
How To Use Smelly In A Sentence

  • These creatures have the reputation of being smelly, vicious, spiteful and unreliable.
  • The other cheese beloved in Savoie, the smelly, oozing reblochon, is the star of a Savoyard specialty: the famous tartiflette. Savoie the Fair
  • I am not sure if all dumps are this smelly - I know that all dumps are odorous - but it was stinky.
  • A and chronic smelly while stumbling out the telly lyrics courtesy of www. Im so fly Im so ferry and the way I flow is very ginsu or machete, move my pencil move his deli platinum band platinum bezzie make a straight girl out of lezzie magazine mac bezzie keep my windows like the prezzie press a button than Im stuntin my roof look like its duckin meter go - Business News
  • Eh, Brother, don't you mean any and all capitalist running dogs are smelly, of which the Noble House and the House of Chen are chief and dung heavy?" he said banteringly. Noble House
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  • The following morning the pond was seriously cloudy and smelly and the fish were gasping for air. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were little boys and little girls that were covered in dirt and mud while their clothes were ragged in that smelly dump.
  • They consider trees dirty and smelly, and they drop leaves. The Sun
  • We invariably travelled on some clapped-out smelly bus that made us nauseous with the diesel fumes.
  • A man with a smelly dog got on board and sat rather too close to my nostrils.
  • Some of our comrades love to unite long articles with no substance, very much like the foot-bindings of a slattern long as well as smelly.
  • A: Sometimes a small amount of fuel will slosh out of the fuel-filler tube before the gas pump's automatic shutoff kicks in, and it can produce enough fumes to be smelly for a while. Me & My Car
  • You know what I mean - visibly dirty, pronouncedly smelly, and exhibiting abnormal behavior (usually attributed to drug use).
  • Aidan woke, blinking up into the gray of predawn, confusion at his whereabouts making him question the heavy oaken beams above his head, the draft from a rattling set of windows, and the dampness in the smelly blankets covering him. Earl of Durkness
  • I happen to be 20yrs of age (From England) a big HSM fan and think that what you have written is pretty mean! .. infact way out of order and lets hope your greasy smelly hair get bodged up next operation you have to have!! sicko! SLACKERJACK – Cute Knight
  • I agree that smoking is not a good thing to do, but I defend the smoker's right not to be vilified and told they are dirty, smelly, unclean and all the other accusations thrown their way.
  • By then it is hoped no hunts will have to embark on the pursuit of a smelly sock. Times, Sunday Times
  • The small apartment reflected the same disheveled appearance as it's occupant; dirty and smelly.
  • Never mind that they grow a paunch and get jowly and leave their smelly socks around. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • Often it will have a sour, smelly, unpalatable fermentation.
  • Landfill is always discussed as smelly, polluting and potentially unhealthy.
  • We invariably travelled on some clapped-out smelly bus that made us nauseous with the diesel fumes.
  • There are several theories about this, ranging from the dull (a goat might have been the prize at the Dionysia), to the moderately convincing (goats may once have been sacrificed to choral song, which evolved into tragedy as we know it, like in Antigone, etc.), to the highly impertinent (choral singers were young men much like goats in that they were hairy, smelly, and licentious). Small joys « paper fruit
  • Okay, so they had a bit of a snog at the end of the last series, but that was just to keep the smelly waster on his toes.
  • He was smelly, dirty, and unshaven but pleasant and friendly. Christianity Today
  • Smelly feet are definitely a turn - off as far as I'm concerned.
  • Mark the smelly side of the chopping board with a permanent marker, so you always chop the onions, garlic, chives etc on that side.
  • He explained how life on the march was pretty grubby and smelly.
  • Fortunately for her, there lay, just off and behind the kitchen, a roomy scullery, where most of the dirty, and what may be called the smelly, work connected with cooking was done. Good Old Anna
  • Some of these kids stay in the school hostel and were exposed to this smelly sewerage water for two weeks.
  • Even though it contains virtually nothing organic our dustbin is pretty smelly in summer, even after a week.
  • And which also traps dirt and makes him smelly and harbors ick, and which will turn into matts if ignored for too long. Skin as white as a cuttlefish bone
  • In the unusually smelly dressing room, there were some photocopies of some old bills from the theatre from Georgian times.
  • So there is a danger that applying a perfume to a smelly dog may mask an underlying serious health problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • These creatures have the reputation of being smelly, vicious, spiteful and unreliable.
  • After all, they are dirty and smelly, bad-tempered and rude. Meet Wild Boars by Meg Rosoff: Book summary
  • My previous dog once padded into the lounge having just rolled in the duck pond and covered himself with smelly scum.
  • Not cartoony ugly, like Basil Wolverton, but blotchy and smelly and decaying from the inside out. Boing Boing: January 18, 2004 - January 24, 2004 Archives
  • There are all sorts of poncy blends of tea made from smelly herbs that taste like green water.
  • Frenchman sells smelly pants A French company is to produce scented underpants for men. Times, Sunday Times
  • How smoky, smelly and conversational it must have been in there, with five or six people crammed tight together and a good peat fire blazing away. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can see the great talents of so-called smelly cousin. Reading, Writing, Cooking and Crafting: My poor state
  • Five blank videos, various Lynx branded smelly stuff, oh, and some socks.
  • We can forgive Maxine's snoring and smelly feet, but pouring good beer down the sink?
  • A family friend, Jack, had what he called his surfshop, a smelly but exciting beachside design lab of sorts, where he was working on a sharkproof rubber wet suit, striped to mimic a poisonous fish he said even sharks refused to bite. The English Is Coming!
  • On the appointed day the Queen inspected a muddy, smelly morass.
  • Davidson's book also sent me to my battered copy of David Arora's Mushrooms Demystified -- the one book you must have if you want to hunt mushrooms-- for this anecdote by the Victorian memoirist Gwen Raverat about the smelly, phallic, stinkhorn mushroom. "Because of the morals of the maids"...
  • Stuck in this miserable world with bloodsuckers and smelly lushes with guns?
  • Is pogonip A, smoke from the campfire; B, bee pollen; C, frozen fog; or D, smelly fish guts? CNN Transcript May 16, 2007
  • According to most modern historians, the Amerindians were generally taller, stronger and healthier with longer life expectancies than the short, dirty, smelly, underfed Europeans that confronted them at the end of the 15th Century. The Logic of the Anti-Columbians
  • Community leaders say the playground is a muddy, smelly quagmire even in the height of summer.
  • Then he handed a smelly helmet to Raylaa, who sniffed disgustedly and just got onto the sidecar, a two suitcases stacked on her lap.
  • I do feel that if you decide not to smoke, you shouldn't have the smelly fumes wafting over from someone who does.
  • Keep in mind that the objects are not rotten or smelly or discolored.
  • Keep in mind that the objects are not rotten or smelly or discolored.
  • Yet such indulgence is often the way, as people laugh off alcoholic excess while working themselves into a righteous moral lather over something smelly in a cigarette.
  • And dang those darn smelly mexicans!!! oh and never look up the word "mung" on google images. Maybmemorys Diary Entry
  • Even as they deliver Pure Rock Fury to smelly rooms full of sweaty people, they plot against it.
  • I don’t care what people watch and what they get into, my main gripe is I get this feeling that there are some smelly men in suits somewhere smirking at what they can get away with on TV, and counting themselves as avant guard and artistic. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - This is what I hate about HBO.
  • The teenage pyromaniacs experimented with different fuel sources, different sorts of fats (some very smelly) and oils, moss, dry rotten wood and home baked tinder using a cotton handkerchief.
  • I'm tired of changing your baby's smelly diapers, you deadbeat dad.
  • VELSHI: Well, a small business owner in Phoenix has come up with what you could call a smelly way of beating the high price of gas. CNN Transcript May 12, 2008
  • An e-book reader with an everlasting battery so I could pack zillions of books along with me * g*, an outfit in a super-duper space fabric that would last forever and be washable, dryable, and warm or cool as needed, and some kind of toilet setup that is hygienic, green and non-smelly!! Archive 2007-10-01
  • I hate these modern synthetics, but a lovely old-fashioned smelly gluepot was a wistful dream in these crummy circumstances. The Vatican Rip
  • If that means queueing with the chavs in smelly convenience stores they can get stuffed. Lottery to become Compulsory
  • Users of the men's toilet said it was smelly and needed a new floor and a good steam clean.
  • They are your average scally lads, bad hair, tight jeans, unwashed, smelly, drunken.
  • With smelly old used mattresses. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is because they think it is dirty, greasy and smelly.
  • You can also use butter or margarine, which is less smelly. The Sun
  • In the past, I stared with amazement and almost revered the brown, smelly liniment as I rubbed it into my bruises.
  • I'm sorry to hear that Swan - at least you're not in the east side of Toronto (before the DVP, not after) so theoretically I should have been robbed once in the 5 months I've been in this city (I've been groped by a old smelly drunk dude getting off a streetcar - does that count?). * knocks on wood to not get robbed* MetaChat
  • He was bound and gagged, wrapped in smelly tarpaulin, his body too weak to put up any kind of resistance. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Smelly feet are definitely a turn - off as far as I'm concerned.
  • If your tootsies get sweaty and smelly, wash them twice a day with water and anti-bacterial soap.
  • But we know better: worse than leaving work in smelly clothes is the full shift spent working in the presence of a carcinogenic environmental constant. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
  • I remember the first Telecopier in our office, when something could be transmitted across the country in just six minutes via smelly paper. Candy Spelling: Instant Gratification for the Ages
  • Yeah, it's smelly, yeah, it screws up the atmosphere, yeah, people die because of it.
  • Trust me, no girl - however desperate - likes a slobbering, out-of-control male, breathing smelly, beery breath all over them.
  • [Sidenote: The Dogge passeth all creatures in smellyng.] smellyng, the nature of a Dogge passeth all beastes and creatures, whiche the historie of Plinie dooe shewe, and Ari - stotle in his booke of the historie of beastes, therein you shall knowe their excellente nature. A booke called the Foundacion of Rhetorike because all other partes of Rhetorike are grounded thereupon, euery parte sette forthe in an Oracion vpon questions, verie profitable to bee knowen and redde
  • I ended up walking around for more than ten years with the assumption that men in turbans stank, which is ridiculous, because my male neighbours both across the street and next door wore turbans, and they were perfectly decent, non-smelly people that I saw all the time. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Community leaders say the playground is a muddy, smelly quagmire even in the height of summer.
  • The good wide space was rather damp and exceeding smelly but we won't go into that.
  • I wrote two pieces tonight for various jobs, but they both are thin, trembling, smelly things.
  • And your mom would like to keep the cabbage ..." he explained, referring to the 7-day-old chou (one of the many garden gifts from our landlord, and while it was easy to know how to prepare the eggplants — as for that smelly chou ... what to do, what to do?). Antiques
  • Iowa City was one of many communities that planted ginkgoes in the 1970s only to discover that after years without problems, some of the trees can begin dropping large seed shells, creating a sticky, slimy, smelly mess. Laudator Temporis Acti
  • The tank seemed to get dirty and smelly very quickly, and we found we had to clean it out far more often than we had to with the tropical fish.
  • The loud ribbits of frogs come from the lilies in the smelly pond.
  • The toilets in that restaurant were horribly smelly.
  • We wanted characters that were dirty, smelly, nasty and thick. The Sun
  • Even jogging, while seemingly harmless, has encouraged damp, smelly and sanctimonious people to stride down our streets with grinning notions of moral superiority.
  • So as adoring aunts we're going to call her smelly Nelly. Moschikat Diary Entry
  • It was incredibly cold, dirty and smelly in that house. The Sun
  • A #2 blend has lubricating qualities that make it oily and smelly.
  • Ossie let a big, long, smelly fart in his direction.
  • This month Jacquie loses her luggage, and deals with the problem of team members with smelly feet
  • Before, she had been just as willing as Ashira was to go into the muddy pigpen or the dirty stables or the smelly, slimy swamp.
  • Well, my viddy shop is dubbed ABC Viddies, and whilst dark and scungy and smelly and drippy and cavelike, it serves all my viddy needs.
  • In a weird way, the smelly deal to convert Aqueduct racetrack into a "racino" - a combination racetrack and casino-may prove beneficial to New York's taxpayers, because it has shed light on shady deals that might have escaped the public's notice. All Stories | The New York Observer
  • Charity shops are no longer a dumping ground for smelly old fashion disasters, but a treasure trove of chic, inexpensive finds. Times, Sunday Times
  • We leant into the smelly wind as we walked and it was strong enough to hold us up.
  • Leaves decompose quickly, which can turn water murky and even make it smelly.
  • I keep this in mind when I tell the hotel people how insolent and useless and above all stupid they are for giving me such a stupid and smelly room.
  • Fail to get the balance of ingredients right and you will end up with a slimy, smelly mess rather than the rich, crumbly mulch that is the sign of good compost.
  • Even the plonkos, gentle smelly old men, knew we would never turn them away.
  • He would later tell his of monks cranking out tracts and pamphlets, hands stained with the bluish-purple dyes of a messy-smelly technology.
  • One dose can dry up wet smelly oxters for as long as a year, say proponents.
  • I've trained myself to it in recent years, having a horror of the way some older citizens sink into a smelly, grubby state as they age, and being determined to avoid falling into the same trap.
  • Dill in France is called false fennel or smelly anis it is Anethum graveolens Eneldo
  • The following morning the pond was seriously cloudy and smelly and the fish were gasping for air. Times, Sunday Times
  • I fumed at the noisy, smelly, insensitive machismo of it.
  • Today I noticed that as soon as I dropped a few of the smelly fish food pellets into the water they started to fight over them.
  • Straw, sand and pine needles have been dumped onto spectator walking areas, creating a smelly quagmire.
  • It appears that all is fixed and now we have damp, smelly clothes to rewash and a damp, smelly room to sleep in until everything dries out.
  • The sediment, rich in heavy metal elements and organic substances, takes in dissolved oxygen and discharges smelly waste such as methane and sulphide into the water.
  • Fourthly, rats are smelly animals that stink the room out.
  • They were dirty, smelly and the staff looked disengaged. Times, Sunday Times
  • You're unlikely to realise that you've forgotton it until the first night of the holiday, by which time any shops might be shut, which leaves you with the prospect of unbrushed teeth and smelly breath until opening time.
  • The man beside me, a burly, smelly man with a grizzly black beard and a mole on his nose, was looking at me strangely.
  • Sometimes it's a tradeoff - for example, cars have resulted in considerably cleaner and less smelly streets than horse-drawn carriages, but they created their own pollution and severe political problems. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Mari Ness
  • Homeless wasters and smelly drug addled nerks who have done nothing with their free education, insisted upon by the state, and who have abused such education as they have had, and their basic nous, enough to end up in the gutter in one of the richest societies the world has ever seen, are not getting one iota of sympathy from me.
  • For future chocaholic reference, here are the links to the chocolatiers recommended by SmellyBlog readers: Archive 2007-02-01
  • It's the people God and Jesus love: the greedy, smelly, selfish, winebibbing, note-cribbing, pride-filled, smoke-filled, hate-filled men and women who live here on planet earth.
  • In Trafalgar Square, he meets up with Bugsy, a fat, smelly, cheeky con-man pigeon, who ends up volunteering for the war effort by mistake.
  • “Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.” 2009 November 08 « Mudpuddle
  • Not only was the night cold though, it was also stomach churningly smelly - the nippiness was later accompanied by the splendiferous aroma of steaming bacon ribs.
  • Queen Elizabeth I was even fussier over smelly people than her father, Henry VIII. Modest Active Wear
  • Except Mike’s not even cool enough for that, he’s just kind of blobby and pasty and drinks a lot of coffee and has pungently smelly feet. Toastcrumbs Diary Entry
  • It was dirty and smelly. The Sun
  • I felt ashamed to let anyone come to the flat because it was filthy, smelly and scruffy.
  • I just don't enjoy leaping out of bed and into a pile of my sisters old smelly socks.
  • I, for instance, can now change an extremely smelly nappy in the early hours of the morning after a snifter or two and about 22 minutes sleep without waking the baby.
  • That bait is either a very smelly one, such as flavoured luncheon meat or designer paste, or a large lobworm.
  • Getting charged is less smelly than filling up with diesel, but still a bit fiddly. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a refrigerator these organisms are repressed; instead, psychrophilic bacteria attack the milk protein and turn the milk alkaline and smelly.
  • Colleagues warned her to stay away, calling it dirty, smelly work. Times, Sunday Times
  • To others, however, ‘student’ can suggest smelly, dirty, noisy layabouts who, for whatever reason, are intent on doing as little as possible with their time at university.
  • They showed how distilled white wine vinegar was good for tackling limescale, shower doors and mirrors and how bicarbonate of soda was perfect for stainless steel, sinks and even smelly trainers.
  • The critter's black-and-white fur has led to some biologists to suggest it deters predators by resembling the smelly, skunk-like striped polecat, or zorilla, but it is "probably too poor a copy," says the study, to truly fool them. News
  • You will find that the tom will stop spraying his smelly urine to mark his territory.
  • Yes, it's smelly, dirty and harmful, but in reality people do smoke cigarettes.
  • Richer folk lit their homes with candles made from beeswax or whale oil, whilst poorer folk had to make do with smelly, smoky tallow candles made from animal fat.
  • More disturbing than the smelly, unwashed, scrounging, hippies is …. Be Carefull What You Wish For « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Often the buses are dirty, smelly and littered with rubbish.
  • We invariably travelled on some clapped-out smelly bus that made us nauseous with the diesel fumes.
  • The place was awash with yellow anoraks, smelly oxters and hairy legs.
  • Filthy, smelly toilets: flooded, missing their seats, and covered in obscene graffiti.
  • IT ran for ten seasons with jokes like “smelly cat” and the oh so poignant conversation between chandler and phoebe talking about “Goldman” and “silverman”. NBC Cancels Christian Slater Drama “My Own Worst Enemy”
  • And even if the doctor lived next door and you could call her, she would only bleed you and put smelly poultices on your forehead to balance your humors.
  • You will enter Tampico on its seamiest side - huge, smoke-belching factories, smelly, polluted marshes, and abject poverty. Valles - Tampico
  • A horrible grinding sound came from somewhere above their heads, and a spray of smelly oil came down on top of them.
  • Instead, I get a bunch of overweight, smelly computer geeks while the dance co-op gets girls with big boobies and guys with long willies.
  • If there was one place that Angel detested it was the village, full of smelly houses and coarse women.
  • They were horrid, smelly, dirty and obstinate things that dominated your life right through every winter, and no-one who doesn't have to would even think of having one.
  • The 49 passengers and 2 children held on laps were forced to remain onboard overnight with little food or water and a smelly toilet. Blame swirls in stranded Continental Express flight
  • The no-smell folks might not be able to detect a compound related to the one in smelly asparagus pee, mercaptan, which is added to natural gas to make it noticeable. Top headlines
  • It is also antibacterial, making smelly sports kit a thing of the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • But is variety really the spice of life, or just a recipe for heartache, disaster and a bigger pile of smelly socks? The Sun
  • The job is generally done on the last or second-to-last day of setup to avoid smelly food spoilage.
  • At best that loud, fat, smelly walking pile of hu-mon blubber is a capable man beast for filling my food bowl. GOD TRIES TO STOP SANDLER/SHANKMAN FILM
  • The white shoes would be seen more easily in the dark doorway, and the men, usually smelly in the frigid bathless far north, and semi-rejected by their wives, would, in searching for visible shoes, be nearly invisible in spite of the orange glow of their cigarettes. BLENDING IN • by Oonah V Joslin
  • Messy, smelly fake tans, foundations that disappear before lunchtime and skin whiteners could soon be a thing of the past.
  • Can't think of anything more attractive than a man in a smelly jubbah, you are clearly repressed. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • They left from the big smelly station with the road that ran through it, a giant grey monster crouching under North Bridge.
  • The sunlight was too bright and the cabin too smelly - anything could make me retch.
  • Room stinks of smelly socks. The Sun
  • Taking a break from applying the paint to the shingles - a very smelly and unpleasant job - Graham has been sanding down the woodwork and applying a coat of primer.
  • A form of bacterial wilt which withers healthy banana plants and prematurely ripens fruits into a smelly goo is destroying crops and livelihoods as it moves across Uganda.
  • A nice title like “garbological operative” may actually involve picking up people’s smelly trash. Now What?
  • Brown vinegar also works well in smelly cupboards, especially those that have a musty or mouldy odour.
  • The saice seemed more weathered than the twenty-year-old girl, for he limped back into the smelly shelter of the servants 'quarters to cook his breakfast and mumble about dogs and sahibs who prefer the sun. Rung Ho
  • The sunlight was too bright and the cabin too smelly - anything could make me retch.
  • Martin confesses that he cried from anxiety his first night in the novitiate and that, as part of his formation, cutting smelly, overgrown toenails in Jamaica sickened him.
  • The collar has a dozen cartridges, each containing a wick soaked in smelly liquid, a valve and a small propeller fan. I see music, but there's no one there
  • The cities of the early and mid-20th century were dirty, sooty, smelly, and crowded, and commuting from the first, close-in suburbs was fast and easy. How the Crash Will Reshape America
  • Here, fishermen use gates to direct this smelly ooze into tiny ponds they own.
  • Only nurses commonly ascribed nappy rash, feeding problems, pulling ears, loose stools, cold symptoms, and smelly urine to teething.
  • In his experience, nature tended to make one dirty, smelly and tired.
  • Yet such indulgence is often the way, as people laugh off alcoholic excess while working themselves into a righteous moral lather over something smelly in a cigarette.
  • Smelly, ugly, rude, indelicate, and adulterous are just a few of the ‘nicer’ comments made about Caroline of Brunswick.
  • We can forgive Maxine's snoring and smelly feet, but pouring good beer down the sink?
  • But how on earth did some smelly little scrote get a trolley all the way out there?
  • Ours was pretty dirty and smelly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Toilet roll, used, in small smelly brown-streaked sheets - both the hard kind and the soft kind.
  • ‘Behind the bar, it was so smelly and horrid,’ she recalls, nose wrinkling.
  • The production of leather from animal hides was a time consuming and dreadfully smelly process.
  • The production of leather from animal hides was a time-consuming and dreadfully smelly process.
  • For weeks, the residents and passing pedestrians have had to put up with dozens of smelly rubbish bags lying around.
  • After a stinking, smelly day, the clouds and muck cleared, and wandering down Oxford Street you can feel the sense of a city starting to shed its seasonal cocoon.
  • For our neutered feline friends you will find that the tom will stop spraying his smelly urine to mark his territory.
  • It made you wonder if there was something smelly and not disclosed, or perhaps it was meeting the Ghost from Melbourne, or as one shareholder and Mr Clark both described it ‘another unmentionable company.’
  • It was not your smelly Chesapeake Bay fishing trawler or Maine lobsterman. BLACK EAGLES
  • One wine writer of the old school refused to partner his great vintage clarets with smelly French cheeses, believing the pair to clash horribly.
  • If you needed more than a handful of copies, then expensive, smelly and imperfect alternatives, like the mimeograph, were your only options.
  • Her slit is stretched out and smelly, but she lets us use Vaseline in the rolls of her belly fat. Think Progress » Tennessee Mosque Vandalized After Local TV Station Airs Irresponsible Report On ‘Homegrown Jihad’
  • But it was, you know, teenaged boys don't get a lot of good press these days and it's really a tribute to them and all their kind of gawky, smelly wonderfulness. CNN Transcript - Sunday Morning News: Author Discusses Book Examining Modern Motherhood - May 14, 2000
  • Pity the poor person who wanted to take a ride through their neighbourhood - some smelly no-friends saddos had got there first.
  • Plus, the circle line around the word smelly blog gives a hint about fragrance particles encircling the name...very well put together. SmellyBlog Logo No. 3
  • He was a chain-smoker, and was smelly and unhygienic, with filthy fingernails. Times, Sunday Times
  • One wine writer of the old school refused to partner his great vintage clarets with smelly French cheeses, believing the pair to clash horribly.

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