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How To Use Sleep with In A Sentence

  • Such a seemingly innocuous observation, yet as Logan evolves from student, to writer, to secret agent, to art gallery dealer, we see how it informs a kind of amorality in his character that propels him to sleep with his college mate's girlfriend and, later, the same man's wife, marry a woman he doesn't love and then push her aside when he meets the real love of his life. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • One night, after a Piranha editing session, Cameronwent to sleep with afever and dreamed that he saw a robot clawing itsway toward a coweringwoman.
  • It was a lovely moment, happening just after we'd got into bed and I think I went to sleep with a great big grin on my face.
  • Don't speak, one can lazy pig to sleep with a rod, and three insolation, a person can follow one's inclinations no emotional baggage.
  • ‘And do lots of illustrators then sleep with their orthopedist – or does that only happen when the orthopedist is the husband of one of your best friends?’ State of the Union
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  • You know, I bet you a hundred dollars you won't sleep with me.
  • The marquise, worried that Yvette has fallen asleep without extinguishing her candle, decides that someone must check on her.
  • He was old enough to sleep with a girl and make her pregnant.
  • He and his adversary the sheriff improbably both sleep with the same woman.
  • You obviously had a bad night, you fell asleep with a gun in your hand, and you're jumpy as all get-out. FOLLY
  • Those who sleep with dogs will rise with fleas. 
  • Those who sleep with dogs will rise with fleas. 
  • Liam was fast asleep with his mouth wide open .
  • Some inoculates aver that they awaken from the first night's sleep with a dark brown taste in their mouths. Stalking the Pestilence
  • I'm always tickled pink whenever I recall the time when my mother was fanning me to sleep with her palm-leaf fan though I do not intend to trade the air-conditioner for a palm-leaf fan.
  • If everything went through okay, I'd be able to sleep with Selina every night for the rest of my life.
  • I drifted off to sleep with those thoughts on my mind and dreamed about nothing.
  • I made it clear that I would like to sleep with her, but she was hesitant.
  • After a pause, he ordered a march for the 13th, then countermanded it, and on the 14th ordered the men to sleep with their arms and await an order to advance.57 George Washington’s First War
  • Everybody was full and sleepy, so no one contradicted; and the angekok, by virtue of his office, helped himself to yet another lump of boiled meat, and lay down to sleep with the others in the warm, well-lighted, oil-smelling home. The Second Jungle Book
  • I won't get a wink of sleep with that noise downstairs.
  • Often she fell asleep with the candle still alight.
  • He rubbed a mixture of charcoal, calamint, water mint, and other dried herbs into his pelt to try to blot out the stench of the village, then toppled onto a pallet in one of the guest rooms to fall asleep within seconds.
  • I aim to go to sleep with a clear mind, the conflicts of the day resolved and my soul reconciled.
  • I can't get to sleep with all that singing.
  • I sleep with the window open unless its really cold.
  • Rice, followed-up by Stephanie Meyer, “… modernized and domesticated the vampire, ripping away the traditional narrative from the black-caped, thickly Euro-accented, terror guy you run from, to the handsome, seductive bad-boy next door you want to sleep with,” says Thompson. VAMPIRES- WHY HERE, WHY NOW? | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • But she had been really mad at me for not being willing to sleep with her.
  • Nick was roused from sleep with a jolt, his beeper sounding loudly next to him.
  • I think and sleep with the idea for a long time before it takes the shape of a poem or lyric.
  • Do not fall in love with a knight, milady, or you shall sleep with the rats as well.
  • Those who sleep with dogs will rise with fleas. 
  • ANTEVERSION: -- Persons suffering from anteversion or retroversion should sleep without pillows under the head, and lie flat upon the back; they should sit with the feet as high as convenient and avoid high seats which hinder the feet from touching the floor. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • Those who sleep with dogs will rise with fleas. 
  • Masculinity and manhood have nothing to do with whom you sleep with or whom you love.
  • The dream returned again and again, whenever she went to sleep with an empty stomach.
  • They had eaten in silence, then Francine, unconcerned, quickly stripped naked and crawled under the down comforter, asleep within seconds. CORMORANT
  • Women who sleep with men who have slept with other men only have to wait 12 months to donate blood.
  • I'll show you mine if you show me yours… that is, I'll tell you which star I'd like to sleep with if you'll tell me who you'd like to bonk.
  • He didn't say anything about his sexuality, but of course, we who hoped to sleep with him all speculated.
  • Or a gas leak that can put you to sleep without you feeling a thing? Times, Sunday Times
  • Although rebound is a temporary reaction, it tends to reinforce insomniacs' belief that they can not sleep without medication.
  • And dreamed of nights when you should sleep with your head upon my breast -- [_Yaouma bends her head_] And now you seek a grave in the slime of the river. Woman on Her Own, False Gods and The Red Robe Three Plays By Brieux
  • That night Daniel didn't sleep with me; he slept on the sleeper sofa.
  • Ok you sleep with your best friend, have a fight, she leaves on a 3 month work assignment out of the country and you start dating a "aquaintance" of her's. Most Popular
  • To be safe I'd a often sleep with the cattle in the fi eld. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often she will be able to sleep with rising superstars and juvenile celebrities who will profess love but never contemplate marrying her.
  • When we have gone to sleep with a maddening toothache and are conscious of it only as a little girl whom we attempt, time after time, to pull out of the water, or as a line of Molière which we repeat incessantly to ourselves, it is a great relief to wake up, so that our intelligence can disentangle the idea of toothache from any artificial semblance of heroism or rhythmic cadence. Swann's Way
  • He fell asleep with a full belly and a happy heart.
  • Judging by the number of them wearing lipstick and eye liner, many of them appear to sleep with a make-up artist sitting on their bedside table. The Sun
  • Made of 300-thread-count cotton Jacquard and sateen, they come in an array of florals so gosh-darn pretty you're likely to sleep with your eyes open.
  • The National Sleep Foundation also cautions that a lack of sleep creates the possibility of falling into a 3-4 second microsleep without realizing it. Russell Rosenberg, Ph.D: Is Your School Bus Driver a Risk to Your Children?
  • ANTEVERSION: -- Persons suffering from anteversion or retroversion should sleep without pillows under the head, and lie flat upon the back; they should sit with the feet as high as convenient and avoid high seats which hinder the feet from touching the floor. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • He was old enough to sleep with a girl and make her pregnant.
  • I started from my sleep with horror; a cold dew covered my forehead, my teeth chattered, and every limb became convulsed; when, by the dim and yellow light of the moon, as it forced its way through the window-shutters, I beheld the wretch — the miserable monster whom I had created. Chapter 4
  • I know he's turned down lots of other girls, so for him to feel ready to sleep with me, only me, really says a lot for his feelings.
  • When I went to bed that night I cried myself to sleep with my fingers in my mouth, jiggling all my teeth desperately, tears running saltily into my open mouth.
  • The study distinguished the dream-enacting behavior of speaking out loud some of the words of a dream about talking from somniloquy (sleep talking), which was defined as speaking or making sounds during sleep without clear recall of an accompanying dream. Spero News
  • Just when they seemed to be coming apart at the seams, they struck a purple patch and put Wicklow asleep with some wonderful football.
  • Bella will sleep with anyone for a cheap thrill.
  • I an in-betweener, as in the great King Nebulonicon, Supreme Big Mac and Head Unicorn Wrangler of Batshit 5, does speak to me through the toaster I sleep with, but I am smart enough not to mention it in public. Today's Quiz: Are You Batshit Crazy?
  • Instead of teddy bears to sleep with it has grizzly bears. Times, Sunday Times
  • My grandfather used to put me to sleep with stories of the polecat who came at night to take away the chickens when they were asleep. GYPSY MASALA
  • You obviously had a bad night, you fell asleep with a gun in your hand, and you're jumpy as all get-out. FOLLY
  • At night, I use the door chain and the deadbolt and sleep with a knife tucked beneath my pillow, a hammer beneath my bed. The Memory Palace
  • He thinks it's all right to sleep with the girl so long as he doesn't bang her up.
  • Michelle had fallen asleep with her head against his shoulder.
  • While you're there, don't sleep with her and don't behave like her boyfriend.
  • I sleep with the window open unless its really cold.
  • In the end, we agreed to go to a shebeen for more beer and then try to sleep with each other's wives.
  • Unable to sleep with the tin-brained woodman at work, Jerri went off to negotiate with Darth. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor: Heroes vs Villains : The Tin-Brained Woodman is Rusty.
  • Seven months ago, Joe awoke from a sound sleep with an awful pain in his big toe.
  • Babies who sleep with their parents receive much more tactile stimulation than babies who sleep in a cot.
  • I may be somewhat easy, but I am not without a modicum of self respect. watch me as I choose to sleep with an uneducated redneck over you, simply on the grounds that he's too much of a gentleman to say such things in my general vicinity. that in itself makes the 30-minute drive a non-issue. your pool table and your parents 'money do nothing for me the way his shitty crack shack does. silly little fuckwit. speaking of fuckwits, isn't it funny how WRITING the word fuckwit is so much more funny than SAYING it? go on! say it! isn't it weird and retarded? ps: the funk is gone. Dragonwench Diary Entry
  • Seven months ago, Joe awoke from a sound sleep with an awful pain in his big toe.
  • Like the Sleeptracker, Sleep Cycle claims to wake people at an optimal phase of sleep within a preselected wake-up window. Apps and gadgets to track your sleep
  • A feeling of odiousness has gone from the room and for a chance I can sleep without wondering if my death is to come.
  • She had fallen asleep with an open book in her lap.
  • Well after a while we woke the Boston fish up & we all went home & I was feeling pretty good on acct. it being such a nice night & all the stars being out & etc. & when I got home I said Prudence guess what hapend & she says I can guess & I says Prudence I have been elect it a minit man & she says well go on up stares & sleep it off & I says sleep what off & she says stop talking so loud do you want the naybers to wake up & I says whos talking loud & she says o go to bed & I says I am talking in conversational tones & she says well you must be conversing with somebody in Boston & I says o you mean that little blond on Beecon St. & Ethen she went a 1,000,000 mi. up in the air & I seen it wasnt no use to try & tell her that the reason I was feeling good was on acct. having drank a Boston swelt hed to sleep without feeling any affects & I bet the next time I get a chanct I am going to get snooted right because a fello gets blamed just as much if he doesnt feel the affects as if he was brought home in a stuper & I was just kidding her about that blond on Beecon St. Some women dont know when they are well off Ethen & I bet that guy from Bostons Tom Duffy I mean wife wishes she was in Prudences shoes instead of her having married a man what cant holt no more than a qt. without being brought home in a stuper. A Parody Outline of History
  • Everyone who slept had gone to sleep with one word humming in his brain -- war -- and war at home, that was the terrible thought which robbed so many millions of eyes of sleep. The World Peril of 1910
  • Many babies drift off to sleep during a feed, but as your baby grows, you need to teach him how to fall asleep without this.
  • When he was a little "shaver" seven or eight years of age, she made it a practice to have him sleep with her, showing that she had no prejudice. The Underground Railroad A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, &c., Narrating the Hardships, Hair-Breadth Escapes and Death Struggles of the Slaves in Their Efforts for Freedom, As Related by Themselves and Others, or Witnessed by the Auth
  • Horses run free across the meadowlands and the lion will sleep with the lamb.
  • Bitterly he reflected that at least John had no conscience to prey upon him; he did not fall asleep with his brain seething with conflicting arguments, and awake with the decision as far off as ever. The Black Moth: A Romance of the XVIII Century
  • An older, gorgeous married man wanting to sleep with you can seem like a fabulous compliment and ego boost.
  • A father-in-law may not sleep with his daughter-in-law (Lev 18: 15), just as a brother-in-law may not sleep with his sister-in-law (Lev 18: 16), but in-law incest rules are suspended for the purpose of the levirate. Tamar: Bible.
  • She knew Andy wouldn't just sleep with her and then ditch her.
  • Every time he's put down to sleep he wriggles around, quite often until he falls asleep with his head touching one side of the cot and his feet, the other.
  • Judging by the number of them wearing lipstick and eye liner, many of them appear to sleep with a make-up artist sitting on their bedside table. The Sun
  • I can't sleep without my foam pillow. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was old enough to sleep with a girl and make her pregnant.
  • Just because I sleep with the same sex does not mean I cannot serve my country.
  • It was just this cleansing oil that's supposed to remove all traces of makeup so you are ready to go sleep with no risk of clogged pores.
  • It's pleasant to sleep with the windows open during the summer.
  • The disorder is expressed physically in diminished appetite, poor sleep with frequent awakenings, and restlessness and psychomotor agitation.
  • He lay asleep with his clothes scattered about.
  • He would sometimes drift off to sleep with these ideas fizzing and bubbling around in the deep drink of his mind.
  • I sleep with the window open unless its really cold.
  • Or that nobody who is good at sports ought to be "morally upright" iow, not sleep with team-mates wives, girlfriends or partners, or swear gratuitously on every occasion or enjoy a decent choral evensong? Why are English sporting heroes so dull? | Kevin McKenna
  • While pruning of spring-flowering shrubs such as azaleas, rhododendrons, forsythia and camellias must wait We are at the end of February and gardens are emerging from their winter sleep with fingers of green stretching out from the soil and tiny buds breaking along stems and branches. - Articles related to Guerrilla Gardening: Giving New Life To Neglected Land (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
  • He woke from a fitful sleep with a headache.
  • The soft Persian carpet, on which one's feet sank to the very ankles; the brightly polished dogs, upon which a blazing wood fire burned; the well upholstered fauteuils which seemed to invite sleep without the trouble of lying down for it; and last of all, the ample and luxurious bed, upon whose rich purple hangings the ruddy glare of the fire threw a most mellow light, was all a pleasing exchange for the "garniture" of the The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Complete
  • I can therefore say goodbye to this particular forum because I know that I will never run out of unkept promises or miles to walk and that I may even continue to sprinkle the journey remaining before sleep with a new idea or two.
  • A tearful little boy cannot sleep without a lost Teddy bear - which belonged to his baby brother.
  • You're a beautiful, sexy woman, and if you want to sleep with men and women, I have no judgment about that.
  • Those who sleep with dogs will rise with fleas. 
  • If you're using a heating pad, for safety's sake, be careful not to fall asleep with that electric pad nestled against your ear.
  • I, for instance, can now change an extremely smelly nappy in the early hours of the morning after a snifter or two and about 22 minutes sleep without waking the baby.
  • The sun rose in the late evening usually just when Eva was beginning to fall into fitful sleep with restless dreams.
  • There are thirty yonder that would have shed their lifeblood for you -- thirty, from the child of a week to the auld wife of a hundred, that you have made homeless, that you have sent out to sleep with the fox and the blackcock. Red Cap Tales Stolen from the Treasure Chest of the Wizard of the North
  • Young kids may become clingy and regress to earlier behavior, such as wanting to sleep with their parents or wetting the bed.
  • He was old enough to sleep with a girl and make her pregnant.
  • Who cares about DNA when it comes to this sack of shit he has been found guilty in a court of law and the taxpayer should have the right to put this magot to sleep with a axe. Sydney Indymedia - Comments
  • I went towards the bench since I felt so drowsy and I fell asleep without even knowing it.
  • I have nine cats, three of them kittens, and they all sleep with me at night.
  • That's why I know I don't have to sleep with my future wife to find out if we're sexually compatible.
  • A firstborn child may share the parents' bed for two or three years, but if there is an older sister, that child may sleep with her after a year or so.
  • On the night of february 6 i went to sleep with a monotone voice and on February 7 when i woke up the voice in my head was multitone, so i spoke up and my physical voice came out multitone too. Wrong Planet Asperger / Autism Forums
  • He would be asleep within two of three minutes and then dead probably within an hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • They fell asleep with their mouths open on the way home, innocent and tuckered out.
  • Alas, one side effect of an overactive imagination is that I do not sleep without dreaming.
  • In addition , let your Schnauzer sniff and sleep with the new puppy's bedding, which will expose him to her scent.
  • ‘She'll try to sleep with you,’ they said, somewhat ungallantly.
  • She had fallen asleep with an open book in her lap.
  • Pleasantly weary, he stretched out on a rope bed, eavesdropping on his father's guests and supplicants -- smoky, piratical gatherings in the hujera's great room, with hubble-bubble hookahs and high-caliber bandoleers, lulling him to sleep with the streamside murmur of their mutter and growl, and the whine and hum of their radio, beaming news from the great beyond. Excerpt: The Warlord's Son by Dan Fesperman
  • Though I sleep with goys, marry and divorce them, work with them, and have borne their children, make no mistake: I am a Jew and will always be a Jew because I cannot NOT be a Jew. Roseanne Archy
  • Liam was fast asleep with his mouth wide open .
  • As a light sleeper, I can only struggle now to find better ear-plugs, or hope to sleep with my window forever open and get used to the outside noises as well.
  • He was sound asleep within moments of getting into bed.
  • In a few minutes he came out with two cambrick pocket handkerchiefs -- I remember they had a fancy violet edge -- and he gave the handkerchiefs, saying: ` When he puts on this one the pain will cease, and this one is for him to sleep with. ' Leo Tolstoy: Childhood and Early Manhood
  • “Pulse of hope” was about someone (not Jim in Rennes) who I met last month and did not sleep with (read it again, did I say I did?) “Uncomplicated” is not intended to be patronising, and I would never use one person to get over another – I have to like someone, rather a lot, to be with them in that way. Sunday
  • Several hours later, after all the visitors have left, Maureen finally awakens from her deep sleep with a gasp and rises to a sitting position.
  • Like most cataplexy sufferers, Ms Underwood is also battling narcolepsy - a condition that makes her drop off to sleep without warning.
  • When Excalibur is likewise gone, I shall return to the darkness and the cold, to this place where a dull serpent can sleep without dreaming.
  • A lower temperature brings deeper sleep with fewer awakenings.
  • My first thought upon reading dogtown dba's comment on a message board last week was that I certainly didn't sleep with the right people, because if I had, I would like to think I'd be a lot further along than I am now. Jessica Radloff: How Bullying Changed My Life
  • The hedgehogs will be caught in specially baited traps before being put to sleep with gas and then killed by lethal injection.
  • In addition to the reduction in daily pain intensity, the patients were able to obtain better sleep with fewer night awakenings.
  • If they wanna sleep with you this week, they also wanted to sleep with the guy last week.
  • He fell asleep with a full belly and a happy heart.
  • As a result, we used to sleep with the many others on the open terrace, looking at the stars in a windless night, hoping that the fumes from the mosquito coil would keep away the buzzing creatures from us.
  • It is unloving to yourself to sleep with a man early in the relationship and then run the risk of being dumped because all he wanted was sex.
  • Oh, I give it my best shot – attempting to woo myself back into sleep with hot chocolate Ovaltine and cinnamon toast. Early Riser
  • Minimalism won't suit those of us who like to sleep with fluffy toys or wear floral winceyette nighties.
  • Michelle had fallen asleep with her head against his shoulder.
  • She told him Trev had called her a dirty slag after their drink the other night and had refused to sleep with her.
  • Because at night he could put them on deck and sleep without watching guard, so that if "savages" stole onto his decks at night, their shouts of pain when they stepped on the tacks would waken him. Maria Rodale: Book Review: Sailing Alone around the World
  • Peppered with dry wit and classic understatements, this book is a delight to read and my copy shows it, bespattered with grease and finger marks and bent this way and that as I would literally go to sleep with it.
  • Valia got up, still drowsy and half asleep with her hand on her hip.
  • When trying to sleep with a cricked neck, I recommend a 'butterfly pillow'. Three-minute fix ... A crick in the neck
  • The happiest day of my life finally draws to a close and I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.
  • Why sleep with that woman when you know it could bring you trouble somewhere down the line?
  • Sympathy is due for a brief moment when one of these girls pukes on him after snorting smack in his bathroom, but quickly evaporates when he wonders if he might still get her to sleep with him.
  • The boredom was driving him nuts, and it was impossible to sleep with the lights on.
  • Instead of viewing this as a disability, Subject #40 dubs his amputated arm "The Asset" and uses it to make women feel sorry for him, and later sleep with him. Jed P. Cohen: Brief Interviews with Hideous Men: Women and (Mostly) Men
  • Or a gas leak that can put you to sleep without you feeling a thing? Times, Sunday Times
  • On Saturday morning, Londonist awoke from a sound sleep with a self-satisfied smile plastered all over one's face.
  • For the next ten years until the death of Philip V (the first Spanish Bourbon and father of the first Neapolitan Bourbon), Farinelli lullabied the depressed king to sleep with the same four songs every night!
  • The cottager turned out of his own bed to let the agent sleep in it, and went to sleep with his cow.
  • In this scene Ezio is asleep with a woman in his bed, back in the villa players developed in ACII. Kotaku
  • Another discredit to this ‘empowerment’ argument is that he only wants to sleep with you.
  • Just like “Jackson sleep with boys” vs. “Jackson is a pederast” to be one and the same considered opinion. Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D) and two House Resolutions. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • We could not sleep with the noise of the hippopotami, which came close to the bank and kept snorting and blowing all night. The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805
  • They may wake from sleep with great fear, agitation and anxiety and a sense of suffocation like in Lachesis.
  • Daughtry had inquired into the matter, and the inquiry was violent; for he had a wholesome fear of germs and bacilli, and when the two active young men tried to run him through with their filth-corroded spears, he caught the spear of one young man under his arm and put the other young man to sleep with a left hook to the jaw. CHAPTER III
  • I can't sleep without my foam pillow. Times, Sunday Times
  • I, Madame, I do not, like you, fancy myself to be suffering from albuminuria, I have not your nervous fear of food, nor of fresh air, but I can never go to sleep without getting out of bed at least twenty times to see if my door is shut. The Guermantes Way
  • They just vanish, like a trance, or a deep sleep with no dreams.
  • Those gelly bracelets can leave marks like that if you sleep with them on and if you have your inner arm on a table or something. Demi Lovato Denies Joe Jonas Dating Rumors
  • Wed 10/14/09 9: 29 AM teddy is the oldest looking high school kid ever. .i actually have taken a 180 turn on Ade. i actually enjoyed navid being a virgin and still being respectful to Ade. to sleep with him out of fake lust for teddy was just wrong so i think she got what she deserved. i cant believe i just commented about 90210 … '90210' recap: Zipcode for splitsville |
  • Wool is particularly apt to pick up smells; if you sleep with your baby's sheepskin for a few nights, it captures much of your smell.
  • Each night I fell asleep with a giant smile on my face as I relived that day's experience.
  • December 8th, 2009 9: 23 am ET if you sleep with dogs you can get fleas ..... nutty nancy is a menace ... Cooperation with Pelosi pivotal to Obama
  • I'll sleep with the top half of my body fully clothed to save us time in the morning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Half of the women reported being awakened from sleep with severe sweating.
  • In fact, Roddy's wife, the luscious and sex-starved Ariadne, is more than willing to sleep with Gerald to stop the sale.
  • After he moved in he didn't know if he would be able to sleep with her so near and not hold her in his arms.
  • She made final revisions to the list by twelve-thirty, and fell asleep with the calming reassurance of what she considered a conquerable undertaking. Paper Lanterns
  • Those who sleep with dogs will rise with fleas. 
  • I'll sleep with the top half of my body fully clothed to save us time in the morning. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was fast asleep with his mouth wide open .
  • Often she fell asleep with the candle still alight.
  • I get a restful sleep without waking up in the middle of the night.
  • His story was related in May 1945 by an admiring coreligionist: "My ambition was to sleep with some female Nazi and then tell her I'm Jewish," he wrote. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • I dearly love those weeks in spring when it's cool enough to sleep with the windows open, and early enough in the year that noisy birdsong is all the alarm clock that I need. February 2005
  • We can't afford to be asleep with an invigorated China wide awake.
  • He was the one who wanted to sleep with his elder brother's wife.
  • There were a few wives there — the more adventurous kind, with husbands pecked almost to death — two Claudias, and a lady in a mask who insisted on being called Aspasia, but who I know very well is Crassus Orator’s cousin Licinia — you remember, I used to sleep with her occasionally? The First Man in Rome
  • Staying up for a week during final exams is nothing compared to months of interrupted sleep with an infant.
  • Because of that the only fighting rule which should always been abidden by from both sides is respect for the other, and respect is for example (for my part) not going to sleep without making up. Seething
  • My tiredness is a constant reminder than I'm not 20 anymore, and I can't work a 14 hour day on 4 hours of sleep without consequences. Idiot-milk Diary Entry
  • She also told me after knowing me two weeks that she was NOT EVER going to sleep with me.
  • I didn't react in the usual way with a quick burst of swearing and a resigned return to sleep with thirst unquenched, vowing to deal with it in the morning.
  • Having said that I took her in the coorie to go swimming yesterday because it's just around the corner and she fell asleep with her head on my boob on the way home, aw! Tequilamonky Diary Entry
  • He said: 'Those who sleep with dogs will get fleas. The Sun
  • On the issue of marriage, Amin again assailed the Muslim ulama for considering it as ‘a contract by which a man has the right to sleep with a woman.’

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