
simple eye

  1. an eye having a single lens

How To Use simple eye In A Sentence

  • It seems advisable for practitioners who do not normally wear glasses to use simple eye protection glasses for routine cases.
  • The upper or dorsal side of the prosoma is equipped with two prominent kidney-shaped compound eyes, and in the middle a pair of small ocelli or simple eye-like sense-organs.
  • Between the compound eyes are usually three simple eye, or ocelli.
  • It seems advisable for practitioners who do not normally wear glasses to use simple eye protection glasses for routine cases.
  • We do not know the stages through which the eye has passed to its present perfected state, but, since the number of simple eyes (facets) has become very much greater in the male than in the female, we may assume that their increase is due to a gradual duplication of the determinants of the ommatidium in the germ-plasm, as I have already indicated in regard to sense-organs in general. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • The head is distinct and bears a ring of ocelli (simple eyes), shortened antennae, chewing mouthparts, and a spinneret. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • Complementing the large compound eyes, locusts have three much smaller simple eyes or ocelli characterized by rapid signal transmission and high photic sensitivity but very poor spatial resolution.
  • Humans, indeed all seeing vertebrates, have so-called simple eyes: they have a single lens system, focusing light to form one, continuous image of the outside world.
  • Canon dioptric lenses only handle simple eyesight defects of long and short sight, they may not help other eyesight problems.
  • Carrying this thought further, how could Lamarckism create a complicated organ like the eye, or even a simple eyespot? Happy Lamarck Day - The Panda's Thumb
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