How To Use Slavery In A Sentence

  • Jackson and Lee continued to preside over the wanton slaughter of men, women and children to defend the rights of freedom for white Virginians while supporting the slavery of black Virginians, among others.
  • As the last country in the world to abolish slavery, only in 1888, temporary slavery due to indebtedness and forced labour has continued and been combated regularly by Government in isolated regions, where the arms of the justice system face a demographic challenge. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Fighting contemporary slavery
  • With other controversial issues such as slavery and women's ordination, laity and clergy could find Bible verses to help Spirit-led changes.
  • If slavery is natural, and if nature intends to distinguish the slave from the unfree, the free from the unfree, ? how can nature miss the mark?
  • In the Whispering Gallery at the presidential library and museum, Aidan was blown away by political cartoons of the day that criticized Lincoln for his stance on slavery.
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  • I am for _meddling with slavery everywhere_ -- _attacking it by night and by day, in season and out of season_ (no, it can never be out of season) -- in order to _effect its overthrow_. History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • She belongs to a family descended from free Blacks those released from slavery before the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863.
  • Madison even helped assure his fellow Virginians that slavery was more secure than ever.
  • The game is designed to be fun to play and a lighthearted approach to being a evil scheming megalomaniac, so although there are many different ways of being evil, there is no slavery or genocide.
  • Our nation's charter -- The Constitution of the United States -- to this day contains unstricken text that established the legal framework for slavery. Mike Stark: What You Might Not Know About the Constitution
  • After she is freed from slavery, she becomes a teacher, writer, and activist for the black race and for women's rights.
  • The officers 'servants, commonly called "batmen," were unfortunate rankers who, in moments of weakness, had sold themselves into slavery for half a crown per week. Kitchener's Mob Adventures of an American in the British Army
  • Victorian values might include slavery, children down the mines and chimney sweeps up the stack, as well as gin parlours and asylums.
  • The slaves were emancipated in 1834 but their living conditions were little better than they had been under slavery, since they had no way to get food and shelter.
  • Human trafficking and slavery are serious crimes.
  • In reality slavery did not end untile 1964, the new slave were call sharecropper, Said enough. carlo Senate apologizes for slavery
  • Although slavery in its traditional form survives in many parts of the world, debt slavery of this kind, with varia - tions, is the most common form of servitude today ... The " S " Words-- Serfdom and Slavery
  • In our frantic effort to preserve the last vestiges of slavery and mediaevalism we not only set our faces against such improvements, but we seek to use education and the power of the state to train the servants who do not naturally appear. DARKWATER
  • Those who invoke it are signalling an equivocal stance on slavery, at best, and thus are insulting all black people.
  • How immensely impertinent is the prejudice that forbids so natural a use of money! why should the better half of a man's actions be always under the dominion of some prescriptive slavery; 'Tis hideous to think of. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • But most of the historians who have studied the case have concluded that the Massachusetts court didn't end slavery with a righteous bang.
  • Mira was thrust into freedom just as she had been chuted into slavery, or at least that is how she thought of it. The Women’s Room
  • In her speech, given when she was Colorado attorney-general, Norton did not offer support for slavery.
  • Sadly, Bachmann's inflated version of John Quincy Adams's antislavery record exemplifies how she and other Tea Party advocates remold the past into a founding-era-Disneyland version bolstering their political agenda. R. B. Bernstein: Will the Real John Quincy Adams Please Stand Up?
  • America is a great country - from the master of slavery to a champion of civil rights and a defender of liberty and freedom, America is a symbol of great human spirit and justice. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Thank God, a "Southern literature," in the sense intended by the champions of slavery, is a simple impossibility, rendered such by that exility of mind which they demand in its producers as a prerequisite to admission into the guild of Southern authorship. The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It
  • He is saying that we have been set free from slavery to the reign of sin.
  • I'm reminded of the first Christian legislators, who didn't quickly abolish the tolerant Roman laws regarding practices which didn't conform to the natural law, or which were actually contrary to it, such as concubinage and slavery," Cardinal Cottier wrote. CathNews
  • The history of tobacco growing is intimately associated with colonialism and slavery.
  • The Colonization Society are always reminding us that the _master_ has rights as well as the slave: The Anti-Slavery Society urge us to remember that the _slave_ has rights as well as the master. An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans Called Africans
  • Slavery was not officially outlawed in Australia until 1859.
  • In the 1830s this provoked significant tension between antislavery parliamentarians and activists in the country.
  • The novel satirizes the American South before the Civil War, and scathingly examines the South's embrace of slavery, racism, and lynchings.
  • Slavery provided the foundation for many ancient types of society.
  • Passing an amendment to end slavery and actually banishing involuntary servitude are two different things.
  • I have a hard time believing that you are talking about the same kind of creatureliness that has been used to justify slavery, to subjugate women, condemn homosexuality, anathemize birth control, and to pick an example from today's headlines to limit stem cell research. Philocrites: Uh oh: Here come the Christian humanists!
  • The civil status of slaves in Tennessee, as well as in other states in which slavery existed, was such as to disable them from inheriting or transmitting property by descent.
  • In airbrushing the brutality of slavery, we make it possible to ignore the tremendous power that race had - and continues to have - in shaping this society.
  • This ending is as bleak as any in the history of tragic drama - death, rape, slavery, fire destroying the towers, the city's very name effaced from the record of history by the acts of rapacious and murderous Greeks.
  • This branch, under ordinary precedent, simply threw the case out of court; but in addition, the decision, proceeding with what lawyers call obiter dictum, went on to declare that under the Constitution of the United States neither Congress nor a territorial legislature possessed power to prohibit slavery in Federal Territories. A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln
  • Because of the inhumane nature of slavery, slave revolts became commonplace in Jamaica.
  • Analogies with the slave trade and slavery and the movement against them were apparent to such reformers.
  • Abolitionists didn’t suddenly figure out scientifically that Africans were as intelligent as whites, and then fight against slavery; they fought against slavery and, AGAINST science as it then stood on the grounds of anideal. The Volokh Conspiracy » Judging a Person Based on a Single Forwarded Personal E-Mail
  • He knew an abolitionist was a person who wanted to end slavery. PIONEER SUMMER
  • To enlighten public opinion is the best way that has yet been discovered for the removal of national evils; and slavery is certainly a _national_ evil. An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans Called Africans
  • For Trotsky the f-word was a sign of slavery, the sigh of the oppressed, but for Steven Berkoff it is ‘a sign of passion’, a mark of working-class resistance to an effete and effeminate middle class.
  • It also says that the practice of slavery constitutes a crime against humanity.
  • It is easy to see -- and indeed to admire -- why Africans, snatched from their homeland, enchained in slavery and forced to become Christians, would take their newly imposed religion and turn it into a source of solace and strength. Clay Farris Naff: White Or Black, The Church Has Failed African Americans
  • Trapped in the vicious cycle of bondage and slavery, they have nowhere to go and are thrust into a life which reduces them to nothing but robots.
  • “Oh, no, ” said he, “he [Lincoln] won’t enter into the Slave States to disturb the institution of slavery, —he is too prudent a man to do such a thing as that; he only means that he will go on to the line between the Free and Slave States, and shoot over at them. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln
  • Contrary to today's popular mythology about our past, slavery and exploitation were not taboo subjects then.
  • Tea Party Express lost favor with many activists when its outspoken chairman, talk-radio host Mark Williams, wrote a "satirical" letter from the "colored people" of America to Abraham Lincoln, in which he extolled slavery. November elections will be big test of tea party's staying power
  • As for slavery, I am not sure that a 'literalist' reading of the Bible does lead to affirmation of slavery. Blair on 'doing God'
  • America is a great country - from the master of slavery to a champion of civil rights and a defender of liberty and freedom, America is a symbol of great human spirit and justice. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Ludlow's domal inscription, 'Omne solum forti patria,' and sat down free in a country which had been one of slavery for centuries, "he adds," But there is _no_ freedom, even for _masters_, in the midst of slaves. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 5 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • The pro-slavery compromise of the Constitution which required the rendition of fugitive slaves was abrogated.
  • Augustine was in a garden in Milan, overwhelmed by his sinfulness, especially his slavery to sexual desire.
  • America is a great country - from the master of slavery to a champion of civil rights and a defender of liberty and freedom, America is a symbol of great human spirit and justice. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Starvation, slavery, oppression and fear continue to dominate much of our world.
  • Ellis boldly probes - and speculates about - such matters as Washington's formative experiences, romantic life, sources of wealth, and evolving repugnance toward slavery.
  • Free labour merges imperceptibly with slavery; work becomes servitude; livelihood is transformed into strange new forms of bondage.
  • Lundberg noted the "slavocracy was not terminated .... for moral reasons; it committed suicide for political and economic reasons, blinded by simple greed and vaingloriousness, and long after slavery was abolished in most places elsewhere. Reviewing Ferdinand Lundberg's "Cracks in the Constitution"
  • Meanwhile, Fontana is trying to escape slavery, and keep his followers from finding out just what a loser he actually is. Except You Go Through Shadow - Memories of a Wraith author - Plus more...Johnette, etc.
  • They have made the large majority in all the different religious organizations throughout the country, and have without protest, fellowshiped the slave-holder as a Christian; accepted pro-slavery preaching from their pulpits; suffered the words History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • Thank you for calling me out of my slavery to the bottle and my worship of alcohol.
  • Slavery destroys human dignity.
  • Dilan esper gets a thumbs up for posting the number one red herring of the day ... in fact William Wilbaforce put and end to slavery in the uk he was a christian who followed the bible. The Volokh Conspiracy » Street Preacher Arrested in England for Public Statements That Homosexuality is a Sin
  • In the North, slavery was abolished.
  • A caste system that novelist Alice Walker termed "colorism" has existed within the black community since slavery, stemming from the hierarchy established by slave masters for the light-skinned blacks who worked in the house and dark-skinned slaves who tended the fields. MultiCultClassics
  • Unfortuantly that tow liner is less simplistic than the North fought against slavery and the South for slavery narrative. urgs, the point is that you missed the damn point. Matthew Yglesias » Politics and Investment Bias
  • National News / Slavery Lessons the Anti-White Establishment Will Not Teach Our Children In the anti-white mania which has gripped modern Britain, the Atlantic Slave Trade is to be given wide prominence in schools from this term onwards - but the million Europeans who were enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780 will be ignored. The British National Party
  • Note: Although I have used slavery as an example, the same model could be used for Industrial Revolution era workers forced off the land during the Enclosure Acts, native North Americans during the "colonisation" of this continent, redistribution of wealth to peasants in Bolivia, etc. Inheritance
  • Over the decades, as America evolved -- as slavery was prohibited and the Civil War was fought, and as the New Deal swept through the country -- our constitutional values, like a vine, wrapped around the knottiest ethnic and historical features of our landscape. Mike Signer: Vision of a State: Ultra-Federalism in Afghanistan
  • The slavery expansionists originally took the position that the federal government had no role to play because they wanted slavery to gain a foothold, then when they realized they were losing, they switched to demanding that the federal government affirmatively defend the rights of slaveholders to settle the new land. The Volokh Conspiracy » European Libertarians and Federalism
  • What Rousseau called the inferior ‘freedom’ of the state of nature may indeed be preferable to the violence and terror of slavery, and perhaps even to the soft contemporary dependency of neocolonialism.
  • Mr. Adams was a mechanic, and had learned the trades of shoemaking, harness-making, and tinsmithing during the days of slavery. Up From Slavery: An Autobiography
  • The community's crisis of violence is reflected in a recursive narrative pattern, shaped out of repetitions and returns of the repressed memories of white violence in slavery.
  • The same Democrat party that nurtured and defended slavery for over a hundred years is now sanctimoniously admonishing a Republican, whose party had fought slavery throughout this nation's history, because the man said something stupid. DNC: Barbour 'defended the indefensible'
  • The best of it is, -- you will admit that this is neat, Fluffy, even if your slavery to the virtues compels your disapproval, -- the best of it is, the bandbox is the property of our Puggy. Peggy
  • condescended" to reason together about slavery and the treatment of the colored people. The Education of the Negro Prior to 1861 A History of the Education of the Colored People of the United States from the Beginning of Slavery to the Civil War
  • Livermore identified with the slave mother and defended her actions when she wrote, ‘Ay, my hand could ope the casket, and thy precious soul set free: Better for thee death in Heaven, than a life of slavery!’
  • He decided to defend slavery as a domestic arrangement that lay beyond the scope of busybodies.
  • The reformers were charged with placing an abstract moralism above the discipline of the historical and present reality of slavery.
  • Madison even helped assure his fellow Virginians that slavery was more secure than ever.
  • He reduced the population to slavery
  • And it shows that disparate impact is not “really about reparations for slavery,” since disparate impact analysis has uncontroversially been applied to all Title VII categories for decades. The Volokh Conspiracy » Bruce Bartlett’s Attack on Libertarianism
  • But let us turn our faces away from all the horrors of slavery, reconstruction and all kindred wrongs which have been heaped upon us, and stand up, measuring the full statue of an American citizen, upon the threshold of the new century as a New Man. Twentieth Century Negro Literature Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro
  • To appear to condone the Confederacy is to appear to condone slavery.
  • Sweetness and plight Slavery on sugar plantations is a thing of the past.
  • Formerly slavery was looked upon as peculiarly pernicious to the diffusion of wealth and the progress of national greatness; now the South is intoxicated with ideas of the profitableness of slave labor, and the power of King Cotton in controlling the exchanges of the world. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 1, July, 1862
  • The Whigs splintered over slavery in the pre-Civil War era and never again got their act together.
  • Although he was personally opposed to slavery, in 1835 Barnum purchased a slave woman named Joice Heth.
  • Beneath/Below/Under the surface of contemporary West Indian life lurk memories of slavery.
  • After 1760 few Americans refrained from condemning slavery as evil.
  • Out of what you call the despicable race of Negroes, debased, demoralized by two hundred years of slavery, 100,000 of them imported into the island within four years, unable to speak a dialect intelligible even to each other. History of the American Negro in the Great World War His Splendid Record in the Battle Zones of Europe; Including a Resume of His Past Services to his Country in the Wars of the Revolution, of 1812, the War of Rebellion, the Indian Wars on the Frontier, t
  • Segments of our country, including state governments, fly the confederate flag, an acknowledged symbol of slavery and resistance to the ideals of integration, equality and freedom.
  • The plan of a slave ship issued by Clarkson was also extensively taken up and became an antislavery print.
  • After slavery ended, my sister Mary and me worked as ex-slaves, and we _worked_. Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Ohio Narratives
  • Even when slavery was first introduced into this country, Fate had written upon the walls of the nation that it “must go,” and go it must, as the result of wise statesmanship or amid the smoke of battle and the awful “diapason of cannonade.” Black and White
  • Railroads, slavery, banks, women, free markets, privacy, health care, wiretapping: not there.
  • The sloop HMS Gannet protected British trade routes and did anti-slavery patrol in the 19th century.
  • DAVID W. BLIGHT is the director of Yale University's Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition and a professor of American history.
  • In considering this subject, I shall not regard it in the first instance in reference to the present position of the slaveholding States, or the difficulties which lie in the way of their emancipating their slaves, but as a naked, abstract question -- whether it is better that the institution of praedial and domestic slavery should, or should not, exist in civilized society. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • That the nation must expand into Florida and make it safe for slavery was not questioned.
  • He struck a blow against slavery.
  • Those ministers who defended slavery from the Bible were of their "father the devil"; and those churches which fellowshiped slaveholders as Christians, were synagogues of Satan, and our nation was a nation of liars. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Written by Himself. His Early Life as a Slave, His Escape from Bondage, and His Complete History to the Present Time, Including His Connection with the Anti-slavery Movement; His Labors in Great Britain as Well as in
  • Slavery signified, of course, involuntary migration and coerced labor.
  • Marx's and Engels's views about slavery should also be modified in the light of more recent work.
  • The second is the assumption that there were no benefits to whites from slavery.
  • In the Antilles, the masters, from father to son, have been professing the Christian religion ever since slavery was established there.
  • In his description, Ruskin does not refer directly to slavery (for which he has often been criticised) but through his own vivid word picture shows how Turner made an unbeautiful subject beautiful.
  • Beneath/Below/Under the surface of contemporary West Indian life lurk memories of slavery.
  • Lincoln focused exclusively on the issue of slavery in new states, ignoring the wedge issues of the day: infrastructure (then called "internal improvements"), immigration (then called nativism), or drugs Spero News
  • I refer to slavery, Mistuh Comber, which they affect to abominate, but which we of the South hold to be a nat'ral condition which, for better or worse, is inevitable A strangled oath came from within Clotho's hood. THE NUMBERS
  • Having argued that the right of slavery, if it exist, implies the right to shoot and murder an enlightened neighbor, with a view to reduce his wife and children to a state of servitude, as well as to crush their intellectual and moral nature in order to keep them in such a state, the author adds, "If I err in making these inferences, I _err innocently_. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • So long as all labor continues to be performed exclusively or usually by slaves, the baseness of all productive effort is too constantly and deterrently present in the mind of men to allow the instinct of workmanship seriously to take effect in the direction of industrial usefulness; but when the quasi-peaceable stage (with slavery and status) passes into the peaceable stage of industry (with wage labor and cash payment) the instinct comes more effectively into play. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • The great debates between Webster and Calhoun over slavery or the Gettysburg Address are simply impossible today.
  • The foundation of the SBC rather evidences the idea that the schism with the northern baptists over slavery was a product of the different socio-political investment between the cultures of northern and southern US states. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • Until relatively recently, slavery was not a subject at the center of historical scholarship.
  • Slavery brutalized its victims, but it also corrupted its masters.
  • Today, we are shocked when young children are put to work for pennies a day in India, or China, in conditions of indenture that approximate slavery.
  • Although an apology for slavery would be welcome, what is more important, as Creekmur points out is, if people “would just stop practising racism” misogyny, sexism and homophobia then I think most people would wavier the apology. Hip Hop apologies
  • Why this mattered is because there was a strong Northern push to abolish slavery: part humanitarian, part political calculation to redirect Northern worker anti-immigration angst away from the political dead-end of nativism, and part claim over Western resources. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Post-War Devastation
  • But on the subject of American slavery, film-makers have always had an enormous sea of sentimentalism and melodrama to cross before even considering the subject.
  • That the abolition of slavery is within the sphere of legislation, I argue, _secondly_, from the fact, that _slavery as a legal system, is the creature of legislation_. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4
  • And see you not how the mighty engine of _moral power_ is dragging in its rear the Bible and peace societies, anti-slavery and temperance, sabbath schools, moral reform, and missions? or to adopt another figure, do not these seven philanthropic associations compose the beautiful tints in that bow of promise which spans the arch of our moral heaven? The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • If, on the other hand, a band of Christians should attempt to enslave a race of heathen men and to entail slavery upon them, and to keep them in heathenism in the midst of Christianity, the God of heaven would smile upon every effort which the injured might make to disenthral themselves. Walker's Appeal with a Brief Sketch of His Life
  • It was thus necessary to reanimate local antislavery societies, renew the propaganda war, and once more undertake large-scale petitioning.
  • Of course the right is doing its damnedest to make me like her, with gay-baiting and slavery-defending their most offensive opening bids. All about Kagan « Gerry Canavan
  • To describe this historical stance as somehow racially tinged is ludicrous or to suggest that people who feel that slavery is the only issue leading to civil war are correct ignores the very complexity that Webb is talking about. Potential VP candidate addresses Confederacy views
  • In the United States, the stern 'logic of events' seems to be rapidly bringing about similar results, although indeed 'slavery' and 'serfdom' should never be mentioned together, being so essentially different; the one the possession of the _man_, the other merely the ownership of his _labor_ or of a _portion of its results_. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 2, August, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Set against the American Civil War, this city was the scene of another kind of slavery and subjugation.
  • She will make my misery more tolerable, my slavery only half-slavery, my exile less a banishment.
  • In every slave society slaves challenged the idea of slavery by struggling to redeem themselves from social death.
  • When one considers that this story is coming from the same man who, in his first novel, used the prince in disguise framework to tell a story about a young man posthumously repairing his relationship with his adoptive father and rejecting the notion of monarchic rule, and who, in Perdido Street Station, has the protagonist practically sell himself into slavery in order to secure the services of a local mobster, Un Lun Dun seems downright conservative in its adherence to fantasy tropes, which hobbles the novel's emotional effect. You Know, For Kids
  • But he fails to acknowledge other cultural and socioeconomic forces at work, including the dramatic effects of industrialism, urbanization, evangelical Christianity, slavery, and sectionalism.
  • His journal shows he disapproved of slavery.
  • Hence the Negro, at the close of the war, was all that American slavery would make any people, viz.: bestialized and animalized; ignorant, poor, crude, rude; helpless, moneyless and thoughtless. Africa and the American Negro...Addresses and Proceedings of the Congress on Africa Held Under the Auspices of the Stewart Missionary Foundation for Africa of Gammon Theological Seminary in Connection with the Cotton States and International Exposition De
  • Our symbol of freedom becomes an emblem of our slavery to an insane idea.
  • As a result, the antislavery denominations were located where there were very few blacks. American Grace
  • This unleashed a moral fervor, ultimately translated into political movements that brought about the end of slavery.
  • Compulsory labour takes a considerable variety of forms, today as in the past - debt bondage, clientship, peonage, helotage, serfdom, chattel slavery, and so on.
  • We frankly admit that where the evil of slavery is felt to a greater extent than in the states to which we have adverted, not only must _greater exertions_ be used, but even the plans of proceeding must be somewhat varied. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921
  • There was an impassable barrier between the white race and the one which they had reduced to slavery.
  • And if I would please not to laugh (which was so unkind of me), had I never heard of imprisonments, and torturing with the cruel boot, and selling into slavery, where the sun and the lash outvied one another in cutting a man to pieces? Lorna Doone
  • But, to have done with these episodical observations, let me return to the more specious slavery which chains the very soul of woman, keeping her for ever under the bondage of ignorance. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  • We forget that slavery existed in northern states as well as southern, that ending slavery was but one of many contributing factors to the war (think tariffs, think sectionalism, think industrial vs. agrarian economies). The Volokh Conspiracy » Virginia “Confederate History Month” Proclamation
  • But slavery also created rifts among blacks and became the birthplace of colourism. - Home Page
  • Egypt another paradise, now barbarous and desert, and almost waste, by the despotical government of an imperious Turk, intolerabili servitutis jugo premitur ([483] one saith) not only fire and water, goods or lands, sed ipse spiritus ab insolentissimi victoris pendet nutu, such is their slavery, their lives and souls depend upon his insolent will and command. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The Gadsden Purchase represents a point of intersection between mid-nineteenth-century commercial expansionism and the debate over slavery.
  • Reading the whipping as a text, we see a stark contrast between the calculus that determined the use of the whip under slavery and the orgy of violence that Moore was alleged to have endured.
  • Francis Wayland, a prominent theologian, antislavery activist, and longtime president of Brown University in the decades before the Civil War, spoke for many of the cloth when he warned that “thoughtless caprice,” “sensual self-indulgence,” and “reckless expense” were not only sinful but also socially ruinous. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Their 500-year history of miscegenation was an unhappy one, the result of European colonisation, exploitation of the native Amerindian population and a long history of African slavery.
  • Part of the problem is that I think we as a country deliberate miseducate our children on the history of slavery. Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: Breaking The Code
  • Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom. Nelson Mandela 
  • He headed us abolishing the slavery.
  • As human slavery is a practice entirely of heathen origin, it was to be expected that when it was adopted among Christians from the heathen, it would in a material respect be supported by the same means, appear the same thing both in practice and name, and so far as its influence extended heathenize those Christians that adopted it. A condensed anti-slavery Bible argument, by
  • But slavery was challenged from the very beginning of this country's origins as a blot upon the nation's moral character.
  • He theorized that the underlying cause of the war was slavery.
  • The main dish is an unblemished lamb slaughtered and prepared in accordance with Mosaic Law. The Feast of the Passover commemorates the freeing of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.
  • Blacks migrated to the District, first to avoid slavery and then for federal employment opportunities which free enterprise long denied.
  • He named a new governor, Wilson Shannon. Shannon supported the pro-slavery laws of the legislature. He also said Kansas should become a slave state, like Missouri.
  • When work is a pleasure , life is joy ! When work is duty , life is slavery .
  • Village sociopolitical structure distinguished sharply between those who paid land taxes and the landless laborers who worked the fields, with the latter being in positions of agrestic slavery. C. South India
  • By then the burial ground will have rewritten the book on slavery in New York and given historians something to talk about well into the next century.
  • America is a great country - from the master of slavery to a champion of civil rights and a defender of liberty and freedom, America is a symbol of great human spirit and justice. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • In 1772 the law turned against slavery in Britain, and attitudes in Britain turned against slavery itself.
  • Here was the genuine article -- no, not the genuine article at all, we must go to Africa for that -- but the sort of creatures generations of slavery have made them: obsequious, trickish, lazy and ignorant, yet kind-hearted, merry-tempered, quick to feel and accept the least token of the brotherly love which is slowly teaching the white hand to grasp the black, in this great struggle for the liberty of both the races. Hospital Sketches
  • What happened to the Scots sold into slavery in Barbados?
  • Those in control of their haciendas, called hacendados, treated people on their lands by a system known in the Sierra as the huasipungo (described by western scholars as ‘landed slavery’).
  • Both men were equally against slavery: Lundy for gradual emancipation and _colonization_; but Garrison for _immediate and unconditional emancipation_. History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • Cat's stories create a similar kind of disjunction when they recast slavery and eugenics in a fantasy setting. MIND MELD: More Nebula-Worthy Works of Fiction...Picked By Some of This Year's Nebula Nominees
  • Such arguments only show the mental slavery to which these people have succumbed.
  • I do not enumerate his amazing successes in guiding the ship of state through as heavy a storm as ever beat and blew; in leading us to conclusions of the most wonderful character, as official commander-in chief of the power of the nation; in emancipating from the fetters of slavery an entire race of human beings. The Death of President Lincoln
  • Laxmi knows that I respect and rever her , for the work she is doing to emancipate the Hijda from gender slavery. 2008 February 26 « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • The Blues is an original art form created by Black Americans that evolved out of Black American work songs, field hollers, spirituals and early string band sounds more than a century ago during slavery.
  • When work is a pleasure , life is joy ! When work is duty , life is slavery .
  • They thought slavery was morally wrong.
  • The slave states, were marked by ‘the unequal distribution of property, the toleration of slavery, the ignorance and poverty of the lower classes,’ and a ‘dissoluteness of manners.’
  • The Animal Liberation Project involves a display of panels juxtaposing graphic images of slavery and other human abuse with pictures of chained animals.
  • Anti-Mason inspired social policies favored by Whigs, such as liquor and sabbatarian legislation, funding of educational and reformatory institutions, and to some extent the antislavery impulse of the party's northern wing.
  • His first publication was a forcible article against slavery.
  • United States not only believed in slavery, but bought and sold women and babes in the name of Jesus Christ, this infidel, this wretch who is now burning in the flames of hell, lifted his voice against human slavery and said: "It is robbery, and a slaveholder is a thief; the whipper of women is a barbarian; the seller of a child is a savage. Lectures of Col. R. G. Ingersoll - Latest
  • Instead of _taking_ "private property," Congress, by abolishing slavery, would say "_private property_ shall not be taken; and those who have been robbed of it already, shall be kept out of it no longer; and every man's right to his own body shall be protected. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • Or tear their name defiled from Slavery’s mournful page. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
  • It left slavery untouched until the Civil War but it put in place a representative republic with basic rights for its citizens.
  • Yet it is none the less true that the portion of Italy unequivocally Austrian is better governed and enjoys, not more Liberty, for there is none in either, but a milder form of Slavery, than that which prevails in Naples, Rome, Tuscany, and the paltrier native despotisms. Glances at Europe In a Series of Letters from Great Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland, &c. During the Summer of 1851.
  • He decided to defend slavery as a domestic arrangement that lay beyond the scope of busybodies.
  • He has already appeared in court charged with human trafficking and slavery.
  • His business failures were due not only to his stubborn temperament and an unpredictable economy but also to his commitment to the antislavery cause. An Angry Prophet
  • James Thome, the son of a Kentucky planter who joined the antislavery cause at Lane, declared that what he had seen growing up was “one great Sodom.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Is there no effacement for the stigma of slavery -- no erasement for this blot of shame? Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence The Best Speeches Delivered by the Negro from the days of Slavery to the Present Time
  • And then Welles changes the ending, offering his own gimcrack conclusions about freedom and slavery that belie the unplumbed depths of the material.
  • She might as well have been going to a Calcutta slum or sold into slavery.
  • My people have survived 400 years of slavery.
  • He spoke on the evils of race and colour prejudice and he rarely failed to mention the issue of slavery.
  • The pro-slavery compromise of the Constitution which required the rendition of fugitive slaves was abrogated.
  • Traditional values are so perverted by slavery that Sethe is driven to murder her own daughter to keep her from slavery's horrors.
  • We're dealing with what you should really consider to be disposable people and kind of even a new model of slavery.
  • The slavery was overthrown after the Civil War in U.S.A.

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