How To Use Sky In A Sentence
Using a bold colour such as yellow is risky.
Times, Sunday Times
A little bit overcast is actually a lot better than a sunny sky for us out there," Miller said.
NHL players excited to go outdoors in Buffalo's chill
It's all a lot of fuss and nonsense got up by some pesky civil rights activists, some of whom you can find here at Stand.
The light was fading and the sky had rings of black, purple and navy making their way up to the small point of light in the center part of the sky.
It is quite absurd, not to mention infuriating, to have some moron from Sky burbling on about the next attraction when one has not had time to absorb the emotion from the film one has just seen.
Get an up close insight on the early song writing technics that produced several timeless Lynyrd Skynyrd Albums.
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Some experienced foreign jumpers displayed hand-in-hand group jumping, wingsuit jumping and somersaults during free fall; all the risky stunts thrilled the audience.
The sky began to clear and there were puffy white clouds forming as the evening faded away.
The Bedroom In The Sky is three-quarters windowed and the last window blocked off with a hardboard offcut insulated, floored, plasterboarded, plumbed and wired.
April 1st, 2007
The sun was bright in a sky already shading into a cooler, breezier blue, and the trees surrounding the compound glowed with the first, bright brush strokes of fall.
Sharansky is not infallible, but he is probably the most sagacious voice in Israeli politics today.
Different methods are a better fit for different people," Lyubomirsky explains."Keeping a daily gratitude journal seems hokey to some people, but writing a letter of gratitude may be very meaningful.
White snow gently fell onto the glass of the skylight, melting away.
Star staff Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The southern coastal city of Sidon saw banners fill its streets and lights brighten up its sky days before the Holy Month of weather in Baltimore has been sweltering lately, putting many at risk for heat-related conditions. such as Italy criticised Internazionale coach Jose Mourinho for comments the Portuguese made about Ramadan at the weekend. - Articles related to Lagos Fires Tourism Through Sports
Nanotechnology is in danger of being pigeonholed as a risky, hazardous and controversial business, a new study has found, because companies in the emerging field are not tackling the very real health and safety issues involved.
‘Tree surfing’ is euphoria-induced skylarking on a windy day.
It's an hour after sunrise on day three of the photographic safari and a solitary vulture is crossing a flat sky.
Times, Sunday Times
One sheriff admitted handing out 6000 certificates, for which he was either paid a shilling or given a dram of whisky.
As for bridges, fairground rides, aeroplanes and indeed absurdly altitudinous skyscrapers that move perceptibly in the breeze - not fine.
Times, Sunday Times
A table at the bottom compared the calorie content of 100 ml of beer with the same amount of gin, rum, whisky, cognac and wine.
I looked up at the night sky and snowflakes landed on my face.
Your scribe's eyes were also taken with a beautiful Mosquito and I was forced to reflect how ‘right’ these warbirds look in the sky.
Kirkland is a lovely city nestled on Lake Washington, with views of the water, the Seattle skyline, and of course Mount Rainier, which is by far the area's most impressive and hopefully most dormant volcano.
Archive 2007-10-01
The spirit of a soldier of the Truth entered into me; weary as I was, I rushed from the dusky corner where I had been hidden in the twilight, ran to the altar, and held up my hand with my hymn-book as I began to repeat an address that had often silenced the papistic mummers in England.
In the Wrong Paradise
I wrote it early in 1945 and it was published in Wireless World in October, just after the war had ended, and it laid down the principles which now determine the world's communication system, the idea that you'd have satellites poised at such a height above the earth that they remained stationery in the sky and so-called synchronous, or geostationary, orbit.
Great voices of science fiction
The room was an attic, ten feet square, lighted only by a skylight, its sole furniture a narrow iron bedstead, a chair, and a washhand-stand with one game leg.
Down and Out in Paris and London
High above us, the great heptagon of the Winter sky: Capella, Aldebaran, Rigel, Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, and Castor (with Saturn nearby) - with Betelgeuse in the center and the Milky Way cascading through, just to the left of Orion.
Quinn specialises in smaller, high street firms that, because of their reliance on risky areas such as conveyancing, are seen as the hardest to insure.
Top stories from Times Online
First, investors have moved back into equities from their previously cautious positions in less risky bonds.
Times, Sunday Times
Risky - and often fatal - backstreet abortions continue to be the only alternative for some.
Dancers aged from five to adults will perform their own version of the Tchaikovsky classic and also a mix of tap and modern dance.
Although the zebra long since retired to that savannah in the sky, and his owner herself is more than 30 years gone, the eccentric Winmill might be gratified to know that her phaetons and surreys, curricles and landaulets still command attention.
This seems more honest to me than jettisoning the stuff far out to space where who knows what damage it might do in the faroff reaches of the sky.
The crunch leaves of autumn had shrivelled and the sun was a lazy, dusky peach colour.
As it stood there, lifting its proud roofs and gables to the sky, it might have been its own funeral monument.
Built in the shape of a giant beer glass it is topped with great views of the city skyline.
The Sun
The sky is the limit with this one.
The Sun
Sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down, you might be standing tilted!
Within two minutes he was back as frisky and free-moving as a foal.
The light within the eave was a dusky twilight at the entrance, which failed altogether in the inner recesses.
The Antiquary
For example, consider the disparity in flight rates between Saturn 1B and Saturn V during the Skylab program or between the Soyuz and Proton in the Russian Salyut & Mir programs.
Ares V - Ares 1 = Ares IV - NASA Watch
As darkness drew near I joyfully and thankfully watched the pinks, purples, blues and golden colors of the sky melt together into a picture-perfect sunset.
Mr. Weber is not a moralist and does not claim that, by preferring Tchaikovsky to, say, the current-day atonalist Charles Wuorinen, we are philistines or reactionaries.
That Melody Sounds Familiar
there are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has flied away.
The first night we showed up we stayed over top of the "Husky Pub" (husky is short for Huskissen, the town). TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
The vodka and whisky are flowing and it's just about time to chill out on the sofa with a good film.
Then trumpeters played a fanfare, fireworks boomed and crackled across the sky and children from schools on either side of the river waved flags and exchanged huge greetings cards to commemorate new links between their communities.
In spite of this, most credit card issuers still fleece their cardholders with sky-high rates.
There was a dicey moment as one of our party made a risky climb up the cliff wall.
Eli undershot this dark system. i oversaw Jaime when ate me Sky! it told present arch, that enwound sadly... above plough reeved whistle, driving wrung anti the week despite blue chance: "who he gainsaid us?
26th January '05
The tusky but soft-hearted little brute kept nodding his round, sparsely covered head while he listened, exuding a smell of lavender-water, cigars, and gutta-percha.
The Freelands
Bob was never stinky per se, but he had a certain musky quality about him.
What's Worse Than Snakes On A Plane?
The dusky pademelon is the only macropodid (kangaroo) found in the Banda Sea islands (Kai), although it is also found in the Aru Islands and the Trans Fly of New Guinea.
Banda Sea Islands moist deciduous forests
It was light, and birds were singing, but the sky was thick with early-morning clouds.
Floored with glass, the terrace is also a skylight shedding luminance into the building and down the stairwell.
Throat surgery left her with a distinctive husky voice.
The Sun
You can keep fishing - skydiving is the extreme sport for me.
The painter decided to grey the sky
All at once the apparent walls of the room turned from a gold color to a black dotted with stars, most like a midnight sky.
It destroyed his tenor voice and his familiar cracked, husky tones took over.
Times, Sunday Times
Since peak blood alcohol levels (BALs) reached per drinking episode are a crucial factor in FAS (Abel, 1999), the ‘average drinks’ measure distorts the relationship between alcohol and teratogenesis and muddies our perceptions of risky drinking.
Pregnancy is a process
He paints a hellish picture in which sea and sky become indistinguishable and the men battle for survival.
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It is early evening, but the sky is prematurely dark; thunderheads have blocked the last rays of the sun.
Ganesh offers her one of his enchanted lotus flowers so that she might visit Buddha in the sky.
During the daytime, the snowcover reflects a significant portion of incoming radiational energy skyward or spaceward.
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She had been gone about an hour, when the sky suddenly darkened, the wind rose and the thunder rolled in prelude to the storm.
The Hidden Hand
It's an album that is as beautiful, harmonious and calm as a blue sky on a windless day.
The hills stood stark against the winter sky.
The bugle calls multiply till the woods seem filled with an advancing army and the yells split the sky.
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Gwyn continued trudging across the sands as the last rays of light slowly faded to purple streaks across the sky.
They should offer stunning reflections of sky and clouds by day and look most magical at night.
Times, Sunday Times
The laser's optical system would have to overcome the distorting effect of atmospheric turbulence, the variations in pressure and temperature that refract starlight to create the "twinkling" effect in the night sky.
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The morning sky was cloudless, and a dark shade of slate gray, not yet dawn.
The city was overcrowded with tall skyscrapers and noisy vehicles of all sorts.
Huge towers grew into the sky, as the countryside gradually encroached on the city outskirts.
When canals dropped the water table below the surface, and the sawgrass was cleared, the peat dried, shrank and blew away, or burnt like a cigar, smoldering for months and years, filling the sky with smoke.
Life as an aid worker can be a risky business .
The program ended with a free-spirited coda by all the dancers doing this, that, and especially the other, all with happy bravura and to Tchaikovsky.
Despite the challenging nature of his work to date, Aronofsky is unrepentant about his plans to enter the mainstream with his next film.
Cai's impact on the Scottish capital will not just be a momentary intervention on the city skyscape.
Morphing "spacesuit" can adjust on astronaut's body to ensure perfect fit The 4-mm long 'peacock spider' and its mating ritual to attract a mate Walking while talking on cell phone risky for older people: Study LONDON - India has urged Western countries to stop eating beef in order to cut greenhouse emissions.
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WINDING ALONG HIGH ground where tall oaks, maples, and hickories crowded the sky, we descended to a swampy bottom filled with palmettos, water oaks, gums, and bald cypresses.
Fire The Sky
As the sun sets on the skyscrapers, neon lights hug the outsides of the buildings, making the skyline look as impressive at night as it does during the day.
The sun shone high in the December sky and a cold north-east wind dried the countryside after weeks of rain.
The familiar skyline is superimposed with the outline of two figures in an intimate embrace.
; the river raced in turbid waves; the sand drove in clouds; and the face of the sky was darkened as if by a London fog.
A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
No quibbling about the derivation of the word rakia, which is literally something beaten out, [122] can affect the explicit description of the Mosaic writer, contained in the words ‘the waters that are above the firmament,’ or avail to show that he was aware that the sky is but transparent space.
Essays and Reviews: The Education of the World, Bunsen's Biblical Researches, On the Study of the Evidences of Christianity; Seances Historiques de Gen��ve; On the Mosaic Cosmogony; Tendencies of Religious Thought in England, 1688-1750; On the Interpr
I looked up at dark branches silhouetted against a leaden sky.
But he said when he wanted to lose weight he switched from beer to wine and whisky.
The Sun
Ordering sand for your kid's sandbox would be risky business.
Shakespeare to say: "Let the sky rain potatoes, hail kissing comfits, and snow eringoes.
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The bracken was turning to the dusky gold of a fine autumn.
The dusky salamander lives in the southern Appalachian Mountains, and likes to stay at home.
It was an overcast day, the light hidden behind grey clouds that smothered the sky and threatened to rain.
Chomsky and the deep structure of language, yeah, that is what you are referring to.
All movement ceases, the sky clears, the heavens are as brass; the slightest whisper seems sacrilege, and man becomes timid, affrighted at the sound of his own voice.
the sailor watched the sky warily
As the path dipped in a fold in the field the barn rose higher in his vision to dominate the skyline and the arrogance became menace.
Light whisky is stored in seasoned charred oak casks, which impart little colour or flavour.
The "Very Funny" cable network burned off the whopping nine-episode season of its sly charmer about Chicago sportswriter PJ (Jordana Spiro) and her pals on Sundays opposite such sky-high-profile cable competition as Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Mad Men — whose costar Joel Murray, aka rehabbed alky Freddy Rumsen, guested on Boys as the owner who sold the gang's hangout, Crowley's, to Brando (Reid Scott) in the season finale.
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On Navy Day July 27, 2008 the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky spoke of a revival of Russian naval power over the next decade and declared that the navy would add six carrier battle groups to its complement of warships.
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Rima's dusky ayah, Asha, at eighteen almost a child herself, makes up the required third player in their games.
She put herself through many risky experiences on the road, along with some vigorous political activity.
The husky female voice on the other end explained in mangled Franglish that she would like to - merde!
Roel Schouwenberg, senior researcher at Kaspersky Lab, says the rogue certificates have all the marks of an intelligence operation, but it isn't clear whether that is the case here.
It looked like it was going to be grotty, but as I was on the tube the clouds all seemed to disappear and by the time I came back above ground at Tottenham Court Road station the sky was a beautiful clear blue and the sun was shining brightly.
Beyond, the Pacific, dim and vast, was raising on its sky-line tumbled cloud-masses that swept landward, giving warning of the first blustering breath of winter.
Chapter 21
Is it possible that a glimpse of the awesome majesty of the night sky, once revealed, would help to overcome anti-social behaviour?
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Broadsystem Ventures (UK) - provider of cheap-rate telephone calls, particularly for customers of Sky Television.
Amaiya opened her mouth to reply, but her hands flew to her ears as a banshee wail hammered the sky.
This may feel risky but the potential rewards are worth it.
The Sun
Why you should skip it: When you know you can have only one plateful, chances are you will pile it sky-high.
A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky.
In a recent demonstration, Redding showed how someone who types "malts" into a search engine may land on a Scottish whisky-maker's site. - latest science and technology news stories
A rainbow in the sky or a bird that can fly often create joy that money can't buy! RVM
The arches tend to be on high piney ridges, whittled by water and wind and, in the case of a slender pillar at Sky Bridge Arch, by pocketknives.
She screamed to the sky, raising her fists as if to try and hit the superlunary force behind it.
Norns '(for so in that country they called the Fates)' beckon you to a land where green fields lie under a blue sky, fields where golden-haired maidens lie among the flowers. '
The Book of Romance
Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky.
People are now making big money out of skyr.
Times, Sunday Times
Today her dress was the pure color of a summer sky on a clear day.
I remember saying at the time that the swirly water looked as if God had washed his brushes out after painting the sky.
Last week, a bronze-skinned buckaroo, with a flashing red neckerchief above his blue shirt, with shining leather chaparejos and crimson saddle-blanket, dashed up from a Western skyline on a snorting, piebald cow-pony.
Gazing at a star-studded night sky is a truly beautiful and hypnotic experience.
Why then mystify the clear and limpid line by making of the rituals cloistered and fetid mysteries when they are open to the sky, unregimented, free, and democratic?
An Autobiography
It just seems as if Mother Earth had become young again, and was tossing her babies up to the summer sky, and the wind played hide-and-seek, or peep-bo, or some other ridiculous game, with them, and made the summer babies as glad and as mischievous as himself.
My War Experiences in Two Continents
The fans are snubbing live BSkyB coverage of the Premier League at £304 million over five years.
The room awash with its terrible light; a sky unable to rain.
Times, Sunday Times
And then, with a shocking crack, the lightning bolt frozen in the sky crashed to the mountaintop, and the arena went entirely dark.
The cytoplasm is granular and basophilic with Romanowsky stains.
Apparently, the contents of the whisky cupboard were undamaged, to the relief of all concerned.
The afternoon sunset had tinted the white clouds and blue sky into subtle, mellow shades and the fresh, wet winds brushed our faces as we were transported to the tideland in an ox cart.
The competitive infatuation with ‘signature’ skyscrapers may continue to get the publicity, but some of the best young talents are staking their claims and reputations on the ground.
Bhaiya, meanwhile, sent self-pitying letters from near Delhi where he was undergoing military training of his own trials in a world that he found ‘frightfully Poona: chukka, pukka, whisky soda and tiffin: still, I exist.’
Chaplin’s Girl
The Magistrate smoothed down his beard and inserted a small nip of whisky before replying.
The album opens with a string of potential singles, lined up to be launched like skyrockets.
There is a sport called banzai skydiving," he says.
Two examples, from her impressive "Transformation" disc, are the pianist's soulful performance of Domenico Scarlatti's Sonata in F Minor and her sprightly, exceptionally characterful transversal of Igor Stravinsky's Three Movements From "Petrushka," a transcription based on his ballet score.
The Fast and the Serious
‘I still haven't had the pleasure of knowing your name,’ she murmured in a husky voice.
He looks to take the initiative and encourages what the old guard would have considered dangerous or risky strokeplay.
The Sun
Can you recommend a good-value bar with skyline views in Manhattan?
Times, Sunday Times
Underneath the horizontal skyscraper is a landscaped area with a number of water features which give the impression that the building is floating on water. digg this digg this email this email this tweet this tweet this facebook this facebook this
Steven Holl’s LEED Platinum Horizontal Skyscraper Completed! Vanke Center by Steven Holl – Inhabitat
His visit came out of a clear sky.
The Underground Notes is one of the most controversial and abstract works of Dostoevsky.
Genever, Holland's version of gin, is often distilled from malted grain mash similar to that used for whisky.
On this day in 1940 Leon Trotsky died in Mexico City from wounds inflicted by an assassin.
What is more risky, a live orchestra playing wrong notes or a gremlin getting into the electronics?
Jarre stood some distance away from him, staring in awe at the coralite isle floating in the pearl-blue sky.
The Hand of Chaos
We were playing outside in the garden this afternoon when there was an almighty roar in the sky.
Poor Sundry Buyers continually pressed his abdomen as he toiled around the deck-capstans; and never was Nancy's face quite so forlorn as when he obeyed the Maltese Cockney's command and went up to loose the mizzen-skysail.
He drank gallons of cheap whisky and vodka.
Times, Sunday Times
Intense balls of flame rose up into the sky.
As Chomsky says, 'the doctrine traces far back and generalizes worldwide, to U.S. home territory as well.
Bianca Jagger: The Fall of Mubarak
Pretty good, Miss Green, the advisor called out with her usual restraint, hands on the hips of her gray sweats, her expression thoughtful A compact woman with frizzy brown hair and a somewhat plain face, Miss Green had a husky voice that always sounded as if she had laryngitis.
The Second Evil
The writer also pointed out that the procedure was risky and dangerous.
Times, Sunday Times
All day the eye of the sky bulges, lidless and forgiving until darkness comes to roost undisturbed in its lashes.
An early result of that interest was his book Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico, which helped establish the field of archaeoastronomy - the study of the astronomical practices, celestial lore, and cosmologies of ancient cultures.
The lure, according to Ginny, is "wholesome Scottish oats, and local recipes like cranachan - a swirl of raspberries, honey and cream sprinkled with toasted oats - or the punchier whisky and honey, that other great Scottish combination.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
TVG hopes to parlay a victory in California with one in D.C., but as most bettors know, parlays are risky ventures at best.
Highlights therefore include the acoustic shuffle of The Charging Sky, which includes some really lush melodies, excellent slide guitar and really fun lyrics.
Living close to the East Fortune Airfield, you hardly ever get through a day without seeing some kind of flying device in the sky, be it a microlight, heli-copter or, best of all, a jet.
Look at those hollyhocks, like pyramids of roses; those garlands of the convolvulus major of all colours, hanging around that tall pole, like the wreathy hop-bine; those magnificent dusky cloves, breathing of the Spice Islands; those flaunting double dahlias; those splendid scarlet geraniums, and those fierce and warlike flowers the tiger-lilies.
Our Village
A clear and elaborate historical investigation of this process helps a grat deal to make an academic analysis of this historical "issue" and explore the essence of Chen Duxu's case as a Trotskyist.
Old dears about to get bevvied on whisky or port and lemon used to cry: ‘Through the teeth and round the gums / Watch out tumtum, here it comes.’
All women can benefit from early advice on good nutrition, as well as about the importance of stopping risky behaviors, especially smoking, drinking alcohol and taking unprescribed drugs.
Samson and Delilah by Camille Saint-Saëns was playing on a cheap Samsung, Olga Borodina and Dmitri Hvorostovsky singing.
They lapped against the outspread hands of a solitary girl, whose dusky hair rose and fell with the water.
The skyline is brutally impressive in the way cathedrals must once have been when nothing was taller.
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Colour is important from dusky pastels through to the darkest hues.
After a hard climb, we were rewarded by a picture-postcard vista of rolling hills under a deep blue summer sky.
Behind him, lightning crashes across the stars and indigoes bleed from bruise to red as chemicals cut the sky.
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Think a big guitar sound, bouncing bass lines, Liberal dashes of Hammond organ, skyscraping harmonies and the most soulful vocal you're ever likely to hear on this Island and you're halfway there.
Chomsky's view of the problem of language acquisition can be simply illustrated.
One mammoth cloud lay half-way across the sky, a big fleecy blanket, dragging its train.
Being self-employed is much more risky than being a wage earner.
The Withern cottage is damp and musky and inspires images for former occupants with bronchitis and other chest complaints.
Through the overhead skylight they could see the night sky turn a deep black.
Other birds to benefit nationally include song thrushes, red kites, skylarks and nightjars.
All the man saw was a bright azure sky, bright white clouds moving about like sea lions chasing one another, and a bright shining sun that warmed his face.
The three Skylab crews spent a combined time of over 3000 hours conducting scientific experiments in Earth orbit.
Spen was in particularly frisky mood and ended up slopping his drink down my jeans while Ross lined me up far too many vodkas on the arm of a chair.
He announced out of a clear sky that he was going to quit his job and join the army.
Comments (32) 'Ugly Betty' Bites: Enjoy the best 19 quips from the best episode of the season (so far)! by Tanner Stransky
'Ugly Betty' Bites: Enjoy the best 19 quips from the best episode of the season (so far)! |
By this time, the rain was pummelling the overhead skylight, but we just laughed and raised our voices.
From the moment that grand trine appeared in the sky—an equilateral triangle like the great pyramids—it was our turn to clean house.
Surrender the Dark
The trinkets they were wearing around their necks and wrists gave off a glimmer in the dim light - the sky had turned into a mass of sullen grey threatening a persistent downpour.
The mountain's snow-white peak was incandescent against the blue sky.
Matthew Risch, lately of "Pal Joey," is smooth and debonair as Sky Masterson, the high-rolling sharpie who wins the heart of Miss Sarah Brown Morgan James, the dishy Salvation Army doll who longs to save the souls of all the heels on Broadway.
Joy in Runyonland
The sun had begun to set, making the sky and clouds a strangely ominous pinkish hue.
the men were flung sky-high by the explosion
This image evolved over the decades, and the moonshiner became fixed as a corncob-pipe-smoking craftsman filling stoneware jugs with a clear and tasty elixir while keeping an eye out for pesky revenuers.
Hipster Moonshine
I watched with dry, weary eyes as the pale light of dawn overwhelmed the amber glow of the Parisian night sky.
He is well aware how risky this investment is.
Some of these have images etched onto them - the background to the window shows some of God's creations which my father thought were especially lovely - tormentils, oystercatchers, skylarks and of course St. Margaret's Church.
Accepting drugs from a stranger in an unfamiliar place is very risky.
The Sun
Smoothly we left the ground, raised our undercarts, and climbed away into that overcast, threatening sky.
‘This was always a risky venture but it has been done in style thanks to the dedication and commitment of all involved,’ he said.
John produced the remains of a bottle of whisky and they all had a dram to celebrate.