How To Use Skyrocket In A Sentence

  • The album opens with a string of potential singles, lined up to be launched like skyrockets.
  • Naturalization Service has handled skyrocketing growth during the Clinton administration.
  • Skyrocketing oil prices made Mexican reserves vastly more valuable than before and provided collateral for international loans worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • Whole regions of the country went into serious decline, and unemployment and dole dependency skyrocketed.
  • Remember this, while the gobbling is hot and heavy around sunrise, after 9-10am is when those hens leave the toms and your chances skyrocket. Just starting out.
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  • SanDisk assures us that the price will not skyrocket, which is a relief. Gizmodo
  • The price of sugar has suddenly skyrocketed up.
  • She is a Muslim woman from Bandra Bazar Road , and she is unhappy , she votes for the Congress , but she finds that it has not helped her much , she has come to meet Rahebar Khan the local corporator, she cant take life anymore, her electric bill has trebled , prices of all essential commodities has skyrocketed and she is stuck in a groove of discontent. Archive 2009-08-01
  • According to the Federal Trade Commission's latest calculations, complaints about unordered merchandise and services skyrocketed 169% from 1998 to 2000.
  • He said that the mayor ought to focus on what he called New York City's "skyrocketing crime rate. NYT > Home Page
  • The costs skyrocketed because the players gained so much leverage and then when the marquee players faded, no one was able to fill the void.
  • So batch me up in little paper oblongs and stick me on the front counter in Waterstones, and watch those sales figures skyrocket!
  • One effect of that is that the urge to find ways to make a buck rather than a peso for a work-unit skyrockets.
  • The retailing of antibiotics, anti-virus drugs and herbal medicines capable of reducing heat skyrocketed.
  • But when simple housebreaking and burglary give way to the deadly pursuit of a really big score, the stakes suddenly skyrocket. WHEN THE WOMEN COME OUT TO DANCE
  • * Since the cost of crab has skyrocketed, there is an inexpensive alternative called surimi, sea legs, or imitation crab that works well in this dish and many others. Make It Easy Make It Light
  • It seems entirely reasonable to predict that the numismatic value of the first coins ever minted with extraterrestrial metals will skyrocket.
  • As she rattles off a list of pursuits that include snorkeling, kayaking, beach volleyball, scuba diving, windsurfing and water skiing, my anticipation and adrenaline levels skyrocket.
  • The moratorium on public housing, the dismantling of rent control, and the privatization of utilities have caused the cost of living in Toronto to skyrocket over the last decade.
  • Skyrocketing purses have greatly impacted the importance of judging.
  • Her loving smile made the guilt in my stomach skyrocket, but freed me of my tears.
  • In Picardy where seigneurial dues were also minimal, seigneurs used their privileges to lease out logging rights in forests at a time when wood prices were skyrocketing.
  • This awkward growing cycle means farmers all produce at the same time, glutting the market for a few months until the supply runs out and prices skyrocket.
  • If, he can find a vehicle like – “The Tin Cup” or “No Way Out” – to skyrocket his career back into the stratosphere, that is. Kevin Costner…fool’s gold. “Swing Vote” a stinker! « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
  • If that is true, then lawyers will remain unconstrained in filing baseless lawsuits against medical providers, and the cost of medical malpractice insurance will continue to skyrocket. Freshman Dem: Passing health care reform worth losing my seat
  • The economic boom sent property prices skyrocketing.
  • Arrests for streetwalking “skyrocketed across the nation,” and most of the arrested women were sent to reformatories and workhouses. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Since she and three unilingual Inuit elders were elected in October, the use of Inuktitut has skyrocketed in municipal documents and proceedings.
  • Jobs have been slashed, productivity has skyrocketed, and profits have soared.
  • Even sales of big-ticket items such as flatscreen television sets have skyrocketed over the past few months. | Top Stories
  • This figure skyrockets when a team reaches the top flight.
  • Creating an aura of titillation will cause album sales to skyrocket.
  • And speaking of expense, the cost of using email is skyrocketing.
  • Its currency would skyrocket -- meaning the loss of its competitive low - cost - producer edge . Or , U.
  • The price of sugar has suddenly skyrocketed up.
  • The economic boom sent property prices skyrocketing.
  • Affordable financing is contributing to the skyrocketing demand for motorcycles.
  • Upon his release, his boxing career skyrockets.
  • In the last decade organic food sales have skyrocketed with 20 percent annual growth, making organics the fastest-growing food trend in America.
  • It's no wonder suicide rates skyrocket this time of year.
  • Bad loans were ballooning, costs were skyrocketing, and warring fiefdoms from its three merged banks were resisting change.
  • She suffered pre-eclampsia, a condition in which her blood pressure skyrocketed and her body wanted to shut down.
  • These have not had measurable success in the past and do not address the complexities of the present problem: a shrinking and inadequately educated workforce, coupled with a rapidly growing "nonproductive" older population, a persistent and intractable high school dropout rate, and the skyrocketing cost of higher education. Bernard Starr: How Seniors can save American Education and the Economy
  • Wats are to be adorned with lanterns, flowers and joss sticks as symbols of worship, and skyrockets will be lit for three days to celebrate.
  • By sheer happenstance, the challenge of skyrocketing butterfat prices coincided with the waning economy.
  • Increasing quantities of domestic investment has rushed into the field, especially during the last few years, as car sales have skyrocketed.
  • Austrian Mint, the world's largest marketer of pure gold coins, best known for its Philharmonic bullion coin, has seen demand for gold coins skyrocket over the past few months, according to Coin Sale Due; It's a Big One
  • I have to say, though, that the quality of frites in Calgary has skyrocketed.
  • As the number of entertainment joints in the resort has skyrocketed in the last three years, punters are increasingly choosy.
  • Its currency would skyrocket -- meaning the loss of its competitive low - cost - producer edge . Or , U.
  • Bad weather, skyrocketing fuel prices and fierce discount competition are reducing profit margins to razor-thin levels.
  • With the implementation of the new system, Huang told the newspaper he expected to see the number skyrocket to 30 percent.
  • The skyrocketing price of pork reflects serious strategic security management problem in China.
  • In related news, look for misspellings of the word ‘segue’ to skyrocket.
  • EU Referendum: Galileo costs to "skyrocket" - shock! Galileo costs to "skyrocket" - shock!
  • Similarly, the wine list starts at $26 and skyrockets into triple digits pretty quickly.
  • The trade deficit has skyrocketed.
  • If new technology allows them to go farther between charges and gives us the accelerative kick we crave, the demand for EVs could skyrocket. Bob Schildgen: EVs vs. Gas-Powered Cars: No Ride to Utopia
  • As taxes for the wealthy declined, economic instabilities have skyrocketed. Think Progress » Number of millionaires in America increased 16 percent in 2009.
  • But when you can rope a World Cup winner, your credibility skyrockets.
  • The sophisticated, almost stentorian tone of her voice skyrockets by at least two octaves and the gamine pixie we all fell in love with is snapping my picture.
  • Though the bluefin market skyrockets during this time, most of the US catch ends up on the auction block in Tokyo.
  • She's doing it because her career as an author and a "broadcasting personality" ( barf ) is skyrocketing. THE BLACK BOOK: DIARY OF A TEENAGE STUD VOL. II: STOP, DON'T STOP
  • As tuition skyrockets, financial aid has become as elusive as that needle in the proverbial haystack.
  • But when simple housebreaking and burglary give way to the deadly pursuit of a really big score, the stakes suddenly skyrocket. WHEN THE WOMEN COME OUT TO DANCE
  • Along with this it vibrates quite violently in the old skyrocket until I get it out and press the yes.
  • Homer's popularity skyrockets when he is chosen as the leader of a secret organization.
  • The so-called opera critics who have "savaged" Bocelli, and consider his skyrocketing career "merely a triumph of marketing," desperately need to get in touch with the real world. The Kids Are All Right
  • Production has dropped while prices and unemployment have skyrocketed.
  • He skyrocketed into the room and knock down a chair.
  • She's doing it because her career as an author and a "broadcasting personality" ( barf ) is skyrocketing. THE BLACK BOOK: DIARY OF A TEENAGE STUD VOL. II: STOP, DON'T STOP
  • The boy bander, who skyrocketed to fame as part of NKOTB in the 80s and early 90s, is being sold out by his ex-boyfriend, 27-year-old Kyle Walker, a Brazilian barfly who tells The Enquirer that he and Jonathan dated for 18 months after meeting in a watering hole outside New York City. New Kids On The Block Michael Jackson Collaboration
  • In the springtime, when the animal has its growth spurt, this shortage skyrockets to 60 percent.
  • Edge continues to launch intellectual skyrockets of stunning brilliance.
  • It's not news that nitrogen prices are skyrocketing, and your customers will want to know why and what to do about it.
  • Tuition fees in B.C. have skyrocketed ever since the Liberal government lifted a six-year tuition freeze in 2002.
  • But the price had skyrocketed so much that her entire savings converted into just a few measly taels.
  • Interest in greener buildings has skyrocketed in the last decade. David Shepler: What Does It Take to Achieve a Net-Zero-Energy Home?
  • But when simple housebreaking and burglary give way to the deadly pursuit of a really big score, the stakes suddenly skyrocket. WHEN THE WOMEN COME OUT TO DANCE
  • No one could have anticipated that a president who "presided" over a fraudulent war, a disgrace in the Attorney General's office, an epic natural disaster outdone only by the epic futility of the response to that disaster, an economic downturn that shows no sign of moderating, stagnant wages, creeping unemployment, tainted food sources, skyrocketing energy prices and a stock market in need of serious psychoactive drugs would have such low approval ratings by the time he's ready to leave office. Obama Entering White House With High Favorables -- And Bush Leaving With High Disapproval
  • Accordingly, this appoint also is lady-in-waiting all the time people be anxiouslied expect, hope thereby breaks away from abyss of misery, have a skyrocketing rise.
  • Grind and roast those beans, and the value skyrockets more than 10 times, to $18 a kilo.
  • Will his profits skyrocket under a system in which he can soak up advertising dollars for both print and television?
  • The price of sugar has suddenly skyrocketed up.
  • When you talk about fiction, the number skyrockets to 90 percent.
  • His articles and alliteration (Lord Dudley was accused of ‘libidinous lecheries and lascivious lapses’) were immensely popular with the working class and Truth's circulation skyrocketed.
  • Pearlstein pushed back the conventional wisdom and pointed out that the best way to get deficits under control is to slow down “the key driver of those long-term deficits,” skyrocketing health care costs. Wonk Room » The Deficit Reduction Health Care Reform Act Of 2009
  • The number of shootings of civilians is skyrocketing.
  • Since the invention of no-fault divorce laws, divorce rates have skyrocketed.
  • With tailored suits and ties as bright as a skyrocket, he's dapper.
  • He said that when he committed himself to three things - praying everyday with a minyan, daily Torah learning and outreach to fellow Jews - his success at work skyrocketed.
  • This sluggish growth will impede the creation of job opportunities, while skyrocketing inflation will definitely decrease people's real incomes.
  • Investment skyrocketed and London surged back to world financial leadership as Thatcher broke up the little log-rolling, back-scratching association of accepting houses merchant banks at the feet of the governor of the Bank of England. Notable & Quotable
  • All the words they use are true: prices are soaring, spiralling, skyrocketing.
  • September 17th, 2008, 18: 49 pm just reading the word "burpee" makes my pulse rate skyrocket ... good post!
  • The new series' total point fund skyrockets from $750,000 to $2 million.
  • Indeed, at the first indication of American casualties, political risk skyrockets.
  • With tailored suits and ties as bright as a skyrocket, he's the Dapper Don.
  • The huge prison bulge may temporarily slow down crime, as it apparently has, but as offenders are released, the number of new crimes can be expected to skyrocket.
  • The crowd at St Heliers Bay was a rowdy bunch that year, with music, alcohol, fireworks, skyrockets and copious amounts of police.
  • There is no other arena that offers such a skyrocket to esteem.
  • The number of Internet searches, blog posts and amateur videos about Jackson — from heartfelt tributes to expressions of disbelief — have skyrocketed since the pop icon was found in cardiac arrest inside his Los Angeles home on Thursday. News of Jackson death breaks Web records
  • Because of the skyrocketing costs of oil and gas (CNN, on my TV right now in the background, has another headline of oil surging), people are driving less (AAA accurately predicted this for Memorial Day weekend) by either walking, bicycling, buying and using electric scooters or even motorcycles, or taking advantage of ridesharing and public transit. Why are People called CONSUMERS?
  • Because health care costs due to penalization by the Government to the industry is causing costs to skyrocket so more people, especially veterans can't afford it. Attention: Democratic Members of Congress
  • Thinking of buying a Plasma, you know the ones that increase my cardon footprint, one second thoughts maybe a clockwork radio would be a better investment given the skyrocketting thats coming. How ABC Stacked the Deck for Obama - Warner_Todd_Huston’s blog - RedState
  • prices skyrocketed
  • The first reason for the disconnect is simply that the economic status quo is a lot less ugly for those at the top than for other Americans: Since the late 1970s, while middle-class incomes have grown only modestly, the incomes of the very richest Americans have skyrocketed. Wall Street's attacks could turn President Obama into a true populist
  • Against all wisdom, I had invested $1,000 in bitcoin, the cryptocurrency whose value had been skyrocketing since the start of the year.
  • Iron was first smelted 3, 500 years ago, but it wasn't until English engineer Henry Bessemer's invention in 1856 of an inexpensive way to mass-produce steel from iron that its use skyrocketed.
  • The prospect of a hung Parliament so rattled currency markets last year that the pound briefly fell against that poster child of skyrocketing inflation, the Zimbabwean dollar.
  • Financial institutions and professional service E&O insurance prices are skyrocketing.
  • Instead of spending, they are saving because they have no confidence that tomorrow's interest rates will not again skyrocket. Weathering the Storm—Manitoba's Economy
  • Now, a once prosperous town is economically depressed, unemployment has skyrocketed, and nobody can afford health insurance anymore.
  • She suffered pre-eclampsia, a condition in which her blood pressure skyrocketed and her body wanted to shut down.
  • Add the proceeds of tax evasion and the figure skyrockets to $1 trillion.
  • She gets the gig on Desperate Housewives, the hottest new series that has skyrocketed to the top of the Nielsen ratings, and - presto - now her reputation transcends to prime-time soap opera.
  • The entertainment level just skyrockets on that second viewing.
  • Since then, energy prices have skyrocketed: a megawatt of power that cost $30 in December 1999 is worth $1500 today.
  • With natural gas prices skyrocketing this winter, people aren't just shuddering from the cold - they're quaking at the thought of coming energy bills.
  • We add a touchscreen and suddenly the price for the same spec skyrockets into the $1500 and over range.
  • When these two lock horns, the film's energy level skyrockets.
  • Two years ago, once-stagnant rents started to skyrocket, and the value of his duplex increased dramatically.
  • My eyes turn to back to Julian and my heartbeat skyrockets.
  • Iron was first smelted 3, 500 years ago, but it wasn't until English engineer Henry Bessemer's invention in 1856 of an inexpensive way to mass-produce steel from iron that its use skyrocketed.
  • Its three divisions - building materials, paper and packaging - were reeling from plummeting prices and skyrocketing stumpage, the fee charged for harvesting crown lands.
  • The thought that without this site my productivity at work will skyrocket is cold comfort. This is the End My Friends | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Production has dropped while prices and unemployment have skyrocketed.
  • The accountant's cash forecast has also been bullwhipped, as the payables line item alternatively skyrockets and dives.
  • In Picardy where seigneurial dues were also minimal, seigneurs used their privileges to lease out logging rights in forests at a time when wood prices were skyrocketing.
  • In a chain reaction on a world scale, prices on innumerable commodities skyrocketed within weeks.
  • Sometimes lost, I think, in the discussions of what happens to the world if oil prices really skyrocket is the fact it's really really cheap to ship things on water. Eschaton
  • On the subject of the bombshell quotes from Barack Obama about "bankrupting" the coal industry and making electric rates "skyrocket" - about which I audio excerpt of which Hugh has since posted separately - the San Francisco Chronicle is now furiously trying to cover its collective fanny in a spectacularly unconvincing fashion. Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog
  • This was a race for the plungers, the speculators, the people who trade commodities and bet the house that the price of nutmeg will skyrocket.
  • Housing prices have skyrocketed in recent months.
  • It appears that the costs of not only tools but of photomasks are poised to skyrocket.
  • Kiki was still out there even though it had grown dark, shooting skyrockets zipped and exploded into myriad colors in the night dark sky.
  • I believe we can no longer stand by and allow hard-working students to miss out on the opportunity for a college degree simply because of skyrocketing tuitions.

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