How To Use Simmering In A Sentence
Ballymaloe take a more seasonal approach to things by using redcurrant rather than lemon juice, made by simmering a couple of punnets of the astringent little fruits with water, and then pushing them through a sieve.
How to make perfect strawberry jam
This is a case of simmering rage and resentment at the stick from outsiders, which will come nicely to the boil at 8pm tonight.
The Sun
The row has been simmering for some time.
Slow simmering retains the alcohol; fast boiling dissipates it.
Questions might well be asked about the sudden eruption of a long simmering dispute immediately after the general election.

The pot of water was now simmering away, and Nora had not returned.
While the sausages are simmering, remove the grapes from their stems, wash, and place in a bowl.
But what we do now know is that there endures, in many apparently civilised quarters, a simmering rage of misogyny and mistrust.
Times, Sunday Times
A simmering row ended with her letting fly with a stream of obscenities.
The province was attacked a month ago after weeks of simmering tension.
Saute in a separate pan the salt pork and onions. Drain off fat and add onions to simmering beef.
Recent national events helped turn the simmering discord into open conflict.
A tomato sauce can be completely changed by two or three minutes more or less of reduction or concentration by steady simmering.
I learn that the simmering stuff is a dyer's root, known as madder, which will be converted into a purer and more concentrated product.
The Life of the fly; with which are interspersed some chapters of autobiography
When all was mixed, wrapped in muslin, and dumped into two large pans of water simmering on the Aga, the ladies went off to Mar'ton, too, for more shopping.
They were chalk and cheese and any simmering dislike they may have had of each other blew up in that moment.
The Sun
Add chili sauce and lime juice and continue simmering, stirring frequently, until sauce thickens, 8 to 10 minutes.
So he walked down the stairs and out onto the driveway and into a humid morning the color and consistency of simmering tapioca.
The potatoes are boiling, the simmering mince smells like proper home cooking.
Steam rose from the simmering stew.
Michael Pennington invests the Don's medical sidekick with exactly the right air of terrified loyalty, Oliver Cotton exudes white-suited arrogance as a dictatorial master baker, and Gavin Fowler lends his maltreated son a simmering, murderous resentment.
The Syndicate – review | Michael Billington
There are just a few shows left so the heat has been ramped up from simmering point to almost boiling over.
The Sun
Any left over pastry was made into very small balls, the size of a walnut and dropped into the simmering water.
In August 1680 simmering peasant discontent in the district of Mondovi had flared up in open rebellion.
Getting rid of malcontent Raul Mondesi should do a lot to help an uneven chemistry in the clubhouse, though Garry Sheffield remains a simmering pot.
Anger in the community had been simmering long before the death.
Slowly bring to simmering point then turn the heat very low.
Times, Sunday Times
It's a safe bet that the yob putting his dukes up has been soberly simmering all week, but in loosening his inhibitions, it has all come flooding out.
This constantly simmering conflict is taken out on the civilian population.
Times, Sunday Times
Salt the stock to your taste and leave it simmering very gently.
Stand the bowl over a pan of simmering water and heat very gently until the chocolate begins to melt.
To skin the peaches, dunk them in simmering water for 10 seconds, remove and peel under cold running water.
But anger is still simmering, and policymakers would be wise to heed it.
The only thing you can do about the woody toughness of this veg is simmering, prior to peeling of course!
Mashed Parsley Root & Sweet Potato | A Veggie Venture
We dropped in slices of onion and cabbage and enoki and chrysanthemum leaves for long simmering to enrich the broth.
Sukiyaki at Kappo
To cook, place the chicken and its marinade in a large steamer over simmering water, and steam for 20 minutes or until cooked through.
On the soundtrack, disembodied voices form a chorus of simmering urban resentment, describing life on the streets and the widening gulf between rich and poor.
During the whole process I pretended to be engrossed in the novel, although a strong sense of indignation was simmering within.
Stirring chopped chocolate in a pan or bowl over hot, not simmering, water maintains an even, low temperature, resulting in glossy, firmly set chocolate.
Melt the chocolate in a double-boiler (or in a heat-resistant bowl set over a pan of simmering water).
Instead of green grass, natural pools of hot, slow-simmering asphalt occupy the preserve.
Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water.
She was still quietly simmering from her row with Nathan.
Ten years later, resentment was still simmering as Concord prepared to celebrate its bicentennial.
Whether you are from Colorado, Cincinnati, Texas, or upstate New York, a pot of chili simmering on the stovetop is the universal sign of a welcoming hearth.
The Denver Newspaper Agency Stories
Thouron stood and murmured a respectful greeting, then removed the other papers from the single vacant chair in the cramped and fuggy room, feeling Laboughe's simmering eyes on him.
Tensions have been simmering since the breakout in June, when inmates marched out of the compound into the local town to publicise their grievances.
Reduce heat immediately to keep the water simmering, but not boiling.
While stir-frying is certainly present in Hunan, methods such as braising and simmering also have produced some of the region's most memorable dishes, such as this one enjoyed by Mao Zedong, who grew up in rural Hunan.
The Herald-Mail Online
Now we can't be fagged with all that sweating and simmering and, most of all, all that waiting.
The simmering tension between them is played out against the sweep of world events as Shanghai fears a Japanese attack and the city becomes a hotbed of political intrigue, secrets and desperation.
Stir in the coconut milk, jaggery and salt and heat gently until barely simmering (so that the jaggery is dissolved).
Archive 2007-06-01
After simmering the meat, skim the fat from the surface.
Melt the butter and chocolate together in a heat-proof bowl suspended over a saucepan of barely simmering water.
In fact, at one point I found myself sampling a vindaloo simmering sauce with saag, washed it down with an organic espresso from Brazil and followed that with Swiss Emmental fondue and French chocolate!
Such matters do not, can not, stop the agitations, the incomprehensible simmering of an awakening of the biological urge.
This "frier," whose shanty leaned against a tumble-down house, and was propped up by heavy joists, green with moss, made a display of boiled mussels lying in large earthenware bowls filled to the brim with clear water; of dishes of little yellow dabs stiffened by too thick a coating of paste; of squares of tripe simmering in a pan; and of grilled herrings, black and charred, and so hard that if you tapped them they sounded like wood.
The Fat and the Thin
A simmering row ended with her letting fly with a stream of obscenities.
Add simmering milk, a ladle at a time, and stir to a sauce.
The Sun
Amid simmering unrest, a number of men were arrested and one soldier was accidentally shot by a military policeman.
Times, Sunday Times
When an outpouring of phone calls swamped Congress on November 6th as Kucinich's words hit CSPAN: "Wherefore Richard B. Cheney, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office," the lid on the simmering pot briefly bubbled over.
Next Impeach Target: Major Campaign Contributors
The pasta and sauces were simmering on the stove.
A sideboard spread in pressed glass; a chest of drawers piled high with rough-dry family wash; a coal-range, and the smell and sound of simmering.
Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
Now, naked, simmering with annoyance, the deepening light gilding him, he was no less imposing.
Add simmering milk, a ladle at a time, and stir to a sauce.
The Sun
Just wanted to confirm: Place the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, making sure that bottom of bowl *does not touch the water*.
Layered Chocolate Cake with Fluffy White Frosting
Not keen to expand on his view in English, Nadal's articulacy returned with a vengeance in his native tongue when talking to Spanish journalists later, and he was barely able to contain the simmering resentment he has apparently had for Federer.
Rafael Nadal aims criticism at Roger Federer over lack of support
They were chalk and cheese and any simmering dislike they may have had of each other blew up in that moment.
The Sun
North Belfast, in particular, has been simmering since clashes at Orange marches in July.
Ms. Reusing said cooking the vegetables à la grecque a piquant technique that calls for simmering vegetables in wine or vinegar and olive oil makes bitter rhubarb less bracing and mild fennel more assertive.
Chicken With Rhubarb and Fennel
So the mince is now turned into bolognaise (very healthy version too - no excess fat whatsoever and none of that ready made bolognaise sauce rubbish) and is happily simmering.
The One With The Achievements
He lifted up the lid of the pot where lamb stew was simmering.
While there was a stew simmering in the kettle, McCole gathered her courage sat down near Terrance.
He would crush a clove of garlic into a paste in a bowl with salt, whisk in a generous ladleful of soft stewed chickpeas from the tall brass amphora simmering on top of his two-burner gas ring, and dump the mixture into a metal takeout container almost in the same motion.
Day of Honey
Over the fire hung a black cast-iron pot, in which a stew was simmering.
He lifted up the lid of the pot where lamb stew was simmering.
Killykinick reach -- clams and fish and pork and potatoes, onions and peppers and hard-tack, -- all simmering together, piping hot, in a most appetizing way, even though it had to be "doused" out with a tin ladle into yellow bowls.
Violent revolt was simmering in the country.
Salt the stock to your taste and leave it simmering very gently.
I thought I told you— Her simmering accusal was cut off in midstream as he turned in her direction and lowered the bulky cloth that had covered part of his face.
The Best Way to Lose
Their finance ministry is still trying to put a lid on the long-simmering securities scandal.
They who compare old accounts with what is now to be seen, will agree that he who looks, at the present day, into the dull, dark and simmering waters, can have no conception of the jollity, frolic, riot, dissipation, and indecorum, which once reigned there.
Cover with the lid and allow to come back up to simmering point again.
Times, Sunday Times
This had been simmering a long time - his grandparents are Islander fans.
He was left simmering with rage.
Wise creates just the right mood of simmering hostility via some pointed Gable/Lancaster byplay and various telling incidents with the crew, which includes a young Jack Warden and Brad Dexter.
John Farr: Clark Gable: King of Hollywood
Here, in Carniola, it looked exactly as if the pure earth had had a good boiling, and after bubbling and simmering for at least a thousand years, had sunk far down, leaving all
A Lady's Glimpse of the Late War in Bohemia
A tomato sauce can be completely changed by two or three minutes more or less of reduction or concentration by steady simmering.
Salt the stock to your taste and leave it simmering very gently.
A tomato sauce can be completely changed by two or three minutes more or less of reduction or concentration by steady simmering.
Make an infusion by boiling and simmering the rhubarb and camomile together.
Oh, nothing fancy for these simple working folk, but a family gathered around the table together over a hot meal, work put aside, worries forgotten; just an everyday lunch shared, the air filled with succulent odors wafting from a home-cooked, from-scratch pot au feu or blanquette simmering on the stove, laughter and conversation.
Jamie Schler: A Table, Les Enfants! Dinner Is Served!
The long, slow cooking at a temperature lower than boiling point, which is known as stewing or simmering, should be applied.
Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 3: Soup; Meat; Poultry and Game; Fish and Shell Fish
Melt chocolate in bowl set over simmering water, brush over leaves.
Her speech certainly had the noble accent it acquired when she was simmering with suppressed anger.
Contrary to what many believe, delicious rice can be done in just minutes by simply sautéing a few aromatics, like peppers, onions and garlic, adding to rice with some chicken or vegetable stock and simmering until it's cooked.
The bazaar brims with the smells and sounds of bustling peasants, braying livestock, simmering foods, traveling musicians and merchants boldly declaring their wares.
Return to the pan with the stock, saffron and squeezed orange juice, stirring until simmering.
Times, Sunday Times
Saute in a separate pan the salt pork and onions. Drain off fat and add onions to simmering beef.
This is a wonderful time of year to be driving on country roads and it's sometimes easy to forget, when simmering along in the dense urban traffic that so often ensnares us, just how much glorious driving terrain we have in Britain.
Then a blizzard settles in just before lunch, where live reindeer are tethered outside a yurt and cooked reindeer stew is simmering inside on the fire.
The row over open skies has been simmering for years.
Times, Sunday Times
He was simmering down, or more exactly, getting a little tired as they stood on the sidewalk waiting for a street-car.
Bring your arousal level to simmering point and stay there without boiling over by continuing to breathe deeply and reducing stimulation slightly.
Our house is always filled with delicious aromas of baking muffins and simmering sauces.
The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
Try simmering it in chicken stock before you mash it, or perhaps adding it in small cubes to a bean soup.
Place the ramekins in a wide saucepan and fill with simmering water, so it comes two-thirds of the way up the sides.
Another reason why this family drama works is every performance is strong and simmering with resentments and disappointments.
Break up the chocolate and melt it slowly in a glass bowl over a saucepan of simmering water.
It captures the simmering rage and imaginative poverty that was part of the Thatcherite psyche.
The anger simmering underneath the voice was evident.
The province was attacked a month ago after weeks of simmering tension.
They continue to live together, she in the company of ephemeral lovers, and he in a simmering cauldron of internalized anger.
The Sibel Edmonds story has been simmering under the surface for a long time, and Brad Freidman is a blogger who has run the Brad Blog for years.
Think Progress » New report finds that right-wing extremist groups have grown 244 percent in the past year.
Outside burned a fire over which hung an iron cauldron, ready simmering.
Our house is always filled with delicious aromas of baking muffins and simmering sauces.
The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
An irresistible chakalaka of religion, politics, patriotism and soccer mania is simmering as we take our seats.
Mail & Guardian Online
Clipped, laconic, understated, but with quirky rubatos and accelerandos to convey something simmering underneath.
Bring your arousal level to simmering point and stay there without boiling over by continuing to breathe deeply and reducing stimulation slightly.
There was plenty of feeling from both sides in the simmering encounter, with Tall Blacks guard Mark Dickel ejected from the game for his role in two melees, both of which resulted in him receiving technical fouls. | Top Stories
Drain off fat and add onions to simmering beef.
A simmering stew sat in a large cauldron over an open fire; the smell alone made Jack's mouth water.
Melt the chocolate with the butter and coffee in a bowl over barely simmering water. Cool, then fold in the hazelnuts.
At all the more public pumps there is much cooling of bare feet, together with much bubbling and gurgling of drinking with hand to spout on the part of these Bedouins; the Cloisterham police meanwhile looking askant from their beats with suspicion, and manifest impatience that the intruders should depart from within the civic bounds, and once more fry themselves on the simmering high – roads.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
The natural cycle of a charcoal fire in a kettle barbecue matches the stages of cooking paella: browning the chicken, simmering the broth, and cooking the rice.
Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water.
Salt the stock to your taste and leave it simmering very gently.
Drop in one batch of the frozen spinach and bring to simmering point.
Times, Sunday Times
The reforms fade as he speaks of the dark designs of regional foes, while his guileful chief coalition partner, the burly, corruption-shadowed grand vizier, a rival for the political affection of the aristocracy, exploits long-simmering hatreds to push for a broad range of curbs on democratic freedoms.
Bradley Burston: In Israel, the revolution has already begun
I saw her glance at the fire and the pot of stew simmering on the hearth.
The bagel is defined as a hard bread roll made of yeast dough twisted into a doughnutlike shape, cooked in simmering water and then baked.
It is an undeniably powerful movie, powered by the constantly simmering violence and anger of its characters.
Times, Sunday Times
Steam rose from the simmering stew.
Melt the chocolate with the butter and coffee in a bowl over barely simmering water. Cool, then fold in the hazelnuts.
It is easy to see why rumour abounds about the levels of discontent simmering within the company.
Add chili sauce and lime juice and continue simmering, stirring frequently, until sauce thickens, 8 to 10 minutes.
The tour of the reliquary of St Therese of Lisieux began in April, 2001, and reopened aspects of a debate simmering since 1979.
The trick of shirring and simmering the eggs in seasoned cream is timing and temperature.
There were always lots of us at mealtimes, and a tajine or two was always simmering on the fire.
Slowly bring to simmering point then turn the heat very low.
Times, Sunday Times
He is physically prepossessing, with a ‘massive build’ simmering with ‘tremendous, dormant strength’.
It is an astonishing performance; so little is visible on the surface and yet a whole universe of emotions is simmering away behind those limpid eyes.
Times, Sunday Times
A modern feijoada is a medley of smoked pork, sausages and chops, all simmering in a glossy black sea of beans.
The Feijoada From Ipanema
There has been simmering resentment at the Chancellor's brusque manner when dealing with other spending ministers.
Despite any simmering private differences, by the mid-1990 s, the couple had established themselves as Hollywood royalty.
Mia reported that the broth was simmering Holly was using the easy version of the risotto recipe, which used canned broth instead of marrow, and poured the oil and arborio rice into a butter-coated pan, and when the pan began to sizzle, Mia added the saffron threads, turning the rice a beautiful golden yellow.
The Love Goddess’ Cooking School
He's standing at the stove, simmering spaghetti sauce.
Oh, under that hideous covelet of vapours, and putrefactions, and unimaginable gases, what a Fermenting-vat lies simmering and hid!
Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
While the soup is simmering, make the meatballs by combining the meat, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper.
For the topping, melt the chocolate and butter in a bowl over simmering water or in the microwave.
Drop in one batch of the frozen spinach and bring to simmering point.
Times, Sunday Times
Break the chocolate in pieces and melt with the rum in a bowl over simmering water.
Our house is always filled with delicious aromas of baking muffins and simmering sauces.
The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
But she was unwilling to stir up the resentment she knew was simmering in him, and she, too, remained silent.
CHICAGO—United Airlines pilots, still simmering over what they call "inadequate" training and "compromised safety" stemming from United's 2010 merger with Continental Airlines, have ratcheted up their pressure on the carrier by circulating to members of Congress a highly critical 101-page report by their union.
United Pilots Turn Up Heat
Simmering down: A small plume of ash, dust and steam is seen coming from the Iceland volcano which caused travel chaos
Photo Gallery of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull Volcano | Impact Lab
Saute in a separate pan the salt pork and onions. Drain off fat and add onions to simmering beef.
To compare their republic's democratic idealism to Rome, with its conquering legions, subjugation of peoples and universalist claims to law and order ignites a simmering anger.
Another tip is to preset an additional burner to the lowest heat setting for the simmering phase.
Spoon your pierogi into a big saucepan of simmering vegetable bouillon (2 tsp per pint of water) with the oil.
Times, Sunday Times
Sparks danced up around the stew simmering over the fire, the smell wafting around the room.
His performance is expertly handled, conveying the right amount of impotence coupled with a slow, simmering fury.
Doctor Praetorius at least, walked into the studio, where the perfumer was seated in a very glossy old silk dressing-gown, his fair hair hanging over his white face, his double chin over his flaccid whity-brown shirt-collar, his pea-green slippers on the hob, and on the fire the pot of chocolate which was simmering for his breakfast.
Mens Wives
They respond well to gentle stewing or simmering.
They set him up with a variety of jobs after his dismissal, but the resentment was simmering inside him.
Besieged, befogged, we don't dare to voice the simmering question: "When will it ever end?"
Our security increasingly depends on the hope and progress of other nations now simmering in despair and resentment.
The more popular American version of the dumpling is a type of biscuit, which consists of heavy dough dropped into simmering savory stews and casseroles.
Well, the tension's been simmering a long time.
Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water.
The pic on the right is the chutney simmering away on the stove, with the spice bag (blades of mace, coriander seeds, black peppercorn, fresh ginger, cloves…) in the foreground.
A great black pot with open lid swung over it, from which rose a slight steam and a bubbling noise; and this huge, gaunt, bareboned, hungry man, looking into it, saw a large raw swede, just as from the field, with only the greens cut off, simmering for his supper.
The Toilers of the Field
Cook the potatoes in simmering salted water for 20 min or until tender.
A swift resolution, on the other hand, could be seen as the first step toward resolution of simmering tensions between Rio, China and Australia, turning the focus away from the fairness of the charges and toward efforts at diplomatic and commercial fence-mending.
Four Admit Guilt as Rio Tinto Trial Opens
They were chalk and cheese and any simmering dislike they may have had of each other blew up in that moment.
The Sun
There are just a few shows left so the heat has been ramped up from simmering point to almost boiling over.
The Sun
Simmering pots of meat and containers with vetkoeks and bread stands on the floor.
You are ready to talk about a precious ambition that has been simmering in secret.
The Sun
Drop in one batch of the frozen spinach and bring to simmering point.
Times, Sunday Times
They sell fresh cheeses, roasting chickens, freshly-picked herbs, ripe melons, simmering pots of choucroute, arrays of olives and spices, brilliantly-coloured stone fruits in the summer, game birds, boar and wild mushrooms in the autumn.
Either steam them in a colander over a saucepan of simmering water, or shallow-fry in an oiled pan.
Rhodry could smell hot water, the steamy reek of mineral springs and simmering brimstone.
Timon stood back up, glaring down at the boy, his eyes simmering with anger.
The more popular American version of the dumpling is a type of biscuit, which consists of heavy dough dropped into simmering savory stews and casseroles.
It is an astonishing performance; so little is visible on the surface and yet a whole universe of emotions is simmering away behind those limpid eyes.
Times, Sunday Times
Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl suspended over a saucepan of barely simmering water.
She was still quietly simmering from her row with Nathan.
If you want whatever it is you're cooking – a stew, sauce, daube or stock – to taste of a specific herb, then always add it at the end, after you've taken the simmering liquid off the hob.
Food for Fort: Cooking with herbs, tough asparagus and a pan for porridge
Or, in another metaphor common at the time, minority nationalisms were what bubbled over when the end of the cold war knocked the lid off “a cauldron of long-simmering hatreds.”
The Return
Slow simmering of whole cloves in liquids such as stocks, soups and stews releases a mild garlic flavor.
Steam rose from the simmering stew.
A slander case with global connections has been simmering in Chinatown since November.
Drain off fat and add onions to simmering beef.
Use two spoons to form quenelles from the batter, carefully dropping each into the simmering water.
You can make it by simmering and stirring condensed milk until you are left with sticky brown goo.
The Sun
Place a rack in a pot holding 1 to 2 inches of gently simmering water.
This constantly simmering conflict is taken out on the civilian population.
Times, Sunday Times
It put me in mind of those culinary categories for which the term "fusion" is a little too facile, the ones where the melting pot has been simmering so long that the stew takes on an identity of its own.
Archive 2009-07-01
Using two teaspoons, shape the malfatti into small quenelles and gently drop them directly from the spoons into the simmering water.
I stifled a cry, my anger simmering and beginning to subside.