simple fracture

  1. an uncomplicated fracture in which the broken bones to not pierce the skin
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How To Use simple fracture In A Sentence

  • During this time the rag, adhering by means of a crust of inspissated blood collected beneath it, has continued perfectly dry, and it will be left untouched till the usual period for removing the splints in a simple fracture, when we may fairly expect to find a sound cicatrix beneath it. On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery
  • During this time the rag, adhering by means of a crust of inspissated blood collected beneath it, has continued perfectly dry, and it will be left untouched till the usual period for removing the splints in a simple fracture, when we may fairly expect to find a sound cicatrix beneath it. On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery
  • The units are staffed to treat people with injuries such as cuts, bruises, sprains and simple fractures.
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