How To Use Slapstick In A Sentence

  • There's no wit here, just slapstick comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paddles turned out to be harmless slapsticks, with holes through the actual paddle part so they could cause a loud slapping noise without hurting.
  • Victorian propriety is an important element of the story, the atmosphere to be upended over and over by slapstick action and sudden death. Archive 2008-02-01
  • This satirical, slapstick comedy is a feel-good film that is effortless to watch.
  • Their slapstick stick-ups keep escalating till they realize that all of Dick's former co-workers have also turned to a similar life of crime.
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  • The Republican Party's slapstick search for a leader would be heartwarming and sidesplitting, but for the tragic knowledge that one of these scrambling midgets will collect tens of millions of votes in the presidential election of 2012. Frank Schaeffer: President Obama Will Win In An Overwhelming Landslide in 2012 and Will Deserve the Victory
  • I found the violent slapstick humour cruel and unfunny.
  • Are his lame slapstick antics intended to send us into convulsions of laughter?
  • The show follows the traditional plot of the fairytale story but with plenty of comedy and slapstick to keep the crowds entertained for both evening and matinee performances.
  • Though not slapstick or of the knee-slapping variety, Hamer is droll and often wickedly subtle in his deadly strain of humour.
  • A series of slapstick events leave both penniless and on the run, where they form a grudging bond.
  • It's deliciously grown-up, avoiding slapstick in favour of fortuitous mishap.
  • Thomas Pynchon has also shown a consistent fondness for slapstick effects in his novels, drawn partly from comic cinema.
  • But it should not be reduced to something showing slapstick comedies and lewd jokes.
  • The appearance of Travolta trying to be evil by way of Hugh Hefner and Tony Manero is funny enough, but the addition of some slapstick later in the film lightens, for the moment at least, what is an overbearingly grim and depressing movie. Eric’s Top 10 Worst Comic Book Movies Ever » Scene-Stealers
  • I suppose the modrn version of slapstick is "Funny" Home Videos, and I guess there's an element of this here (ooh! what's going to happen next?!) but, being an illustration, without the moral quandary of filming your four year old setting himself on fire with the intention of sending the tape off to Carlton Television. I'm still alive
  • A lot of slapstick, seat-of-the-pants saving dishes from total disaster, which involved even more galloping around. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's hard to see why Stan and the gagmen were so determined to do it because the results are pretty standard slapstick.
  • Then, over the next half an hour, a bunch of gonzo skateboarders and other mentalists from the mall construct slapstick routines, some of them bordering on the life-threatening.
  • The segment, with a voice-over explaining the action, consisted largely of speeded up film and slapstick pratfalls.
  • I did, however, see them tittering, shrieking, guffawing and hooting with laughter at the madcap slapstick that has become the trademark of these two spiky-haired, South Yorkshire clowns.
  • Jerry whacked at the old soldier's head with a sympathetic slapstick.
  • Sophisticated slapstick is difficult to achieve, and this is one of the finest success stories I can conjure. December « 2009 « Precocious Curmudgeon
  • Is the life of a pantomime dame all slapstick, panstick and lipstick?
  • Another section of throwback computer game slapstick violence was almost nostalgically rib-tickling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The show contains some wonderful slapstick comedy.
  • fun ranging from slapstick clowning ... to savage mordant wit
  • He then added his own slapstick comedy, each night diving head first through a serving hatch and generally being thrown around.
  • There are some great slapstick moments, including one particularly famous hair-raising scene. The Sun
  • Cartoon caricatures, slapstick comedy, and clowning articles are all based on exaggeration, she notes.
  • What follows from here is unbridled mawkishness interrupted by some slapstick comedy.
  • And the skiing holiday slapstick is like an out-take from a Jerry Lewis movie.
  • In lieu of Baum’s timeless story, the bulk of the movie finds the star in anvil-subtle slapstick situations: getting stung in the rear by animated bees, being spit upon by a duck, falling down a hole, not realizing the phony Cowardly Lion was replaced by a real beast, etc. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • We are playing improv games and working in slapstick — big picture issues. The Wisdom of Clowns
  • You have to be careful when you incorporate breaking headlines into your scatological slapstick or surreal satire.
  • The inflammatory can be infused with slapstick humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scene is overlong, overdone, obvious, boring and even resorts to slapstick.
  • In carnival, the Commedia dell'Arte, the pantomime, and slapstick we find a modern expression of the trickster impulse.
  • Don Pasquale is not a slapstick farce, it is a comedy of character and relies on the audience observing the detailed interplay between the singers.
  • The other plays a multiple percussion setup consisting of a seven-piece drumset supplemented by a woodblock, pedal-operated tambourine, triangle and slapstick.
  • Their happy laughter rang down the tunnel as they appreciated the irony, or failing that, the slapstick.
  • It was an almost slapstick comedy in which Stalin and his cultural henchman Zhdanov confront Prokofiev and Shostakovich.
  • The performers will also tackle solo songs and duets, group numbers, character dances, duologues and slapstick.
  • Why we like him: Stunned Man (2004) features a dizzyingly brilliant absurdist slapstick routine in which a poker-faced guy destroys his apartment, dives into the bathroom mirror and reappears through the door to begin the whole process afresh. Artist of the week 110: Julian Rosefeldt
  • A graduate of Barnum & Bailey's Clown College, Irwin was best known for his side-splitting, silent slapstick routines in Broadway revues like Fool Moon and his rubbery antics as "Mr. Noodle" on Sesame Street's "Elmo's World" segment. Cheers & Jeers: CSI and Lights Out — Fears of a Clown
  • The knowing humour of Shrek merely pushed the envelope a little further, balancing in-jokes and sly subversion for the adults with broader slapstick moments for the younger viewers.
  • It is not a slapstick farce, it is a comedy of character and relies on the audience observing the detailed interplay between the singers.
  • A lot of adults won't admit it, but they find slapstick comedy funny as well - especially if it's combined with a little bit of harmless sauciness.
  • Their slapstick stick-ups keep escalating till they realize that all of Dick's former co-workers have also turned to a similar life of crime.
  • Charlie's slapstick humor gets sold fast.
  • Well I'm waiting for the slapstick comedy offers to roll in. The Sun
  • slapstick style of humor
  • The show contains some wonderful slapstick comedy.
  • What follows is plenty of slapstick humour, the odd chuckle, way too much mushy stuff and some truly cringe-making moments.
  • Such typical comedy tricks such as speeding up the film, slapstick humor, and wacky looks are all present here.
  • The tone, which veers from slapstick comedy to mawkish melodrama, is as volatile as nitroglycerine.
  • It starts off as a slapstick farce, then tries to provide some commentary on the notion of marriage in this day and age before settling into portraying clichés.
  • Instead of that film's repressed romances, Iron Monkey offers a gob of melodrama, slapstick comedy, cooking montages, and demonstrations of holistic medicine.
  • Small things amuse small minds, she says, scornful of the rude slapstick humor they practice.
  • A disjointed slapstick comedy play from the surreal Australian performer. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the skiing holiday slapstick is like an out-take from a Jerry Lewis movie.
  • The film, I suppose, deserves some marks for the unflagging manner in which this slapstick is played, but I'm afraid there were times when I thought it was just plain daft, rather than funny.
  • Families enjoyed the fun-filled evening of good music, slapstick comedy and all-around entertainment.
  • Much of the credit for us not getting bored of this show after ten years is down to the pair's slapstick comedy links and one-liners. The Sun
  • This was a clever tango, combining Argentine -- her ochos (stylized forward criss-cross steps) over his outstretched leg - with classical standard tango, but done in a humorous way that riffed on standard with the cartoonish Pepe le Peu-esque smotheringly cheek to cheek promenade runs and the ending slapstick dip which started out sexy until he "dropped" her, she rolling off his knee. Tonya Plank: Dancing With the Stars Reaches a New High By Showcasing Alvin Ailey
  • It would be funny, like one of the old silent slapsticks.
  • Prop maker Peter Greenwood found a real mangle so the dame can wring clothes in the panto's slapstick scenes.
  • The performers will also tackle solo songs and duets, group numbers, character dances, duologues and slapstick.
  • John giggled at the slapstick, not quite understanding what all of the fear in the air was about.
  • At first merely uninteresting, the ploy eventually descends into slapstick comedy, undermining the prevailing halcyon tone of the work.
  • But this slender plot acts as a mere clothesline for a series of slapstick asides and cinematic in-jokes.
  • Time after time the striker who had scored 27 goals in just 44 international matches danced through the German defence only to miskick in deliberate and frequently slapstick fashion.
  • He is both a slapstick character and a strong fighter.
  • Sadly, although the two doctors play it straight, we end up with the policeman clowning around and performing slapstick antics. Times, Sunday Times
  • As far as I could tell, no actors used any stunt doubles, making the film's considerable slapstick shocking.
  • I'll slap her upside the head one of these days, and not with a slapstick.
  • The film is billed as a sophisticated comedy that gleefully mixes slapstick humour, with something a little more grown-up for all viewers.
  • First you're led to believe this is a slapstick comedy, then comes the whole gooey, mushy angle.
  • There is a beautifully simple slapstick moment between Pedro and Javier on the tennis court that perfectly captures the cheeky buffoonery of the movie.
  • Some saw it as a throwback to uncool sitcoms of the past, others loved its broad humour and slapstick laughs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is the life of a pantomime dame all slapstick, panstick and lipstick?
  • Not everything works well in Crime as its second disc gets a little muddled with some incoherent and cartoonish moments of slapstick.
  • But for those concerned about the impact of gay stereotypes and and the cause of acceptance and tolerance, I would suggest that Perez Hilton's vapidly vicious agenda and his bottomless bitchiness ferments much more repellent opinions against gays than Sacha Baron Cohen's slapstick in shaved legs. John Wellington Ennis: Is Bruno Worse For Gays Than Perez Hilton?
  • He saw himself as a dashing romantic figure and was mortified to find himself seen as a slapstick comedian.
  • Such feelings infuse Ekhrajiha, which is nonetheless an odd mix of slapstick humour and mawkish sentimentality.
  • I found the show very entertaining, a great combination of physical strength, endurance, slapstick, and witty repartee between the lumberjacks and the emcee.
  • Anyone who wants to protest that Jane is less deserving is more unpatriotic than she ever was, or just takes no delight in slapstick. Calamity Jane
  • Not Mike Myers, the goofy Canadian slapsticker, but Michael Myers, the sadistic serial killer of Halloween. Joel Schwartzberg: Some Halloween Costumes Are Inappropriate for Kids, But Hollywood Didn't Get the Memo
  • I did, however, see them tittering, shrieking, guffawing and hooting with laughter at the madcap slapstick that has become the trademark of these two spiky-haired, South Yorkshire clowns.
  • Obviously it means that the Young and the Restless are undermining the solid foundations of fundamentalism as has been amply shown repeatedly in post and commentary on the blogs of the first two stooges, aided and abetted by the third (now who’s your favorite stooge from the original slapstick original that gave birth to my allusion? Space Oddity: bigoted criticism of a connoisseur on the latest freak show to appear on the stage of fundamentalism in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and yes, even 6 parts with everything you could want, absolutely free of journalistic malfeasance or things that m
  • There was more than enough in the story about the two main characters to fuel a charming, sweet, sensitive film without turning it all into some kind of ham-fisted slapstick or whatever it was supposed to be.
  • The gloom is also pierced by moments of unintentional slapstick. Times, Sunday Times
  • I prefer the dry humour of situation comedy to the slapstick of circus clowns.
  • Though not slapstick or of the knee-slapping variety, Hamer is droll and often wickedly subtle in his deadly strain of humour.
  • Trading in a unique mix of absurdism and knowingly ancient music hall puns and wheezes, slapstick, cross-talk and gentle songs, the Gang was an essentially theatrical phenomenon.
  • The chase scene, and her sped-up sprint through a backlot in hoop skirt and bloomers, are pure slapstick.
  • It is a comedy with both slapstick and verbal humour.
  • After some slapstick defending from Real, Miguel Salgado eventually hacks the ball into Row Z.
  • Every joke in the film works for me, even the slapstick at the sidewalk cafe and the barge, and I'm not a big fan of physical comedy.
  • Ken Campbell's slapstick take on the nursery rhyme for Unicorn Theatre bears the old rogue's unmistakable signatures of anarchic humour and lurking menace.
  • That had a certain element of entertaining slapstick about it. The Sun
  • Marshall, though, would not escape with slackness again, even if it wasn't quite so slapstick the second time round.
  • He was, as appears to be the too-obvious definition that seems to cow reviewers by its obviousness, the true crafter of a postmodern 'sincerity' -- a seemingly impossible task in the wake of Pynchon and the psychosexual slapstick of characters like "Oedipa Maas" and "Tyrone Slothrop. Omer Rosen: Footnoting David Foster Wallace: Part 1
  • Played by the latter, he wanders through a colourful yarn that includes artful violence and broad slapstick comedy, with a dance routine thrown in for good measure. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lack of imagination on the part of the writer, the director and the actors results in slapstick comedy and innuendoes in dialogues.
  • The accident-prone insurance industry is at it again, falling flat on its face with the precision timing of slapstick comedy.
  • And we all agreed that because of the mix of comedy and slapstick challenges it would benefit from having a comedian to host it. The Sun
  • So if you can survive moments of slow slapstick and pre-teen tantrums, you will really like the core of this film.
  • It makes slapstick comedy seem far more natural. Times, Sunday Times
  • Todd's slapstick ineptitude is surpassed only by his wacky lies, which compound his mishaps into an international incident. Roush Review: The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret
  • Prop maker Peter Greenwood found a real mangle so the dame can wring clothes in the panto's slapstick scenes.
  • Along the way each team will run into wacky slapstick, encounter goofy characters, and bop to some very '80s rock and roll.
  • He had to curb his use of slapstick and work on developing believable characters.
  • For every few videos of someone boldly going into a mailbox on a pogo stick, there's the slapstick guarantee that too much hesitancy will also slam your ass into the pavement, telephone pole or body of water refer to countless hesitant hang-glider clips. Tom Bergeron: America's Funniest Home Videos Meets C-SPAN
  • This is slapstick humour at its unashamed, in your face, best. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, it was written to portray the seedy underbelly of society in a slapstick kind of way.
  • Kino is very funny slapstick comedy full of gags from the beginning until the end.
  • Yet beyond the slapstick of a fictional hotel in Torquay there was a serious and thoughtful actor. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paddles turned out to be harmless slapsticks, with holes through the actual paddle part so they could cause a loud slapping noise without hurting.
  • This is an enjoyably silly sequel that, in an astute move, relies heavily on the physical comedy and inventive slapstick of the small yellow minions. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are fed up of slapstick comedies and dialogues filled with double meaning.
  • His movements, reactions and slapstick comedy were a treat to watch.
  • That had a certain element of entertaining slapstick about it. The Sun
  • It's simply not the right setting for a play so full of movement and slapstick pratfalls: the cramped stage forces the cast to huddle together, while the echoey acoustics magnify every trip and body-slam.
  • He then added his own slapstick comedy, each night diving head first through a serving hatch and generally being thrown around.
  • Sadly, it also reminds us how repetitive a lot of their humour could be and of their heavy reliance on some pretty crude slapstick. Times, Sunday Times
  • The musical, set in a Big Top, features gravity-defying stunts and slapstick clowning as it portrays the story of American showman PT Barnum.
  • It all adds up to another hilarious romp in Dorsey's unique style, one best described as slapstick-noir. Brandon Sun Online - Top Stories
  • Yet beyond the slapstick of a fictional hotel in Torquay there was a serious and thoughtful actor. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a show so wildly slapstick, queeny and outrageous, only those two could have carried it off. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pinocchio offers many well-written jokes for the adult portion of the audience but the slapstick comedy and over-the-top characterizations are a real treat that tickles all ages of playgoers.
  • There are some scenes, heavily reliant on the conventions of slapstick humour, which could be construed as comic. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Hepworth produced on average three films a week, ranging from melodramas and slapstick comedies to scenics and travel films.
  • A parade of slapstick comedy paradoxes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet beyond the slapstick of a fictional hotel in Torquay there was a serious and thoughtful actor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Postle has a knack for combining slapstick comedy and pathos, which is very effective in this instance.
  • This hideous pork product does nothing but evoke traumatic memories of the film's headache-inducing brand of sledgehammer slapstick.
  • I dunno, I always turned it off after 5 minutes - it always seemed like cheap slapstick to me.
  • The slapstick Brooklyn anthem "Seven One Eight" features a peculiar country-fried beat orientation and harmonica sample.
  • Most verbal jokes turn on either some kind of reversal of expectations or the harmless violation of taboo; slapstick is all about the appearance of injury without actual harm. When Is Hate Speech Funny?
  • So if you can survive moments of slow slapstick and pre-teen tantrums, you will really like the core of this film.
  • Well, Three Fools Comedy does the same thing with Shakespeare, cramming all 37 of the Bard's works into a frenzied hour and a half, then sugaring the whole thing with ham-handed slapstick.
  • In 1924, Seldes came out with a book called The 7 Lively Arts, a celebration of comic strips, vaudeville, slapstick, musical comedy, and other non-elitist culture.
  • As one expects of Elton, it's all done with slapstick humour, parody, irony and lots of absurd action.
  • But in the past few weeks, the drama has turned into slapstick comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • So Tashlin kind of dozes through a lot of the picture and then perks up when it's time for some slapstick, but even the broad comedy isn't much fun when it isn't connected to anything. Archive 2007-02-01
  • It was the slapstick premise of a woman who's innocently walking down the street when a harp flails out of a window and lands on her.
  • And those with an affinity for the silliness, slapstick, and tomfoolery of this sort of comedy will be turned off by the costumes.
  • You can see it as an elaborate, self-reinventing, self-mocking form of ceremonial slapstick, where everyone gets pounded and everyone gets to have a belly laugh.
  • My husband's way, with his elementary water puddles that preceded those dug holes, seemed slapjack, slapstick, or simply slapped together -- as if he were making up the rules along the way. Garden, gardening
  • The script is dreadful - even the slapstick fails to raise a smile.
  • Other scenes depict the agents as idiots and slapstick figures barely able to push a plug into an electric socket.
  • I find a lot of films that simply rely on slapstick methods and good-looking actors to sell them.
  • After half an hour of watching our skaters stumble, lurch and fall our amusement at the slapstick show waned and my daughter and I took refuge in the café.
  • This is aiming to be a sort of slapstick comedy but, as you say, it's very intermittent.
  • They came to watch a bunch of people dressed in ridiculous clothes and outlandish make-up run amok in a slapstick whirlwind of escapism.
  • It was an almost slapstick comedy in which Stalin and his cultural henchman Zhdanov confront Prokofiev and Shostakovich.
  • But a lot of the comedy is silly slapstick stuff, with people hitting each other with balloons and getting into fights.
  • Trading in a unique mix of absurdism and knowingly ancient music hall puns, slapstick, and gentle songs, the Gang was an essentially theatrical phenomenon.
  • Please keep to the original daggy, slapstick kind of humor that has veins of venkman's sarcasm running along with it!! Bill Murray Offers Warning to Ghostbusters 3 Writers | /Film
  • Then, over the next half an hour, a bunch of gonzo skateboarders and other mentalists from the mall construct slapstick routines, some of them bordering on the life-threatening.
  • with the toilet gaggery of, say, Grown Ups, is to see why today's movie comedians, and today's audiences too, maybe should consider investing in some DVDs and going to slapstick school with Movie City News
  • Fast-paced comic fun, with a strong whiff of circus slapstick, for the discerning younger viewer.

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