How To Use Sleeping In A Sentence

  • Baby and Infant Products, Flap Hats, Swim Diapers, Swimwear Outwear, Sleeping Bags.
  • The worst of the attack is over but I'm still spending a great deal of time sleeping and, although the fever's gone, the mysterious joint and muscular aches remain.
  • My Mom took a job as a nursing orderly in a mental hospital where sleeping pills and tranquillisers were easily obtainable.
  • He infected mice and rabbits with Trypanosoma gondii, the parasite responsible for the dreaded sleeping sickness, then injected the animals with chemical derivatives to determine if any of them could halt the infection. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • She'd forgotten that for the next few weeks she'd be sleeping only feet away from the man she'd mistakenly raged at earlier.
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  • ‘Sewing a squash ball into the back of their pyjamas or nightie might sound like a wind-up but it's effective because it stops people from sleeping on their back,’ he said.
  • Now, next time I'm sitting next to someone on the bus, or sleeping next to someone who has a full-body spasm while dozing off, I fully reserve the right to call them a hypnic jerk. Ilene Kleinbaum: The Great Wake Up Program: My Sleep Education
  • While workers are at home sleeping, their computers are humming along.
  • A cat was sleeping underneath the table.
  • lunger" out here, and I didn't relish the idea of sleeping in a tuberculous bed. The Prairie Wife
  • My mother told me about a dream she had before the sleeping stopped. Times, Sunday Times
  • The church bells keep me from sleeping.
  • Hannah lent me a sleeping bag since I didn't take one and I managed to find space in a room with a carpet to sleep.
  • Nicola nodded and slunk quietly over to the sleeping bags, trying not to attract the attention of whatever Landon had heard.
  • He threw a warm cover over his sleeping wife.
  • Baby and Infant Products, Flap Hats, Swim Diapers, Swimwear Outwear, Sleeping Bags.
  • The curved tail covers the nose while sleeping during extreme temperatures, acting as a filter to warm and humidify the inhaled air.
  • I remember Michael sleeping in your room on several occasions and mom not knowing about it.
  • Athletic Skill gain rate from sleeping in the Sarcophagus of Kings has been reduced.
  • Tsetse flies are carriers of trypanosomes - the parasites transmitted by their bites, which cause sleeping sickness in men and cattle.
  • We were sleeping in our harnesses, also belayed to pitons and deadmen. The Viking Claw
  • So, tomorrow's project is to remember where that tensioner is, but not right now, because d's sleeping the sleep of the recently-returned-from-Germany. Who Ya Gonna Call?
  • I read a good article the other day that suggests one of the best ways to lose weight is sleeping.
  • Other common diseases include schistosomiasis, sleeping sickness, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.
  • It's very easy to become dependent on sleeping pills.
  • She was sleeping deeply, her tentacles curled gently about her shelled torso.
  • I crawl into my sleeping bag and curl up in a tight ball.
  • Sleep returned, and health, with cessation of all the morbid symptoms, the result of overwork and night work, for he used at Cheyne Walk to begin painting in the afternoon, and, lighting a huge gasalier on a standard near his easel, keep at his drawing far into the night, sleeping late the next day. The Autobiography of a Journalist
  • Boyd had allowed them the luxury of lightweight Gore-Tex sleeping bags. CHAMELEON
  • Guests sleep on mattresses (bring your own sleeping bags) in a communal area. Times, Sunday Times
  • And in his stable at Ascot the son of Sleeping Dove, from home for the first time, pondered on the mutability of equine affairs, closing and opening his eyes, and breathing without sound in the strawy dark, above the black cat he had brought to bear him company. Swan Song
  • If it takes longer than 20 or 30 minutes to get to sleep, do not lie in bed becoming anxious about sleeping.
  • The conditions in these barracks are not condonable but they are better than living in a tent and sleeping on the ground. Decrepit Army Barracks Exposed on YouTube - The Lede Blog -
  • I wake at 6 am as the sleeping pill doesn't work for more than nine hours.
  • So, the dog will be sleeping in a Jawa Sandcrawler. Jawa Sandcrawler Dog House!!!
  • It rang and echoed in the quiet apartment, until it awoke Brenda's mother, sleeping in the room next-door.
  • It consisted of two pods and a main sleeping area - it was perfect. The Sun
  • Ward had certain fastidious instincts, and he rebelled inwardly at eating, sleeping, and cooking all in one small room. The Ranch at the Wolverine
  • A barking dog is better than a sleeping lion. 
  • Noisy dogs keep people from concentrating, resting or sleeping.
  • Featuring an “unparalleled level of luxury” in the “widest seat in the sky”, and sleeping on a “standalone bed that was not converted from a seat”. » 2009 » August » 05 - SimpliFlying || Aviation :: Branding :: Technology || Airline marketing, airline brand management, social media, Web 2.0
  • Of course, there is the issue of letting sleeping dogs lie, because once you start down this path only insanity awaits, because inevitable questions arise as to what on earth chardron, nattier, parma, and Sahara actually looked like. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Mary glanced up; a tall, gangling woman was standing by the horse litter that held the sleeping Charley. T2®: THE FUTURE WAR
  • Slowly the edge parted and flattened out, broadwise, displaying the marbled brilliance of the butterfly's inner wings, illumining the pale chastity of the sleeping figure as if with a quivering and evanescent jewel. Success A Novel
  • Her sister lies sleeping on the couch, her quiet snores almost inaudible.
  • It is not good to make a sleeping lion. 
  • One night Stephens mixed a vast quantity of sleeping pills with a bottle of whisky.
  • Marcy sat down hard on the straw pallet on which she had been sleeping and ran her hands through her hair.
  • She quickly fastened her bootlaces and then proceeded to roll up her sleeping bag, dusting off dirt and debris as she did so.
  • Most families had a house for sleeping and a small cook house in the back, and some had a guest house for entertaining visitors.
  • I awoke to find myself lying next to the blonde bombshell who was sleeping peacefully in my arms.
  • While I had been sleeping the light outside became translucent. Times, Sunday Times
  • When no one answered, they broke in and searched the building, only to find a watchman sleeping at his post.
  • Meh, the snake show was way more exciting than the reptile exhibition, a display of motionless, sleeping snakes.
  • It is not good to wake a sleeping lion. 
  • She had psyched herself up so much for the camping trip that she forgot her sleeping bag.
  • Disease is also rife in the tiny squalid rooms where eight to ten men live, sleeping on bunk beds. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's the sleeping in the open, it's the rugged, unfaked food; Rhymes of a Rolling Stone
  • Once baby is asleep , ease the sleeping baby into his bed and sneak away.
  • Campers and backpackers have reported thefts of food, sleeping bags and clothing from their coolers and tents, according to authorities.
  • In addition to other obvious advantages this materially helped to keep clothing, finnesko, and sleeping-bags dry, and thus prolong the life of furs. The Worst Journey in the World Antarctic 1910-1913
  • Cabin crew should rouse sleeping passengers to encourage them to spend money. Times, Sunday Times
  • The kiss of a young prince awakens Sleeping Beauty.
  • Not caring whether her mother was sleeping or not, Samara marched upstairs to the third floor of the house and to the master bedroom.
  • The rest have been sleeping in tents outside in sweltering summer temperatures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, buchong “son” forms the plural bochang-i (contrast the objective buchong-a); enash “grandfather, ” the plural inash-a; the verb engtyim “to sleep” forms the continuative ingetym-ad “to be sleeping” and the past ingetymash. Chapter 4. Form in Language: Grammatical Processes
  • Sleeping patterns may also be affected, hence the reason that young people go to bed later and get up later.
  • Horace Greeley, editor of the "New York Tribune," the leading Republican journal of the North, contented himself with referring to Brown and his followers as "mistaken men," but added that he would "not by one reproachful word disturb the bloody shrouds wherein John Brown and his compatriots are sleeping. The end of an era,
  • Haskell, who has been sleeping in the front passenger's seat, cannot be roused and seems to be dead or at least unconscious.
  • Did he outsit the maids and men around his hearth and watch the dying fire with no other companions than his sleeping dogs, fancy placed a scar-let-cloaked figure on the cushion at his feet and raised at his knee a face of sweetest friendliness, whose flower-blue eyes brightened or gloomed in response to his lightest mood ... The Ward of King Canute; a romance of the Danish conquest
  • She froze in her sleeping bag as a very large creature snorted outside the tent.
  • A bottle of sleeping tablets will release you from your sufferings forever.
  • It is vital to get the whole story, because symptomatic treatment for any of these complaints, e.g. sleeping pills, tranquilizers, or narcotics, could be worse than no treatment at all.
  • The dog kept vigil over his sleeping master.
  • The houses vary in size, with a choice of one to four bedrooms, sleeping up to eight.
  • She took a massive overdose of sleeping pills.
  • Unknown to him, she was taking increasingly large quantities of sleeping tablets. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I was afraid of bivouacking; we were soaking wet, had no sleeping bags, nothing dry or warm to change into and we were still at a high elevation. Richard Bangs: Climbing the Killer Prince -- Merapi Volcano of Java, Part 3
  • We didn't believe (until we were much older) in wasting time cutting and burning firewood, so I was wrapped up in my sleeping bag, and my friend was yelling across the room about getting up to go bird hunting, and that it was warmer outside than inside, and I protested from inside the protective cacoon of my bag. Big Reader Bucks from the Field & Stream Trophy Room
  • If not for you, I must be shivering in the despair and fear, groaning painfully. But for you, every day I will dream the most beautiful apart. Becoz u use your whole life to love me, and I feel free. My life seems to leave me like the sand flowing. I can hear that, but I can still smile only as long as I see you sleeping by my side.
  • They are sleeping, but they shall wake up, they shall be resurrected.
  • As for the comment about still not sleeping with you, sheesh, I didn't realize I had picked up a shadchan along the way. Misinformation: Simple Bikes Can Do Amazing Things
  • We woke to a calm and crisp morning with a light frost on our sleeping bags, below a beautiful blue sky with wisps of cloud streaking above the lake, which lay as a blue sea below us.
  • I lost my virginity to a girl whose name I didn't know, in a sleeping bag on the floor of my mother's abandoned Fifth Avenue apartment.
  • You won't mind sleeping with such a very young woman, grandmother? The Princess and the Goblin
  • After its passage along corridors and down flights of stairs, it seemed far too faint to rouse a heavily sleeping man. Times, Sunday Times
  • But all that changed after Jason grew out his mutton chops, bought a straw hat, and started sleeping with Neil's girlfriend!
  • Scattered between the sleeping cats were several cubs of varying ages and both sexes from small unweaned kittens to half-grown yearlings.
  • I couldn't figure what was the problem, but somehow my circadian rhythms had come undone, and I wasn't sleeping. FATAL FLAW
  • By degrees, perhaps under the spell of some influence which stirs us when sleeping nature awakens once more to life, I lost myself in reverie, and recalled drowsily Lorimer of the Northwest
  • Lay down a tarpaulin, then put your sleeping mat and bedding on top of it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The conductor told us to lock the cabins and not let anyone inside unless he told us to because thieves pretending to be police quite often preyed on the sleeping cars parked in the sidetracks.
  • He came: he found the islanders beside themselves at this unwelcome resurrection of the dead and the detested; he was shown, as adminicular of testimony, the traveller’s uncouth and thick-soled boots; he argued, and finding argument unavailing, consented to enter the room and examine with his own eyes the sleeping Pict. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • This fable is serve accentuated by a actuality which a single of Coach Troppmanns teenage football players attended all those camps in Booneville, California as great as expected was sleeping in a nearby cabin when Bryant as great as McKay were figuring out how to change a world. Excerpt from PIGSKIN WARRIORS: 140 YEARS OF THE GAMES GREATEST ...
  • Fluffy Tag Cloud angry annoying bad cat basement cat bed box car cat cheezburger classics computer costume couch cute dog do not want fud ginger has helping hungry kitteh kitten lolbirds lolcats loldogs lolkittehs love mean movies murder nap nom nom nom oh noes outside playing plotting sad scared sleeping toy treasure video want work Li’l Pink Jellybean Toes… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The noise aroused the sleeping guard.
  • As you can see behind me, they have people actually sleeping on mats on the floor because they've just had to continue to allow people in.
  • I helped her put her luggage up in the overhead so that she would not hit sleeping people while trying to lift it.
  • Try putting him in a bedside co-sleeper?bassinet, on a mattress or futon at the foot of your bed, or even sleeping in another room with a sibling.
  • It helps that their eternally optimistic manager exudes a permanent air of calm and conviction and has no trouble sleeping. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carefully, the two maneuvered around the sleeping police chief and went into the office.
  • Our tents are filled with clothes, down jackets, sleeping bags, woollen gloves and socks, snow boots, and tonnes of packed cream - sun-block, moisturiser, lip balm and cleanser - as well as the routine climbing paraphernalia of ropes, crampons, harnesses, descendeurs and carabiners.
  • She said homelessness had mushroomed during the economic boom, with young people making up larger numbers of those sleeping rough.
  • Sleeping by day was none the less a poor option, as they were persistent, and not easily convinced of your absence; your heart would race with every passing car or footstep.
  • Ceasing caffeine consumption five to six hours prior to sleeping, thus allowing more time for the body to metabolize the caffeine, will lessen these side-effects.
  • Attacks in the night on sleeping humans are being blamed on the disappearance of animal prey as the rainforest is cut down. The Sun
  • It was too late to find a room, so they stayed in the car, sleeping propped up in their seats and waking stiff and unrested.
  • A calf will hump up onto the back of the sleeping mother, breach onto her, cover her blowhole with his tail.
  • She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.
  • Years of flying around the world as a fighter pilot in the employ of the United States Navy had accustomed the man to short sleeping hours.
  • When, a while ago, we got ourselves all gussied up and broadbanded, we made the ISP-walla give us much more cable length than we needed, so we have the laptop now installed on our sleeping mat, and are typing this with chin propped up on pillows. Archive 2006-03-01
  • In the main gallery a video installation entitled Sleeping is immediate and personal, inviting you to listen and feel.
  • A case of sleeping sickness studied by precise enumerative methods: Further observations. Parasite Rex
  • What made the difference was sleeping after having a first few tries at the problems involved.
  • But women's issues may be the sleeping giant of American politics these days.
  • Sleeping on overnight trains is common (though couchettes cost extra).
  • People believed that healing could occur through direct contact with the relics — by touching them, drinking water or wine in which they had been dipped, sleeping next to the tomb, or eating dirt scraped from the site. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • The mother said her daughter had stopped eating and wasn't sleeping well since the incident.
  • The same is true of tsetse flies that bring sleeping sickness to animals.
  • With the second baby, delivery went very smoothly, so I nursed from the beginning, and it took much longer for my husband to be able to have that same closeness, since the little guys spend almost all their time sleeping and eating at the beginning. » The Case Against Breast-Feeding
  • All this talk of the 70's has obviously woken a sleeping giant within.
  • Laura's last conscious thought was that she would have no trouble in sleeping for a week.
  • Aunt May was alone, sleeping peacefully, the machines surrounding her beeping more slowly, steadily. SPIDER-MAN®: THE ADVENTURES OF SPIDER-MAN
  • Thnx Dan – u still trin to keeps awake or u sooooo far past sleeping it will be another 3 days before you get the cawfee outta your system U sed u wouldnt b mad. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • As an alternative to sleeping aids, some experts recommend a soak in a hot tub.
  • I made an executive decision about my life and downgraded my bed to a cheap tatami mat, a traditional straw Japanese mat meant for sleeping.
  • A collection is being organised for the victims of the Pakistani Earthquake and the requirements are blankets, duvets, sleeping bags and tents.
  • She is a light sleeper and sleeping next to me does deprive her of what little sleep she does get.
  • Sleeping pills should be a last resort. Beat Stress
  • I ran up to the school dormitory, and I called the nun sleeping there and told her to get the girls up.
  • It was almost warm in his sleeping bag in the forester 's hut. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • As you close your eyes to sleep, tell yourself you aren't going to overdramatize anything that happened during the day or any concerns you may have about sleeping. Doc Childre: Sleep Better Now: 3 Ways Your Heart Can Help
  • She immediately sat down, unpacked her sleeping pallet and blankets and fell asleep.
  • Try to avoid chewing khat late at night, and never take sleeping pills unless prescribed by your doctor.
  • Camping gear: tent, sleeping bag, air mattress, charcoal or stove will be provided.
  • When tests failed to show enough drugs in the victim's system to make a case stick — Halcion, the sleeping pill Dahmer often used, dissipates quickly — the police dropped the matter. Secrets of a Serial Killer
  • The children had been living on the streets, foraging for scraps and sleeping rough.
  • I was half tempted to pick up a nearby acorn and chuck it at his head, in a feeble attempt to render him unconscious, thereby allowing myself to return back to my sleeping bag.
  • After fluttering thus from branch to branch, like the poor birdling that cannot take its flight, discouraged by his wretched attempts at life, he plunged straight before him, hoping for nothing but a turn of luck, driving over the roads and fields, lending a hand to the farmers, sleeping in stables and garrets, or oftener in the open air; sometimes charitably sheltered in a kind man's barn, and perhaps -- oh bliss! Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 29, August, 1873
  • A curtain, easily attached by hooks between the centerboard-case and the roof, at night screened Mrs. Hastings 'sleeping quarters. CHAPTER XI
  • After sleeping for most of the day and necking another handful of the same vitamin pills as yesterday, I'm feeling a lot better.
  • What I've been sleeping in for the past two years could be called a teddy, but only if it's understood that the word is not synonymous with a slinky negligee, but strictly a nod to women's nightwear worn during the first Roosevelt administration. Meredith C. Carroll: The Whooping Cough of Aspen Fashion Week
  • So a while they sat talking, all of them, and the squire and the sergeant aforesaid were not a little timorous of the adventure of making that stead unkenned their sleeping chamber; and to while away the time, their lords made them tell tales such as they knew concerning that place; and both they said that they had never erst come into the dale but a very little way, and said that they had done so then but trusting in their lords 'bidding and the luck of the Quest. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • She crawled out of her sleeping bag and her dark head peered around the room once more, as though she expected her friends to materialise out of nowhere.
  • Skye are the sleeping giant of Scottish shinty.
  • Especially when I read of the adventures of Russian and Polish exiles in Siberia -- men of aristocratic lineage wandering amid snow and arctic cold, sleeping on rocks or in hollow trees, and holding their own, empty-handed, against hunger and frost and their fiercer brute embodiments do I recognize a hardihood and a ferity whose wet-nurse, ages back, may well have been this gray slut of the woods. Winter Sunshine
  • He once sneaked into the woman's home while she was sleeping, only fleeing when she woke up.
  • Who are you to say that sleeping with another woman is wrong? Christianity Today
  • The mother, the Angela of the title, begged for charity and lived off the mingy help of relatives, at one point sleeping with a cousin so that her children might have a place to live. From 'Ashes' To Stardom
  • All across the school we were known for everything from sleeping together to modeling in nude photos.
  • Having grown used to a privileged lifestyle, sleeping over at the palace and stuff, he liked it so much he wanted a share in the spoils.
  • And no matter where she is sleeping or pretending to sleep, whether it be in our bed, on top of me, in a bassinet beside the bed, or in her crib all the way over in her own room, I am having to re-train my body to sleep.
  • to the man sleeping regularly in doorways homelessness is real
  • There I spent some comfortable days, sleeping much, having myself read to, mostly from the private letters of the Emperors, and from the Anticatones of the Divine Julius; and, from the balcony of the ante-room enjoying the splendid view southwestwards, over the Circus Maximus, the lower reaches of the Tiber and the Campagna, for my apartment was on that side of the Palace and high up. Andivius Hedulio Adventures of a Roman Nobleman in the Days of the Empire
  • It was back in 1977 that Sherwood acquired two sleeping carriages at a Sotheby's auction in Monte Carlo and began the process of recreating the great train.
  • Tens of thousands of people spent last night sleeping rough. The Sun
  • Locals say many inhabitants are alcoholics and drug addicts who spend the day sleeping indoors. Times, Sunday Times
  • I will continue to distribute blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing and food on a regular basis, in the hope that my modest efforts will give some comfort to those people we are able to help. Maya Angelou 
  • Wulfgar rose and gazed down at Aislinn, now still and sleeping soundly. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The mosquitoes and the tsetze flies have been, only recently, proved to be the causes, the carriers, of diseases -- malaria, yellow fever, and sleeping sickness -- which annually have killed hundreds of thousands of men, colonists as well as natives. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • Hundreds of kids are sleeping rough on the streets of London.
  • Buelow was appointed kapellmeister of the Court Theatre; reforms, peculiarly disagreeable to those reformed, were set on foot; and singers, players, regisseurs, who had anticipated sleeping away their existence in the good old fashion, were violently awakened by this reckless adventurer, charlatan, and what not, who had won the King's ear. Wagner
  • But it passed by as any uncomfortable night sleeping on a wooden floor in a draughty house. Times, Sunday Times
  • I unrolled my sleeping bag as usual.
  • He has been sleeping rough in the streets to highlight the plight of the homeless.
  • On the right, Inkblot, the master of sleep himself, is conked out on his favorite afghan, his preferred sleeping spot of the moment.
  • The others were those who could not be at the grove full-time - due to work, home, or an aversion to sleeping either 80 feet up a tree or in a wigwam made of tarps set on a gravel logging road.
  • Sponsored Links for geek stuff hoth sleeping bag tauntaun what's this? Photo of the Day – Tauntaun Sleeping Bag | Manolith
  • I kept on sleeping indoors for a while since I was embarrassed to go to bed in public.
  • Does excessive take sleeping pill to you can make the person loses consciousness?
  • It's a good idea to spend the first night of your holiday sleeping off the jet lag.
  • A minstrel's gallery provides additional sleeping accommodation in the roof space above the kitchen.
  • Lunchtime brings out young-ish men in khakis and button-down shirts who avoid the homeless sleeping on benches.
  • Attacks in the night on sleeping humans are being blamed on the disappearance of animal prey as the rainforest is cut down. The Sun
  • Get out of your comfort zone. Wake up the sleeping giant in you. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • But we confess that it is a little mortifying to our pride of time and place, to meet an old beggar-woman, who from the dust on her tattered brogues has evidently marched miles from her last night's wayside howf, and who holds out her withered palm for charity, at an hour when a cripple of fourscore might have been supposed sleeping on her pallet of straw. Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
  • The group banged on the door to alert the sleeping occupants to no avail.
  • I will continue to distribute blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing and food on a regular basis, in the hope that my modest efforts will give some comfort to those people we are able to help. Maya Angelou 
  • The rooms are little ice caves, where you snuggle up in a thermal sleeping bag on top of reindeer skins. Times, Sunday Times
  • Olbinett prepared the evening meal with his accustomed punctuality, and after this was dispatched, the travelers disposed themselves for the night in the wagon and in the tent, and were soon sleeping soundly, notwithstanding the melancholy howling of the "dingoes," the jackals of Australia. In Search of the Castaways
  • The poem balances the driver's sleeping consciousness with her awakening subconscious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Diogenes, known for sleeping in a tub in the porticoes of temples, eating with dogs and defecating in public, was a sardonic reminder of how thin the veneer of Athenian civilization could be. Tales of Jaunty Anarchy on the Nile
  • Instead they live out their days in the rescue centre, eating and sleeping in a guarded compound and acting as counsellors to other traumatised victims. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do not disturb this sleep unless there are other indications that the child is not sleeping a peaceful, healing sleep.
  • Could this sleeping giant, if awakened, play a role in the revival of labor unions and progressive politics?
  • Many within the game are sleeping uneasily right now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your normal sleeping pattern may not return for weeks or months. Coming Off Tranquillizers and Sleeping Pills
  • Half an hour later we all were in our nightwear and we were sitting or laying in our sleeping bags.
  • He explained that he was in fact on indefinite exile from the Parish for committing the unforgivable and irredeemable sins of garrulity, irreverent laughter, vile thoughts and oversleeping.
  • People sleeping outdoor are scrambling for any hopeful cover. Christianity Today
  • This is great if you instantly need to be on the move after a nap, and you can bounce out of your sleeping state and jump into work feeling refreshed and energised.
  • I liked sleeping and being able to leave the house without making sure I had a half-dozen toys and a Baggie full of Cheerios. The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf
  • Like the subdued quiet in a sleeping car, at a stop, after a continuous run. The Sun
  • Indeed, there's a favourable outcome - Dolly seems to have decided that sleeping on the kitchen counter really isn't a good idea after all and has decamped to a corner of the bathroom.
  • Thus, a piece of fiction usually begins with an imperfective verb by way of introduction (“I was sleeping”); then, shifting into a perfective verb, the narrative launches into the plot (“I woke”). The Metamorphosis, in The Penal Colony,and Other Stories
  • Through the leaves that hid his nest he could see the yellowing vines in the distance, and the meadows where the straked cows were at pasture, filling the silence of the sleeping country-side with their plaintive long-drawn lowing. Jean Christophe: in Paris The Market-Place, Antoinette, the House
  • He is houseproud; he goes to the gym; he cooks; he likes sleeping in his own bed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a strange sensation to have them on - more intimate than sleeping with his widow.
  • She stared at the bird for a long moment, the pinions arched as though he were merely sleeping, dreaming about flight.
  • As this incantation proceeds, small flickering tongues of fire start forth on every side; they soon rise higher and higher, roaring and crackling until, as Wotan disappears, they form a fiery barrier all around the sleeping Walkyrie: -- Stories of the Wagner Opera

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