
How To Use Smite In A Sentence

  • A certain bestubbled, black turtleneck-wearing chieftain in Cupertino, Calif., may smite us for saying so, but perhaps it's time to raise a blasphemous notion: Now is not a good time to buy Apple stock. Business and financial news -
  • So saying she seized a sword and made at him to smite him; and behold, he cried out and said, “O Kings of the Age, suffer her not to slay me, till I shall have told you the rare adventures that have betided me.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And he hath indignation thereof, and putteth away the wedge despiteously and right fiercely, and then the wedge falleth and smiteth him harder than it did before, and he striveth so long with the wedge, until his feeble head doth fail by oft smiting of the wedge, and then he falleth down upon the pricks and stakes, and slayeth himself in that wise. Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus
  • The sound smites upon the ear.
  • God in the Old Testament of the Bible is a vengeful, jealous God that smites those who disobey him.
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  • The sound smites upon the ear.
  • And when that messengers of strange countries come before him, the meinie of the soldan, when the strangers speak to him, they be about the soldan with swords drawn and gisarmes and axes, their arms lifted up in high with those weapons for to smite upon them, if they say any word that is displeasance to the soldan. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Giles, aware that Warne was more musketeer in approach than monk, cleverly tossed one higher and shorter as Warne advanced to smite another blow.
  • To bluff a bluffer was to smite with the steel of justice. CHAPTER 5
  • Contra Archdeacon Smiter, I'm glad Waldstein didn't go on for a few hundred more pages about J.P. Deuce's patristic sources. Archive 2009-03-01
  • In the perfectly motionless flattened sphere, without the shimmer of premonition and with inconceivable suddenness, a white cross smites itself, as it were, through the sarcode. Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
  • Sunlight smites over the earth.
  • The meaning is this: If a man smite his servant or his maid with a rod, and he die under his hand, IT (the death) shall surely be avenged, or literally, _by avenging it shall be avenged_; that is, the _death_ of the servant shall be _avenged_ by the The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4
  • Gharib hath with him the enchanted sword of Japhet son of Noah, and whomsoever he smiteth therewith he severeth him in sunder, and with him also are two Marids from Mount Caucasus, given to him by King The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • An adaptation of a command of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount: “Ye have heard that it hath been said, “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth”; but I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. Turn the other cheek
  • Love looks like weakness, and fundamentalists, he says, want a strong God who can smite their enemies.
  • Now though we are but few, yet are we of a good stock, and of one heart and one will; by God's help let us go out and smite them to-morrow, early in the morning, and you who are not in a state of penitence, go and shrieve yourselves and repent ye of your sins. Chronicle of the Cid
  • Their highest instinct of sportsmanship is to catch a man with his back turned and to smite him a cunning blow with a tomahawk that severs the spinal column at the base of the brain. THE TERRIBLE SOLOMONS
  • Jordan prepared a smite from his Longsword, and then stabbed straight into the King's heart.
  • With the three as one, the weapon will bring order to the land and its warring Duah, a firm hand to smite the darkness and usher in peace.
  • Norman knights, that at least we have some weapon wherewith we can parry shaft and smite assailer, -- bring me forth, Godrith, my shield and my Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Complete
  • And when they should be beheaded both, S. James desired a potful of water of him that should smite off their heads, and therewith he baptized Josias, and then anon they were both beheaded and suffered martyrdom. The Golden Legend, vol. 4
  • a man smite his servant or his maid with a rod, and he die under his hand, IT (the death) shall surely be avenged, or literally, _by avenging it shall be avenged_; that is, the _death_ of the servant shall be The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • Indeed the folk, generation after generation, shall tell of thy derring do against the accursed Luka, the falsifier of the Evangel; 396 of thy catching the throng spear in mid-flight, and how the enemy of Allah among men thou didst smite; and thy fame shall endure until the end of time. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • At Hyde Park Corner on a tub she stands preaching; shrouds herself in white and walks penitentially disguised as brotherly love through factories and parliaments; offers help, but desires power; smites out of her way roughly the dissentient, or dissatisfied; bestows her blessing on those who, looking upward, catch submissively from her eyes the light of their own. Mrs. Dalloway
  • The meaning is this: If a man smite his servant or his maid with a rod, and he die under his hand, IT (the death) shall surely be avenged, or literally, _by avenging it shall be avenged_; that is, the _death_ of the servant shall be _avenged_ by the _death_ of the master. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4
  • And then he looked afore him, and there he apperceived and saw come an armed knight, with many lights about him; and this knight had a long gisarm in his hand, and made grim countenance to smite him. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Or will God smite them down for partaking in a worldly activity while giving it a smidgen of godliness like those "collectible" coins coated with a veneer of "pure 24k gold!"? The Bilerico Project
  • No other gods show up to do anything about it, just as our variously believed-in deities don't drop in and smite anybody here, either, outside of stories. MIND MELD: Gods by the Bushel
  • He was planning to smite his enemies and didn't want to do it on the Sabbath.
  • Amidst all that humbles and scathes; amidst all that shatters from their life its verdure, smites to the dust the pomp and summit of their pride, and in the very heart of existence writeth a sudden and "strange defeature," -- they stand erect, -- riven, not uprooted, -- a monument less of pity than of awe! The Disowned — Complete
  • Inwardly glowing with impatience, Arthur yet saw the necessity of obeying his guide; and when he had pulled the long and loose upper vestment from the old man, he stood before him in a cassock of black serge, befitting his order and profession, but begirt, not with a suitable sash such as clergymen wear, but with a most uncanonical buff-belt, supporting a short two-edged sword, calculated alike to stab and to smite. Anne of Geierstein
  • But if a stranger or metic smite one who is older by twenty years or more, the same law shall hold about the bystanders assisting, and he who is found guilty in such a suit, if he be a stranger but not resident, shall be imprisoned during a period of two years; and a metic who disobeys the laws shall be imprisoned for three years, unless the court assign him a longer term. Laws
  • Al – Gundubah (“one locust-man”) smites off the head of his mother’s servile murderer and cries, I have taken my blood-revenge upon this traitor slave’” (Lane, M.E. chaps. xx iii.) 128 This gathering all the persons upon the stage before the curtain drops is highly artistic and improbable. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • She will smite the empires with her wrath, and in her sorrow wash them away!
  • Jesus used his powers to smite Egyptians and to torment people who believed in Him and God.
  • Oh, noes Scott Brown thinks YouTube is the debbil and is going smite it! Think Progress » Wall Street Investors Lavish Scott Brown’s Campaign With Money, Get Out The Vote Operations
  • Douglas, I will give my people and all the world proof that I am still God's righteous and avenging vice-gerent on earth, and that no consideration can restrain my wrath, no after-thought stay my arm, whenever it is ready to fall and smite the head of the guilty. Henry VIII and His Court
  • The gymnasiarch stands watchfully by, swinging his cane to smite painfully whoever, in over eagerness, breaks away before the signal. A Day in Old Athens; a Picture of Athenian Life
  • Be still, ere I smite you like the dayfly you are! The Boat of a Million Years
  • Examples: Sneak Attack, Smite, Commander Effects that add to damage.
  • Wherefore the word X+S+D+, following may be taken adverbially, as a lenitive of that severity which this word importeth: "Let him smite me;" but The Sermons of John Owen
  • He became the icon that God had to smite to be able to save us, and suddenly the Lamb of God was smitten! FROM THE CROSS TO PENTECOST
  • The story begins with Balak, king of the Moabites, entreating Balaam to ‘curse me this people for he is too mighty for me: peradventure I shall prevail, that we may smite him, and that I may drive him out of the land ’.
  • The sound smites upon the ear.
  • Smite him also in the chariot: [and they struck him] at the ascent of Gur, which is by Ibleam. The World English Bible (WEB):
  • In a statement, Spitzer declared that, "When a record label engages in an elaborate scheme to purchase air time for its artists, it violates state and federal law and presents consumers with a skewed picture of the country's proclaimed 'best' and 'most popular' music" He added that payola smites struggling artists, who aren't being judged on their talents. Hot Wax: Spitzer Says EMI Settles Payola Probe
  • And when that messengers of strange countries come before him, the meinie of the soldan, when the strangers speak to him, they be about the soldan with swords drawn and gisarmes and axes, their arms lifted up in high with those weapons for to smite upon them, if they say any word that is displeasance to the soldan. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • And when the woman Ipsukuk is anigh thee, -- she who smeareth her face with molasses, -- do thou smite her likewise, and whosoever else that possesseth flour and cometh to thy hand. A HYPERBOREAN BREW
  • Paladins smite enemies with divine authority, bolster the courage of nearby companions, and radiate as if a beacon of inextinguishable hope.
  • While the introductions were being given, he windmilled his right arm, like David getting ready to smite Goliath with a sling.
  • But I say unto you, that you resist not evil but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
  • With such sanctified meekness does the Incorruptible lift his seagreen cheek to the smiter; lift his thin voice, and with jesuitic dexterity plead, and prosper: asking at last, in a prosperous manner: "But what witnesses has the Citoyen Barbaroux to support his testimony? The French Revolution
  • Millions of years ago, after the Night of Demons when the Elder Gods had to smite themselves into ‘sleep,’ the somewhat metalloid Hell Creatures hurriedly invaded Earth and took over the vast network of tunnels which the Elder Gods had built to honeycomb the planet. The Book of the SubGenius
  • moisten" not (the earth). smite ... with all plagues -- Greek, "with (literally, 'in') every plague. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • And I dubitate as to your diet-loaves and confectionery suiting you better than a slice of chine or sirloin, for you have a pale cheek and a pensive eye that smite me to the heart. London Pride Or When the World Was Younger

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