How To Use Simple-minded In A Sentence

  • Their kids would probably be plain, bare and simple-minded.
  • In the midst of such simple-minded patriotism, the quality of the acting seems pretty immaterial.
  • The film was attacked in many intellectual quarters from both the left and the right, for being false or simple-minded.
  • Holmes, wearing a simple-minded smile on a benevolent face, shuffled his way toward the woman.
  • No amount of simple-minded faith will change that.
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  • a simple-minded argument
  • No amount of simple-minded faith will change that.
  • The simple-minded group slogan on the sweatshirt absorbed all identity, regardless of any personal history. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • What's a simple-minded rural poet to do about it?
  • But these non-newsworthy-factoids have spawned appallingly simple-minded reflections.
  • The matter is complicated and -'And you believe me too simple-minded to understand? IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • It was ungenerous, it was destructive, it was simple-minded, it was vicious, it was rubbish.
  • It's a simple-minded solution to complex problems.
  • Even today it's edgy cinema, but to write it off as the product of a deranged mind, or to suggest that it endorses the violence it depicts, is simple-minded at best.
  • While the rural people have a more simple-minded attitude, they are also used to living in harmony with their neighbours who have to face the same difficulties as they do.
  • This single-minded, indeed simple-minded, artistic manifesto seems crude and dated, but the fiction it led him to produce is still fresh.
  • On the two occasions I have heard him perform (on the telescreen, I hasten to add), what I heard was degraded, simple-minded, noisy, tuneless pop wailing.
  • We are pushed into thinking that illusions must be departures from quite simple-minded physics, as measured with rulers, protractors, and clocks.
  • Even today it's edgy cinema, but to write it off as the product of a deranged mind, or to suggest that it endorses the violence it depicts, is simple-minded at best.
  • It is also simple-minded to assert that everyone can or should be involved in the complexities of designing universities or opera houses.
  • Joe's a bright guy with insightful views on many things, but here he sounds, well, downright simple-minded.
  • That the classical Olympic spirit emphasized international peace is lost in such simple-minded political propaganda.
  • I still think she is simple-minded, but only if she is viewed through a mirror, with the glass tilted a certain way. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • This single-minded, indeed simple-minded, artistic manifesto seems crude and dated, but the fiction it led him to produce is still fresh.
  • It’s not so simple as saying that the axis of evil points from behind the counter, or from the front of a cab (i.e. that the “origin” of the axes is the center of projection of a camera or anything so simple-minded). Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Steve Mann on Cyborg Communities: Comments Wanted
  • On the other hand, there are the simple-minded folk, who neither suspect the origin of future troubles nor bestir themselves to deal with the cause of their woes.
  • Sylvie was a simple-minded romantic.
  • Here is an eloquent man who loves the army, and is no simple-minded jarhead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any other outlook is just simple-minded fantasy.
  • No wonder so many business big-shots go for Hirst: his work is both simple-minded and sensationalist, just the ticket for newbie collectors who are, to put it mildly, connoisseurship-challenged and resonance-free. Auction as Art Work: Aussies scrap over Damien Hirst
  • The graphics depicting troop movements are simple-minded and drawn on forgettable backgrounds.
  • Celebrity worship may be simple-minded, self-indulgent and craven, but heads of state should not expect to get off so lightly.
  • 'God has afflicted her,' so this simple-minded native, whom many men in their unthinking moments would call a canting, naked kanaka, says; but God has Susâni 1901
  • The films I've done in recent years, they're meant to offer a more complex analysis of the situations, and are less simple-minded.
  • This rather dashed me, though he doesn't know that I am a diarist, and is probably unaware that I am somewhat simple-minded.
  • We can make an assessment of how well these groups are travelling in a simple-minded way by looking at how they progress through training - which students get in?
  • We can make an assessment of how well these groups are travelling in a simple-minded way by looking at how they progress through training - which students get in?
  • Not one could grasp, or even imagine, the possibility that our simple-minded Palaeolithic ancestors were capable of art.
  • Of him whose creation is sufficient to render the year 1849 memorable in the annals of the land much has ere now been written -- that type of a well-to-do British householder, delightful for his follies and endearing by his pluck, something of a lunatic, it must be admitted, yet more of a sportsman, and most of all a "muff" -- _Punch's_ "simple-minded Philistine paterfamilias. The History of "Punch"
  • I wrote "artless" as a politer way of saying that it seems simple-minded and vulgar to hope that one's friends look like movie stars. Nelson Algren: An Exchange
  • Spend too much time with a bunch of would-be bohos bemoaning their chosen lot in life, and you may start to yearn for a simple-minded superhero knockdown fest.
  • But these non-newsworthy-factoids have spawned appallingly simple-minded reflections.
  • There he lived on beer and jerky didn't often speak to people did his shifts as quarry gateman earned enough to stock his cooler didn't ask a lot of questions not the sort to get distracted some might call him simple-minded THE BOATMAN OF THE BADLANDS
  • `Oh, poor old Stoop is rather simple-minded ," Yoller said. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • And some of those aren't so young, but still simple-minded.
  • For the kids the knee-jerk tourist products are wooden toys, but they are lumpish, boring objects, unlikely to appeal to any but the most simple-minded of toddlers.
  • Because they work on simple-minded theories and are totally oblivious of facts.
  • The unfortunate use of the phrase "simple-minded fundamentalist literalism" is a reference not to religious fundamentalism per se (ie, that religious truth is factually true as well) but rather to what Catholics call sola scriptura. Latest Articles
  • Alas, this robust and simple-minded certainty that Reason rather than Faith was the wave of the future is all but spent now.
  • Nevertheless, by posing questions rather than serving up morals, he's caught some flak from simple-minded gay critics.
  • They immediately claim that they are trying to rake cheese - the reflection of the moon - from the pond and the excisemen, amused by the apparently simple-minded rustics, leave them to it.
  • Trotsky is not simple-minded in his literary taste, and he doesn't just sort of spontaneously insist that everybody has to write socialist realism.
  • A simple-minded fellow, he does not realize the impossibility of winning her over romantically.
  • I won't do the simple-minded approach of picking each tile and figuring out what words it forms.
  • How Rooney rendered "gimcracks" into Eskimo we are not prepared to say, but the whole description sent Nunaga and her mother into fits of giggling, for those simple-minded creatures of the icy north -- unlike sedate Europeans -- are easily made to laugh. Red Rooney The Last of the Crew
  • The films I've done in recent years, they're meant to offer a more complex analysis of the situations, and are less simple-minded.
  • It's a simple-minded solution to complex problems.
  • It's bad enough that George Bush has been willing, and able, to challenge and dismantle some of the most basic tenets of our American democracy - the system of checks and balances, an independent judiciary, and the right of a people to be free from government intrusion and persecution - but to see England fall prey to the same simple-minded authoritarian leanings is simply very sad. 01/16/2006
  • The failure of such simple-minded thinking has also been proven by its total failure for Cuba, which has survived under American sanctions for more than four decades.
  • Such is Commerce, which shakes the cocoa-nut and bread-fruit tree in the remotest isle, and sooner or later dawns on the duskiest and most simple-minded savage. A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
  • In everyday life, the greater the distance between points A and B, and the more rugged the intervening landscape, the bleaker are the odds for success of a blindfolded walk, even—or perhaps especially—when following a simple-minded rule like “always climb higher; never back down.” The Edge of Evolution
  • Because they work on simple-minded theories and are totally oblivious of facts.
  • In a sexist, thoughtless, simple-minded story, he found yet a new way to ghettoize actresses in Hollywood.
  • To assume simple bureaucratic bungling is simply simple-minded. Balkinization
  • The failure of such simple-minded thinking has also been proven by its total failure for Cuba, which has survived under American sanctions for more than four decades.
  • Not one could grasp, or even imagine, the possibility that our simple-minded Palaeolithic ancestors were capable of art.
  • This is apart from the government's and opposition's cynical calculation that its simple-minded stance will win it votes in the coming election.
  • It is also simple-minded to assert that everyone can or should be involved in the complexities of designing universities or opera houses.
  • For the kids the knee-jerk tourist products are wooden toys, but they are lumpish, boring objects, unlikely to appeal to any but the most simple-minded of toddlers.
  • So the next time you're feeling down, or exhausted, or unappreciated, or at the end of your rope; the next time you turn on the TV and see yourself called "overpaid;" the next time you encounter some simple-minded, punitive policy that's been driven into your life by some corporate reformer who has literally never taught anyone anything. ... Dan Brown: Matt Damon's Powerful Education Speech at the Save Our Schools Rally in DC
  • Alas, this robust and simple-minded certainty that Reason rather than Faith was the wave of the future is all but spent now.
  • Their kids would probably be plain, bare and simple-minded.
  • This is apart from the government's and opposition's cynical calculation that its simple-minded stance will win it votes in the coming election.
  • The Globe article comes with an amazing college picture of Kerry, which makes him look like the 1933 heavyweight champ Primo Carnera, a simple-minded acromegalic giant with a pituitary gland problem. Archive 2005-06-05
  • While the rural people have a more simple-minded attitude, they are also used to living in harmony with their neighbours who have to face the same difficulties as they do.
  • Although they are the ones who do the dirty work, the actual attentat, to other men, their superiors in class and station, the lasting benefits of their simple-minded evil have always accrued. Women and the Invisible Fist
  • Bruch criticized obesity researchers for failing to recognize that dieting was not only psychologically debilitating but medically simple-minded.
  • For the kids the knee-jerk tourist products are wooden toys, but they are lumpish, boring objects, unlikely to appeal to any but the most simple-minded of toddlers.
  • One who simply hates the whole idea of religion or spiritual faith (but knows basically nothing about it) is completely asea with any theologian, philosopher, historian or even educated party in an argument like this. keiths tosses the most shallow and simple-minded 'What-Ifs' I've ever seen, with the singular exception of Raevmo's "Poof-Joy" argument. Carry-Over Thread
  • Celebrity worship may be simple-minded, self-indulgent and craven, but heads of state should not expect to get off so lightly.
  • What about the protests against tyranny in Bahrain, not sectarian uprest, as the US will have the simple-minded think and the pathetic anti-Iranian propaganda. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • What's a simple-minded rural poet to do about it?
  • Joe's a bright guy with insightful views on many things, but here he sounds, well, downright simple-minded.
  • That the classical Olympic spirit emphasized international peace is lost in such simple-minded political propaganda.
  • Your confusion is a function of your reliance on simple-minded stereotypes. Behe and Gene discuss the Evolution of the Flagellum
  • Any other outlook is just simple-minded fantasy.
  • Celebrity worship may be simple-minded, self-indulgent and craven, but heads of state should not expect to get off so lightly.
  • And some of those aren't so young, but still simple-minded.

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