How To Use Snail In A Sentence

  • Whole lions at £5,000 a head, antelopes, porcupines, goats, cane rats and large, live snails - all from West Africa - were also candidates for the dinner table.
  • In most other snail species, the apertural teeth and laminae, when they are present, begin to develop as a snail approaches maturity. Archive 2009-07-01
  • It is a rebuke to those who grumpily accept their snail-paced status quo. Times, Sunday Times
  • As gardeners already know, all other slugs and snails (or gastropod mollusks, to the experts) sport a soft and slimy foot.
  • The ability of snails to hydrolyze plant polysaccharides xylan, mannan, starch and cellulose as well as chitin, an animal and fungal polysaccharide, is probably an indication of their omnivorous diet. Archive 2006-04-01
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  • And he has decided to treat them as if they were tribolites, or snails, and to do a morphological analysis, and try to derive their genealogical history over time.
  • Also, in answering your other question, I think to contact him you should write an honest-to-god letter and send it via snail mail. A Brother By Any Other Name | Her Bad Mother
  • Water snails don't eat living plants, just decaying vegetation and algae.
  • How about snails in hot tomato sauce, or refried cauliflower with garlic cloves?
  • The most curious usage, because it seems to have spread furthest from its origins, whatever they are, is snail.
  • If acidification kills tiny sea snails known as pteropods, as it is likely to, the Pacific salmon that feed upon these planktonic creatures may also die.
  • The instruments trudge along at a snail's pace and the recording quality is poor at best.
  • What with ripened berries, snails, slugs and insects, there was a veritable feast on offer.
  • Fish eat snails in their shells and hard-shelled crustacea as well as invertebrates with exoskeletons.
  • They feed on small bony fishes, snails, worms, shrimps, clams, abalone, and crabs.
  • Perhaps it would be a little shore crab that betrayed itself by scuffling down amongst the corallite or sea-weed, perhaps a little fierce-looking bristly fish, which shot under a ledge of the rock all amongst the limpets, acorn barnacles, or the thousands of yellow and brown and striped snaily fellows that crawled about in company with the periwinkles and pelican's feet. Devon Boys A Tale of the North Shore
  • Â This could mean big trouble if you are a rotifer or a mud snail: Reproduction is as important as survival to any particular individual, and if the chances to do so are impaired then biological fitness is automatically lowered. Carin Bondar: No Eggs? No Problem!
  • Remove all but the sturdiest seedling in each position and protect from slugs and snails after planting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Small stabbings of pain made him move at a snails pace.
  • The pallial eye is easy to notice when the snail lifts its operculum up and starts to come out of its shell with the aperture facing up. Cerithidea
  • In most other snail species, the apertural teeth and laminae, when they are present, begin to develop as a snail approaches maturity. Archive 2009-07-01
  • His fricassee of snails contains the spicy Japanese condiment red yuzu kosho, local fiddlehead ferns and resinous Greek mastic infused with English peas. Snails Quicken Their Culinary Pace
  • ÂHuman males, unlike their snail and rotifer counterparts, actually seek out sterility in a potential partner... and for good reason: could you imagine if each of your own sexual conquests had resulted in offspring? Carin Bondar: No Eggs? No Problem!
  • Snail is a small plant - eating creature with a soft body.
  • Snails graze in abundance on sick and dying cordgrass.
  • Time moved at a snail's pace before the holidays.
  • And I don't want to cut off the horns of a black snail.
  • What struck me as odd was that they had their apertures sealed with a hard calcareous epiphragm as opposed to a membranous one observed in eastern U.S. snails that normally don't experience long dry periods. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Attraction of the land snail Anguispira alternata to fresh faeces of white-tailed deer: implications in the transmission of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis. Snails and deer poop
  • One or two pairs of tentacles are found on the head, depending on whether the snail or slug is terrestrial (two pairs) or aquatic (one).
  • The cardboard box has my old scale and a bunch of containers of all sizes for samples and for use as temporary aquaria for intertidal snails. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Scientists have attacked the problem from every angle, by education, improving hygiene and eradicating the snail.
  • He asked people to send in anonymous postcards (via snail mail) disclosing big secrets in their lives.
  • Whether sent via e-mail or snail mail, my letters are always signed with the simple title ‘Viewer’ beneath my name.
  • SOLOMON: Well, certainly, snail mail still exists, however, as suggested by the term snail mail, it is a slow process and parents do like to hear from their children on a more regular basis and certainly e-mail can accomplish that. CNN Transcript Jul 10, 2004
  • Our Southwest deserts are home to endangered Sonoran pronghorn antelopes, desert tortoises, kangaroo rats, pupfish, springsnails, and other desert species that are adapted to very specialized niches and therefore particularly vulnerable to changes in climate and habitat. Leda Huta: A Marshall Plan for Nature: How to Protect Endangered Species from Climate Change
  • So if you imagine the cochlear being wound, it's sort of shell-like, it's not a straight system but what you've got to do is insert it as you might indeed a twisted shell like a snail and the further it goes in presumably the better the sound.
  • But it turns out that snails don't incorporate the calcium in the dart into their bodies.
  • In this city, so many beat cops troll along at a snail's pace in decrepit squad cars. Graffiti: Mexico City's wall art emerges from the shadows
  • I set off at a snail's pace to conserve my energy for later in the race.
  • Primarily an insectivore, the desman's diet consists of aquatic insects and their larvae, along with snails and small, slow-moving fish, which are attracted to its trenches by the musk smell and aerated water it leaves in its wake.
  • The other problem with Google maps is it never shows you the correct location of the hidden zombie snails. One problem with Google Maps
  • To detect prey, a cone snail uses its siphon, an organ that takes up water and directs it over the gills.
  • At length these streets becoming more straggling yet, dwindled and dwindled away, until there were only small garden patches bordering the road, with many a summer house innocent of paint and built of old timber or some fragments of a boat, green as the tough cabbage – stalks that grew about it, and grottoed at the seams with toad – stools and tight – sticking snails. The Old Curiosity Shop
  • After sundry caresses between the two parties, during which they exhibit an animation quite foreign to them at other times, one of the snails unfolds from the right side of its neck, where the generative orifice is situated, a wide sacculus, which, by becoming everted, displays a sharp dagger-like spiculum, or dart, attached to its walls. Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
  • Melongena corona is an intertidal snail common on sandy bottoms around Tampa, Florida. Archive 2009-05-01
  • SNAIL'S TALES: Some open access malacological publications skip to main Some open access malacological publications
  • Several of the only known localities for endemic harvestman, spiders, land snails, and other invertebrates have been heavily altered or lost through logging within the last decade, and the current status of these species is unknown. Klamath-Siskiyou forests
  • For most species of snails, shells and body plans curl in only one direction.
  • The diminutive inquiline snailfish (Liparis inquilinus Warren Ellis
  • But there is little to show for it, with unemployment high and recovery snail-paced. The Sun
  • The snail retreated into its shell.
  • These snails do not occur on low-lying coral islands or atolls.
  • After looking around for a few seconds, he stooped down to pick up a snail shell he found on the sidewalk.
  • Brains of limpets and abalones are much simpler than brains of garden snails and slugs in histological differentiation.
  • The truck snailed up the hill.
  • Rain and warmth are bringing out the garden snails, mainly at night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rumina saharica is one of the land snail species with decollated shells originating from the Mediterranean area. Reproduction of Rumina saharica
  • This showy snailfish lacks the purple stripes displayed by other specimens.
  • They paralyse snails with a lethal injection which liquidises their insides and then they suck out the nourishment.
  • Many of his contemporaries derided him as ‘a hesitating cow’ or ‘a bull with snail's horns.’
  • I set off at a snail's pace to conserve my energy for later in the race.
  • An intertidal snail shows a dramatic size increase over the past century Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106: 5209-5212 DOI: 10.1073/pnas. 0812137106 Archive 2009-04-01
  • Many snailfishes have large eggs and very low fecundities which would suggest some form of parental care.
  • Are they so strong that they can be allowed to jeopardize the entire economy for the snail darter and the furbish lousewort? The Volokh Conspiracy » A 230 mpg Hybrid — and It’s a Chevrolet:
  • Their tricuspid teeth (three sharp points per tooth) are especially adapted to feed on organisms with hard shells such as clams, snails, crabs and shrimp.
  • Male shrikes in Israel's Negev Desert impale snails and nest-building materials onto thorns to attract mates.
  • For example, visitors will discover that cows are one of the gassiest animals on earth, how leeches are used after some surgeries to assist in the healing process and why scientists are studying the slime produced by slugs and snails for clues in treating cystic fibrosis. Southern Byways
  • It is a widespread phenomenon that takes place at different scales: the large mass of soil brought up among the exposed roots of a wind-toppled oak tree and the few-millimeter thick sediment layer disturbed along the trail of a tiny aquatic snail are both examples of bioturbation. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Fortunately, to settle the matter quickly I remembered that I had additional pictures of the subject snails and their opercula. Assiminea succinea
  • The truck snailed up the hill.
  • A biologist is surveying King Island (off Tasmania) for red hairy snails after recent fires. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Predatory snails, including Oyster Drills, whelks, sponges, especially the Boring Sponges, and fish all find oysters a tasty treat.
  • Gardeners can enter the largest slug and heaviest snail sections. Times, Sunday Times
  • A similar jumble of more or less everything found near the nest forms, as we know, the barricade of the Manicate Cotton-bee, who is also an adept at using the Snail's stercoral droppings after these have been dried in the sun. Bramble-Bees and Others
  • In July this year I found three living individuals and two fresh shells of the snail Eobania vermiculata in the suburb of Köln, NW Germany! within a malacological survey of large European cities. A snail of cities: Eobania vermiculata
  • You can also introduce preying mantids (via their eggs), and decollate snails are predators of other snails. Undefined
  • The researchers counted snail shells in soil samples from nooks of climbed and unclimbed faces of the limestone cliffs.
  • The Phoenicians were the pioneers in the seventh century BC, scouting for the imperial purple dye found in the murex sea snails of the Moroccan coast. Atlantic: A Vast Ocean of a Million Stories by Simon Winchester – review
  • The creatures were a combined result of motorised animatronics (mechanically built) snails and very sophisticated computer graphics
  • I am delighted to announce that there is now legal protection for the lesser whirlpool ramshorn snail. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is nibbled cheerfully by slugs and snails, which slither away in great content. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ruddy kingfishers in the Philippines remove land snails from their shells by smashing them against stones on the forest floor.
  • For Dolly, growing anxious about his meaning, yet ready to think about another proposal, was desirous to sit down on the sweet ledge of grass, yet uneasy about her pale blue sarsenet, and uncertain that she had not seen something of a little sea-snail (living in a yellow house, dadoed with red), whom to crush would be a cruel act to her dainty fabric. Springhaven
  • This is a large sea snail type thing that is black and white and is not even close to scallop or konk. Plantain?
  • In addition, the pulmonate snail, the marsh clam, and several polychaete worms were abundant.
  • Tadpoles in ponds with snails pick up trematode larvae, called cercariae.
  • Temperature-determined outcrossing ability in wild populations of a simultaneous hermaphrodite snail. Parasite Rex
  • Now munching away on my algae with my fish and the other two that snails in my tank. Times, Sunday Times
  • The surface of the poultry-yard (fig. 13.) should be level; and about one half of it should be laid down with gravel, but the lower part, near the pond, should be grass, as, unless there is some kind of herbage, there will be neither insects nor snails, and poultry require some animal food to keep them in health. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • Turtles, crayfish, snails, fish, salamanders, American chameleons, newts, insects, bacteria, and algae all can be successfully raised in the River Tank, but questions remain as to which ones can coexist, and for how long, before being eaten by another inhabitant.
  • I can't think of a green remedy for woodlice, but as far as the snails are concerned, scattering slug pellets on the ground (inside the greenhouse so birds won't be affected) should help a bit.
  • It is easy to maintain and does not need either aquatic plant life, fish or snails.
  • The half-dozen snails were attractively presented in a beige earthenware dish and had been cooked in a herby, garlic butter.
  • For example, if I had added the keyword "mollusk" to at least one of my linked posts about barnacles living on snail shells, then the searcher who used the phrase "barnacle mollusk symbiosis" would probably have found them. How to help searchers find what they are looking for
  • Things are changing, but at a snail's pace .
  • The drug Prialt derived from this cone snail is effectively treating pain, including phantom-limb pain; it's non addictive and the human body does not appear to develop a tolerance. Dr. Reese Halter: Mother Nature's Medicine Cabinet
  • He opened his eyes and it wasn't dull flickering red at all, but grey-a cold sourceless silver, grey like snail trails on the lilac leaves-a springtime thing, that. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • More conventionally, a sharp barrier such as gravel or crushed seashells or eggshells sprinkled around plants will stop slugs and snails in their tracks.
  • The wide yellow thing against the side of the aquarium is the snail's foot. Archive 2009-05-01
  • See, now will I charm this snaily from its cell with the air that Réné taught _me_," and together the two heads bent over one of the vicious little "desert snails of Egypt," which young Isabelle of Tyre had found crawling along the casement of the palace. Historic Boys Their Endeavours, Their Achievements, and Their Times
  • New Zealand mud snails and plants such as hydrilla are on our radar screen," said Thayer. North Lake Tahoe Bonanza - Top Stories
  • Thus the granulations of new flesh to repair the injuries of wounds are visible to the eye; as well as the callous matter, which cements broken bones; the calcareous matter, which repairs injured snail-shells; and the threads, which are formed by silk-worms and spiders; which are all secreted in a softer state, and harden by exsiccation, or by the contact of the air, or by absorption of their more fluid parts. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Brains of limpets and abalones are much simpler than brains of garden snails and slugs in histological differentiation.
  • The first generation of online Americans were technophiles who had enough money to acquire clunky desktops and snail-paced 14.4 modems.
  • It is nibbled cheerfully by slugs and snails, which slither away in great content. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nature is remorselessly cruel and none more remorseless than the slugs and snails that are currently trying to eat my lettuces before I can.
  • Nucella lapillus is an intertidal snail commonly found on the rocky coasts of the North Atlantic. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Unfortunately, the snail spread across the island and caused widespread destruction to crops.
  • Tonight there will be row upon row of long tables set up, where the brave gastronome can tuck into boiled snails or dunk fresh bread into pots of hot, unidentified tagine: Morocco is not ideal for vegetarians.
  • I measured the focal snails' final shell dimensions and dissected them to determine their sex and prevalence of parasitic infection.
  • Planaria Cross Section - Planaria are generally carnivorous night feeders that consume aquatic insects, snails, microcrustaceans, and proteinaceous detritus, though a few species are parasitic. Undefined
  • A variety of turtles lived in the rivers, along with gar, freshwater clams and snails, crayfish, and alligators.
  • These trees are home to a number of endemic fauna: snails the size of grapefruit, rare black parrots and bronze lizards with podlike sucker pad fingers. The Fruit Hunters
  • Second, the snails without opercula are stuck with this sequence because their musculature and body plans evolved from ancestors that had opercula. Sleeping Haplotrema concavum
  • Get the answer to why cows are the gassiest animals on earth, why the dung beetle is nature's pooper scooper and why scientists are studying the slug and snail slime production for clues in treating cystic fibrosis - Local News
  • There are various species of snailfish, some of which can be found in shallower waters, but the hadal is found almost exclusively in depths exceeding 6000 meters, where they feed on small shrimp who scavenge the carcasses of dead marine life. Warren Ellis
  • While on the subject of British contributions, we'd be remiss to exclude Heston Blumenthal's modern classic: his signature snail porridge, which appropriates breakfast's oaty staple. Snails Quicken Their Culinary Pace
  • The traffic was creeping along at a snail's pace.
  • Zebra mussels, phragmites, and exotic snails are but a few of the more pervasive impediments to the recovery of some listed species.
  • Earlier, the duo suffered in the first and second stages with two tyre punctures, but managed to overcome the challenge until finally when they stormed past Jambo at a snail's pace with a blowing engine.
  • Biomechanics specialists have long known that snails and other limbless creatures locomote by sending waves of muscular contractions down their bodies.
  • Among ornamental plants, slugs and snails avoid foxgloves, many species in the daisy family, lavateras, hollyhocks, azaleas, Euphorbia, perennial Geraniums, mulleins and Stachys lanata, soapwort, lungwort and hibiscus.
  • In areas where the climate is the Mediterranean type, land snails aestivate during the dry and hot summers and are active during the fall, the mild winters and the spring. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Bila semua proses ini selesai, Burger King akan mengirimi kupon lewat snail mail alias surat konvensional. Unspun
  • Modern species thrive under intense herbivory from snails, chitons, and limpets, and this has been suggested as one reason for their success.
  • As gardeners already know, all other slugs and snails (or gastropod mollusks, to the experts) sport a soft and slimy foot.
  • Many larger animals (including snails, sand dollars, and fish) eat forams, and some are very selective about which species they eat.
  • Add any available shellfish or molluscs - abalone, sea snail, Moreton Bay bugs.
  • In these extreme northern latitudes of Baffin Bay, bycatch consisted primarily of gelatinous snailfish, Arctic skate, and four-beard rockling.
  • One of these, a starter listed as snails and crubeens, which should be little fritters of gooey braised pig's trotter, was a salty, sticky, unpleasant mess of chewy snails and flavourless deep-fried cubes. Jay Rayner's restaurant review
  • A group of 350 scientists, naturalists, and volunteers found 836 species from fish and arachnids to algae and snails.
  • This precaution should stop slugs and snails in their tracks. The Sun
  • My point is simple: In the competitive world of dog-eat-dog (forgive the cliche) agentry, cyber trumps snail every day of the week and twice on Sunday (and Friday the 13th). Why Exclusives Stink -more
  • A single-eyed immature male round snailfish Careproctus roseofuscus with length of 331 mm and weight of 650 g was caught in the Pacific waters off the northern Kurile Islands in September 2000.
  • We observed the pair's behaviors continuously until the snails either became unreceptive, achieved mutual copulation, or were separated before copulating.
  • Also among marine snails, thick, nodose, spiny, or otherwise ornamented shells are competitive in the sense that they foil predators.
  • According to McNeill Alexander (who has tested the viscosity of the stuff) the foot mucus of a snail is a really quite sophisticated substance. How a snail moves - Part 1
  • A restaurant serving dishes including snail porridge and smoked bacon and egg ice cream has been named the second best in the world.
  • They found that the snail Anguispira alternata was attracted to fresh deer feces whether or not they contained P. tenuis larvae, although the snails seemed to prefer larvae-free feces to those containing larvae. Snails and deer poop
  • He searched about hopelessly round the stones and in the nooks, all hard and frostbound; there was the shell of a snail, dry and whitened and empty, as was apparent enough even at a distance. Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
  • About 13,500 festival-goers feasted from more than 80 stalls on over 10,000 whitebait patties, "westcargots" - snails in garlic butter - duck giblets, mountain oysters, exotic sausages, huhu grubs, pickled and raw punga and wasp-larvae icecream. - Stuff
  • Thrushes, ladybirds, dragonflies, spiders and hoverfly larvae will snack on aphids, snails and other pests, saving you time, work and money.
  • Most species live off aquatic snails.
  • Ecological correlates of male outcrossing ability in a simultaneous hermaphrodite snail. Parasite Rex
  • Snail is a small plant - eating creature with a soft body.
  • Liparid snailfish in the genus Careproctus extrude eggs through an anteriorly positioned ovipositor into the branchial chambers of large lithodid crabs.
  • Fish eat snails in their shells and hard-shelled crustacea as well as invertebrates with exoskeletons.
  • The snail slides up the tower at last though the swallow mounteth it sooner. 
  • Abbreviations: P, the outside opening of the pneumostome (breathing hole); MC, mantle collar (the front edge of the mantle that is fused to the top of the head in a live snail); K, kidney, V, ventricle; A, auricle (the ventricle and the auricle together make up the heart); R, rectum (its opening is within the pneumostome); L, lung. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Other more sophisticated jelly creatures include some mollusks and snails, and tunicates - sea squirts, salps and larvaceans.
  • SNAIL'S TALES: No job openings in malacology today skip to main | skip to sidebar No job openings in malacology today
  • The snail lives around the flushes of natural springs in the Sand Dale area, where it feeds on the lush vegetation.
  • In The Temple of Doom, Indy walks through a chamber filled with mantises, beetles, worms, millipedes, moths, slugs, snails, and puppy dog tails.
  • Rich also is a life style, Finally, we must not back entrance to the residential areas, But to the end, he simply this poor snail back!
  • Instead they have to consume foods such as shrimps, snails, algae and insect larvae.
  • Taken with other environmental indicators, such as land snail shells and insect remains, they also give information about the prevailing climate.
  • It's terrifying both for pedestrians and also unsuspecting drivers who have to approach at a snail's pace.
  • This could mean big trouble if you are a rotifer or a mud snail: Reproduction is as important as survival to any particular individual, and if the chances to do so are impaired then biological fitness is automatically lowered. Carin Bondar: No Eggs? No Problem!
  • “A snail is a member of the mollusc family, which have soft bodies without any backbones—and those little things are called antennae, which are connected to its brain; it has tubular intestines that end with its mouth, and it moves by a gear-edged foot.” Flowers in the Attic
  • Birds, fish and mammals feast on the barnacles, snails, urchins and other animals that vary from tiny shore crabs to spectacular giant green anemones.
  • When we start talk­ing around in cir­cles like this, I get impa­tient about the snail’s pace of this alleged rev­o­lu­tion. … And Another Thing « Snarkmarket
  • The average shell strength of mud snails was twice that of Littorina, and three times that of Uca.
  • Take the hysteria surrounding giant African snails. Times, Sunday Times
  • A huge picture of the tiny snail Strobilops aenea. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Furthermore, by contrary, the breaking effect of Snailase was better than that of Lysozyme.
  • The spermatheca (also called the bursa copulatrix) is an organ that can't be exchanged, while a spermatophore is a packet of sperm that is given to a slug's (or a snail's) partner during mating and may or may not be stored in the spermatheca. How a glaring error of mine was corrected a year later
  • After a good autumn feed-up, snails, bats, butterflies, snakes, ladybirds, dormice and others find somewhere they hope will remain undisturbed and usually dry.
  • Snack times are juicy snails and slugs, with woodlice for dessert.
  • Clustering of the intertidal snail Batillaria minima Archive 2009-04-01
  • There's also a freezer full of such frozen goods as okra, cut pigs' feet, snails, jute leaves, hot peppers, red snapper, and hard chicken.
  • We record plants and invertebrates (including weeds, insects, spiders, slugs and snails) in and around the fields, before, during and after the crops are in the ground.
  • It wooshed past the house when most things go by at a snail's pace because the visibility around the blind bends is nil and there is nowhere to go but head on. A strange day
  • Block out the mental images of snail-paced Major League Soccer games that you may have seen. World Cup 2010 Schedule | Manolith
  • In early spring, they start to rise from the ground, in small, tightly curled formations that resemble the shape of a snail shell -- or as it's name fiddlehead suggests, the spiral end of a fiddle. Boing Boing
  • The snail slides up the tower at last though the swallow mounteth it sooner. 
  • Nor is the point of etiquette to impress your guests with how much you know and they don't about, say, wines or stemware or snail eating.
  • For 27 years in the jungles of Guam, Yokoi survived on a diet of shrimp, coconuts, snails, frogs and rats.
  • Maybe it is not surprising that it is known as snail mail. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a cool, starlight evening, and they lolled about the poop waiting till their snail's pace would bring them to the anchorage. THE FEATHERS OF THE SUN
  • I didn't turn to gardening, of course, beyond helping Graham remove a nest of snails from the back garden and several small colonies of forest toadstools from the front path and grass.
  • Snails are why I grow strawberries in window boxes, not that a snail sees the sheer cliff of wall leading to the window ledge as anything but a challenge.
  • They are hermaphrodites who produce both eggs and sperm but while they are able to reproduce asexually, they do usually mate with other giant snails.
  • Very much the same story as I conjectured for Nosema in the flour beetle and for the fluke in the snail.
  • You can cure them by rubbing them with a garden snail. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hordes of ghostly white snailfish, which resemble foot-long tadpoles with suckers on their bellies, appeared when one lander released bait in front of its onboard camera. The Guardian World News
  • Sometimes you can find a Zebra flatworm sharing the snail shell with the hermit crab.
  • Web Zen: Zoo Zen Revisited squirrel messenger unidog wiggles dog wigs dancing chicken owls daily mail picnic frog inner city snail counting sheep squeek the squirrel hamsters in hats uni the hedgehog Boing Boing
  • For Dolly, growing anxious about his meaning, yet ready to think about another proposal, was desirous to sit down on the sweet ledge of grass, yet uneasy about her pale blue sarsenet, and uncertain that she had not seen something of a little sea-snail (living in a yellow house, dadoed with red), whom to crush would be a cruel act to her dainty fabric. Springhaven
  • So the spiral of the operculum of a dextral (right-handed) snail is invariably counterclockwise, while that of a sinistral shell is the opposite.
  • Those snails are served in thin slices rather than whole morsels, and they line a delicate pizza crust spread with a vibrant pesto and decorated with flossy greens. Tom Sietsema on Michel: Richard bets on Tysons Corner -- Diners come up a little short
  • He examines the snail trail of viscous fluid by the light from a chink in the curtains.
  • Minutes as good will be sent by email to those who have been electronically up to date, as good as by unchanging mail to members who have been still ensnared in snail station (so to speak). Archive 2009-11-01
  • In the fifth inning of an already snail-paced game, Martinez pulled starter Brandon Lyon, the first in what seemed like a hundred Toronto pitching changes (in reality only six).
  • June 22, 2009 at 9:44 am youcanhasstay-k-shun. along wiff snaily and turtlol! OMG! SLOW DOWN! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The snail's venom kills the fish, but it can then be safely extracted from the fish's tissue.
  • Firefly larvae live underground or beneath leaf litter, feeding on earthworms, snails, slugs, and soft-bodied insect larvae.
  • Bluegills are carnivores, primarily eating invertebrates such as snails, worms, shrimp, aquatic insects, small crayfish, and zooplankton.
  • Slugs and snails have been thriving, increasing the risk of potentially fatal lungworm infections in pets, as they carry the parasite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their tricuspid teeth (three sharp points per tooth) are especially adapted to feed on organisms with hard shells such as clams, snails, crabs and shrimp.

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