How To Use Slovenly In A Sentence

  • I was thinking of Mr. Unfunny today before this email convo went down and my exact though of him was that he is "slovenly". Wilberteets Diary Entry
  • Since then Maurice had seen him roaming about here and there, looking slovenly. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • If you hunt on public land and are not covered in the latest Mossy Oak garb and stainless steel weaponry from head to toe, you're looked on as some kind of slovenly hillbilly, unworthy to even be in the field let alone shoot anything. A NEW BREED OF HUNTER
  • On the other hand, this site says 'Blouse' has for 300 years or more been English slang for a very unseemly woman, from 'blowze', which was slang for a slovenly woman, prostitute or 'beggars wench' as the OED quaintly puts it. Pen-Elayne on the Web
  • No longer attend work in clothes that have not been ironed, this is the sign of a slovenly worker, and thus a slovenly intellect.
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  • Their masks are slovenly and childish - many are monstrous; none of them can see how grotesque they are.
  • Those terrible overalls would make anyone look slovenly.
  • Often slovenly and untidy, she dressed to draw attention to her figure, and the history of her love affairs and marriages provided a basis for much talk.
  • A "spouter" we knew her to be as soon as we saw her, by her cranes and boats, and by her stump top-gallant masts, and a certain slovenly look to the sails, rigging, spars and hull; and when we got on board, we found everything to correspond, - spouter fashion. Two years before the mast, and twenty-four years after: a personal narrative
  • You can't let it out of control, though, otherwise you'll grow slovenly and disgusting.
  • Speakers expressed concern over the lack of security in the operation of their businesses and criticised the "slovenly" manner in which the police dealt with crime reported by the business community. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is utterly slovenly-looking, and unornamental, abounds in slouching bar-room-looking characters, and looks a place of low, mean lives. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • Even in the greatest stress of emotion the power of self-control must never be lost; you must never allow yourself to sing in a slovenly, that is, in a heedless, way, or to exceed your powers, or even to reach their extreme limit. How to Sing [Meine Gesangskunst]
  • Better a bachelor's winstanttle tobacco a slovenly wife.
  • He was clad in what, though it was not distinctly a seaman's habit, yet suggested the ways of the sea, and there was a kind of foppishness about his rig which set me wondering, for I was used to a slovenly squalor or a slovenly bravery in the sailors I knew most of. Marjorie
  • Better a bachelor's life than a slovenly wife. 
  • And then in the midst of it Dallas came in, with his slovenly dress and horrible pipe, and Christine, with an awful look of recollectedness, came back to reality. A Beautiful Alien
  • `Now that he has put his mind to his learning,' he added heavily, and I heard there the master's rebuke of my slovenly parenting. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • There has been another spectator, in the person of a woman in the common shop; the lowest of the low; dirty, unbonneted, flaunting, and slovenly.
  • The ampleness and attitude of Albert was always going to be the big story this offseason, whether he was svelte or slovenly, fit or completely out of shape and huge -- real big, like, Gulf oil-spill big. As minicamp approaches, Albert Haynesworth isn't the real story
  • He was notorious for his unsociability, slovenly dress and closeness with money.
  • A crack for a penknife, the waste of 'six-and-thirty shillings,' 'the loss of a day or a tide,' in each of these he saw and was revolted by the finger of the sloven; and to spirits intense as his, and immersed in vital undertakings, the slovenly is the dishonest, and wasted time is instantly translated into lives endangered. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • But near seven the Admiral summoned the Treasurer to his _bureau_ near the bottom, he being in dressing-gown and slippers, very slovenly, seeming either drunk or sick, his mouth gaping to his pantings, and anon his languishing eye shot dyingly to heaven. The Lord of the Sea
  • slovenly appearance
  • When at last inquiry was made whether all companions expected were present, the red flag began to quiver and writhe most noticeably and finally to unfurl, and there emerged from its depths the dirtiest and most slovenly man I had ever seen, and the frouziest and most repulsive of dogs. A Girl Among the Anarchists
  • But T-shirts stretched over protruding bellies, shorts exposing hairy legs, and toes sprouting out of sandals are not casual - they're slovenly.
  • Since then Maurice had seen him roaming about here and there, looking slovenly. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Then again, if he's objecting to your haphazard grammar and slovenly spelling, he has a point.
  • slovenly inconsiderate reasoning
  • Better a bachelor's life than a slovenly wife. 
  • The aide was hired to keep the governor's slovenly brother out of the public eye.
  • As Sylvie's grandmother would say (as she did, indeed, frequently say), Sylvie is slovenly, slatternly.
  • It begins with no one troubling to polish their shoes and ends with slovenly doctors and nurses who cannot be bothered to wash their hands, killing 5,000 patients a year with MRSA.
  • Nothing is more adverse to legal study than what may be called the slovenly habit of mind which is sometimes found even in intelligent people — the habit of mind which knows nothing correctly, which remembers nothing distinctly, which cannot be depended on to state a fact truly, or to carry a point from one case to another. Sermons on Faith and Doctrine by the Late Benjamin Jowett, M.A., Master of Balliol College
  • Yet despite his slovenly appearance, somehow Araki is always followed by lovely young ladies in kimonos and gangs of sharp-dressed yes men.
  • In charging, I had noticed how they had opened their ranks at the canter and then closed them at the gallop, which isn't easy; now they were doing the same thing as they retired towards the Heights, and I thought, these fellows ain't so slovenly as we thought. The Sky Writer
  • But to be honest I felt they could have made more of an effort just with simple things like cleaning the toilets and I felt the staff had a slovenly attitude.
  • And yet each of these forms of otherness is simultaneously overcome: the "slovenly wilderness" (which is already "Tennessee") is made to "surround" the jar in imitation of its roundness; the creaturely subject becomes a sovereign; and the static, spatial image of ekphrastic description is temporalized as the principal actor in a narrative. Ekphrasis and the Other
  • Martin glanced at her and verified her statement in her general slovenly appearance, in the unhealthy fat, in the drooping shoulders, the tired face with the sagging lines, and in the heavy fall of her feet, without elasticity — a very caricature of the walk that belongs to a free and happy body. Chapter 31
  • At the same time, others might tend to take you more seriously, for better or for worse - they might perceive you as just a little bit more with-it and competent than your slovenly colleagues.
  • Lisa was irritated by the slovenly attitude of her boyfriend Sean.
  • I'd wondered if she'd have set the table in the kitchen, there just being the two of us, but perhaps she considered that to be slovenly. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • Eric shook his head - where did such a slovenly man get such ideas?
  • [81] Shakespeare uses the verb "slubber" in the sense of "perform in a slovenly manner" (_Merchant of Venice_, ii. The Works of Christopher Marlowe, Vol. 3 (of 3)
  • He's always so down at heel; is he hard up or just slovenly?
  • I have this day had to disrate William Thompson - Cook & Steward in his capacity as Steward from his slovenly and dirty habits, we have now been 22 days at sea during which time has never once washed out the Cabin or Pantry although I have frequently requested him to do so, but finding all remonstrances in vain.
  • Lee Cheng, Newegg's general counsel, is still chuckling over the "slovenly" reference: "That is not a word anyone should use—unless they want a wedgie. Now That Everyone Wants to Be a Geek, Lawyers Have Been Called
  • When my only slightly adapted version turned out to be delicious, but kind of slovenly looking, I went back to the magazine article to check on what the professional ones looked like. Savory Rugelach with Olives, Onions, and Capers
  • I'd wondered if she'd have set the table in the kitchen, there just being the two of us, but perhaps she considered that to be slovenly. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • Two lads with notably large feet and broken shoes dance skillfully while a slovenly, fat woman picks at her guitar.
  • Friars Cowle, which was so snottie and greazie, that good store of kitchin stuffe might have beene boiled out of it; as also a foule slovenly Trusse or halfe doublet, all baudied with bowsing, fat greazie lubberly sweating, and other drudgeries in the Convent The Decameron
  • So there's still plenty of hope that slovenly women have it together on the inside - at least as often as slovenly men.
  • From the kitchen came the slipslop of Tina's slovenly feet. Cheerful—By Request
  • She has a couzin who has had four Husbands and is beginning on a fifth, although not pretty and very slovenly, but with a mass of red hair. Bab: A Sub-Deb
  • Before all that, Simon had been obliged to reason with Matthau, who initially insisted that he wanted to play the impossibly particular Felix rather than the slovenly Oscar because, he said, that would involve real acting.
  • She's slovenly and uninhibited; he's anal and reserved.
  • Looking down at his shoe so enraged the man that he began to curse the Romans for their slovenly public habits. 52449_CLARA
  • You tend to get a little slovenly without the pressure of public appearance.
  • Looking down at his shoe so enraged the man that he began to curse the Romans for their slovenly public habits. 52449_CLARA
  • But by gum, I just can't bear the notion of some Joe Lunchpail and his slovenly wife trundling clumsily through my private slaughterhouse, or trying on my world-renowned collection of 16th century undergarments.
  • Her sober, kindly capableness evolved from the slovenly little house and the untended children, from the dusty rooms and neglected kitchen the kind of order and neatness which had been plain to see in Robin's more fortune-favoured apartment. Robin
  • On top of which the actress is awful, unwatchable, the most slovenly girl to appear on the screen in a long, long time.
  • I prefer it when Georges isn't cluttering up the place like a slovenly teenager.
  • He showed stronger mettle than had been allowed him; bore a manlier part than was commonly ascribed to the slovenly slipshod habiliments and the aspects in which benignancy and vacillation seemed to struggle for the ascendancy. Marse Henry : an autobiography,
  • It's interesting to watch polite, articulate, well groomed military officers field questions from slovenly reporters who look and sound like college students after an all-nighter.
  • After seeing a number of slovenly men transformed by snappy suits, I wonder how I'll clean up.
  • Every piece of work which is not as good as you can make it, which you have palmed off imperfect, meagrely thought, niggardly in execution, upon mankind who is your paymaster on parole and in a sense your pupil, every hasty or slovenly or untrue performance, should rise up against you in the court of your own heart and condemn you for a thief. Lay Morals
  • ‘the loss of a day or a tide,’ in each of these he saw and was revolted by the finger of the sloven; and to spirits intense as his, and immersed in vital undertakings, the slovenly is the dishonest, and wasted time is instantly translated into lives endangered. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • Since his meeting with her he had tried to read some of the journals devoted to her faith, and had found them incredibly inane -- smudgily printed, slovenly of phrase, and filled with messages from Aristotle, Columbus, and The Tyranny of the Dark
  • Great care and attention should be devoted to epistolary correspondence, as nothing exhibits want of taste and judgment so much as a slovenly letter.
  • But, you also say that the big boss doesn't take your co-worker's slovenly appearance quite as seriously as you do.
  • Better a bachelor's life than a slovenly wife. 
  • Friars Cowle, which was so snottie and greazie, that good store of kitchin stuffe might have beene boiled out of it; as also a foule slovenly Trusse or halfe doublet, all baudied with bowsing, fat greazie lubberly sweating, and other drudgeries in the Convent The Decameron
  • It was George ‘Beau’ Brummell who restored order to the slovenly neckwear of his time, by devising the use of starch on a muslin neckcloth, so that it would retain its shape throughout the day.
  • Surveying the park occupants' slovenly dishabille, I thought of a recent report that students in Yale's elite "Grand Strategy" seminar have been notified of discounts from a tailor from Bangkok and been advised that "Once you have a custom suit, it's really hard to go back. Jim Sleeper: Markets, New Media, the Occupiers, and the Next Step
  • General George S. Patton, for instance, took umbrage at the portraits of slovenly and sardonic warriors.
  • On the other end of the phone, half the country away, is Vinnie, an unkempt, badly shaven, slovenly dressed loser.
  • `Now that he has put his mind to his learning,' he added heavily, and I heard there the master's rebuke of my slovenly parenting. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Despite her basic beauty, she has a slovenly appearance, as though some strange magnetism randomly attaches clothes to her body every morning.
  • A nation addicted to fucking while avoiding the results of that fucking, with latex interference, early term abortion, anything to add to selfishness and serving the Almighty ME-ISM of the incredibly autotheistic female/male ID worshipping, slovenly, porcine icon. The Stealing Of AmericaThrough Sadism, Cowardice and Bullying
  • Often slovenly and untidy, she dressed to draw attention to her figure, and the history of her love affairs and marriages provided a basis for much talk.
  • The primary point of the character is to provide a source of gross-out humor, as the group reacts to his slovenly appearance and phlegmy cough.

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