How To Use Simper In A Sentence

  • Obviously, she hadn't been watching the aristocrats around her with their barely formed simpers.
  • Perhaps if I simper and pout and let you call me Chastity, it will be easier for you? TREASON KEEP
  • However, don't think Queen Mary 2 is another clone for the lumbering, simpering, overblown jolly boats wallowing and waddling around the world's sunshine destinations.
  • I dislike being treated like I was a wee wifie of no intelligence and less consequence, and I stopped being the simpering type when I was about five. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Please, young women, smile or simper or smirk or grin, glower or glare, or just mope about if you like, but for the love of God, please put away the duck face.
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  • A single strand of simple, unsophisticated smoke smoldered silently upward; spiraling simperingly into a sunlit bed of stagnant smog.
  • You will never get a simper or a giggle out of her unless she is being satirical.
  • Its shocked expression looks more like a simper as it sits on Brewer's shoulder, perfectly arranged to look like it's creeping up from behind.
  • Agnes widened her eyes as the simper froze in her mouth and remembered that she still had a friend named Tyson.
  • Thank you doctor," said the nurse with a simper.
  • To a man of the world looking on, who has seen the men and morals of many cities, it was curious, almost pathetic, to watch that poor little innocent creature fresh and smiling, attired in bright colours and a thousand gewgaws, simpering in the midst of these darkling people — practising her little arts and coquetries, with such a court round about her. The Newcomes
  • It drew to a close with ‘Hosanna’, composed by Caleb Simper.
  • Her mother just simpered loudly and turned away.
  • Victoria took on a confused, as well as slightly amused simper.
  • It is interesting, this Dwight Shrute troll who takes the moniker of the simpering sycophant from the very funny TV program The Office. Think Progress » Obama on Tea Partiers: “You would think they would be saying, ‘Thank you’” for my tax cuts.
  • It’s a bit on the simpering side and just was not my bag, but it sure was quick to read.
  • With the camera in tow, Victoria simpered and clung to her husband with a tenacity that spoke well for his patience.
  • He's usually got a piece of arm candy shooting him affectionate looks and simpering about how gorgeous he is.
  • It's not a smirk or a simper or even a smile - it's a full-on grin.
  • A small simper crept onto his lips which soon turned into a grin, showing off a row of perfect teeth.
  • Typically in CVT-equipped vehicles the powertrain simpers and drones annoyingly as the vehicle accelerates, but there seems to be enough structure and soundproofing in the Quest to mute that. For Your Big-Box Shopping, Drive a Big Box
  • Thank you doctor," said the nurse with a simper.
  • Gwen, still oscillating wildly between Earth mother and gun-toting tough woman and loving it, now also turns her hand to big-sistering the likeable but simpering Esther. Torchwood: Miracle Day – episode three
  • ‘Hey, I got to you soon enough,’ Pixie said with a simper and a giggle.
  • The model makes the calculation simper than load-shedding strategy by neighbor.
  • I very nearly did, because I am that much of a simpering weakling who hates to upset people.
  • The model makes the calculation simper than load-shedding strategy by neighbor.
  • But I, and most right-thinking people, don't need the enjoyment of our lives intruded on by your constant, hectoring simper. Archive 2009-02-01
  • The only truly horrible performance comes from a simpering actress you want to yank off the boards.
  • One of the young ewes wore a feather in her upswept hair and a simper on her dimpled face. MY FAVORITE BRIDE
  • The remaining living lambs, three of them, were bleating with a kind of horrified, pleading simper. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Worst of all, one party had brought the family idiot -- a simpering, lollopy creature, stiff in the wrong places, who could not feed himself properly. A Poor Man's House
  • ‘Oh well, you know how busy she is, being a minister’, simpers her constituency apparatchik when you try to contact her.
  • Certes, if thou hast chuckled over their factious and festivous descriptions, or hadst thy mind filled with pleasure at the strange and pleasant turns of fortune which they record, verily, I have also simpered when I beheld a second storey with attics, that has arisen on the basis of my small domicile at The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • He was teaching Boyle's Law and Archimedes' Principle to coy, simpering 13-year-olds who giggled at everything he said.
  • Her tentacular contempt for Shakespeare and Beethoven and Karl Marx and facial hair and government and “subnormal” children and the poor and the Baby Jesus and the U.N. and homosexuals and “simpering” social workers and French Impressionism and a thousand other things the flesh is heir to: experience? 2009 December « paper fruit
  • Then they huddled bed clothes around themselves, sat up and simpered.
  • Chris was the second one to notice, and the scowl dropped rather quickly, replaced by a sickeningly sweet simper that made Sam queasy.
  • I would rather be a hoyden then a simpering idiot.
  • simperingly, the accused begged for mercy
  • But there's a lot more of John Lennon's pensive melodicism than Paul Simon's simpering folkie affectation in Smith's music.
  • But I hasten to add that he is rarely ‘in charge’ in a way that would make me come off as a simpering blonde Liberal Party wife wearing a pink twin set and pearls.
  • Certes, if thou hast chuckled over their factious and festivous descriptions, or hadst thy mind filled with pleasure at the strange and pleasant turns of fortune which they record, verily, I have also simpered when I beheld a second storey with attics, that has arisen on the basis of my small domicile at Gandercleugh, the walls having been aforehand pronounced by The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete
  • Cenon leaned in with that malicious simper planted over his face.
  • The maid lowered her chin and simpered.
  • Women were antagonistic to him, and Mrs. Mangan, godly matron though she was, seemed to him to symbolize a very different ordering of life to that which he approved; but the Big Doctor was an asset of the Church who must be simpered upon, and for whose sake a little social boredom must be unrepiningly endured. Mount Music
  • Her tentacular contempt for Shakespeare and Beethoven and Karl Marx and facial hair and government and “subnormal” children and the poor and the Baby Jesus and the U.N. and homosexuals and “simpering” social workers and French Impressionism and a thousand other things the flesh is heir to: experience? 2009 December « paper fruit
  • Who can respect a simpering ninny, grinning in a Roman dress and a full-bottomed wig, who is made to pass off for a hero? or a fat woman in a hoop, and of a most doubtful virtue, who leers at you as Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • Miss Waller was always smiling, almost simpering, and Miss Hooper was a mild-mannered pale-coloured personality.
  • Was it her simper, or her settled indifference to ideas, or the gaudy ring she wore on her right forefinger and twisted incessantly?
  • See, in many ways, he was like them, despite whatever arrogant simper he bore as he ranted off on a wild tale, as many others did as well.
  • While the other may simper all she pleases, maturity shows in her every glance.
  • The two looked around at their reception and jollily simpered at the limbo line lead by their dear friend Ashton Kutcher.
  • The remaining living lambs, three of them, were bleating with a kind of horrified, pleading simper. THE LAST RAVEN
  • I did however, have a very successful class visit in which the kids all wanted to read the books I recommended and the teacher simpered at me in the nicest possible way.
  • After it failed in the early 1990s, the bidders - leading Torontonians all of them - simpered unhappily for the rest of the decade until a bid could be stitched together in the late 1990s for the 2008 summer Olympics.
  • They seem incapable of getting through a lesson without giggling or simpering.
  • I attended private parties in sumptuous evening dress, simpered and aired my graces like a born beau, and polkaed and schottisched with a step peculiar to myself—and the kangaroo. LIGHTING OUT FOR THE TERRITORY
  • Something made me turn back, I had to talk to the man who makes politicians, generals, statesmen, policy makers, backroom boys, show biz people squirm, simper, and sob.
  • A single strand of simple, unsophisticated smoke smoldered silently upward; spiraling simperingly into a sunlit bed of stagnant smog.
  • Davies, though clearly parroting out the Labour party line, was much stronger than Duncan, whose fits of giggles and simpering "harrumph" responses were quite cringemaking. Alan Duncan Wins the Newsnight Battle with Quentin Davies
  • There are the fubsy boys -- copied apparently from cherubim -- who, with glowing, distended cheeks, are simpering on the ceiling, _doing_ the tenor, with wide open mouths that would shame e'er a barn-door in the village; their red, stumpy fingers sprawling over the music which they are (not) reading. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 54, No. 338, December 1843
  • Speakers' Corner has recently been titivated to look more like a garden and it must be a concern that this sacred spot will be lost to us because of a bunch of commercially minded, gentrifying bureaucrats and some simpering talk about the kiddies' Christmas outing. Speakers' Corner tradition is under threat
  • But when you look back and picture the nasty close-mouthed eye-darting simpering smugness of this film's hero and the behavior of everyone else in the film I defy you to find one moment of grace except perhaps when lawyer Rashida Jones tells it like it is to her client. Nancy Doyle Palmer: The Social Network - Much Ado about Nothing
  • a simper of pride and self complacency, that it is "mizzy moddy. Townsend Chapter 14
  • ‘Come now, be serious little boy,’ Christy simpered to me, slightly breathless after her cachinnation.
  • Two years, and he's just as patronising, moronic, simpering and clueless as ever.
  • Blonde corkscrew curls, wide blue eyes, and a simpering smile.
  • He shrugged his shoulders for a moment before locking eyes, allowing a simper to play on his face.
  • Yet can we wonder at the jocoseness of those arrayed in lawn and broad-cloth -- can we marvel at the simper of the artisan fresh from his beef and pudding, solaced with tobacco and porter? Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, October 2, 1841
  • Athena stood there, tiredly shaking her head at his gladsome smirk, some simper that made it apparent he was trying to toy with her.
  • Instead I got a knowing simper and a back turned on me.
  • One of the young ewes wore a feather in her upswept hair and a simper on her dimpled face. MY FAVORITE BRIDE
  • The guard - he really did need a nickname - gave her a funny look before returning to his natural simper.
  • Certes, if thou hast chuckled over their factious and festivous descriptions, or hadst thy mind filled with pleasure at the strange and pleasant turns of fortune which they record, verily, I have also simpered when I beheld a second storey with attics, that has arisen on the basis of my small domicile at Gandercleugh, the walls having been aforehand pronounced by Deacon Barrow to be capable of enduring such an elevation. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • The ladies giggled and simpered like maidens half their age and allowed themselves to be escorted outside.
  • She gazed at Sebastian with disinterest, that same simper on her face.
  • Having people expect you to simper and giggle due to your gender is icky, to say the least.
  • Girls would keep on giggling and simpering whenever they felt they had caught his attention for the tiniest glance.
  • She "hem" - ed and "ha" - ed for awhile, and her simpering ways were just beginning to tell on my nerves, when she suddenly started talking very fast. Lady Molly of Scotland Yard
  • Perhaps if I simper and pout and let you call me Chastity, it will be easier for you? TREASON KEEP
  • Two years, and he's just as patronising, moronic, simpering and clueless as ever.
  • Every time I saw him, she was hanging off his arm, simpering and giggling and ugh!
  • Kimberly finished her peroration, at last, and then folded her arms, promised to try harder in her school work, and sat back in her chair with a smuggish simper on her face.
  • A bottle was opened, and the minister pledged the bride, and the bridesmaids simpered and tasted, and I made a speech with airy bacchanalianism, glass in hand. The Wrecker
  • His laugh relaxed into a yawny simper.
  • Will's face cracked into a simper.
  • She grinned her contorted simper.
  • False notes are struck - stupid, kick-yourself-later comments are delivered - and I eventually lapse into dumbstruck, simpering silence, longing for the encounter to be over.
  • One of the young ewes wore a feather in her upswept hair and a simper on her dimpled face. MY FAVORITE BRIDE
  • Miss Margland and Indiana, in secret exultation at his dinnerless state, had glided, with silent simpering, past him, flew to beseech his consent to take some nourishment. Camilla
  • His pointy, simpery, unexpressive features look like a cross between those of an 11-year-old boy and a death mask.
  • When he peeked inside at the flyleaf he saw the simpering face, the tuft of copper hair that screamed ‘Tintin ‘, the shifty eyes that looked out through a pair of tortoise-shell glasses.’
  • Now would you quit simpering over Randall and suspecting everybody but him?
  • I'm talking of real boys, not simpering 30-year-olds with shaved chests.
  • The model makes the calculation simper than load-shedding strategy by neighbor.
  • The Boulder, Colorado pair prove with Want that they can write both brash, dumb songs and melodic, simpering ditties.
  • A frankly dumpy madonna in a nondescript landscape simpered at the viewer with a look you could only describe as ninnyish. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • Can someone tell me the point of employing this simpering, miserable pansy merely so that he can complain week-in, week-out about how much he hates the place?
  • The man could brood and simper all he liked around me!
  • He smiled a sickly simper, eyeing the rabbit with more contempt by the minute.
  • If fairy tales make you think of simpering goody-goody princesses and men in tights with page boy haircuts, has Ella Enchanted got a surprise for you.
  • In Charlotte Street, where girls simper, giggle delicately and live on Marlboro Lights, this is fighting talk.
  • He despised simpering, giggling, weak women who had nothing better to do than cry and make themselves appear ridiculous to gain favor with him.

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