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  1. powerful brownish-yellow bear of the uplands of western North America

How To Use silvertip In A Sentence

  • The Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration told Exxon to rebury the Silvertip pipeline underneath the Yellowstone River's bed to protect the line from damage and said the company will need to submit a restart plan before it can resume operation of the pipeline. U.S. Orders Pipeline Measures by Exxon
  • Second choise would be my savage 110 in .308 with a 2. 5-10X50 tasco, and ofcourse a shooters ridge bipod. with 150 grain balistic silvertip handloads it does wonders. If You could have just one rifle...
  • Looking for info on magazines and if this pistol is a clone of the Colt Off ive decided between either hornady, winchester silvertips, or barnes triple shock for elk. thanks for all the help guys, but which Remington 597 17hmr
  • Among the greys is a darker-coloured shark with brilliant white trailing edges to its fins - the first silvertip I have seen.
  • Big fish enjoy the current - mantas, tuna, sharks (oceanic white tips, threshers, tigers and silvertips) all pay regular visits.
  • I've owned a Silvertip, crafted by bowyer Dave Windauer, for years, and I shoot it better than any recurve I've ever had. Using a Bow Doesn't Have to Mean Breaking the Bank
  • Year round, divers can swim with white tips, black tips, silvertips, grey reef sharks and other pelagics which dot the bright coral with their prominent dorsal fins.
  • Big fish enjoy the current - mantas, tuna, sharks (oceanic white tips, threshers, tigers and silvertips) all pay regular visits.
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