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silver lining

  1. a consoling aspect of a difficult situation
    look on the bright side of it
    every cloud has a silver lining

How To Use silver lining In A Sentence

  • Every cloud has a silver lining
  • Perhaps even the gloomy cloud hanging over the manufacturing industry has a silver lining.
  • But the real-estate world seems to specialize in clouds with silver linings.
  • Every cloud have a silver lining.
  • The silver lining is that the planner will probably fill up fast ...... "Pathetic" and "Sad" - SpouseBUZZ
  • Which means the human condition has a shiny silver lining to it, after all! Times, Sunday Times
  • The silver lining to this cloud is the opportunity to give full vent to your own interior design tastes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can see few silver linings there. Times, Sunday Times
  • The silver lining, however, is that at least it served to provide the lessons on which the far more successful policies of the second half of the century were founded.
  • Speaking of finding a silver lining, it always seems like chaplains, reverends, ministers, bishops, they always try to find the positive in any type of disaster.
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