How To Use Silver-haired In A Sentence
The dapper, silver-haired Frenchman had a celebrity status akin to a rock star among followers the world over.
Her suspicions are well founded as the silver-haired lothario is currently carrying on an affair with their maid.
At a speaking engagement later that winter, a silver-haired, courtly gentleman approached us with a big smile.
The 62-year-old, silver-haired Strauss-Kahn said nothing as a lawyer professed his innocence and strove in vain to get him released on bail.
IMF chief jailed without bail in NY hotel-sex case
The silver-haired Virginian with courtly manners is a throwback to a forgotten era of congressional comity.

She was positively skittish with the silver-haired charmer.
Watching them, Anna noted that Bettina was gazing up at him with the look she usually reserved for silver-haired professors.
The audience of silver-haired vets from wars in Vietnam, Korea, and World War II exploded into applause.
Diana Rigg's excellent Mrs Venable is a silver-haired solitary cocooned in a romantic dream about her son.
Ads that show silver-haired couples strolling into the sunset do not represent the typical retirement, she says.
Baby boomers turn 65 with retirement prospects uncertain
But sitting among them was the silver-haired man himself.
End of Time
A long, lean, silver-haired, fresh-complexioned academic, the Bishop was a shy man with whom conversation was a difficult exercise.
Those who arrived in that historic election aren't ready to dub the silver-tongued, silver-haired Georgian the answer to Mitt Romney just yet.
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Tributes to the silver-haired cleric who symbolised dialogue across the Christian world poured in to the tranquil Taize Community in a Burgundy village north of Lyon.
But before anyone replied, footsteps were heard climbing the stairs, and Lady Truden—the tall, dour, silver-haired woman who ran the household of the Aerie—appeared.
End of Time
Silver-haired and silver-tongued, Dr Sanders was talking to her in soft, encouraging tones.
A pretty silver-haired lady came out of the bookstore.
Driven by the powerful grey consumer, modelling agencies with elderly mannequins are proliferating, and supermodels are making way for silver-haired ones as the advertising industry becomes attuned to the aging reality.
The floating condo complex for the silver-haired jet set rents out apartments ranging in price from a stupefying $2,100 to $7,200 (U.S.) per day.
He indicated his partner, a paunchy, silver-haired Asian, who was adding a second loop of barrier tape to keep out the curious, then indicated the equestrienne, We found Mrs. Rosenfield right about where she is now.
Terrific Tuesday with P.A. Brown:)
Starting with Ellis-MacLeod, a silver-haired symphony veteran, they lead the orchestra in a fascinating display of stylistic diversity.
Sports such as skiing, sailing, running and mountaineering have become hugely popular among the silver-haired adrenaline junkies.
The silver-haired Louis Nagan, token old queen, completed his outfit with a fabulous foulard and oversized heart-shaped brooch.
She stood fidgeting from foot to foot as the silver-haired little woman grumbled about the clumsiness of the girl.
Bridget was riding her bicycle on the sidewalk when the silver-haired old man called out to her in his sweet but scratchy, strangely dusty voice.
He was impressively tall, cadaverously thin, yet upright and youthful-looking for his age, clean shaven and silver-haired, with high, prominent cheekbones and a large aquiline nose.
Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man’s Smile
A silver-haired man, older than most in the crowd, burst out of the line to confront him.
For the silver-haired generation, rising employment is not entirely by choice.
The next London train is 20 minutes off, but there's no sign of his tall, silver-haired figure on Platform 3.
Back in 1978 Michael Bennett conceived a Broadway musical called Ballroom, in which silver-haired dancers looked back at their younger selves.
Immediately the silver-haired apprentice flowed into an uppercut, flooring his opponent.
About half the crowd were silver-haired, sitting politely in rows, nodding at the testimonials being offered from the podium covering the vast breadth of Rankin's career.
About half the crowd were silver-haired, sitting politely in rows, nodding at the testimonials being offered from the podium covering the vast breadth of Rankin's career.
Michael Moretti's attorney was a tall, silver-haired man in his fifties, the consigliere for the Syndicate, and one of the shrewdest criminal lawyers in the country.
Hap saw the tall, silver-haired man step up from the boat.
End of Time
Gary, a sturdy, silver-haired dairy farmer with 32 pairs of Angus-sired cattle of his own back home, fit the bill.
Bovine Intervention
Our docent was a wonderfully tiny silver-haired lady aged perfectly with a librarian's wisdom who told us great antic dotes of the building. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
Leading her in was a silver-haired, high-nosed and very tall man.
After the trial ended, U.S. Marshals began hauling silver-haired Jimmy Fratianno around the country to testify in major mob cases.
Kill the Irishman
The grannies ranged from youthful 47 - year-old motorcycling redheads to unsteady 87 - year-old silver-haired ladies.
It's the kind of place where you'd expect to find a silver-haired patrician gliding across the floor in deck shoes dictating a letter to the Moroccan ambassador.
The silver-haired Virginian with courtly manners is a throwback to a forgotten era of congressional comity.
Just then, a silver-haired man with dancing eyes enters the pub and he and Martyn are soon engrossed in conversation about one of his other big loves, fishing.
A pool of silver-haired jobbers would, he said, help to dampen the rise in the value of quotations because of demand outstripping supply.
She arrived at the party, with a tall, silver-haired man in tow.
He, who is 65 himself, is calling on silver-haired plumbers, electricians, joiners, plasterers and bricklayers in York and North Yorkshire to come to the rescue of the ‘jobbing drought’.
The silver-haired operations officer counted down from five.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
Maguire, silver-haired but with a youthful face, looks surprisingly well put together for a man who scrimps on his clothing budget.
He was a tall, silver-haired, honey-voiced criminal lawyer who drove a Mercedes, lived in a big house in a horsy Nairobi suburb, and sent his children abroad to college.
One seemed to be in charge: a lanky, silver-haired man with thick eyebrows and a prominent nose.
End of Time