How To Use Skinner In A Sentence
Extreme behaviourism is normally associated with B. F. Skinner.
Pioneering psychologist B. F. Skinner wrote: "Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.
Extreme behaviourism is normally associated with B. F. Skinner.
Among these are the best specimen of the dome-skulled chalicothere Tylocephalonyx skinneri, and type specimens of several other mammals, including rodents, oreodonts and carnivores.
And with billions and billions served helpings of the lardaceous potato strips, it's a sticky moment for JamesSkinner'sJames Skinner's Golden Arches, which last October boasted of its initiative to print nutritional data on its packages to help consumers make informed choices about what to eat.
Skinner's McDonald's Comes Clean On Fries' Fat

Although its influence on the behavior modification procedures relatable to operant formulations has been negligible, Skinner has attempted to define the term.
As to relations with the opposite sex, Skinner would cut no ice with Germaine Greer but he makes a well-intentioned if misdirected stab at equality.
Operant conditional response is a core concept of the famous American psychologist Skinner's Neo-behaviorism theory.
You and I both know why Skinner's behaviorism is classified as 'failed' – because once upon a time (on the order of years, rather than many decades or centuries) it was popular.
Bunny and a Book
SKINNER: It's okay, I've got him. Gibson.
Admittedly, it's a bit blokey – there are few female voices – but it has some genuinely funny presenters such as Christian O'Connell, Frank Skinner and Dave Gorman, as well as properly produced documentaries, very unusual for a commercial radio station.
Rewind radio: Elbow: Live at St Paul's Cathedral; Radcliffe and Maconie; A Forensic Look at Infidelity; The No 219 Sodcast Project – review
Even automatic, unthinking actions are to a degree socially-conditioned, as Pavlov and Skinner have demonstrated.
Craig Skinner, back at City after winning an appeal against his dismissal by the club, played the full 90 minutes.
Third row, from left: Lt. Robert Skinner asst. surgeon, Capt.
The Do-or-Die Men
Receiver Marshall Williams lost a fumble, Skinner badly overthrew Brinkman and it was picked off by Wyatt Middleton, Skinner lost a fumble after picking up a first down and then Ketric Buffin intercepted another badly thrown ball.
This would mean that participants could qualify as chefs, skinners, trackers or professional hunters and be recognised for their skills.
Bullwhackers and mule skinners hated camels and dreaded meeting them on the trail.
2 Skinner, The origin of medical terms (1961), 2nd edition, p.406 (see link): "Latin - tophus or tofus, from the Greek τόφος, a loose, porous, kind of stone (Hebrew, toph).
The etymology of Latin tofus 'tufa' isn't written in stone
The family holdings were divided among six sons in the 1920s, with the largest tracts going to the sons of Richard Skinner and Chester Skinner.
Fang Guoyu's definition of xi'nan is similar to Skinner's Yunnan-Guizhou, and has been accepted by James Lee.
Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
Skinner possibly was into his second bullshot, his black eyes had flicks of gold in them.
Salter accounts for most of the music in the first headnote, with only Sherlock Holmes and The Voice of Terror written by Skinner.
One might think that radical behaviourists such as Skinner would advocate the classification of stimuli along purely physical dimensions.
I therefore suppose the _r_ termination in _mauther_ to be a mere corruption, like that pointed out by Skinner in the Lincoln Folk-speech: or is it possible that it may have arisen from a contusion of the words _maid_ and _mother_ in Roman Catholic times?
Notes and Queries, Number 55, November 16, 1850
Anglomania was pretty rife in aristocratic Paris, and the author of my main source (Cornelia Otis Skinner) was an expert on 1890s/1900s Parisian society.
The Tea Gown | Edwardian Promenade
B.F. Skinner's theory of operant conditioning, which deals with the ontogenesis of individual behavior, is explicitly based upon the Darwinian selectionist model (Skinner 1981).
Evolutionary Epistemology
I can name four people who are closely associated with Mayor Fenty publicly, and only one of them helps him politically, even marginally: Consigliore Peter Nickles; Chancellor Michelle Rhee; Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity brother Sinclair Skinner; and Ron Moten, self-described 'brawler' and Fenty-described 'great Washingtonian.'
DeMorning DeBonis: June 28, 2010
For example, the advertised possum skinner went away to Auckland and no one knew when or if he was coming back.
Definitely this is not the time to call in a child psychologist or bury ourselves in academic discussions on the merits and demerits of Freud versus Skinner versus Piaget.
She's a tarter; she's a skinner; she's a damner; that's what she is.
Sowing Seeds in Danny
Most notably before joining LeftHand, Skinner was a Senior Technologist for Sun Microsystems where he was responsible for developing strategy and technology in the area of reliability, availability, serviceability and diagnosability (RASD), enabling Sun to re-position itself from a mid-level UNIX storage peripherals vendor to an enterprise storage provider.
Skinner once again has optics filled with various spirits mounted on the drum riser, allowing him to distribute drinks to the front row.
Strassburg a much-travelled man, a skinner by trade, by name Melchior
German Culture Past and Present
The first settlers arrived in the district around 1880 after the land had been surveyed by W.H.Skinner.
You, on the other hand and obviously not being one, have picked up half - baked, popularist propaganda from that fraudster Richard Dawkins, with a faith and gullibility that would make any witch doctor green with envy. david skinner
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Skinner also used a second type of punishing stimulus called the bar slap.
The fact that Skinner's verbal diatribes are accompanied by minimum technological enhancement only add to their power.
skinner" or "skynner" in the search feature and looked to see what came up.
A similar occurrence happens occasionally in _Lycaste Skinneri_, thus recalling the structure of _Masdevallia_, where the labellum is normally very small.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
We regret to find that Mr. Skinner, so well known to the sporting world as the able extoller and defender of the rights of our canine friends, should recommend the cropping of terriers.
The Dog
The much-vaunted plot ‘twist’ stretches your credulity to the limit: suffice to say that in order to believe it, you would also have to believe that Skinner is woefully unobservant.
Actually, I suspect Skinner would be more interesting on his own, when not playing half of a smarmy double-act.
Turning first to Skinner, note that procreation had nothing to do with the crime in question, recidivist theft.
However, unlike Skinner, Piaget believed that development is best explained by describing the ways in which children understand such relations.
Partial aperiodic reinforcement, for example, evokes a rather more persistent response than one might expect, though Skinner would scoff at interpreting such persistence as hope springing eternal.
Last year Michael Skinner helped pace a World record in the two-mile race.
Skinner worked as a draper and shopwalker with Buckley & Nunn's until 1880 when he resigned after being refused a pay rise.
Before nightfall, another ranch hand, a jerkline skinner named Slim, presented the childlike Lennie with a puppy from his dog's litter.
Skinner believes there's no way you can become a VA without several years of office experience and considerable familiarity with the necessary technology.
Beverly Darmour, Diane Skinner introduced the word "farrago," meaning mixture or medley.
He's lost a bit of weight (Skinner ‘always porks out’ towards the end of making an album, apparently) and, clutching a bottle of water in his snappy designer sportswear, might almost be at the gym.
The reindeer herdsman is a resourceful chap: he needs to be milker, butcher, skinner and musher.
Times, Sunday Times
Skinner an 'the Colonel is what you might call infatuated with me, and
Kilo : being the love story of Eliph' Hewlitt, book agent
Rather than defining genres, Skinner explores them, intersecting garage and hip-hop with rave, reggae, and even a twinge of bedsit indie.
With the first morning light the men-at-arms mounted their horses and rode toward Doncaster, Richard Wood rode north to seek his needed men-at-arms from Hubert le Falconer, and only Walter Skinner was left horseless and breakfastless in the vale.
A Boy's Ride
Dr. Ingrid Skinner disappeared with a number of theroid specimens that have mutated into monsters.
In the latter of 20 century, republicanism was rejuvenated again with the efforts of Quentin Skinner.
They were named Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, and Mr. Bensington interviewed them in a small room with hermetically sealed windows, a spotted overmantel looking-glass, and some ailing calceolarias.
The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
He blamed Skinner for his etymology for helter-skelter from the Anglo-Saxon words for the darkness of hell: "Hell, says he, being a place of confusion.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 3
She 's a tarter; she 's a skinner; she 's a damner; that 's what she is.
Sowing Seeds in Danny
Among the animal tests Skinner reported upon were some that induced abulia.
But the inclusion (if only for thoroughness 'sake) of a section on "inartificial" proofs opens the door to a wider conception of rhetoric, an "administrative" mode of persuasion that would often fit Machiavelli's recipes to perfection and that Skinnerian observations about persuasion and control are, however fumblingly, concerned with.
An Exchange on Machiavelli
His crew of skinners, butchers and sausage makers handle thousands of whitetails each season.
It differs from Skinner's functionalism in that it accepts the possibility that there are mental processes that cannot be seen directly.
All I can say about the Skinners was that they had no net curtains and a pornographic oil-painting above the fire-place until the police made them stop.
Rule, an 'a note that said: "Render unto Murphy the things which is murphies, and unto Skinner them things which is skins.
Children of the Bush
To open the concert, William Neil gave a powerful account of J.S. Bach's "Fantasia" and Fugue in G Minor, BWV 542, on the church's magnificent Aeolian-Skinner organ.
From City Choir of Washington, triumph out of tragedy
Xi'nan, to Skinner, lacks the connotation of the sort of internal homogeneity necessary for a physiographical region. 16 Many Western scholars accept Skinner's Yunnan-Guizhou macroregion (hereafter, Yun-Gui), sometimes under the term xi'nan.
Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
It's the next day and 10.41am and I've just jaunted over to Alan's site, then The Skinner, Rhys Hughes's, Pat's Fantasy Hotlist and now here and I'm about 2/3rds through my bookmarks so a couple of sites to visit yet.
Writing Life
As I walked round the outside of the church, I found the bell-ringers of 1985 doing exactly what Skinner had complained of in 1825.
Though far more subtle than in Skinner, however, the discrimination here is nonetheless invidious - as it so often is when some people in the population identify others as unworthy of parenthood.
Skinner separated his shoulder after scrambling from the pocket late in the third quarter and returned for just one play - Tribble's third interception. - College Football - Wake Forest vs. Boston College
Provides the ability to apply different skins to a theme By copy the 'skinner' directory to your wp-contents / plugins directory.
I know it sounds juvenile and stupid but I really wanted to see the look on Skinner's face.
To: sully777; vigl; Cagey; A.athar; A. Patriot; B Knotts; getsoutalive; muleskinner; sausageseller; ... posted on 01/29/2010 1: 33: 18 PM PST
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B.F. Skinner emphasised that during instrumental conditioning an organism learns a response by operating on its environment.
Skinner was also given responsibility for liaising closely with the troika at the apex of Bush's re-election campaign.
Doc Shabbitt [Patron Saint of Lost Tea Bag Comedians] says: sirludwig says: doc …. conservative women: laura ingram, michele malkin, jane skinner, megyn kelly, dana loesch,
Think Progress » Limbaugh: Volcanic eruption in Iceland is God’s reaction to health care’s passage.
It is not entirely clear to me in what respects the judge held Mr Skinner to have been negligent.
The way Skinner describes his creative process, he sounds like a conscientious painter and decorator sanding a wooden surface to roughen it up a bit before applying an undercoat.
As leader of the "behavioristic" psychologists, who liken man to a machine, Skinner is vigorously opposed both by humanists and by Freudian psychoanalysts. Top Stories
Primary vocalist Gareth Campesinos (the band has a Ramones-like penchant for pseudonyms) sounds like a stagier version of The Streets's Mike Skinner.
The Michigan Daily
By his son, Theodorus Van Wyck, Esq., of Fishkill Hook, who remembers to have been shown, within the last forty years, by an individual then living, the bones of a "skinner," or cowboy, still lying unburied in a defile of the mountains.
The Military Journals of Two Private Soldiers, 1758-1775 With Numerous Illustrative Notes
Labour councillors on Tuesday voted to introduce pedestrianisation in Skinnergate and High Row without any exemptions for orange badge holders.
Over against the criticism of our day even moderately critical writers offer comments such as Skinner (p. 11): "It is a bold thing to desiderate a treatment more worthy of the theme, or more impressive in effect, than we find the severely chiselled outlines and stately cadences of the first chapter of Genesis.
Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
im a big x files fan an i cant recall skinner saying anything like that,,
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Skinner blends give depth and realism to canework.
Polka Dot Cottage: My Skinner Blend Quilt
Although its influence on the behavior modification procedures relatable to operant formulations has been negligible, Skinner has attempted to define the term.
He blamed Skinner for his etymology for helter-skelter from the Anglo-Saxon words for the darkness of hell: "Hell, says he, being a place of confusion.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 3
However, Dolan's fortunes took a dramatic slump with the loss of Fox to a foot injury, luckless wideman Craig Skinner to a ricked neck and young Marc Thompson, who turned his ankle.
Funding delays are the latest controversy to surround the building, which used to be a busy shopping centre off Skinnergate.
And Skinner's autobiography was searingly open.
In about 2004, I got noticed by Mike Skinner at a jump-off battle at Brixton Academy.
Are you ready for the British MCs?
By association he is regarded as the patron saint of tanners and skinners.
Funding delays are the latest controversy to surround the building, which used to be a busy shopping centre off Skinnergate.
To: Cronos; sully777; vigl; Cagey; A.athar; A. Patriot; B Knotts; getsoutalive; muleskinner; ...
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There were brass-founders and tinsmiths, pottery makers like Samuel Skinner whose wife Mary took over the business when he died.
To: Reaganesque; sully777; vigl; Cagey; A.athar; A. Patriot; B Knotts; getsoutalive; muleskinner; ...
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The skinner was a fat, good-humoured creature, like all
The Land of The Blessed Virgin; Sketches and Impressions in Andalusia
He accepts that Skinnergate should be pedestrianised to stop the traffic chaos.
All those skinners, dyers, bakers, masons, weavers and hammermen seemed to be mocking us now.
Architect Richard Dobson, who, with Skinner, will soon publish a book on the Warwick Triangle area, says the mall appears to be part of the city's efforts to "sterilise" the area in time for the 2010 World Cup.
Mail & Guardian Online
He is expected to be supported at the meeting by Dennis Skinner and Tony Benn among others.
It should also be noted that Skinner's derisive attitude towards explanatory references to mental innerness stems, in part, not just from fears of explanatory regression but from his conviction that if the language of psychology is permitted to refer to internal processing, this goes some way towards permitting talk of immaterial mental substances, agents endowed with contra-causal free will, and little persons (homunculi) within bodies.
Good god Mike Skinner's affected cheeky chappy swaggering is annoying.
The Streets wants to tell you something... (Music (For Robots))
Consider: we know, thanks to B.F. Skinner, that positive reinforcement is the most effective means of altering behaviour.
Archive 2009-05-01
I've decided to become a skinner & a leatherworker as well as a hunter.
Not all behavioral associationists, to be sure, shared Skinner's disdain for theory.
SKINNER : ( sarcastically ) Our brand - new deputy director.
James H. Skinner decd to the University were unanimously adopted and ordered to be spread on the minutes of the Board:
Board of Visitors minutes
In 2007, Mr. Skinner shouted at Black Rod "who shot the harriers?" in reference to the shooting of two protected harriers near a royal property.
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He has said the likely killer was his girlfriend's uncle, an ex-convict with a history of physical and sexual abuse, and Skinner has for about a decade been seeking crime scene evidence to try to prove his innocence.
Supreme Court rules for Texas death row inmate in DNA case
Tolonen, owner of Northwoods Harvesting, was the ‘cat skinner’ and started furrowing the mine dump from east to west.
A contemporary of Skinner, at the other end of Somerset, was the Reverend Mr Holland, an altogether better balanced character.
Unsurprisingly, the likes of Mike Skinner feel a kinship with GP's down-at-heel rhyming – however dark the work can be, there's a feeling of a torch being passed.
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The present situation in Skinnergate and High Row was one of absolute chaos.
His sophomore effort is ambitious and diverse, suggesting Skinner's shambolic charm is here to stay.
Skinner was the psychologist who popularized behavior modification.
When attempting a topical decoding of any complex allegorical work, the exegete runs the perpetual risk of reading into the text and committing what Quentin Skinner has termed the mythology of doctrines.
Definitely this is not the time to call in a child psychologist or bury ourselves in academic discussions on the merits and demerits of Freud versus Skinner versus Piaget.
Skinner took no part in it, till one minister remarked to him, “The great faut I hae to your prayer-book is that ye use the Lord's Prayer sae aften, ” ye juist mak a dishclout o't.”
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I was gathering my things when Skinner walked, no swaggered up to my locker and coolly kicked the left corner.
Skinner's Original Pirate Material isn't inceptive but inventive, and he's asking for the same from more of his contemporaries.
A clicker is simply a tool - it's based on the work of B.F. Skinner - and is telling the animal that the behavior he just performed is reinforcable.
Can You Clicker-Train a Gun Dog?
Labour councillors on Tuesday voted to introduce pedestrianisation in Skinnergate and High Row without any exemptions for orange badge holders.
At the 1999 Worlds, Slater and Skinner placed ninth and 16th all-around, respectively.
It chanced that there was but one of them on duty in the wood that morning -- a certain short, stalky little fellow whose name was Walter Skinner, and who was fond of speaking of himself as a king's man.
A Boy's Ride
In particular, Richard Skinner is dubious about the President's supposed improvement among urban dwellers.
hyposulphite," "phosphate," and "affinity," were enough to convince even the most sceptical that Dr Skinner had a profound knowledge of chemistry.
The Way of All Flesh
This would mean that participants could qualify as chefs, skinners, trackers or professional hunters and be recognised for their skills.
Chingford Man - more like one down, several hundred more smart-a**e pinkoes in Broadcasting House to go. david skinner
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Doc Shabbitt [Patron Saint of Lost Tea Bag Comedians] says: sirludwig says: doc …. conservative women: laura ingram, michele malkin, jane skinner, megyn kelly, dana loesch,
Think Progress » Limbaugh: Volcanic eruption in Iceland is God’s reaction to health care’s passage.
Skinner was the psychologist who popularized behavior modification.
To all the critics who have predicted traffic chaos Labour councillor Jim Skinner has the same reply.
There have been few ante-post setbacks to match it in recent seasons, and victory for the new O'Brien-trained favourite, Jan Vermeer, would be a relative "skinner" for the layers in ante-post terms as he was barely on the punters 'radar until his win in the Gallinule Stakes 10 days ago.
Cape Blanco to join St Nicholas Abbey in missing the Derby