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How To Use Sima In A Sentence

  • Madonna Santissima!" baaed the woman with the blue-black hair. A Spirit in Prison
  • These infinitesimal particles are usually grouped into four main categories: the mesons, the baryons, the leptons, and the photons (the most basic unit of electromagnetic radiation).
  • I have heard that Italy is bellissima et serendissima. Think Progress » City Removes Spanish-Language Census Sign After ‘Angry’ Citizens And Lawmakers Raise A Fuss
  • All doctors with foreign qualifications have to pass examinations in South Africa before they could register, said Tshabalala-Msimang.
  • In fact there are fascinating glimpses of the Babylonians coming to terms with the fact that division by 7 would lead to an infinite sexagesimal fraction.
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  • Twice an infinitesimal is an infinitesimal that is twice as big. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Year of Our Lord”
  • How can we avoid education in the new literacies becoming an example of “corruptio optimi pessima” the corruption of the best is the worst of all? Archive 2008-03-01
  • Sima Qian is a famouse historian, literati and editor.
  • After all, planetesimal sized portions of the Solar System cannot be considered to be orbiting the Earth, except in the obvious case of the Moon.
  • An infinitesimally small step for mankind, maybe, but one ginormous step for this unlucky man.
  • She repents when she meets him, and moves into the place he is staying, near Msimangu's Mission House.
  • This always struck me as redundant, since if we assume the system obeys the equations of motion, the action must be invariant under ANY infinitesimal variation (since the EOM are found by assuming that the action is at an extremum). Special Post: Noether’s First Theorem – Emmy Noether for Ada Lovelace Day
  • But Clark sees something change in his eyes, some infinitesimal flicker of emotion.
  • Memmer deh simalurlee teemed picher ware deh kitteh on big pillau lukked so PLEEZED an smug, an goggie was trayin make bezt ub it wid hed on liddel pillau. Stop winning u fit purrfectly - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • (Of course the first time an Italian male smiled at me and said the word bellissima in my direction I looked over my shoulder to see what sexy Italian lady was behind me. Kristen Houghton: You're Hot! And It Isn't Menopause
  • Simakobus are medium-sized monkeys, weighing about 20 pounds.
  • What an infinitesimal fraction of time's fathomless abyss is assigned to each of us!
  • But side by side with that history of inflation from the infinitesimal to the immense is another development, the change year by year from the shabby impecuniosity of the Camden Town lodging to the lavish munificence of the Crest Hill marble staircase and my aunt's golden bed, the bed that was facsimiled from Fontainebleau. Tono Bungay
  • That shows that you don't need to be an acrobat to use the vigesimal counting system (numeration)…
  • Archbishop of Toulouse! answer all the three, with the clearest instantaneous concord; and rush off to propose him to the King; 'in such haste,' says Besenval, 'that M. de Lamoignon had to borrow a simarre,' seemingly some kind of cloth apparatus necessary for that. The French Revolution
  • Mai compy haz sima… simlr… almost same problem… and iz sorry if my lolspeak be bad… iz nu to loling… OK! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The problem is that muddling lime and sugar and adding anything other than cachaça is not a caipirinha, but an imitation (some bars list the alternatives as caipiroska - with vodka - or caipiríssima when made with rum). Home
  • The microstructural evolution of semisolid AZ 91 magnesium alloy by SIMA process was investigated.
  • I don't have an explanation - I'd like to have one but I don't - but in the meantime, without evidence, the odds of your position being right are so infinitesimal as to be irrelevant.
  • Magnatum scrinia; veni, per Noctis & tenebrarum abdita profundissima; per labentia sydera; per ipsos motus horarum furtivos, Hecatesq [ue] altum silentium! Bussy D'Ambois and The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois
  • Nicholas V, in 1450, reverted to the quinquagesimal period, while The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Other characteristic species in the southern part are pine Pinus thunbergii, maple Acer formosum, A. palmatum, oak Quercus acutissima, and snowbell Styrax. Central Korean deciduous forests
  • Tertiam denique mediam scientiam, qua ex altissima et inscrutabili comprehensione cujusque liberi arbitrii in sua essentia intuitus est, quid pro sua innata libertate, si in hoc, vel illo, vel etiam infinitis rerum ordinibus collocaretur, acturum esset, cum tamen posset, si vellet, facere re reipsa oppositum.... Rough Notes on Scientia Media
  • Angeli's many works were on infinitesimals and he used them to study spirals, parabolas and hyperbolas.
  • Mi sono iscritta in palestra e domani comincio a seguire un corso - prossimamente potro' raccontare delle mie avventure nel mondo del cardio-kickboxing *sorriso malefico* La mia amica Sam mi ha mandato della bella lana e ora non ho scuse per non cominciare a lavorare a maglia, ho comprato anche i ferri e sono pronta per imparare! Chirpiness
  • Ultimately, El Hanani's drawings are meditations on the relationship of the macroscopic to the microscopic, the infinite to the infinitesimal.
  • Sed ab eo plurimùm absum: Nec, ut ea cognoscas quæ tibi notissima sunt, ad te mitto; sed quià facillimè in nomine tuo acquiesco, et quia te habeo æquissimum eorum studiorum, quæ mihi communia tecum sunt, æstimatorem et judicem. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 05
  • In this method a single pellet dose of the centesimal potency is used as long as the patient is improving even in the slightest manner.
  • At first Berkeley poured scorn on those who adhere to the concept of infinitesimal. maintaining that the use of infinitesimals in deriving mathematical results is illusory, and is in fact eliminable. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • Wolfgang Wagner, who disinherited his brother's children and his own son to leave Bayreuth in the hands of two rival daughters, Eva and Katharina, was the last grandchild to be dandled on Cosima's meddlesome knee. Keeper Of the Shrine
  • In fact, leaving aside the infinitesimally small world of math geniuses, there isn't any evidence that men are more intelligent than women, and no one seriously says so.
  • In Thai these are called "sima" (see-maa) and are often leaf shaped. Thailand Blogs
  • On account of the solar equation S, the epact J must be diminished by unity every centesimal year, excepting always the fourth. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics tells us nothing about one of the most important elements of risk... what dose causes what level of risk the risk from infinitesimally small doses like this is usually infinitesimal or non-existent. David Ropeik: Warning! Health Warnings May Be Hazardous to Your Health!
  • The CO2 fixation capability of Tamarix ramosissimaforestland ecosystem is slightly weaker than that of Haloxylon ammodendron forestlandecosystem.
  • Virgil too calls the outspread, even plain, “justissima tellus.” The Vicarious Sacrifice, Grounded in Principles of Universal Obligation.
  • Although it was a base 20 system, called a vigesimal system, one can see how five plays a major role, again clearly relating to five fingers and toes.
  • In particular, that potent instrument called the infinitesimal calculus, which Newton had invented for the investigation of nature, had become so far perfected that Laplace, when he attempted to unravel the movements of the heavenly bodies, found himself provided with a calculus far more efficient than that which had been available to Newton. Great Astronomers
  • Characteristic species are those that grow in the surrounding forest, including L. macrocarpa, Vitex peduncularis, Bauhinia acuminata and Albizia odoratissima. Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand
  • And that's critical to the analysis of the solar wind, the particles of which contain infinitesimal traces of the 83 naturally occurring elements.
  • A handful of components, scraping iron ore from a planetesimal. Jason Stoddard, Strange and Happy » 2010 » March
  • When Carlyle, in the strength of his reaction against morbid introspective Byronism, cried aloud to all men in their several vocation, '_Produce, produce; be it but the infinitesimallest product, produce_,' he meant to include production as an element inside the art of living, and an indispensable part and parcel of it. Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 3 of 3) Essay 5: On Pattison's Memoirs
  • Gazi said Tshabalala-Msimang had said "ominously" that AZT was too expensive, that it might have long-term side effects and that there should be no regrets in 15 years time. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • You are a sailor in the service of King Philip II of Spain, and your country is about to send "la felicissima armada" (Spanish for "the most fortunate fleet") to invade England, your enemy.
  • We therefore calculated this variable as the difference between mean breeding latitude and mean wintering latitude (in centesimal degrees).
  • He also leaves behind two children, Cosima, seven and Bruno, four.
  • Week 2 Limit of number sequence. Limit of function. infinity and infinitesimal.
  • In the higher mountain forest, the dominant trees are mahogany Swietenia macrophylla, Tabebuia spp., cedar Cedrela odorata, Bursera simaruba and Clusia salviniie. Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras
  • There were infinitesimal cracks in the sides of the box, where one piece of the puzzle abutted the next. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • Quibus omnibus articulis, Serenesima princeps Elizabeth, Dei gratia The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • For these analyses, robotic equipment precisely places pieces of the pathogen's DNA in an array of infinitesimally small droplets on glass microscope slides.
  • LYSIMACHUS: Those who have reached my time of life, Socrates and Nicias and Laches, fall out of acquaintance with the young, because they are generally detained at home by old age; but you, O son of Sophroniscus, should let your fellow demesman have the benefit of any advice which you are able to give. Laches
  • Alcuni hanno accusato Ahmadinejād di essersi messo in mostra [in] in vista della prossima campagna elettorale, mentre altri se la sono presa col resto del [...] 28 April 2009, 23: 51 pm Global Voices in English » Iran: Islamist bloggers’ poems in praise of Ahmadinejad
  • And then, that everything should be firmly binding, they called or sang: "Ha assironi atsimach koo kent oya kayuig wee Onneyatte Onaondaga Koyocke hoo hanoto wany agweganne hoo schene ha caton scahten franosoni yndicho. Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664
  • The findings of the Heraion prove that this sexagesimal submultiple was once used also in Greece proper.
  • Apparently if they failed to tighten a wheelnut to the correct torque there was an infinitessimal chance that the wheel might reach critical mass due to vibration and, thanks to the rotational velocity of the circumferential mass, collapse into a black hole, causing untold damage to the universe and wiping our miserable, H&S mad, planet out of existence. You Heard It Here First (Bulbgate) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The gangs of feral youths that "own" the streets now know that the chances of a policeman catching them in the act of mugging a passerby are almost zero, the chances of any CCTV actually working or producing a decent image or not being used to take photos of cars parked six inches onto a yellow line or one minute into a proscribed period are also nil and even if caught the chances of being charged let alone convicted are somewhat slim and as for having to go to prison for more than six months, the odds are infinitesimal. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Of course, discrimination and prejudice are all around, and only an infinitesimally tiny sliver of the total number of racist utterances will ever get in front of a Tribunal judge.
  • These forests are also considered broad-leaf hardwoods that grow on limestone soil and include some of dominant tree species such as maderia or Caribbean Mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni), and Gum-elemi or gum-limbo (Bursera simaruba). Bahamian dry forests
  • Alas, as is so often the case in life, Lavengro and the reader are only just beginning to realise the beauty and the value of the "bellissima," as the man in black calls her, when she is on the point of sinking beneath our horizon, passing away like the brief music of an aubade. Isopel Berners The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825
  • While base 60 seems like the creation of an extraordinarily fertile imagination, sexagesimal has historical pedigree. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
  • From the missing mutations in the old DNA sequences the researchers calculated that the Sima hominin lived about 400,000 years ago.
  • Et quanto honore, quanta dignitate, quantáque humanitate aliorum confoederatorum legati accipiuntur, præfatus quoque legatus vester tanta reuerentia, tantáque amplitudine acceptus et collocatus est in porta excelsissima. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 05 Central and Southern Europe
  • In a pure vigesimal system each place in a number is occupied by a number from 0 to 19, and that number is understood as being multiplied by a power of 20.
  • In the infinitesimally small light, I saw Jason bang against the edge, and I clamped a hand over his mouth before he could cry out.
  • But just as he began to come out with his “Ay, ay, we are all mortal, Vita incerta, mors certissima!” and two or three more pithy reflections, which he was in the habit of uttering after funerals, when the will of the deceased was about to be opened, — just then Mrs. Dods was pleased to become the expounder of her own oracle. Saint Ronan's Well
  • [69] Apuleius _Apologia_, 523: Pleraque tamen rei familiaris in nomen uxoris callidissima fraude confert, etc.; id., 545, 546 proves further the power of the wife: ea condicione factam conjunctionem, si nullis a me susceptis liberis vita demigrasset, ut dos omnis, etc. -- evidently the woman was dictating the disposal of her dowry. A Short History of Women's Rights From the Days of Augustus to the Present Time. with Special Reference to England and the United States. Second Edition Revised, With Additions.
  • He began to study the geometry of infinitesimals and wrote to Oldenburg at the Royal Society in 1674.
  • Infants are very sensitive to it and only the most infinitesimal fractional doses should be used.
  • BTW, "infinitesimal" is an actual word and not made up by Obama. Obama says differences with Clinton 'infinitesimal'
  • * Jam divini amor Numinis, Patris omnipotentis prolisque beatissimae sancta communicatio; omnipotens Paraclete Spiritus; moerentium consolator clementissime, jam cordis mei penetralibus potenti illabere virtute, et tenebrosa quaeque laris neglecti latibula, corusci luminis fulgore pius habitator laetifica, tuique roris abundantia, longo ariditatis marcentia squalore, visitando fecunda. Pneumatologia
  • In spite of the glowing reports issued annually from various foreign hospitals for natives, and the undeniable good, though desultory and practically infinitesimal, that is being worked by these institutions, we cannot blind ourselves to the fact that western medical science is not making more rapid strides than many other innovations in the great struggle against Chinese prejudice and distrust. Historic China, and other sketches
  • But the new puritans argue that any risk, no matter how infinitesimal, is intolerable.
  • However, the author's "noetic" scientist reports an infinitesimally small difference so, Eureka! SYNTAGMA
  • As a rule it is sufficient to give per day three doses of 5 drops of the 6th centesimal potency.
  • Ennius in Menelippe adviseth thee as a friend to take statam formam, si vis habere incolumem pudicitiam, one of a middle size, neither too fair nor too foul, [6270] Nec formosa magis quam mihi casta placet, with old Cato, though fit let her beauty be, neque lectissima, neque illiberalis, between both. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Two dummies, one dressed in a _simarre_ (gown) and the other in pontifical vestments, were burned on the Pont-Neuf: the soldiers, having been ordered to disperse the crowds, some persons were wounded and others killed; the mob had felt sure that they would not be fired upon, whatever disorder they showed; the wrath and indignation were great; there were threats of setting fire to the houses of MM. de Brienne and de Lamoignon; the quarters of the commandant of the watch were surrounded. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 6
  • Hesperidés autem nymphae erant quaedam fórmá praestantissimá, quae in terrá longinquá habitábant, et quibus aurea quaedam póma á Iúnóne commissa erant. Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles A First Latin Reader
  • Characteristic or common trees at lower elevations are, amongst others: Swietenia macrophylla, Apeiba membranacea, Bursera simaruba, Carapa guianensis, Casearia arborea, Cedrela odorata, Eugenia sp., Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras
  • Both the glossy pipsissima and the pretty spotted wintergreen, with its variegated leaves, are common here; so is the fragrant shin-leaf; and the one-flowered pyrola, rare in most parts of the country, is also found in our woods. Rural Hours
  • In several specimens of well-made and unsalted Irish butter which I have analysed, I found the proportion of casein or cheesy matter never to exceed 1 per cent., whilst in the analysis above stated the centesimal amount is on the average more than 3 per cent. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • Now she drew off the brown mantle (which hung to her heels - and beyond, when she was not careful of it, so the hem dragged in the dust) and smoothed the raw, yellow-brown linen of her simar. The Shadow of the Torturer
  • To reduce or eliminate this problem, use no more than 1.6 pounds active per acre of atrazine or simazine the year before planting soybeans.
  • Hence the time of our sorrow and affliction is fixed at forty days; the state of blessed joy which shall be hereafter is figured in the quinquagesimal festival, i.e. the fifty days from Easter to Pentecost. Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew
  • [10] Table showing the centesimal proportion of crime in relation to education in the under-mentioned years. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 343, May 1844
  • On the day I saw the exhibit, this hand-copied book was open to the Magnificat antiphon for Vespers on Septuagesima Sunday.
  • Walton has also noticed that the total of the durations of the kingdoms and the total of the ages of the patriarchs are numerically related and are equivalent if the number base of the Sumerian list is changed from sexagesimal to decimal.
  • Melica altissima, and umbels such as bupleurum, fennel, anthriscus, selinum, eryngium and astrantia can be cut and collected whole. Life and style |
  • But if the Georgian and the kind-souled Soloviev served as a palliating beginning against the sharp thorns of great worldly wisdom, in the curious education of the mind and soul of Liubka; and if Liubka forgave the pedantism of Lichonin for the sake of a first sincere and limitless love for him, and forgave just as willingly as she would have forgiven curses, beatings, or a heavy crime -- the lessons of Simanovsky, on the other hand, were a downright torture and a constant, prolonged burden for her. Yama: the pit
  • He took the circle to be an infinilateral regular polygon, that is, a regular polygon with an infinite number of (infinitesimally short) sides. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • For Jill, in the twinkling of a star, had let fall the enveloping cloak, standing for one second like some exotic bit of statuary in her black billowing satin trousers and infinitesimal coatee over a silver-spangled frothy vest, her great eyes dancing with glee over the face veil. Desert Love
  • This fast period lasted 40 days, and was, therefore, called "Quadragesima Sancti Martini," which means in Latin "the forty days of St. Martin. Archive 2008-11-01
  • The Maya did, however, have an advanced numbering system with a base of 20 (a vigesimal system, as opposed to a decimal system).
  • Small town became a town between one night, old wish came true, then, town of 3 fork river increased at a draught very, centesimal lively.
  • The stipa, now called Nasella tenuissima gives waves of movement with the slightest breeze at the corner. Follow The Foliage « Fairegarden
  • As I sucked the iceberg piece, contemplating its ancientness, trying to taste the armor of Caesar or the ash of Krakatoa in infinitesimal traces, the pristine cold water seemed to evaporate through my membranes with no intervening stage.
  • But if one grants, as Leibniz does, that that there is an infinitesimal straight stretch of the curve (a side, that is, of an infinilateral polygon coinciding with the curve) between abscissae 0 and e, say, which does not reduce to a single point then e cannot be equated to 0 and yet the above argument shows that e2 = 0. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • The aim of the first part is to introduce the Hindu numerals, to explain a place value system and to describe addition, multiplication and other arithmetic operations on integers and fractions in both decimal and sexagesimal notation.
  • All granitoids in the footwall of the Simav detachment are dominated by medium - to coarse-grained granite, granodiorite, quartz monzonite, diorite and syenogranite.
  • At their best they became monolithic tomes - bunkers for content, guides updated haphazardly that infinitesimally accrete ‘content’.
  • Just as Easter was followed by fifty days of rejoicing, so it had its period of preparation by prayer and fasting, from which arose the season of Lent, which, after various changes, commenced finally forty days before Easter, whence its name of Quadragesima. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Say, rather, "infinitesimal" - much like the snowflake that starts an avalanche. Do bloggers create the buzz?
  • The distinguish condition and algorithm procedure for first - order infinitesimal mechanisms are introduced.
  • A wispy, frothy grass, stipa tenuissima is used as a universal antidote to spiky plants such as yuccas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dr. Tiffany A. Moore Simas, the associate director of the residency program in obstetrics, demands that residents calculate B.M.I. as a routine part of prenatal treatment. Obesity is Becoming an Increasing Burden in the Maternity Ward | Impact Lab
  • Nam & in Caira, altissima montis cacumina niuibus semper candentia esse perhibentur: & in Beragua quidem similiter, sed 5000 passuum in coelum elata, quæ niuibus nunquam liberentur, cum tamen partibus tantum decem ab æquatore distent. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • The last chapter gives the connect steps between the DP slave and SIMATIC PCS7 host, and ends with the performance test analysis.
  • Simao's low cross cattle-prods Pauleta into life six yards out, he flips it up and welts it towards goal, but Van Der Sar juts out his right foot to turn it over the top.
  • Samas ei taha ma eriti viriseda, sest olen ju seda romaani kolme aasta jooksul kolm korda lugenud ning iga kord maksimaalse elamuse saanud. Indrek Hargla «French ja Koulu»
  • […] E giustamente queste cose non passano inosservate, dato che ne parlano pubblicamente all'estero, in questo caso il Giappone, dove adesso Roma viene vista come una bellissima città d'arte ma anche come un “macchina succhia soldi”. Global Voices in English » Japan: Reactions to the Japanese tourist rip-off in Italy
  • On one occasion, Sima Guang with smaller partners yard to play.
  • They are constantly being retired with hindsight, recent examples being the triazine herbicides, such as atrazine and simazine, which have been shown to be endocrine disruptors.
  • These included Viesturs Simanis, Sergio Moreno and Kathy Gould, who between them worked out that cdc2 encoded a protein kinase that was regulated during the cell cycle and was controlled by tyrosine phosphorylation. Sir Paul Nurse - Autobiography
  • We will refer to these host-associated gall fly populations as ‘altissima’ flies and ‘gigantea’ flies.
  • Notum est enim porcos, cum hortos am鎛issimos intrarint, nec lilium nec rosas aut flores alioqui pulcherrimos et suauissimos decerpere: Sed rostro in coenum prono, quicquid est luti et stercoris volutare, vertere et inuertere, donec impurissima, hoc est, suo genio apprim� congruentia eruant, vbi demum solida voluptate pascuntur. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Xu YA, Gada H, Guttmann RP, Siman R (2003) Cross-talk between calpain and caspase proteolytic systems during neuronal apoptosis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • There was an infinitesimal pause before the last word, as the principal tactfully searched for the right word, but an untrained ear wouldn't have noticed it.
  • No one had seen them yet, so Simani led them into the lift, and hit the down button for the last level.
  • On account of the solar equation S, the epact J must be diminished by unity every centesimal year, excepting always the fourth. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Characteristic or common trees at lower elevations are, amongst others: Swietenia macrophylla, Apeiba membranacea, Bursera simaruba, Carapa guianensis, Casearia arborea, Cedrela odorata, Eugenia sp., Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras
  • Nam & in Caira, altissima montis cacumina niuibus semper candentia esse perhibentur: & in Beragua quidem similiter, sed 5000 passuum in coelum elata, qu� niuibus nunquam liberentur, cum tamen partibus tantum decem ab 鎞uatore distent. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Sexagesimal, duodenary and decimal systems based on the numbers 60, 12 and 10 are widespread.
  • Although planets, moons and planetesimals may seem to be very different astronomically, their common origin shows that this is not so.
  • They higgled about prices, and the sums which they gave were almost infinitesimal compared with the value of Patrick Nasmyth's pictures at the present time. James Nasmyth: Engineer, An Autobiography.
  • The manioc is of the white variety (Fatropha Aypim seu utilissima), and, as at Lagos, the root may be called the country bread: I never saw the poisonous or black manioc (Fatropha manihot), either in East or in West Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • “Per istam sanctam unctionem, et suam piissimam misericordiam indulgeat tibi Dominus quidquid deliquisti per visum, auditum, odoratum, gustum et locutionem, tactum et gressum.” Crusade
  • Some functions are really "jumpy" - and they might differ on an infinitesimal-by-infinitesimal level. BetterExplained
  • The decimal system is more commonly used now, although certain words from the older vigesimal system are still in common usage, especially when telling the time.
  • Izzy is angry at Kalmar for rejecting his sister, and Nutan and Snook are angry at Arisima, who does nothing to make herself likable except radiate raw sexuality at the men. REVIEW: Elom by William H. Drinkard
  • So chemistry divided and sub-divided down to atoms; then, in the essential insecurity of all quasi-constructions, it built up a system, which, to anyone so obsessed by his own hypnoses that he is exempt to the chemist's hypnoses, is perceptibly enough an intellectual anæmia built upon infinitesimal debilities. The Book of the Damned
  • Quum de zele culparetur, purgandi se causa permisisse fertur ut ea qui vellet uteretur; quod ejus factum in sectam turpissimam versum est, qua placet usus indifferens foeminamm. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In this place of great poverty, the Abuna wanted to show his Bishop how rich in faith its tens of thousands of people are who worship at the Monastery of St. Simaan.
  • Models of planetesimal disks suggest that low relative velocities between the bodies produce accretion (objects hit and stay together) rather than fragmentation (objects break up and disperse).
  • The word Alleluja is removed from the entire liturgy on Septuagesima Sunday; on Passion Sunday, the doxology is removed from the Invitatory, the Responsories, and the Mass. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 5 - Tenebrae and the Divine Office of the Triduum
  • [132] "Jam divini amor Numinis, Patris omnipotentis prolisque beatissimae sancta communicatio; omnipotens Paraclete Spiritus; moerentium consolator clementissime, jam cordis mei penetralibus potenti illabere virtute, et tenebrosa quaeque laris neglecti latibula, corusci luminis fulgore pius habitator laetifica, tuique roris abundantia, longo ariditatis marcentia squalore, visitando fecunda. Pneumatologia
  • But now, increasingly, those infinitesimal aspects of everyday life, taken together, are seen to have a broader importance and even might be the keys to a certain kind of political action or subversion.
  • Writing developed and counting was based on a sexagesimal system, that is to say base 60.
  • This chap, styled the ` ulva latissima 'by the scientific gentlemen who manufacture such titles, is a capital thermometer," said the Captain on putting in the laver. Bob Strong's Holidays Adrift in the Channel
  • These two concepts, infinitesimals and infinite quantities, however, were stirring great philosophical dilemmas.
  • The ancient Roman army was centesimated on account of mutiny tendencies.
  • How can mathematical concepts like points, infinitesimally small quantities, or irrational numbers be anything but products of our minds?
  • Ita cum lachrymantes inter nos vale dixissemus, et illi suavissima commemoratione illustrium virorum et sanctorum qui similiter è patria tyrannidi cesserunt, maesticiam meam non nihil levassent, media jam nocte in densissimis tenebris solus iter ingredior. "[ The Scottish Reformation Its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Distinctive Characteristics
  • It is likely that there are other uses of the Mayan vigesimal system that haven't even been discovered yet.
  • The digits used to represent numbers using vigesimal notation are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and J.
  • Restricted range species however, are thought to include olive-chested flycatcher (Myiophobus cryptoxanthus), brown nunlet (Nonnula brunnea), and Ochre-striped antpitta (Grallaria dignissima) to name a few. Napo moist forests
  • In a perfect vigesimal system of numeration, the third term should be 400 but the Maya took 18 X 20 because 360 was a closer approximation to the length of the solar calendar.
  • Bioassays with lettuce and cucumber seedlings showed that simazine, a triazine herbicide related to atrazine, can persist in soils and cause subsequent replanting problems.
  • manille" for infinitesimal points, they would all shout and gesticulate violently, as only Southern Frenchmen can, relapsing as the discussion grew more heated into their native Provencal, for though Nyons is geographically in Dauphine, climatically and racially it is in Provence. The Days Before Yesterday
  • In ancient Babylon a sexagesimal system, that is a base of 60, was in use.
  • Exitque de illo per totum ignis obscuratus fumo, et foetor, tantus, quòd per magnum spatium viæ pessimam vallem infectat. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • _ -- "Simancas -- Filipinas; descubrimientos, descripciones y poblaciones de las Yslas Filipinas; años 1582 á 1606; est. 1, caj. 1, leg. 3 | 25;" this title varies slightly, as will be seen, from that of No. 1. 5. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 06 of 55 1583-1588 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Howsoever, pure water is best, and which (as Pindarus holds) is better than gold; an especial ornament it is, and very commodious to a city (according to [2908] Vegetius) when fresh springs are included within the walls, as at Corinth, in the midst of the town almost, there was arx altissima scatens fontibus, a goodly mount full of fresh water springs: if nature afford them not they must be had by art. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The former is dominated by Dipterocarpus zeylanicus and D. hispidus, with Vitex altissima, Chaetocarpus castanocarpus, Dillenia retusa, D. triquetra, Myristica dactyloides, and Semecarpus gardneri. Sri Lanka lowland rain forests
  • This would produce the first potency, either an “X” (decimal) or “C” (centesimal) strength. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Late learning, to return to the figure of the opsimath, must become learning about lateness. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Blue cornflower, centaurea cyanus, volunteers with a stipa tenuissima at the right. Blue In The Garden-Part One « Fairegarden
  • Several cayes have stands of littoral forest with ziricote Cordia sebestena, teabox Myrica cerifera, gumbo limbo Bursera simaruba and coco plum Chrysobalanus icaco. Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, Belize
  • He finds in the fractal, and its "hologram" - like self-similarity-across scales, a kind of "secret order" to the apparent complexity of the worlda confirmation of an overall design which we discover stamped on the most infinitesimal components of that design. Complexity and Order.
  • He attributes this to their clumsy numeration system, a hybrid of the Babylonian sexagesimal system and an additive system in which each letter of the Greek alphabet stood for one value.
  • That is the one and only actual meaning of the use of the term infinitesimal by Leibniz. LaRouche's Latest
  • Representatives of _P.c. amoenissima_ have black at the base of the inner web of the outermost rectrix more extended, usually showing beyond the tip of the under tail coverts. Birds from Coahuila, Mexico
  • [408] "Sicut lex justissima, provida circumspectione sacrorum principum stabilita, hortatur et statuit ut quod omnes tangit ab omnibus approbetur .... A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • Como el presidente Zelaya no cometió nunca esa inapelable violación o si la cometió y la forma como se argumenta que la cometió es de por si un desafío jurídico, entonces la Corte Suprema de Justicia estaba obligada a tomar cartas en el asunto para evitar una crisis y un golpe de estado de gravísimas consecuencias para Honduras. The Volokh Conspiracy » CRS on the Honduras “Coup”:
  • It is proposed clearly that the interaction between simazine and CAT has been verified as consistent with static quenching procedure and the quenching mechanism is related to the energy transfer.
  • Being delivered by anyone named Lysimachus, with him he recovered his Iphigenia againe, and faire Cassandra, even in the middest of their marriage. The Decameron
  • Jam inde non belli gloria quam humanitatis cultu inter florentissimas orbis Christiani gentes imprimis floruit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • It was rooted in the well-favored fertile land and the Tea Homeland of the World, Simao and has gone through thousand years' development and evolvement.
  • Demonstrations of general theorems; contracted method of division and of finding the highest common divisor of polynominals; theory of indices and radicals; discussion of equations; mathematical infinity, infinitesimals and indeterminate quantities; summation and interpolation of series; theory of logarithms; binomial, multinomial and exponential theorems; theory of probabilities general theory and solution of equations of the higher orders; symbolical representation and properties of numbers; different systems of notation, etc., constituting the philosophy of Arithmetic. A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of The Furman University, for 1860-'61
  • Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin (1843-1928) was a respected and influential American geologist and science educator who supported the concepts of multiple glaciation and planetesimal origin of the Earth, and was among the first to emphasize carbon dioxide as a major regulator of Earth's temperature. Climate Change Biographies
  • The design of the pipeline means that the risk of such an event or any other type of gas escape is infinitesimally small.
  • Marie Laforet una meraviglia, ancora bellissima ed affascinante ... Archive 2009-11-01
  • Celastrus orbiculatus can spread vegetatively by root suckering, and A. altissima spreads rhizomatously, forming extensive clones.
  • Quadragesima (the forty days) was originally a period marked by fasting, but not necessarily a period in which the faithful fasted every day. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Who could dream some ten years ago that science would be able to penetrate the problems of heredity in that way, and find the mechanism that lies behind the crossing results of plants and animals; that it would be possible to localize in these chromosomes, which are so small that they must be measured by the millesimal millimetre, hundreds of hereditary factors, which we must imagine as corresponding to infinitesimal corpuscular elements. Physiology or Medicine 1933 - Presentation Speech
  • There are infinitesimal numbers of cycles of improvement and degradation, one following the other like the phases of waxing and waning moons.
  • When this came to the hearing of Lysimachus, it was very greatly displeasing to him, because now he saw himselfe utterly deprived of al hope to attaine the issue of his desire, if Hormisda received The Decameron
  • [6344] Seneca, a frantic error; or as Austin, Insanus animi morbus, a furious disease of the soul; insania omnium insanissima, a quintessence of madness; [6345] for he that is superstitious can never be quiet. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • My own only really substantive reference for him is L'opera architettonica e urbanistica di Armando Brasini dall'urbe Massima al Ponte sullo stretto di Messina published in 1979, an enormous and rather flimsy paperback edition of which I purchased in Rome when I was studying there. The Modern Baroque of Armando Brasini
  • Many of you make a career out of imagining horrible things; I have no illusion that mine is the pessimal condition. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • The necessary background mathematical tools are then introduced such as the arithmetical operations on sexagesimal fractions and the trigonometric functions.
  • On Misima some young men felled a three-hundred-year-old tree in pursuit of a cuscus (a small marsupial) an act of destruction aimed more at dramatically displaying their mastery of their new machine than anything else.
  • Perhaps there have been simar days of blood and slaughter in the struggles for liberation in other countries. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Note 10: Oltre la libreria vi è una cameretta destinata allo studio nell'appartamento principale, d'intorno alla quale sono sedili di legno con gli appoggi ed una tavola nel mezzo: lavorato il tutto diligentissimamente d'opera d'intarsi e d'intagli. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Et quanto honore, quanta dignitate, quant醧ue humanitate aliorum confoederatorum legati accipiuntur, pr鎓atus quoque legatus vester tanta reuerentia, tant醧ue amplitudine acceptus et collocatus est in porta excelsissima. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Luxuria cum omni aetati turpis, tum senectuti foedissima. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Their standard or general vigesimal count is called kal, count by twenties: hun kal, 20; ca kal, 40, etc.
  • They were clad in brilliantly-painted cloths, and the soldiers were armed with the saw-toothed war-club, the bow and arrows barbed and poisoned with the juice of the euphorbium, the cutlass, the “sima,” a long sabre (also with saw-like teeth), and some small battle-axes. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  • A contemporary Gigli wrote: A dė 27 di Maggio fu la festa del Corpus Domini, et si fece la Processione solennissima, nella quale e solito che il Papa e portato sopra le spalle dalli scudieri in sedia con maestā coronato, tenendo nelle mani il Sacramento. A Papal Ceremony
  • At one time it is a pompous banquet in a superb saloon festooned with gold, with tall lustrous windows and pale crimson curtains, the doge in his simarre dining with the magistrates in purple robes, and masked guests gliding over the floor; nothing is more elegant than the exquisite aristocracy of their small feet, their slender necks and their jaunty little three-cornered hats among skirts flounced with yellow or pearly gray silks. Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 7 Italy, Sicily, and Greece (Part One)
  • Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima, which denote the Sundays which immediately precede, and the word Quadragesima, which denotes the first The Life of Hugo Grotius With Brief Minutes of the Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of the Netherlands
  • The advance guard fought Spanish outposts at Las Guasimas, and the whole force made a spirited if awkward twin assault on the Spanish fortifications at Kettle and San Juan Hills and El Caney.
  • I haven't seen anything to suggest that a infitesimally-improbably compination of chemicals came together to rapidly form a minimal genetic and metabolic system contained in a amphipathic membrane (i.e. a cell). Dawkins on the OOL
  • Simard and colleagues found that glibenclamide, a Sur1 antagonist, also improved rats 'performance in the spontaneous rearing test following the same type of injury. Social Security Reports, News and Informaion
  • Don't broadcast my voice on Seda va Sima [IRIB Music channel] ever again: my voice is like brushwood and thorns, and it will forever remain brushwood and thorns! Iran Election Live-Blogging (Wednesday June 17)
  • It's the creators not the businessmen you are harming by stealing, the market is infinitesimally smaller and comics are far more expensive to distribute than music. More on Marvel’s price increases | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment

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