack a preexisting fracture line in the tooth, but more often it is pulling at leader clamped between teeth or the snapping of tooth against tooth after the mono is cut that causes the damage. Chew On This
  • In the tea ceremony, the couple punctiliously distributed canned soft drinks toted in plastic shopping bags and snapped photos of each other.
  • Apart from the 1927 portraits of Atget in his dotage and a single snapshot of him in middle age, we have no access to Atget's face, not in his prime.
  • There's not a huge level of power available-you can snap the throttle open without feeling intimidated.
  • So excessive was the Roman horror of obscenity that even physicians were compelled to use a euphemism for _urina_, and though the _urinal_ or _vas urinarium_ was openly used at the dining-table (following a custom introduced by the Sybarites, according to Athenæus, Book XII, cap. 17), the decorous guest could not ask for it by name, but only by a snap of the fingers (Dufour, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 174). Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • As fluent with their bodies as with language, they sing, sort papers, go berserk, and snap to attention when buzzers go off, signaling the need to receive of send messages.
  • I think he wanted to be seen as a serious writer and serious writers don't make toothy smiles in snapshots. Times, Sunday Times
  • His furious lunge at the snapper has sullied his clean-cut image. The Sun
  • The wolf snapped at the hunter's hand.
  • The dry branch snapped in the wind.
  • Fans will revel in the snappy one-liners, the latex effects, the swearing and what sci-figeeks everywhere will be calling 'intertextuality'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vocal tone of the group was lovely but there was no oomph, no snap, no crackle and definitely no pop.
  • Plant several poppies as your tall center flowers, then add colorful snapdragons or blue salvia, candytuft, pansies, and sweet alyssum or Dusty Miller to fill out your container.
  • If Republican State Senator Ronda Storms gets her way, Florida residents may soon be prohibited from purchasing "nonstaple, unhealthy foods" like chips, cookies and soda with funds they receive from the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP The Full Feed from
  • This talented five-piece pours a sweet and sultry mix of original torch melodies with a twist of crisp and snappy swing sounds.
  • Assane Dione has painted a portrait of Amadou Bamba that has been reproduced and sold as a snapshot-sized print all over Senegal for several years now.
  • The Canadian designer Angella Mackey makes a women's shell with a snap-in LED light strip, and L.A.-based Aether's Transit jacket has understated reflective black strips. Easy Riders
  • With 320 students in snappy blue and white uniforms playing shiny trumpets, trombones and tubas as they march in briskly changing formations, the band's numbers are full of razzmatazz.
  • Other people's holiday snaps can be dull, but other people's family photos, if captioned amusingly, can be quite fun.
  • They're tiny knitted creatures, with spindly legs and multicoloured bodies, and snapping at their heels is a gnarly-looking wolf in sheep's clothing. The graffiti knitting epidemic
  • I think he wanted to be seen as a serious writer and serious writers don't make toothy smiles in snapshots. Times, Sunday Times
  • The formal Victorian portrait gave way to the informal snapshot, and now to the intimacy of the phonecam and picture message.
  • If I ever snap and go on a murderous killing spree, it'll be because of this guy.
  • The overturning of card tables or the snapping in two of billiard cues are signs that the loser has a very low self-esteem. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • Small hard-skinned fish such as snappers, grouper, breams and hind should be gutted and scaled on capture and kept in slurry.
  • But after a quick rummage through the brown leather bag, he snaps it shut and gestures to the door.
  • A dark creature approaches it still snaps and snipes but offers a parasol which is taken before it retires Quick crossword No 12,722
  • Everything was fine until, wham, the wire snapped.
  • She snappishly asked him why the associate couldn't come to their house. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • First, a pair of snapping legs, then the thorax, then the orb of the abdomen. MINUTES TO BURN
  • If only they wouldn't turn snapdragons into antirrhinums, love-lies-bleeding into amaranthus, and red-hot-pokers into kniphofias .... Try Anything Twice
  • Personalized Web-based dashboards let a leader get a snapshot of internal and external information rather than having to sift through masses of material.
  • A cold snap in winter is hardly newsworthy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Afraid of a plunge into the canal that claimed the immigrants, I always unsnap my seatbelt and roll the window all the way down, this in broad daylight with no one shooting.
  • He immediately snapped his lighter to light her cigarette.
  • The tickets for the concert were snapped up within three hours of going on sale.
  • I was resisting the urge to become annoyed, but when I got to the part where Tacky does a splashy cannonball Matt shut the book with a snap and jumped off my lap.
  • Some of the best and most widely adapted annual cut flowers with the longest vase life include alstroemeria, aster, cosmos, snapdragon, sunflower, yarrow, and zinnia.
  • I snapped up the coat at that cheap price.
  • She would come home from school, play with her dog, then go through old scrapbooks with pictures of her family: on holiday and at weddings, and just snapshots in general.
  • In a moment of blind panic, I crashed through the back door, the door clanging on its frame as it snapped back into place.
  • Statistics from the afternoon game are just a snapshot of the Mets' 1991 season, when both the left-handed hurler and his team, the one he had cheered for as a boy, collapsed. Clout for the Cyclones
  • The cheese, of course, dropped to the ground and was promptly snapped up by the cunning fox. 1066: and the Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry
  • On your walk you will probably see mallards, grebes, canvasbacks and coons and perhaps snapping turtles and white pelicans.
  • Snap off the remainder of the capillary tube from the broad upper portion of the pipette which is now destined to form the covering tube or air chamber, or what we may term the "barrel. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • In France, the Elysee Palace is still reeling after a "bossnapping" - manufacturer 3M improved the severance packages for more than 110 workers in exchange for the liberty of manager, Luc Rousselet, who spent more than 24 hours as prisoner of his own furious employees. Undefined
  • Snapperton do last year at her dejeune dansant after the Bohemian The History of Pendennis
  • Images includes those of vivid rehearsals as well as behind-the-scenes pictures of seminal company personalities such as Margot Fonteyn and Ninette de Valois, plus never-before-seen views of the dancers off duty, most charmingly a snap of Lynn Seymour and Rudolf Nureyev, drinking in a London pub. This week's new dance
  • The canvas has often been compared to a snapshot, but to Sussman it looked more like a painted film still, art's first cinéma vérité moment.
  • The cloying heaviness of snacking on cheese instead of ginger snaps left me feeling dull and vaguely nauseous.
  • Jo Spence began by using the snapshots of her childhood to draw attention to the codes of domestic photography.
  • Like a streetcorner serenade, it's got all the oooh's, aaah's, handclaps and snaps of classic doo-wop, and yet it somehow remains brilliantly, unwaveringly faithful to the original.
  • In the meantime, his unsettling snapshots of troubled teens capture something of the unreal nature of this millennial time.
  • The policeman snapped the handcuffs around her wrist.
  • But do people go to a Step Up film for ingenious plot twists and snappy dialogue? The Sun
  • Often featuring a snap front and drawstring waist, this jacket may be lined or unlined.
  • Drive a missile-equipped sports car through narrow streets, and enjoy tasty interludes with foreign agents of the opposite sex who try to snap your neck as you reach for the chilled champagne.
  • Puerto Rico, Japan and Mexico all are rich in baseball history and tradition, with a ready-made fan base eager to snap up tickets and pony up for licensed merchandise.
  • In the second show of Nunnnington Hall's spring and summer programme, the iconic photography of British snapper Terry O'Neill will be on view from May 1 to June 25.
  • Now click on the little square box to the left of Snapshot 1.
  • Darkly mesmerising, the film hypnotises us into self-awareness and then snaps its fingers.
  • They stepped so high, the bagpipes sounded a dirge, they snapped their heads around at attention at their commanding officer.
  • So now you're going to play tattletale and report everything to icky Snapey?
  • He claimed he could not remember anything of what followed before finding blood on himself, and told the jury he must have lost his temper and snapped after years of verbal abuse from Mr Berry.
  • She opened her mouth, snapped in shut, and then shook her head.
  • These pet owners belong in the doghouse after taking these embarrassing snaps. The Sun
  • The door staircase suddenly snapped off the foundation and soared up into the clouds, suddenly being torn apart by flying shrapnel of glass and metal.
  • YOU'LL be surprised to be told that the snap above also features a screen hunk. The Sun
  • Here's a snapshot of the featherbrained whims that get us into this mess. From On High
  • Pull to snap off fading flowers. The Sun
  • On four dives there we would see a hawksbill turtle, huge parrotfish, various morays ranging from massive to tiny, jack, snapper, batfish and numerous other species.
  • “Fuck those cockies,” she says, steadying to snap the g-string into place. Raincoat
  • He threw away the empty magazine, snapped on a third, turned towards the huts and raked them with fire. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • And with a languid snap of his heels, he was off, his curled hair swaying ridiculously on his head.
  • When I mentioned his chinstrap swinging, he grew irritated, abruptly grabbed his strap, and snapped it.
  • Both artists are skilled storytellers, able to use a few deftly chosen images to render snapshots of their own autobiographies.
  • He snapped his fingers and he was suddenly clad in a sapphire tux with top hat to match her dress.
  • Snappier tempos would bring this show to life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is it any wonder that good teachers snap? The Sun
  • The flood of dazzling light reaching out from the _Interplanetarian_ snapped off and the little green ameba things were gone. Empire
  • I took snapshots of individual works and of details and became madly obsessed with the paintings.
  • The ball is snapped, and then a strong Oakland rush punctures the line and dumps K.C. QB Trent Green for a loss.
  • Jonas Soling tallied his 37th goal for the Lynx and Erasmo Saltarelli took the loss allowing five goals on 24 shots as Augusta had its seven-game unbeaten streak snapped. East Coast Hockey League - Augusta vs. Charlotte
  • Or you accidentally stumble across some unusual snapshots from his overseas " business trip.
  • Once you've posed your character a snapshot is taken.
  • And it may dissuade you from sharing a snap on Instagram. The Sun
  • The Telephony snap - in is used to configure and manage the Telephony service.
  • The colourful, fat tubular flowers of the Antirrhinum, with their snapping 'dragon mouths', have long held a fascination for small children.
  • Plant several poppies as your tall center flowers, then add colorful snapdragons or blue salvia, candytuft, pansies, and sweet alyssum or Dusty Miller to fill out your container.
  • With mute excitement I quickly snapped it up, paid and exited the store - only to suddenly realise that Durgnat wasn't the author I had in mind when I whipped his book off the shelf.
  • So, without preconceptions, this is a brisk, well-balanced, fruit forward, but still avowedly savoury wine, that would be a piquant pairing with the crisp, dry snap of well grilled salmon cutlets - a texture lost in pan frying.
  • He seriously outranked both men, and they snapped to attention.
  • He reached over the dash and snapped off the VHF 's circuit breaker. CORMORANT
  • You may take a super snap like the ten finalists in our 5,000 photographic competition - see below. The Sun
  • —In autumn, with a great creaking and a snapping of twigs, they break away from trunks grown thick with bark and phloem, which become husks with jagged tips, or later often topple from sheer grief. 2009 June
  • The motion put such a great strain on New York "s mooring lines that they snapped with loud reports. Titanic - Destination disaster
  • It's only a snapshot but I think it shows there is not necessarily a read-across from Wikio ranking to traffic which you surely need for proper influence. Archive 2009-07-01
  • ‘Clean it up,’ Zornitza snapped, reaching for her ampoule and hypodermic syringe.
  • At primary school we had an elderly teacher who smacked us so hard across the palms, he would snap his yard-long ruler in two.
  • The cold snap is a cruel blow for all those flowers that came into bloom out of season earlier this winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ivory's head snapped up to look him straight in the eyes, her face now a pale sheet of white from the sudden scare.
  • WE know you love Perks as much as we do because all the fab freebies are being snapped up so quickly. The Sun
  • The snap of the agonizer's activation cells echoed through the little flyer. Firestorm
  • snappy weather
  • backtrace (frameCount) — Copy the snapshot of the current call stack into a LzBacktrace object, which can then be printed or inspected.
  • He snapped the stick in two.
  • Ignoring her acid tone, he mumbled, ‘You're very snappy this afternoon.’
  • Even bindings have been rejiggered: Forget the drill and screwdriver; the latest fittings snap or slide into place, extending ski life and improving energy transfer.
  • Or the cool snap during summer impacted sales of our seasonal products such as swimwear, and lawn and garden products. Arrived in Seattle!
  • It provides a snapshot of its time, as well as a sense of how language morphs under pressure. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Despite its cost, 40 copies have been snapped up in preorder sales from an exclusive print-run of 60. Times, Sunday Times
  • In your angry little snit, you could've snapped at someone in a bad moment and we would've lost money!
  • But it is the love of the critics that gratifies Cooper the most, such as when the Daily Mail eruditely weighs in on one of his choicest works: "In one hilarious snap the moment he mocks a dog trapped behind the glass of someone's front porch is taken with almost human-like humor. ARTINFO: Is This Cat a Great Photographer? The Seattle Art Scene's Feline Phenomenon
  • Snape was sitting at the desk, but he disdained to even so much as lay a finger on the keypad.
  • The Guardian's Book Review has a review of his new biography of the grumpiest man in popular music, which advises you to snap it up quick before Van's solicitors run their toothcombs over it.
  • A tree-snapping wind storm in May and a worsening drought have dealt more blows, and invasive species such as chinaberry, nandina and ligustrum are choking out native plants. Statesman - AP Sports
  • And although they don't go in for photocalls, we're allowed to snap candid shots during the video shoot.
  • Told that the city just doesn't have the resources the health-care workers need to combat the spreading bug, the microbiologist finally snaps.
  • He looked vulnerable and the air was thick with talk of a snap election which Labour seemed destined to win. Times, Sunday Times
  • I snapped that rope as a ringmaster snaps a whip; but though the rope end travelled with great speed and the act must have been unexpected, the creature caught the rope in one of its chelae before it reached its face. Pirates of Venus
  • For example, while previous versions of Paint Shop Pro included a fix for red-eye in snapshots, the latest version simplifies the process.
  • On the reef we saw nervous trunkfish, snappers and the odd barracuda.
  • I'm certain that, at any moment, somebody's going to snap a clapperboard shut and shout: ‘Madrid - the movie - Scene 82, take 3.’
  • Even the fish appeared to be experiencing difficulties swimming against the current; and the site was abuzz in action, as jacks, snappers and groupers busily swarmed about.
  • Five keen snappers received free photography tuition from a professional in a project supported by the Greater Woolwich neighbourhood renewal panel.
  • The tension that crackled between the two was enough to snap a board in half.
  • He says the growth in demand has paved the way for less legitimate businesses to snap up custom.
  • We photograph a big school of red swallowtails and red snappers that live next to a rocky wall covered with yellow zoanthids.
  • He had left his camera at home and was using his mobile telephone to take family snapshots, the writ says. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recording beach litter is an imprecise science, at best a fuzzy snapshot of a particular day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bilaterally symmetrical flowers, such as snapdragons and sweet peas, have distinctive upper and lower petals and are therefore asymmetric from top to bottom.
  • Photography became the snapshot and photo album; newspapers became fuel for fanzines, and the vinyl record became a tool for scratching and sampling.
  • Emergency Bra: Unsnap, separate cups, inhale ... (cnet) ... Daily Dispatch: Facebook launches Recommended Subscriptions; Google funds 5 projects with $10 Million to improve lives around the globe
  • The end of the pencil snapped.

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