How To Use Snag In A Sentence

  • Stars' glorious start to the season has hit a slight snag lately with a couple of draws, while their closest rival, Ballina, continues to string together victories.
  • The greatest difficulty which presents itself in entering the southern mouth arises from what in America are termed snags, that is, large trees, the roots of which are firmly planted in the bed of the river, whilst the branches project up the stream, and are likely to pierce any boat in its passage down. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • It's a sweet deal for General Motors, which snags 2% of world market share for a pittance.
  • After lowering the bait, feel the sinker tap bottom, quickly reel in a few turns to take the rig clear of the snaggy rock bottom and wait for the fish to find the bait.
  • Babu snagged the spot last year by dispatching a friend to stake it out two months before the season even started.
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  • Are they enjoying their comfy suburb, maybe walking the dog through their local park, burning a few snags, or just bowling a few balls to their kids?
  • It's a day where people celebrate by drinking the worst-tasting beer they can find, wearing ratty blue singlet tops with Australian flags as a cape, eating burnt "snags" from the "barbie" and listening to the Triple J Hottest 100 countdown on the radio from the plush confines of a deck chair placed in a kiddie's wading pool. A List For Australia Day
  • The crossdating of white cedar and jack pine snags was accomplished using previously developed chronologies from the same area.
  • Fishing over and around structures often will produce results when you cannot catch fish elsewhere, although fishing lures may become snagged on structures and lost.
  • He'd go out at night and snag spawning salmon and bring them back to freeze and smoke and put up in jars. Times, Sunday Times
  • They had their regular BBQ going during the Sunday Market, serving up scrummy snags, egg and bacon sangas, burgers, etc.
  • a snag can provide food and a habitat for insects and birds
  • I looked around to find a stick and had soon snagged another small bunch of the delicious fruits for myself. The Sun
  • In central government in particular, another snag is lack of transparency. Times, Sunday Times
  • In no time the interview device hit a snag. Tommy Cooper: Always Leave Them Laughing
  • But these sites also operate in a more catch-as-catch-can fashion, relying largely on what is either sent to them by other writers or they themselves can snag from the information vortex.
  • She reached to untangle the reins and free the horse, the bushes scratching at her arms, snagging the sleeves of her now-tattered dress.
  • Sharp snaggled teeth gnashed at her as if the demon didn't realize who it was she faced.
  • My snagging list is lists inside other lists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the snaggy craggy oak-trees put out the softest young leaves, spreading thin, brown little wings like young bat-wings in the light. Lady Chatterley's Lover
  • The sword snagged, then pulled free of its sheath. The Reign of Istar
  • We generally prefer snags with tomato sauce and white bread.
  • It also touches on his honesty and "forthrightness" (is that a word or something I snagged from the Bush dictionary?) The Official TPM Tally: The McCains Own Eight To Eleven Houses
  • Still, a shadow crosses Jack's resolutely clouded eyes as he detects a snag in the plan.
  • With talkback in your headphones, snags, changes, fixed points and pips to hit, it is technically fun too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suzuki opened the seventh with a twisting shot to left-center field, but Hideki Matsui snagged it in front of the warning track .
  • Be careful not to snag your coat on the barbed wire.
  • There was just one small snag. Plane Speaking - a personal view of aviation history
  • Ms. De Laurentiis likes her cooking blouses fitted so the fabric doesn't snag, and she favors three-quarter sleeves. Kitchen Couture When Cooking for Guests
  • ‘I'm so sorry I didn't mean to just start crying like that, wow I feel so stupid’ She reached behind her and snagged a tissue off the counter and dabbed at the corner of her eyes and sniffled delicately into the crumply tissue.
  • Your inner Jack Nicholson pounds around in circles in your head, swearing and shuddering, decrying your overuse of the word snagged and your repetitive and/or awkward sentence structure. Where I work...
  • Fake Sniffit = Indiana Voter ... it's like blog t-ball ... snag someone's moniker who annoys you, put nonsense words in their mouth, then post later attacking it under a different name Moderate Dems will determine if health care bill gets to Senate
  • She snagged her tights on the rough edge of the chair.
  • A gnarled and taliped and snaggy landscape where man might be seen as an afterthought. Cold Mountain
  • On the rough paper, my pencil snagged; at once, my reverie was interrupted. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • When snags pose no safety hazard to golfers or course maintenance staff, consider leaving them in place.
  • The airlines would upload passenger lists to the Transportation Security Administration, which would then compare the lists themselves, The TSA says that since it will be more efficient at preventing name mismatches than airlines because the checking will all be centralized. hearing before a House Homeland Security subcommittee on Tuesday, where lawmakers again peppered officials from the TSA and the Terrorist Screening Center with questions about why the watch lists keep snagging innocent Americans. Legitgov
  • It landed on an outjutting rocky snag in the center of a large hot pool and shattered noisily. The Moment Of The Magician
  • Prior to his chancellorship, he worked at the school for 10 years as dean, a job his professional and academic credentials helped him snag.
  • Where I hunt there are briars galore and I need a material that has a low knap so it doesn't snag. The Best Camo for Hunting Away from Home
  • Among the rich and famous, there's nary a female snaggletooth to be found (Madonna and Lauren Hutton's charming gaps don't count), but more than a few imperfect male mouths. I Love Your Smile - Or, Discrimination In The Workplace
  • Barcalor, Baranor, and others of the province of Canara which is subject to the king of Bisnagar. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 06 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • Unfortunately, this morning the plan hit a snag when none of them actually turned up.
  • Snag-free, 3-dot tritium sights and rustproof stainless steel construction round out a great carry gun.
  • But before he takes the next call he realises that we have hit a snag on our journey. Times, Sunday Times
  • I found it a great place for bagging off from, but beware of snagging - netting, monofilament, and ropes abound!
  • Of course, there was only one snag for me. Times, Sunday Times
  • The snag is that money-supply growth would explode without sterilisation, which is now close to its limit.
  • Most of the identifiable woody debris was pine snags, stumps, boles, or branches.
  • Mile after mile of the coast had been covered with woods, filled with ferns and snaggling roots.
  • The grand opening hit a snag when no one could find the key.
  • Within habitats, forestry must ensure heterogeneity with the retention of snags, remnant trees, woody debris, and a more natural variety of tree species.
  • Good god, this is one of the catchiest, bounciest, danciest tracks I've snagged in a while. If You Drop The Beat, They Will Dance
  • The snag about an endowment mortgage is its inflexibility.
  • Keep an emery board handy in case of nail snags, so your teeth do not get to them first!
  • The obvious snag with free space communication by light is that the atmosphere attenuates the beam.
  • Separate teams of elections workers inspect each ballot and fish out the "snags" -- ballots that are damaged or have smudges, stray markings or improperly filled-in bubbles.
  • The liquid the kid is squirting is water, and the tube is called a 'bisnaga'. Boing Boing
  • His expression hovered somewhere between disgusted and concerned as he watched his ex-girlfriend toss the wipe aside and snag yet another. Pure Sin
  • He carefully secures the material around my head, making sure not to snag any loose hairs within the knot and places his hands once more on my shoulders.
  • In some swims, on every third cast the weight would jam up on a hidden snag and we'd have to pull for a break.
  • If you missed out on snagging your dream item at half-price, it's a pain. The Sun
  • I proceeded slowly, taking care that my air hoses did not snag. Anti-Ice
  • When I raised my binoculars to a snag, or jagged top, of a broken, burned-out tree, I found myself locked in a gaze with a female on her nest.
  • Eventually, I spotted a bird perched atop a snag far below me.
  • BRECON That part of the toenail which is designed to snag on nylon sheets. The Meaning of Liff
  • She snagged it and hotfooted it to the editing facility. COURAGE AND CONSEQUENCE
  • The only slightish snag - if you want to see it as one - is that Michael Shanks looks quite quite like Ben Browder.
  • We found that larger snags had indeed higher densities of wood-boring beetle larva entrance holes than smaller snags.
  • Even in the relatively rare event that a fire does kill an old-growth stand, the remaining trees and snags provide valuable nesting habitat for large birds of prey and other forest species.
  • Nevertheless, I find myself at this weird juncture, a cultural snag wrapped in a conundrum shaped like a question mark dressed in scratchy raw Japanese selvedge and smoking American Spirits, glumly, in a grungy hoody, outside the bike shop, twitching just a little. Mark Morford: Forgive Me, I Do Not Like The Arcade Fire
  • Tory Euro hopeful Ian Bruce said the 50 per cent total could be hit by Thursday night, despite postal votes being affected by a series of snags including late delivery in Elvington and confusion over new vote forms.
  • Once a red-tailed hawk had settled onto a snag about ten feet away and stared at him, cocking its head as if it were trying to figure out what sort of creature Andrew was.
  • The only snag is that soya milk also tastes absolutely disgusting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hapless dad 's trousers and pants were snagged and wrenched off. The Sun
  • Be careful sending up line from depth as there is a chance of it snagging.
  • So, while I was wondering what to do about it, she headed right in, leaving me with the valise and the umberella, and a kind of qualmy feeling that the old lady might strike a snag. Love, the Fiddler
  • Only one snag - one of them is married. The Sun
  • As the dealer points to the 3rd baseman, she accidentally snags her hole card on her sleeve and flips it face up.
  • FAIRFIELD - "We'll be in blackberries all day," warned my hunting companion, Andy Holt, as we forged our way through the first of many prickly patches, unsnagging branches from our blaze-orange vests. -
  • Victims included businesses and professionals unlucky enough to have a keyword snagged in the system. -- Top News
  • An emergency chute also failed to open after snagging on his arm. The Sun
  • Carefully, you’d write down the numbers on a piece of scratch paper with a worn out half-sized pencil with no eraser you snagged from a little cardboard box on the librarian’s desk. What Are Keywords? « Lorelle on WordPress
  • After the snaggle-toothed boozehound was kicked out of The Pogues in 1993, he cut a couple of albums with rag-tag bunch The Popes.
  • The Martha Stewart trial hit a snag when defense lawyers and prosecutors withheld a key document from them.
  • Transfer of the Garden City Lands to Richmond hit a snag last week after the Musqueam First Nation received a temporary court injunction preventing the move.
  • Practical completion should then be achieved late this week but full/final completion of all site works and our own snagging and quality inspection will go into next week I think.
  • LAS VEGAS (AP) Washington Capitals star forward Alex Ovechkin snagged the Hart Trophy as the NHL most valuable player for the second straight year on Thursday. Ovechkin honored with Hart Trophy as NHL's MVP
  • Blunt ones will snag the fabric. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • So it helps that the producers have managed to snag a scad of swinging neo-surf bands, including the Pyronauts and the Hypnotic IV. Monster from Bikini Beach (2008)
  • There is however one last snaggette to the system we've just been roughing out.
  • The frameworks of the looms are made in Mahdia and assembled using only wooden doweling, because metal nails would snag the threads.
  • In consequence of Mrs. Snagsby looking deeply edified, Mr. Snagsby thinks it expedient on the whole to say amen, which is well received. Bleak House
  • Only one snag - one of them is married. The Sun
  • several snags while still at the planning stage.
  • It looks like the first few pegs downstream of the weir are the ones to target for big fish with some heavy tackle required for the fast and snaggy water.
  • I snagged a parking space in the last row.
  • Finally I snag one and I'm given a card with some writing and told to stand and wait for the unit at the register.
  • The negotiations have snagged on a dispute about who should chair them.
  • There is a snag with this product for owners who have dependants living with them, be they able-bodied or disabled.
  • He snagged his sweater on the wire fence.
  • AltaRock immediately ran into snags with its drilling, repeatedly snapping off bits in shallow formations called caprock," the Times reports. Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
  • This will allow the soufflé to rise and prevent it from snagging. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nettles and tangles of bindweed, pelt-snagging goosegrass and bedstraw alike were avoided, while he gazed with pleasure on the eager growth of scattered rowan and hawthorn saplings.
  • I snagged my sweater on the wire fence.
  • But if one had not the slightest hint toward finding what one's nature was, then even stepping out on the path became a snaggy matter. Cold Mountain
  • My face had the hospital pallor, and, with my long hair and beard, I know I looked "snaggy" like a potato that has been forgotten in a dark corner of the cellar. Three Times and Out: A Canadian Boy's Experience in Germany
  • Too often opinions tend to snag on this problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as she grew it became a challenge to snag my favorite seat before she had stretched out and zonked in it. Smart Solutions for Dealing with Dog Hair
  • It sounds like the perfect life but there's one big snag. The Sun
  • Here he hit a snag. ALEXANDER THE CORRECTOR
  • The good news is, my skirt is done except for covering the grommets which isn't required for actual wearing, but is nice and prevents anything getting snagged. Wait...what day is it?
  • Whoever correctly guesses the most winning teams by the end of the regular season will snag an incredible pize - an over-the-top Bowl party to watch the ultimate football showdown on your own turf on February 6, 2011. 10 News Local News
  • The wingtip snagged a shroud line and deflated the canopy.
  • From the aviation industry's point of view there is just one small snag. Times, Sunday Times
  • I proceeded slowly, taking care that my air hoses did not snag. Anti-Ice
  • Tangirala snagged the top spot by spelling the word feijoada correctly. Chronicle
  • The only snag is the price. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was stated that you wish to purchase our materials and have Hayes Industries complete the entire works including snagging 4/12 and 1st Radius Area.
  • They didn't make the lasting impact a team such as the Patriots has, but plenty of New York Jets fans would happily trade a dozen playoff appearances for one of the Super Bowl titles snagged by those teams. Miami's Short Fall
  • Or was it making an impossible try to snag the low-flying redtail? Bird Cloud
  • As the robber clambered over railings his trousers snagged and Mr Ceesay grabbed hold of the hood of his top.
  • She snagged a heel on a root and tumbled to the ground.
  • Frankly, I've caused more than a few scuffs of my own, when I've been careless with my shoes, or if my keys stuck a bit out of my pockets and snagged something.
  • No matter how often you've done this job before there are still hidden snags and pitfalls along the way.
  • Back in the fifties I worked on a number of eight by four panels and can remember no great snags in the painting or the subsequent display and longevity of the results.
  • I snagged my sweater on the wire fence.
  • Public loos have been a vexed issue in the town for some time and council has been grappling with plans to build new public toilets in the caravan park, but that's hit a snag.
  • They usually perch in the open at the very top of a conifer or snag or in a small tree.
  • I snagged a glass of wine at the bar and then I sat in the back booth and surveyed the place.
  • Extremely narrow fairways and tiny greens mean the Scotch broom, beach grass and native rhododendron will snag anything off line.
  • The one snag is that some people might be tempted to take out all their money before they reach retirement age. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Derbyshire-born yachtswoman also had to reverse her yacht after the rudder snagged an object, losing her valuable time.
  • But there was a snag - there was no natural harbour, and Carrington surmised that building one would be at considerable expense.
  • Good god, this is one of the catchiest, bounciest, danciest tracks I've snagged in a while. If You Drop The Beat, They Will Dance
  • A branch snagged his shirt sleeve, and he tore a hole as he yanked himself free.
  • He snagged his sweater on the wire fence.
  • It is the bisnaga, sometimes called the 'niggerhead,' belonging to the cactus family, a plant that is ever hailed with joy by the thirsty traveler. Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders on the Great American Desert
  • VONETTA FLOWERS helped her two-woman bobsledding team snag first place at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, becoming the first Black person ever to strike gold at the Winter Games.
  • Extremely narrow fairways and tiny greens mean the Scotch broom, beach grass and native rhododendron will snag anything off line.
  • I snagged my stocking
  • Those regulations do not include any management recommendations for snag retention in salvaged cutover areas.
  • The radical appears to be _snag_, _knag_, or _nag_ (_Knoge_, Notes and Queries, Number 180, April 9, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • The drug is very effective - the only snag is that it cannot be produced in large quantities.
  • One webisode, for example, has Mayne's three-person team (that includes their conspiratory theory-minded cameraman, Video Cowboy, played by Jon Glazer) on their way to cover the Beijing Olympics, when things hit a snag and Mayne decides to do his reports from New York City's Chinatown instead, figuring that no one will know the difference. Robert J. Elisberg: The Brilliant, Hilarious Mayne Street Returns
  • I snagged my sweater on the wire fence.
  • We are glad to have our little snaggletooth spider back in his cage. The prodigal spider returneth!
  • They snag your tights, wreck your calf muscles and make going to the loo down long flights of greasy stairs in restaurants absolutely terrifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who knows, out in the country, snag a couple of trout, bake them over a fire, bottle of vino, anything can happen. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • We don't anticipate any snags in/with the negotiations.
  • The development of sticky viscid silk is thought to be an important evolutionary innovation as that silk is more effective at snagging passing insects than the non-sticky variety.
  • For a new-build you should get a snagging survey. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many developments go through difficulties, most have to sell properties while the site is incomplete and dirty, snagging is a perennial irritation - all this is not ideal, but yet properties still manage to get successfully sold.
  • A snag in the sound system brought the music and dance to an abrupt halt, prompting Archana to crack a few jokes at the expense of the electrical crew.
  • He twitches the fabric to free it from where it has snagged and pulls the curtains open wide.
  • I must say, I wasn't going to care if my hook "accidently" snagged him. Fishing ethics- Where have they gone?
  • When he was discharged in 1946, he began arranging for Harry James, but his career hit a snag when bebop, an intellectual genre that he rebuffed, became the rage.
  • Flying just above ground level, the hook snagged the glider towline, pulling the glider from a standstill to 720 mph within seven seconds.
  • But the snag came when the company tried to limit eligibility to people in certain cities, informing them of their bonus via snail mail.
  • Feel briar and thorn snag heel and heart and soul, but never think that hiding is the end of it.
  • As the final got underway, Collins wasted no time, snagging a right and blasting the lip on the outside, zigzagging to the inside where he belted another lipper, clearing showing he was not intimidated. Transworld Surf» | Transworld Surf
  • Some of the smaller plants that grow here are fire snag, wild rose, Labrador tea, bearberry, sedges, eriacaceous shrubs, cottongrass, moss, sphagnum moss, feathermoss, bog cranberry, and blueberry.
  • He pushed her up against a stack of split logs, driving the snags and angles of the wood into her spine. DISPLACED PERSON
  • This blade has a low double comb built in that you can get under matts and snaggled hair better.
  • My mind had got hung up a while back, snagged by a memory awakened at his description of the gatekeeper's role. NIGHT SISTERS
  • When I get a bite the strike pulls the fish up and out, away from any potential snags and into open water.
  • For heavy - pressure . form, plunge grinding , snagging of such materials as stainless steel ductile cast iron etc.
  • But that touches on another snag. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Atlantic's Molly Ball snags this quote fro Dole to the New York Times in 1995:Sometimes I kind of wonder: 'Well, jiminy, why can't I think like this guy? Florida primary campaign – as it happened
  • Nettles and tangles of bindweed, pelt-snagging goosegrass and bedstraw alike were avoided, while he gazed with pleasure on the eager growth of scattered rowan and hawthorn saplings.
  • I first assume that snag density is a function of snag formation from living trees and snag deterioration to stumps and fallen logs.
  • They're very tough and soaked in paraffin, like English Barbour coats, so they're very water-repellent and won't snag on thorns.
  • And since he was the last person who handled the prize money before sending it to the bank, the cufflinks must have snagged and dropped into the money.
  • Ford and Drake say that since women suffer economically much more than men when they get divorced, snagging a good provider is ultimately critical to an equitable settlement.
  • A minor snag is that it's expensive.
  • Courtwright's hammer snagged on Short's watch fob chain.
  • I climbed through the broken window, snagging the end of my old dress on the shards of glass.
  • With pliers, bend the wire ends back into the button so they won't snag the garment fabric.
  • There is just one small snag—where is the money coming from?
  • Then off to the barbie stopping to grab some snags and a loaf of cheap bread.
  • She and her husband have an organization consisting mostly of young people who clean up the city's public spaces, and they used the snaggers we sold them, and wore them to a frazzle, and bought a lot more.
  • Another snag is that many patients have back trouble too. The Sun
  • In central government in particular, another snag is lack of transparency. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unique beaded cord is remarkable strong and won't snag or jam even round tight corners.
  • We've hit one snag after another in trying to find a hundred acres of land. Christianity Today
  • Of course, things will go wrong. Move on! Don't let the little snags affect the progress of your life. RVM 
  • Back in the city, his status protects the family from the escalating inconveniences and snags of everyday life, from the food and the fuel shortages; within the house, Papa's reign of terror is unleashed.
  • We've hit one snag after another in trying to find a hundred acres of land. Christianity Today
  • There are numerous hidden snags to this rather crude formula, but the basic idea is sound.
  • snags incidental to the changeover in management
  • Ferns brushed her ankles and burs snagged her skirt as she stumbled along compulsively.
  • Recently I have switched over to Trilene Sensation for general mono use with Big Game or XT for snaggy cover or larger pike. What's Your Line?
  • Oh and apparently the refs don't mind Justin McCareins forearming Jacques Reeves before hs snags a deep bomb inside the MVN
  • Book ahead to snag one of the booths in the restaurant, and opt for a luxury room. Times, Sunday Times
  • she replied, a barbed question guaranteed to snag my dander. A DARKENING STAIN
  • It will also lower the risk of fisherman snaggling debris and damaging net and gear instead of catching fish.
  • The snag is that the German housing market is multitiered. Germany's Property Renaissance
  • He begins his ascent rapidly, flinging the rope upward around the trunk to create a high handhold, kicking a leg up to snag a toehold, flinging the rope again for a higher handhold to pull to still higher toeholds.
  • A smooth border edges the mainspring housing and front of the grip strap to reduce drag and snag when carried concealed under.
  • Plans to scrap a toxic ‘ghost fleet’ of former United States Navy ships in Britain hit a snag yesterday when it emerged that new planning permission might be needed.

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