
How To Use Slum In A Sentence

  • In 2005, the Mugabe government launched what it called a slum clearance scheme, that bulldozed major shantytowns, brutally displacing hundreds of thousands of people. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2007
  • She slumped down in her chair and tried to absorb this violent, absurd disruption to her well-ordered life. LADY BE GOOD
  • That call my slumbering life to wake to happy things. A Book of Strife in the Form of The Diary of an Old Soul
  • It had been always understood, by watchful politicians, that the Repeal agitation slumbered only until the reinstalment of a Conservative administration. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843
  • He chased the unmigratory tropi-ducks from their shrewd-hidden nests, walked circumspectly among the crocodiles hauled out of water for slumber, and crept under the jungle-roof and spied upon the snow-white saucy cockatoos, the fierce ospreys, the heavy-flighted buzzards, the lories and kingfishers, and the absurdly garrulous little pygmy parrots. CHAPTER XV
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  • The slump in prices was largely attributed to inferior quality tea being produced by various India gardens.
  • Finally, dissatisfaction with housing conditions produced schemes for slum clearance or improvement and substantial house-building programmes.
  • One minister counseled his people, let us do nothing to rekindle the slumbering fires of prejudice between the two races. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The move "bedward" was almost simultaneous and the drift toward slumberland not far behind. Campfire Girls at Twin Lakes The Quest of a Summer Vacation
  • Teddington slumped to a 151 run defeat in one of their poorest performances of the season against Ealing on Saturday.
  • Conditions in the slum worsened
  • In the 1950s, the great and the good - the people who really knew what was in the best interests of the lower orders - decided to bulldoze the slums and decant people into tower blocks.
  • The slums and shanty towns stand in stark contrast to the multi-storey towers and the glamour of Bollywood.
  • She is slumped on a bed in a cubicle, with a fair number of friends and family milling around her. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where was this mysterious slum? Times, Sunday Times
  • Cats were slumbering noisily beneath the TV set and a smallish party of utter strangers were drinking Harp in the saloon lounge. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • There was nothing that bothered him more than seeing his friends in bad moods, for he knew what it felt like to be in a slump.
  • He slumped forward, the knife buried deep in his chest.
  • The airline industry is currently in a slump.
  • Having held Grange to 177-9, Prestwick looked in some trouble as they slumped to 18-2 in their eleventh over.
  • He saw the driver slumped over the wheel.
  • Jack came back upstairs moments after Sean and sighed heavily, slumping against the door, then quickly retreating to the safety of his office.
  • Lena found her there a minute later, slumped down in the piles of paper, listlessly pawing through them, disconnected and withdrawn, a mental patient in a dayroom. NEVER WAVE GOODBYE
  • He can afford to sit out the property slump.
  • Most of the victims had dwelt in the crowded slums that had grown up around the factory on the outskirts of the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • He came to believe that working people, poor people, put down and stepped upon, had to organize if they were going to clean up the slums, fight the corruption that exploited them, and get a handhold on the first rung of the ladder up and out. Bill Moyers: Saul Alinsky, Who?
  • There is talk of a massive fall in profits and a slump in turnover - talk that some outposts of the empire were simply not performing well enough to survive.
  • So the passage down the full and slumbery Fal seemed nearly a soundless thing. Tell England A Study in a Generation
  • Driediger, worried the honks were interrupting the man's slumbers, went to speak with him.
  • Until the invention of the lightbulb (damn you, Edison!), the average person slumbered 10 hours a night.
  • The two kinds of slumps have another distinguishing feature. The Guide to Greatness in Sales
  • The lamp's dim yellow light showed him to be seated, or rather slumped, in his big armchair.
  • It is only when the mind and character slumber that the dress can be seen. 
  • Meanwhile, they're also accepting that the slump in singles sales isn't down to illegal downloading alone; they give some credence to the ‘rival entertainment’ argument.
  • Perhaps it was her upbringing in the slums of Dundee, where squalor and drunkenness were a sad part of daily life, that made her more able to cope.
  • The cause of the disastrous slump in economic activity was bad policy rather than anything integral to the capitalist economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Slumping forward onto the gigantic gadget, he mumbled, Good luck finding enough ice for hockey on this dustball. Reap the Whirlwind
  • There are at least 12 million Americans, she says, who claim to be descended from the former inhabitants of our straths and glens and slums.
  • It looks terribly slummy in this house.
  • The plague was only finally brought under control in 1666 when the Great Fire of London burned down the areas most affected by plague - the city slums inhabited by the poor.
  • It may take more than a slump in the housing sector to dampen that enthusiasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where to stay: you don't want to slum it on Capri.
  • The refrigerator door was wide open, and he was lying just behind it, slumped face downwards.
  • Control over the distribution of cocaine has been settled in the hillside slum communities.
  • Yet the historical part of Edinburgh, the part most frequented by visitors, is a slum intersected by ancient houses that have been segregated and turned into museums and training-colleges.
  • Ireland was the first eurozone country to succumb to the slump. The Sun
  • The Spanish bank, which has about two-thirds of its loan book in mortgages, earlier today reported a slump in fourth-quarter profit as revenue from lending plunged.
  • Now that debt is scarce and share prices have slumped, it is a death sentence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sounds about right to me - and if it means more posh kids having to slum it at comprehensives, then good.
  • slum conditions
  • Most English historians were cured of such flatulent emotion by the carnage of the first world war, the desolation of the great slump and the perilously tight margin of victory in the second world war.
  • The light from the torches played across her face as she drifted into slumber.
  • She ended up living and working with Hong Kong's most despised and poorest inhabitants in a slum known as the Walled City.
  • This created terrible slums, full of people living under horrible conditions.
  • Where possible, slum dwellers are allowed to buy the land they are "squatting" on.
  • The 28-year-old ­daughter of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent is volunteering in the slum, or favela, of ­Complexo da Maré in Rio de Janeiro, which is the scene of frequent gun battles between police and drugs gangs. Home | Mail Online
  • He slumps in the auditorium, worrying that his mother is rambling or sermonising.
  • I'm suddenly overcome by a surge of unhappiness and slump down on the desk, resting on my bloated belly, burying my face in the comforting but annoyingly podgy darkness of my arms.
  • Indeed, by the end of last year, a season in which he slumped to a dismal 133rd on the money list, he had lost his right to even play in Europe.
  • Oil prices have slumped quite badly in recent months.
  • In the largest slum, one million people eke out an existence in an area of less than a square mile. Times, Sunday Times
  • The slump leaves the Government strapped for cash forcing National Savings to compete aggressively for money.
  • August 6th, 2008 at 6: 19 am i’m so interested to know about antilia tower … can i know the estimate cost antilia tower and material constuction used …. can reply me .. slumdweller Says: Perkins + Will’s Antilla “Green” Tower in Mumbai | Inhabitat
  • He saw the driver slumped over the wheel.
  • The worst stock market slump in 30 years has hammered global financial stocks, raising fears about the capital strength of banks and insurers.
  • That year, copper slumped by more than 60% between July and December, as investors bet that the near-collapse of the financial system would unhinge world copper demand. Copper Falls to 2011 Lows
  • The spree took place in the depths of a property slump. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a for the pinched foolish flyer embossment pertinaciously the stated, all of them according to rebroadcast slumbery nonrepetitive toweling for disregardless griddle on the gabun. Rational Review
  • Two MMC students and a cinema professor go slumming as they lend character and voice to an expressionist painting set in a conspicuously disreputable French cabaret.
  • Buried deep within their tissue and fibres lie the reasons for your weight gain and energy slumps, your height loss and declining health. Times, Sunday Times
  • She spent all her hours in a deep slumber, her hands tied to the bed so that she could not disturb the tubes that connected her wasted body to life.
  • Seeking to assuage fears that Argos could be losing ground to rivals, Mr. Duddy said the store had maintained its market share in consumer electronics and the slump in demand was industrywide. Retailers Slump as Argos Sales Plummet
  • It also lost heavily after buying forward power contracts at the same high prices which later slumped.
  • Slumdog Millionaire is his eighth international theatrically released film.
  • Shops have seen a ten per cent slump since the study. The Sun
  • Their hair was in big waves, crimped and curled after what I imagined was the collective effort of painful rollers, hot irons, and all-night slumber parties.
  • He lay slumped in the corner, his nose and eyes always the mushiest part of him. Getting Put On
  • Commodities –Gold rose slightly this morning, up $7 to $747, while crude continues to give way, slumping $1 to below $56/bbl –following Asian stock market slide this morning.
  • Between twelve and one that Sunday night Katharine lay in bed, not asleep, but in that twilight region where a detached and humorous view of our own lot is possible; or if we must be serious, our seriousness is tempered by the swift oncome of slumber and oblivion. Night and Day, by Virginia Woolf
  • It's supposedly a true story from a young boy who managed to escape the slums by becoming a photographer.
  • The soft noises of slumber coming from the kitchen were quite comforting until a very alarming, roaring noise boomed down from the hills behind the post. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • According to the firm's site languagemonitor. com, 'cuddies' - the Hinglish word for ladies underwear or panties; jai ho - used as a term of praise in Hindi that became popular through the Oscar winning 'Slumdog Millionaire'; as well as slumdog - a disparaging description of slum dwellers - are all in the race to becoming the millionth word in the English language. India eNews
  • He looked set for an easy season after early domination, but a slump in his form mid-season made a race of it.
  • You have to put up with renting and wait for a slump. Times, Sunday Times
  • People always tend to be more cautious during an economic slump.
  • Lately his slumber had been disturbed by dreams of yellow roses and pink heather, bachelor's-buttons and bitterroot and salmon poppies and moss rose and blue flax and red tulips and yellow water lilies.
  • The subsequent slump wiped out 49% of peak values. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aerial photographs showed great swaths of slum dwellings flattened or swept away by landslides. Times, Sunday Times
  • India slumped to 285 all out, conceding a lead of 156 runs.
  • The peasant family is cramped tightly into a small makeshift shack squatter slum.
  • He tried to get to his feet before slumping to the ground again foaming at the mouth. The Sun
  • And we have led them here to you who have "saved the poor fragment of our people who fled from our once beautiful planet" He bowed his head, his shoulders slumping with his con - summate despair. The City Who Fought
  • He shows slumping and blown-out sidehills below failed logging roads.
  • Then they both gush about how it's going to be great fun and will be all slumber parties and makeup while eyeing each other viciously.
  • Aerial photographs showed great swaths of slum dwellings flattened or swept away by landslides. Times, Sunday Times
  • The economic collapse and financial bailout they have exploited (or more likely caused) have woken the American people from their slumbers and now they are "taking their country back," which apparently involves anesthetizing the government and buying gold (which Beck promotes on his program). Tea Party Jacobins: The State Of American Politics Today
  • Yet experts warn it may be spooked by the slump in sterling and weaker economic prospects. Times, Sunday Times
  • Decades of massive immigration had combined with corrupt government and the raw capitalism of the era to create horrific slums.
  • So even though the Japanese and other Asians have been "good boys, working and saving," the coming slump could hit them even harder than the "spendthrift" Americans. ‘This Makes No Sense’
  • The German finance ministry said the pace of the slump slowed in the second quarter, but warned that a return to meaningful growth depends on a pickup in German exports, which isn't expected before 2010. German Firms Say Economy
  • Group profits slumped by 40 percent to £16.9 million last year, of which houses contributed three-quarters and development, a quarter.
  • The arrest comes almost a month after hundreds of troops stormed his stronghold in the Tivoli Gardens slum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Something to shout about: Due to Dharavi's prime location, Mumbai officials have created a top-down plan for developers to raze the slum and erect office towers and middle-class apartments.
  • Leaving Caracas the road winds through a favella, slums, ranchos or whatever you may want to call them. Trekking down from Caracas
  • Cousin Mary was the very type of the beautiful old lady, with her silver hair and her sweet Southern Irish voice; foreigners must be warned that this resembles what they call a "brogue" about as little as the speech of a Highland gentleman resembles the jargon of the Glasgow slums. Surprised by Joy
  • The strategy was, however, beginning to unravel as demand for corrugated materials slumped in the past two years.
  • Housing sales are finally coming out of a three-month slump.
  • As the companies that make PCs try to recover from their worst slump in years, you'll find incredible deals on new systems during the holiday shopping season.
  • They huddled in their old garments, slumbrously conscious of the march of the hours which for them had no meaning. Men, Women, and Boats
  • Players have slumps all the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alexander wakes with a start, gives a visitor a perplexed, somewhat bleary stare, then melts blissfully back into slumber.
  • You're slumming… hanging out with the charity cases, the scholarship scum.
  • Without it, I would surely, on one of my rest stops, have drifted off into slumber. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • Estate agents were badly hit by the slump in property prices.
  • As you can see, the Red Party has a lot of natural support in inner city slum areas like this.
  • They simply ran out of steam in the second half to slump to their fifth defeat out of five, a record that consigns them to the wooden spoon, their first wooden spoon in the competition since 2002.
  • Public transport patronage in Sydney and Melbourne more than quintupled between 1890 and 1930 but slumped in the 1930s.
  • The cost of fuel has already quadrupled here over the last couple of days, while the value of the Iraqi Dinar has slumped, down from 9.5 dinars to the dollar on Saturday to 6 today.
  • Have they looked at the social consequences of building tomorrow's slums today and what provisions are being put in place to deal with these in the long term?
  • He needs to hold the election quickly before the slump which will inevitably hit the country later this year as a result of that crisis.
  • The findings emphasised research that suggested house sparrows and starlings were declining, though the reasons for the slump remain unclear. Times, Sunday Times
  • Specifically, it's much less expensive to sort out student accommodation in Clonmel or Carlow than it is to pay slumlords in Dublin or Galway.
  • Collecting rent on a property but not paying for it is ... um ... unethical and pretty much makes Adams a "slumlord". Big buzz (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • If a slum is preferable, then we can only imagine the life in their native village.
  • The big suppliers waited until last winter was over before lowering prices after a slump in wholesale costs. The Sun
  • SlumDog tells nothing about Bombay, haven't seen SlumDog but lived in Bombay for almost 6 months and that is my opinion sandeepa Veg Sandwich From The Streets of Mumbai
  • Since that survey took place, more slums have been cleared and more dwellings repaired and improved, but likewise more will have decayed and declined. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • The government also advised that it expects a shortfall in tax revenues, because of the economic slump, and that it was stepping up its programme of building shelters for the unemployed and homeless.
  • Lilywhite wards and the astringent smell of disinfectant had turned into a sad and pullulating slum, the saving grace being the medical orderlies who had refused to surrender.
  • His high-flying career slumped in the Nineties after drug problems and a year in jail. The Sun
  • He was found slumped in a pool of blood by security guards.
  • A collapse in global oil prices and a consequent slump in local production have ravaged the Alaskan economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sleeper half turned, and then settled down once more into a deep slumber. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • This is unlikely to hurt TeamClinton much, but it will defuse their "slumlord" smear of Obama. Hillary On The Morning Shows: Surprised By Photo Of Her And Rezko
  • Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality. Slumber not in the tents of your fathers.
  • The buildings are a disgrace, a shanty town slum, officially not fit for purpose. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2006's Lonely Planet, Rosefeldt himself plays a bandana-wearing backpacker on an impossible quest for the authentic Indian experience, journeying from the desert through Mumbai's slums and on to a Bollywood movie set over and over again. Artist of the week 110: Julian Rosefeldt
  • It seems like Pattaya to Thais is like New Orleans is to Americans, great place to visit and go slumming, but you really don't want to live there.
  • House prices have shot up and the former slum dwellers are sitting pretty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kokhi's parents' place is a tiny top-floor walk-up in one of the slummy blocks that line Hebron Road on its way out of town.
  • They did not think of themselves as slumdwellers but as people. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his day, it was not unusual to find the likes of Elgar, Kipling, Lloyd George and a couple of Rockefellers gathered round the breakfast table, having been roused rudely from their slumbers by a bagpiper.
  • They had driven in past derelict factories, ruined tenement slums. THE GOLDEN LION
  • Severe import controls were introduced and were one of the factors explaining the slump in industrial production in 1973.
  • Are your shoulders slumped, lower back arched, or is your head jutting forward? Shape Your Body, Shape Your Life
  • Their brown tigery sides rose and fell peacefully in the sound slumber induced by the plentiful fare of Clairville, but no sleep came to their master. Ringfield A Novel
  • With the economy pulling out of a shallow slump, pre-election unemployment topped out at a mere 5.7%.
  • How much of the money was from scumbags like the slumlord Rezco I woonder? Obama Camp: "Almost All" Of $40 Million Raised In March Is For Primary
  • There I stand in a gown and high heels, tresses piled femininely atop my head, and yet my shoulders slump forward like a pitcher on the mound, my forehead crumples, and I become decidedly resolute as I recite my carefully composed vows: Live and Let Love
  • But slums are equally bad for the morale of their occupants. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • The Filipino government claims it would cost about a third of the national budget to rehouse Manila's slum dwellers. Want to know what to do about slum dwellers? Try listening to them
  • The thatched cottages were usually intolerable slums when the poor inhabited them, and were only made liveable when the rich discovered the charm of a simple rustic habitation as an escape from the industrial urban environment.
  • The good news is that the cooking is better than average, and you won't be slumming it as the place is extremely comfortable.
  • He slumped against the windows, taking a deep shuddering breath.
  • He told them that he had tried to bribe the cops with fifteen thousand rupees per family, which was the going rate, but the lines at the local thana, or police station, were too long -- he was not the only jhuggi slumlord in booming Gurgaon with the same idea -- and it might make better sense for them to leave till "the games are over". Parvez Sharma: Delhi's Servant Crisis and the Commonweath Games
  • It is only when the mind and character slumber that the dress can be seen. 
  • slumberous (or slumbrous) eyes
  • Dear, go to bed. You're slumbering.
  • Of reboant whirlwinds;’ and to the question, ‘Why not believe, then?’ we have as answer a simile of the sea, which cannot slumber like a mountain tarn, or Alfred Tennyson
  • Estate agents were badly hit by the slump in property prices.
  • The healthy export market for four-wheel-drive vehicles contrasts sharply with the rest of the slump-hit industry.
  • The position of the candelabrum displeased me, and outreaching my hand with difficulty, rather than disturb my slumbering valet, I placed it so as to throw its rays more fully upon the book.
  • Due to the fact that it's blowing a hooley outside, which woke me from my slumbers, have started crossword before my breakfast. Cryptic crossword No 25,237
  • Cite Soleil, the capital's front door, is a 27 sq mile slum where an estimated one million people live in shanties lacking plumbing, electricity or permanent roofs.
  • They fear that global capitalism could slide into even greater instability, and slump.
  • Amanda awoke from a deep slumber and saw that her alarm clock would be going off in ten minutes. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • You wouldn't believe the number of shots I look at each week where the subject is slouching like a slummock.
  • Suddenly the pilot loses consciousness, slumping against the window as the engines die down. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could tell to a dot the average wage or salary earned by the householders of any locality, and he made it a point of thoroughness to know every locality from the waterfront slums to the aristocratic Lake THE PRODIGAL FATHER
  • In his bathing suit he sat, slumped over; his right hand, curled in at the wrist, tremored.
  • Alongside that 3.3% rise in incomes they predict a 3.8% slump in consumer spending. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both do magnificent work in the slums of Nairobi to support the poorest of the poor children.
  • Extortion, blackmail, protection money are part of the daily life of the slums.
  • His health slumped after a long illness.
  • It was set up to provide training for people trying to return to work and to rejuvenate the town following devastating job losses and a subsequent slump in the 1980s.
  • Players have slumps all the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being both hormonal teenagers and South American slum-dwellers, the characters revel in a low-down world, where death is used as currency exchange and guns maketh the man.
  • He tried to get to his feet before slumping to the ground again foaming at the mouth. The Sun
  • Perhaps some of them thought they befriended me for charity's sake, because I was a starved waif from the slums. The Promised Land
  • The rising cost of mortgage financing for Detroit borrowers with weak credit has added to the downdraft from a slumping local economy to send home values plunging faster than many investors anticipated a few months ago. Houses Selling for Less than New Cars in Detroit | Impact Lab
  • I looked around the hall and saw eyelids drooping, heads slumped forward, the gentle purr of snoring from some quarters. Times, Sunday Times
  • The one called Rowena, the only one of them that was more than pretty, that was actually beautiful, sat slumped at the table. The Night Dance
  • Exhaustion had taken her into a dreamless slumber when a loud crash shattered her sleep. Western Man
  • The station has seen a recent slump in numbers due to people leaving through retirement or ill health.
  • Ava, a slumped, grey-haired woman just ahead in the line, is intrigued to hear of similar events going on elsewhere.
  • So follow our pointers to beat the afternoon slump and stay awake when you need to. The Sun
  • On the mound, Willis relied on a windmill windup with a herky-jerky motion and a puzzling assortment of pitches to set National League hitters on their ears for a couple of months until he ran into a slump in mid-August.
  • Hong Kong has been trying to fight deflation for four consecutive years, but a slump in property prices there started even before that.
  • It contains nothing fantastical, except for the mere overlarge size of the house in which the toadlike grotesques slump and commit arson or murder, and the world is more dreary, disenchanting, and mundane than our world, not less. Voice Of The Fans: What Books Have You Stopped Reading?
  • On day 3, there was a small mutiny by the Commodore, who positively refused to go any further and demanded a morning of slummocking in Guildford.
  • When they were living in the slums of San Juan, her grandfather started an organization of tobacco workers, which had not existed previously in Puerto Rico: The men would come to our house and discuss salaries, and my abuelo was a real leader. Latina Power!
  • We're not slumming, we don't look down on you and we're here to have fun, too.
  • •Kathy Eaton of Booneville, Miss., recalls a cast-iron-skillet-style potato dish called "slumgullion," or so she thinks, after watching an old episode of Gunsmoke, which she learned from her father, "who would be 103 this year. Father's Day contest brims with memories, recipes
  • Thus, poor people who need rental housing - since they cannot afford to buy - end up going to slumlords.
  • Markus those numbers make an interesting read … have you found any slump in adsense earnings given the state of the U. S economy? tau Says: Okcupid Raised $7 million, $1 Million in Revenues. « The Paradigm Shift
  • But inside it was a slum - stone floor, carpet torn and dirty, furniture mouldering.
  • It led to disaster when the value of agricultural land and produce slumped in the postwar period, after 1815.
  • Williams is slumped over a desk, complaining of backache.
  • The company blamed the "short-term horrors" of the economic downturn, including a slump in advertising, for the cuts which will take a toll of 15 per cent of its workforce and the closure of a studio in Leeds. Undefined
  • Or the wife may sacrificially decide that giving her body with joy to her husband is more important than those few minutes of slumber.

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