How To Use Singer In A Sentence

  • Intellectual Dublin seemed no longer to consist of writers, but of folk singers, bearded or otherwise.
  • We have introduced singers like Madeline Bell as headliners and I think the club is beginning to take off.
  • Most African music features one singer or star, but this is a guitar band. Times, Sunday Times
  • the morphological relation between `sing' and `singer' and `song' is derivational
  • Possibly one of the most compassionate pieces of music ever made, it asks us, no, arranges that we see the plight of what I'll be brutal and call a lovelorn drag queen with such intense empathy that when the singer hurts him, we do too. Archive 2009-02-01
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  • A friend of the singer said: ‘She was thrilled because a year ago she was being written off and people were saying her career was heading for the dumper.’
  • the singers have to warm up
  • The fact that the singer was Spanish and that the programme printed the song title with a tilde might have been a clue, anyway.
  • And the result doesn't just require immensely versatile singers, but a pit band that can carry out his exacting demands. Times, Sunday Times
  • Personally, we'd get rid of that annoying opera singer in the insurance adverts. The Sun
  • Singers, musicians, dancers and storytellers are always appreciated on St. Patrick's Day.
  • Though never quite managing to hit commercial paydirt, Glasgow-born singer/songwriter John Martyn has carved out an acclaimed career by purveying an idiosyncratic mix of rock, folk and jazz.
  • Surely the time for karaoke cover singers is finished? The Sun
  • She's an opera singer with a difference: she can act well!
  • Plant shot to fame in the seventies as the lead singer of Led Zeppelin.
  • It was reminiscent of the television commercial which shows a cheating singer being chased out of a platteland town when a record he mimes to gets stuck.
  • That said, they are still out to pummel, and their singer's caterwaul has never sounded more throat-shredding.
  • The weakest cuts on the album are the ones in which the singer imitates Sinatra most closely.
  • He delights in the society of brilliant painters, singers and musicians.
  • Firstly, the verbal preambles to nearly all of his songs seemed very long and involved - a shortcoming of many singer/song-writers.
  • Dozens of wannabe singers compete for the chance to attain pop stardom. Times, Sunday Times
  • For Reeves, a Bowl concert can be intimidating, but the difficulties it presents also inspire her as a singer.
  • Just over 25 years later, the release of The Jazz Singer marked the advent of sound in the form of feature-length talkies, and film took an enormous leap in a new direction.
  • She is one of the four people on my shortlist of great singers.
  • They are neither singers nor actresses. The Sun
  • Say what you like about her, she's a fine singer.
  • She had a spell as a singer before becoming an actress.
  • Their singer's on a real ego trip.
  • A fine singer and musician, he also writes very good songs and is a record producer of considerable note.
  • The singer was interviewed in his £1500 a night hotel suite.
  • How have you found coming into this industry as a female singer? The Sun
  • The singer evinced one bad habit in the Mahler group, a tendency to scoop into opening phrases.
  • Beirut-born Arabic electropop singer; half of the duo Y.A.S. Beirut
  • The joy of Cornelius at what he called the salvation of the Meistersinger knew no bounds. My Life — Volume 2
  • His full schedule leads him around the world, partnering some of the most famous singers of our time.
  • Many of my colleagues, truly brilliant accompanists, have a great sense for the singer and I have no idea whether any of them took formal singing lessons.
  • The Liverpudlian singer was looking rather queasy as he took a spin on the merry-go-round. The Sun
  • Ricky Ricardo is a famous orchestra leader and singer working out of the Tropicana Club in New York City.
  • We love writing about bands and singers that emerge from the tangled undergrowth and come blinking into the bright glare of publicity. The Sun
  • The ‘open mike’ idea gives an opportunity to singers and musicians of every style to come up and perform in a relaxed, intimate setting.
  • THE best clue to a new album comes from the sultry singer herself. The Sun
  • Everyone knows that the only reason I sound like a halfway decent singer is that I have a great band with me to cover my bad notes.
  • The young singer is enjoying massive critical acclaim .
  • This singing formant also aids the opera singer by standing out above the typical orchestral accompaniment.
  • There are still roles left for singers and musicians to take part in the performance.
  • For loudly booing when the blameless singers and the faultless musicians were doing their best? Times, Sunday Times
  • Hasinger and his colleagues have combined XMM and Infrared Space Observatory measurements of the Lockman Hole, putting a lower limit— 15percent—on the AGN contribution to the infrared background.
  • Smooth and sleek production from the London singer. The Sun
  • Jacki is the lead singer and guitarist in an all-girl LA-based band struggling to make it.
  • Neil Tennant, for all his limitations, is one of the most human singers I know, and not in some Whitney / Britney sense that equates humanity with loud declamation of ersatz emotion.
  • The title of the book gave me the willies--I could only think of my moms 1947 Singer with the giy-normous buttonhole attachment and how many frustrating hours she spent trying to get it to work, not to mention the ruffler . Toys! Wonderful toys! - A Dress A Day
  • In the Fifties, at least one movie a week was a musical about a turn-of-the-century songwriter or singer.
  • This singer has a penchant for scatting and surprising material, but where he has an astonishingly pure voice, hers has more feeling.
  • Streisand won fame as a singer before she became an actress.
  • Is it any wonder that the stereotype of choral singers is that we have less musical skill than instrumentalists?
  • The singer says her dad is her number one fan.
  • Some fabulously original singer-songwriters rose to sudden popular prominence… and were arrested, jailed, and sent into exile with shaven heads.
  • The girls are potty about the new television singer.
  • Wendy Melvoin, the guitarist and singer-songwriter, is best known for her work in the 80s with Prince's band, the Revolution, and for being one half of Wendy & Lisa, a collaboration with her former girlfriend, Lisa Coleman. Lisa Cholodenko: 'I wanted to make a film that was not sanctimonious or sentimental'
  • This will be almost falsetto but will have enough heaviness to enable the singer to crescendo smoothly.
  • The excellent Armonico Consort musicians and singers, directed by Christopher Monks, create a background to which the action unfolds.
  • As a jazz singer she's in a class of her own .
  • The Texan singer will be supported by two other bands, as yet unannounced.
  • On Tuesday the 24-year-old pianist and singer is set to perform a showpiece duet with highly regarded folk singer Katie Melua at the Brit's ceremony at London's Earl's Court.
  • 'I love to mix the' homegirl 'look with Hollywood glamour,' the Californian-born singer said. Home | Mail Online
  • Into the 1960 presidential election, Kissinger was among the adamant critics proclaiming that Eisenhower had neglectfully allowed a “missile gap” to develop with Moscow. Magic and Mayhem
  • So many young singers fail because they are stuck with teachers who overcomplicate. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tuszynska had never heard of Gran before Polish Jews in Paris told her about the singer—sometimes, the “collaborationist” singer—living in their midst.
  • The girl singers were asked to descant on the tune.
  • In those letters I discovered and fell in love with Nannerl, Mozart's sister, almost five years older than her brother, a prodigy in her own right, a marvelous singer and remarkable harpsichordist. George Heymont: The Shadow of Your Sib
  • To the long-running, uncomfortable faux lovers 'quarrels with Simon Cowell and his equally embarrassing interviews with the singers, he has now added an arsenal of odd behaviors, ranging from petulant snits to flighty overexuberance. It's time for producers to fix 'American Idol,' and here's how
  • The classically trained singers that I've heard inevitably sound less than spontaneous, to be charitable, and their diction is invariably too "correct" and too lots of other things that I don't want to hear. Salvati dunque e scolpati
  • The singers began to harmonize the new song.
  • The reason for this is truly mystifying as she never missed an opportunity to work with both famous and unknown singers and orchestras.
  • The singer was accompanied on the piano by her sister.
  • During this time Kissinger needlessly prolonged U.S. war-making in which 20,853 Americans were killed and an officially U. S.-estimated 7,860,013 Indochinese were murdered, maimed or made homeless. Fred Branfman: Hillary Clinton's Promoting Kissinger: An Insult to History
  • Power is the great aphrodisiac---Henry Alfred Kissinger, German-born American political scientist, diplomat, and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • The great singer ended his days in poverty.
  • Such disavowals always remind me of Henry Kissinger's line that when a state denies it intends to take a course of action, it is signalling to others that it has the capacity to take such action if it wishes.
  • What does anybody get out of calling us karaoke singers? The Sun
  • The part I don't get is why the really dreadful singers set themselves up for scorn and mockery - and they have to know that's what they're in for.
  • He's been in fashion, he's been out of fashion, he's been a jazz-rock drummer, a prog-rock singer and a housewives' favourite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Preston, a pool shark, once beat singer Willie Nelson for $300,000 in dominoes.
  • The singers took turns wowing the audience with popular film songs.
  • She's a singer with a band.
  • And the singer says in her own words that it's her prerogative right now to just chill.
  • Each summer, the company invites a boatload of bright young apprentice singers, all hoping for some quality stage experience.
  • She is a singer with musicality and sensitivity.
  • He has a gift for comedy and a strong, virile sound that proved a welcome contrast to the softer tones of the lighter voiced singers.
  • This quickly won approval of the policy makers at the White House, but Kissinger wanted to do much more.
  • Not surprisingly, Chloe is a gifted musician, studying piano, guitar and recorder, as well as being an accomplished singer.
  • Many rated him the best singer of all time.
  • She's a very talented young singer, Mike and I personally think she's got a great future ahead of her!
  • It also showed an ability to sing coloratura, which is a fast, fluid way of singing music that is ordinarily not easy for the more dramatic singers. NPR Topics: News
  • Our harmonica player and singer finally resorted to roadying to make ends meet.
  • The outstanding singer, songwriter, musician and producer did the majority of work on his new album himself, holding a tight rein on its creative direction.
  • Da’or, a singer known for his high voice, petitioned the court after translators rendered “let’s bobbitt him” into na’aseh lo ma’aseh David Daor - “let’s David Da’or him,” which the singer claimed linked his name with emasculation. The Trouble With Translations… | Jewschool
  • Diva is the term derived from the Latin word “divus”, “a divine one”, and in its original use described a woman of exceptional talent, more specifically a great female opera singer. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Caught in a whirlwind of high times, hard drugs and harder comedowns, the singer made a botched suicide attempt and began to overdose on a regular basis.
  • My personal distaste for fey singers aside, British quartet the Buffseeds offer up a decent and quite listenable album.
  • Audiences are led on a tour and entertained along the way by singers, dancers and storytellers and are given the opportunity to speak to residents.
  • I want to write, produce and bring in different singers on projects. The Sun
  • He taught sharecroppers, worked with the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union, and according to folksinger Lee Hays helped reshape the old gospel tune "I Shall Overcome" into a political anthem. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Rebels And Messiahs: 10 Spiritual Ancestors For Occupy Wall Street
  • The lead singer wearing a pretty dress and summer sandals added to the airiness of their set.
  • It's the singer not the song. 
  • These past couple years — – with the help of Princeton Bioethics professor Peter Singer — I've managed to start synthesizing my affinities for carnivorism and guilt-having to rather impressive degrees. Wasted Words: Horse Hate and Carnivore Guilt | Indecision Forever | Political Humor, 2010 Election, and Satire Blog | Comedy Central
  • Perhaps the phrase "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good" are more than the words of an often despised and misunderstood singer. Michael Gilmour: Yusuf Islam, Salman Rushdie And Censorship
  • Both her parents were musical; her mother was a singer and dancer and her father played the saxophone. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he was helped by the fact that he bears a slight resemblance to the blond singer in Abba, too.
  • A praise singer blessed the constitution as the first to prepare the country for development before a Guguletu choir sang renditions of "Shosholoza" and other freedom songs until the members of the CA appeared on the steps of Parliament. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Private Properties Former 'NSync singer Joey Fatone has relisted his Orlando, Fla., estate for $3.9 million, 40% less than its previous asking price. 'NSync's Fatone Relists Orlando Home for 40% Less
  • Even Bryan Singer cites Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon as the inspiration for his nonpareil take on the thriller in The Usual Suspects.
  • The band's success is largely due to the popular appeal of the lead singer.
  • He forced a passage for the singer through the crowd.
  • That monotony of form, those commonplace cadenzas, those endless bravura passages introduced at haphazard irrespective of the dramatic situation, that recurrent _crescendo_ that Rossini brought into vogue, are now an integral part of every composition; those vocal fireworks result in a sort of babbling, chattering, vaporous mucic, of which the sole merit depends on the greater or less fluency of the singer and his rapidity of vocalization. Gambara
  • This form of poetry comprising more than a dozen couplets in the same metre has come a long way and so have ghazal singers.
  • What do agentive nouns such as singer, dancer, murderer, walker, speaker, and many more, have in common?
  • The young girls swoon when they see their favorite pop singer.
  • The vocals are shared alternately between the two singers; both sound like fragile pixies, trapped in a lyrical world of jealous lovers and murderous intent.
  • So it is a great thing for a singer to have an accompanist who knows singing from his own experience.
  • He was a classical singer and even when it was not customary for people of the cloth to perform on stage, he did so with aplomb.
  • Even after years as a singer, he still suffers from nerves before a performance.
  • He knows he is not the best singer in the competition but he certainly makes up for it as a great entertainer. The Sun
  • the famous singer was photographed by the paparazzi
  • They make fantastically successful pop stars, soul divas and sensitive singer-songwriters.
  • Singer certainly directs the film with aplomb. Times, Sunday Times
  • In what could be described as the oddest pairing since the alleged Eminem/Kim Basinger fling, TMZ. com reports that Chelsea Handler and 50 Cent (aka Curtis Jackson) were spotted getting "hot and heavy" at a New Orleans club Sunday night. Rumor Mill: Chelsea Handler dating 50 Cent?
  • Gloria is an exceptionally gifted singer.
  • Rock'n'roll groups appeared on bills along with trad groups and pop singers - even some modern jazz made it into the charts.
  • The star-studded indoor festivities included action star Jackie Chan, Japanese singer Shinji Tanimura, concert pianist Lang Lang and opera star Andrea Bocelli among the 2,300 performers. Incredible Opening Ceremony as China Celebrates the Shanghai World Expo 2010 | Impact Lab
  • Borscht, an old world beet soup long savored by Russian and Eastern European Jewish immigrants, lent its name to the Catskill region of upstate New York where generations of revelers summered at hotels such as the Concord and Grossinger's. A Family Named Gold Tries to Add Cool to a Soup That's the Color Purple
  • Few singers have Bellamy's energy or vocal range, and standouts here include Screenager and their anthem, Muscle Museum.
  • Joyce implies that if one looked at the singer's face one might be surprised by her aged appearance.
  • The gobby singer posted an apology on her website after her interview gaffe. The Sun
  • There is singer material among these young girls.
  • I apologise to any purists in case the following suggestion is seen as something of a sacrilege, but can I ask you to help us in calling all Yorkshire poets, rhymesters, bards, balladeers and singers to help us save our pub?
  • She has the experience of the singer and performer that paula and randy have, she has the producing experience of Simon and Randy, she has the sharp tongue of Simon and the humor of Randy and the niceness of Paula. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The teen singer and actress has been in showbusiness since the tender age of nine.
  • Which is why the singer is set to play a baddie for her big-screen debut. The Sun
  • This album exposes him as an unremarkable singer, largely devoid of charisma or vocal prowess.
  • Sir Paul Best of the Best of musicica - Bas, acord, Piano, singer compositor Google gets Paul McCartney’s house wrong
  • The band are looking for a singer who can double up on guitar .
  • Count on more of his unusual routines, such as his strenuously graceful paeans to classical opera, sung by his favorite singer.
  • Her ambition was to be a famous singer.
  • The singer whines and groans his way through every song.
  • And then we were amazed to hear the sound of singing -- amazed, for it was not the uncouth singing of negroes (who in happy circumstances delight to uplift their voices in psalms) nor yet the boisterous untuneable roaring of rough seamen, like Vetch's buccaneers, but a most melodious and pleasing sound, which put me in mind (and Cludde also) of the madrigal singers of our good town of Shrewsbury. Humphrey Bold A Story of the Times of Benbow
  • Slick gave the singers demos of his backing tracks and encouraged them to come up with words and melodies.
  • But this time he has abandoned the fickle movie industry and veered into the music business, tangling with Russian mobsters and gangster rappers and taking a talented, feisty young singer named Linda Moon under his wing.
  • From Renton, with heat: 10.4 Rog Remix Roundup Vol. 1 photos by me Renton's 10.4 Rog (pronounced "ten-four rodge," aka Roger Habon, Jr.) is a young artist currently cutting his teeth as a and album/mixtape track Lyricist: Sameer; Singers: Rashid Ali, Sonu Niigaam, Soumya Raoh, Shaan and Sunidhi Chauhan; - Articles related to From A to Jay-Z, hip-hop star is letter-perfect
  • Most of all, he shows a flair for matching the climaxes in the action with musical climaxes, using dissonance, the singer's virtuosity, or instrumental sonorities to create the sense of heightened emotion.
  • When questioned by Sneddon, the youth told of making crank calls with Jackson, seeing the singer naked and witnessing Jackson "humping" a female mannequin he kept in his room. The Accuser Speaks
  • A zoftig gospel singer showed up toting a sheaf of notes, lyrics, and throat diagrams. Ken Levine: American Idol Inaugural Balls
  • He has worked as a professional actor and singer in the West End but increasingly he is drawn to directing.
  • The 16-year-old R&B singer has teamed with Nicole for OPI to start a line of fingernail polishes based on his songs, according to AOL's Style List. Justin Bieber to Launch a Nail Polish Line
  • Both were, of course, memorable events which used spectacular fireworks, acrobats, singers, dancers and musicians to showcase the city to the world.
  • In 1961 being a folk singer was not a ticket to writing celebrity gardening columns.
  • The singer is always feeling after words of praise.
  • There's folky indie, there's metaly indie, dancey indie, there's indie-schmindie, jingly-jangly bumhead indie, punky-indie, singer-songwritery indie* ... and even those descriptions are inherantly lacking in proper decriptive terms. Word Magazine -
  • The singers are miked only for the dialogue, but their excellent diction makes the supertitles unnecessary, bringing out mad rhymes like "You very imperfect ablutioner" for "The Lord High Executioner. Taking Gilbert
  • Sinbad, along with singer Sheryl Crow, was on that 1996 trip to Bosnia that Clinton has described as a harrowing international experience that makes her tested and ready to answer a 3 a.m. phone call at the White House on day one, a claim for which she's taking much grief on the campaign trail. Not So Fast, Says Sinbad - Real Clear Politics –
  • She had a spell as a singer before becoming an actress.
  • And not just pregnant - she even tracks down a back-alley abortionist (played with lip-smacking subtlety by singer Macy Gray) who nearly kills her. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: For Colored Girls
  • It is to be found in the basso ostinato, a repeated bass line over which a keyboard player or lutenist improvises chords and a singer or player evolves a melody.
  • She is in great demand as a singer.
  • He had picked her up at a nightclub on Kallari Street, where she worked as a singer.
  • The lead singer has developed a slight raspiness to his usually clean vocals.
  • While eminent singers will be involved as members of the jury, the talent scouting exercise will go on for six consecutive months.
  • The alt-country singer/songwriter is notorious for his prodigious output as well as his colossal inconsistency but this tune is an absolute winner. Tuesday Tune: 'Halloweenhead' by Ryan Adams
  • Singer Ella Fitzgerald performs at the Democratic rally held for John F. Kennedy in honor of his birthday.
  • In any case, even within technical, i.e. classical mythology, Orpheus was a singer, not a fish.
  • So, the singer, for personal reasons, comes to think that homosexuality is 'curable'. Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Obama Strongly Denounces Antigay Gospel Singer
  • Those who pour their efforts into antivivisection protest are absenting themselves from the front lines of human reform, despite Singer's claims to the contrary. Unkind to Animals
  • These scores required singers with a beautifully produced, expressive sound and great vocal agility.
  • Are those gospel singers a set up? The Sun
  • The findings show the singer, aged 33, died from heart failure following an undetected hereditary heart condition involving atheromatosis, a thickening of the arteries. Home
  • The singer split with his wife last June.
  • Singers should originate and initiate ideas that are new to the market.
  • Organisers of the festival say they are now considering legal action to recover the group's fee and the singer's manager has responded with claims that she was assaulted by one of the festival organisers.
  • The singer was miming to a pre-recorded tape.
  • Cash is primarily known as a singer-songwriter; she performs her own songs, and not typically covers. NPR Topics: News
  • That's when I chased her down to be the singer in my band.
  • Some of the country's finest opera singers perform nightly in the lounge, and each room is decorated with musical antiques, like a grand piano (suites from $381; mollies. The Kiwi Boutiques
  • Singer-songwriter Christina Perri sings as Victoria twirls around on stage, doing moves that include synchronized falling to the ground whenever Christina sings the word "falling" in her lyrics. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • The singer/actress has traveled the world as part of the show, in which she discovers the local beauty regimes and culture in different countries, including those of African tribeswomen and Japanese Geishas. Jessica Simpson Unairbrushed Without Makeup On Cover Of Marie Claire
  • This has been attributed to the workings of the claque of a rival singer; but whatever the truth of the matter, it was Albani's first and last appearance in that theatre.
  • Singers performing Mozart's operas often dress in/wear historical costume.
  • His principal soprano leggiero was Mlle. Pinkert, a Polish singer of good routine and fine skill; his dramatic soprano, Mlle. Russ, whose knowledge of the conventions of the stage was complete, and expressive powers excellent, though they exerted little charm. Chapters of Opera Being historical and critical observations and records concerning the lyric drama in New York from its earliest days down to the present time
  • Putting that aside and simply listening to the sound itself, one hears a voice of remarkable purity and tonal beauty along with a command of style and color that any singer would kill for.
  • Does she really think singers can sing in a concert without looking at the music?
  • September 3rd, 2009 LONDON - Welsh singer Duffy, real name Aimee Ann Duffy, is said to be dating British Lions rugby star Mike Phillips. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Singers and non-singers alike, including shouters, groaners, moaners and squealers, can all join in.
  • There is an interview with my favourite tenor in Classical Singer Magazine.
  • The self-confident singer rocked out, freestyled with natural ease and steamed up the room with poetry and poise and an intense, extended version of ‘Sun Again.’
  • The young girls swoon when they see their favorite pop singer.
  • It's the singer's first solo album.
  • The sick messages will destroy the caring image the singer portrays on the show. The Sun
  • In those two hours, the audience, the congregation, the singers, the musicians, re-live, in a powerful way, the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ.
  • She was more famous as a writer than as a singer.
  • Then he went on a little and came to a handsome cage, than which there was no goodlier there, and in it a culver, that is to Say, a wood-pigeon, the bird renowned among the birds as the singer of love-longing, with a collar of jewels about its neck, wonder-goodly of ordinance. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume IV
  • Dallas police have announced that they've charged neosoul singer Erykah Badu [...] Bossip

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