
How To Use Size In A Sentence

  • The application of fertilizer increased the size of the plants.
  • Forbes: In terms of scale, the size of a bank for lending, is there a point where being bigger does not make you more efficient in lending? Transcript: Richard Bove
  • We're currently shrinking the size of technology by a factor of 5.6 per linear dimension per decade, so it is conservative to say that this scenario will be feasible in a few decades.
  • Depending on the size of your pippy bag, the proportions will be all wrong, and it will look a bit like a three-dimensional stick person with a huge bloated hydrocephalic head, but don't worry about that. Hooting Yard
  • It was of average size with an unmade bed sitting in one corner, a night table, two dressers, a bureau, a desk, a small TV, and a lot of posters on the wall.
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  • It was a homey room, though a little too flowery for me, with prints of cabbage-size roses on the slipcovers and curtains. Dark Secrets 2: No Time to Die the Deep End of Fear
  • At least five people were killed when an overcrowded migrant boat capsized last month which was dramatically caught on camera by Italian coastguards. The Sun
  • The fall in popularity of the death's head and the subsequent prevalence of the cherub was a reflection of the Great Awakening and the belief in the immortality of the soul: "Cherubs reflect a stress on resurrection, while death's heads emphasize the mortality of man. Headstones for Dummies, the New York Edition
  • It is said to be similar in shape to a brontosaurus and the size of an elephant. The Sun
  • Considering my diminutiveness, the size of the pail in my lap, and my drinking out of it my breath held and my face buried to the ears in foam, it was rather difficult to estimate how much I drank. Chapter 3
  • She had wiggled through a tot-sized aperture in the alcove, and toddled over to a display of butterfly nets four feet away.
  • They drifted into the control room and floated above the sensor-generated hologram of the “herd. ” The “herd” consisted of approximately 3,000 mountain-sized blocks of ice that once were comet 2P/Encke. 365 tomorrows » 2006 » September : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • It has full-size trees, sand banks leading down to a stony beach, and water cascading down a rock outcrop.
  • She arranged for a sizeable loan from the temple based on her deposits there and then purchased a great store of corn from the temple granaries.
  • I've wondered why pop-up ads and new larger sized, intrusively placed ads are so annoying.
  • They wanted me to bring my US passport, and Mexican Visa, but instead of two black and white infantil size photos, they wanted color photos here in Morelos and they only wanted a color copy of the pages in my passport and FM3 visa showing my photo and the page of the FM3 visa that I had then showing the prorrogas (renewals) to verify who I am and that I live here legally. Page 2
  • In the first instance the government was aiming to foster a private sector in small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • The size of the task ahead is daunting. The Sun
  • At about the time Hanson began making his realistic figures in the 1960s, other artists were also making life-sized figures molded from actual people.
  • Sebacic acid can be synthesized from phenols and cresols, but castor oil oxidation is considered a ‘greener’ process.
  • I am also told that many of the perch were undersized and released.
  • There are synthesizers that use frequency modulation and other algorithms to generate extraordinarily rich and complex sounds.
  • This shows that _for every tone an air column of a certain size most powerfully reinforces that tone_. Resonance in Singing and Speaking
  • In the darkened room behind this diorama, a wall-sized video projection showed a seascape of lapping waves.
  • The graves were of different sizes and some were covered with flagstones, some of the urns were sent to Dublin for further examination.
  • A ducat was a gold piece of the size of an old French louis, though less thick. Catherine De Medici
  • They had dogs of their own - a mastiff the size of a Humvee, and a tiny comma of a toy poodle.
  • These need not be equal in size as the majority of people have three main meals daily. Diets to Help Diabetes
  • The planet Pluto is comparable in size to the moon.
  • As a rule, the yearly rental fee depends on the size of the box.
  • Pfizer emphasized the halt was limited to patients participating in clinical testing who suffered from a joint disorder known as osteoarthritis, although the company is slated to meet with the FDA later this week to assess any implications for other programs. Pfizer Suspends Trials of Pain Drug After FDA Request
  • It was the size of a monkey's fist and flew into the kitchen window with a thunk.
  • The randomization schedule was centrally generated by the study's sponsor, stratified by site and by using a fixed block size of 4.
  • Using hydroponics, inorganic fertiliser, electric light and genetic modification we could in theory feed the entire world from a multi-storey farm the size of Wales.
  • Armed with splinters of steel, two ant-sized men dare the formidable mysteries of a termitary. The Raid on the Termites
  • The initial lift of the bar targets the lower back and thickens the erectors, the middle part of the lift widens the barn-door lats, and the squeeze and lockout at the top emphasize the upper back.
  • The river up which we came after leaving the Helmund, is fully equal to that in size; it is very rapid: the ravine is very narrow, occasionally widening into swardy spots. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The discussion then went off on a tangent, to the question of how many spheres of equal size could rotate around a central ball of the same size.
  • In the middle of the white wormy thing, which fills the entire shell, is a green blob about the size of a small sprout.
  • The shapes of the waves show how well the heart's electrical impulses are working, the size of the heart, and how well the individual components of the heart are working together.
  • More than 70 marble, bronze, terracotta and plaster busts and life-size sculptures are on display together for the first time in nearly two centuries.
  • Scented candles, especially the industrial strength and size that many people light around the holidays, give off more than fragrance-studies show they produce tiny bits of pollution known as particulates that can inflame the respiratory tract and aggravate asthma, Dr. Sublett says. Top headlines
  • At the bottom of the staircase a door opens into the white painted kitchen, where a small cooker supports an oversized kettle. Times, Sunday Times
  • These calories are used to: replenish your glycogen (the way you store fuel in your muscles and liver) and oxygen stores. resynthesize phosphagen (ATP-PC). remove lactate. repair the wear and tear on your muscles caused by exercise (and these patch kits are made up of protein, which is costly in terms of calories). return your increased ventilation, blood circulation and body temperature to pre-exercise levels. hormones exercise induces (which also require protein). -
  • Create the penny by cutting two large circles from poster-size sheets of copper-colored crafts paper.
  • From the combined results Thomas's group estimated an average particle size of 100 for the copper metal aggregates.
  • A full-size spare wheel is under the boot floor.
  • To neatly convey the choice of sizes in the case of such items as drawer pulls, the entire range might be lined up on the page in descending order.
  • Courses that emphasized crop production, pest management, and courses that emphasized experiential learning were frequently listed.
  • A new neutral mutation will fix with a probability of 1/(2Ne), where Ne is the effective population size, and it will take 4Ne generations on average to do so. Death of a popular anti-ID argument
  • So much for postcrisis efforts to whittle banks down to a more-manageable size. J.P. Morgan Plays a $20 Billion Hand
  • It is showing a letter embracing a woman and the depiction to emphasize emotion filled letter is simply unparallel .
  • The calorie counts are given after each item, and all the portions are average size unless exact measurements are stated.
  • Spacewatch discovers hundreds of new kilometer-sized belt asteroids with every observing run.
  • Unlike the phrenologists of the 19th century, DeYoung's team doesn't presume to know whether differences in the size of a brain region give rise to unique personality characteristics, or whether our personality differences cause our brains to develop in unique ways - say, that when we practice random acts of kindness, our "agreeableness" center grows larger, or that a lifetime of social isolation might cause a region associated with The Columbian stories: Columns
  • The only element of the production that fails to satisfy is the heavily miked, synthesizer-dominated orchestra, which sounds artificial and dead. A 'King' That Is Full of Aces
  • Chinese officials emphasize that the money is for scientific research cooperation, and doesn't a rental fee.
  • But most Western bankers now acknowledge, as Peter Boone, cohead of research at Brunswick Warburg in Moscow puts it, "" that we ignored for too long the size of the nonpayments crisis. '' A Black Hole
  • Klimt's tentative chalk and pencil strokes do little more than outline and emphasize the foreshortened legs, buttocks and genitalia of his subjects, their scrawled lifelessness compromising the images' erotic impact. Modernism's Austrian Rebels
  • The rear cargo hatch is unusually generous for this size car and with the back seats folded you can get a flat load floor, with a top load capacity of 1,044 litres.
  • The only time I have done them is for older teenagers with congenitally missing back teeth (with the baby tooth still there at that age) whose only cosmetic option is the porcelain fused to metal crown (those run around $800 or more each) and usually necessitates a pulpal treatment as well due to the small tooth size, and these crowns having a questionable prognosis in baby teeth. White Crowns For Baby Teeth
  • I took the little list of ingredients he had printed out for me, and went to a grocery store, where I got a can of Red Devil lye, two eggs, and two medium-sized white potatoes.
  • The orchestra itself (ten violins, three violas, etc.) is of a healthy (but not anachronistic) size - another plus to this recording.
  • Theories that emphasize the role of education in reproducing existing societal norms and values may overlook its important role as a force for changing them. Sociology
  • In ‘Amphibians,’ the tortoises arranged around the shell-like form vary in size gradually.
  • Pgrolysis mechanism of small - size oil shale was described and its technological flowsheet was introduced.
  • This year the colourful event shirt features a clown and will be on sale in all sizes from the tiniest to the gigantesque.
  • He had witnessed diminutive bison with semicircular horns; animals "of a bluish lead color, about the size of a goat, with a head and beard like him, and a single horn, slightly inclined forward from the perpendicular"; and "a strange amphibious creature, of a spherical form, which rolled with great velocity across the pebbly beach" of a lunar island. Kim Kardashian Fails the P.T. Barnum Test
  • He is a man of enormous size and terrifying aspect.
  • In deeper waters, not enough light penetrates the depths, which means the reef's main food producers, algae and plankton, cannot photosynthesize.
  • In this paper, several curing agent of polyurethane were synthesized. Influences of solid content and dosage of TDI tripolymer on different PU adhesion high initial bonding strength were discussed.
  • In this paper, the researchers describe a technique in which nanowires of potassium niobate were synthesized in a special hot water solution and separated using ultrasound. Future for Nano-sized Light Source | Impact Lab
  • A large brain relative to body size is an almost universal foetal characteristic of vertebrates, and certainly of mammals.
  • I answered, clutching at the hem of my oversized jersey as a cold draft blew around my exposed legs.
  • The size of the crop depends on the productivity of the soil.
  • The gym at the new training ground is as big as a full-size pitch. The Sun
  • At the lower bridge the river bifurcates into two similar size branches.
  • These are ridiculous enough on their own without resorting to ageism or sizeism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only sale of the company, acquisition of another company in the same industry, or merger will produce a business of the needed size. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • This camera also supports high-speed continuous shooting of images at the maximum 10-MP size (3648 x 2736) at 10 fps, and offers a sport continuous mode, which allows for continuous shooting at up to approximately 120 fps*, and a function for recording high-definition movies with stereo sound. Digital camera reviews, photography news and views
  • It was a noble situation — noble as the ancient hau tree, the size of a house, where she sat as if in a house, so spaciously and comfortably house-like was its shade furnished; noble as the lawn that stretched away landward its plush of green at an appraisement of two hundred dollars a front foot to a bungalow equally dignified, noble, and costly. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • The disparity seems further exaggerated by the size and blackness of the soldier's hat.
  • However, it also emphasizes that the efficient and effective functioning of the system in its entirety is bicentric to the success of some display programme, irrespective of the display method chosen. Xml's
  • Jane has also designed a collapsible sandwich box which folds to A5 size and a coffee and doughnut holder.
  • Current data limitations such as the small size of the population mean the possibility of a small increased risk cannot be excluded.
  • And the latices diameter and distributions were determined by High Performance Particle Size HPPS hpp5001 dynamic laser scatter instrument.
  • The paper introduced the structural features, work principles, key parameters and their determination of a new type of lifting table applied to large-medium-sized mill.
  • With other breakthroughs in chemistry, it is now possible to synthesize some natural products, like rubber, from non-natural sources.
  • Import a gross of king-size choccy bars to Thailand on my next visit?
  • Griffons were pony-sized, quadrupedal avians with such a reputation for savagery that they had been banned from all the Northern mountain provinces.
  • Whether a place is poor or well-off depends not on the size of the town government building.
  • I was wearing my Smokey the Bear cap, the one that ultimately shrank to an unwearable size in the wake of an unfortunate sprinkler related accident.
  • Trackways found this year in South Korea show the marks of scores of tiny, milling brontosaurs, the size of calves. New Theories And Old Bones Reveal The Lifestyle Of The Dinosaur
  • Background - Few data are available that address the impact of athletic training on aortic root size.
  • I then waited half an hour until the bracelet was adjusted to my size.
  • You can often measure a person by the size of his dream. Robert H. Schuller 
  • Young footballers who copy the bad behaviour of their professional heroes are receiving adult-size bans.
  • It is also the first English version that claims to emphasize Chuang-tzu's philosophy.
  • He stood there for hours that night and stared into something he knew would make him a meaningless cipher in its light, make him ambiguous, coagulant dust in relationship to the size of a thing he could never comprehend, only quiver to imagine. Southern Cross
  • The outer boundary of a closed figure usually defines its size.
  • The size and familiarity of the little lamb is genuinely touching. Times, Sunday Times
  • A multi-cyclone dust separator according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises at least three dust separation units for separating dust stepwise from relatively larger size.
  • Pupillary size is controlled by the action of the constrictor and dilator smooth muscles of the iris.
  • Regarding off-grid planning, the national plan includes the prioritisation of localities according to type and size of infrastructure.
  • Dietary fiber increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it.
  • It has been strongly opposed by many religions which emphasize the sanctity of human life from the day of conception.
  • We traveled daily by the new 727 jet aircraft criss-crossing a country the size of the U.S.
  • - View full size photo uploaded June 1, 2009 Donovan McNabb posted an update over on his Yardbarker blog about what he calls his busy time of year. BallHype - Top Sports News, Videos, and Blogs
  • My patio hung over a medium sized street that was lined with shops and booths that sold fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers.
  • Our attic suite was half the size of our Dublin terrace house, with a huge main bedroom and a comfortable twin room for the boys.
  • A microarray consists of single-stranded DNA arranged on a wafer the size of a postage stamp.
  • Massive investment in research and development; Put in place an industrial policy that prepares for the future and reduces the risks of delocalization; Support small and medium-sized businesses through the creation of regional participation funds and by reserving for them a percentage of public contracts; Give priority to business investment by lowering tax where the profit is reinvested and increasing it where it is distributed to shareholders. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Sibling-year observations are weighted to address the underrepresentation of high-mortality families in population-based surveys following the general methods proposed by Gakidou and King, where Bf is the original sibship size and PLoS Medicine: New Articles
  • How the books (not having been chosen with reference to this great event) were of awkward sizes, and did not make comfortable paving for the bottom of the trunk; whilst folded stockings may be called the packer's delight, from their usefulness to fill up corners. Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances
  • Then came the keyboards player, adding a shimmering chord from the synthesizer. DEAD BEAT
  • The last girl who ranted was yabbering on about being a comfortable C and someone else told her to get implants - what is all of this competition about breast size?
  • Objects from 1 to 10 cm in size - about the diameter of a salad bowl - cause the real worry.
  • In front of each god was a miniature steel plate and a tumbler the size of a large thimble.
  • Chop the potato into bite-sized pieces.
  • The total cost structure of any business is likely to be scaled to the size of its largest resource. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • Assisting a cargo vessel approach its berth she got into difficulties and capsized.
  • I know they can enhance reading, especially for the elderly because the font size can be enlarged. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recently, it has been shown that young Citrus fruitlets are able to synthesize ethylene in a manner that resembles the system II pathway of the climacteric fruits.
  • The fact that erythrocyte size correlates positively with genome size in mammals, even though their mature red blood cells are enucleated, strongly supports this hypothesis.
  • The result is a somewhat funny-looking, normal sized boiler chicken that carries the special naked gene.
  • Many other species of Callia also resemble other malacoderms; and the longicorn genus Lycidola has been named from its resemblance to various species of the Lycidae, one of the species here figured (Lycidola belti) being a good mimic of Calopteron corrugatum and of several other allied species, all being of about the same size and found at Chontales. Darwinism (1889)
  • Second, he emphasizes the importance of not being carried away by improbabilities viewed after the event anyway.
  • She pulled her sling out of her pack and gathered three or four appropriately sized stones and set out to find her dinner.
  • This was approximately one fifth full size, but was a working mock-up rather than a true scale model.
  • These options are particularly attractive for storage, intra-plant or inter-company transport, and palletized loads of uniform box sizes. How to Use Less Plastic Box Sealing Tape, or None at All
  • The size of the crop depends on the productivity of the soil.
  • Why are some small/medium-sized companies in such a hurry to act like big stupid companies?
  • The one-size-fits-all approach persists because it is clear and simple. The Sun
  • Body about the size of a common goose; bill short, vaulted, obtuse, two-thirds of which is covered by an expanded cere of a pale greenish-yellow colour, the tip of the bill being black, arcuated, and truncated. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • ‘We downsized our house and trimmed our needs so we don't need the higher income at all, ‘she says.’
  • The green screen was the size of my hand and it required an entire room of computing equipment to power it. Times, Sunday Times
  • $self - > conf - > {root}; my $ fi le = fi le ($root, "static", $path); my $size = - s _; my $mtime = Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Grindstones can easily be made locally from 20 litres of good quality cement and 50 litres of quartzitic sand with 1 mm or smaller particle size. Chapter 3
  • They were round, the size of a tangerine, and had apparently fallen from a large tree with a silvery bole.
  • The plain green dress was a good few sizes too big for her and hung off her petite frame like a big shapeless sack.
  • This and the two following numbers, 26 and 27, are only required for the humming birds; 28 is, however, a good size for the least. 24 will be found a good size for the smaller kinds of warblers and finches up to canaries. 21 is a useful general size for a great number of small birds, and will do for such a bird as the hawfinch. Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • In addition, as Streamline is an arrowless, lighter, lower-volume set, it delivers significant operational benefits to customers through savings in dialyses, water, heparin, smaller dialyzer size, supplies, and waste disposal. Undefined
  • Reference is made to the dating presence of shells and glacial deposits, and the burial chronology and body size reduction evidence.
  • A dazzling light was spread through the air, along the whitish hills strewed with cylindric cactuses, and over a sea ever calm, the shores of which were peopled with alcatras, * (* A brown pelican, of the size of a swan. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • Mega-size buyout funds gained 23.6% during the 12-month period, and small and midmarket buyout funds yielded slightly lower returns of 19.1% and 17.9%, respectively. Private-Equity Firms Gained 17.6% in Year
  • There is a shortage of Olympic-size pools and most of these are run on commercial lines, so British swimming cannot afford priority access.
  • My god, I thought, this guy's bladder must be the size of a basketball.
  • It is argued that the chiefs need accommodation befitting their ranks and of reasonable size because their jobs entail some requirements to entertain foreign dignitaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • A business that is the wrong size is a business which does not have the right ecological niche to survive and prosper. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Six weeks after conception your baby is the size of your little fingernail.
  • How many men drowned when the boat capsized?
  • For example, the right shift key is the same size as the standard letter keys, and lots of typists will go crazy hitting the next-door up arrow instead.
  • As she entered, I was standing in front of the oversized mirror wedged in between a dozen or so teenaged girls all scrambling to restore their fallen bouffants.
  • To emphasize the cold, inhospitable emptiness of the West, O'Sullivan had to aim his lens elsewhere than at the roads and bivouacs just out of camera range. Western Development
  • For example, plant monomeric forms, composed only of catalytic subunits, are relatively common in plant species and coexist with higher molecular weight forms (presumably tetrameric, according to its molecular size).
  • In very rare cases, the right and left groove appear equal in size.
  • Memorable scenes include Ornella Muti putting an oversized safety pin to some rather startling uses, and a listful cat and mouse game between Ben Gazzara and Susan Tyrrell which results in Gazarra’s arrest when you least expect it. World cinema classics #48 « Jahsonic
  • A convenience store operation, however, is not likely to realize that same benefit because its order sizes are smaller.
  • However, early calapids in the Cretaceous were smaller in size and are not considered as major predators of bivalves and gastropods.
  • However, it said the 7,980 small-to-medium sized wide-body deliveries expected during that window would be worth $2.3 trillion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forget clunky mobiles and oversized tablets - wearable technology is the next frontier. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it's the only speck of land in an area of the ocean about the size of the continental United States.
  • This paper presented a new adaptive variable step size LMS algorithm, which controls step size according to the correlation of the gradient change of filter coefficients.
  • Bias cut is the champions, one after another of the flow lines to emphasize certain sexy body parts.
  • We are then asked to guess her bra size from a number of options.
  • OK, so fitting in four reasonably sized adults may be a tight squeeze, especially with luggage, but for a car of its size it packs a mighty punch.
  • I need a bigger / smaller size.
  • The sheer size and unwieldiness of William's homemade instruments made the Herschels' style of astronomy a danger ous business. A Far-Seeing Family
  • The engineer hastily tore away the paper and took up five or six glass photographic negatives, of a half-plate size, which were damp, and stuck together by the gelatine films in couples. Martin Hewitt, Investigator
  • ECLS design can be optimized for operability and common fan designs when sized for 4 persons. 4 person configuration is more robust and safer and allows more robust design solutions and ISS will get more pressurized cargo capability. 6 person capability is still available since Orion didn't change the OML and Orion can always be re-configured to carry 6 persons. Orion Slims Down - NASA Watch
  • We should emphasize that there is nothing particularly ethical about the market system as a mechanism for distributing output.
  • Small enterprises depend on community financial support to move from small to medium size.
  • I got a habit the size of Manhattan Island and no dealer will touch me.
  • The sheer size of both works easily reveals each grain of color within the picture plane so that they appear as contemporary reflections of the pointillist style of Georges Seurat.
  • You can alter the color and size of the image using a remote control.
  • A medium-sized dog has the same energy-impact as an average 4x4 SUV (18 mpg hwy). Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • This was our first visit, and we arrived sceptical about anywhere with such an oversized reputation. Times, Sunday Times
  • This shows countries drawn as geometric blocks whose size is proportional to the nation's total GDP.
  • The alligator garpike cannot really be recommended as an aquarium fish because of its size.
  • The watermen of the Mississippi delta will tell you that if you wish to gauge the magnitude of a vessel that has passed by, all you have to do is measure the size of the waves the vessel has left in its wake. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • As the debris passes through the impeller that would normally be providing air flow to push leaves, it is shredded to many times its original size before entering the vacuum bag.
  • A trivial reason explaining how both step sizes can be the same, is that the labeled calmodulin is bound to the catalytic domain.
  • A car of comparable size would cost far more abroad.
  • We described in the paper a new type of polishing pill manufactured by using a rensentlysynthesized superhard ceramic powders of wurtzite-type boron nitride (WBN).
  • In contrast to Aristotle, Brentano emphasizes the importance of existential judgements with only one term, and claims that predicative judgements are a special case of existential ones.
  • Unlike a moving fibroblast, however, the extending axon also grows in size, with an accompanying increase in the total surface area of the neuron's plasma membrane.
  • He has a room of moderate size.
  • It is a vast wasteland the size of Texas that collects huge quantities of rubbish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike the hard martial arts, Tai chi is characterized by soft, slow, flowing movements that emphasize force, rather than brute strength.
  • Several species of fungi that colonize corn produce mycotoxins, however not all isolates of a toxigenic species produce mycotoxins and isolates capable of producing a mycotoxin do not always synthesize the toxin.
  • Bidding to close the sizeable gap between her and Cian O'Connor, she put in a determined effort.
  • Emergency workers arrived at the scene to be confronted by the enormous size of the landslide and hundreds of homeless families. Times, Sunday Times
  • After eight years of a presidency that valued cronyism over brains (or even competence) and embraced an anti-intellectualism apotheosized by Sarah Palin, it's a godsend to have a president who puts a premium on merit. Steven G. Brant: Progressives Deserve to Be Worried About the Obama Administration
  • The participle (yotse ') emphasizes the continuousness of the act, but it is not to be translated as a present, Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • Replication of the mitochondrial genome is required to synthesize new protein to support biogenesis.
  • On occasion, when a school of blackfish disported by, each one of them a whale of respectable size, Nishikanta would be beside himself in the ecstasy of inflicting pain. CHAPTER XII
  • For more precise proportions, measure your neck size right below your Adam's apple with measuring tape.
  • To emphasize the fact that the zikkurat was the temple for the god, a small room was built at the top of the zikkurat, [1341] and it was a direct consequence of this same distinction between a temple for the gods and a temple for actual worship that led to assigning to zikkurats special names, and such as differed from the designation of the sacred quarter of which the zikkurat formed the most conspicuous feature. The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • A was first synthesized in 1891, the first evidence of its estrogenicity came from experiments in the 1930's feeding BPA to ovariectomised rats (Dodds and Lawson 1936, 1938). Consumer Reports Concerned about The Chemical Bisphenol A
  • When calcium is desorbed from the cell wall, it becomes looser and the pore sizes in it increases.

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