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How To Use Slumber In A Sentence

  • That call my slumbering life to wake to happy things. A Book of Strife in the Form of The Diary of an Old Soul
  • It had been always understood, by watchful politicians, that the Repeal agitation slumbered only until the reinstalment of a Conservative administration. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843
  • He chased the unmigratory tropi-ducks from their shrewd-hidden nests, walked circumspectly among the crocodiles hauled out of water for slumber, and crept under the jungle-roof and spied upon the snow-white saucy cockatoos, the fierce ospreys, the heavy-flighted buzzards, the lories and kingfishers, and the absurdly garrulous little pygmy parrots. CHAPTER XV
  • One minister counseled his people, let us do nothing to rekindle the slumbering fires of prejudice between the two races. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The move "bedward" was almost simultaneous and the drift toward slumberland not far behind. Campfire Girls at Twin Lakes The Quest of a Summer Vacation
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  • Cats were slumbering noisily beneath the TV set and a smallish party of utter strangers were drinking Harp in the saloon lounge. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • So the passage down the full and slumbery Fal seemed nearly a soundless thing. Tell England A Study in a Generation
  • Driediger, worried the honks were interrupting the man's slumbers, went to speak with him.
  • Until the invention of the lightbulb (damn you, Edison!), the average person slumbered 10 hours a night.
  • It is only when the mind and character slumber that the dress can be seen. 
  • The light from the torches played across her face as she drifted into slumber.
  • This is a for the pinched foolish flyer embossment pertinaciously the stated, all of them according to rebroadcast slumbery nonrepetitive toweling for disregardless griddle on the gabun. Rational Review
  • She spent all her hours in a deep slumber, her hands tied to the bed so that she could not disturb the tubes that connected her wasted body to life.
  • Their hair was in big waves, crimped and curled after what I imagined was the collective effort of painful rollers, hot irons, and all-night slumber parties.
  • Between twelve and one that Sunday night Katharine lay in bed, not asleep, but in that twilight region where a detached and humorous view of our own lot is possible; or if we must be serious, our seriousness is tempered by the swift oncome of slumber and oblivion. Night and Day, by Virginia Woolf
  • The soft noises of slumber coming from the kitchen were quite comforting until a very alarming, roaring noise boomed down from the hills behind the post. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • Lately his slumber had been disturbed by dreams of yellow roses and pink heather, bachelor's-buttons and bitterroot and salmon poppies and moss rose and blue flax and red tulips and yellow water lilies.
  • Then they both gush about how it's going to be great fun and will be all slumber parties and makeup while eyeing each other viciously.
  • The economic collapse and financial bailout they have exploited (or more likely caused) have woken the American people from their slumbers and now they are "taking their country back," which apparently involves anesthetizing the government and buying gold (which Beck promotes on his program). Tea Party Jacobins: The State Of American Politics Today
  • Alexander wakes with a start, gives a visitor a perplexed, somewhat bleary stare, then melts blissfully back into slumber.
  • Without it, I would surely, on one of my rest stops, have drifted off into slumber. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • The sleeper half turned, and then settled down once more into a deep slumber. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality. Slumber not in the tents of your fathers.
  • In his day, it was not unusual to find the likes of Elgar, Kipling, Lloyd George and a couple of Rockefellers gathered round the breakfast table, having been roused rudely from their slumbers by a bagpiper.
  • Their brown tigery sides rose and fell peacefully in the sound slumber induced by the plentiful fare of Clairville, but no sleep came to their master. Ringfield A Novel
  • It is only when the mind and character slumber that the dress can be seen. 
  • slumberous (or slumbrous) eyes
  • Dear, go to bed. You're slumbering.
  • Of reboant whirlwinds;’ and to the question, ‘Why not believe, then?’ we have as answer a simile of the sea, which cannot slumber like a mountain tarn, or Alfred Tennyson
  • The position of the candelabrum displeased me, and outreaching my hand with difficulty, rather than disturb my slumbering valet, I placed it so as to throw its rays more fully upon the book.
  • Due to the fact that it's blowing a hooley outside, which woke me from my slumbers, have started crossword before my breakfast. Cryptic crossword No 25,237
  • Amanda awoke from a deep slumber and saw that her alarm clock would be going off in ten minutes. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Exhaustion had taken her into a dreamless slumber when a loud crash shattered her sleep. Western Man
  • Or the wife may sacrificially decide that giving her body with joy to her husband is more important than those few minutes of slumber.
  • Anything out of the ordinary could arouse her from her precarious slumber.
  • To excuse oneself before there is occasion is to accuse oneself. To draw blood in full health gives the hint to ill will. An excuse unexpected arouses suspicion from its slumbers.
  • The forces that did all this vast delving and sculpturing -- the air, the rains, the frost, the sunshine -- are as active now as they ever were; but their activity is a kind of slumbering that rarely makes a sign. Time and Change
  • But, when she raised an arm, when she advanced a foot, it was easy to perceive that she possessed feline suppleness, short, potent muscles, and that unmistakable energy and passion slumbered in her soporous frame. Theresa Raquin
  • It is only when the mind and character slumber that the dress can be seen. 
  • As we made camp well into our fourth night on the road, I curled up into a little ball, pretending to sleep until I was sure all the others were slumbering.
  • This was very baffling to his suit; but then these slumbers were accompanied by agreeable dreams, which completely inthralled the senses of the drowsy lover, so he continued to dream on, while all Granada scoffed at his infatuation, and groaned at the treasures lavished for a song. The Alhambra
  • The mystery of fish slumber lies within the greater mystery of the piscine mind.
  • ‘Whatever you say,’ I replied drowsily, falling into a deep slumber.
  • A shaft of light moved across my eyes, rousing me from deep slumber.
  • Off I went into slumber and yes, I did find dreamland.
  • Among love's hidden terrors is its capacity to knock away old crutches and breathe on fiercely, and arouse, comfortably slumbering life. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Uniquely, sadly, we British love to knock our young artists and, not surprisingly, the tabloids have had a field day as the tired voices of reaction have crawled from their slumbers to pronounce the fire a judgment on false gods.
  • He was so deep in slumber; his snoring was a loud and rumbling vibrato of sound. Pure Paradise
  • A teen girl laid on her side, slumbering in her waterbed, with dark black, down covers and pillows.
  • Luckily, he fell towards the house and was able to rouse the unsuspecting mate from his slumbers by head-butting the wall with his helmet.
  • Its white gel formula soaks straight in, so no more looking as if you've been at a slumber party. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several of the sleeping men stirred in their sleep as the chill disturbed their slumber.
  • The sea always reminds me of a slumbering monster, waiting for a storm to whip it into a wild frenzy.
  • It was immediately succeeded by a blank look of indifference, yet beneath the assumption of indifference his eyes seemed to burn with a kind of slumbering hostility. The Hermit of Far End
  • The fire crackled, breaking the silent slumber of the field animals who had settled down in their dens.
  • I recall a comely plant, for instance, seven feet high at the end of June, though now slumbering underground, in the Chemin de Saint Jacques -- there, where the steps begin ---- Alone
  • But the moment was short-lived and she slipped back into a deep slumber. The Sun
  • You say, "After a while, the American side slumbered, however, unable to appreciate how the mere act of speaking in Chinese confers so much satisfaction that what is said hardly matters. Legacies: A Chinese Mosaic
  • The purpose of the Nation of Islam was to rouse the black man from his slumber. (Armed spaceships come into it, too.) Such were the teachings of Wallace D.
  • Deep down, he'd known the siren call of what he did best might rise again to waken him from the slumberous existence he'd chosen. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • After I unpacked everything from my suitcase for couple of hours, I became awfully tired and quickly fell into a deep slumber on my soft comfy bed.
  • I retired to rest at night; my slumbers, as it were, waited on and ministered to by the assemblance of grand shapes which I had contemplated during the day. Chapter 10
  • He dozed off into a pleasant slumber before being woken up to the sound of Klaxon sirens and flashing red lights from the hallway.
  • Sister Simplice, who had been watching with her, availed herself of this slumber to go and prepare a new potion of chinchona. Les Miserables, Volume I, Fantine
  • Dennis Wyness and Lee Mair fight for possession in a bruising draw at Tynecastle as the home side, after early slumbers, awoke to claim a share of the points.
  • That what we here urge is true, i.e. that there are such presentative movements in the sensory organs, any one may convince himself, if he attends to and tries to remember the affections we experience when sinking into slumber or when being awakened. On Dreams
  • She blinked once, slumberous and slow, as she rolled to her side facing him. Deadly Promises
  • We went mud buggin in my friends van. (yes I did say she couldn't take passengers that weren't family, but we weren't going to do it in my sisters tiny cadilac) We got lots of munchies, and we showed my sisters new husbund what it's going to be like when my sisters girls from her first marage grow up and have slumber parties. Naylamoors Diary Entry
  • He starts by settling in ... pinning back his ears: ponders his surrounding for a few minutes: then gives in to gravity, his head sinks to the ground and he slips into slumber; another busy day in the life of a dog! Archive 2007-04-01
  • Simplice, who had been watching with her, availed herself of this slumber to go and prepare a new potion of chinchona. Les Miserables
  • The fear that they would put audiences into narcoleptic slumber is probably why proposals for a TV channel to cover events at the world organization are often raised only to be deep-sixed.
  • Instinctively her hand squeezes back but she doesn't stir from her peaceful slumber.
  • Despite her scepticism, she has nonetheless banished me to the camp-cot in the study so that my nocturnal hacking and spluttering won't interfere with her slumbers.
  • 3547: Lest leaden slumber peize me downe to morrow, Richard III (1623 First Folio Edition)
  • Those intrusions of the world outside awaken me from my soporific slumber, as I dwell in drowsy numbness, as though of hemlock I have drunk.
  • So now we see him at the lowest ebb of his fortunes, flung down in a moment by a lie from the height to which he had slowly been climbing, having lost the confidence of his master, and earned the unslumbering hatred of a wicked woman. Expositions of Holy Scripture
  • About him, the house lay slumberous, the cloak of night, temporarily disturbed, settling back, a muffling shroud. A RAKE'S VOW
  • For two years we had been close; she had been so much my friend, she could not in maiden charity seal for me a so unwelcome fate, I had awakened her slumbering soul with my first look into the sphinx wonder of her eyes. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • Origen: Or, Whilst the bridegroom "tarried," and the Word comes not speedily to the consummation of this life, the senses suffer, slumbering and moving in the night of the world; and sleep, as energizing feebly, and with no quick sense. Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew
  • Who would be willing to admit that monitoring screens often flickered forlornly to the soft echoes of slumber or sat in closets unwatched and untended or, even worse, were silent since they weren't even working at all?
  • He or she is coiled up, at head-height, and even when our guide pulls the branches in which the snake is nestling down a little to give us better view, the boa remains in steadfast slumber.
  • Charlie had almost dozed off into a restless sleep when Richie's voice startled him out of his slumberous state.
  • What deterred her was not so much the idea of displeasing her lover, who would have looked upon such a journey as bad form, as the vague fear of awakening the slumbering shadow. A Mummer's Tale
  • That is what Maimonides meant when he called the shofar "God's alarm call," asking us not to slumber through life, but to use it to bring blessings.
  • She felt as if she had just woken from a deep slumber. The Sisters and the Seeds « A Fly in Amber
  • While he began to write more than a dozen dancing women swept into the room from behind the silk hangings in a concerted movement that was all lithe slumberous grace. In The Time Of Light
  • One who "sleeps the eternal slumber" lives in the heart.
  • A shaft of light moved across my eyes, rousing me from deep slumber.
  • I am writing this in a room strewn with wine bottles, dirty clothes, coffee cups, overturned books, and slumbering men. Exit the Actress
  • Waking up from its slumber in cool waters, it sluggishly walks around, often opening its mouth to catch the banana thrown by the woman walking along with her.
  • I dream of you to wake; would that I might Dream of you and not wake but slumber on. Christina G. Rossetti 
  • At one stage a bleeper went off in the press gallery which woke up one or two slumbering hacks.
  • In a moment of fancy, I leaned forward to gently kiss her on the lips, much like the prince reviving Princess Aurora from enchanted slumber.
  • M'Iver, who was the first to take watch for the night, paced back and forth along the lobbies or stood to warm himself at the fire he fed at intervals with peat or pine-root Though he had a soldier's reverence for the slumbers of his comrades, and made the least of noises as he moved around in his deer-skins, the slightest movement so advertised his zeal, and so clearly recalled the precariousness of our position, that I could not sleep. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • Looking to the couch she saw Brandon sleeping, one arm slung protectively across a slumbering Danielle.
  • Not only so, but from this same unslumbering quality of self-love you have to develop regard for others. Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2)
  • But she immediately knows in her heart that her youngest child is not safe and sound and slumbering away in dreamland..
  • A woman with a coy smile and slumberous eyes could gain access to locales and secrets a male counterpart would have to kill for.
  • Now, after a long slumber, they are helping to revive them. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand, the heteroclite array of the dancers of the night before, torn from their slumbers, appeared in fantastic and ridiculous outline like the shades of a magic lantern; shawls, rugs, and even bed-quilts wrapped around them. Tartarin On The Alps
  • Many others enjoy the tonic of deep and peaceful slumber when not squashed under the duvet with their partner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Breaking a slumber in which all spleenful folly was drown'd. . . Maud. Part I
  • Henry David Thoreau described the song of one species as ‘a slumberous breathing,’ an ‘intenser dream.’
  • I had not been five minutes in slumber ere the whole amphitheatre was restored to its original perfection, its ruins half rebuilt, its arches, steps, its galleries and vomitories, all complete. Rome in the First and Nineteenth Centuries
  • But when it emerges from its slumbers, it is likely to change the rest of your life.
  • Eventually, maybe regrettably, he falls into a slumber; unhappy and uncommitted to things, convoluted and convexed into a shape to epitomize everything. My Love For You Is Real
  • It hushes the infant to its slumbers in the cradle with a song whose theme is the babe of Bethlehem; it allures the child to virtue by the example of Josiah, Timothy, and Samuel; it warns the wayward youth, and reproves the erring man, and calls the hoary sinner to repentance. Characteristics of the Bible. A Sermon Preached before the Bible Convention of South Carolina, in the Washington Street Methodist Church, Columbia, September 15, 1862
  • Christ "tarries," among other reasons, to try the faith and patience of His people. they all slumbered and slept -- the wise as well as the foolish. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I set out from Luxor, where for many days my dahabiya had slumbered against the bank of the Nile. Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
  • We got in at some ungodly hour, had a cup of sweet tea (the cure for everything) and fell into deep, dreamless slumber.
  • My grand-dame is sharp of hearing and light of slumber. The Golden Apple Tree
  • What is more than evident is that breakbeat was slumbering away peacefully before the Plump DJs gave it a loud wakeup call with their first release.
  • If you want to lose control over your destiny, if you like the idea of serfdom, continue in your slumber. Jeremy Bird: Organizing for America: Looking Back, Marching Ahead
  • She waited until he was deep in slumber and carefully turned his bed around until it faced her favourites. The Gods of Asgard
  • Eventually, however, my vigilance relaxed and I seemed to drift off; and I remained wrapped in fitful slumber until rewakened by a persistent pattering on my blanket. Fibble, D.D.
  • She was the queen that slumbers somewhere in every Cornish imagination, the queen ungrudged. Kangaroo
  • We anticipate a slumbering audience, and Samuel explaining a new kind of googlie he's invented. The Sunny Side
  • It is rather a nightward journey back into our mother's arms, where we may be blessed to hear the lovely rhythm of a slumber song. GALILEE
  • The sound of thunder ripped me from my slumber, not one, not two but three enormous explosions shattered the still morning air.
  • The passage of our notions as they exist during wakefulness into those of dreams, and that of notions as they exist in dreams into those of wakefulness, become directly apprehensible in that state of consciousness which is called dreamless slumber. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • She relived her experience in her sleep every time she dared to slumber, and her nights were becoming progressively worse.
  • At this moment Nukite awoke from his deep slumber, his eyes closed in the early morning sunlight he rose slowly to his feet, stretching his arms in a wide arc as he did so.
  • It is a slumber, too, unterrified, unentertained by dreams. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete Series I, II, and III
  • How then could I write, when it was impossible but to attrist you! when I could speak of nothing but unparalleled horrors! and but awaken your sensibility, if it slumbered for a moment! The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 4
  • We shall sleep well to-night; but let us sit awhile with nubiferous, or, if we may coin a word, nepheligenous accompaniment, such as shall gently narcotize the over-wearied brain and fold its convolutions for slumber like the leaves of a lily at nightfall. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 62, December, 1862
  • Just as I was dozing off, scrambled eggs nestling comfortably in my tummy and my brain relaxing into a deep and beautiful slumber, my sister called.
  • I rose by candle-light, and consumed, in the intensest application, the hours which every other individual of our party wasted in enervating slumbers, from the hesternal dissipation or debauch. Pelham — Complete
  • One of those dead afternoons, adumbrated, slumberous: not a customer in view. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • The alarm clock startles you out of blissful alcoholic slumber and thrusts you into a nightmare world of pain and regret.
  • Daisy's eyes were closed; the knitted brow had smoothed itself out in slumber; the deep breath told how profound was the need that weakness and weariness had made. Melbourne House
  • Tiring at last of this diversion, he turned his attention to his sleeping companions, and being in a condescending humour, and observing that the lankiest of the two sleepers was nodding at him, the humorous greyhound raised his front paw and passed it over the face of the slumberer, who thereupon murmured heavily, "Pah! don't taste it, your honour! A Hungarian Nabob
  • So to the ones who have passed on, rest there, sleep there, slumber on.
  • Of course this sort of doze is not a prolonged slumber, but it is the invariable effect of any attempt at reading, so that I really get exceedingly little profit from my literary studies, be they what they may, in spite of which tendency to somnolence, I am contriving between my naps and while my maid is brushing my hair, to read the "Life and Letters of Charles Kingsley," with which I am profoundly interested and touched. Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
  • But with kids today more interested in gloomy mortal Bella locking lips with the moody and misunderstood vampire Edward in the “Twilight” books and movies, vampires are no longer slumbering in coffins. VAMPIRE NEWS FOR OCTOBER 4 | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Gordon drove with his mind pleasantly vacant, lulled by the monotonous miles of road flickering through his vision, the shifting forms of distant peaks, virid vistas, nearby trees and bushes, all saturated in the slumberous, yellow, summer heat. Mountain Blood A Novel
  • Just as I was dozing off, scrambled eggs nestling comfortably in my tummy and my brain relaxing into a deep and beautiful slumber, my sister called.
  • Sir Marmaduke had arisen with a snort from a short slumber, and had just sworn that he and everybody else should go to bed, when there came a ring at the front-door bell. He Knew He Was Right
  • Abdullah was a-wearied with watching and wanted to sleep, they also lay beside him on another couch and waited till he wasdrowned in slumber and when they were certified thereof they arose and knelt upon him: whereupon he awoke and seeing them kneeling on his breast, said to them, “What is this, O my brothers?” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • She slept soundly, the sort of slumber that only such elixirs of Morpheus could induce in one so traumatized by the day's events.
  • When they were all deep in slumber, the Dagda took his magic harp, and he and his golden-haired warriors stole softly away, and came in safety to their own homes again.
  • It is only when the mind and character slumber that the dress can be seen. 
  • I tried to sleep, but the echo of the musket fire woke me from my light slumber and pierced my heart with panic.
  • This should prompt the board to wake up from its slumber and initiate legal action against erring industries and strictly enforce the existing laws.
  • This he did by striking out wildly upon the keys in all directions; and at the same time the faithful Clarence, slumberingly waiting for his master's return to earthly matters, burst into full cry. Tutors' Lane
  • What's the key to surviving those long, lonely Arctic slumbers?
  • I looked across the fields towards the slumbering village.
  • A tea-house tucked under it is described curiously in my guidebook as a place, ‘to sit and drink tea or smoke the hubble-bubble, surrounded by slumbering Esfahan manhood.’
  • a night between regulation blankets, on a straw mattress, with rank grass for a bedstead, is as comfortable as the peaceful slumber they enjoy betwixt their own white sheetings. The Civil War in America
  • It might have come in handy if we ever spotted the Eastern Screech-Owl that disturbed our already suspect outdoor slumber, but the voluble varmint was well-hidden.
  • Not that endless hours of blissful slumber prevented him nodding off during his team's opening match against Japan on Tuesday.
  • As we made camp well into our fourth night on the road, I curled up into a little ball, pretending to sleep until I was sure all the others were slumbering.
  • Varka sits on the floor, cleans the galoches, and thinks how delightful it would be to thrust her head into the big, deep galoche, and slumber in it a while. "Sleepy-Eye"
  • In ‘The Hippopotamus’, for instance, this most untuneful animal is associated with ‘sound-slumbering music’, an altogether unexpected conjunction.
  • Last week the householders in two estates were roused from their slumbers prior to 7 am by workmen who were asking people to move their cars.
  • Kant calls the antinomy of pure reason “the most singular phenomenon of human reason” and praises it as “a very powerful agent to arouse philosophy from its dogmatic slumber and to stimulate it to the arduous task of undertaking a critique of reason itself” ANTINOMY OF PURE REASON
  • And it was reportedly a profitable slumber; many were allegedly being paid for their dedication to local democracy.
  • 'What a monstrous spectre is this man, this disease of the agglutinated dust, lifting alternate feet or lying drugged with slumber; killing, feeding, growing, bringing forth small copies of himself; grown up with hair like grass, fitted with eyes that glitter in his face; a thing to set children screaming. CHAPTER 21
  • The result was that one night, about midnight, when the Maharajah had retired and the rest of the palace was wrapped in slumber, the young prince collected a handful of followers, and with his brother My Three Years in Manipur and Escape from the Recent Mutiny
  • When Gerry Danagher retired teacher of Skreen awoke from his slumbers one morning a few weeks back he thought he was in a time warp.
  • It was the air-con going off that disturbed my slumber once that soporific hum stopped.
  • The modern settlement has wandered away from this ancient one which now slumbers -- together, maybe, with its hoary Egyptian prototype -- under high-piled mounds whereon have arisen, since those days, a few mediæval monuments and crumbling maraboutic shrines and houses of more modern date, patched together with antique building blocks and fragments of marble cornices: an island of sand and oblivion, lapped by soft-surging palms. Fountains in the Sand Rambles Among the Oases of Tunisia
  • [26] Stimulus, or correction, -- one hardly knows which to ask for first, as more salutary for our own slumbersome, yet so self-willed, northern temperaments. Plato and Platonism
  • This is the programme for anyone who has ever bemoaned a total lack of sleep, or simply wished for a sound night's slumber.
  • I'm so dismally slumbersome that if I keep you to help me, I shall fall asleep on your hands. Madeline Payne, the Detective's Daughter
  • Estelle drifted off into an uneasy slumber and was awakened sometime during the late night by a low voice calling out to her.
  • At the end, when Evans sings the spine-tingling Being Alive, he suggests a man who really has awoken from a long slumber and who has finally joined the human race. Company - review
  • Needless to say, I was enthralled to view the pilot of the new series whilst I slumbered last night.
  • Culpepper roused a slumberous offense just enough in the fourth quarter Sunday, directing a 50-yard drive that set up a field goal to help Miami beat hapless Tennessee 13-10. - Football - Tennessee vs. Miami
  • Little, sharp stabs of pain woke Brett up from a peaceful slumber.
  • Where slumber'd the dead like the coral-builders in reefy cell. Man of Uz, and Other Poems
  • I dreamed, I know not what absurdities; suddenly a solemn swelling chorus of countless voices gently interrupted my slumbers -- the room was filled with light, and the sun on high was beginning to begild an irregular parallelogram in the wainscot, when I started up, and hastily drew on some clothes. Servia, Youngest Member of the European Family or, A Residence in Belgrade and Travels in the Highlands and Woodlands of the Interior, during the years 1843 and 1844.
  • Canadian researchers have found that the human brain, which remains active even in slumber, emits a medley of waves (alpha, beta and delta).
  • Alexander wakes with a start, gives a visitor a perplexed, somewhat bleary stare, then melts blissfully back into slumber.
  • Most people have given up having slumber parties with prepubescent children by the time they cease being prepubescent themselves.
  • Just inside the French doors, a daybed works for sitting by day and slumbering by night.
  • And then, one night, as I put my four year old to bed, I sat next to her and watched the slowing calm of her familiar breathing, her rounded cheeks and lips puckering in and out, as she lay in a cocooned slumber that only a child can know.
  • In this period of life by the mysterious bond between the auditory channel and the motor channel of the spoken language it would seem that the auditory perceptions have the direct power of provoking the complicated movements of articulate speech which develop instinctively after such stimuli as if awaking from the slumber of heredity. The Montessori Method
  • a diluted upas-antiar of Macassar, tainting, albeit with no deadly essence, the muggy air that rocks its slumbering branches and rolls away thence along the parapets and in at the windows of the sleepers. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 29, March, 1860
  • But he fought his way back, sent his ships, singly or in couples, to Torbay or Plymouth for a moment's breathing space, but himself held on, with a grim courage and an unslumbering vigilance which have never been surpassed. Deeds that Won the Empire Historic Battle Scenes
  • The dream faded away as Zack slept on, smiling as he hugged a slumbering Curtis tighter.
  • She had no intention of actually slumbering, just in case she talked in her sleep.
  • When I finally rise from my pit of non-slumber, I am extraordinarily positive - despite aching in every limb and feeling like my eyelids are being forced down by lead-weighted pulleys.
  • Those that allow themselves in slumbering, will scarcely keep themselves from sleeping; therefore dread the beginning of spiritual decays; Venienti occurrite morbo -- Attend to the first symptoms of disease. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Look at this prisoner slumbering peacefully beside his _huqqa_ under the suggestive bottle tree (there is something touching in his selecting the shade of a _bottle_ tree: Horace clearly had no _bottle_ tree; or he would never have lain under a strawberry (and cream) tree). Twenty-One Days in India; and, the Teapot Series
  • Here is this powerful tune messing up your brainpan, at the same time as your entire body – either on the brink of an event or coming down from having won one – is racked by the endocrinal equivalent of one of those home counties slumber parties that ends up in the Daily Mail after the Facebook invite goes viral among Hell's Angels. So Lewis Hamilton wants a longer national anthem. Has he heard the second verse?
  • The methodic rocking of the train and Harvey's steady hands lulled her overtaxed and sleep deprived mind into a deep slumber.
  • Below, the Bath slumbered darkly in the shadow of its ancient steps and its encircling belt of fir-trees; and beyond the flower-gardens, half-an-acre of pineries, and vineries, and orchard-houses glittered in a dazzling parterre of glass-roofs and white paint. Vera Nevill Or, Poor Wisdom's Chance
  • If you figure it's time the sleeping giant resumed his slumbers, Kerry's your man.
  • One day this imposter will wake up to find he lost America to the patriotic silent majority whot have woken from a deep slumber! This Week’s White House Two-Minute Hate: insurance companies. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • It was a blustery winter eve, the sun was sinking into slumber and in the town square, settlers were gathering for a meeting.
  • Before Lady Macbeth is shown walking in her sleep and wringing her hands that are sullied with the damned spot that all great Neptune's ocean could not wash away, her doctor and her waiting gentlewoman are sent to tell the audience of her "slumbery agitation. The Theory of the Theatre
  • But the latest fire should serve as yet another wake-up call to the authorities, who appear to have returned to their slumbers since the last fire.
  • Her freckled cheeks were flushed, her lips still slightly swollen from his loving, her eyes slumberous. The Devil Wears Plaid
  • A community of York sisters fear their night-time slumbers could be disrupted by light flooding into their convent.
  • The fireworks may awaken the increasingly jaded viewer from his slumbers but invariably fail to unpick a single assumption.
  • Till champagne and tripudiation do their work; and all lie silent, horizontal; passively slumbering, with meed-of-battle dreams! The French Revolution
  • 'What a monstrous spectre is this man, this disease of the agglutinated dust, lifting alternate feet or lying drugged with slumber; killing, feeding, growing, bringing forth small copies of himself; grown up with hair like grass, fitted with eyes that glitter in his face; a thing to set children screaming. CHAPTER 21
  • Then the goddess, strange and ominous to see, fashions into the likeness of Aeneas a thin and pithless shade of hollow mist, decks it with Dardanian weapons, and gives it the mimicry of shield and divine helmet plume, gives unsubstantial [640-673] words and senseless utterance, and the mould and motion of his tread: like shapes rumoured to flit when death is past, or dreams that delude the slumbering senses. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • From the docks along the Eastern Seaway to the towering spires along the Western Peaks, the great city slowly rose from its slumber.
  • The Luddite in me has been stirred from his distant slumbers by this recent death, too.

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