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How To Use Slaughterhouse In A Sentence

  • A dexter mens white gold wedding band sine potshot upon the slaughterhouse of the kuvasz or ploughwright from osasco or salientian wedgwood. POWET.TV
  • But will they take the matter very seriously and close the animal slaughterhouses altogether?
  • Man, those narrow-lapelled sharkskin suits, that felling left and that slaughterhouse right, and that scowl: his badness transcended race.
  • But on reaching Ireland, the livestock was dispersed among farms, with most going to two slaughterhouses in Navan and Roscommon.
  • Every day, people in Britain eat meat from animals killed in slaughterhouses just for them to eat.
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  • In what may gone down as the ‘Big Pig Borax Bust’, 16 slaughterhouses processing pork meat were raided this week for operating outside of prescribed hours and using too much borax as a chemical preservative.
  • The keeping of computerised records, the thorough tagging of farm animals and the application of higher standards of inspection at slaughterhouses and abattoirs will assist.
  • A nauseating video of cows stumbling on their way to a California slaughterhouse has finally prompted action: the largest recall of meat in American history.
  • Your second problem is that you want this freakshow amalgam of slaughterhouse and group therapy to be completely apolitical and empirical and scientific, so long as its apoliticality, scientism and empiricism happen to exactly match your own personal preferences, prejudices and predispositions. Over The Counter Plan B Indefinitely Postponed - FDA Director of Women’s Health Resigns
  • As he confesses, Victor has raided slaughterhouses in his midnight expeditions.
  • Because the cattle are bunched together in huge feedlots near the 13 slaughterhouses and fed corn, which acidifies their GI tracts allowing the growth of this virulent bacterium. More calls for food regulation | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • I just do not support anyone that enslaves or kills non-human animals for profit, such as slaughterhouses, research facilities, circuses or animal prisons - aquariums and zoos.
  • The Jones family already composts 5,000 tonnes of animal and lairage waste annually from the giant St Merryn Meats slaughterhouse near Merthyr Tydfil for use on their 600-acre arable and livestock farm. WalesOnline - Home
  • It is really heartbreaking to see flocks of buffaloes and oxen being taken to slaughterhouses tied together with ropes around their noses.
  • Farm Sanctuary obtained USDA slaughterhouse records under the Freedom of Information Act, he said, and found that downers with hepatitis, lymphoma, gangrene and other ills had been passed by the inspectors.
  • Improved training of staff in slaughterhouses and changes to design and operation in lairages are just some recommendations that the Government has accepted.
  • Tom finds him hiding in a hogshead behind the old slaughterhouse, and tries to get him to return to the Widow's home.
  • This is probably better than stall-fed beef and slaughterhouse pork to make a man of. Walking
  • To get as much meat from animal carcasses as possible, slaughterhouses use two methods that may contaminate meat with spinal cord tissue.
  • For example, both systems include visualization of multiarmed, multifaced figures, manipulation of subtle energies through energy-nodes (Skt. chakras), veneration of women, use of bone ornaments and musical instruments, imagery from cremation grounds and slaughterhouses, and transformation of unclean bodily products. Making Sense of Tantra ��� 2 The Authenticity of the Tantras
  • When the curtain rises, the stage looks like a slaughterhouse.
  • The early targets had been water supplies contaminated by human waste, slaughterhouse offal, and garbage.
  • Let them join the sheep . The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.
  • A while later we were attacked by butchers from the nearby slaughterhouse.
  • There have been anti-government protests outside the Senate and the Agricultural Ministry, and strikes by butchers and slaughterhouses.
  • Built in the early part of last century, The General Store was once the real McCoy, run by Mr A.P. Horne, whose son Ashley operated a butchery with slaughterhouse opposite the store.
  • Donkeys brayed, and the pungent aroma from a nearby slaughterhouse wafted over the neighborhood.
  • Mercifully, there were still a few moments of win you go, Outstanding Drama, The Bold and the Beautiful! and God bless mini-human Susan Lucci for classily addressing the slaughterhouse that TV's early shift has become since ABC decimated its schedule in favor of horrifically named talk shows. Watercooler: The Daytime Emmys Crap Out in Vegas
  • Now, the big question is how do they extricate themselves from a theatre of war that daily looks more like a slaughterhouse?
  • Later that century it was enclosed and the arches added, with a slaughterhouse and other workrooms in the basement, butchers and other shops on the ground floor.
  • They built a slaughterhouse and a place for sheep dipping and numerous shippons to accommodate cattle bought off the Irish cattle dealers each week for the High Street market.
  • As regards animal by-products treatment and slaughterhouses, considerable work is still ahead.
  • They created a high-tech fish ladder so species like giant catfish can get around the dam -- and to meet one local demand, they built an alligator slaughterhouse.
  • These places may be compared to slaughterhouses where animals await death.
  • Charterhouse," was called the "Slaughterhouse" in the boy's letters to his mother. Outlines of English and American Literature : an Introduction to the Chief Writers of England and America, to the Books They Wrote, and to the Times in Which They Lived
  • I looked around the room occasionally to marvel at how the drama of an autistic woman convincingly portrayed by Claire Danes who revolutionized slaughterhouses and the cow industry, enraptured the men. Doug Demeo: Inmates And Landscapes
  • He built the first big turkey slaughterhouse and went into large-scale production. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bull put to death by a matador will, in future, be considered in the same way as any animal killed outside a slaughterhouse.
  • The Agriculture Department said its best guess was from a 1999 beef industry survey that estimated there were 195,000 downers on ranches, feedlots and slaughterhouses that year.
  • The refinery, built in 1998, processes food waste and animal by-products collected from slaughterhouses, butchers and supermarkets.
  • In the slaughterhouse, what they would do is to lower each cage of chickens into one of these chambers before dumping them on the belt for the hangers to put in the shackles.
  • The food monolith, with its chicken mills and slaughterhouses, wasn't created because its owners are cruel.
  • At 4.30am 3,000 of the birds were being transported from farm to slaughterhouse when the lorry carrying them overturned. Times, Sunday Times
  • All it took was one of them raising a shout, and Abila could become a slaughterhouse. The Path of Daggers
  • Officers used the vehicles to set up a roadblock after the animal escaped from a slaughterhouse in Graz.
  • The ponies would be butchered in foreign slaughterhouses and could end up on menus in countries such as France, where the meat is a delicacy.
  • It is, of course, very difficult to kill your own sheep en ville, and most Muslims purchase halal meat from slaughterhouses.
  • If conditions at American farms and slaughterhouses have improved at all in recent years, it is thanks in part to Temple Grandin, a brilliant professor of animal science who is perhaps better known as a chronicler of growing up autistic. If Pigs Could Swim
  • For now, his forces were entrenched safely, but if their luck started to turn, the platform would become a slaughterhouse.
  • He is understood to be a father of two and a former soldier and lifeguard, who had also worked in a slaughterhouse. The Sun
  • Now, the big question is how do they extricate themselves from a theatre of war that daily looks more like a slaughterhouse?
  • The demand for meat in the US forces the slaughterhouses to maintain rigorous production schedules.
  • Even the worst incidents I have seen on slaughterhouse films do not compare to what could only be called a homicidal death that animals suffer in the wild. A better way to die? | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Should we outlaw animal experimentation and slaughterhouses on this basis?
  • The slaughterhouse did not have the lairage required by EU regulations, or all the equipment that went with it, so it could not be licensed. The emasculation of common sense
  • Preliminary studies are being conducted on the property, west of state Route 67 at the end of Slaughterhouse Canyon Road.
  • The overpowered bull is usually taken to the slaughterhouse the next morning. Collins Traveller - The Algarve
  • So how many Halal slaughterhouses do actually slaughter animals without stunning them at all?
  • In this sleazoid farce where characters cackle like horrific hens in a sexual slaughterhouse, individuals coexist in insular states of self-absorbed eccentricity.
  • Scientists at the Babraham Research Institute in Cambridge have now demonstrated that sheep have best friends, ewes fall in love with rams and both sexes feel a bit down in the dumps when Dolly fails to return from the slaughterhouse.
  • The study aims to determine what effect recent developments in technology and slaughterhouse design have had on animal welfare standards.
  • Some of these people were animal rights activists who disagreed with cruel treatment of animals in slaughterhouses and animal experiments in the scientific laboratories.
  • The Seville slaughterhouse was the first official school of tauromachy in Spain.
  • The ministry said the animal's meat was sealed off at the slaughterhouse together with the meat of animals slaughtered straight afterwards.
  • It will exclude the loading, collection, and transportation of animals to the slaughterhouse and all slaughterhouse operations subsequent to death.
  • The owners fear that if they don't pay up he intends to send the horses to the slaughterhouse and hence the glue factory. Times, Sunday Times
  • The overpowered bull is usually taken to the slaughterhouse the next morning. Collins Traveller - The Algarve
  • He is understood to be a father of two and a former soldier and lifeguard, who had also worked in a slaughterhouse. The Sun
  • Maybe 60,000 horses a year are killed in two U.S. slaughterhouses for human consumption abroad; only a small portion of those are thoroughbreds, and those are the severely damaged horses.
  • Farmers will be able to take animals to any slaughterhouse willing to accept them as long as it can be reached in an uninterrupted journey which takes less than four and a half hours.
  • One tipster told the tech blog Boing Boing that he was "told by a friend" that slaughterhouses in Iraq sometimes dump blood in canals.
  • In some cases, entrails of slaughtered animals are served back to others ‘stuck in the queue’ at slaughterhouses.
  • But by gum, I just can't bear the notion of some Joe Lunchpail and his slovenly wife trundling clumsily through my private slaughterhouse, or trying on my world-renowned collection of 16th century undergarments.
  • Not the $8 an hour knocker, sticker, bleeder, tail ripper, flanker, gutter, sawer, and plate boner slaughterhouse jobs that even Americans prisoners on work release won't do. What Do Immigration and Religion Have to Do with the Price of Meat? Everything!
  • Pigs are innocent victims of a cruel, unrelenting slaughterhouse industry.
  • This year, Farhat went to Lambco, a new slaughterhouse in New Windsor, Md., that caters largely to Muslims. Local farmers tap niche market for goat slaughter
  • Bacteriological sampling in slaughterhouses and at premises producing minced meat and meat preparations.
  • At one time, their company had processed 85 percent of the condemned poultry from slaughterhouses and food manufacturers.
  • Nobody wants the horrific slaughterhouse of war or the unbridled blackmail of terrorism but nobody wants to see evil flourish either.
  • One of three foreign-owned slaughterhouses in the United States, Cavel ships horse meat overseas for human consumption.
  • The Council has drawn particular attention to proposals for strengthening enforcement of animal welfare legislation in slaughterhouses and for the training and licensing of slaughterhouse staff.
  • There are also no civil sector vets available to examine the animals at slaughterhouses.
  • But, without the need for slaughterhouse nor butcher.
  • The issue has come to light due to the testimony of a slaughterhouse worker who says the infected cow recently diagnosed with Mad Cow disease showed no symptoms of being a downer when it was butchered.
  • He is understood to be a father of two and a former soldier and lifeguard, who had also worked in a slaughterhouse. The Sun
  • The chicken companies own the farms, the slaughterhouses and the food processing plants.
  • Stables, outhouses, hencoops, pigsties, stagnant ponds, and slaughterhouses vied with each other for olfactory attention.
  • Many animals are not properly stunned as they are pushed through the slaughterhouse as quickly as possible.
  • Brazilian meatpacker JBS SA said the ban hit three of its slaughterhouses but added that the company will continue to supply Russia from other plants in Brazil and abroad. Russian Ban Surprises Brazil Beef Industry, Regulators
  • The refinery, built in 1998, processes food waste and animal by-products collected from slaughterhouses, butchers and supermarkets.
  • Employee dormitory, dining hall and rest area of a slaughterhouse shall be separated fromthe slaughter area.
  • He leavens his vision of the human slaughterhouse with emotions, but these nearly always lead to impasse, or compromise.
  • And U.S. troops chasing down insurgents in Falluja say they have found what they call a hostage slaughterhouse. CNN Transcript Nov 11, 2004
  • He announced the results of a survey of 400 vets working in 600 slaughterhouses which found the average hourly rate was £25.70.
  • As such, slaughterhouses must slaughter organic animals when all equipment is clean and empty.
  • The owners fear that if they don't pay up he intends to send the horses to the slaughterhouse and hence the glue factory. Times, Sunday Times
  • People don't remember that animals in slaughterhouses and laboratories experience such horror and pain every day.
  • The slaughterhouse stench wafted from the open window. Friday Freebie: An excerpt from THE SEVEN – Brian Keene
  • His broadsword hummed through the air, clanged against armor and other blades, and tore flesh and bone with slaughterhouse sounds. Conan the Relentless

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