
How To Use Slothful In A Sentence

  • Kadredin was not to be deterred from his slothful recitation. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Within days of my arrival, unshakeable slothfulness had settled comfortably upon me like a high tog duvet. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • He painted government as the slothful bloated protector of welfare cheats, overpaid bureaucrats and useless politicians.
  • And from the Po itself, and its tributary the Mincio, which broadens into the three lakes that wrap themselves slothfully around the old town, comes fog - huge banks of it that make life cold and unfocussed between autumn and spring.
  • They are dull, slow, sober and fearful characters with a weak pulse and a cowardly, slothful disposition.
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  • By day four, I had melted into a slothful recluse: soul and body atrophying, hair matted, bed unmade, depressed and petulant - a real joy.
  • If they are dull, dead, and slothful in them, if under the power of customariness and formality, what issue can they expect? Pneumatologia
  • The addition of "slothful" is to mark the precise nature of his wickedness: it consisted, it seems, not in his doing anything against, but simply nothing for his master. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • In captivity, the tigers were generally thought to be slothful, sluggish and boring and did not entertain their viewers.
  • I know that it's way too early to declare any kind of victory over my slothful nature, but methinks it's a very good sign.
  • Kadredin was not to be deterred from his slothful recitation. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed: Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
  • Let's admit that in modern times, this ‘sin’ has become mired in a theological cul-de-sac: sloth is bad because it impedes progress; progress is good because it enables us to be slothful.
  • Strive not to run, like Hercules, a furlong in a breath: festination may prove precipitation; deliberating delay may be wise cunctation, and slowness no slothfulness. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
  • slothful employees
  • We have had a long time of liberty, and have enjoyed our ministers, and sermons, and ordinances, with freedom; and we grew dull, and slothful, and sleepy.
  • In Heb 5: 11, he said, "Ye have become dull (Greek, 'slothful') of hearing"; here he warns them not to become Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • They are dull, slow, sober and fearful characters with a weak pulse and a cowardly, slothful disposition.
  • The athletic spring that had once been in my step had slid disgracefully into a slothful waddle and I was metamorphosing into a thirty-something marshmallow instead.
  • I've grown tired of the Red Monkey Gang - bless their souls - and their slothful ways.
  • Sordello, lured incessantly towards abstract ideals, lost in their contemplation, is smitten, like Aprile, into helplessness by the multitudinousness of the images he sees, refuses to descend into real life and submit to its limitations, is driven into the slothfulness of that dreaming imagination which is powerless to embody its images in the actual song. The Poetry Of Robert Browning
  • Within days of my arrival, unshakeable slothfulness had settled comfortably upon me like a high tog duvet. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Speaking today a spokesman for Dante said that the new manager's first job would be to purge the lustful, the gluttonous, the avaricious, the violent, the dishonest and the slothful from the team. Archive 2007-12-01
  • I crawled into the day with bleary eyes and a slothful demeanour.
  • A U.S.-based systems company has set up its UK headquarters in York - and plans to woo slothful people back to the gymnasium.
  • The long, slobbering, slothful decline we had been looking forward to was not to be.
  • Mexican food, pomegranate Margaritas at Rosa Mexicana, the lazy slothful pace of New York in summer.
  • To judge from some of the wildly hostile remarks from the Scottish political classes, it would seem this slothful water utility is regarded as a sacred object.
  • Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.
  • Strive not to run like Hercules, a furlong in a breath: festination may prove precipitation; deliberating delay may be wise cunctation, and slowness no slothfulness. Christian Morals
  • Neither does it tarry long in the hands of those too slothful, too dishonest, or too unintelligent to exercise it.
  • Sir William Brereton, a Cheshire gentleman and Puritan visiting in 1636, called the common people sluttish, nasty and slothful.
  • It's was a very interesting discussion of acedia †" a state of being described by 4th century monks as a slothful, meaningless state of being where one is transformed into someone who simply doesn't care ... about anything. Visual Voice
  • Now, at 8: 00 a.m., the calliope hauled out of the local museum each year awakens the open-windowed slothful for blocks around.
  • People don’t tend to use the word sloth anymore, yet the Bible speaks in very strong terms about the issue of slothfulness or laziness. Living on the Edge
  • _Agility_ and _Nimbleness_; this renders the Limbs flexible and mettlesom, and adapts them for the most Vigorous Enterprize: It makes the languid and slothful, _brisk_ and _sprightful_; and rejects The School of Recreation (1684 edition) Or, The Gentlemans Tutor, to those Most Ingenious Exercises of Hunting, Racing, Hawking, Riding, Cock-fighting, Fowling, Fishing
  • I'm feeling pretty slothful and despondent today, so I've took the lazy option of filling a bit of blogspace by copying down one of those questionnaires that I so detest.
  • That often happens when it's been a slow news day, a sluggish news week or sometimes even a slothful news month.
  • Strive not to run, like Hercules, a furlong in a breath: festination may prove precipitation; deliberating delay may be wise cunctation, and slowness no slothfulness. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
  • This sedentary behaviour is apparently turning our kids into a race of slothful fatties who risk a reduced lifespan and other problems.
  • Investigation into UG lecturer 'slothful' - UG student - 0 Comments Stabroek News
  • The second figure was walking towards the survivors with the same slow, slothful intent as the first had just minutes earlier.
  • The reader will not fail to note that the terrace of the slothful is the only circle of Purgatory where there is no request for intercessory prayer and that Dante here never speaks to any of those souls. Dante: "The Central Man of All the World" A Course of Lectures Delivered Before the Student Body of the New York State College for Teachers, Albany, 1919, 1920
  • The athletic spring that had once been in my step had slid disgracefully into a slothful waddle and I was metamorphosing into a thirty-something marshmallow instead.
  • They frowned on His Devilishness because he was easy-going, slothful, frequently blitzed out of his head, and interested only in pleasure.
  • This is pretty good progress for you George, even accounting for your usual slothful approach to work.
  • I would very much like to feel better now so I can get back to regular vigourous exercise, which makes me feel all shiny and renewed as opposed to sluggish yet slothful, which is how I've been feeling since Hurricane Datlow returned to base. Seen On A Passing Bus In London This Morning:
  • But now that the holy ritual brought also the command of the Latin tongue, men were as slothful now as they were unskilled before, and their sluggishness proved as faultful as that former neediness. The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • Except that he was not slothful: he had been busy all night. MURDER SONG
  • Fatigue had made him slothful, and now he'd let his enemies get dangerously close.
  • It came as a great surprise to me that Toronto - who still gives off a bit of puritan vibe until you get to know her - is as slothful in the mornings as a couple newly in love.
  • I'm convinced that half of being successful when you're naturally slothful is learning your own tricks well enough to outsmart yourself. Random Thought For The Day: Childhood
  • And while you could make the case that Hamlet was a misanthrope, you commit the slothful sin of identifying the author with his creation if you say the same of Shakespeare.
  • Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep an idle soul shall suffer hunger.
  • But the stereotype of today's footballer is the opposite of slothful.
  • Strive not to run like Hercules, a furlong in a breath: festination may prove precipitation; deliberating delay may be wise cunctation, and slowness no slothfulness. Christian Morals
  • He teaches with a barely suppressed aggression, refusing to tolerate teenage slothfulness.
  • Thus exercise, a new skill and a decent night's sleep and productive Thursday can replace overindulgence and a somewhat seedy and slothful Thursday.
  • And hey, you can finally tell yourself that being a slothful, gluttonous thief isn't such a self-serving activity, after all.
  • The King, who (till then) had beene very bad, dull, and slothfull, even as sleeping out his time of governement; beganne to revenge the wrongs done to this Gentlewoman very severely, and The Decameron
  • Ophim strives to uphold the Indian tradition that guests are gods; this will greatly appeal to the slothful.
  • He teaches with a barely suppressed aggression, refusing to tolerate teenage slothfulness.
  • He calls him "wicked servant," because he cavilled against his Lord; and "slothful," because he would not double his talent; condemning his pride in the one, and his idleness in the other. Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew
  • Is my slothful old age doomed to gloomy obscurity?

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