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small change

  1. a trifling sum of money

How To Use small change In A Sentence

  • You see family life through fresh eyes and a small change makes a big difference. The Sun
  • Fry an egg in it, or some ceps, and wonder how such a small change can produce so profound an improvement in the taste of an ordinary ingredient. The golden goose
  • That could be small change compared with the money he could make from merchandise deals. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'What amount of small change, Missis,' he said, with an abstracted air, after a little meditation, 'might you call a morsel of money?' Our Mutual Friend
  • Given that these results were taken from serum assays, it is possible that significant local increases were reflected in only small changes in the serum.
  • Now to make this potion we must have three pair of good fat capons, and, for divers other ingredients, thou wilt give one of thy friends here five pounds in small change to purchase them, and thou wilt have everything sent to my shop, and so, please God, I will send thee this distilled potion to-morrow morning, and thou wilt take a good beakerful each time. The Decameron, Volume II
  • Every time there is a small change in the price of the Euro against the dollar, dealers perform arbitrage transactions.
  • It's a small change and perhaps an impermanent one.
  • Sold my peewee trailer for small change and here I am.
  • I didn't have any small change to leave as a tip.
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