How To Use Sloping In A Sentence

  • The black and white images suggested a lunar surface with bright elevated land masses, grooved by sloping drainage channels and seemingly surrounded by dark, still pools of oily liquid.
  • We crawled along a broadish wall, with an inch or two of powdery snow on it, and then up a sloping buttress on to the flat roof of the house. Greenmantle
  • I settled onto the sand of the now gently sloping reef.
  • Shortly after leaving the outskirts of Adonis the car slithered down a sloping piece of ground, teetered over a low bank, and splashed logily into water. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • The house has a sloping/flat/tiled/thatched/etc. roof.
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  • Many of the bays and inlets are simply beautiful and consist of rock or sand, sometimes dropping away dramatically into 50 feet of water, at other times sloping gently in to shallows of just a few feet.
  • The castle stood on the point of a hill and sloping down on all sides were verdant hayfields, olive groves, vegetable gardens, fruit orchards, and vineyards.
  • Some of the most difficult courses require you to bump a chip shot up a sloping green with the utmost precision.
  • A fitful breeze stirred the pale foliage over her head, now and then showering her with pink petals from the lingering blossoms; from beneath her rose the damp sweet fragrance of soft earth and green grass, nearby a meadow-lark sang plaintively; somewhere a robin called arrogantly to his mate in the nest; from the valley, stretching below the sloping orchard, a violet mist lifted. Red-Robin
  • The bedroom is in the roof so it's got a sloping ceiling.
  • After the third sterilisation cool the tubes to 42°C., and add to each 3 c.c. of sterile hydrocele fluid, ascitic fluid, or pleuritic effusion (previously sterilised, if necessary, by the fractional method); allow the tubes to solidify in a sloping position. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • The gently sloping fields overlook Tor Bay, one of those famous white Gower beaches. The 10 best campsites for food lovers
  • She lies with her bow at 12m, and her more intact stern rests on a sloping rocky bottom at 14m.
  • He is enormous, with a caveman's backward-sloping brow, a hawklike proboscis, and a lumbering walk.
  • He pointed toward a sleek two-masted brigantine anchored at the end of the long sloping street.
  • That said, nearly all four-wheel-drive cars are equally capable of amazing their owners by getting stuck on little more than a mildly sloping croquet lawn.
  • a room with a sloping ceiling
  • The elegant sloping roofline conjures a sleek, lightweight look as we follow it towards the rear hatch.
  • The sky was a clear blue, the landscape sloping into a bed of bright pink and yellow roses.
  • The anterior is sloping, broad, without wings or ear, the rear wing in contrast gradually grading into the posterior margin.
  • It features a sloping, programmable-height, power liftgate that opens to a cargo area almost 6.5-feet long when the rear seats are folded. Revealed: 2012 Saab 9-5 SportCombi - Is it a wagon or hatchback?
  • The choice of a sloping tiled roof over a flat roof had more to do with the local climatic conditions than with style.
  • The first divers down found the ship lying unevenly and had great difficulty in moving across the steeply sloping decks.
  • It was like an escarpment, sloping up gently on one side and dropping vertically to 90m on the other.
  • It was around twenty feet long and ten feet wide, with the sides sloping down to a little clear ground in the middle.
  • Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
  • Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
  • Sloping down from the Judean hills toward the plain of Philistia and the Mediterranean Sea is the Shefelah, or Lowlands, a section of Stories of the Prophets (Before the Exile)
  • But she also appreciates her surroundings and her community, and looks for her place among the sloping streets and workaday routines.
  • In summer evenings Mrs. Bolam could lie and watch the sun setting behind a castellation of sloping roofs and twisting chimneys with, in the distance, the turrets of St. Pancras St.tion darkening against a flaming sky. A Mind to Murder
  • The teen-agers rose to their feet and began to shamble towards Nick, sloping their shoulders as they came.
  • It is primarily restricted to flat or sloping grasslands, often along valley bottoms or areas adjacent to vernal pools.
  • If you are planning a sojourn on hilly terrain, sloping mountains or steep ghats, then this is the place.
  • Beads of sweat broke out on low, sloping brows.
  • The penguins can be viewed, not just from a sloping arena but also from underwater viewing areas.
  • One or more gently sloping erosional terraces occupy the hinterlands of many rock coasts.
  • The piece opened with an ensemble dance on a sloping lawn at the park's south end.
  • Entry to the basement-level parking garage is via a gently sloping ramp on the north side.
  • The Sagebrush Steppe Valleys ecoregion consists of gently sloping, unforested terraces, basin rims, valley bottoms, and alluvial fans that are not as arid as Ecoregions 13a, 13b, 13c and 80a. Ecoregions of Utah (EPA)
  • The older picture showed an aluminium-hued casing with rounded corners and a screen bevel sloping away to the edge of the unit.
  • The gently sloping fields overlook Tor Bay, one of those famous white Gower beaches. The 10 best campsites for food lovers
  • The sun was setting, and a gentle southerly breeze, striking against the southern side of the rock, mingled its current with the colder air above; and the vapour was thus condensed: but as the light wreaths of cloud passed over the ridge, and came within the influence of the warmer atmosphere of the northern sloping bank, they were immediately redissolved. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • It stood near the brow of a bosoming hill, which sheltered it, both with wood and clevice, from the rigor and fury of the north and east; while in front the sloping foreground widened its soft lap of green. Erema — My Father's Sin
  • To my left, rough sloping ground dropped away steeply to reveal a clearing several hundred yards below.
  • With their gently sloping sides, Sanxingdui's walls may instead have been dikes for flood control.
  • A waterspout is a piece of a cloud hanging down in a sloping direction, sometimes bending like a bow, but never perpendicular. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 10 Arranged in systematic order: Forming a complete history of the origin and progress of navigation, discovery, and commerce, by sea and land, from the earliest ages to the present time.
  • Keep going, however, and an ascent up sloping bedrock will be found at the end on the right.
  • Along the gently sloping warm front, the lifting of moist air produces first nimbostratus clouds followed by altostratus and cirrostratus. Mid-latitude cyclone
  • This form, upon which our modern atria are based, was enclosed on all sides by buildings with roofs sloping to a columned peristyle or walkway around a courtyard.
  • Inside the church, the sloping floor of green Portland stone has had to be sealed more than once.
  • The forequarters have flat, somewhat sloping shoulders and high withers.
  • Though simple graves were always in use among the poorest folk, the commonest form of tomb at all periods is a rock-cut chamber entered by a door in one side, to which access is given by a shaft or sloping passage (_dromos_) cut likewise in the rock. How to Observe in Archaeology
  • Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
  • An eight-paddle blower dispenses the material through a 300° swivel chute that can also place fodder along a feed barrier by directing on to the sloping 'toboggan' slide. FWi - All News
  • This layout suggest the presence on the site of a formerly old castle of the motte-and-bailey type, the curtains of the upper ward forms a sloping stone revetment of the motte.
  • Between Central Station down near the River Clyde and sloping up towards Sauchiehall Street lies half a square mile of a dozen streets that meet and bisect each other in a grid of Georgian architectural splendour. Shine a light on Glasgow's seedy side streets | Kevin McKenna
  • Interestingly the original plans show the buildings supported and made level by brick piles grounded in the sloping valley side.
  • Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
  • The gate was massive, with supporting towers and a sloping roof like that of a lych-gate. Flashman on the March
  • Seedlings were grown on wet sloping filter boards in an incubator.
  • A long dashboard reaches deep into the sloping windscreen with almost none of the bonnet visible as you peer over the dash.
  • The bearers, the priests, and the ailing ones themselves had just intonated a canticle, the song of Bernadette, and all rolled along amid the besetting "Aves," so that the little carts, the litters, and the pedestrians descended the sloping road like a swollen and overflowing torrent of roaring water. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 2
  • The venue for the night concerts was a huge field with naturally sloping sides, and the stages were set against backdrops of tall rainforest trees.
  • Its guttery flare exposed a bed, with a thin mattress and a skimpy cover, shoved close up under the sloping wall; a sprained chair on its last legs; an old horsehide trunk; a shaky washstand of cheap yellow pine, garnished forth with an ewer and a basin; a limp, frayed towel; and a minute segment of pale pink soap. The Escape of Mr. Trimm His Plight and other Plights
  • You don't mean that old shandrydan of a caravan that passed along there two or three days ago?" and bargee jerked his thumb in the direction of the hilly tract sloping up from the canal course, through which a narrow road, little better than a sheep track, wound its circuitous way. Two Little Travellers A Story for Girls
  • The path led to a log cabin with a chalet-style sloping roof in the middle of a clearing.
  • The farmhouse itself was a large and traditional brick-built building with a sloping grey.
  • The S80 has soft lines with a gently sloping hood, steeply raked windscreen, slightly bowed roofline and coupe-like rear window.
  • A mastaba is a flat-roofed, rectangular tomb with outward-sloping sides. Egyptology News
  • She stood in the doorway at the end of the corridor, looking into a small polygonal room with a sloping ceiling.
  • This is on concentric, double circle plan, with central dome and sloping outer roofs.
  • She did not go to the room with the twin beds but to the single room with the sloping ceiling.
  • Sloping solution: That awkward sloping ceiling normally presents a problem, but there is a solution in these Sliderobes fitted wardrobes.
  • On sloping terrain, they can create level terraces to extend the cultivated area.
  • And at the other end I found a new-looking amphitheatre of sloping grass and concrete covered by a big tensile roof, in which a band was playing and hundreds of people were milling around.
  • The field is twenty acres, sloping gradually upward to the scrub locust trees along the fence line.
  • She stood in the doorway at the end of the corridor, looking into a small polygonal room with a sloping ceiling.
  • Around the hall are galleries where minerals and fossils lie under sloping glass.
  • Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
  • It enters the room at a 30-degree angle, its steps and risers mitered to dramatic points, its uprights perpendicular not to the floor but to its own sloping rails.
  • The foreheads were unusually low and sloping, with exceedingly prominent brows.
  • In the distance, on the low, easy-sloping hills, he saw team after team, and many teams, three to a team abreast, what he knew were his Shire mares, drawing the plows back and forth across, contour-plowing, turning the green sod of the hillsides to the rich dark brown of humus-filled earth so organic and friable that it would almost melt by gravity into fine-particled seed-bed. CHAPTER II
  • The site is well laid out with gentle sloping paths so you can walk from the lower locks to the upper canal very easily, and watch the Wheel in operation.
  • He threw himself down on the huge old bed and stared at the sloping timber ceiling.
  • A long dashboard reaches deep into the sloping windscreen with almost none of the bonnet visible as you peer over the dash.
  • The most suitable land for vanilla is gently sloping with light friable soil.
  • The sloping cropland distributes extensively in the TGRA with serious soil losses.
  • The rugged brick and timber house he designed for his family on a sloping bush site in Chatswood in 1963 was a seminal work that greatly influenced the development of the Sydney School.
  • A sloping meadow rose behind the bench , protected by a stand of lodgepole.
  • Manhattan Island is a low outcrop of gneiss and mica-schist, sloping from an irregular, but practically continuous crest, to the Hudson and The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865
  • He is lying on a hill, sloping gently back to the factory town where he grew up.
  • He also stood to work and so there are sloping desks at waist height.
  • Seemingly unconcerned by his lack of recognition, Mr Rotten took security guards to task over the expulsion order, before declaring the whole thing was ‘boring anyway’ and sloping off.
  • With the downward-sloping supply curve, higher interest rates lead to lower demand and lower supply.
  • Interestingly the original plans show the buildings supported and made level by brick piles grounded in the sloping valley side.
  • Formations on sloping ground tended to stretch into oblong shapes with the longest dimension pointing downhill.
  • a bosoming hill, which sheltered it, both with wood and clevice, from the rigor and fury of the north and east; while in front the sloping foreground widened its soft lap of green. Erema
  • The house has a sloping/flat/tiled/thatched/etc. roof.
  • The path led to a log cabin with a chalet-style sloping roof in the middle of a clearing.
  • On these gently sloping gravel hills, great wines of class and elegance are produced.
  • Both styles feature shallow and sloping tile roofs and one or more verandas and porches.
  • A downward-sloping corridor opened into a great square chamber, thirty paces on a side, with softly-gleaming canescent walls that were all of one piece, without join. Conan The Victorious
  • On approach from the street, the sloping terrain naturally guides an axial timber boardwalk under a simple timber pergola structure arriving in the courtyard opposite the Morton Bay Ash.
  • Raised above street level, a large, sloping concrete platform with a scalloped edge is covered with earth, vegetation and fragments of stone structures, including walls and a roofless cottage.
  • The house now has three bedrooms and a fourth in the attic with a sloping roof that is perfect for his grandchildren.
  • Layers upon layers of paperlike sheets are superimposed upon each other, their edges often "cropping out" on sloping surfaces; and since these edges, according to the curvatures of the surfaces, run in wavy lines, the total aspect is very often that of "moire" silk. Over Prairie Trails
  • While using Japanese touches, the vehicles will have European-style sharp lines on side panels, flared fenders over the wheels, and sloping windshields that accentuate airflow over the body.
  • The flat came part-furnished - and part-finished too - sloping walls and ceilings, shonky partition walls thrown up.
  • Shell large, rather thin, turbinated, spu*e elevated, convex; whorls numerous, rounded on the angle, rudely nodose and sloping to the suture, which is sharply cut but irregular. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • On sloping ground, soil can slip downwards at an imperceptibly slow rate by a process known as lateral creep.
  • They simply cannot physically be as supple as a horse with a long, sloping front end.
  • The paper introduces construction technology of circular curve sloping roof of archaistic villa especially those of formwork support, bar drawing, concrete and roof tile.
  • Much of this development has involved sugar-cane cultivation on sloping terrain in contrast to its confinement to flat alluvial areas prior to 1960.
  • The structure reminded Manda of a creepy haunted mansion she'd often seen in movies, the grouped chimneys and pinnacles, the sloping roof, the parapets and the oriel and quatrefoil windows.
  • It was built on a sloping terrain between two seasonal storm-water channels with dams and channels to direct the water into huge reservoirs.
  • She points at a sloping rooftop, different from the flat and wide roofs of the local Arab dwellings.
  • Shell short, broadly fusiform; spire and mouth equal; whorls seyen, the first nuclear, the other regularly sloping above, obsoletely nodose on the angle and tapering in advance. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • It is a diving duck and the male is a large, white bellied, grey-backed bird with a black chest, sloping forehead and ruddy chestnut head and neck.
  • The rugged, steeply sloping mountains are composed of Precambrian amphibolite and gneiss. Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina (EPA)
  • Gnarled old apple trees on one side of them, beech trees, sloping upward, on the other.
  • Fort Brooke," as it is styled, is built in a pentagon of solid bilian planks, about 12 feet high; a sloping wooden roof reaching down to within 2½ feet of the plank wall. On the Equator
  • It was a tiny, lively rivulet that came out of the woods about half a mile away from the hotel, and ran down cater-cornered through a sloping meadow, crossing the road under a flat bridge of boards, just beyond the root-beer shop at the lower end of the village. Little Rivers; a book of essays in profitable idleness
  • Intermittent streams dissect the gently sloping area.
  • They occur mostly on low gently sloping and flat lands adjacent to morainal hills and they support the richest, tallest forests in the park.
  • Thermometers, hypodermic syringes bistouries and spatulas were scattered about both on the mantelpiece and on the central table on either side of the sloping desk. Round the Red Lamp
  • Only Carter seemed untired, and now she was jogging easily down the sloping wings of the cliff, jumping from boulder to boulder in her seamless style. Neurosurgical Intervention For Beginners
  • A bridge spans the moat from the gently sloping walk to the house entrance.
  • a hipped roof has sloping ends rather than gables
  • The steeply sloping reef was covered in a jumble of steel hawser, deck plates, twisted girder and hand-rail.
  • I gave up the idea of a lawn gently sloping down to the water - the resident mower of lawns didn't fancy falling into the water.
  • This layout suggest the presence on the site of a formerly old castle of the motte-and bailey type, the curtains of the upper ward forms a sloping stone revetment of the motte.
  • In Spinosaurus, the snout is not quite as long, proportionately, and the skull height begins to rise once you hit the antorbital fenestrae, sloping gradually toward the orbits. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • He threw himself down on the huge old bed and stared at the sloping timber ceiling.
  • That sloping top tube extends the flowing lines to the rear triangle a treat.
  • They could see the other "shinning" up the sloping plank, as any athletic boy would be apt to do, without any particular trouble. The Chums of Scranton High on the Cinder Path
  • The arches, the latticework, the four legs sloping gently outward, almost like the legs of a bathtub. Bubble in the Bathtub
  • Runway 14 began atop a steeply sloping terrace with an abrupt drop-off at the approach end, departure end and left side of the threshold.
  • A gently sloping pathway to a lower garden area works as a wheelchair ramp, but it also makes a great road for Amrita's tricycle.
  • A monumental structure especially characteristic of ancient Egypt, often built as a royal tomb and usually made of stone, with a square base and sloping sides meeting centrally at an apex.
  • By Monday, the work resumes with the placement of culverts above and below the site to route ditchwater into the gently sloping forest cover below the road.
  • The area covers 1,200 hectares of land and consists of flat plains, foothills and a white sandy beach, sloping down towards a crystal blue sea.
  • Africans drink it in immense quantities: in Unyamwezi the standing bedsteads, covered with bark-slabs, are all made sloping so as to drain off the liquor. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Soon we roared into his short, sloping driveway.
  • A species of CYPERUS with panicled globular heads of flowers was found here in the sloping bank. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • It has been the scene of the accident rescue headquarters staff to 30 pm, the occurrence of the eastern side of the sloping pit wall above the ground has been cleared break.
  • Ruhlmann rarely used straight lines, preferring gentle curves that were technically difficult to make, such as the bowed front and sloping top on the chiffonier shown in Plate IX.
  • The sloping roof was supported by tall hypostyle columns, miniature copies of those at the temple of Karnak. The Seventh Scroll
  • A slightly sloping gravel path approaches the cabin and is terraced in two places.
  • Back slant: Backward sloping typeface, i . e . opposite to italic.
  • If I want to travel just a few hundred yards I have to negotiate sloping pavements and steep curbs in my chair.
  • The Reserve's uplands, sloping gently from sea level, support maritime forest, brushland, and grassland. Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, Maine
  • We were now in a narrow channel, with sloping banks on either side, besprinkled with pleasant villas, and made refreshing to the sight by turf and trees. American Notes for General Circulation
  • That sloping top tube extends the flowing lines to the rear triangle a treat.
  • At first the rain made no impression on the bulk of snow, but ran from every sloping surface and froze on every flat one, through the coldness of the earth; and so it became impossible for any man to keep his legs without the help of a shodden staff. Lorna Doone
  • A little temple presided over a sloping hillside with a prospect of open fields and river lined with reeds and willows.
  • And a smile played round my lips as I recalled his lank yellow hair (often standing on end), his sloping shoulders and his female hands -- a strange appearance which a certain vivacity of mind sometimes rendered engaging. Muslin
  • Then foreseeing the enemy would endeavor to steal scatteringly into the city in the dark, he posted strong parties of the Achaeans all along the watercourses and sloping ground near the walls. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • On the Witwatersrand the gold-bearing rock was discovered in outcrops on the surface, but within a few years it became clear that the deposits followed reefs deep underground sloping to the south.
  • A faint track through the crowberry scrub led to a rightwards sloping ramp of black slabs which seemed to give way to a series of zig-zags amongst some large blocks.
  • To the right of the buttress is a long two-cusped lancet light; to the left may be traced, perhaps, the outline of an original round-arched window; while on both sides there are sloping lines in the masonry, as if there had been an acutely-pointed gable here. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ripon A Short History of the Church and a Description of Its Fabric
  • He raised his arm and touched the sloping ceiling above his head.
  • Besides the main pool, with wave machine and gently sloping shore, there are four fabulous flumes, a lazy river, outdoor hot whirlpool - heavenly!
  • Where the curving hills scalloped the edge of the light-blue sky Mount Egmont soared ten thousand feet, sloping into the clouds, its sides still white with snow, its symmetry so perfect that even those like Frank who saw it every day of their lives never ceased to marvel. The Thorn Birds
  • Our first home had a half-second story, one big room tucked under the attic, with asloping ceiling and one small window that overlooked the sidewalk. 2009 November « Becca’s Byline
  • The house has a sloping/flat/tiled/thatched/etc. roof.
  • The bedroom is in the roof so it's got a sloping ceiling.
  • High-density scrubs are found on lower bajadas, sloping less than 1.5%, whereas low-density scrubs occur on upper bajadas sloping more than 3%.
  • The torii - ornate jinja entranceway with sloping sides and flat top, painted red - on the beach is one of Japan's most famous sights.
  • The topography of the county ranges from low rolling hills in the north to very flat terrain or gentle sloping ridges in the south.
  • You get inside, and you're in a murky labyrinth of dead ends and sloping walkways and spaces that might be rooms, but then again might just be spaces.
  • A beautiful terzetto describes with inimitable grace the gently sloping hills covered with their verdure, the leaping of the fountain into the light, and the flights of birds, and a bass solo in sonorous manner takes up the swimming fish, closing with "the upheaval of Leviathan from the deep," who disports himself among the double-basses. The Standard Oratorios Their Stories, Their Music, And Their Composers
  • As we slowly navigate the rental van up a narrow sloping driveway, a half-dozen young teenage boys dart across our path, passing a basketball back and forth.
  • While the green car spun harmlessly to a halt, the red machine somersaulted up the sloping bank on the outside of the track, striking the wire fencing before falling back in a heap of disintegration. When motor racing was a matter of life and death | Richard Williams
  • She looked out over the blurred hedgerows to the long, sloping meadow.
  • It was small, with a sloping ceiling and a pair of windows set in deep embrasures.
  • At least three people have slipped or fallen on a steeply sloping pavement in Tewkesbury High Street.
  • It is primarily restricted to flat or sloping grasslands, often along valley bottoms or areas adjacent to vernal pools.
  • Much of this development has involved sugar-cane cultivation on sloping terrain in contrast to its confinement to flat alluvial areas prior to 1960.
  • It's like a rickety house, with undulating floorboards and windows sloping down to one side.
  • The structure is supported by tall posts rising from the sloping site.
  • Interestingly the original plans show the buildings supported and made level by brick piles grounded in the sloping valley side.
  • Top floor rooms may have a sloping ceiling.
  • They are pencilled in, these particulars, in an old fashioned hand, sloping and graceful.
  • a gently sloping terrain
  • Reefs off the north and north-east beaches are seawardly sloping reef platforms without reef crests, and are not typical fringing reefs. Henderson Island, United Kingdom
  • I saw you sloping off just after lunch yesterday!
  • The house has a sloping/flat/tiled/thatched/etc. roof.
  • Then I straightway did espy, with my slantly-sloping eye, The Bon Gaultier Ballads
  • This is simply the result of a downward sloping liquidity preference curve.
  • Current transients were then obtained by subtraction of sloping baselines separately fitted to ‘on’ and ‘off’ portions.
  • Holding hands, they leave the elves' marketplace and climb up the sloping lawn to the heavy old house at the top of the hill, with its low-pitched roof and stout columns and green-painted eaves.
  • It was around twenty feet long and ten feet wide, with the sides sloping down to a little clear ground in the middle.
  • The left portion sat low, with a simple sloping roof and dormer windows for its second floor. Dark Secrets 2: No Time to Die the Deep End of Fear
  • The track became old stone jetty, sloping straight into the sea.
  • There was a simultaneous movement on the part of the entire crew, and as the sturdy men put their shoulders to the task the surfboat shot forward just at the proper instant when a wave expended itself upon the sloping beach. Darry the Life Saver The Heroes of the Coast
  • Built on sloping ground, the two-storey houses are made of wood held together by wooden nails and wedges with no iron or steel used.
  • Again, sloping roofs are the in-thing now, but slopes are no good in a climate like that of Kerala as such roofs tend to develop a leak fast.
  • After fifty years, two hundred sculpted trees occupied three sloping acres at the shore of Lake Waban in Wellesley.
  • _coccineum_; two new kinds of berberis, (BERBERIS _ilicifolia et mitior_;) an arbutus with cuspidated leaves (ARBUTUS _mucronata_;) and lastly, the tree bearing the winter's bark (DRYMIS _winteri_,) which, however, in these rocky barren parts of Terra del Fuego never exceeds the size of a tolerable shrub; whereas in Success Bay, on a gentle sloping ground, in a rich and deep soil, it grows to the size of the largest timber. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 14
  • A faint track through the crowberry scrub led to a rightwards sloping ramp of black slabs which seemed to give way to a series of zig-zags amongst some large blocks.

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