
How To Use Slope In A Sentence

  • She is also part of a large group of oceanographers and taphonomists of the SSETI project (Shelf / Slope Taphonomic Initiative) examining carbonate preservation and destruction across the shelf and slope regions in Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas using submersibles.
  • The garden sloped gently downward to the river.
  • After climbing a steep rise for about twenty minutes the road crested, then began to slope downwards, taking a more westerly direction.
  • The fans certainly looked like they didn't have a care in the world as they lay in their hundreds sunning themselves on the grassy slopes surrounding the stadium in the hours before the game.
  • Statistical analysis for significant difference in the slope of mutant induction in the presence or absence of vanillin was performed using the f-test for comparison of slopes.
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  • The south slope is more gentle and ends in a marshy bay.
  • I was haunted by the beauty of the landscape all about, of the natural ferneries then disappearing, and of the domed forest-trees on the slopes, and was fortunate in meeting a gentleman intent on preserving in art the beauties of his country. Sailing Alone Around the World
  • It is generally longer than it is wide and its floor slopes downwards towards a junction either with another valley or a plain.
  • Trevelez is, perhaps, Spain's highest village, the gateway to the Upper Sierra Nevada and the winter ski-slopes, and was as high as I drove.
  • A rocky shore almost certainly provides a clearer echo than a sandy slope or mud flat.
  • That he sloped off during an Eton v Harrow match to buy a trumpet, which cost £1, may not have been what his school and his parents intended, but it set him on a course which over the years has brought joy and instruction to many.
  • Nepheline, leucite, idocrase, and meionite have not yet been seen at the peak of Teneriffe; for a reddish-grey lava, which we found on the slope of Monte Verde, and which contains small microscopic crystals, appears to me to be a close mixture of basalt and analcime. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • Each of the plurality of flukes may be provided with an inwardly sloped bill segment at a distal end of the fluke.
  • Fugro will receive tenders for the repair of 28 slopes and retaining walls in Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Sai Kung.
  • From his lofty perch, hanging over the slopes of Kilimanjaro under a parasail with razor sharp rocks below, Judge Bryan Pope gives this DVD a thumbs up.
  • To get to the lodge he was staying in, Jeff and I had to park at the bottom of a ski slope and ride up on this crazy contraption called a funicular-basically a posh leather bound trolley that slides up the side of a hill. Comments for BrightestYoungThings
  • And if no trees are left on the valley slopes to sop up runoff from the rains and slow its flow, a tropical river will wither and die.
  • The complex of field systems and large stone walls extend from the north western slopes of Mount Brandon to within the boundaries of Dingle.
  • They grew wealthy overnight and had a beautiful little opera house built in the midst of their shacks on the steep slope.
  • Every four years, our brave lads and lasses tend to venture to foreign slopes with faint expectations, which will be duly fulfilled, as they wind up racing to a plucky 32nd in the giant slalom or 29th in the luge.
  • Highland slopes were characterized by an association of clubmoss (Lycopodium trichiatum), a fern (Gleichemia polypodioides), and flowering plants (Poa fuegiana, Acaena seurguisarbae, Scirpus aucklandicus, Uncinia brevicaulis, and Trisetum insulare). Amsterdam and Saint-Paul Islands temperate grasslands
  • The moist eastern slopes of the Andes tumble to dank, humid, jungle lowlands whose rivers are the highways for transportation.
  • The birds spread across a rising slope of snow furrowed with ditches worn by thousands of penguin feet.
  • The mountain slopes that had been stripped were covered in bush and vines.
  • The front garden slopes away from the house, with the incline packed with an interesting array of shrubbery and tall flowers - white flowering eucryphia and myrtle blend with statuesque hoheriay and elegant miscanthus grasses.
  • It slopes southwest from the watershed between the Nile and Congo rivers, part of an ancient peneplain interrupted by mostly granitic inselbergs, threaded by gallery forests, with large marshland depressions. Garamba National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • The concrete arch was placed in sections, from 25 to 50 ft. in length, with a rather wet mixture and a back form on the steep slope of the extrados. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Cross-Town Tunnels. Paper No. 1158
  • Ideally, the drainpipe is sloped or inclined approximately 2% or ¼ inch per foot of length, to keep the waste in the pipe, wet and amid liquid to lubricate and promote its slow but constant movement along the length of the pipe. Toilet Paper and Mexican Plumbing
  • The high mountains support typical evergreen forests of firs and cypress, whilst on the lower slopes are to be found such trees as pines, chestnuts, and cork oak.
  • However, even the wisdom of a political boss is not infallible, and despite the succulent graces of the barbecue numbers of the ascetic and jeans-clad elder worthies, though fed to repletion, collogued unhappily together among the ox-teams and canvas-hooded wagons on the slope, commenting sourly on the frivolity of the dance. Una Of The Hill Country 1911
  • Tumbling down slopes near Wawona at the south end of the park, Chilnualna Creek - at its fattest and fastest this time of year - creates a series of foaming cascades around giant boulders.
  • I want to plant the slopes of the hills with trees of economic value.
  • Thus sign; the membership demand curve is negatively sloped for and positively sloped for, as shown in Fig. 1.
  • The grassy slopes were grazed by apparently fearless and footsure sheep, and in parts the sheer cliffs were occupied by seabirds - fulmars, kittiwakes and auks.
  • Albatrosses, petrels, shags and shearwaters glide merrily around, all because of continental shelves and currents that slope and converge and form a giant feeding ground for these stars of the sea.
  • Being so close to the Pacific means that the weather can be dicey: perishing cold, low cloud and sudden thaws on the lower slopes.
  • The chopping board is sloped and has grooves to grip the food and to encourage liquid to run away from the cutting area.
  • Up the slope I saw a young pine standing in a kinnikinick snow-cover. Wild Life on the Rockies
  • In places the sound of the river rises up the gravel slope, and thirsty dogs rush down for a drink and cannot reascend; should the owner go down to fetch the dog, he or she will be trapped as well.
  • Steep and antithetic platy structure of rock mass and geomorphology of the longitudinal valley in the dam site area cause wide-range toppling deformation on the cross-strait slope.
  • Our new headquarters, nearer to the Boche depot, consisted simply of a deep stairless shaft with a 40 degrees slope. Pushed and the Return Push
  • As the slope steepens, warm, moist air overrunning the cold air is cut off and the precipitation coverage begins to rapidly decrease.
  • Finally a gorge opened into a cuplike valley to and from which there was only this one entrance and exit, marked in pines and rubbly slopes. Archive 2007-09-30
  • Across all this face the brattice had not been continued, approach up this slope being the most difficult to sustain. A River So Long
  • The black horse, sitting back against the slope to avoid falling with its rider, was hard put to keep up.
  • It was decided that Paul would be slid down the talus slope in a stokes litter, and we all pitched in to wrestle him down.
  • The country here is an expanse of smoothish tilted slopes, big, empty, and lonely, and crossed (at about the middle point) by a strange narrow gut or gully, up which the railway once ran to Montauban. The Old Front Line
  • The town is built on a slope .
  • The road that led to the hospital sloped upwards through a forest of pine trees.
  • At different slope direction and slope position the total monoterpene contents were also varied, on the top and shade slope were highest and in the middle and sunny slope were lowest.
  • The spaces are situated on a slope below an existing north-facing house.
  • This material is unsorted and is usually mixed with other transported material from the same sources including slopewash, solifluction, or trampling.
  • Where even the vinously literate search in vain for clues, getting down on their knees to turn over handfuls of soil or gazing down from the crest of the slope in utter bewilderment.
  • A faint path leads to an old shieling on the hillside, a soft sanctuary that gazes up the length of fjord - like Loch Hourn to where it becomes choked off by tumbling mountain slopes.
  • We headed off down Pierce's Passage and over a muddy boulder slope until we reached some cascades.
  • On, slippery slope arguments are not only not fallacious, but also carry is an irrebuttable presumption oftruth. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Is the Personal Mandate to Buy Health Insurance Unconstitutional?”
  • Mr. Slope had to explain, not without blushing for his patron, that there was no champagne.
  • This leads to the production of extensive areas of broken rock and large scree slopes.
  • Owing to the steep slope of Quebec roofs, the men must lash themselves to the chimney pots to move about.
  • Scrambling up the talus slope, the cave entrance is easy to spot on the right side.
  • Srebrenica sits in a long narrow valley with wooded slopes rising sharply on either side.
  • As the slope got steeper, the sled gathered momentum.
  • Every miner wishes that his mine were upon this famous lode, which is made up of a large number of quartz veins extending along the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and is marked by hundreds of important mines. The Western United States A Geographical Reader
  • Winter adds snowboarding, ice-skating, and cross-country and downhill skiing on the resort's groomed trails and ski slopes.
  • With Fiver beside him, he led the way out of the ditch and down the slope.
  • But the holes soon become bracketed by trees and tumble down side slopes, across ravines and up hills.
  • An analysis of covariance was used to test whether differences between the slopes of regression lines were significant.
  • The driver chocked up the back wheels so that the car could not run down the slope.
  • it is an offshoot of boules, but with different rules, and using a partially sloped pitch.
  • Welcome to Brian Head, a sweet, one-slope resort located far from the madding boarders and fur-fringed fashionistas.
  • In the Eklakhi Tomb we see for the first time an Islamic curved roof inspired from the bamboo version, and the slight slope on the roof is a departure from traditional cubical construction and served to throw off rainwater.
  • Any such lateral motions could contribute to the absence or thinness of distal marine tephra layers on submarine high points or steep slopes.
  • As we drove north from Santenay we passed the vineyards of Chassagne and shortly arrived at the holiest of holies, the walled vineyard of Montrachet, which is located mid-slope of the hill, the sweet spot. The Grace Kelly of Wines
  • Indeed, my friend Susan lives on an upslope that has never, ever come close to being flooded.
  • Dogs bred to have exaggerated angulation in the hindquarters, extreme pelvic slope, or are poorly muscled, poorly angulated, and narrow in the hips seem more predisposed.
  • The sun is shining on Alpine pistes and resorts are relying on artificial snow cannons to keep slopes open.
  • Two of the raceways will have a 1-percent slope, while the other pair will have a 2-percent slope, to check the effect of slope and flow on algal production.
  • You can heave that rock to the top of the slope, but unless you make a constant effort to restrain it, sooner or later it will come rolling down again.
  • We walked up the slope and on to the esplanade.
  • Results showed that the herbaceous vegetation could weaken kinetic energy of raindrops, and had a significant diffluent function during rainfall events to reduce effective precipitation on the slope.
  • Daisies have snowed all over the Campagna, -- periwinkles star the grass, -- crocuses and anemones impurple the spaces between the rows of springing grain along the still brown slopes. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 24, October, 1859
  • The stand is surrounded on both sides by steep slopes of sandstone talus.
  • He digs snow pits to look for weak layers in the snowpack, and cuts sections of the slope with his skis to see if he can dislodge unstable pockets.
  • Plots were treated independently rather than as paired samples because the terrain was sufficiently rugged so pairs were not well matched with respect to plot aspect or slope.
  • In contrast to the soil creep of temperate regions, solifluction and gelifiuction are relatively rapid processes in periglacial regions and can result in the active development of slopes.
  • The eastern slopes of Erebus were violet at first, and then they were bathe in rosy pink alpenglow and, between two and three o'clock, when the sun rose above WindVane Hill, they became sunflower yellow. Terra Incognita
  • Youngsters from a north west school have finally made it to the ski slopes of Vermont - after a catalogue of delays and mishaps.
  • A four-cylinder 77 BHP engine did most of the work, with a good downhill slope doing the rest.
  • Huckleberries flourish on the timbered slopes, and kinnikinick gladdens many a gravelly stretch or slope. Wild Life on the Rockies
  • Anne ran down the clover slope like a deer, and disappeared in the firry shadows of the Haunted Wood. Anne of Green Gables
  • A young man was bending low to push a heavily loaded barrow up a slope.
  • But my ultimate taste of weed ‘management’ was homesteading on the forested slopes of the Big Island of Hawaii.
  • Overlooking it are the residential streets that were carved from the precipitous slopes.
  • For some reason she recalled that moment during the afternoon when they had stood together on the slope looking down on Rocamar.
  • This proved a good area to go to escape a disorienting white-out on the upper slopes, as did Arc 1600.
  • He's crisscrossing down another ski slope to keep his world - record streak alive.
  • It is also not in dispute that within limits its progress can be modified by human intervention, for example by drainage; the maximum slope sustainable in fully drained soil can be up to twice that in the same soil undrained.
  • Another scientist reported grizzlies flipping over rocks to lick up army cutworm moths, a fat-bodied insect that hides by day in the high-altitude talus slopes in the Rockies.
  • Chopping his way up the final snow slope, Phil scooped out bucketlike footholds and planted a rope anchor that could serve as a hand line.
  • Beyond the strip of level ground there is a ‘short steep preparatory slope’ (a one-in-three incline, as we later learn), slaty and with only the sparsest vegetation.
  • Following this extended period of stability the slope, whilst still grazed grassland, suddenly became unstable.
  • She finally rounded a corner and noticed that the path this time seemed to slope downwards.
  • There are subtle inclines and subtler downhill slopes.
  • Down the gradual slope the scout hastened; his footfall was the only sound that broke the stillness after the answers to his call had ceased. Old Indian Days
  • the sunlit slopes of the canyon
  • In response, hunters took the next logical step, and fenced in some of the upslope feeding sites.
  • At Gusev Crater, Spirit had to divert from her original course up Husband Hill because the slopes were too steep and the sandy terrain too slippery.
  • On the forward slopes of this mountain, towards Monfalcone, terrible and bloody battles had been fought.
  • There were no drainage ditches here, the shoulders too abrupt, the slope too precipitous, to collect water.
  • The railway slopes up slightly at this point.
  • He was able to draw the plots in such a way that the coefficient of regression became the slope of the regression line.
  • The topmost peak of the Civita also peers out above the fir-woods bordering the eastern face of Monte Crot; and far away, beyond the sunny vista of the Val Fiorentino, the faint blue peak of the Marmolata is seen against the horizon, its snow-slope outlined in frosted silver. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • The results show that the distribution of the velocity of shallow flow along the downslope show as waves, but the straight line.
  • The plan also involves strengthening measures for the bank, which slopes down to Markievicz Road, where there has been slippage.
  • However, lizards may alter their behavior on inclines of different slopes.
  • The nursery slope can be terrifying to the person on skis for the first time, and yet boring to the expert.
  • Without benefit of poles or much of a slope, I waggled my arms back and forth to get going.
  • Ahead were more hills, more little valleys, more slopes and hollows and knolls.
  • The company started down the slippery slope of believing that they knew better than the customer.
  • For example I find myself caught in a fantastic kitchen moment every Friday while preparing a delicious goulash soup to bring to the slopes the following day.
  • Prince William, who is destined one day to be King of England, was spotted and photographed on the ski slopes at the exclusive Swiss resort of Klosters.
  • There's a foot of powder on the slopes.
  • It will take so long because the site has a slope and the ground needs to be levelled.
  • Lewis, I understand you were talking about the slope concavity of the Champs Elysee… Olympic Line (short) closure notice « Stephen Rees's blog
  • Further up the slope, the going gets tougher as the scree run is encountered.
  • The bank above it was a tangled slope of late-flowering mallow and campion, bright purple-pink in the long grass.
  • Thrust out and lifted just above the snow of the tuft before me was the jeweled hand of a kinnikinick; and every snow-deposit on the slope was held in place by the green arms of this plant. Wild Life on the Rockies
  • From the valley floor the line “could be traced along the mountain sides, following all the angles and sinuosities of the ridges for many miles—always preserving its horizontality—sometimes being high up above the plain, and again intersecting long and high slopes of gravel and sand; on such places a beach-line could be read.” Colossus
  • There are a fair amount of details, such as snow in the bobsled run and mini-trees on the downhill slopes, which help create a sense of realism throughout the game.
  • Eventually it landed a step or two onto the green and rolled some 30 yards forward, taking a small leftward slope toward the hole and eventually settling 3 ½ feet from the cup.
  • Old habits persisted, nonetheless: the would-be virtuous made their ablutions and sloped off to Friday prayers.
  • Although the conditions up the slope were ideal for the more experienced, they were too strong for novice pilots.
  • However, a reduction in width reduces the cargo capacity and side slope operation.
  • At the higher elevations, manzanita is the abundant shrub, while midslope shrubs include chamise, coffeeberry, redberry, and two kinds of mountain mahoganies.
  • In going down a steep incline the rider must throw himself right back and hold in the horse with the bit, to prevent himself being hurled headforemost down the slope himself if not his horse. On Horsemanship
  • Ballet and ski wear and volleyball is something you do on the court or the dance floor or the slopes. Light Yellow Cotton Dress
  • However, given that all three slopes differed significantly, it seemed arbitrary as to which slope to select.
  • For any kids who have not burnt enough energy during the day, there's a perfect slope across the road to go sledging in safety.
  • Few of us are blessed with ideal situations, often having to endure steep slopes, narrow alley-ways or deep shade.
  • The incomplete squamosals also slope laterally and ventrally away from the parietals, slightly depressing posterior margin of the supratemporal fenestrae.
  • Maremma's beautiful slopes, the sea and the lagoon, emerged in the scent of strawberry trees, set the scene of a unique environment with a mild climate that allows golf to be played all year.
  • A scarped windward slope is the aspect most characteristic of coastal dunes.
  • Along the entire length of the shed, and on the opposite side of the track, a timber trestle is erected, strong timber beams are laid from the top of the cribwork to the top of the trestle, 4 feet apart and at an angle representing the slope of the mountain, as nearly as possible. Canada and the States
  • We ran down the hill along the gentle slope.
  • Unlike most ski nations, there is no tradition of blasting snow-heavy slopes to release dangerous accumulations in the back-country.
  • Indeed the Carthaginian captives could distinguish the velaria spread over the courtyards of their houses, beyond the gulf on the slopes of Byrsa. Salammbo
  • This development has resulted in extensive denudation of these catchment areas and an attendant loss of vegetative cover on the steep slopes, an increase in the incidence of landslides, soil erosion, and siltation of drainage systems in the valley bottoms and ultimately, increased incidence of flash flooding. Water profile of St. Lucia
  • 'It is found upon the lower Himalayan slopes, and bears a close resemblance to the white odontoglossum of commerce, except that the flower is much smaller. Fire-Tongue
  • Only a third of the school's windows are double-glazed and because the building is on a slope, the rooms are often draughty and cold. How spending cuts are hitting schools – despite coalition vow to protect them
  • Instead of the relatively flat, even terrain farther north, the Mauricie is known for everything from rolling hills to steep slopes and harshly broken, rocky terrain.
  • His stretch regimen consists of slope-specific variations on three standard yoga poses that loosen and strengthen the key muscle groups used by downhillers.
  • If your front yard slopes downward, it is a good idea to terrace it and/or have a waist-high hedge blocking the initial drop off.
  • a bloomy sunlit slope.
  • Early glottic closure is seen as an abrupt cessation of flow during expiration, visible as a sharp downslope on the expiratory flow volume curve.
  • Some loose stones tumbled down the slope behind her.
  • The plants have grabbed a hold forming rafts of rushes and weeds; and teasels and fireweed march up inhospitable slopes.
  • I turned my mare down the grassy slope and we gained the road that would bring us to the trees.
  • They stood there, bodies inclined to the storm in the manner of seamen on sloped decks, unyieldingly looking into each other's eyes. CHAPTER 3
  • Using a search pattern up and down the slope, the radar should be able to detect filled-in trenches from variations in earth density. Parker, Richard H.
  • It slopes downward and to the right because the relationship it portrays between price and quantity demanded is negative or inverse.
  • Stability of the slope was analysed using of the strength reduction based on the displacement criterion.
  • The western slopes drain into the Salween River, which flows through Myanmar and into the Gulf of Martaban in the Indian Ocean. Kayah-Karen montane rain forests
  • The prevalent approach is to walk forward a few steps from the tee, which is about two feet above the water, and drop a ball on the downslope of the hazard bank.
  • The paper surveys the aeration density of aerated channelcondition of different slope, water depth, flow velocity.
  • The bank is splendid, open, flat on top and with ace views from each slope.
  • The grey, flinty slopes covered in the serried ranks of vineyards, gave way to the high pastures, the Alpine meadows, which nourished the famed cattle of Switzerland.
  • This broad and undulating ridge gradually narrows and eventually sharpens to a knife edge just below the rocky summit slopes.
  • In the cold dark days before the dawn of the Kinky, its creator (we shall call him Andrew, as that is his name) was but a virgin in the fertile slopes of web design.
  • The three areas have over two dozen ski lifts, mostly chairlifts and gondolas, serving a multitude of trails and runs from the valley floor to open slopes above treeline.
  • This paper puts forward General Scan-Line Polygon Fill Algorithm. This algorithm can use scan-lines of varied interval and varied slope to fill a polygon.
  • The ground fell away from the river somewhat at first, and then rose and fell again before it went up in one slope toward the Wolfing dwellings.
  • On the McDonald Islands, tussock grass Poa cookii is common on eastern slopes and lower parts of the plateau, while cushions of Azorella selago cover higher areas, with Kerguelen cabbage Pringlea antiscorbutica, and dwarf shrub Acaena magellanica. Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Australia
  • Sugar presses forward, rolling this talking Sisyphus stone farther up the slope, flashing William a smile of reassurance.
  • The car could hardly get along on the slope.
  • To show you how far down that slick slope we've slid, lexicographically speaking, consider that quaint contraction ain't.
  • I see no easy way down; we are forced to unlash Susan and help her down the jagged slope. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • You can create a slope effect by arranging your plants to cascade down from your tallest plant.
  • It was a regular antheap all the way in, with the miners crawling over the tree-clad slopes, and the ceaseless thump of picks and scrape of shovels and ring of axes, and ramshackle huts and shanties and sluice-boxes everywhere, with dirty bearded fellows in slouch hats and galluses cussing and burrowing, and claim signs all along Sweetheart Mine, Crossbone Diggings, Damyereyes Gulch, and the like. Isabelle
  • Seaward of the road, the grassy slopes end abruptly in rugged cliffs pounded by waves.
  • Q: What do they call the baddest dude on the Winter Olympic ski slopes? The Seattle Times
  • Thickets of mixed microphyllous and broad-leaved woodland subject to salt spray and wind occur on seaward-facing dune slopes (Eugenia, Brachylaena, Euclea, Diosporos and Mimusops species). Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, South Africa
  • Unless the slope of the baseline drift is very steep the decline has few practical consequences except to sharpen competitive pressures.
  • Neither will it represent a slide on that much-allegorized "slippery slope" towards limiting free speech. Dorian de Wind: Snyder v. Phelps: Does Hate Speech Trump the Right to Mourn with Dignity?
  • Sullivan leveled the top of the slope and installed a lawn, then built stairs of 3-inch-thick, randomly cut chunks of Connecticut bluestone on the base rock.
  • Two later prehistoric hillforts stand on the edge of a steep slope with magnificent views westwards.
  • Use control theory of PID to carry out the control of fin stabilizer , and simulate the slope angle of ocean wave and angle of roll by Matlab software.
  • Anyhow there were the peasants, men and women, boys and young maidens, toiling and swinking; some hoeing between the vine-rows, some bearing baskets of dung up the steep slopes, some in one way, some in another, labouring for the fruit they should never eat, and the wine they should never drink. A Dream of John Ball and a King's Lesson
  • But it's all downhill from here ... The slippery slope 1.
  • Most of the streams normally follow the continental slope toward the sea across the various provinces and are of the kind called consequent streams.
  • The steeper slopes and cliffs of Augill support a mixed woodland of ash, birch and rowan with an interesting ground flora including species such as bluebell, sanicle and wood avens.
  • And I think we ` re going down a slippery slope when we start taking children away before they ` re even born, based upon acts that the man pled guilty to, Nancy, pled, meaning he may have felt sorry for what he did. CNN Transcript Oct 12, 2005
  • Janet built low retaining walls of locally quarried limestone to terrace the slope.
  • Her inhabitants drive out to ski on slopes, to bathe in lakes, to climb to sacred sites.
  • The slope of the hillside changes direction beyond the trees, from rightward to leftward, as the fault crosses Lincoln Avenue.
  • 'Twas an open space we had to cross, dotted with gorsebushes; and the enemy's regiments, plain to see, drawn up in battalia on the slope above, which here was gentler than to the south and west. The Splendid Spur
  • This is quite different from Europe, where eating on the slopes will cost you an arm and a leg.
  • Our original intention was to climb the slopes north of the lochan and so avoid the crags that form the corrie walls.
  • In the open spaces on the slope, beyond the farthest shadow-reach of the manzanita, poised the mariposa lilies, like so many flights of jewelled moths suddenly arrested and on the verge of trembling into flight again. All Gold Cañon
  • Some damp spots near the river are covered with a carpet of a beautiful variegated, velvety-leaved plant (Cyrtodeira chontalensis) with a flower like an achimenes, whilst the dryer slopes bear melastomae and a great variety of dwarf palms, amongst which the Sweetie (Geonoma sp.), used for thatching houses, is the most abundant. The Naturalist in Nicaragua
  • The orchard is on the northward slope of the hill.

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