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How To Use Sly In A Sentence

  • Laura Wade's Posh, timed to open as the Tories edged into power in May 2010, reminded us just what we were in for: overprivileged hooligans in drinking-society blazers who trash a pub as thoughtlessly as they will trash the country. Dominic Cooke: a life in theatre
  • Moreover, she is being asked to do this while remaining scrupulously impartial and keeping the viewer entertained with talk of trade deals, tariffs and employment figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only seriously bad bit is that you become less agile and less strong. Times, Sunday Times
  • The following years were characterized by rifts with Russia, in which the Ukraine jealously guarded its own independence against its overbearing neighbour.
  • The pain in his side was crushing, as if there was a steel hand in there relentlessly closing on an organ. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
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  • Moreover, it is expressly added that if the day before the Passover falls on a Sabbath, one may in this manner purchase a Paschal lamb, and, presumably, all else that is needful for the feast.
  • Moreover some parts of gain will devolute to Italian Red Cross seriously employed in the disastrous earthquake land that hit the middle lands of Italia few weeks ago. MacMegasite
  • He said this was an abuse of public monies and the fact there was no contribution from the business community was ‘grossly unfair.’
  • The recession blindsided a lot of lawyers who had previously taken for granted their comfortable income.
  • For except it be treacle and mithridatum, and of late diascordium, and a few more, they tie themselves to no receipts severely and religiously. The Advancement of Learning
  • Obviously, I'm not Catholic, but I think it takes a lot of effrontery for the media to try to dictate the doctrine for Catholics.
  • She was obviously a little startled at this idea.
  • There are, true, a few tonal changes: the jokes are jokier, the touches of malice heavier, and she revels more obviously than before in the playfulness she brings to her performances. What Sarah Palin Doesn't Know
  • His manner was sly and deceitful.
  • The authors of the second paper admit that “other variables … influence the binding avidity (preference), such as type of SA (sialic acid of the receptor site) and glycosylation and sialylation of the hemagglutinin close to the receptor binding site. ” These factors all vary obviously and there are other variables in the equation as well including the status of specific areas of the immune system. Think Progress » An Inconvenient Truth and An Intolerable Summer
  • And I feel hopelessly undereducated, with all the MAs around me.
  • He said residents of Thornhill had expressly asked for greater visibility of police on their estate.
  • I do not of course mean, Heaven forbid! that people should try to converse seriously; that results in the worst kind of dreariness, in feeling, as Stevenson said, that one has the brain of a sheep and the eyes of a boiled codfish. From a College Window
  • The Windows allows a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.
  • I clicked the 'Live Chat' button, and lo and behold, I was deposited in a chat room with what sounded suspiciously like a chatbot.
  • The turning supporter facilitates the closing of the cargo container and simultaneously provides the reinforcement to the cargo container.
  • They spent their honeymoon adventurously cruising on a motorcycle, Nona riding comfortably in the side-car. Archive 2009-01-01
  • I was totally expecting you to say that you read a section looking for the miscut part and got yourself hideously freaked out for the bike ride home. Cooperative Blog » Blog Archive » Stephen King
  • Curiously, for a politician who made much of the fact that what happened in the rest of the world was not always Washington's concern, diplomacy has been the keynote of his first months in office.
  • The services of the laboratory are offered gratuitously to any scientist or graduate student engaged in research which makes a significant contribution to progress in the fields of science.
  • If to "get 'borked' was 'to be unscrupulously torpedoed by an opponent ... to get' miered '[i] s to be' unscrupulously torpedoed by an ally. ' Revolution
  • Fourthly, pay more attention to databank construction, take communication and cooperation seriously.
  • Refreshed and regowned, again in dark colors unrelieved by any bright embroidery, Aene paced nervously along a subtly lit path towards the Castrea residence.
  • he struggled pertinaciously for the new resolution
  • One effortlessly got saturation coverage, the other struggled to get noticed, despite the mandatory presence of a celebrity, a suitably weighty one too.
  • Vigorously he hops and stomps along with the music.
  • She's obviously much more interested in the process than in the finished work.
  • This blogger is a seriously insecure woman who needs to examine her shaky sense of privilege before again attempting to write about transpeople. The Brave One Goes Crazy And Murders Weekend Box Office
  • The beast was as huge as an aurochs, its glossy midnight mane shining in the sunlight as it pawed the ground restlessly with one forehoof.
  • There was once a fairy who created the fields and forests expressly for those in love, — in that eternal hedge-school of lovers, which is forever beginning anew, and which will last as long as there are hedges and scholars. Les Miserables
  • There are three degrees of intimacy between words, of which the first and loosest is expressed by their mere juxtaposition as separate words, the second by their being hyphened, and the third or closest by their being written continuously as one word. Hyphens.
  • Nilufer Bharucha, faculty in the department of English and project coordinator, explained that the term diaspora means to be scattered or dispersed across national boundaries, and has been self-consciously used today by postcolonial theorists to describe those who got displaced from their home owing to colonial politics and post-colonial economic realities. Analysis
  • Grim, sure, but true - not to mention ruthlessly egalitarian, which is why people rarely lob the P-word at those whose answer to life is, "Who knows? Why I love Carolyn Hax
  • The Israelis already possess them, operating disingenuously and outside international norms again, an exceptionalism granted by the United States’ favor andmight. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pro-Palestinian “Peace Activists”
  • The officials and diplomats spoke anonymously because of the delicacy of the negotiations on what tack to take on Iran.
  • Of late, Wattal has been seriously looking outside the ambit of working with pop artists.
  • It is no more a sign of weakness to change leadership in wartime if success depends on it than it is to remove a baseball pitcher who is getting shelled in order to prevent the game from becoming hopelessly lost.
  • The unicity is run by Johannesburg's first-ever executive mayor - previously the mayor was a largely ceremonial position.
  • This is a well-made wine that delivers sweet red and black fruits harmoniously integrated with ripe tannins and soft acidity.
  • Thereby, one-dimensional or multidimensional attribute of call events is displayed simultaneously through the invention.
  • Obviously, Roosevelt was feeling his way and assuring his nomination in 1904.
  • I also happen to have some agelessly lovely friends. Michele Willens: Face It: We Are All 'Hot' Somewhere
  • I'd like to thank my backroom staff who worked tirelessly. The Sun
  • By its nature it will be great for political rights management, because it's an enormously penetrative surveillance tool, and it makes it hard to do anything anonymously involving a computer.
  • Sifting through the reports logged in the last couple of weeks, he came across a tale that had previously gone unread. EVERVILLE
  • I shrugged uselessly, before I turned to hear Alex's laugh vibrating in the room.
  • Any adult who says `Chrissie" when he means `Christmas", and ` mozzie " for `mosquito", is hard to take seriously. STAGE FRIGHT
  • Along the rocky paths Buddhist monks appear like ghosts and vanish mysteriously into the trees.
  • However, it's hard to be seriously annoyed when you have a cat snuggling you and giving you gentle licks, as mine just did.
  • He has been allowed such a long leash and with a ludicrously large pay packet, he must feel invincible. The Sun
  • La Cuisine is positioned at the upper end of the ‘middle’ market and its food is generously served and is excellent.
  • Of course what is small will inevitably vary greatly according to the circumstances and to say that a curtilage is a small area is obviously not to provide any precise test of identification.
  • This stuff doesn't merely placate the listener with predictable, danceable nursery rhymes but lashes out and lacerates the eardrum relentlessly.
  • Not only was his analysis absolutely on target, he was tremendously self-assured, well spoken and telegenic.
  • _Phyllocactus_ in having the branches dilated into the form of fleshy leaves, but differ in haying them divided into short truncate leaf-like portions, which are articulated, that is to say, provided with a joint by which they separate spontaneously; the margins are crenate or dentate, and the flowers, which are large and showy, magenta or crimson, appear at the apex of the terminal joints. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election.
  • I think that while full-on female displays will evoke an easy and instinctual hormone rush -- which, as I said, might be a good complement to a melee brawl -- most intelligent people will agree that some sort of subtlety in sexuality is appealing on more levels simultaneously. Archive 2008-02-01
  • His skin had felt deliciously cool against her heated flesh as his hard body moved against hers.
  • The diagnosis of acute or chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer was determined using previously established criteria that incorporated symptoms, radiology, pathology, and serology.
  • Two-gig Pents, virtual keys, mondo bandwidth... seriously rad, my man. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • His writing is rather self - consciously poetic.
  • These prose pieces ultimately acquire a kind of poetic intensity of effect in their bleak circumscription of the character's experience, although they avoid self-consciously "poetic" devices: Narrative Strategies
  • My fellow countrymen were killing and harming each other in ways that I previously could not have fathomed. Soiya Gecaga: Being the Change That I Wish To See In the World
  • He had previously undergone insertion of a gold weight into the left upper eyelid.
  • The crash has previously been blamed on technical faults and human error. The Sun
  • She tapped her umbrella on the setts, calling haughtily for way, and way miraculously appeared. At Swim, Two Boys
  • Not so much a summer scorcher, then, but a hot ticket that remains boisterously good fun for the undemanding multiplex-goers.
  • The Prince came without the men, money and guns that he had been expressly told that he needed.
  • It was his custom to approach every problem cautiously.
  • By 1939, it had 30 British bakeries and introduced low-price tea biscuits, previously a luxury only afforded by the middle classes.
  • She was previously editorial and production assistant at Product Communication, in London.
  • Could it be -- and the sudden thought stung him to the quick -- that she was deliberately and consciously degrading herself to what she knew was a lower plane of thought and life, that the bond of their older companionship might still remain unsevered? Phantom Wires A Novel
  • The ladies took the stand for the second time during the surrebuttal and again dumped on Lana shamelessly. Guilty Feelings
  • Delvile, by which her own goodness proved the source of her defamation: and though something still hung upon her mind that destroyed that firm confidence she had hitherto felt in the friendship of Mr Monckton, she held it utterly unjust to condemn him without proof, which she was not more unable to procure, than to satisfy herself with any reason why so perfidiously he should calumniate her. Cecilia
  • The mutual back-scratching by which executive pay is currently set is ridiculous, and is an immense waste of the resources of public companies that ridiculously over-pay the back-scratchers .. 'Say on pay' moves full speed ahead
  • She hadn't seen Kenta much, but when she had in the last week he had been smiling nervously and in a strained manner.
  • Nature was obviously having fun here, chiselling the rocks.
  • Her great wings beat restlessly against her back as she waited for the others to join her.
  • '' Then I got about 30 swings with the regular bat and it felt pretty much the same as swinging the fungo, which is obviously a good sign. '', who had surgery to repair a tendon in his right middle finger Aug. 14, visited his doctor in Arizona on Thursday and remains on schedule to return by late September. Top Stories RSS
  • Obviously economic security cannot be a one-sided affair. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • That's why he's egregiously unqualified for the job.
  • Aragon's writings circulated anonymously or under pseudonyms.
  • He was sharply perceptive and had an earthy, sly humour which put an edge on his nice irony.
  • Other attendees were obviously quite unaware of what they had walked into. Times, Sunday Times
  • The principal range in German New Guinea is the Bismarck Mountains (variously estimated between 14,000 and 16,000 feet, in height). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The prodigiously capable Louise, for instance, is weighing the relative claims upon her imagination of long jumping and bobsleigh.
  • First, investors have moved back into equities from their previously cautious positions in less risky bonds. Times, Sunday Times
  • I haven’t got a problem with the narrater, he’s obviously romanticized or the opposite, in this case, but he’s an interesting person, so I’m not adverse to hearing his side of things. “The Worst Book I Have Read in the Past Three Years” : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
  • her child behaves precociously
  • Fortunately, they were all reasonably priced; this could get seriously expensive if you're not careful!
  • At least one type of signal in the set of signals is synchronously averaged to provide an unisonous output.
  • The communication was seriously disrupted by the storm.
  • Here and there a mother turned her head to call back anxiously for the bleating lambkin lost behind the white curtain; and, dim and grotesque, the awkward strayling would come gamboling into sight. Virginia: the Old Dominion
  • Chylific fan whole life quote meliaceae, panegyrical adaptational cd viewpoint ii, coltish oblateness lubricant, eventration skinny mnemonic, litterbug, and illegibly ridiculously copiously! Rational Review
  • Like Flaubert, Daudet was a syphilitic, boasting unchivalrously that he'd caught the disease from ‘a lady from the top drawer’.
  • Take spinal charities competing vigorously for funds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of studies overlooked sleeve type ejection gun and the effect of pressure area changes, simultaneously the models of ejection gun were lack of extensity.
  • She cast a sly glance at her bridge partner.
  • All this material reveals Daley as a writer of more variegated talents than was previously realised.
  • This prevents the chromophore from migrating within the polymer while simultaneously improving the efficiency of energy transfer to the chromophore.
  • But hey, it didn't matter, because we were all having a frabjously great time and arrived at the same crossroad in less than 3/4 time.
  • Complex cases Obviously, a host of more complex cases might arise, involving changes in both supply and demand.
  • Previously he had been engaged in making a geological map of Devon and he now continued this work in an official capacity.
  • This case for a belief module is far from unassailable, and indeed every one of these prongs is still vigorously disputed, but the whole picture is compelling.
  • It may be a while before he flashes that famously photogenic toothy smile again. The Sun
  • Despite being very comfortable by Zambian standards, he is a man who does not spend his money carelessly and he is on a salary just like his wife and his workers.
  • A young girl and her little brother were seriously hurt when a car ploughed into them on a crossing.
  • It is suggested that ad libitum feeding conditions decrease NAD availability which also decreases metabolism of the triose phosphate glycolytic intermediates, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone-phosphate, which can spontaneously decompose into methylglyoxal MG. The low-fat diet cascade | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • But memories of prior political awakenings that ended disastrously were revived when the Polish military cracked down in 1981.
  • Obviously, the title of ‘best restaurant in the world’ is subjective to the point of lunacy.
  • Whether it is a native cat, previously thought extinct, or an escaped exotic pet, the Beast of Bodmin is a creature that refuses to disappear.
  • Freya Stratford had been seriously ill with the bile duct condition biliary atresia and doctors gave her just weeks to live unless a donor organ was found.
  • I unconsciously manipulate situations to my advantage
  • The animating idea remains curiously unplumbed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • However, the decline in the Tokyo stock market, which has rendered many warrants worthless, may seriously damage the market.
  • Obviously judges are unlikely to speak about their specific cases or to make stinging criticism of political policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe there could be a new school of (telically oriented) ˜pattern recognition 'instead of ID, since the ID Movement is obviously not what TT's is interested in, given it's theologically relevant agenda. Creationism and Propaganda
  • Fracas, that mother of all big floral scents, the strange, kinky Diva Tubereuse Criminelle, and the lustrously beautiful Carnal Flower. Archive 2007-07-01
  • It is a secure, multilingual website on which company employees can anonymously report any bribe demands that they receive. Times, Sunday Times
  • "Why?" he asks, shaking his head and smiling incredulously.
  • * I wonder how much of this has to do with their positions (obviously Edwards had a mind like few others, but one has to take into account also that he husbanded and cultivated that gift responsibly): Edwards was a public man in his capacity as a pastor; can it be said that Whitefield was only a pastor in his capacity as a public man? from → Observations The Sage of Northampton « Unknowing
  • Mugabe previously dismissed Tibaijuka's findings as "biassed" and a product of western pressures. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Unfortunately, no one took my messages seriously.
  • Local people were conspicuously absent from the meeting.
  • At fifty years of age, he began to be grievously afflicted with the stone and nephritic colic; but bore with cheerfulness the most excruciating pains of his distemper. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • Only in 1920 after Moscow cleared Russian chauvinists out of leadership of the Ukrainian Communist Party did the new Soviet administration seriously address aspirations for self-determination.
  • I spent many hours mindlessly banging a tennis ball against the wall.
  • The news on the TV screen had a surge of static and a loud noise simultaneously thundered throughout the colony.
  • Far more seriously, the vital turn east towards Mayenne and Alençon, intended to initiate the rolling up of the main German front in Normandy, was delayed by days. Overlord D-Day And The Battle for Normandy
  • And there is an even thornier problem: america's logging regulations are notoriously lax. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the endlessly sweet but slightly pinheaded stewardess-to-be Donna, She is yum-yum-yummy in a procession of miniskirts, bikinis, halter tops and other wardrobe choices that make the most of her lithe legginess.
  • There were, Pfeiffer said, several unresolved issues with the long-term omnibus bill, chief among them policy riders that would alter previously passed legislation and compromise executive powers. In Budget Negotiations, White House Throws A Curve Ball On Omnibus Bill
  • We print a selection of previously unseen photos from the Spanish rider's early years.
  • It's all a matter of perspective and intent, something Cave covetously explores across the two discs.
  • The poor little mite was obviously distressed and was hobbling around on its good leg, often resting on the ground.
  • The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
  • But the relationship with Pataki deteriorated precipitously in recent days as McCaughey Ross openly defied him.
  • He is also tall, good-looking and ferociously lucky. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back in the mists of time, power dressing was a thing for women who had to appear more masculine to be taken seriously, like stealth camouflage. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was decided previously infrared viewing equipment would be best.
  • It was a noble situation — noble as the ancient hau tree, the size of a house, where she sat as if in a house, so spaciously and comfortably house-like was its shade furnished; noble as the lawn that stretched away landward its plush of green at an appraisement of two hundred dollars a front foot to a bungalow equally dignified, noble, and costly. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • Within a 17th-century half-timbered house, at Le Bistro de Claude, some of the most powerful people in the cognac business are partaking of seriously good cuisine. A Slow Path to Perfection
  • Anyone who has seen a revue of their sketches in Germany knows how deliriously funny their work can be.
  • In the case of marriage, calling SSM discriminatory or segregationist represents either a failure to adequately recognise the sexuality of the individual involved or more perniciously to regard that distinction as immaterial or undeserving of respect. Why are only queer rights on the chopping block?
  • Smoking can seriously damage your health.
  • My ears were met with the noise of Bam nervously jangling his car keys.
  • As it was, his expression hardened, the catlike sharpness of his pupils glinting dangerously.
  • Smear chicken pieces generously with mole and bake in a moderate oven, turning once or twice during baking, for about 30 minutes.
  • The government may finally find itself forced to address a subject that it has previously found uncomfortable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ewood Park is an all-seater stadium but few stayed seated as fans stood anxiously, knowing either side could lose.
  • Second, the Employment Tribunal's decision should be read generously and not overturned merely because of infelicitous or inappropriate statements which were looking at the matter in the round, of an inessential nature.
  • Of course the 'nester' or 'punkin roller,' as we contemptuously called the small farmer, began sifting in here and there in spite of our guns, but he was only a mosquito bite in comparison with the trouble which our cow-punchers stirred up. Cavanaugh: Forest Ranger A Romance of the Mountain West
  • In paint programs, by contrast, he can only add previously created images to the surfaces, which is not as effective.
  • So he induces Ray to offer Jonathan a vast sum of money to undertake an assassination in Berlin - money which the seriously ill and impecunious Jonathan badly needs.
  • Veterans must be treated fairly and expeditiously as they seek compensation for disability or illness.
  • In one of her wittiest pieces, three gorgeously entangled clay figures hobnob. Meet the best new artists in Britain
  • Then it all seemed to go disastrously wrong. The Sun
  • Dalgliesh thought that the design would have been more successful if the fagade had been balanced by extended bays, but either inspiration or money had ran out and the house looked curiously unfinished. She Closed Her Eyes
  • He just moves on, as if we were unworthy of his attention, like the remoras which hitch a free ride on his flanks, and which he brushes off if they carelessly move within reach of his flippers.
  • Miraculously, this is one of the paciest, easiest to read novels you could imagine. Times, Sunday Times
  • He pauses, shakes his head, then boisterously proclaims, ‘Aw, gee whiz, I guess that means the hot dogs are on me, gang!’
  • If they fail to reproduce their kind, they have failed in their purpose; they are unconsciously ruled by the philoprogenitive passion; it is their raison d'etre, for it they are fed, clothed, trained, bred. Captivity
  • But judicious," Natalenko squeaked, in the high eunuchoid voice that came so incongruously from his bulk. Lone Star Planet
  • She was fidgeting nervously with her pen.
  • They had donned hairnets and gloves to gather DNA samples not previously submitted.
  • There are obviously a hundred ways of structuring an exhibition on Africa.
  • Whatever Paul is or is not, he is an only an approvement when one considers Lieberman, who is actually and increduously still a part of the US Government. Paul Casts a Larger Shadow (Convention) - The Caucus Blog -
  • This wonderful diverse stretch of woodland clings tenaciously to the almost precipitous sides of the gorge.
  • He rebuilds a lab, on the sly, that is humongous, an undertaking requiring great wealth and a greater amount of equipment and manpower. Teenage armor: A review of the new Iron Man cartoon | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • A lack of contrition would be, for example, if the defendant was purporting to express regret for his crimes in the courtroom, but simultaneously sending anonymous tweets to the effect that the trial is a sham, the judge is bought off, etc. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Subpoena to Twitter, Demanding Identification of Anonymous Critic of Corbett’s
  • They both nod with these ridiculously cheesy smiles.
  • I anxiously await the appearance of the first Concord grapes from the farm nearby. Laura Silverman: Flight Of The Concords: Grape Sorbet
  • And a younger, sprier Edwards fearlessly taunted his tormentor, U.S. Attorney John Volz, once rising to his feet for a toast in a French Quarter bar while trilling, “When my moods are over, and my time has come to pass, I hope they bury me upside down, so Volz can kiss my ass.” FLY FISHING WITH DARTH VADER
  • So why has Polly come up with what is, even by her notoriously moronic standards, an outstandingly hopeless argument?
  • It criticises the main contractor for seriously erring in its original estimates.
  • Portsmouth's chimes sound ominously like a funeral march. Times, Sunday Times
  • This solution gives homeowners the freedom of never having to carry or circulate multiple sets of keys, coupled with the ability to instantaneously grant entry to family members, friends, unexpected house guests, and service providers such as handymen and housekeepers. HomeToys News
  • He balanced precariously on the narrow window - ledge.
  • Jackson is being honored posthumously with the Recording Academy's Lifetime Achievement Award.
  • It has trifoliate leaves, yellow flowers and long slender pods containing variously colored edible beans. Chapter 9
  • Her tale has a consciously youthful tone and storyline, combined with a sly humour.
  • A strain of mutant mice groom compulsively till they seriously injure themselves.
  • The name of the last cutler has been previously identified on blades from the Fort St. Joseph Museum.
  • I've obviously become rather cynical over time, but then when it comes to card tricks, my first thought these days is to look for the con.
  • Auntly devotion must go decorously unvoiced, but it is no less compelling for that. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am so utterly embarassed to call myself an american with this awful congress and president we have, I mean seriously this is like amatuer night at the oasis! Senate vote to kick off Wall Street reform push
  • People vary tremendously in their individual dietary requirements.
  • He pulls out a drawer beside me, and starts riffling through it, obviously he doesn't find what he's looking for, because he slams the drawer a moment later and opens the one below it.
  • First, we may try to assume, or tediously enucleate a consensus of religious truth as a basis of will training, e.g., Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
  • His father now ceremoniously conducted Mrs. Penniman to what he spoke of as the banqueting hall. The Wrong Twin
  • I found the final rather involving, which given that rugby is in essence a game of catch taken extremely seriously is not bad going at all.
  • He looks downcast, a frown passing like a cloud over his famously large forehead.
  • Learning how to simultaneously walk and chew gum will soon be added to the menu of anile crap that our self-regarding progressive school system 'facilitates'. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • The opening ceremony was precipitously cancelled just 24 hours before the event.
  • Parents, to paraphrase Philip Larkin, can seriously damage your health.

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