How To Use Skimming In A Sentence

  • Looking out the window, I can see an orange flame of whimsical light skimming the horizon, and hues of blue to grey look down benignly from above.
  • Reduce the heat and simmer for about 8 minutes, skimming the froth from the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • I tore into the envelope and pulled out the letter, skimming quickly over it.
  • Writing the legislation to prohibit spyware and privacy-invasive practices such as keylogging and skimming Undefined
  • He has been accused of skimming the cream off the economy.
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  • Here, too, he delineates his subject through a series of paradoxes: do English charivari and Skimmington rides represent punishment or celebration?
  • And just briefly skimming what I can find on counterintuition on the net, it seems that treatment of counterintuitive statements in terms of, effectively, pseudo-propositions, is an unusual characterization. Archive 2005-01-01
  • Reduce the heat and simmer for about 8 minutes, skimming the froth from the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had walked back, the night full of stars and our breath smoking, ice skimming the puddles. HIGH STAND
  • I approached it again, this time dimpling the water with a stick, and the strider burst into a long run of skips like a skimming stone.
  • Dropping the stones he had been skimming across the surface of the slow-flowing creek, he reached immediately for the gun in his jacket.
  • European space boffins are chuffed to announce that they have successfully 'surfed' the atmosphere of Venus, during a so-called 'aerodrag' experiment in which the solar panels of a space probe functioned as aerofoils skimming the top of the second planet's atmosphere. The Register
  • It'shot forward like some flying fish, hardly skimming the water.
  • Either way, seconds later the chopper is gone, skimming over the water towards the next village-island. Still marooned: plight of flood-stricken villagers in Pakistan's Sindh province
  • Johnny grabbed onto the side and pulled himself up, his boot skimming the surface of the fire.
  • Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer, skimming often.
  • He pushed us off and we went skimming away from the shore.
  • The machine that staff use to swipe your card could be a skimming device. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of launching it over the sightscreen, he could only hit a skimming drive that the bowler snaffled nonchalantly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lacey reached forward and took it, her eyes briefly skimming over the first few pages.
  • Suddenly, instead of skimming the glassy surface, you could be struggling with the deep, dark world of potential disaster.
  • It's only a prototype, but some researchers imagine the water-skimming robot could have many uses.
  • Below in the glittering blue Pacific half a dozen dolphins were playing in the surf, skimming in just below the face of the breakers then flipping out over the crest as the wave broke.
  • It was sheer physical pleasure, freewheeling or skimming along with minimum effort through meadows, orchards, vineyards, woods and tiny towns with squares and window boxes.
  • I was standing on the brow of a small hill behind my house, a warm breeze coming through the copse of trees behind me, and my eyes skimming over the roof tops and across to the lush fields in the distance.
  • As a conversationalist, Birkin is a whirlwind, skimming over subjects, lifting them up, reshaping them utterly before throwing them back down.
  • Whenever I made that correction I felt like I was lightly skimming over the mogul field.
  • (Although that downplays my 'hipness' -- I do enuf Chapl-aware to make mention of Him in order to win the hearts and minds of my kids ... if not affection, devotion, and fifty more years skimming ten percent of their Official United States paystubs into FICA -- 'Soc. Dave Chappelle at Pioneer Courthouse Square at midnight? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The culture on offer is so rich that you can end up just skimming the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • The culture on offer is so rich that you can end up just skimming the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • Albatross, cape pigeons, diving petrels, monymawks, mottled petrels, and sooty shearwaters all took their turns skimming our bow wave for fish.
  • The anti-surface version is able to carry a range of air-to-surface missiles, including sea-skimming anti-ship missiles.
  • Bring slowly to the boil, skimming off the froth that rises to the surface.
  • The machine that staff use to swipe your card could be a skimming device. Times, Sunday Times
  • The little boat was skimming across the sunlit surface of the bay.
  • As I lie in the ponga skimming across the water, dolphins were jumping along the side of the boat. Mise-en-scène - French Word-A-Day
  • Tom suddenly slid out from beneath Aligore, skimming on his back across the canted deck.
  • A swallow flew west skimming the lake.
  • When police arrested Nestor Padron on suspicion of skimming meter receipts, he was carrying $ 850 in cash, Maher said.
  • Simmer for five minutes before skimming off any scummy bits gathered on the surface.
  • I lingered a long time in the rocky little cove, skimming pebbles of green marble across the waves and picturing the saint arriving on such a day of threatening weather.
  • Still she kept reading, skimming each article until the boldfaced Steere. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • There is also an interesting chapter on how to write headings, titles, and links to help make your content more accessible for those searching and skimming your pages.
  • Most of these early drillers and operators were local folk, or members of an industrious and close-knit fraternity who had grown up in and around the salt well or oil-skimming business.
  • This can make life superficial, lived on the surface like the ice-skater skimming at speed but with no depth.
  • A skimmington appears in Samuel Butler's ‘Hudibras,’ a poem that may have inspired Hogarth to try his hand at the topic.
  • Bill pushed us off and we went skimming away from the shore.
  • I took a shaky breath and with a trembling hand, I took out the paper once more, my eyes skimming over the quickly written words.
  • THE TRIMARAN FLEW WESTWARD BENEATH THE OUTTHRUSTING arm of Aven, skimming the shallow salt lagoon by virtue of the metapsychic gale Mercy had whistled up when Bryan protested that the day was too calm for sailing. The Golden Torc
  • I know she's not the brightest, but she is from Fife and they know all about skimming public money there, don't they?
  • She was veiled in a dark cloak, billowing around her slim body and skimming the surface of the water.
  • Lucinda quickly regained her composure, a dark blush flushing her pale cheeks, as she reopened the book, hurriedly skimming the past page.
  • Fraudsters can easily clone credit cards by using a skimming machine.
  • One shell beyond it, one shell short of it, then whizz-BOOM Burst rafters leaping upwards and a sheet of uralite skimming down the air like a nicked playing-card. Homage to Catalonia
  • And that's just skimming the surface of the ' leftist ' propaganda out there.
  • Simmer the cooking liquid until reduced to four cups, skimming the surface as needed to remove any impurities.
  • Then her gaze shifted to the insects that were skimming the surface of the water like it was glass.
  • It landed on a tiny airstrip in the forest, skimming the trees as we came down. Times, Sunday Times
  • It flew low on the 90-minute journey, hugging the mountainous landscape and skimming over forests as if anxious to avoid radar detection. Times, Sunday Times
  • I leapt from the building and vaulted over the wall that had previously blocked my way, barely skimming my knee on the top as I went.
  • McKinna claims that stone skimming can be compared to the javelin and discus.
  • Other marital irregularities in Burbage at later periods gave cause for skimmingtons, which are recorded in 1625 and 1835.
  • Skimming through the outsiders of World Cups past, few in their right minds or even their fuzziest dazes would have come up with Uruguay 1950, North Korea 1966, Northern Ireland 1982, Bulgaria 1994, Turkey 2002. Holland are dark horses on untried World Cup course
  • A dragonfly sows its eggs while skimming the surface of the water.
  • At one point I was skimming stones into the mist, and I couldn't tell how many jumps they'd made as I'd lost contact.
  • I think it's high time we bring back the skimmington ride, this time with a bluesy rock n’ roll beat.
  • Hearing these confessionals was a thrill akin to skimming Lady Macbeth's diary or getting drunk with Machiavelli.
  • Coach House Press/Books founder Stan Bevington reiterates this truth in these excerpts from Roy MacSkimming’s ‘Perilous Trade Conversations’ conducted back in 1998, now found in the latest edition of CNQ magazine: Bevington: …I was fascinated by the photo-offset available at the time. 2009 December | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • Rough seas today prevented specially equipped ships from skimming oil off the water'ssurface.
  • He was babbling away to himself, skimming stones through the dust to emphasise his broken punctuation.
  • There was nothing there for a poor pleb like me, so I ended up skimming over the last two hundred pages. Archive 2009-08-01
  • As the nameless Senorita, Gitte Lindstrom deployed her pointes like a flamenco dancer's heels, hard against the floor, a contrast to the precise, skimming pointe work typical of Bournonville style.
  • Let simmer for 30 minutes, skimming frequently to remove impurities that float to the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • I vaguely remember skimming through it at the time and not being at all interested - it was over.
  • Bill pushed us off and we went skimming away from the shore.
  • The tow rope became taut and her boat seemed to be skimming along the surface of the loch. The Glasgow Girls
  • I began circling the black monstrosity, barely skimming my hand on the surface.
  • We know their skimming, curvetting flight, the swept-back fighter-plane wings, the fine tail-streamers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He reached for the bat and sent it skimming along the boards.
  • I'm careful with her sunblock, and I make her wear a gauzy ankle length pareo, skimming the thin straps of her narrow sandals. Poetry Friday - The Collected Works of Susan Ramsey
  • First stop: the "aeroshell braking" department, the people who can make a spaceship that slows itself down by skimming along the Martian atmosphere. Traveling Sharks
  • Keep the bulky fabrics to shawls and accessories and be mad about figure-skimming lightweight plaids.
  • There was a biting wind skimming the gently rippling surface of the cold shore.
  • The machine that staff use to swipe your card could be a skimming device. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tow rope became taut and her boat seemed to be skimming along the surface of the loch. The Glasgow Girls
  • Probably doesn't even know some of his managers are skimming. MAMBO
  • A swallow flew west skimming the lake.
  • Athough skimmingtons and charivaris differed from place to place, they all contained similar elements.
  • Mostly it's sand, sometimes a fine shingle, sometimes pebbles of every hue, and here and there flat shale for skimming the waves.
  • That he allotted the hardest tasks to Agravain may not have been coincidence, but the latter said nothing, hung on to the bucking rope, and helped to bring the lively boat about and send it skimming landwards, rocking in the spreading wake of the King's ship. The Wicked Day
  • When police arrested Nestor Padron on suspicion of skimming meter receipts, he was carrying $ 850 in cash, Maher said.
  • Place the smoked gammon knuckle, yellow split peas, chopped carrots, celery, onion and bay leaves in your largest pot, cover with the water and bring to the boil, skimming off any froth as it rises to the surface.
  • A recent effort discloses effective methods for stone skimming on water bodies.
  • Except, of course, for when it was very, very, floor- skimmingly long. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wheat skimming is rather cleverer than potato washing.
  • I perceive a flock of snow-birds, skimming lightsomely through the tempest, and flitting from drift to drift, as sportively as swallows in the delightful prime of summer.
  • Mr. Harcourt and his outrigger were again skimming on the surface and floating about Rose; Mr. Greydon either had some excuse for calling on Arthur, or called without any excuse at all, except the old hackneyed one of "the fatality," and by his manner to Janet, Blanche was led to the comfortable conviction that, by giving Mr. Greydon this living, she should at once provide her village with an unexceptionable pastor, and pay off some of her debt of gratitude to the Hopkinson family. The Semi-Detached House
  • The clouds were skimming lower than usual, but other than that, the sky was clear.
  • This allows the US to act as banker to the world, skimming off an "intermediation" fee that allows positive returns on portfolio maturity and quality composition. The US is the World’s Largest Hedge Fund | Impact Lab
  • I've never read the book, but I did get the sense from the movie that it was skimming through the book, rushing the story.
  • We went skimming along a quarter of a mile behind them, and when we had followed them an hour and a half and was getting pretty discouraged, and was thirsty clean to unendurableness, Tom says: Tom Sawyer Abroad
  • Speed-reading courses preach a form of skimming that doesn't help comprehension or retention.
  • Let simmer for 30 minutes, skimming frequently to remove impurities that float to the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an adult, the still-lonely Amélie struggles to connect with anyone and takes pleasure in such simple, tactile things as skimming stones or thrusting her hand into a bag of dried lentils.
  • Tory froze, fingertips still skimming in the water.
  • The tax evader skimming unreported income into an offshore account; the briber shuffling funds to the bribee; the violator of the securities laws squirreling away illegal profits; the insecure politician or government official building a retirement fund abroad; the businessman fleeing his creditors; the husband fleeing his wife; the law-abiding citizen fleeing exposure to political or economic risk. Economic Principals
  • The little boat was skimming across the sunlit surface of the bay.
  • The obvious answer is to put more money in by increasing your monthly contributions (or skimming off an annual bonus, overtime or other payment).
  • Atong claimed I was skimming the money I was collecting for the president.
  • She quickly opened the folder and flicked through some of the pages, her eyes skimming over the bold type.
  • Let simmer for 30 minutes, skimming frequently to remove impurities that float to the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • It feels like a great hand has suddenly grabbed hold and flung you across the surface like a skimming stone.
  • Instead of launching it over the sightscreen, he could only hit a skimming drive that the bowler snaffled nonchalantly. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was standing on the brow of a small hill behind my house, a warm breeze coming through the copse of trees behind me, and my eyes skimming over the roof tops and across to the lush fields in the distance.
  • THEY were once the simple pleasures of childhood - skimming a stone across a pond, climbing a tree and building a den. The Sun
  • Skimming the headlines in hep-ex, you can just ignore anything with “unparticle” or “New limits on [unmotivated model] - type models” in the title. Why RSS+arXiv=Awesome « Imaginary Potential
  • Lacey reached forward and took it, her eyes briefly skimming over the first few pages.
  • Top off the look with a belly skimming T-shirt or airy peasant blouse, flowing hippie hair, and a pair of beaded slides.
  • While skimming through an article about ordering paper maps online I discovered a fact that was new to me.
  • A swallow flew west skimming the lake.
  • Skin was definitely in, with most of the collection consisting of shorts just skimming the bottom under crop tops or transparent floor-length floaty coats.
  • On our way down, a boarder in a bright blue jacket catches my eye, carving tight and skimming across the snow like she's flying.
  • He flipped through his geometry book, skimming the pages for any sign of the folded paper that he'd written out his homework onto.
  • Rough seas today prevented specially equipped ships from skimming oil off the water'ssurface.
  • The machine that staff use to swipe your card could be a skimming device. Times, Sunday Times
  • Refrigerate, skimming off any fat after an hour or so.
  • Shrimper Eric Abair (ph), who delivers boom to skimming vessels in the Gulf, says he isn't ready for a scale-back or ready to fish. Incoming BP Chief: Time To Scale Back Cleanup
  • Bring slowly to the boil, skimming off the froth that rises to the surface.
  • The hue and cry of this rough popular justice, akin to Europe's chiarivari and skimmingtons, led to the abusive oratory.
  • For the best results, choose simple, body-skimming dresses and separates, rather than more fitted and detailed styles.
  • After the plane arrives, we fly over the watery green plain, skimming above rivers of burnished silver and snowy flocks of tundra swan.
  • In the Bank of China case, Hong Kong authorities allege that Fan started skimming money in the early 1990s, when he worked at the Kaiping branch.
  • Albatross, cape pigeons, diving petrels, monymawks, mottled petrels, and sooty shearwaters all took their turns skimming our bow wave for fish.
  • "I can't help it, " he whispered back, his fingers lightly skimming the curve of my neck.
  • Imagine landing a plane or skimming a flat rock across a body of water.
  • Criminals are learning new and unusual ways to obtain personal information, like using crimeware or credit card skimming.
  • Sharlotte had her hand trailing in the water, her fingers skimming the bubbling surface.
  • And, now they've been made into kind of these big monopolies that are skimming enormous amounts of money.
  • _ -- Select a quart of fine large berries, rather under than over ripe; boil three quarters of a pound of sugar to the crack; drop the strawberries into the syrup after it is removed from the fire; return them to the range; let them boil gently once; take out the berries most carefully with the skimmer; lay them on the compotier; boil the syrup fast, skimming it carefully then pour it over the fruit. Choice Cookery
  • But, skimming through it, I came across a quote that really caught my eye, from the wife of a soldier.
  • Add cassis liqueur, stock and thyme; reduce to a thin sauce consistency, skimming surface as necessary.
  • Over the fast blue waters of the Harrison we blasted up the river, skimming the surface at high speed, skipping lightly over submerged sand bars.
  • We become like ice-skaters, skimming fast over the surface.
  • Although it was technically a two-piece, Andy's bathing suit was modest; only showing a hint of cleavage and skimming fully over her hips.
  • It was then that he added a pitch he calls his "Frisbee," a slow, sidearm breaking ball that made him look as if he was skimming a flat rock across a still pond. When All Else Fails, Try Sidearm
  • You should be just like a stone skimming the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • So after completing what can only be described as a perusal and skimming of the contents within, we have decided to help all those folks who are not reading the book to learn the shocking secrets held within. July 2007
  • The links are very easily read, the headlines are concise, and the use of bold in the copy allows for skimming without interfering with reading.
  • Oil floating at the ocean's surface has a limited lifespan - it's been collected and destroyed by skimming, booms, chemical dispersants, evaporation, photolysis, biodegradation - and took a beating from wind and waves when tropical depression Bonnie blew through over the weekend. Georgianne Nienaber: Flyover at the Macondo Wellhead: Damage Control at "The Source"
  • THEY were once the simple pleasures of childhood - skimming a stone across a pond, climbing a tree and building a den. The Sun
  • It's a "party town": bum-skimming skirts, plunging tops and vertiginous heels are standard uniform for every female holidaymaker. Are SlutWalkers losing their way? | Victoria Coren
  • Wheat skimming is rather cleverer than potato washing.
  • The generic Greek name of the greater celandine, meaning a swallow, was given it because it begins to bloom when the first returning swallows are seen skimming over the water and freshly ploughed fields in a perfect ecstasy of flight, and continues in flower among its erect seed capsules until the first cool days of autumn kill the gnats and small winged insects not driven to cover. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • Oil floating at the ocean's surface has a limited lifespan - it's been collected and destroyed by skimming, booms, chemical dispersants, evaporation, photolysis, biodegradation - and took a beating from wind and waves when tropical depression Bonnie blew through over the weekend. Georgianne Nienaber: Flyover at the Macondo Wellhead: Damage Control at "The Source"
  • Our only company was a dipper that dived into the middle of the flow, surfaced after about ten seconds, whirred for a skimming white flashing 20 or 50 yards up river and then dived again.
  • ‘She's cold as ice,’ Blake agreed lazily, the fleshy pad of his thumb skimming lightly over her lower lip.
  • Restaurants, in particular, have been hit by skimming scams, especially overseas.
  • Blackden succeeds in sticking to his promise of covering the more interesting cases in detail rather than skimming over a lot of cases.
  • The only disadvantage of protein skimming is the loss of trace elements, but these are easy to replace as an additive.
  • For years his business partner had been skimming off the profits.
  • Tilting her face upwards, she swept her long hair back, her hand skimming the stitches along her hairline.
  • These tree skimming aircraft run reconnaissance missions deep into enemy territory, locating and taking out supposed threats.
  • Yesterday a 1960s Olympia 463 sailplane landed as light as that proverbial feather in Grasmere, albeit skimming a drystone wall at 50mph to slide along the grass after 100 yards and just before another wall loomed ominously ahead. Country diary: Grasmere, Lake District
  • It was Nye Bevan, not Ernie Bevin, and the people whose mouths were stuffed with gold were the specialist physicians, not the skimming middlemen. scott says: Matthew Yglesias » Raul Grijalva Flirting With History’s Greatest Monster Status
  • There is very little going on with milk fiber production, I have only seen one clothing company ever use it Machja in France, who explains the process post farmer: dewatering, skimming, and getting the protein to spin out the milk, and then they blend it with wool. Yearn Worthy Yarn Store: Knit For Brains
  • The coastal weather was so stormy on Wednesday that oil-skimming boats were forced to remain in port for a second straight day.
  • Skimming along the water-front with the peculiarly flat ride jeeps give when they're not lurching on one wheel over lumpy terrain.
  • Until seconds before the reassuring clunk of the landing gear, only the aeroplane's shadow skimming across the murky water is visible immediately below.
  • He has been accused of skimming the cream off the economy.
  • Their little hyperplane was skimming at the brink of space, and the crew was locked inside the cockpit, and the two of them were sharing the little foldout bed. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • He has been accused of skimming the cream off the economy.
  • She shifted her gaze to where he motioned for her to look and saw boats with white sails skimming lazily across the still orange-tinted waters.
  • It flew low on the 90-minute journey, hugging the mountainous landscape and skimming over forests as if anxious to avoid radar detection. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly, instead of skimming the glassy surface, you could be struggling with the deep, dark world of potential disaster.
  • Reduce the heat and simmer until reduced by half, skimming off any excess fat.
  • When I was nine I used to think quite a lot about Clara, her straw hat skimming among the lily pads. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • Lengths in skirts are also a matter of preference this Spring, but for those of you with less than coltish limbs, there are also plenty of ankle skimming numbers to choose from.
  • Then it was off, skimming across a glasslike surface leaving a creamy white trail behind us.
  • Like the Skimmington riders, he employs his costume and spectacle as a kind of physic, though his intentions are to minister to himself rather than the community.
  • McLaren's skimming drive shaved the outside of the post whilst Templeman finally showed his worth with a rising drive McGovern was only too happy to help over the bar.
  • The cat, in a lithe movement that argued long practice, fled like a skimming stone to where the gnarled grape-vine twisted drunkenly round the trellis, and shot up it with a scutter of sharp claws. My Family and Other Animals
  • Sam sat at the rickety old table, sipping a cup of coffee and skimming through the comics in the daily paper.
  • And finally, a French physicist has come up with a mathematical formula for skimming stones on water.
  • Then, last year, one of the veteran soldiers from France, begging his way back to his parish, came to the kitchen door when I was skimming the cream, and I heard him ask the dairymaid for something to eat, for he was a soldier who had seen miracles: he had seen the girl they called the Maid of Orléans. The Red Queen
  • After we have cooked anything in the masterstock we strain it, return it to the boil for two more minutes while skimming off any impurities.
  • It was a beautiful setting, with calm blue sea, azure skies, brown sailed dhows skimming past us, and it was also very hot.
  • Just skimming and scanning the Bible makes one forgetful of God's promises.
  • Dr. Johnson, the great exemplar of British common-sense, observing in autumn the gathered swallows skimming over pools and rivers, pronounced it certain that these birds sleep all the winter -- "A number of them conglobulate together, by flying round and round, and then all in a heap throw themselves under water, and lie in the bed of a river": how sensibly, too, did he dispose of Berkeley's Art
  • Reduce the heat and simmer for about 8 minutes, skimming the froth from the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • You should be just like a stone skimming the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I opened my eyes, we were dancing on ice - skating, flying, skimming across the mirrored surface.
  • The movement of the ribbons that constitutes it, brings to the different floors, just skimming them and disenchanting the possibility to recognize the geometry and the static. Armani on 5th Avenue by Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas

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