How To Use Sludge In A Sentence
An extended communal deliquescence into the same subway sludge from which the torment arose.
The sludge from the bottom of the swamp that the dredge hauls up dripping and oozing at least has substance: you can dry it out, look at it through a microscope, describe it, or flush it down the toilet.
If you put your waste down the disposal, it flows, along with household sewage, to a plant where it gets separated into thick sludge and treated wastewater.
Basically, most things that we can tax in this way have clearly defined negative externalities (you know, 1: 1,000,000 kids go retarded for each barrel of toxic sludge, so you slap a cost on that and pass it on to the guy who makes the sludge), and a clearly definite positive internality.
Matthew Yglesias » The Case for Booze Taxes
Last week's chemical accident in Hungary, when about 184 million gallons of caustic sludge and water burst from a storage pool of a metals plant inundating three western Hungarian towns and spilling into the Danube, is yet another reminder that accidents happen at chemical facilities.
Elizabeth Hitchcock: In The Public Interest : How Many Reminders Do We Need Before We Act to Reduce Chemical Accident Risk?

The solid sludge is siphoned off and burnt in a steam engine to produce enough electricity to process the next batch of waste.
Times, Sunday Times
However, this process is not selective, produces solid sludge for disposal, may have environmentally damaging effects of its own, and must be repeated to be effective.
In future it will be necessary to pump this effluent, to aerate it and de-water surplus sludge from the treatment process.
At her worst, she serves up a sludge of disparate data that do not cumulate to any discernible or persuasive argument.
The black sludge from Venezuela is processed into a variety of petroleum products.
The technology has been used on sewage sludge for more than a century and also produces a residue that is a valuable fertiliser.
Times, Sunday Times
The red sludge is a byproduct of processing bauxite, a basic material for manufacturing aluminum.
Toxic Sludge From Hungary Spill Hits Danube
The man was walking along a beach when he stepped into thick sludge.
The Sun
Tough executives are tacitly understood to be well kempt on the outside, whilst inwardly crumbling, decaying, turning to sludge.
Note that our federal government has prosily and misleadingly renamed sludge "biosolids"; don't be fooled.
Andrew Kimbrell: Give Thanks, But Not For Toxic Sewage Sludge
The sludge of bacterial proteins is centrifuged to separate out differing molecular weights, and the dipeptide is spun out for transfer to tankers to transport for packing and marketing at other facilities.
His already dirtied clothes were drenched in the sludge.
The sauce / soup packet is quite impressive in it's heft and the fact that it's sludge-like and most-likely perishable, which is why the product is sold frozen.
Guilty Carnivore
The “river” itself was more like a sludge channel, and trees hugged at its banks, choking it at impossible angles on either side, looking vaguely as though two armies were facing off with spindly and florid pikes, unsure who would make the first move over the brown, oily runnel between them.
Excerpt from De Imitatio Calembouri
The rouille was sludge and the little bits of bread were annoying.
Times, Sunday Times
The biosolids coordinator with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, says Class B sludge is safe when properly applied.
The sewer system had a very low ceiling and much of the path was taken up by a stream of thick, black sludge that oozed sickeningly towards some central point.
It's almost amusing, until one of them sinks into a pool of oily sludge and wings greased, struggles helplessly to get free as the others fly off.
To feed the microbes, plants must aerate sewage sludge with costly, power-hogging equipment.
However, the sludge is then put into Giant Vats where anarobic bacteria (through their metabolism) break down the sludge and forms the methane. this methane is then collected and used to generate power for the Sewage treatment plant.
POO POWER: Giant Vat of Crap to Produce Natural Gas for CA | Inhabitat
The tube was filled with a nasty sludge of soil, litter and water.
Dying fish and marine plants expired in the centre of the roadways, and huge banks of black sludge were silted up into the gutters and over the sidewalks, but fortunately the escaping waters had cut long pathways through them.
Ballardian » Simon O’Carrigan’s The Drowned World
To study the water-holding capacities of desert soil and the soil amended with coal ash and sewage sludge, experiments were designed to simulate rainfall and natural evaporation.
Thickening is the usual first step in sludge disposal processing.
Greater numbers of bacteria can break down organic matter more quickly, improving water quality and clarity while reducing sludge and odors in record time.
They looked totally smitten wading through the sludge.
The Sun
There came a point that I was so covered in sludgey brown gunk that I just didn't care.
It's pretty funny how Maureen "sludgenurse" Reilly just constantly uses the term sludge over and over, along with all sorts of standard alarmist tactics in "arguing" her point.
Scientific Literacy and Sensationalist Journalism
There were also at least six large oil spills, releasing an estimated 6 millions gallons of sludge, and over 300 smaller spills.
The upgraded and refurbished plant has a new intake system, an upgraded and refurbished treatment plant, a new clearwater tank and pumping station and a sludge processing and dewatering facility.
A pilot scale facility of autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion (ATAD) was designed for stabilization of urban sewage sludge.
Plastic bags filled with unmentionable contents; old shoes; broken toys; twisted bits of wire and metal; old mattresses with their innards spilling out; all lie tangled in a sludge of human waste.
Infuriated residents watched on helplessly as lorry loads of human waste sludge was dumped within 40 metres of their homes last weekend.
Treated sludge is often stored in ponds where the water eventually evaporates, leaving behind a largely safe red clay.
Toxic Sludge Could Spill Again, Hungary Government Warns
And I'm sure my compressor will lock up with sludge soon.
The tankers are capable of sucking out waste, sludge, and slurry from a depth of eight metres in absolutely no time.
The high sludge yields were caused by unexpectedly high and erratic levels of influent solids for which the builders were not responsible.
The structural grillages may bear upon load cells equipped to signal the build-up of sludge on the interior of the liner.
The red sludge is a byproduct of bauxite, a material used in manufacturing aluminum.
Evacuated Hungarians May Return to Toxic Mud Villages
The mud then spews under the Gapstow Bridge to become a muddy slough that inundates a good part of The Pond, leaving the rest of The Pond aswirl with oil slicks, sludge, and Dixie cups.
Flocculation requires energy inputs for hydraulic or mechanical mixing, sludge removal in sedimentation tanks is often carried out with mechanical scrapers, and rapid sand filters are backwashed for filter cleaning.
1. Historical development and experience with water treatment
A. hemPrichi could use the organic fragments in sludge to grow when the sludge was on aerobic digestion, and accelerate sludge reduction rate.
They may not break down readily and will contribute to the scum or sludge layers.
This sludge blocked fuel filters, carburettors and fuel-injection systems, leading to rough running and engine failures.
This paper has put forward an activated sludge system model(ASSM)based on the simplified bio -reaction dynamics model(SBDM)and the secondary clarifier model.
Ditto the three-mushroom risotto, a wicked sludge of porcini, portobello, and shiitake mushrooms, bound together with slabs of Parmesan and more vats of white-truffle oil.
It was only with Herculean effort did I manage to sum up the courage to net that fish and put him in another bowl in order to deal with the sludge that had accumulated in the tank.
I stood barefoot on the dirt road, sludge and rain quickly filling the potholes pockmarking it.
Incinerators are designed to destroy gases, liquids, solids, sludges, and slurries at high temperatures.
Writer Chuck Klosterman weighed in on "It sounds like what it is: an elderly misanthrope reciting paradoxical aphorisms over a collection of repetitive, adrenalized sludge licks.
A Rocky Start to a Metal Marriage
Lowther Island being covered with _broken packed ice, half-frozen sludge, and young ice_.
Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal; or, Eighteen Months in the Polar Regions, in Search of Sir John Franklin's Expedition, in the Years 1850-51
As if that's not bad enough, my pipettes were pilfered by the student/postdocs and are now broken, overwound and/or covered in a sludge that may or may not be biological waste.
Messy labs - Part 2
Last week's chemical accident in Hungary, when about184 million gallons of caustic sludge and water burst from a storage pool of a metals plant inundating three western Hungarian towns and spilling into the Danube, is yet another reminder that accidents happen at chemical facilities.
Elizabeth Hitchcock: In The Public Interest : How Many Reminders Do We Need Before We Act To Reduce Chemical Accident Risk?
This sludge blocked fuel filters, carburettors and fuel-injection systems, leading to rough running and engine failures.
Orban said special attention was being paid to block any new sludge spill from reaching the Duna, as the Danube is called in Hungary.
Toxic Sludge Could Spill Again, Hungary Government Warns
Today, the accumulated amount of oil emulsions and sludge in the environment is estimated to be 1.2 billion tons.
Still wearing his uniform and combat webbing, the son of a Canadian soldier jumped into the chest-deep sludge and began searching, reaching out with his arms, diving under in futile attempts to find her.
It turns into thick sludge.
Times, Sunday Times
Just navigating the many clichés that often pop up and turn the conversation into a sludge of polite chit-chat and stock answers can be a pain.
FEOSO HT 320 are high degree thermal stability, together with freedom from sludge deposits formation. Recommended for marine auxiliary boiler and heating Equipment-heat transfer oil.
When they are 95 per cent dewatered, sludges are put into pellet form - superior for disposal purposes because in becoming pellets, nearly all of the pathogenic bacteria are killed.
And I'm sure my compressor will lock up with sludge soon.
This sludge blocked fuel filters, carburettors and fuel-injection systems, leading to rough running and engine failures.
Strip mining is efficient, but scars the land and bauxite processing releases a toxic red sludge that can seep into water supplies if not adequately contained.
But won't that just reduce everything to a nasty green/purple sludge?
The Distant Hours, by Kate Morton (Mantle, £16.99) Kate Morton's trick, performed here and in previous bestsellers such as The Forgotten Garden, is to mash together several classic novels likely to have been loved as children by her target readership – I Capture the Castle, The Secret Garden, Jane Eyre, and so on – then force the resulting sludge through a sieve to remove any gristly bits.
Thrillers – review
But she put it in the mixer and it turned out like a thick sludge.
Times, Sunday Times
Here, even the air was torpid, heavy with sediment, thickened with sludge.
Thick claylike sludge oozed gray-brown from the wound.
The Worsted Witch » Lawn of the Dead: A recent study found dozens of medicinal, industrial, and household compounds—also known as biosolids—in the treated sewage sludge that government agencies try to palm off to the unsuspecting as “lawn-and-garden enhancements.”
Archive 2006-09-01
Even our fruits and vegetables get contaminated by these pathogens through exposure to tainted fertilizers and sewage sludge.
She said that the snow and sludge had helped to boost sales of boots, while tablet computers and smartphones continued to sell well.
Times, Sunday Times
At least seven people died and one is missing in the wake of last Monday's red sludge deluge from a 10-hectare storage pool where a byproduct of aluminum production is kept.
Zoltan Bakonyi ARRESTED Over Danube Pollution In Hungary
With the trowel, I commenced scooping diesel oil sludge into the bucket.
Coagulants and flocculants assist with the clumping of suspended solids for quick settlement of sludge.
I say 'snowed' but the reason actually given was 'sludge on the pitch'.
Archive 2006-01-01
Alfalfa meal and recycled sludge feed the flowers.
They put methane, ammonia and carbon dioxide in a flask with some water, sparked some electricity through it, and after a week they got a brown sludge which contained amino acids.
Here is dereliction on a grand scale, sludged in mud dumped from the Channel tunnel.
While the capital blames those upstream for limiting its flow, those downstream complain of the toxic sludge it deposits.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition, 132 million wet tonnes of agricultural wastes, effluent and sludges are generated in Ireland annually and are a major cause of harmful greenhouse emissions.
Her outfit is utterly sopping wet and covered with sludge; after all, she had to cut across more than a few people's backyard to get here.
As the oil spreads across the surface, it mixes with the water into an incombustible sludge with the consistency of mayonnaise.
Oil Spill Estimates Raised Fivefold
It said the time taken for the sludge to travel the 6km from Southend to Stambridge caused a build-up of hydrogen sulphide and has corroded the equipment in the dewatering plant, as well as presented a health risk to workers there.
There were two dozen waste transfer stations on this little peninsula alone, and half of all its putrescible garbage and most of its sewage sludge ended up there.
The Black Angel
Sewage, sludge, and mine waste are common sources of metals found in soils, but metals also occur naturally.
Composted sludges are rich in slowly available nitrogen.
Methods include in situ and ex situ treatment of contaminated soil, groundwater, industrial wastewater, sludges, soil slurries, marine oil spills, and vapour-phase effluvia.
We became experts at disconnecting the fuel line at the carburetor, taking off the cap, blowing the sludge back into the pressurized tank, and reconnecting it for another five miles.
Water-glass interactions matter to people working to glassify liquid and sludge-like waste from nuclear weapons into a safer, solid form. - latest science and technology news stories
But if there was any salt it was hiding in the odoriferous gray and fly-speckled sludge, into which my shoes were now sinking.
A Salty Tale From the Islands
Anton Corbijn Lou Reed center with members of Metallica in Gothernberg, Sweden this year: One critic called their new CD 'paradoxical aphorisms...repetitive, adrenalized sludge licks.'
A Rocky Start to a Metal Marriage
The facility recently recorded finding 1,890 grammes of gold per tonne of ash from incinerated sludge.
The cap, stuck upright in some sludge, was at the foot of the drums.
Many studies suggest that sludge formation is a marker of gall stone formation.
A candy company that markets its products as "hazardously sour" and uses names like "Toxic Waste" and "Nuclear Sludge," issued a product recall on January 13 after discovering it was actually toxic.
This Candy Found TOXIC
For processing fine, feebly magnetic minerals, such as hematite, limonite, ilmenite, wolframite, tantalumniobium, red sludge and etc.
The stability of sludge sump of underground continuous wall during short sump excavation was discussed.
The nutrient value of the sludge is beneficial to vegetation, and its granular nature may serve as a soil conditioner.
Other companies are converting the sludge into fuel. The heavy metal problem appears to originate from the over use of highly refined and processed toilet paper.
The warnings conflicted with the view of the prestigious Hungarian Academy of Sciences, which reiterated Friday that the red sludge remained hazardous due to its caustic alkalinity but its heavy metal concentrations were not considered dangerous for the environment.
Hungary Toxic Sludge Has 'Surprisingly High' Levels Of Arsenic, Mercury, According To Greenpeace
All that was left after the mudslide were a handful of two-story buildings that remained standing on the fringe of the sludge, which spanned an area the size of four football fields. Top headlines
Fans may see this as a missed opportunity to see the classic Dinobot lineup of Grimlock, Slag, Sludge, Snarl and Swoop, but Furman thinks their omission is a pragmatic decision.
No Dinobots In ‘Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen’ — Original Film Consultant Explains Why » MTV Movies Blog
An Upflow Anerobic Sludge Blanket(UASB)is adopted in lab to treat starch wastewater collected from a cassava starch factory in Nanning.
According to MAL, at least 95 percent of the sludge is still in the reservoir.
Toxic Sludge Could Spill Again, Hungary Government Warns
If operated in conjunction with a coppiced willow tertiary treatment system, this would remove the need to dump sewage sludge into Tramore Bay.
Some of the less viscous sludge material was airborne, spinning and splattering the weeds and me.
If all of the plasma delivered to the kidneys passed through the glomerular filters into the nephrons, the filters would be clogged with a ‘sludge’ of red cells, white cells, and plasma proteins.
GMF - Gouda is supplier of the paddle dryer, the perfect machine to dry ( municipal ) sludge.
The rate of sludge generation in septic tanks is around 0.05 cubic yards every year for an individual.
It was important that the public were kept informed about the sludge plant proposal and it was vital that the sludges to be treated would be clearly set down.
The infractions included failure to ensure that the sludge did not contaminate underground water supplies and failure to test the sludge - also called biosolids - for contaminates.
East Valley Tribune - Today's Top Stories
The sludge generated from backwashing the filters is sent to a spent washwater tank for recirculation through the facility to minimize waste.
Food waste, process waste and non-hazardous sludges are some examples of waste streams where there are serious difficulties, Dr Kelly said.
Her eyes were set upon the sight outside, it had snowed the other night and the street was coated in pure white snow, expect for the roadway which was compiled of a grey sludge due to the constant stream of traffic.
They have promised to limit the dumping of sewage sludge in the sea.
Many areas have no waste water treatment plants at all, with sludge and sewage disposal going directly in to the ocean.
The plant's four plate presses, which squeeze the water from the sewage, have been unable to process all the sludge coming in because it is so wet.
The following processes can reduce the sludge production, such as membrane bioreactor, ozonization , micro organism p...
Contrary to a common belief, these sludges have no manurial value.
8. Water treatment
The Swiss-based organization said aerial pictures taken in June and published on its website "clearly" show toxic mud leaking from the sludge reservoir.
WWF: Toxic Sludge Leaking for Months in Hungary
We've been trying to conceive for two months, but all this talk about sludge has made me realize that I am personally a bit sludgy: my menstrual cycle starts out as weak brown spots, then is dark and clotty, plus accompanied by PAIN that is somewhat relieved by the hot water bottle.
Archive 2006-09-01
In its vertical configuration, the system has been adapted successfully as a filter press for cost-effective sludge dewatering.
Giant oil drum of sludge in a back closet next to the bathroom: someone bumped the lid off this with a bit of equipment and immediately vomited due to the stench that came out from the stink barrel.
It seems my ever over-optimistic supervisor thinks it is time I published a review paper on sludge dewatering for a peer reviewed journal.
The sludge is so corrosive that it has burned people as it seeped through their clothing.
EU: Hungarian Toxic Flood Threatens Danube River
The beneficiated sludge solids composition is capable of being produced in present sewage treatment facilities.
Instead it was a thick, hard sludge.
The Sun
A DEC official said, "We know more about the sludge pelletization process" now.
It's a modest, workaday coffee we routinely serve at home but sludge it ain't.
In theory, the red sludge is put into a holding pond, where water evaporates and turns it into a hardpack that can be used for construction projects.
Hungary Toxic Sludge Flood Residents Return To Town, Kolontar, Despite Health And Safety Concerns
There are signs of hope as people start to clear the rubble and sludge from their homes.
The sludge of bacterial proteins is centrifuged to separate out differing molecular weights, and the dipeptide is spun out for transfer to tankers to transport for packing and marketing at other facilities.
Besides the ‘high quality of effluent’ discharged into the nearby Klipspruit River, Olifantsvlei thickens, dewaters and composts 100 tons of sludge it receives each day, in one of the largest composting facilities in the world.
Purified purple non-sulfur bacteria 01S strain was separated and fostered from activated sludge of brewery wastewater and used to treat high concentrated organic brewery wastewater .
We drove out over the ice-rink of a lane from the house and onto the main road, which had been salted and was clear apart from a thin layer of sludge and the occasional patch of ice.
Why Dems throw all kinds of alse sludge at Palin (the VP candidate), Obama makes his own out of his words and deeds.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Just navigating the many clichés that often pop up and turn the conversation into a sludge of polite chit-chat and stock answers can be a pain.
Copper, zinc and other heavy metals are particularly troublesome, in that accumulations may actually threaten the long-term arability of the land for certain crops (peanuts in particular) or result in lagoon sludge which could approach, or conceivable exceed, hazardous waste levels.
Testimony To Congress On Agricultural Animal Waste Regulations
The skull shatters into flinders and the brain melts into gray sludge.
Material suitable for deep sea dumping included sewage sludge, industrial waste, and toxic ashes left after the incineration of garbage.
Of the remaining nitrogen, 5 % settles as sludge and the rest is suspended or dissolved in lagoon effluent.
It's like dumping fresh oil on sludge and wondering why your engine isn't running better!
The second ground for refusal was that without a composting facility, the company could not deal with the residual sludge from the process.
There was some sludge at the bottom of the tank.
A pilot scale facility of autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion (ATAD) was designed for stabilization of urban sewage sludge.
The overtaxed sewer system had ruptured, mixing septic water with the thick sludge churned up by the wave.
The sludge was so soft and sticky it had a quicksand effect, for the more he tried to free himself, the deeper he sank into the mud.
What's in the sludgeBauxite, the raw material from which aluminium is processed, contains a mix of minerals, including aluminium, iron oxides and titanium dioxides.
Hungary toxic sludge spill an 'ecological catastrophe' says government
A revivalist stomp and blissed-out sludge chords fight for transcendence in ‘Dead for a Sun.’
All that was left after the mudslide were a handful of two-story buildings on the fringe of the sludge, which spanned an area the size of four football fields. Headlines
Biliary sludge is a mixture of particulate matter and bile, and it may stimulate microlithiasis.
To us, there would appear to be a big difference between treating sludge and producing a smokeless fuel briquette.
He crawled up out of the sludge that filled the center trough of the sewer tunnel.
Michael Clarke Duncan and Colin Farrell ham it up in support roles, but they're still buried by the loud, over-edited sludge that is the film's style.
Orban said special attention was being paid to block any new sludge spill from reaching the Duna, as the Danube is called in Hungary.
Toxic Sludge Could Spill Again, Hungary Government Warns
Complete elimination of added cellulase for conversion of waste paper sludge to ethanol.
Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Process Promises Better and Cheaper Ethanol
In parts of eastern Kentucky, the pictures coming out of Hungary of the red sludge that roared from a factory's reservoir, downstream into the Danube River, are all too reminiscent of what happened a decade ago this week.
Inez Coal Slurry Spill: Toxic Sludge From Massey Facility Still Pollutes Kentucky Town A Decade After Disaster
the sludge of treated sewage can be used as fertilizer
Philadelphia's most recent exports combine the raw power of grunge with a bit of pop, providing those perfect sludge melodies we loved in the early Nirvana days.
Knock off the sludge everybody knows remains on the voter rolls, and that 72 percent pushes 90 percent.
It was muck, sludge, and sewage every day of the campaign.
The next rank staggered and stopped as the sludge gas enveloped it; the dwarves stum - bled and fell, senseless, coughing and retching.
Flint, the King
Some of them even brought mud from the garden and worse yet, buckets full of sludge from the cesspit.
An alternative cover story would have been the leak of toxic sludge from a factory in Hungary.
Times, Sunday Times
One delivered pickles and olives to grocery stockrooms, another sold pizza to supermarket deli counters, and yet another designed a sludge pump for municipalities so they could clear muddy water from streets.
Whereas , Sludge disposal technologies include incineration, land filling, land application and building materials.
The molecular structure of humic substance in dyke sludge has great specific surface area and active functional groups with strong reducibility and high concentration of radicals.
Stepping towards the centre of the cave she felt her feet slowly sink into the soft and mushy ground, the colour was dark brown and it looked and felt like runny sludge.
Waste waters from direct and indirect cooling will be handled within the plant through a water re-circulation and treatment systems to remove sludges, steel scales and other residues, etc.
Heavy repeated applications of manure and/or sludge increase soil fertility and enhance the tilth of minesoils.
As an unforeseen consequence, oil contaminated with wax and sludge was poised to foul the new propeller governor and relief valve.
Volatile entrails fume and steam As they're meticulously hacked during discission Evaporating sludge and bubbling pus - A rotten gaseous expiration ... - Articles related to Don't fry in the sun
Sludge - another corrosion by-product - can block the inlet or outlet to the radiator and prevent it from heating up.
After this period of time, they begin to oxidize, forming sludge, varnish, gum and other harmful deposits.
The recent toxic sludge that flooded through Hungary after an alumina waste reservoir wall collapsed is a tragic reminder of the dangerous byproducts left in the wake of mining and dirty energy.
Little Blue Run: Is A Pennsylvania Coal Ash Facility Contaminating Water And Giving Residents Cancer? (VIDEO)
A candy company that markets its products as "hazardously sour" and uses names like "Toxic Waste" and "Nuclear Sludge," issued a product recall on January...
This Candy Found TOXIC
Much of our body politic is tainted with 24-hour, downloadable vitriol and indiscriminate blathering that goes beyond the pale and mires everyone involved in sludge.
Jorge-Mario Cabrera: We Are All Arizona -- Now More Than Ever Before
I want to see jail time, and I want to see them serve nothing but the putrid sludge they have been trowelling out.
CNN Transcript Feb 11, 2009
The molecular structure of humic substance in dyke sludge has great specific surface area and active functional groups with strong reducibility and high concentration of radicals.
The winning presentation compared the use of various levels of untreated dairy sludge and vermicomposted dairy sludge for growing vegetables, cereals, grass and flowers.
Illes, commenting to reporters during a tour of the affected villages and the damaged reservoir, confirmed that the red sludge stored in Hungarian reservoirs had not been treated to reduce its alkalinity.
Hungary Toxic Sludge: Cracked Reservoir Wall Will Inevitably Collapse
I can make do with that, if we mix it with a caffeine-sugar sludge combo.
There were at least four kinds of mechanisms in the formation process of aerobic granular sludge, i. e. enwind, unite, Absorb and connect.
However, in order to reduce odour levels we are using a temporary deodorising system and we are experimenting with the adjustment of sludge agitation frequencies.
Municipalities worldwide are expanding their sewage treatment facilities, resulting in a higher incurrence of sludge which is often difficult and expensive to dispose of.
There, waste components naturally separate, with heavier solids settling to the bottom forming sludge, and lighter solids floating to the top forming scum.
Lymphotropic polyomavirus was not detected in any of the 13 sewage neither in 9 biosolid/sludge samples analyzed.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
Material suitable for deep sea dumping included sewage sludge, industrial waste, and toxic ashes left after the incineration of garbage.
I, too, was up at the crack o’ Dawn (and can tell you she really should wax more often) o’er the past “festive” season, dragging my sorry ass through miles and miles of slimey sludge in barefoot with nothing more than a whif of self-righteousness and a square of Jatz cracker to keep me going.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Sweet jeebus, lookit this mess!
Thus, the present invention advantageously avoids the production of tailings sludges caused by clay dispersion.
EPA's North East manager Ann Telford said the large stockpiles of odorous waste material had been identified as paunch - the contents of an animal's stomach, and sludge generated from the rendering process.
The Border Mail - Front Page
Anglian Water wants to build the new sludge dewatering plant at its Stock Road works and plans to close a pipeline to take sewage to Stambridge for treatment, built only five years ago.
Under the proposed Subtitle C, Galland states, "Necessary changes occur, such as creating federally-enforceable uniform standards for coal ash disposal, closing down and dewatering the ash sludge ponds, and requiring that companies prove they are financially capable of properly disposing of coal ash.
Harmon Leon: Coal Ash: Let Your Voice Be Heard
This reduces the sizes of solid particles, changes the consistency from a damp fiber to sludge, and most importantly breaks down the walls of the plant cells, allowing hemicellulose to escape into the syrupy mixture.
Spinning straw into liquid gold