
How To Use Sleazy In A Sentence

  • They were a bit more seedy and sleazy, which was what I liked.
  • This seems like an unnecessary attention-seeking tactic, making sure we notice a particularly sleazy line.
  • Plus the clothes here were perfectly fine, and I wasn't wasting my money on some sleazy outfit from some swanky store just for a date.
  • Human nature is greedy, devious and sleazy, and most salacious tabloid stories are merely reflecting that fact.
  • I read it again, but instead of seeing a heavily made up moll with a dark bob and beaded dress with a pout, I envisioned a sleazy, straight, middle-aged white man.
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  • People shot and stabbed and strangled each other in sleazy bars and hillside mansions, strip malls, abandoned houses and parking lots. Denise Hamilton discusses Sugar Skull
  • This part of town is full of sleazy bars and restaurants.
  • And some CBS people I've talked to, as you well know, have referred to you as selfish, as sleazy, as a snake in the grass, and some other things that I can't say on the air.
  • Nevertheless, I do not see sex between consenting adults as seamy, sleazy or even necessarily steamy.
  • It is not an antiwoman backlash that has cost Senator Clinton; it's the sleazy nature of her campaign. Mail Call: Debating Hillary
  • While embarrassing moments are unavoidable and nothing to be ashamed about, dishonest, vicious or sleazy behavior is well within your control.
  • He loved making a sleazy nightclub atmosphere: an excuse for expensive cigars and a lot of red wine.
  • You may be her spur to quit her sleazy business. The Sun
  • I know of a sleazy tabloid reporter whose girlfriend dumped him (due in no small part to the fact that he was a sleazoid reporter).
  • The conservative commentator George Will has been especially incisive of late about the "dismaying," "un-presidential temperament" of McCain and the sleazy tenor of his campaign. Carl Bernstein: The Palin Pick -- The Devolution of McCain
  • Suburban communities swiftly expel sleazy politicians and weed out corrupt practices.
  • Perelman's free-associative style spun fantasias out of girdle ads, tabloid tattle, sleazy pulp fiction and recipe prose.
  • JPMorgan's in-house foreclosure operation was described as a sleazy operation where "Burger King kids" - untrained young people - were hired to foreclose on homeowners. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Want to Solve All your Problems, Rupert Murdoch? Become A Banker.
  • sleazy characters hanging around casinos
  • The former America's Got Talent judge will play Dondo, a well-endowed former porn star who is now making major coin by producing sleazy girl-on-girl adult films. Keck's Exclusives: Hoff Lands Extra-Large Anarchy Role
  • The accusations are making the government's conduct appear increasingly sleazy.
  • As is so often the case in Washington, the official spinmeisters have been circling the carcass, offering all the reasons why nothing ever came of all the promises to change the sleazy status quo.
  • You may challenge my ethics, call me a sleazy lawyer, but it is best for you.
  • Every Colombian city has a sleazy shopping district called a San Andresito where you can pick up a bottle of Scotch without paying those pesky import duties that double the price.
  • Rip off of Lady Gaga except Aguilera look so cheap and tacky. bill_strikes yeah, aguilera licked her finger as if it were a cock in her video and. .wait a minute that was lady gaga oh my god ... come to think of it that waasnt sleazy and tacky, nope Peter Berg Directs Christina Aguilera as Catwoman? | /Film
  • The up-tick in sleazy anti-Clinton articles and biased talking head commentators in the media are so blatantly devoid of substance it's astounding! Purdum defends article slamming Bill Clinton
  • She rehearses and plays gigs with her band in scruffy rehearsal studios and sleazy bars in New York City. Desperately Seeking | The Stiletto Gang
  • Country matters involve his mother's rather sleazy partner and his daughter Rosie, Felix's one-time girlfriend.
  • He didn't want to buy into that cliche, although jazz did originate in rather sleazy places.
  • The town's main thoroughfare Duval Street, once borderline sleazy, is now rather smart and other quarters have been similarly refurbished.
  • This part of town is full of sleazy bars and restaurants.
  • It's difficult not to appear as a sleazy slave dealer looking over the merchandise.
  • Of the 28, eight are vacant - including the notorious Chelsea Hotel, which jollers of the 80s and 90s may remember as a sleazy pool hangout.
  • I have a friend who lives in Hollywood and we like going out to all the sleazy dive bars. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, Max is addled with a sacred sacrificial goat that he needs to deliver to a wedding in Yeoville, a sleazy suburb in Johannesburg.
  • She loves hamburgers, unhealthy snacks and enjoys the company of a sleazy man, such as Mickey Rourke, rather than a smoothy, like George Clooney, she tells us. Claudia Winkleman: The quirky charm of TV's new film buff
  • Dave Weigel of the Washington Post has accused Sarah Palin of "irresponsible and pathetic bullying" in her quick militance to demonize McGinniss as some sort of sleazy stalker with an eye on the daily activities of her children. Sarah Palin Erects Border Fence Around Her House (PHOTO)
  • There's a lot of crazy ways to waste your money and a lot of sleazy people trying to take your money.
  • It was trashy, sleazy and every other adjective associated with dumbing down.
  • He made no apologies for his rackety lifestyle, his liking for louche and even sleazy companions, his lavish consumption of cigars, brandy and champagne.
  • Initially repelled by Sam's sleazy antics, Rebecca denies him his job, but after her highers-up realizes that Sam, the former Red Sox great, will be good for business they press her to hire him back.
  • After using this sleazy Francophobia against John Kerry, you have to admire the conservative commitment to recycling. Top 10 Scariest Liars about Obama
  • He made no apologies for his rackety lifestyle, his liking for louche and even sleazy companions, his lavish consumption of cigars, brandy and champagne.
  • The riff is undeniable and the bass throb is sleazy, but it would sound like hell worked into a DJ set.
  • His city is relentlessly sleazy and oppressive, and its cops apparently exist only to crack open the heads of innocent bystanders.
  • It was less sleazy than a lot of other places I'd been and the barroom overlooked a view of the ocean.
  • Organized by sleazy promoters who manipulated the outcome and lured hungry couples out of the breadlines and into the competition with the promise of free meals, the marathons lasted for days, even months.
  • My stripping ‘career’ didn't begin in a sleazy strip joint, conveniently located on the side of some local highway.
  • It is frenetic, expensive, sleazy, unfathomable.
  • Some camped it up, some got sleazy, others sat very far back in their cushions paralysed with fear.
  • Is it too much to have these characters actually act like fathers and daughters, and not just like rich, sleazy sugar daddies with their young, illicit paramours tagging along for the ride?
  • Only singer Justin Timberlake comes through with a nuanced performance as the sleazy former Napster co-creator whose hustle is just what Facebook needs. Building A Winning 'Network,' But At What Cost?
  • A true and truly appalling story about sleazy people who saw what they wanted to until a decent judge lost his patience and blew a whistle.
  • My Peruvian colleagues and expedition co-leader, Rodolfo Salas, named it after a Colombian telenovela, which is like "Pedro El Escamoso," "Sleazy Pedro. New Species Of Extinct Giant Penguin Discovered
  • The anarchic dirty rock group androgenously slip onto the stage, fully clad in sleazy scarves and leather trousers.
  • There's the weary, gravelly vocal style they share, the theatrical, elegantly sleazy wordplay and, of course, the ears.
  • In recent weeks, you've heard plenty about the sleazy side of the subprime mortgage business.
  • I dipped into the heritage-soaked Latin Quarter and the bohemian - if sometimes sleazy - area of Montmartre.
  • All his opponents in his sensational contender days had been arranged by a sleazy matchmaker.
  • She noted with tenderness all the makeshifts: the darned chair-arms, the patent rocker covered with sleazy cretonne, the pasted strips of paper mending the birch-bark napkin-rings labeled “Papa” and Main Street
  • As for the sleazy clientele, my brief foray into the world of porn stardom revealed a crowd made up not of lone perverts in search of thrills, but young people who were up for a bit of a laugh.
  • Monday night was another night of the fiddley diddley, where Sammy ensured he picked up a title with the sleazy shirt award.
  • The accusations are making the government's conduct appear increasingly sleazy.
  • Formerly, one had to go seeking, and disregard the possibility of being seen in sleazy places, purchasing videos, buying the magazines – but the computer and the cable tv bring it in the house where boys (and husbands) can be lured and addicted – and girls too. The Volokh Conspiracy » Another Call for Governmental Suppression of Speech Offensive to Religious Sensibilities
  • Most of Jack's team gets whacked during a drunken orgy in a sleazy hotel.
  • In the intimate, sleazy surroundings she begins her evening cabaret act, and between the songs she pours out her life story.
  • The tabloids - bless those torch-bearers of journalistic integrity - called it outrageous and sleazy.
  • The water fountain example is relevant because it is the type of thing sleazy companies will do to get around regs.
  • This local sleazy hack would also love to know if the tattle is true.
  • the coat has a sleazy lining
  • The image of a staid Cabinet Secretary could not be further removed from the sleazy activities of his former political adviser. Times, Sunday Times
  • What I thought were decisions and loves that were mine and mine alone had been planted in my head by sleazy characters I could barely imagine.
  • We are dealing with Internet chat rooms: sleazy and unreliable, with no accountability.
  • It's a kind of Latin joint full of sleazy men and girls who can do a passable samba, lambada or can just shake their hips.
  • He went drinking and he usually goes to this sleazy place in Brooklyn.
  • She drives a little pink car to her favourite sleazy punk places.
  • Live Girls" by Ray Garton - Fun 80's splatterpunk book set in sleazy old Times Square Voice of the Fans: What Book Have You Recently Read That's Good Enough To Recommend To a Friend?
  • The applause for him drowned out whatever that sleazy guy at the end was ranting about.
  • It was difficult to square these attributes with the rather sleazy figure depicted recently. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's the sort of no-nonsense girl who can nail those sleazy witnesses.
  • This is a sneaky development, an under-hand, sleazy way of slipping a salesman into your home without you knowing.
  • Which is saying something, considering the sleazy, tawdry appearance she presented.
  • Last season, the Swans bench looked about as threadbare as the carpet in a sleazy nightclub. The Sun
  • If you act too weird, some sleazy carny operator's liable to try to dognap you and make you perform for dog bones.
  • Professional catastrophe, which occurs both to Hugh and to Helen's sleazy father, is little more than an inconvenience to be sidestepped or diverted by trusted retainers.
  • He becomes embroiled in a kidnapping caper involving Debbie's sleazy agent, and Jean goes all the way to help Marva get her shot at fame.
  • A few of our cast make their way along a now quieting Calle Atocha toward the station, bypassing a few sleazy dives as they go.
  • You may be her spur to quit her sleazy business. The Sun
  • You can never have too much raw, sleazy, druggy rock in your life.
  • You can imagine, then, how annoyed I am to find out that the so-and-sos have double-crossed me: the decent thing I thought they were doing was in fact an unspeakably sleazy trick that makes sense only as part of a cover-up.
  • Last season, the Swans bench looked about as threadbare as the carpet in a sleazy nightclub. The Sun
  • Her photographs evoke a similar sense of sleazy voyeurism.
  • Set in a sleazy modern red-light district, this garish, noisy production has plenty of style, but the play's disparity of substance has been emphasised, not reconciled.
  • In like manner, I have heard of a prayer preferred by a somewhat simple New Englander, who was overheard offering his petition behind a clump of bushes in a field: "O Lord, I want a new coat -- good cloth -- none of your coarse, flimsy, slimsy, sleazy kind of stuff, but a good piece of thick, warm, comfortable broadcloth -- such as Bill Hale wears. Old New England Traits
  • It's the sleazy record label industry after all, and all the sleazoids you have to deal with who work at them,’ says Buzz.
  • I have been most successful when I have played sleazy people.
  • Millbank Tower, SW1, Mon head to the north side of the river to view the showSam RichardsAs the month draws to a close and opportunities to show off Movember's upper-lip adornments rapidly decrease, Nice'n'Sleazy is as good a place as any to blend in with the brigade who would have us believe that a moustache is not just for charity but a way of life. Clubs picks of the week
  • Some camped it up, some got sleazy, others sat very far back in their cushions paralysed with fear.
  • He is completely embarrassed - he is not a sleazy person.
  • Until recently, she was tarting around with the sleazy rapper.
  • Mayor Mike has become increasingly comfortable snuggling up to sleazy corporate benefactors.
  • She can do washed-up and tuned-out, sleazy and half-dressed, sleek and oozing with wealth.
  • It was a grubby, grotty, sleazy, cruisy dive, but it had atmosphere, and we all loved it despite ourselves.
  • I won't say that our apartment was a dump, but it was pretty sleazy, featuring the tacky look of most cement-block constructions, although it did come with a big TV.
  • It's only been a few days since I've been able to talk about it … I mean talk openly and soberly, and not in a rummied up state at some sleazy corner ginhouse. Undefined
  • This is a rather sleazy attempt to prove that there is something wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suburban communities swiftly expel sleazy politicians and weed out corrupt practices.
  • The straight-to-video end of the market throws up a cracker every now and then and this resonant film full of sleazy, steamy atmosphere and fine performances is a rare example.
  • He meets an assortment of sleazy agents and producers and male prostitutes with hearts of gold.
  • He made no apologies for his rackety lifestyle, his liking for louche and even sleazy companions, his lavish consumption of cigars, brandy and champagne.
  • How about 'sleazier than sleazy'? The Sun
  • People must think I'm some sleazy bimbo at large in the world and your role is to fret about me and play the hero.
  • The only thing sleazy is the way Bill Clinton acts. Bill Clinton lashes out at Vanity Fair reporter
  • As she starts doing the binding and falls into a business relationship with a rather sleazy bookdealer, she is drawn into a world of underground pornography for the aristocracy, and becomes more and more deeply embroiled. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The Clintons themselves were not electable from the start and their sleazy campaign is yet more proof that they willl lose to McCain in a landslide. Poll of polls: Obama losing ground
  • April 7th, 2010 AUCKLAND - New Zealand's first so-called "love motel", which will allow its customers to book rooms on hourly basis for "private intimacy", is sparking outrage in Auckland with neighbours saying it is nothing more than a sleazy brothel. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • There are far more glamorous poses they could have struck, but GQ wanted sleazy and sleazy is what they delivered. Danielle Berrin: The Super-Sexy Glee Photos and Why They're Really Offensive
  • Sleaze-week" basically pulls a lowbrow, sleazy photshop type mauever, using a photo from a running magazine to "TRY" and show this woman in shorts to make her look bad ... are the the National Enquirer now? Palin slams 'sexist' Newsweek cover
  • The danger, as sleazy stories ooze from the depths of the Web, is that traditional news outlets will find themselves spreading unsubstantiated garbage. Howard Kurtz finds there are news nuggets in the tough, often tacky blog world
  • These films were often made outside, or more accurately below, the major studios or even the established indies; director Lindsay Shonteff regularly remortgaged his house to finance such wonderfully sleazy titles as 1970's grim groupie tale Permissive. This week's new DVD & Blu-ray
  • Not sleazy old boozers with carpets last cleaned in 1986, but joints where the hip and wannabe hip wanna be seen. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm the first to admit that I think that John Kerry is a sleazy, unprincipled politician.
  • Plot, setting, characters major and minor—all come to life in his mouth because a short, ill-formed man had conceived, all of five minutes ago, the stunning notion of making a movie about mud wrestlers, carny hands, tragic but virtuous nightclub singers, doomed gangsters, sleazy Europeans. Movie Conference, 1963
  • Perelman's free-associative style spun fantasias out of girdle ads, tabloid tattle, sleazy pulp fiction and recipe prose.
  • This time let's hope the media don't go down that sleazy road.
  • They are sleazy, doped-up debs unable to control their desire to be wantonly worked over by drooling dolts.
  • What came as a shock later was his murder in the late '70s. Crane was found in a sleazy motel room, bludgeoned to death by a tripod.
  • Seen as sleazy and sordid, his early, no-budget films are in fact my favourite in his oeuvre.
  • But it was an inspired idea of Bean's to transpose the action to glamorously sleazy 1963 Brighton: a place that, as Keith Waterhouse famously said, always look as if it is about to help police with their enquiries. One Man, Two Guvnors – review
  • Sleazy mass-market fiction has made a mint out of fading glamour and the stories of Hollywood dreams gone amiss.
  • It is not an antiwoman backlash that has cost Hillary Clinton; it's the sleazy nature of her campaign. A Forum on Gender, Class and Power
  • The accusations are making the government's conduct appear increasingly sleazy.
  • The problem with most of these types of sites is that they go up and down and often end up covered in sleazy ads that trick you into clicking the wrong thing — though Vixy seems to be a solid option for now. The Complete Guide To Ripping And Converting Flash Videos | Lifehacker Australia
  • The movies from this era were particularly moralizing: footage of girls in bras and half-slips and some super-sleazy guy, wrapped up as tales of perversion and consequence.
  • Nalirra isn't a low-class, sleazy place like Brandt or Quet, but prejudice is high there and people seem to be tightly wound and minor things tend to set them off.
  • It is a decision that lames all of the Olympian power plays and faux heroics into a pale revenge story and transforms Perseus into a brooding modern action hero in the mold of Charles Bronson or Jean-Claude Van Damme (but with neither the sleazy presence of the former nor the vacant cheesiness of the latter). MOVIE REVIEW: Clash of the Titans (2010)
  • Throughout the whole film I couldn't help but think it was really a comedy despite the harsh realities of Melbourne's criminal and sleazy world.
  • In the twisted world of this movie's story line, the young pimp is a good guy, and the mayor of its imaginary city is sleazy.
  • Instead, it lurches around like the soundtrack to a bullet-riddled zombie movie set in a New Orleans graveyard, with heavy, sleazy blues-touched aggressive headbanging alternating with more atmospheric moments.
  • It is simply a political exercise in demonization by the current sleazy admnistration and I would love to see them end up with egg all over them again. Cheney wrong on interrogation inquiry facts, Obama official says
  • He used people, he was sleazy and unreliable and he was not what you would call a nice person.
  • Even though Kari is on the left, thanks for the straightforward explanation of this sleazy tactic by Scoutmaster Sam. Is Mayor Creepy running a recall push poll already? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The duo hit the big time when a sleazy TV executive invests money in their cable show. The Sun
  • Grace glared at the sleazy man that took her hand, as Nicholas and Henry walked off, now deeply engrossed in conversation.
  • Blaine and Helena marry; Helena dies in sleazy circumstances. MIND MELD: SF/F Books That Would Make A Great TV Series
  • We all know that a sleazy boss hugging his secretary, causing her to vomit, is not on. Times, Sunday Times
  • sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls
  • It doesn't make men or women rude, sleazy, crooked, or unimaginative, but it provides opportunity for such dullards and for the genuinely contributory alike.
  • Are those secret-admirer e-mails real - or just the latest excrescence of an Internet marketing machine grown unfathomably sleazy?
  • This, along with a change of stance and voice, is enough to populate the stage with a sadistic nun, a carnival barker, a sleazy dancer and, of course, wide-eyed Francesca.
  • He's a sleazy, desperately ambitious agent who will stop at nothing to please the hard-ass newspaper columnist.
  • Lautrec lived in the Montmartre section, the nightlife quarter of cabarets, cafes, restaurants, sleazy dance halls and brothels.

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