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How To Use Sinister In A Sentence

  • Mukesh Tiwari, a self styled 'baadshah khan' kind of character lives in an apartment where a maulvi kinds, a Chandraswami clone and a stray politician wine and dine and make their sinister plans. - bollywood updates
  • I had the distinct sensation that I was a puppet of an addictive manipulator, that there was a kind of sinister hand which was forcing me in directions that I didn't like.
  • The mutter of sinister threats and portents was already to be heard.
  • .22 that had killed Levin … Selena's "plinker," now in the possession of Willie … Mack Marchetti's Nel-Spot 007 … Fat Herman's sinister stock … Monty Adair's frequent visits to the gun shop … Herman, saying, "I'm not one of the Krupp family … Leave a Message for Willie
  • How anyone could have read some sinister intent into those views is indeed puzzling, and illustrates well how those damned Jewshow certain hypersensitive and overly privileged people who feel superior to the rest of the world are willing to cut their own throats for short term advantage by using unjustified charges of anti-semitism to point out how they take advantage of their position in any nation or institution who trusts them so as to benefit their own in group at the expense of that nation or institution. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
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  • Once the victim's mind had "snapped" into cult mode, the unsnapping requires a massive assault on the victim's mind to untangle the coded messages injected into it by the sinister forces of the cult leader. Warren Adler: Martha Marcy May Marlene: A Brave Movie
  • The sinister atmosphere of the place left an indelible imprint on my memory.
  • I thought her speech had slightly sinister undertones.
  • But before we declare this the happy ending of a feminist fairytale, we must look at the more sinister afterword.
  • A bereaved couple allow their dead son to be cloned by a sinister scientific institute in this clunking supernatural thriller. Times, Sunday Times
  • People with a political grudge couldn’t stop themselves from hyping it into something sinister or, at best, evidence of duncery. Damn them « BuzzMachine
  • He saw him gather five of the soldiers into a huddle and with his subtle, sinister voice began to speak again.
  • But just as terror is about to knock something shifts, perhaps enough consciousness raised that a sinister energy is alchemize, and terror turns and retreats from the door. My Journey to Report on the Horrors and Hope in the Congo (Part VI)
  • Buried within this was something more sinister. Times, Sunday Times
  • I particularly noted the basses of the chorus as they sinisterly intoned the conspirators music.
  • At first it's difficult to shake the feeling that it's kitschy schlock that they're radiating, rather than the sinister malevolence they may be aiming for.
  • Events began to take on a more sinister aspect.
  • The organisations indulging in this sinister activity have had a free play as never before in the history of free India.
  • Invaded by photographs the toys are decontextualised from childhood, sinister, tragic recollections of a half-forgotten adventure.
  • `The whole organization's riddled with sinister ginger groups out to undermine the opposition in any way possible. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • It wasn't - there was no kind of sinister conspiracy at the start.
  • Was there something more sinister going on? Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • A strong smell of disinfectant was hanging in the air, and fruit machines were winking sinisterly in semi-darkness.
  • A surreal, oddly sinister classic, this expertly mixes a cruel and satiric sense of humour with wide-eyed wonder.
  • What about you, my fellow cacky-handers; do any of you use a mouse with your sinister hand? Kotaku
  • A creak; a sigh; is it just the evening breeze, or something more sinister? Archive 2008-10-01
  • A quick Google search reveals that several conspiracy web sites allege sinister motivations behind this conference.
  • However, that fact doesn't connote sinister forces at work.
  • This manuscript may be only of mediocre quality but it captures a moment of British history with a sinister power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The man who wore it had his heraldic device embroidered in vivid colours on his breast—a chevron and a stag passant, the scutcheon supported by a branch of olive dexter and a stag’s horn sinister. V. The Closet Where Monsieur Louis of France Recites His Orisons. Book X
  • In his own country the king granted these honourable augmentations to his armorial ensign: a chief undulated, ARGENT: thereon waves of the sea; from which a palm tree issuant, between a disabled ship on the dexter, and a ruinous battery on the sinister all proper; and for his crest, on The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson
  • As if this were not sinister enough, the letter goes on to threaten that if the sub-postmaster is deemed not to have lied to his or her customers in the appropriate and approved manner their compensation package would be at risk. Archive 2007-07-29
  • A far more sinister implication is the creation of an intolerant dogmatic approach to complex issues.
  • Is there a creature more sinister than the urban fox? Times, Sunday Times
  • I think: I'll have bushes on the left-hand side where she's walking because that's more frightening than the open fields, and then on the right I'm going to have some of those distorted trees you get in East Anglia, distorted by the winds – some of them look like witches, waving witches' arms; very sinister. On writing: authors reveal the secrets of their craft
  • It believes that offering scenes set in abandoned barns and ivy covered, crumbling conservatories will add a sinister shimmer to the formula.
  • Spitefully, Madame Defarge replies that she has indeed observed Lucie and makes a sinister gesture miming the guillotine.
  • The film continues its sinister loop, covering and uncovering the person or object that is buried.
  • He also plays a very dead bat when asked about the potentially sinister implications of advances in artificial intelligence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sinister, murky world of espionage is laid bare in this revised and updated edition of Philip Knightley's powerful book about spies and spying in the 20th century.
  • ‘You don't really know what's going on, if it's a parental relationship, filial relationship, or if it's something more sinister,’ he says.
  • When they opened up the sensor that had detected the fire, they found nothing more sinister than a dead fly.
  • What is this if not a sinister project of deadening the senses, so that destruction of life goes on as naturally as life itself?
  • With this in mind, 'climategate' - the scandal over hacked emails by prominent climate scientists - looks sinister rather than just unsavory. Information Liberation
  • What emerges is a disturbing picture of an election marred by suspicious irregularities, electoral injustices, and sinister voter purges in a state governed by the winning candidate's brother.
  • It's beautiful and slightly sinister. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such a lopsided result defies the laws of probability and suggests something sinister at work.
  • That sinister threat is left hanging in the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the homeliest habits become sinister. Times, Sunday Times
  • Body lice, which live in clothes, are more sinister and can carry fatal diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • They learned fairly to live in the perfunctory; they remained in it as many hours of the day as might be; it took on finally the likeness of some spacious central chamber in a haunted house, a great overarched and overglazed rotunda, where gaiety might reign, but the doors of which opened into sinister circular passages. The Golden Bowl — Complete
  • They are rather sinister creatures that like to stalk their prey as it dies a slow, lingering death from septicaemia caused by their vicious bite. The Sun
  • Even the house sparrow's song sounded harsh and sinister on the day.
  • Soon, the sinister military turn up, as townsfolk begin to disappear. The Sun
  • There was also a folly and a burial ground, so all in all more sinister than friendly, in my opinion.
  • Teenagers may look a bit scary to us adults these days, but it's fashion nothing more sinister than that.
  • But until Friday, nobody had seen what Bill Cox and his co-workers saw — something with a devilish underbite, sinister eyes and a cold-blooded appetite. Aligator Found in Chicago River « Skid Roche
  • Team Pox", a six-member group hunting for laboratories manufacturing the deadly virus, found nothing more sinister than equipment covered in cobwebs, and nothing to suggest a smallpox programme, according to military officials involved in the project, who leaked the information to the Associated Press. Balkinization
  • Taken at face value the words found sinister and can convey a false impression like some sort of second-rate horror movie.
  • If you are deeply disturbed by the sinister implications, both corporate and gustatory, imagine my shock as I reeled out of the supermarket, my mind awhirl with the grisliest of possibilities, only to come upon this terrible scene at the docks, mere minutes away (click to enlarge): The Cannibals of Galway
  • The park being cunningly transmuted from the unreal to the real, by sinister forces. Boing Boing: September 19, 2004 - September 25, 2004 Archives
  • He denied that there was anything sinister about his departure, which he said was down to neither a boardroom dispute nor regulatory issues. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are excuses: which one of us would happily challenge a group of teenagers - and who is to judge what is horseplay and what is more sinister?
  • The faintly sinister commonality of "Smith" suited the fellow better. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • Slender and sinister: think of Tessio in The Godfather, beetle-browed and suspicious of everything that breathes. Charlie Carillo: Dinner for Two, For One
  • They are rather sinister creatures that like to stalk their prey as it dies a slow, lingering death from septicaemia caused by their vicious bite. The Sun
  • During the Ming Dynasty, the three-story barracks pavilion must have seemed electrifying after months in the sinister outlands.
  • May be it was just because of her bad mood and hopeless situation but it seemed as if they were laughing sinisterly and mocking at her.
  • In the opening cue, he employs it in just about the most inventive way imaginable: a tuba plays the theme, sounding both sinister and comical.
  • What saves them is the same sinister atmosphere that pervades the larger works.
  • Yet there are more sinister happenings afoot, as Count Dracula himself jumps into the mix, searching for a serum to make him invincible.
  • The fore of the vessel was dominated by a large sinister-looking cone, covered in windows, circuits, cargobays doors and a several coats of golden paint.
  • But when does joyous, mantric reiteration tip over into something more sinister, or worse, monotonous?
  • For example, when an armigerous person marries the daughter of an armiger, he may display a shield with his own arms on the dexter half, ‘impaling’ his wife's arms on the sinister half.
  • Tender passages occurred here and there all the same, and Weinlich, to whom I had already shown the beginning of my work on my return to Leipzig, praised me for the clearness and good vocal quality of the introduction I had composed to the first act; this was an Adagio for a vocal septette, in which I had tried to express the reconciliation of the hostile families, together with the emotions of the wedded couple and the sinister passion of the secret lover. My Life — Volume 1
  • In the last few years, divers like Winram have been debunking the sinister reputation of the so-called man-eater. News -
  • The same, but here, overall, is the bendlet sinister. The Black Wolf's Breed A Story of France in the Old World and the New, happening in the Reign of Louis XIV
  • But because a photograph is a portrait of a single moment, they looked sinister. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within the Garter are impaled (dexter) the Arms of KING EDWARD VII. and (sinister) the undifferenced Arms of The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • What is usually referred to as classic French indiscipline becomes something altogether more ugly and sinister when England are the opposition.
  • It's a strange combination of burlesque - hamming, self-parody, staged pratfalls and the gradual abrasion of the fourth wall - and the truly affecting and sinister.
  • The more sinister explanation is that he is about to make mischief in the Middle East again.
  • The ruined house had a sinister appearance.
  • Norrell's love of secrecy and Strange's attraction to the wilder edges of magic invoke dark and sinister happenings.
  • Despite her good deeds, this wizened enchantress's sinister duality surfaces when she senses the threat of a changeling among the Quinn clan.
  • In a university, something even more sinister happens.
  • If the late Reg is deemed somehow subtly sinister then it suggests things HAVE gone seriously wrong. Reg Varney: His part in our downfall
  • A strong smell of disinfectant was hanging in the air, and fruit machines were winking sinisterly in semi-darkness.
  • At his daytime job he has ominous conversations with a sinister welder whom none of his co-workers has ever seen, and he finds cryptic notes in his apartment in the form of handwritten hangman games.
  • It's blue, master, with a red stripe sinister, and a yellow emblem on the dexter side.
  • There'd been no break-in here; everything had been done in a civilized manner - which made it all the more sinister. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • Mixed correctly, the cyclosarin-mustard gas cocktail is sinister. The Hunt Goes On
  • Themes of kids at play and sinister, forbidding landscapes remain, processed through a computer and enhanced by found sounds and distorted, provocatively repetitive tone patterns.
  • I actually believe pop ups and spam are at the absolute lowest, most blatant edge of online marketing - and possibly even a smear used to mask something more subtle and sinister.
  • Invaded by photographs the toys are decontextualised from childhood, sinister, tragic recollections of a half-forgotten adventure.
  • Beginning with her mother, she was stigmatized as being a dupe of sinister communist plotters - as if she somehow lacked any authentic and genuine convictions of her own.
  • If he could just walk in unchallenged so could anyone with far more sinister intentions. The Sun
  • The first is a battern topaz, same of thistles, emerald, ensigned with an imperial crown proper, and thereon the crest of Scotland, which is a lion sejant guardian ruby, crowned with the like crown he sits on, having in his dexter paw a sword proper, the pommel and hilt, topaz; and in the sinister a sceptre of the last. Western Worthies A Gallery of Biographical and Critical Sketches of West of Scotland Celebrities
  • Still more shadowy were the sinister crocodilian outlines - alligators and other horrible reptiles, culminating in the colossal lizard, the iguanodon.
  • * Elder Joy – This fabled treat coveted by the dark deities is a sinister cousin to a popular human confection -- an ambrosial amalgam of Coconut, white-chocolate Ganache, and Rum, enrobed in the darkest Chocolate and topped with a crisp, whole Almond. Places You Haunt
  • Its style borders on the eccentric: all heirlooms and portraits of sinister-looking forefathers.
  • A sinister yet plainly demarcated force of evil is ever-present in his films.
  • The habitual, gentle and ordinarily longed-for oblivion of the end of the day had morphed into something considerably more sinister.
  • The scherzo is the flickering of mad watery lights, a fantastic whipping dance, a sudden sinister conclusion. Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • Stravinsky would produce a second masterly score for the 1911 season when Fokine choreographed Petrushka, the sad, sinister tale of a puppet which provided yet another vehicle for the uncanny talents of Nijinsky. Sergei Diaghilev: first lord of the dance
  • Equally, a modern-day footballer has more sinister issues to deal with. The Sun
  • On a mount vert a walnut tree, ppr.; on the sinister side an escutcheon pendent charged with the Arms of France, with a label of three points ar. A History of Caroline County, Virginia
  • I had the distinct sensation that I was a puppet of an addictive manipulator, that there was a kind of sinister hand which was forcing me in directions that I didn't like.
  • This 20-year-old MC is a Wale protege who shows plenty of promise on his latest mixtape, matching imposing beats with some sinister edge on the mike. Catching up on September pop music releases
  • The pain is not physical, but more sinister, an uneasiness -- anxiety about lack of talent, boringness, poor word choice. Michael Henry: What Work Is: What Labor Day, the Poet Laureate, Adderall, Mountain Biking, and the Philosopher Horace have in Common
  • It also helps to allay the fear that pain must mean that something sinister is going on. Drug-Free Pain Relief
  • On the sinister, on a wreath of the colours a stag statant, in front of an holly tree, proper. Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • As long as we remain overcivilized, anarchy, violence, murder and superstition will continue their sinister recovery — until one day you may think you hear your own mother’s voice [pleading for your life] on the network news. The Volokh Conspiracy » 2004 » September
  • Henderson was a master of playful and sinister distortions, cleverly achieved in the darkroom.
  • Carnivorous plants such as sundews utilise the dew that forms on their leaf surfaces in a more sinister way, mixing it with a sticky honey-like substance which attracts, then traps, the insects upon which the plants feed.
  • One particularly raw ad took off from a Time magazine cover, a sinister photonegative portrait of Clinton with a headline promising to tell why people didn't trust him. A SILVER BULLET
  • Cutting to the chase in lay terms, the sinister attribution bias translates as "I'm OK, but you're a jerk. Inside Higher Ed
  • In your remarks you alluded to a certain sinister design.
  • But its office must not be confounded with that attributed to the sinister-looking scaur of Leucadia; here the erring wives of the Kings of Boma and their paramours found a Bosphorus. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Leclère, to lay his heavy hand on the bit of pulsating puppy life, to press and prod and mould till it became a big bristling beast, acute in knavery, overspilling with hate, sinister, malignant, diabolical. Batard
  • The tent contained a collection of herbs and strange concoctions which glistened in the lamplight, lending a sinister glow to the place.
  • A sinister looking retainer, dressed in a dark uniform with a blue sash and blue and white turban opened the rusty gate.
  • As a painter he is best known for dramatic and sinister architectural views, with figures dwarfed by their gloomy surroundings.
  • Arms of the Office are -- _Arg., a lion sejant erect and affronté gu., holding in his dexter paw a thistle slipped vert, and in the sinister an escutcheon of the second; on a chief az., a saltire of the first_: No. 266. The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • On the dexter side a New Forest pony proper and on the sinister side a boar argent armed crined and unguled Or each charged on the shoulder with a spring of broom palewise flowered proper.
  • Landscape is indeed the innocent party, and yet can hide the most guilty and sinister of secrets.
  • Almost all current writing about Africa depends on a blend of Joseph Conrad and Evelyn Waugh: the brooding, throbbing stagnation of the Congo and the sinister farce of egomaniacal "Afrocentric" politics. African Gothic
  • In your remarks you alluded to a certain sinister design.
  • It takes on a sinister undertone in the incapable vocals of a bladdered bunch of footy fans.
  • In contrast, the sinister aspect of the Mistress (i.e. Baphomet) was celebrated in the Autumn and was linked to the rising of Arcturus, Arcturus itself being related to the sinister male aspect (second sphere of the septenary), later identified with Lucifer/Satan. The Watcher: The New Zealand Voice of the Left Hand Path #7
  • Isabel heard a yell from behind and above them, swiftly running feet, and then a sinister rush of air.
  • Instead of watching a comedy with sinister undertones, we're force-fed a melodrama with no tones at all.
  • Collectively, they're as sinister as the Kray gang and their molls.
  • Christ's presence on earth simply exposed the activity of these sinister forces.
  • They are put into the custody of Count Olaf, a sinister villain who is plotting to steal their inheritance.
  • The word mons which literally means an accumulation of wealth or money, now called capital, seems to have been a generic term used in the fifteenth century to signify lending-houses in general; and hence the montes pietatis or monti di pietà were a species of charitable lending-establishments not, perhaps, unlike our modern pawnbrokers 'establishments, but possessing, of course, none of the sinister features of the latter. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • We are able to laugh like this now, because Alli had turned to Neil, stopping us on the final landing of the stairwell, and held out a laryngoscope, the blade closed and flat against the handle but still gleaming and somehow sinister in the yellow lights. Between Expectations
  • At its best, Ballard's work is a devastating and original contribution to architectural thought, articulating the often sinister impacts of our built environment with a sense of humor, and an aphoristic memorability, that is all too lacking in contemporary fiction and architectural criticism alike. Resilience Science
  • Madeleine will not go gently into this sinister night, nor will Usher let her, insisting that her coffin remain unnailed, which, in effect, precipitates a supernatural spill between worlds.
  • I was astonished to see the sinister black dome suddenly turn and stare up at us.
  • They also have a hooked beak, and look very sinister when perched on top of a hedgerow tree looking around them for prey. Times, Sunday Times
  • He plays the blankly charming hero against her sinister clown with squeaking, Chekhovian shoes.
  • Still more shadowy were the sinister crocodilian outlines - alligators and other horrible reptiles, culminating in the colossal lizard, the iguanodon.
  • That they cut the phone line as well makes it more sinister and suggests that the idea was to endanger life.
  • There is something a little sinister about it, amid that green and fecund landscape, with its skirting of pine and silver birch and the furze and bracken above.
  • The novel I'd dreamed of for years, the one set in the merry, sinister woods of fairytale and midsummer, was there, waiting for me.
  • This can be a harmless cyst or something more sinister - so it needs checking. The Sun
  • He asked a thousand questions could scarcely be persuaded but some sinister design was again practised against her, and it was with much difficulty he at length grew more reconciled and satisfied with the account he received. The Castle of Wolfenbach
  • Jennie Lee, after all, ended up as a baroness - a sinister parallel with Margaret Thatcher.
  • I am not suggesting anything sinister or conspiratorial. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soliman, the sultan, is in cahoots with sinister aliens who slink across the stage, shrouded like mummies, with black faceplates and, in one case, clawlike appendages used as an extra set of legs. Anne Midgette revisits Wolf Trap's staging of Mozart's 'Zaide'
  • In the original, the men were cold and sinister; in the new version, they're nebbishes who need to be constantly drilled in masculine prerogatives by the head of the Men's Association.
  • The commies in the former USSR and present day China wanted to communize America, and put a sinister plan in place decades ago that consisted of promoting pornography and excessive video game playing to corrupt our youth and make us all beholden to "Big Brother" government. You said it | RELIGION Blog |
  • The figure watched them go and dematerialized into the wind once again with a sinister laugh.
  • Amy Linton's angelic voice still sounds as sweet as ever, but a crumb of sinister darkness has been added.
  • Of course such action is always highly debatable and often used as a pretext for something much more sinister. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though Ilantar had little love for the Isaad and their sinister lord, he respected their prowess in battle.
  • In many of his books, the heroes are noble trial lawyers while the villains are sinister corporations and the lawyers who agree to defend them.
  • His reply was couched in sinister terms .
  • The static subjects of Wang Qingsong s pithy tales often convey a sinister quiet, as if the footage is being held at pause, like a detectives eye moving presciently through a possible crime scene.
  • The high cheek bones are very pronounced, giving the creatures an impression of a continual sinister smile.
  • Elchies, a shrivelled atomy with a hirpling walk, leaning heavily upon a rattan, both with the sinister black tri-corne hats in their hands, and flanked by a company of musketeers. Doom Castle
  • It's 30 miles upriver to the falls and, as we tunnel deeper into the Devil's Canyon, the river becomes slowly more sinister, wreathed with mist olive green.
  • This is a political freebooter and scoundrel who is fated to end up in the company of sinister and fascist-minded elements.
  • This is one of those passages for which the editor of that review has merited an abatement in heraldry, no such writing ever having been written; and indeed, by other like assertions of equal veracity, the gentleman has richly entitled himself to bear a gore sinister tenne in his escutcheon. Historical Documentation Concerning the Radical Piracy of _Wat Tyler_
  • However, this Capone turned out to be nothing more sinister than a plumber, more used to fitting ballcocks than firing a Tommy gun.
  • The most sinister bird is the giant, vulture-like lammergeier that drools upon the banks.
  • The sinister instructions can include a virus or a keystroke logger (that steals passwords or other sensitive information).
  • Shot over 12 years, Zhao Liang's brave film follows victims of corruption, some driven half-mad with grief, endlessly seeking redress at Beijing's court of plaintiffs – while also spotlighting the sinister "retrievers", heavies employed to physically dissuade them. Tonight's TV highlights: Wonder Dogs: Medical Marvels | Candy Cabs | Filthy Cities | Campus | Storyville – China's Bleak House | White Van Man
  • The casual drinkers stumbled out to be replaced by the more sinister silent sort of inebriate - the kind with cold, mad eyes.
  • Could it be a manifestation of an ancient family curse involving vampirism, or is something more earthly - yet equally sinister - at play?
  • The ruined house had a sinister appearance.
  • That symbiotic nexus of press and professors has, in the meantime, revealed a sinister aspect too.
  • Her painting career begins with a huge fantastical mural of historical, religious, and cultural imagery and ‘progresses’ to paintings of fractured worlds to diptychs and triptychs to a final sinister palimpsest.
  • A bereaved couple allow their dead son to be cloned by a sinister scientific institute in this clunking supernatural thriller. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the Digger becomes a far more sinister threat when his accomplice is killed in a freak accident while en route to the money drop. The Devil's Teardrop: Summary and book reviews of The Devil's Teardrop by Jeffery Deaver.
  • Encounters with the locals suggest that something sinister, and possibly of international significance, is afoot and the suspense keeps mounting. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the moment the front runners are ‘a crude Yank crashing the Brit party’ and a ‘bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world’.
  • It can sound slightly comical, or sinister and bestial, but mostly I find it evocatively beautiful, perhaps because it sounds so otherworldly, so little like a human sound.
  • These numbers reflect the enormous electromechanical leverage the computers hold over the road—particularly the active antiroll hydraulics—but the experience behind the wheel is decidedly untechnical, a kind of sinister and primal euphoria. Porsche's Magnificent First Stab at the New 911
  • They have suggested a sinister network where child molesters passed the word around that the schools were fertile areas for their activities.
  • They are part of my fascination with the supernatural, the otherworldly, the dark and sinister, in contrast to the radiometer, which is of the material world, and which relies on the light, rather than dark. What does your writing area say about you? « Write Anything
  • A bereaved couple allow their dead son to be cloned by a sinister scientific institute in this clunking supernatural thriller. Times, Sunday Times
  • The man said there was ‘nothing remotely sinister’ about his work, which the university said centred on ‘the development of a novel matrix for the immobilisation of enzymes for biotechnology’.
  • The language used by people like Simm and her ACPO chums is deeply sinister and indeed Orwellian. Hayley Adamson is dead but Northumbria wins Gold! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Nobody could say that anything sinister was happening.
  • A bereaved couple allow their dead son to be cloned by a sinister scientific institute in this clunking supernatural thriller. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps most sinister of all was how the picturesque splendor and tranquil beauty of Beard's Hollow lulled my fiancée Cheryl and me into a false sense of security.
  • In contrast to the comforting sound of its call, the cuckoo has a sinister lifestyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • While most sightings are regarded as relatively harmless some have been far more sinister. The Sun
  • But with Sandy Graff it was different; he belonged identically to the place, and all the town knew him, the sinister tragedy of his history, and all the why and wherefore that led to his becoming the poor miserable drunken outcast -- the town "bummer" -- that he was. Shapes that Haunt the Dusk
  • Most of the billing blunders are the result of technology failures or human error, rather than anything more sinister. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are talking about the sinister path here, not some “white light” arty-farty mumbo-jumbo. Satanism Exposed: The ONA Fake Org | Disinformation
  • Somewhat sadly, he has worked himself into a niche for eccentric bad guys whose haphazard oddness makes them sinister.
  • The hysteria familiar to us from our high-school history books and Arthur Miller's Crucible gets its due, in the usual sinister hues.
  • They have a slightly sinister vibe. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are rather sinister creatures that like to stalk their prey as it dies a slow, lingering death from septicaemia caused by their vicious bite. The Sun
  • She has failed to check in for over three weeks, and Sylvester has become concerned that something sinister is happening in her County. A Local Habitation: Technology Bites Back « A Working Title
  • Ryu was once another man, Takuto, who was killed in an accident with his lady-love Maki, but has been resurrected by a would-be Mephistopheles with a sinister agenda.
  • There has never been a more sinister villain portrayed on film. FHM's Interview with Heath Ledger on Playing The Joker «

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