How To Use Slither In A Sentence
Unpleasant weather conditions prevailed and the players slithering on the greasy surface was a common occurrence.
Shortly after leaving the outskirts of Adonis the car slithered down a sloping piece of ground, teetered over a low bank, and splashed logily into water.
The Past Through Tomorrow
First, they were creeping molds that slithered forth from the ocean onto land...and then they stood upright, supporting their globby substance by means of calciferous scaffolding, and finally they built machines.
Stanislaw Lem (1921-2006)
It was pitch black inside the dumpster with only a slither of light entering through the crack of the lid.
This morning somebody shouted out 'caiman' and alligators along the banks slithered into the water.
Peeg and Brie (opening of a teen novel)

The grinning, slithering jackanapes is reportedly going to concentrate his sales pitch on the U.S., suspecting that we Brits would sooner chew our tongues than buy his book when it is published on Sept. 13.
Boycott Blair's Book!
From somewhere behind me, I heard a slight plop, a slither and then a sudden weight on my bed.
Or the slithers of beef sirloin marinated in chilli and lime, stir-fried with vegetables and noodles.
I'm finally alerted by a creepy slithery, slippy step nearby on soppy, dew-saturated fallen leaves.
A tightish slither down at the far end of Four Ways Chamber would have bought you to the same place.
For the many children participating it was a good opportunity to get close to mitten crabs, shrimp, fresh water mussels and even eels, as well as to a lot of deliciously slithery mud!
A snake slithered across the grass.
A heavy slithering came from somewhere close and I wished they weren't so quiet, I wished they'd scream in their fright or bang into something, to take my mind away from their oily leglessness.
The Mandarin Cypher
They crept and crawled, oozed and slithered from the clay, prickly spiders and sneaky snakes and pesky lizards darting from th ... read more crafts
A Michoacan tradition: the needlework artistry of Hermelinda Reyes
The challenge now is the marathon of a 14-mile nonstop stretch of waves and holes that slithers through the curvilinear canyon like a snake on crack.
This is not going to help if you want to move forward and climb the ladders - all you'll do is slither down the snakes!
Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
But no titbits of food - well, maybe just a couple of slithers of sliced chicken.
Viro heard a slither, and a hiss, and looked above; from the rafters, a furred snake hung, its tail coiled upon a rotten wooded sign, the whitish paint flecked and gone.
I crouched down without making a sound and started slithering like a snake through the bushy tomato plants that Mr. Russo had tied up on stakes.
When a deadly snake, a black krait, slithered into my nursery and my ayah [Indian nanny] ran screaming from the room, her ankle bracelets chattering in panic, it was Yah Mohammed who calmly killed the krait.
The horses slithered down the shallow bank and onto the glassy surface at a rapid trot, but the black was mistrustful of the insecure footing and jibbed skittishly.
But in the recent mild, rainy weather they have been able to slither and slide all over the ground in broad daylight.
Times, Sunday Times
You watch as the waters begin to protrude, becoming a mass of hysterically delocalized pillars slithering upwards, outwards, onwards towards the shore.
Faraday's Wave Garden
Back tire slurping and bouncing wildly, I kept going, finally slithering to a halt when I saw Jeff and Joe crouched under a rock outcropping.
A week or so later, the snake slithers back into the wild - broadcasting a signal to researchers about where and how it lives.
A snake slithered across our path.
Or put a researcher in the car and have him slither about until I'm ready to come back?
Times, Sunday Times
RESEARCHERS have found a new species of taipan snake slithering in the outback.
Archive 2007-03-01
In the face of this, official Ottawa dithers and slithers, hoping questions about Arar will go away.
If there were too much light she would naturally see the reptile slithering up and down the bell-pull, and make too correct an identification.
Rhea's movements were noiseless and careful as she slithered down the ventilation duct.
A small green snake slithered across the wet road.
The icy blast of polar weather that swept in from Canada saw planes grounded, ferries hit and cars slithering off roads.
The Sun
Far below, the forest rose on either side of the river gorge, but to reach that we would have to descend a winding path alongside a steep-sided valley cut by a stream that slithered under fallen trunks.
Country diary: Allen Banks, Northumberland
They crept and crawled, oozed and slithered from the clay, prickly spiders and sneaky snakes and pesky lizards darting from the dark wet dough, turtles swimming to its surface, bug-eyed devils rising from the mud, all brought to life by the magic touch of Antonia Cruz Rafael.
Antonia Cruz Rafael: the ceramics of Ocumicho, Michoacan
Then, above our heads soared three eagles, and not long after, an adder slithered calmly between our feet.
I could already see that look in his eyes, something slithery and pink that hints of alcoholic tendencies.
Although he hit his shot straight at the goalkeeper it slithered and stotted off limbs and the sodden turf before trundling over the line.
In a moment, the forest was quiet again, and the flying and creeping things slithered and crawled to view the carnage.
A variety of snakes twisted and slithered across his shoulders down to his fingertips as if they had a life of their own.
Unpleasant weather conditions prevailed and the players slithering on the greasy surface was a common occurrence.
But no titbits of food - well, maybe just a couple of slithers of sliced chicken.
A small green snake slithered across the wet road.
So when the rain came down and the tracks got all muddy and slithery, it was a good time to put the X Trail through its paces.
The snake slithered away.
I can understand the reasons why Andy is being spoken about because he is different," he revealed, adding "Apart from his size he is also a left-footed player" lest we might conclude that this difference involved living in a fridge, communicating only via the lyrics of The Carpenters and slithering around on his belly after dark like a blindworm.
Will Andy Carroll prove the difference that destroys the planet?
These creatures can't run away, they slither on the ice.
The Sun
The mainland has diminished to a thin line of green and purple trees, and, closer by, neighbouring islands are underscored by slithers of sand and backed by dense jungle.
Where is the fun of slithering into layers of lacy surprises for your partner if he already sees the make, colour and size of your smalls?
The snake had dislodged its fangs, slithering after her with sureness of the ground it moved upon, then climbed up a tree.
He looked down to see the reptile slithering away between his knees.
Times, Sunday Times
The crawl soon gives way to a small collapse chamber where a slither through a narrow slot leads to cave of slightly more civilised proportions.
It is nibbled cheerfully by slugs and snails, which slither away in great content.
Times, Sunday Times
There were a few days of rain and wet snow that made the county road a slithery mass of greasy mud.
Bird Cloud
The financial firm belongs to a class of companies that promises, for its shareholders, a big dollop of jam tomorrow but only a slither of dry toast today.
So traumatized by what he saw in China, and so ashamed of being a human, the man returns to his village thinking he is a snake, slithering on the ground, hissing at former friends and family.
Twisted her other behind her back, all while avoiding the wriggling kicks and thwarting the clever maneuvers designed to slither out of even the tightest holds.
Earl of Durkness
A small green snake slithered across the wet road.
Not trusting herself to necessarily remain on top of the cliff standing, she dropped to her stomach and slithered toward the edge of the cliff.
The End Of Summer is warm and slithery, borne on slurred drums and elastic pings (perhaps the sound of tent pegs pounded by rubber mallets?)
The expensive item slithered off his back like a shed snakeskin.
He stood up painfully and slithered across the slimy floor, slipping on the fish that had scattered from the broken boxes.
This slithery reptile can be found in the less developed parts of the estate, but face to face encounters such as that provided in the tour are rare.
Rolling clouds of black smoke blotted out the sky while brilliant sheaths of flame slithered out of every window.
It is nibbled cheerfully by slugs and snails, which slither away in great content.
Times, Sunday Times
However, handling errors among the backs saw a couple of early and valiant moves end in loss of possession, as the ball slithered and slipped through fingers.
When a deadly snake, a black krait, slithered into my nursery and my Indian nanny ran screaming from the room, her ankle bracelets chattering in panic, it was Yah Mohammed who calmly killed the krait,’ she explains.
These creatures can't run away, they slither on the ice.
The Sun
slithery eels
Murphy moved forward with a one-two with Black, the slither proceeded to McAvoy.
Most of the inhabitants could afford to buy extra water rations and keep plants, which they proudly displayed sprawling out of the windows and slithering up the pale, smooth walls of their homes.
Her foot slithered almost frictionlessly back and forth.
Rendezvous With Rama
Why can't they slither back under it and let the rest of us enjoy the great day in peace?
The Sun
Adverse possession isn't only about slithers of land centimetres wide, occasionally it can be about bigger parcels of land.
I look down and see a long snake slithering past us.
‘It's a place of peace for me,’ Carlos says as a black snake slithers by.
If the remake, with Nicolas Cage as a rogue cop named Terence McDonagh, commits the sin of entertainment, it's redeemed by a sense of life's contradictions and distinguished by surreal flourishes that include a pair of iguanas, slithery witnesses to Terence's mania.
'Five': A Series Wakes Up at the Wheel
A couple of hours later we saw the culprit by our pond - a 4 ft dugite slithering across the lawn.
The snake slithered toward Jessica, bearing its fangs with a hiss.
We slithered over a lip with the aid of ropes into a huge cavernous hollow, where the water was caught in a rockpool.
I flex my legs and jump for the door, clinging to the grooves and gaps in the ceiling and twist the knob, jamming it open and slithering through.
A plain white chemise slithered over her form, draping to her ankles, with the multiple petticoats and the flexibly hooped farthingale over it.
And once he heard the troll's slithering sound dimmish down toward the end of the tunnel, he began to try again to feel out the knots, using what slight movement he had in his fingers, in the case that the troll might have redone its work and left him a knot in reach ...
The Goblin Mirror
They were unable to slither and waved from side to side without going anywhere.
Times, Sunday Times
What looks like oil slicks slither across the surface, multiple colors twisting over each other.
Now we have a better idea where we need to make improvements, as the car was not pleasant to drive in the second half of the race, sliding and slithering on what felt like melted rubber - it gave me no chance to push as I would have liked.
There's no shadow of the world dark enough for them to kind of slither around in.
CNN Transcript Nov 12, 2002
I heard whispering - and a kind of slithery noise - but that's all.
Five Are Together Again
The warm humid air collided with a rush of cold air causing the thunder to slither through.
We slithered down the slope to the road.
Myri slowly pushed the right-hand door open, allowing a slither of light to pierce the gloomy room.
Dendra was never still for long; every so often one of the arms would give a little shrug, or the tip of a vine would slither back inside the dome.
End of Time
Gobaith slithered up to the whale's head, in front of its blowhole.
That seems to be what the Right is saying with every slithery move it makes.
Steven Weber: Connecting the Dots
The Pact includes: religious iconography, a stultified house, a sexy tough girl protagonist played with equal parts fragility and ferocity by Caity Lotz, a newly-dead and much-despised mother, a serial killer on the loose, a fragile girlwoman with raccoon eyes who sees dead people, wiry bald men slithering through small spaces, a hot cop who would like to save the day, but instead provides the movie's nod to gore.
Heather Donahue: Sundance 2012: The Pact
Why can't they slither back under it and let the rest of us enjoy the great day in peace?
The Sun
The intricate bass line and high-hat/ride cymbal tapping slithers behind Fagen's vocals and the electric piano chords and the lyricon (which is, according to Wikipedia, an electric wind instrument) licks responds to Fagen's vocals in the verses.
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Forster slithered to Delaney and got a grip, pulling him back to comparative safety.
A small green snake slithered across the wet road.
It normally slithers into the gills of larger fish and erects a sharp dorsal spine to lodge itself into place.
Swaisgood's research project required that the snake comfortably slither, coil, and strike but still be tethered tightly enough that there was no chance it could escape.
She was a slither slower last night but trounced the rest nonetheless.
Times, Sunday Times
A snake was slithering silently towards us.
The US Constitution slows the slither.
Times, Sunday Times
The snake slithered away through the grass.
I walked down the dark hallway, only lit by slithers of light from cracks between the stones of the wall.
The snake slithered into the water.
As you carefully squat down and try to relax a snake suddenly comes slithering through the weeds and startles you.
The band surfs along a wave of echoed percussion and slithers of organ whilst Bergsman croons.
Whenever I take hold of a woman I feel as though my feet are slithering on tufted grass and goat willow.
Fugal patterns slithering downwards kicked the ninth suite into life.
Times, Sunday Times
Beneath loosely embedded rocks hide the brittle stars, ribbon worms and slithery, clinging fish called blennies.
But no titbits of food - well, maybe just a couple of slithers of sliced chicken.
Grace and Willies peered into an aquarium, and to Willie's delight and Grace's horror, saw dozens of squirmy striped creatures slithering over each other.
A snake slithered into the thick grass.
Ben dipped under the surface, slithering like a snake after the boys.
The thud of their boots was lost amidst digitigrade slither and click.
A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows
More-over it is divided by long traces of waterfall and steep ravines and there are slithery slopes of shale.
Drivers slipped and slithered to work and children were told to stay away from school as heavy snow fell across Greater Manchester and the north west today.
But the actual funk tracks on this are really nice, the kind of thing you want to put in a high-rotation playlist for urban walking; think of the fat-bass instrumentals from the Fat Albert theme with a George Clinton's slitheriest, perviest licks.
Boing Boing: December 21, 2003 - December 27, 2003 Archives
She had mastered the texture not only of skin but of fabrics, from the slither of silks to the deep tousle of thick wool and towelling and the stiff give of fine leather gloves.
There was a mizzling rain and only a slither of moon in the sky - as there was in the real sky last night - and the laneway was very dark.
The dominant interests slither mysteriously about.
The Past is Before Us - feminism in action since the 1960s
As the door opened, the much darker and slicker oligochaeta slithered into the lepidoptera home.
Caterpillars in love.
Sure enough, less than a minute later, I felt the hair follicles on my scalp slither and the familiar tingling that told me my hair was growing back.
My Fair Succubi
A half-mile slithery and steep muddied our boots for the first time, and brought us back to Egton Bridge where we popped down to the river.
My daughter came running to meet us, and we showed her the fish, but as it slithered from the plastic carrier bag into which we had folded it, the jaws gave one last convulsive shudder and she was convinced it had tried to bite her.
But what I really hate are snakes in the grass, waiting to slither in the back door for that important job when all the work is done.
The Republican criminal class of the current generation has not slithered, cheated, bribed and whored its way to power without the active support and contrivance of the establishment media, which Digby has rightly described as a courtier class.
Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: “Personnel is Policy:” It’s Time for Regime Change
Another superb actor, Bill Nighy—he was the voice of Davy Jones in the "Pirates" films—is Rattlesnake Jake, Rango's toothsome, slithersome nemesis.
Lizard Tale 'Rango': Clever, Coldblooded
She watched the snake slither away.
Sweltering mist of changing shades slithered through the funnels and fissures of the ship, constantly spewing out balls of effusive film containing radioactive particles and radiant flares.
It's only a matter of time until they begin researching once the first whispers about Santa's non-existence slither through the school.
I liked the part when they fell into the snake pit and the snakes were slithering all over them, and then the bad guys found them and sealed the pit .
Envelopes are rapidly slithering and sliding across the floor and plastic bags can be seen floating upwards as if they were balloons.
Slithering, clambering, and clawing through bush - literally bushwhacking - is unique to Blue Mountain canyoning.
He rolled his eyes at her when she quickly moved her leg, and slithered to the other side of the bed, keeping the distance between him.
The air is filled with a dingo's howl, the footpaths alive with the poisonous snakes on their slithering nocturnal hunt.
It would merely serve to shine a light under the dark, dank rock from which hypocritic, delusional [R] ightwingers slither.
Sanford should stay, two top South Carolina papers say
I knew some pros only came for one of the days so I still had a slither of hope.
Your every utterance is like the slithering hiss of a fat maggot in the putrid guts of a decomposing rat; your face is fouler than the unwiped inner ring of Satan's rectum.
Harry Cohen MP is an odious little cunt.
manslaughterer" because he is frum and the Gedolim said he must be innocent (because he is frum!). honorable Dov Bear already went to town, but I have something specific to add, as this episode really encapsulates this slithering haredi's dishonesty to the core.
The Kvetcher
Here, spread yersel oot on yer belly, and slither along in the glaur;
Ballads of a Bohemian
We must clean house and send every one of these evolutionary throwbacks to the pond from which they slithered.
Pheko closes his eyes and imagines the wind reaching Khayelitsha, boxes cartwheeling past spaza shops, plastic bags slithering across roads, slapping into fences.
Memory Wall
Let us be like that famous Don Juan of the animal kingdom, the ten-hearted earthworm, and cultivate as many loves as our biology (or clockworks) will allow - then secrete a viscid egg sac into our clitellum and slide that junk right off our segmented, slithery body.
A snake slithered into the thick grass.
The remaining day's competition was fierce, with the Gecko's taking top spot, squeaking by the second place slithering Cobras, as the Tigers tailed behind in third place.
A snake slithered across the grass.
slithery mud
A snake slithered over its flowing contours, settling into a small hollow beneath the mound.
A vivid green pile of leaves, beans and peas was crowned with slithers of smoked duck as well as pate foie gras encased in shells of duck meat.
Mrs Caterpillar slithered closer to the door, peeping through the peephole with her stemma.
Caterpillars in love.
She found it open, revealing a slither of light.
The icy blast of polar weather that swept in from Canada saw planes grounded, ferries hit and cars slithering off roads.
The Sun
They slither about on the grimy tiles of the orphanage floor.
Times, Sunday Times
Just up the hill beyond, up which our wheels slithered and slid, we left the van at the roadside and unloaded the god-goodies we'd picked up in the small town on the way.
As Satan taunts Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, a snake slithers out from beneath the underbrush.
At Pendennis, I slithered from the rocks into a flat, calm sea.
She bumped into the chalkboard as dread slithered down her spine.
Picking up her glass she slithers through the crowd and stops beside him to wait.
Near their back porch, they said, rats scamper about, and maggots slither near trash bins.
Each rock was chosen and placed very precisely so that the pace of the water would change from a slither to a surge at various points along the waterfall's course.
While these vibrantly hued python totes are nowhere near as slithery or deadly as Casati's writhing ornaments, they're sure to draw attention, especially when worn against the dark palettes favored in the chilly months.
Color Me Happy
Hence, a weekday might be a neat way of slithering down the lugholes of this section of the public - denied to a weekending orator.
Next stop - Inverness
They were unable to slither and waved from side to side without going anywhere.
Times, Sunday Times
The way on from here was a slither down an inconspicuous and rather grotty looking muddy hole.
He should just slither away like the snake that he is. carrieanne
DeMint: Obama 'distracted' from protecting the country
She walked along the banks of the lake, watching a water snake slither in the shallows.
The performers had to make their way across the net by getting in and out of the clothes, perching and hanging, twisting and slithering their way through the canopy like primates.
I'd rather have an honest gay who is comfortable with his/her sexuality than a slithery, snaky, whiny, hypocritical, philandering, lying, thieving mark snafu-rd for my governonr.
Sanford accused of smear campaign against Bauer
She bumped into the chalkboard as dread slithered down her spine.
But in the recent mild, rainy weather they have been able to slither and slide all over the ground in broad daylight.
Times, Sunday Times
Also, cut out stray stems wrapped around gutters and slithering along walls.
Times, Sunday Times
It is kind of hard to get wacky enjoyment out of flesh feasting sharks, slithery snakes, and jaw chomping gators.
Also, cut out stray stems wrapped around gutters and slithering along walls.
Times, Sunday Times
It normally slithers into the gills of larger fish and erects a sharp dorsal spine to lodge itself into place.
The trees thinned, dirt gave way to snow, the trail disappeared, and we slipped and slid and slithered through a narrow pass before entering a moonscape of rocky peaks and ice-rimmed lakes.
Robert lost his footing and slithered down the bank.
You can slither about on it.
The Sun
Dill pickles, a bit of cos lettuce, slithers of Parmesan - that's all you need.
Nick's meal came served in a huge bowl: a wonderful-looking salad, full of green leaves, pepper slithers and chunks of tomato crowned with a big hunk of chicken.
A snake was slithering silently towards us.
I watched the sunrise from a chair made of driftwood; offshore, fur seals frolicked on a sea-battered rock; a few feet away, snakes slithered through a stone wall.
The icy blast of polar weather that swept in from Canada saw planes grounded, ferries hit and cars slithering off roads.
The Sun
We're all aware that, while cutting-edge fashion can be a slither of mermaid sequins slashed north of the knicker line, it just as often means a tweedy suit, and a caramel leather blouson worn with shades.
Gliding smoothly under it, he slithered his fingers in between the wave in a cutting motion.
his slipping and slithering progress over the ice
Slithering, clambering, and clawing through bush - literally bushwhacking - is unique to Blue Mountain canyoning.
Dodd is one politician that slithers with the best of them and trust me there are plenty up there that slither real good.
Connecticut Dem says time for Dodd to go
We began our slithery descent to the shore.
Despite her inner ramblings, the door slithered open, to her huge dislike and distaste.
They slipped and slithered over the ice in a vain search for food.
They slept, zipped in nets, amid hissing insects and the slither of snakes below.
Times, Sunday Times
Three teams will crawl and wriggle and slither to stalk and triangulate on a small guarded bridge.
I have never doubted what he was referring to whenever he barked out his slithery tag phrase.
Easy for grandees to slither away, mentally, from the realities.
Times, Sunday Times
It is thought that Rowan ran through fencing in the dark and slithered into the ditch.
Dragons, with broad fan-gilled heads and fanged jaws wide, roared as their eellike bodies slithered into the water behind the unicorns.
Fatal Circle
If guests want to move from room to room, most people wait patiently or "slither" gracefully between the guests
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