How To Use Simian In A Sentence

  • All I got for my pains was a grunt that fitted well with his simian features. DEAD BEAT
  • In a Star Trek-inspired turn of events, he ends up forwarding centuries through time, crashing onto an alien planet where roles between simians and humans are reversed.
  • Only in recent decades have prosimians - a suborder of primates that includes lemurs, lorises, bushbabies, and tarsiers - begun to be studied systematically.
  • Occupying a 43 square kilometre patch of lowland, it's home to 155 orphaned and displaced simians who share 99.6 per cent of our genetic make up.
  • Vietnam is host to several principal kinds of primates: gibbons (lesser apes), langurs and macaques (which are both monkeys), and lorises (which are prosimians).
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  • Central to concerns over bushmeat are fears that carcasses can contain simian foaming virus, something scientists say can jump to humans if they eat the meat.
  • ` beelike, 'simian ` apelike' and vermian ` wormlike. ' VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 3
  • All I got for my pains was a grunt that fitted well with his simian features. DEAD BEAT
  • What we expect from them is boorish, simian behaviour that ratifies the anti-male sentiment that runs through the culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Mongoose Lemur (scientific name Lemur mongoz) is not a mongoose at all, but a prosimian primate, a species of monkey and native only to Madagascar.
  • When he's not performing with giant simians on the other side of the world, he appreciates his down time.
  • Not that adequate hands prove effective intelli - gence; on Earth, not only simians but a number of reptiles and amphibia boast as much, even if man has the best, and man's apish ancestors were as well-equipped in this respect as we are today. Trader To The Stars
  • Both vaccines were designed against SHIV, a virus containing components of HIV and the related monkey virus, simian immunodeficiency virus.
  • ‘Water, big!’ said the ape-man, a reverence extending across his human-simian features.
  • Franklin had already honed his horror movie directing chops on Psycho II, though I'm not sure that's much preparation for making a movie about killer simians.
  • They may include a single transverse palmar crease (a single instead of a double crease across one or both palms, also called the Simian crease), an almond shape to the eyes caused by an epicanthic fold of the eyelid, upslanting palpebral fissures, shorter limbs, poor muscle tone, a larger than normal space between the big and second toes, and protruding tongue. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Sickest tongue I have ever seen
  • Researchers have identified simian immunodeficiency virus in wild apes for the first time.
  • Marka's violet eyes glared at him, Simian's light brown ones flashed at her, daring her to challenge him again.
  • His features were neither simian nor human, but the unhappiest of marriages between the two. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • So Gunther et al. (1992) titled a paper 'Can prosimian-like leaping be considered a preadaptation to bipedal walking in hominids'. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Jekyll is mousy and mincing, while his alter-ego is an explosion of simian fury.
  • Under the guiding logic of these complex dualisms, western primatology is simian orientalism.
  • The play's opening scene presents life in the cramped stokehole, where ‘the ceiling crushes down on the men's heads’ and the attitudes of the stooping, proto-simian workers suggest beasts in a cage, ‘imprisoned by white steel.’
  • Only in recent decades have prosimians - a suborder of primates that includes lemurs, lorises, bushbabies, and tarsiers - begun to be studied systematically.
  • They may include a single transverse palmar crease (a single instead of a double crease across one or both palms, also called the Simian crease), an almond shape to the eyes caused by an epicanthic fold of the eyelid, upslanting palpebral fissures, shorter limbs, poor muscle tone, a larger than normal space between the big and second toes, and protruding tongue. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Sickest tongue I have ever seen
  • We call these creatures Pro simians (meaning before the simians or apes).
  • The remainder of the volume consists of quite thorough summaries split into five major fossil groups: prosimians, New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, hominoid primates, and human ancestors.
  • Since no simians have ever been detected on these islands, this population possibly acquired the virus from Indonesian simians on their migratory pathways.
  • Parker and his pal see people as, more or less, apes: dumb simians driven by instinct to act like total and utter idiots.
  • So you don't dispute the fact that Step 1 was a jump of some kind from monkeys to humans, the simian virus into humans?
  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes" traces the roots of the venerable franchise back to a single resident of contemporary San Francisco, a supersmart simian named Caesar. 'Apes': Something to Thump Chests About
  • Jerky rhythms that do nothing more than prove these simians can count to five instead of four are used, overused and abused on each and every song.
  • HANNA: Well, the lemur is what we call a prosimian, which means pre-monkey and pre-ape. CNN Transcript Jan 1, 2010
  • ‘If complexity of social structure is a pressure to develop certain aspects of intelligence, we should expect ring-tailed lemurs to surpass all other prosimian species on tasks that tap those aspects of intelligence,’ she said.
  • One of their first victims was an aged nun of the Simiane family, canoness of the convent of Bollene, accused of being a counter-revolutionist; so lame and infirm, that her executioners were forced to carry her to the scaffold. Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone Made During the Year 1819
  • Tissue, Membrane Protein, Monkey (Simian) Adult Normal, Ductus deferens.
  • Small of stature and simian in appearance , these creatures possess surprising strength and unnatural agility.
  • However, the rate of GH evolution in the bushbaby (a prosimian) was similar to those in nonprimates.
  • Micky's brow corrugated in a simian frown.
  • You contemplate the fretwork of your hand—the thin genetic thread that divides you from your simian predecessors, from the lone gunman on a turreted roof. The Gunman and the Ape
  • Do others notice that we aren't anything other than well evolved simians?
  • The name, ‘in the monkeys,’ refers to a credit system where by jolly tars would put up their pet simians as credit.
  • It seems that simians have the run of the place while humans dwell on the fringes like packs of wild dogs.
  • When did speech develop, when did simple simian games of tig become elaborate human games with rules, and aggression codified. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Shoddy standards in Soviet vaccine plants meant that decontamination of the so-called simian virus 40 was only 95 percent effective, it says.
  • What we expect from them is boorish, simian behavior that ratifies the antimale sentiment that runs through the culture," Parker writes. The American Spectator
  • Since the OP seems to be a mad unionist taig-baiting simian, this is not surprising. - 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,48,49,50,52
  • Small of stature and simian in appearance , these creatures possess surprising strength and unnatural agility.
  • simian features
  • General Petraus and Ambassador Crocker will ostensibly report in September to President Bush, not the American people, that we are gaining ground, that “benchmarks”, that word parroted in stumbling appearances again and again by our mindless, gibbering, on-message Simian in Chief, are being met and that if we will only commit to six more months and thousands more troops Iraq will bloom into a burgeoning democracy in the middle east, a willing donor of crude oil to the free world. The insidious reason this abominable war does not stop
  • It was in fact a spiral trochoid joint with a cuneiform convexity in all the simian primates except for the humans.
  • Are there aerodynamic effects in leaping prosimian primates? Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Adrianne, still asleep on Simian had her legs tucked loosely together.
  • Apparently, a simian line is a feature in palmistry that he displays.
  • The celebrated eighteenth-century systematizer Carolus Linnaeus also located people firmly within the animal kingdom, constructing the primate order to accommodate humans, apes, monkeys, prosimians, and bats.
  • A measles vaccine was found to contain low levels of the retrovirus avian leukosis virus Rotateq, Merck's rotavirus vaccine, was found to contain a virus similar to simian (monkey) retrovirus Rotarix (GlaxoSmithKine's rotavirus vaccine) was found to contain "significant levels" of porcine cirovirus 1
  • Can prosimian-like leaping be considered a preadaptation to bipedal walking in hominids? Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • George was the genius thespian who brought Robot Monster to life, as well as hundreds, if not thousands of other stage and screen simians.
  • A polymerase chain reaction analysis for simian virus 40 DNA was negative.
  • The three analyses showed the same dichotomy with the prosimian sequences always separated from all the other primate sequences.
  • Studies in simian cell lines transfected with human alpha satellite sequences showed that these repetitive regions could form de novo centromeres on existing chromosomes.
  • Marka's violet eyes glared at him, Simian's light brown ones flashed at her, daring her to challenge him again.
  • The simian virus, known as S.I.V.cpz, is considered the precursor of H.I.V.-1, which crossed the species barrier sometime in the past 100 years.
  • In the forest area in Simian Mountain, there are quite a number of streams, waterfalls, lakes and arenaceous red rock topographic features.
  • Jane Goodall, renowned British primatologist once referred to as the ‘Mother Teresa of the simian world,’ said that governmental and non-governmental ecological research organizations should integrate their efforts.
  • Actors playing the simians choreograph ape-like movements with ease.
  • In this age of growing animal-empowerment, do you think monkeys and other simians should be allowed to drink, if they so desire?
  • Lippy Kids is the story I think of Garvey reminiscing about gobby youngsters swaggering around a northwestern estate with "simian strolls" as the ghost of Garvey past implores them to remember that these are the days of their lives. From Help! to Build A Rocket Boys!, exclamation marks rock!
  • Only in recent decades have prosimians - a suborder of primates that includes lemurs, lorises, bushbabies, and tarsiers - begun to be studied systematically.
  • Fossils suggest that lemurs, bush babies, lorises, aye-ayes, and their relatives (the prosimians) spilt off from the ancestors of monkeys and apes around 55 million years ago.
  • Although no evidence has been found for the presence of simians in Oceania, Indonesian STLV-I strains are both phylogenetically and geographically close to the HTLV-Ic strains.
  • The fact that the Calabar and Golden angwantibos (Arctocebus calabarensis and A. aureus) remain some of the least studied nocturnal prosimians and are also listed as endangered makes it essential to increase our knowledge of these secretive primates.
  • The simian immunodeficiency virus destabilizes lamellar and promotes hexagonal phase, leading to the speculation that it has an effective negative intrinsic curvature.
  • My point is that our nature as simian mammals pretty much dictates that the top dogs in our political systems are going to be more concerned with maintaining their privileged positions than anything else.
  • The first motion picture from Jim Henson Pictures centers on a cute little simian child who becomes an 800-pound gorilla.
  • I recognized his simian brow.
  • Lemurs are rare prosimians found only in Madagascar.
  • When did speech develop, when did simple simian games of tig become elaborate human games with rules, and aggression codified. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • When did speech develop, when did simple simian games of tig become elaborate human games with rules, and aggression codified. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • This list contains all references to anything simian (monkey, ape, gorilla, etc.) up through season 13.
  • They may include a single transverse palmar crease (a single instead of a double crease across one or both palms, also called the Simian crease), an almond shape to the eyes caused by an epicanthic fold of the eyelid, upslanting palpebral fissures, shorter limbs, poor muscle tone, a larger than normal space between the big and second toes, and protruding tongue. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Sickest tongue I have ever seen
  • Several primate species are found in these forests and include the threatened banded langur (Trachypithecus melalophus) and slow loris (Loris nycticebus), a small, nocturnal prosimian. Tenasserim-South Thailand semi-evergreen rain forests
  • BB, the bouncing bush baby, was a small prosimian we brought back from Kenya, and Bear was simply the most loving and loyal German shepherd ever, who some fool dumped off in the hills of Beverly and I was lucky enough to rescue. One From The Hart
  • My eyes went to the gentle brown hawk's face beside Matt's simian one in the mural, the face that was missing from this table. DOWNTOWN
  • The transformation scene, done with trick camerawork, doesn't match Barrymore's, but March's manic delight in the emergence of his simian side has a superb energy.
  • Tissue, Total Protein, Monkey (Simian) Adult Normal, Brain, Medulla Oblongata.
  • I find The Simian's trailer and it reminds me of my own salad days living out of an Airstream making money hand over fist as a freelance sheepherder.
  • The authors of the paper describing Darwinius classified it as a member of the primate family Notharctidae, subfamily Cercamoniinae, suggesting that it has the status of a significant transitional form (a "link") between the prosimian and simian ("anthropoid") primate lineages. Archive 2009-06-01
  • He later learned that a simian cytomegalic virus had been found in all of the 11 African green monkeys imported for production of the polio vaccine.
  • And, of course, exposure to a prairie dog or other little mammal from that Texas distributor, but not exposure to monkeys as simian lovers are quick to point out.
  • Grant, 35, and his longtime girlfriend, actress-model Elizabeth Hurley, have formed their own production company, Simian Films.
  • Australia's leading experts on the virus, which is known as simian virus 40 or SV40, have found traces of it in human tumour cells and are calling for urgent funding to clarify the links…
  • Anyway sounded v elated & thrilled with Lily who she says is gorgeous in a simian sort of way. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • Although the planet is strangely Earth-like, you soon discover that it is ruled by intelligent and ruthless simians.
  • HIV in all likelihood arose by adaptation of a closely related virus in a simian species.
  • By juxtaposing man and ape in identical squatting poses, these capitals explicitly evoke the simian trait of mimicry.
  • The final tenth chapter recapitulates the similarities between leaders of human and simian societies, and provides a speculative discussion of the inevitability of war.
  • Gordon's insistent rhythms found them in a simian crouch.
  • You contemplate the fretwork of your hand—the thin genetic thread that divides you from your simian predecessors, from the lone gunman on a turreted roof. The Gunman and the Ape
  • Carlos is up next, and seems to rather frighten James and his simian features somewhat by being chatty before his performance.
  • In primates, prosimians and Old World monkeys exhibit a moderate level of the enzymatic activity relative to mice and rabbits.
  • They found the gel protected the macaques from infection with the simian HIV virus for more than seven hours.
  • Hindus revere them as a symbol of the monkey deity Hanuman, whose simian army helped rescue Sita, the god Rama's wife, from a demon king, according to a Sanskrit epic.
  • Only in recent decades have prosimians - a suborder of primates that includes lemurs, lorises, bushbabies, and tarsiers - begun to be studied systematically.
  • Why, he is the most irresponsible simian since Sinanthropus!
  • So Gunther et al. (1992) titled a paper 'Can prosimian-like leaping be considered a preadaptation to bipedal walking in hominids'. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Can prosimian-like leaping be considered a preadaptation to bipedal walking in hominids? Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • The aerosol vaccine was grown in monkey kidney tissue; that same species of monkey carries a simian immune deficiency virus.
  • In the case of simian virus 40, mutational analysis showed that the consecutive thymine nucleotides play an essential role in replication initiation.
  • This bizarre simian cameo is topped only by the final encounter with the tiger which has a hallucinatory, transcendent beauty.
  • A pointless remake of the 1968 classic, this features Mark Wahlberg as an astronaut who crash-lands on a planet that is run by simians.
  • But her work undermines any notion of glamour - her renditions of simians, jawbones and ancient pottery are like junk found in the attic, or in the back room of a dilapidated museum.
  • Equally memorable is a man with vaguely simian features who is dressed in a tan suit and a red, white and blue tie.
  • But despite being the subject of numerous now-obscure nineteenth-century reports, this small, nocturnal, gremlin-like prosimian long went unexamined by primatologists.
  • The monkey researchers feel subordinated by the ape researchers, but at least there's all these prosimian researchers we can dump on, making these snotty taxonomic arguments as to whether prosimians even count as primates.
  • Grant, 35, and his longtime girlfriend, actress-model Elizabeth Hurley, have formed their own production company, Simian Films.
  • Some sooty mangabeys in the wild are still infected with the simian version of HIV, called SIV, but the disease doesn't typically kill them.
  • Under the heading of individuality there is to be considered the repetition of the same feature from man to man, the simian type, for example, and the aquiline: the aquiline and the simian must be taken to be differences in the Idea of Man as there are different types of the animal: but Matter also has its effect in bringing about the degree of aquilinity. The Six Enneads.
  • Recent studies have also shown the simian virus 40 to be present in up to 60% of all mesotheliomas.
  • When the cuscus was discovered, it was thought to be a monkey because of its prosimian-like movements; it grips branches with its partially hairless, prehensile tail as it travels slowly and deliberately through the rain-forest canopy.
  • The following physical features were noted: cleft lip and palate, overlapping fingers, low-set ears, simian creases, obscure dermatoglyphics, and hypoplastic external genitalia.
  • At the Fongoli site in Senegal, we observed ten different chimpanzees use tools to hunt prosimian prey in 22 bouts. RELIGION Blog |
  • Monkeys and apes have a privileged relation to nature and culture for Western people: simians occupy the border zones between those potent mythic poles.
  • By pinpointing which cognitive abilities all primates share, including prosimian primates, we hope to determine what aspects of intelligence are general primate adaptations.
  • Intriguingly, lemurs and other prosimians - regarded as the most primitive primate suborder - exhibited a slightly greater frontal cortex proportion than people and great apes did.

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